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Summary. Slave-making (dulotic) ants have long fascinated biologists because of their intriguing behavior and highly specialized lifestyle. Dulosis evolved convergently several times within the two ant subfamilies Myrmicinae and Formicinae. Here, we demonstrate that it originated at least six times independently within the small myrmicine tribe Formicoxenini alone. Our phylogenetic trees, based on 1386 base pairs of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase gene, document different degrees of genetic divergence between different monophyla of slave-makers and their host species, which suggests that they evolved from non-parasitic Formicoxenini at different times. Two nearctic slave-makers, Temnothorax duloticus and a new species still to be formally described, appear to be of particularly recent origin. In contrast, the other parasitic monophyla clearly diverged much earlier from their nonparasitic ancestors and have a much longer evolutionary history.Received 4 January 2005; revised 21 February 2005; accepted 1 March 2005.  相似文献   

Facultative polygyny and habitat succession in boreal ants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
High dispersal risks of ant queens make staying in the natal patch more attractive than long range dispersal. These alternative strategies and the mode of colony founding determine the average number of queens in the population. Increasing competition and queen predation make independent colony founding increasingly difficult and the only option for new queens to reproduce in the habitat patch may be to enter an existing colony. The effect of nest-site availability to the number of queens was studied in successional spruce-dominated taiga forests in facultatively polygynous ants Myrmica ruginodis, M. sulcinodis, Leptothorax acervorum, Formica sanguinea and F. truncorum. Decreasing relatedness among worker nestmates supports an association between increasing habitat age and polygyny to some extent. M. sulcinodis and L. acervorum persist in this type of taiga only for a relatively short period. Relatedness varied only slightly among populations, but lower relatedness estimated in other studies suggested higher levels of polygyny in older populations. In M. ruginodis there was more variation in relatedness and it was possibly connected to the relative proportions of the two social forms of the species. In F. sanguinea and F. truncorum the decrease in relatedness with increasing age of the habitat was clearest. Other factors favouring limited dispersal and acceptance of new queens in the colonies are, however, hard to separate.  相似文献   

Division of labour is central to the ecological success of eusocial insects, yet the evolutionary factors driving increases in complexity in division of labour are little known. The size–complexity hypothesis proposes that, as larger colonies evolve, both non-reproductive and reproductive division of labour become more complex as workers and queens act to maximize inclusive fitness. Using a statistically robust phylogenetic comparative analysis of social and environmental traits of species within the ant tribe Attini, we show that colony size is positively related to both non-reproductive (worker size variation) and reproductive (queen–worker dimorphism) division of labour. The results also suggested that colony size acts on non-reproductive and reproductive division of labour in different ways. Environmental factors, including measures of variation in temperature and precipitation, had no significant effects on any division of labour measure or colony size. Overall, these results support the size–complexity hypothesis for the evolution of social complexity and division of labour in eusocial insects. Determining the evolutionary drivers of colony size may help contribute to our understanding of the evolution of social complexity.  相似文献   

Observations of oviposition patterns adopted by uniparental lines of the solitary parthenogenetic endoparasitoid Venturia canescens Gravenhorst (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) reveal that the occurrence of superparasitism is influenced by the genealogical relationship between adult wasps and conspecific progeny which they encounter within parasitized hosts (larvae of the Indian meal moth Plodia interpunctella Hübner (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)): the closer the relationship, the lower the occurrence of superparasitism. This behaviour has an adaptive interpretation because it allows Venturia to avoid selective penalties incurred when larval offspring compete with genetically similar progeny. Venturia's ability to discriminate between her own eggs, those of her relatives, and those of other conspecifics is mediated by a chemical marker produced by Dufour's gland, an accessory of the adult female's reproductive system. This conclusion is supported by chemical analyses which reveal that, while Dufour's glands from unrelated females show highly significant variation between the spectra of volatile hydrocarbons contained in their respective secretions, closely-related females show negligible differences in their chemical constitutions. These findings lend further weight to current theory that superparasitism can be deliberately deployed as an adaptive part of a wasp's behavioural repertoire, and also identify the physiological mechanism by which such an oviposition response may be achieved.  相似文献   

In insect societies, workers cooperate but may also pursue their individual interests, such as laying viable male eggs. The case of obligatory slave-making ants is of particular interest because workers do not engage in maintenance activities and foraging. Therefore, worker egg laying is expected to be less detrimental for colony efficiency than in related, nonparasitic species. Furthermore, as slave-making workers usually do not perform brood care and thus might have little power in manipulating sex allocation, they might be more strongly selected to increase their direct fitness by producing their own sons than workers in nonparasitic species. In this study we investigated worker reproduction in four natural colonies of the slave-making ant Polyergus rufescens, using highly variable microsatellite markers. Our results show that workers produce up to 100% of the males. This study thus presents the first direct evidence of an almost complete takeover of male reproduction by workers in ants.  相似文献   

