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Probing conformations of the beta subunit of F0F1-ATP synthase in catalysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A subcomplex of F0F1-ATP synthase (F0F1), alpha3beta3gamma, was shown to undergo the conformation(s) during ATP hydrolysis in which two of the three beta subunits have the "Closed" conformation simultaneously (CC conformation) [S.P. Tsunoda, E. Muneyuki, T. Amano, M. Yoshida, H. Noji, Cross-linking of two beta subunits in the closed conformation in F1-ATPase, J. Biol. Chem. 274 (1999) 5701-5706]. This was examined by the inter-subunit disulfide cross-linking between two mutant beta(I386C)s that was formed readily only when the enzyme was in the CC conformation. Here, we adopted the same method for the holoenzyme F0F1 from Bacillus PS3 and found that the CC conformation was generated during ATP hydrolysis but barely during ATP synthesis. The experiments using F0F1 with the epsilon subunit lacking C-terminal helices further suggest that this difference is related to dynamic nature of the epsilon subunit and that ATP synthesis is accelerated when it takes the pathway involving the CC conformation.  相似文献   

Two proton pumps, the F-ATPase (ATP synthase, FoF1) and the V-ATPase (endomembrane proton pump), have different physiological functions, but are similar in subunit structure and mechanism. They are composed of a membrane extrinsic (F1 or V1) and a membrane intrinsic (Fo or Vo) sector, and couple catalysis of ATP synthesis or hydrolysis to proton transport by a rotational mechanism. The mechanism of rotation has been extensively studied by kinetic, thermodynamic and physiological approaches. Techniques for observing subunit rotation have been developed. Observations of micron-length actin filaments, or polystyrene or gold beads attached to rotor subunits have been highly informative of the rotational behavior of ATP hydrolysis-driven rotation. Single molecule FRET experiments between fluorescent probes attached to rotor and stator subunits have been used effectively in monitoring proton motive force-driven rotation in the ATP synthesis reaction. By using small gold beads with diameters of 40-60 nm, the E. coli F1 sector was found to rotate at surprisingly high speeds (> 400 rps). This experimental system was used to assess the kinetics and thermodynamics of mutant enzymes. The results revealed that the enzymatic reaction steps and the timing of the domain interactions among the β subunits, or between the β and γ subunits, are coordinated in a manner that lowers the activation energy for all steps and avoids deep energy wells through the rotationally-coupled steady-state reaction. In this review, we focus on the mechanism of steady-state F1-ATPase rotation, which maximizes the coupling efficiency between catalysis and rotation.  相似文献   

A method is described for the purification of rat liver F1-ATPase by a modification of the chloroform extraction procedure originally described by Beechey et al. (Biochem. J. (1975) 148, 533). Purified liver membrane vesicles are extracted with chloroform in the presence of ATP and EDTA. The procedure yields pure F1 in only 2-3 h without the necessity of ion-exchange chromatography. The enzyme exhibits the alpha, beta, gamma, delta, and epsilon bands characteristic of F1-ATPase. It has a high ATPase specific activity, and is reconstitutively active, catalyzing high rates of ATP synthesis. Significantly, it can be readily crystallized. If desired, the enzyme can be passed over a gel filtration column to place it in a stabilizing phosphate-EDTA buffer, lyophilized and stored indefinitely at -20 degrees C.  相似文献   

F0F1-ATP synthases catalyze proton transport-coupled ATP synthesis in bacteria, chloroplasts, and mitochondria. In these complexes, the epsilon-subunit is involved in the catalytic reaction and the activation of the enzyme. Fluorescence-labeled F0F1 from Escherichia coli was incorporated into liposomes. Single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) revealed that the epsilon-subunit rotates stepwise showing three distinct distances to the b-subunits in the peripheral stalk. Rotation occurred in opposite directions during ATP synthesis and hydrolysis. Analysis of the dwell times of each FRET state revealed different reactivities of the three catalytic sites that depended on the relative orientation of epsilon during rotation. Proton transport through the enzyme in the absence of nucleotides led to conformational changes of epsilon. When the enzyme was inactive (i.e. in the absence of substrates or without membrane energization), three distances were found again, which differed from those of the active enzyme. The three states of the inactive enzyme were unequally populated. We conclude that the active-inactive transition was associated with a conformational change of epsilon within the central stalk.  相似文献   

