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1. Clonally reproducing species are often assumed to lack sufficient genetic variability to evolve specific local adaptations to cope with environmental perturbation and competition from sexual species. Yet, many asexuals are extremely successful judged by abundance and wide range, suggesting high competitive abilities in resource exploitation.
2. In this study, food use and its effects on larval growth in a water frog system consisting of the two parental sexual species, Rana lessonae (Camerano 1882) and Rana ridibunda (Pallas 1771), and three different coexisting hemiclones of their hybrid, Rana esculenta (Linnaeus 1758) were investigated.
3. R. esculenta tadpoles spent 18·6% more time feeding than did tadpoles of either parental species, but feeding time was not affected by interspecific mixture.
4. R. esculenta tadpoles consumed 50·8% more food over the whole test period than did tadpoles of the two parental species.
5. R. esculenta tadpoles exhibited higher growth rates than did tadpoles of either parental species.
6. R. lessonae tadpoles had the highest and R . ridibunda tadpoles the lowest growth efficiencies with the R. esculenta tadpoles ranging between the two parentals.
7. The results obtained indicate that hemiclonal hybridogenetic R . esculenta tadpoles display significant phenotypic variation among coexisting hemiclones as well as out-perform tadpoles of the parental sexual species R. lessonae and R . ridibunda. The primary mechanism for success of the hybrid tadpoles is probably behavioural, through increased feeding time and food consumption, and not physiological via growth efficiency.  相似文献   

In central Europe, the hybridogenetic waterfrog Rana esculenta, a hybrid between Rana ridibunda and Rana lessonae, lives in sympatry with one of its parental species, the poolfrog Rana lessonae. As R. esculenta has to backcross constantly with R. lessonae in order to produce viable offspring, this coexistence is obligatory for R. esculenta. Since R. esculenta has a higher primary fitness than R. lessonae, a mechanism is required that prevents the hybrid from driving the parental species, and hence itself, to extinction. Here, we present an analytical model and a computer simulation that investigate whether assortative mating can operate as a such a control mechanism. Our results show that assortative mating is very effective in regulating coexistence in such a hybrid-host system. This is particularly true when choice is affected by the proportion of the two male types in the population. Furthermore, we could show that even if the species composition in a mixed hybrid-host population may be largely influenced by differences in life-history parameters, assortative mating still plays a very important role by stabilizing coexistence. Thus, mating behavior turns out to be more important for the populations dynamics of hybridogenetic waterfrog systems than previously assumed.  相似文献   

The European water frog Rana esculenta (RL), a natural hybrid between R. ridibunda (RR) and R. lessonae (LL), reproduces by hybridogenesis: haploid gametes usually contain an intact chromosome set of R. ridibunda (R); the lessonae nuclear genome (L) is lost from the germ line. Hybridity is restored in the next generation, via fertilization by syntopic R. lessonae. Matings between two hybrids (RL x RL) usually give inviable R. ridibunda (RR) progeny. The adult R. ridibunda subpopulation of Trubeschloo, a gravel pit in northern Switzerland, consists only of females. Fragment patterns for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of these R. ridibunda were identical with those of syntopic R. esculenta and of local populations of R. lessonae; they differed from the patterns in eastern European populations of R. lessonae and of R. ridibunda mtDNAs (3.7% and 9.3% estimated sequence divergence, respectively). In contrast, mtDNAs of two R. ridibunda from an introduced Swiss population with both sexes, although different (2.7% divergence) from each other, were typical R. ridibunda rather than R. lessonae mtDNAs. These data, together with unisexuality, demonstrate conclusively that the all-female R. ridibunda population at Trubeschloo originated from matings between two R. esculenta. The formation of independently reproducing R. ridibunda populations via such hybrid x hybrid matings is precluded because progeny of these matings are unisexual. Recombination in the regenerated fertile R. ridibunda females, followed by matings with R. lessonae, nevertheless provides a mechanism for meiotic reshuffling of genetic material in ridibunda haplotypes that is not typically available in hemiclonal lineages.  相似文献   

The hemiclonal waterfrog Rana esculenta , a hybrid between R. ridibunda and R. lessonae , eliminates the lessonae genome from the germline and clonally transmits the ridibunda genome (hybridogenesis). Such genomes are prone to accumulate deleterious mutations, which may explain why offspring from matings between hybrids are typically inviable. Here I present field data from a population for which experimental crossings showed that some R. esculenta pairs produce viable R. ridibunda offspring. I demonstrate: (1) that R. ridibunda metamorphs are also produced and survive under natural conditions; (2) that their genotypes are consistent with combinations of clonal ridibunda genomes found in hybrids; and (3) that all R. ridibunda are female. These females possibly recombine the clonal genomes they inherited and, upon mating with syntopic R. lessonae , produce new hemiclones with novel combinations of alleles. Hence, occasional recombination between otherwise clonal ridibunda genomes seems plausible and may provide an escape from the evolutionary dead end they were proposed to be trapped in.  相似文献   