The Dufour gland secretions of both virgin queens and workers of Camponotus aethiops are similar and consist of straight chain hydrocarbons ranging from C10–C15 with C11 the major compound. The difference between the two castes is that C15 appears only as a trace in queens, and the total amount of secretion is smaller in queens than in workers.In Lasius fuliginosus, the Dufour gland secretion contains a series of straight chain hydrocarbons (C10–C17) with undecane the major compound, and a series of 2-alkanones ranging from C13 to C19.
Résumé Les sécrétions des glandes de Dufour sont toutes semblables et comprennent, chez les reines et les ouvrières de C. aethiops, une chaîne linéaire d'hydrocarbures de C10 à C15, avec C11 comme constituant principal. Les différences entre les castes se traduisent chez la reine, par une teneur totale en sécrétions plus faible et l'existence de C15 uniquement sous forme de traces.Chez L. fuliginosus, la sécrétion de la glande de Dufour comprend une série de chaînes linéaires d'hydrocarbures (C10–C17) avec l'undécane comme constituant principal, et une série de 2-alkanones allant de C13 à C19.

Nest invasion behavior was studied in six kleptoparasiticSphecodes species at four nesting sites of their respective social and solitary hosts.Sphecodes females preferred to enter unguarded nests. Nest intruding strategies observed in the differentSphecodes species did not depend on whether host species were solitary or social, as long as the nesting cycle of a social host was in the solitary stage (i.e., a single host female). Observation of intranidal behavior revealed thatSphecodes monilicornis females kill all host individuals within an usurped nest. They stay in the nest for several hours, laying eggs in adequately provisioned brood cells. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analyses of Dufour's gland secretions revealed species-specific compositions. Qualitative comparisons of whole patterns and quantitative comparisons considering the predominant hydrocarbons common to both host and parasite contradict the hypothesis of chemical mimetism, a mechanism supposed to permit parasite intrusion by qualitatively similar odor bouquets in host and parasite females.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Although the moth–yucca mutualism is often studied as a pairwise interaction, yucca plants are also the sole host for a variety of other visitors. One of these additional visitors is a stem-boring moth, Prodoxus quinquepunctellus.
2. In this study, it is shown how the reproductive success of Prodoxus indirectly depends on the interactions between yuccas and their pollinators ( Tegeticula , Prodoxidae) as well as the indirect effects of ants and aphids.
3. Aggressive wood ants foraging on yuccas will attack adult Prodoxus moths while attempting to oviposit. This reduces the number of eggs laid in yucca stalks, leading to fewer larvae feeding in the stalks.
4. Once in the stalk, the survival of Prodoxus eggs/larvae depends upon the rate at which the flowering stalks dry out during fruit maturation. Portions of the stalk above the highest fruit dry out quickly and survivorship approaches zero in these dry sections, while larvae in green sections of the flowering stalk have significantly higher survival rates. The presence of aphids feeding on the stalk slows down the rate of stalk drying and could lead to increased survival of Prodoxus larvae.
5. Overall, ants have strong indirect effects on P. quinquepunctellus by controlling how many eggs are laid in the stalk and by influencing the distribution of aphids. However, it is primarily the presence and position of the fruit that can affect larval survivorship, and fruit position is a function of pollinator visits and resource limitation. These complex interactions illustrate the importance of studying the yucca–moth mutualism in a community context.  相似文献   

Abstract In this paper, we analyze and compare nest composition and architecture as well as worker relatedness in three related species of slave-making ants: Rossomyrmex anatolicus, R. minuchae, and R. quandratinodum. Colony structure within nests is an important trait in ants, especially in the case of mixed societies, when host and parasite coexist in the same nest. Data for their respective free-living hosts, Proformica korbi, P. longiseta and P. sp., are also provided. For our study, we integrated a meticulous excavation procedure with a genetic method. We conclude that the average number of parasites, as well as of slaves, is species-specific, whereas nest depth depends on the nest architecture of the host. The genus Rossomyrmex seems to be monogynous and monandrous, whereas Proformica shows differences in the number of queens and mating frequency. R. quandratinodum shows different traits in nest composition (host/parasite ratio: P/R) and architecture. The difference in traits may account for some differences in parasitism: raid process or avoidance of parasitism.  相似文献   