Archaeal ATP synthase (A-ATPase) is the functional homolog to the ATP synthase found in bacteria, mitochondria and chloroplasts, but the enzyme is structurally more related to the proton-pumping vacuolar ATPase found in the endomembrane system of eukaryotes. We have cloned, overexpressed and characterized the stator-forming subunits E and H of the A-ATPase from the thermoacidophilic Archaeon, Thermoplasma acidophilum. Size exclusion chromatography, CD, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry and NMR spectroscopic experiments indicate that both polypeptides have a tendency to form dimers and higher oligomers in solution. However, when expressed together or reconstituted, the two individual polypeptides interact with high affinity to form a stable heterodimer. Analyses by gel filtration chromatography and analytical ultracentrifugation show the heterodimer to have an elongated shape, and the preparation to be monodisperse. Thermal denaturation analyses by CD and differential scanning calorimetry revealed the more cooperative unfolding transitions of the heterodimer in comparison to those of the individual polypeptides. The data are consistent with the EH heterodimer forming the peripheral stalk(s) in the A-ATPase in a fashion analogous to that of the related vacuolar ATPase.  相似文献   

The chloroplast F0F1-ATP synthase-ATPase is a tiny rotary motor responsible for coupling ATP synthesis and hydrolysis to the light-driven electrochemical proton gradient. Reversible oxidation/reduction of a dithiol, located within a special regulatory domain of the γ subunit of the chloroplast F1 enzyme, switches the enzyme between an inactive and an active state. This regulatory mechanism is unique to the ATP synthases of higher plants and its physiological significance lies in preventing nonproductive depletion of essential ATP pools in the dark. The three-dimensional structure of the chloroplast F1 gamma subunit has not yet been solved. To examine the mechanism of dithiol regulation, a model of the chloroplast gamma subunit was obtained through segmental homology modeling based on the known structures of the mitochondrial and bacterial γ subunits, together with de novo construction of the unknown regulatory domain. The model has provided considerable insight into how the dithiol might modulate catalytic function. This has, in turn, suggested a mechanism by which rotation of subunits in F0, the transmembrane proton channel portion of the enzyme, can be coupled, via the ε subunit, to rotation of the γ subunit of F1 to achieve the 120° (or 90°+30°) stepping action that is characteristic of F1 γ subunit rotation.  相似文献   

Yakov M. Milgrom 《BBA》2010,1797(10):1768-1774
The effect of inorganic phosphate (Pi) on uni-site ATP binding and hydrolysis by the nucleotide-depleted F1-ATPase from beef heart mitochondria (ndMF1) has been investigated. It is shown for the first time that Pi decreases the apparent rate constant of uni-site ATP binding by ndMF1 3-fold with the Kd of 0.38 ± 0.14 mM. During uni-site ATP hydrolysis, Pi also shifts equilibrium between bound ATP and ADP + Pi in the direction of ATP synthesis with the Kd of 0.17 ± 0.03 mM. However, 10 mM Pi does not significantly affect ATP binding during multi-site catalysis.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial ATP synthases shares many structural and kinetic properties with bacterial and chloroplast ATP synthases. These enzymes transduce the energy contained in the membrane's electrochemical proton gradients into the energy required for synthesis of high-energy phosphate bonds. The unusual three-fold symmetry of the hydrophilic domain, F1, of all these synthases is striking. Each F1 has three identical subunits and three identical subunits as well as three additional subunits present as single copies. The catalytic site for synthesis is undoubtedly contained in the subunit or an , interface, and thus each enzyme appears to contain three identical catalytic sites. This review summarizes recent isotopic and kinetic evidence in favour of the concept, originally proposed by Boyer and coworkers, that energy from the proton gradient is exerted not directly for the reaction at the catalytic site, but rather to release product from a single catalytic site. A modification of this binding change hypotheses is favored by recent data which suggest that the binding change is due to a positional change in all three subunits relative to the remaining subunits of F1 and F0 and that the vector of rotation is influenced by energy. The positional change, or rotation, appears to be the slow step in the process of catalysis and it is accelerated in all F1F0 ATPases studied by substrate binding and by the proton gradient. However, in the mammalian mitochondrial enzyme, other types of allosteric rate regulation not yet fully elucidated seem important as well.  相似文献   

The classical view of oxidative phosphorylation is that a proton motive force (PMF) generated by the respiratory chain complexes fuels ATP synthesis via ATP synthase. Yet, under glycolytic conditions, ATP synthase in its reverse mode also can contribute to the PMF. Here, we dissected these two functions of ATP synthase and the role of its inhibitory factor 1 (IF1) under different metabolic conditions. pH profiles of mitochondrial sub‐compartments were recorded with high spatial resolution in live mammalian cells by positioning a pH sensor directly at ATP synthase’s F1 and FO subunits, complex IV and in the matrix. Our results clearly show that ATP synthase activity substantially controls the PMF and that IF1 is essential under OXPHOS conditions to prevent reverse ATP synthase activity due to an almost negligible ΔpH. In addition, we show how this changes lateral, transmembrane, and radial pH gradients in glycolytic and respiratory cells.  相似文献   