mtDNA of the hybridogenetic hybrid frog Rana esculenta from Switzerland, Austria, and Poland was compared to mtDNA of the parental species R. ridibunda and R. lessonae using electrophoretic analysis of restriction enzyme fragments. Two mtDNA phenotypes, with 3.4% sequence divergence, are present in R. lessonae: type C is found in Poland, and type D is found in Switzerland. Rana ridibunda from Poland has either of two mtDNA phenotypes: type A is the typical ridibunda mtDNA, and type B is a lessonae mitochondrial genome, introgressed into R. ridibunda, that differs from type C mtDNA of R. lessonae by only 0.3%. Each of the three lessonae genomes differs from A, the typical ridibunda mtDNA, by approximately 8%. All four types of mtDNA (A and B of R. ridibunda, C and D of R. lessonae) are found in R. esculenta. Of 62 R. esculenta from Poland, 58 had type C, three had type A, and one had type B mtDNA. All nine R. esculenta from Switzerland had type D mtDNA. All three R. esculenta from Austria, from a population in which males of R. esculenta are rare, had ridibunda mtDNA, two having type B and one having type A. Both field observations and studies of mating preference indicate that the primary hybridizations that produce R. esculenta are between R. ridibunda females and R. lessonae males; thereafter, R. esculenta lineages are usually maintained by matings of R. esculenta females with R. lessonae males. The presence of ridibunda mtDNA in the three R. esculenta sampled from Austria, its occasional presence in R. esculenta populations in Poland, and its absence from R. esculenta in Switzerland support both the direction of the original hybridization and the rarity of formation of new R. esculenta lineages. The preponderance of R. esculenta individuals with lessonae mtDNA in our samples from central Europe suggests that most lineages have gone through at least one mating between an R. lessonae female and an R. esculenta male. This reveals a greater reproductive role for R. esculenta males than their partial sterility and infrequent matings would suggest.   相似文献   

All-hybrid populations of the water frog, Rana esculenta, are exceptional in consisting of independently and to some extent sexually reproducing interspecific hybrids. In most of its range R. esculenta reproduces hemiclonally with one of the parental species, R. lessonae or R. ridibunda, but viable populations of diploid and triploid hybrids, in which no individuals of the parental species have been found, exist in the northern part of the range. We test the hypothesis that nonhybrids arise every year in these all-hybrid populations, but die during larval development. Microsatellite markers were used to determine the genotypes of adults and abnormal and healthy offspring in three all-hybrid populations of R. esculenta in Denmark. Of all eggs and larvae, 63% developed abnormally or died, with some being nonhybrid (genomes matching one of the parental species), many being aneuploid (with noninteger chromosome sets), a few being tetraploid, and many eggs possibly being unfertilized. The 37% surviving and apparently healthy froglets were all diploid or triploid hybrids. In all three populations, gametogenesis matched the pattern previously described for all-hybrid R. esculenta populations in which most triploid adults have two R. lessonae genomes. This pattern was surprising for the one population in which triploid adults had two R. ridibunda genomes, because here it leads to a deficiency of gametes with an R. lessonae genome and should compromise the stability of this population. We conclude that faulty gametogenesis and mating between frogs with incompatible gametes induce a significant hybrid load in all-hybrid populations of R. esculenta, and we discuss compensating advantages and potential evolutionary trajectories to reduce this hybrid load.  相似文献   

Hybridogenetic Rana esculenta tadpoles display tolerance to extreme environmental conditions and fit criteria of the “general-purpose” genotype. A trade-off between generality and competitive ability is assumed to occur in asexual species, but the evidence remains unclear. The purpose of my experiment was to test the competitive ability of hemiclonal hybrid Rana esculenta tadpoles relative to the parental species Rana lessonae. Mixed and single genotype populations of R. esculenta and R. lessonae tadpoles were reared at three densities in artificial ponds. Survival of R. esculenta was higher than for R. lessonae tadpoles, but did not differ among densities. Body size at metamorphosis was the same between genotypes, but decreased with increasing density. Larval period was not affected by density, but R. esculenta tended to metamorphose earlier than R. lessonae. Percentage of individuals metamorphosing was higher for R. esculenta at both medium and high densities, but the same as R. lessonae at the low density. The difference in survival, body size, and larval period between tadpoles reared in single and mixed genotype populations was unaffected by genotype or density. The difference in the percentage of metamorphs, however, was strongly affected. The percentage of hybrids metamorphosing was 9% above the responses of single genotype populations at the highest density. Conversely, the percentage of R. lessonae metamorphosing was 12% below the responses of single genotype populations at the same density. Hybrid success in this experiment further supports the criterion of a “general-purpose” genotype without assumptions of reduced competitive ability.  相似文献   