Herbivorous insects have evolved various defensive strategies to avoid their primary enemies, parasitoids. Many species of Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera) have food‐for‐protection mutualism with ants in their larval stages, where larvae produce nectar for ants and in return ants exclude parasitoids as well as predators. Myrmecophilous relationships are divided into two categories, obligate and facultative, by degrees of myrmecophily. Although parasitoids attacking obligate lycaenids always encounter lycaenid‐specific ant species, parasitoids that use facultative lycaenids are likely to encounter diverse ant species showing various defense systems. However, we know little about the parasitoid community of facultative lycaenid larvae. In this study, we investigated the mutualistic ant and parasitoid communities of a facultative myrmecophilous species, Arhopala japonica, in seven localities in Japan. The present field observation newly recorded four ant species attending A. japonica larvae, and combined with the previous data, the number of attending ant species reached 16, which is nearly the maximum number of reported attending ant species among myrmecophilous lycaenids. However, the present study revealed that almost all parasitized A. japonica larvae were attacked by a single braconid species, Cotesia sp. near inducta. We also assessed the efficiency of facultative ant defense against the parasitoid in the laboratory and revealed that oviposition by Cotesia sp. near inducta females was almost completely hindered when A. japonica larvae were attended by ants. This suggests that the dominant parasitoid does not have effective traits to overcome defensive behavior of ants and that the female wasps oviposit mainly in A. japonica larvae without intensive attendance.  相似文献   

The mandibular gland secretion from mature workers of the formicine ant Calomyrmex sp. exhibits strong antimicrobial activity when tested against selected soil microorganisms. The activity against bacteria is both inhibitory and bacteriocidal while that against fungi is inhibitory. The white secretion from young workers appears to be much weaker in its antibiotic effects.  相似文献   

The number and relationships of reproducing individuals create the observed genetic heterogeneity within a social insect colony. These are referred to as sociogenetic organization and were studied in the red ants M. ruginodis and M. lobicornis. Direct observations of the queen numbers were obtained by excavating colonies. The effective number of reproducing individuals was estimated from genetic relatedness based on genotype frequency data. Sociogenetic organization of colonies of both species is simple. The number of queens is low, single mating of queens is the rule and queen to queen variation in worker production is minor. The important variables of sociogenetic organization are the number and relatedness of coexisting queens in polygynous colonies. Queen nestmates are related on average by 0.405 in polygynous colonies of M. ruginodis, showing that colonies recruit their own daughters as new reproductives. The distribution of queen number in M. ruginodis indicates that the study population contains both microgyna and macrogyna types of the species. The large proportion of colonies where the resident queen(s) is not the mother of the workers shows that the average life span of a queen is short and colonies are serially polygynous.  相似文献   

Summary. Queens of leafcutter ants (Acromyrmex and Atta) are highly multiply mated, resulting in a potential queenworker and worker-worker conflict over who should produce the males in the colony. We studied whether this conflict is expressed, by determining the amount of reproductive egg-laying by workers in queenright colonies of Acromyrmex echinatior, Acromyrmex octospinosus, Atta cephalotes, and Atta sexdens through ovary dissections. Worker sons are absent or rare in queenright Acromyrmex colonies, but can be produced in orphaned colonies. In Atta, most workers have rudimentary ovaries that never produce eggs, but a few (mostly small and medium workers that form a retinue around the queen) lay many trophic eggs for consumption by the queen. These eggs are large, flaccid, and lacking in yolk compared to queen-laid eggs, and appear to be always inviable. In Acromyrmex, many workers (especially young large workers) lay eggs that are similar in size to queen-laid eggs, but mostly with a reduced amount of yolk. Trophic eggs appear to be an important source of food for larvae in Acromyrmex (especially in Ac. echinatior), but not in Atta. Five (0.8) of 616 dissected Ac. echinatior workers but no Ac. octospinosus workers (n = 552), had ready-to-lay reproductive eggs. Old workers in all four species are incapable of laying eggs due to ovary resorption. We conclude that Atta workers are sterile, while Acromyrmex workers display reproductive self-restraint, possibly representing an earlier stage in the evolution towards worker sterility. Worker selfrestraint in Acromyrmex may be maintained by a queen or worker policing mechanism, but individual cost-benefit explanations may also apply.Received 1 March 2004; revised 28 June 2004; accepted 1 July 2004.  相似文献   

1. Food resources for rearing young may influence insect populations. This is particularly true for insects that breed obligately on rare, ephemeral resources such as dung, fungi, or carrion. 2. Beetles in the genus Nicrophorus bury small vertebrate carcasses for rearing their young. Studies reviewed by Scott (1998) have found a positive relationship between carcass mass and total brood size. It is likely that access to carcasses suitable for breeding, and not food or mates, limits reproduction in both male and female Nicrophorus. Thus, small mammal densities could determine Nicrophorus population sizes. 3. The work reported here examined the relationship between Nicrophorus investigator (Coleoptera: Silphidae) population size and small mammal abundance at two sites over a 4‐year period. 4. Nicrophorus investigator buried and reared young on all the native small rodent species trapped at two sites in south‐western Colorado, U.S.A. (Peromyscus maniculatus, Microtus montanus, Zapus princeps, Tamias minimus, Thomomys talpoides). They preferred to bury and reproduce on rodent carcasses weighing between 16 and 48 g; rodents of this size represented 82% of captures. 5. Population sizes of N. investigator and small rodents were estimated simultaneously using mark‐recapture censuses over a 4‐year period. Considering only rodents within the size range used by N. investigator, the estimated small mammal biomass per hectare in one year and the beetle population size in the following year were correlated significantly.  相似文献   