A functional F0F1 ATP synthase that contains the endogenous inhibitor protein (F0F1I) was isolated by the use of two combined techniques [Adolfsen, R., McClung, J.A., and Moudrianakis, E. N. (1975).Biochemistry 14, 1727–1735; Dreyfus, G., Celis, H., and Ramirez, J. (1984).Anal. Biochem. 142, 215–220]. The preparation is composed of 18 subunits as judged by SDS-PAGE. A steady-state kinetic analysis of the latent ATP synthase complex at various concentrations of ATP showed aV max of 1.28mol min–1 mg–1, whereas theV max of the complex without the inhibitor was 8.3mol min–1 mg–1. In contrast, theK m for Mg-ATP of F0F1 I was 148M, comparable to theK m value of 142M of the F0F1 complex devoid of IF1. The hydrolytic activity of the F0F1I increased severalfold by incubation at 60C at pH 6.8, reaching a maximal ATPase activity of 9.5mol min–1 mg–1; at pH 9.0 a rapid increase in the specific activity of hydrolysis was followed by a sharp drop in activity. The latent ATP synthase was reconstituted into liposomes by means of a column filtration method. The proteoliposomes showed ATP-Pi exchange activity which responded to phosphate concentration and was sensitive to energy transfer inhibitors like oligomycin and the uncouplerp-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone.  相似文献   

Temperature-sensitive reaction intermediate of F1-ATPase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
F(1)-ATPase is a rotary molecular motor that makes 120 degrees stepping rotations, with each step being driven by a single-ATP hydrolysis. In this study, a new reaction intermediate of F(1)-ATPase was discovered at a temperature below 4 degrees C, which makes a pause at the same angle in its rotation as when ATP binds. The rate constant of the intermediate reaction was strongly dependent on temperature with a Q(10) factor of 19, implying that the intermediate reaction accompanies a large conformational change. Kinetic analyses showed that the intermediate state does not correspond to ATP binding or hydrolysis. The addition of ADP to the reaction mixture did not alter the angular position of the intermediate state, but specifically lengthened the time constant of this state. Conversely, the addition of inorganic phosphate caused a pause at an angle of +80 degrees from that of the intermediate state. These observations strongly suggest that the newly found reaction intermediate is an ADP-releasing step.  相似文献   

The a and b subunits constitute the stator elements in the F0 sector of F1F0-ATP synthase.Both subunits have been difficult to study by physical means, so most of the information onstructure and function relationships in the a and b subunits has been obtained using mutagenesisin combination with biochemical methods. These approaches were used to demonstrate thatthe a subunit in association with the ring of c subunits houses the proton channel throughF1F0-ATP synthase. The map of the amino acids contributing to the proton channel is probablycomplete. The two b subunits dimerize, forming an extended flexible unit in the peripheralstalk linking the F1 and F0 sectors. The unique characteristics of specific amino acid substitutionsaffecting the a and b subunits suggested differential effects on rotation during F1F0-ATPaseactivity.  相似文献   

The insertion of inner membrane proteins in Escherichia coli occurs almost exclusively via the SecYEG pathway, while some membrane proteins require the membrane protein insertase YidC. In vitro analysis demonstrates that subunit a of the F1F0 ATP synthase (F0a) is strictly dependent on Ffh, SecYEG and YidC for its membrane insertion but independent of the proton motive force. The insertion of the first transmembrane segment of F0a also depends on Ffh and SecYEG but not on YidC, whereas the insertion is strongly dependent on the proton motive force, unlike the full-length F0a protein. These data demonstrate an extensive role of YidC in the assembly of the F0 sector of the F1F0 ATP synthase.  相似文献   

The isolated epsilon subunit of F(1)-ATPase from thermophilic Bacillus PS3 (TF(1)) binds ATP [Y. Kato-Yamada, M. Yoshida, J. Biol. Chem. 278 (2003) 36013]. The obvious question is whether the ATP binding concern with the regulation of ATP synthase activity or not. If so, the epsilon subunit even in the ATP synthase complex should have the ability to bind ATP. To check if the ATP binding to the epsilon subunit within the ATP synthase complex may occur, the gammaepsilon sub-complex of TF(1) was prepared and ATP binding was examined. The results clearly showed that the gammaepsilon sub-complex can bind ATP.  相似文献   