An acoustical comparison between calls of parasitic butterfly caterpillars and their host ants is presented for the first time. Overall, caterpillar calls were found to be similar to ant calls, even though these organisms produce them by different means. However, a comparison of Maculinea caterpillars with those of Myrmica ants produced no evidence suggesting fine level convergence of caterpillar calls upon those of their species specific host ants. Factors mediating the species specific nature of the Maculinea-Myrmica system are discussed, and it is suggested that phylogenetic analysis is needed for future work.  相似文献   

The Dufour's gland of the paper wasp, Polistes fuscatus,is a source of the cues used by dominant females to recognize the eggs laid by subordinates or nonnestmates on pre (worker)-emergence nests. When dominant wasps were presented with an egg covered with either (1) the Dufour's gland extract of a subordinate cofoundress, (2) the extract of an egg from the same subordinate, or (3) the solvent alone, the dominant female destroyed and replaced the eggs covered with the Dufour's extract significantly more frequently than the other eggs. Eggs with the extract of a nonnestmate's Dufour's gland were also eaten significantly more frequently than those with the solvent. Given similar choices, subordinates did not destroy any eggs. The Dufour's gland appears to have little or no role in communicating dominance directly among aggressively interacting cofoundresses.  相似文献   

Formicine ants in distress spray alarm pheromone which typically recruits nestmates for help. Studying the western carpenter ant, Camponotus modoc Wheeler (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), our objectives were to (1) determine the exocrine glands that contain alarm recruitment pheromone, (2) identify the key alarm recruitment pheromone components, and (3) ascertain the pheromone components that are discharged by distressed ants. In Y-tube olfactometer experiments, extracts of poison glands, but not of Dufour’s glands, elicited anemotactic responses from worker ants. Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analyses of poison gland extracts revealed the presence of (1) aliphatic alkanes (undecane, tridecane, pentadecane, heptadecane), (2) aliphatic alkenes [(Z)-7-pentadecene, (Z)-7- and (Z)-8-heptadecene], (3) two acids (formic, benzoic), and (4) other oxygenated compounds (hexadecan-1-ol, hexadecyl formate, hexadecyl acetate). Testing the responses of worker ants in Y-tube olfactometers to complete and partial synthetic blends of these compounds revealed that the acids and the alkanes are essential alarm pheromone components. In two-choice arena bioassays, micro-locations treated with synthetic alarm pheromone recruited worker ants. Acids and alkanes were abundant in the poison gland and the Dufour’s gland, respectively, suggesting that the alarm pheromone components originate from both glands. Moreover, alarm pheromone sprays of ants differed in that all sprays contained formic acid but only some also contained alkanes, implying that ants can independently discharge the content of either one or both glands in accordance with the type of distress incident they experience.  相似文献   

In insect societies, worker vs. queen development (reproductive caste) is typically governed by environmental factors, but many Pogonomyrmex seed-harvester ants exhibit strict genetic caste determination, resulting in an obligate mutualism between two reproductively isolated lineages. Same-lineage matings produce fertile queens while alternate-lineage matings produce sterile workers. Because new virgin queens mate randomly with multiple males of each lineage type, and both worker and queen phenotypes are required for colony growth and future reproduction, fitness is influenced by the relative frequency of each lineage involved in the mutualistic breeding system. While models based solely on frequency-dependent selection predict the convergence of lineage frequencies towards equal (0.5/0.5), we surveyed the lineage ratios of 49 systems across the range of the mutualism and found that the global lineage frequency differed significantly from equal. Multiple regression analysis of our system survey data revealed that the density and relative frequency of one lineage decreases at lower elevations, while the frequency of the alternate lineage increases with total colony density. While the production of the first worker cohort is largely frequency dependent, relying on the random acquisition of worker-biased sperm stores, subsequent colony growth is independent of lineage frequency. We provide a simulation model showing that a net ecological advantage held by one lineage can lead to the maintenance of stable but asymmetric lineage frequencies. Collectively, these findings suggest that a combination of frequency-dependent and frequency-independent mechanisms can generate many different localized and independently evolving system equilibria.  相似文献   

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