The peripheral stalk of F1F0 ATP synthase is composed of a parallel homodimer of b subunits that extends across the cytoplasmic membrane in F0 to the top of the F1 sector. The stalk serves as the stator necessary for holding F1 against movement of the rotor. A series of insertions and deletions have been engineered into the hydrophilic domain that interacts with F1. Only the hydrophobic segment from {val-121} to {ala-132} and the extreme carboxyl terminus proved to be highly sensitive to mutation. Deletions in either site apparently abolished enzyme function as a result of defects is assembly of the F1F0 complex. Other mutations manipulating the length of the sequence between these two areas had only limited effects on enzyme function. Expression of a b subunit with insertions with as few as two amino acids into the hydrophobic segment also resulted in loss of F1F0 ATP synthase. However, a fully defective b subunit with seven additional amino acids could be stabilized in a heterodimeric peripheral stalk within a functional F1F0 complex by a normal b subunit.  相似文献   

ATP synthases are motor complexes comprised of F0 and F1 parts that couple the proton gradient across the membrane to the synthesis of ATP by rotary catalysis. Although a great deal of information has been accumulated regarding the structure and function of ATP synthases, their motor functions are not fully understood. For this reason, we performed the alignments and analyses of the protein sequences comprising the core of the ATP synthase motor complex, and examined carefully the locations of the conserved residues in the subunit structures of ATP synthases. A summary of the findings from this bioinformatic study is as follows. First, we found that four conserved regions in the sequence of subunit are clustered into three patches in its structure. The interactions of these conserved patches with the and subunits are likely to be critical for energy coupling and catalytic activity of the ATP synthase. Second, we located a four-residue cluster at the N-terminal domain of mitochondrial OSCP or bacterial (or chloroplast) subunit which may be critical for the binding of these subunits to F1. Third, from the localizations of conserved residues in the subunits comprising the rotors of ATP synthases, we suggest that the conserved interaction site at the interface of subunit c and (mitochondria) or (bacteria and chloroplasts) may be important for connecting the rotor of F1 to the rotor of F0. Finally, we found the sequence of mitochondrial subunit b to be highly conserved, significantly longer than bacterial subunit b, and to contain a shorter dimerization domain than that of the bacterial protein. It is suggested that the different properties of mitochondrial subunit b may be necessary for interaction with other proteins, e.g., the supernumerary subunits.  相似文献   

A homodimer of b subunits constitutes the peripheral stalk linking the F1 and F0 sectors of the Escherichia coli ATP synthase. Each b subunit has a single-membrane domain. The constraints on the membrane domain have been studied by systematic mutagenesis. Replacement of a segment proximal to the cytoplasmic side of the membrane had minimal impact on F1F0 ATP synthase. However, multiple substitutions on the periplasmic side resulted in defects in assembly of the enzyme complex. These mutants had insufficient oxidative phosphorylation to support growth, and biochemical studies showed little F1F0 ATPase and no detectable ATP-driven proton pumping activity. Expression of the b N2A,T6A,Q10A subunit was also oxidative phosphorylation deficient, but the b N2A,T6A,Q10A protein was incorporated into an F1F0 complex. Single amino acid substitutions had minimal reductions in F1F0 ATP synthase function. The evidence suggests that the b subunit membrane domain has several sites of interaction contributing to assembly of F0, and that these interactions are strongest on the periplasmic side of the bilayer.  相似文献   

Josef Houštěk  Stanislav Kmoch 《BBA》2009,1787(5):529-532
An increasing number of patients with nuclear genetic defects of mitochondrial ATP synthase have been identified in recent years. They are characterized by early onset, lactic acidosis, 3-methylglutaconic aciduria, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and encephalopathy and most cases have a fatal outcome. Patient tissues show isolated defect of the ATP synthase complex and its content decreases to ≥ 30% of normal due to altered enzyme biosynthesis and assembly. Gene mapping and complementation studies have identified mutations in TMEM70 gene encoding a 30kD mitochondrial protein of unknown function as the cause of the disease. An altered synthesis of this new ancillary factor in ATP synthase biogenesis was found in most of the known patients with decreased ATP synthase content. As revealed by phylogenetic analysis, TMEM70 is specific for higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

In order to observe mechanically driven proton flux in F(0)F(1)-ATPase coupled with artificial driven rotation on F(1) simultaneously, a double channel observation system was established. An artificial delta-free F(0)F(1)-ATPase was constructed with alpha(3), beta(3), epsilon, gamma, and c(n) subunits as rotator and a, b(2) as stator. The chromatophore was immobilized on the glass surface through biotin-streptavidin-biotin system, and the magnetic bead was attached to the beta subunit of delta-free F(0)F(1)-ATPase. The mechanically driven proton flux was indicated by the fluorescence intensity change of fluorescein reference standard (F1300) and recorded by a cooled digital CCD camera. The mechanochemical coupling stoichiometry between F(0) and F(1) is about 4.15 +/- 0.2H(+)/rev when the magnetic field rotated at 0.33 Hz (rps).  相似文献   

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