European water frog hybrids Rana esculenta reproduce hemiclonally, by hybridogenesis: In the germ line they exclude the genome of the parental species Rana lessonae and produce haploid, unrecombined gametes with a genome of the parental species Rana ridibunda . These hybrids coexist with and depend as sexual parasites on the host parental species R. lessonae (the L-E population system); matings with R. lessonae restore somatic hybridity in each generation of R. esculenta . We investigated 15 L-E system populations in northern Switzerland, which is outside R. ridibunda 's native range. Frequency of hybrids in samples varied from 8% in marsh ponds to 100% in gravel pits and forest ponds. Clonal diversity (variation among R. ridibunda genomes of hybrids), detected by six protein electrophoretic marker loci, revealed a total of eight hemiclones and locally ranged from uniclonal populations in southern parts of the survey region to six coexisting hemiclones in the north. All alleles distinguishing hemiclones occur commonly in the nearest native R. ridibunda populations of east-central Europe; the most probable source of clonal diversity in our samples is multiple clone formation by primary hybridizations in the sympatry area of R. ridibunda and R. lessonae and subsequent dispersal of hemiclonal lineages. A positive correlation between amount of clonal diversity and hybrid frequency, predicted by the Frozen Niche Variation (FNV) model (each hemiclone is characterized by a relatively narrow niche, coexistence is possible through niche partitioning), was not found; this contrasts with hemiclonally reproducing fish hybrids ( Poeciliopsis ). Historical factors, such as availability of different colonizing hemiclones may be strong enough to override the signal from operation of the FNV.  相似文献   

Survival and some physiological responses to freezing were investigated in three European water frogs (Rana lessonae, Rana ridibunda, and their hybridogen Rana esculenta). The three species exhibited different survival times during freezing (from 10 h for R. lessonae to 20 h for R. ridibunda). The time courses of percent water frozen were similar; however, because of the huge differences in body mass among species (from 10 g for Rana lessonae to nearly 100 g for Rana ridibunda), the ice mass accumulation rate varied markedly (from 0.75 +/- 0.12 to 1.43 +/- 0.11 g ice/h, respectively) and was lowest in the terrestrial hibernator Rana lessonae. The hybrid Rana esculenta exhibited an intermediate response between the two parental species; furthermore, within-species correlation existed between body mass and ice mass accumulation rates, suggesting the occurrence of subpopulations in this species (0.84 +/- 0.08 g ice/h for small R. esculenta and 1.78 +/- 0.09 g ice/h for large ones). Biochemical analyses showed accumulation of blood glucose and lactate, liver glucose (originating from glycogen), and liver alanine in Rana lessonae and Rana esculenta but not in Rana ridibunda in response to freezing. The variation of freeze tolerance between these three closely related species could bring understanding to the physiological processes involved in the evolution of freeze tolerance in vertebrates.  相似文献   

A DNA-cytometric study was made of spermatogenesis of the hybridogenic European green frog R. esculenta, whose somatic cells have the ridibunda + lessonae genome. The DNA amount in the ridibunda genome is by 16% more than the lessonae one. The DNA content of esculenta somatic cells is exactly intermediate between those of both the parental species. On the contrary, the sperms (1c) and the primary spermatocytes (4c) of R. esculenta have the DNA content which corresponds to the size of the ridibunda genome. These findings are in a good agreement with the hypothesis of semiclonal inheritance. Furthermore, some hybridogenic males have also spermatogonia (2c) with only the ridibunda genome size, whereas the others have altogether diploid cells with the esculenta (i.e. ridibunda + lessonae) genome size. So, it can be suggested that the selective elimination of the lessonae genome and compensatory doubling of the ridibunda one may occur in spermatogonia of R. esculenta males before the premeiotic DNA synthesis. Meiosis, as it can be inferred from the DNA-cytometry data, proceeds in a usual way on the basis of the ridibunda genome.  相似文献   

Interspecies transfer of mitochondrial (mt) DNA is a common phenomenon in plants, invertebrates and vertebrates, normally linked with hybridization of closely related species in zones of sympatry or parapatry. In central Europe, in an area north of 48 degrees N latitude and between 8 degrees and 22 degrees E longitude, western Palaearctic water frogs show massive unidirectional introgression of mtDNA: 33.7% of 407 Rana ridibunda possessed mtDNA specific for Rana lessonae. By contrast, no R. lessonae with R. ridibunda mtDNA was observed. That R. ridibunda with introgressed mitochondrial genomes were found exclusively within the range of the hybrid Rana esculenta and that most hybrids had lessonae mtDNA (90.4% of 335 individuals investigated) is evidence that R. esculenta serves as a vehicle for transfer of lessonae mtDNA into R. ridibunda. Such introgression has occurred several times independently. The abundance and wide distribution of individuals with introgressed mitochondrial genomes show that R. lessonae mt genomes work successfully in a R. ridibunda chromosomal background despite their high sequence divergence from R. ridibunda mtDNAs (14.2-15.2% in the ND2/ND3 genes). Greater effectiveness of enzymes encoded by R. lessonae mtDNA may be advantageous to individuals of R. ridibunda and probably R. esculenta in the northern parts of their ranges.  相似文献   

Abstract.-Spontaneous deleterious mutations are expected to accumulate through Muller's ratchet in clonally reproducing organisms and may lead to their extinction. We study deleterious mutations and their effects in a system of European frogs. Rana esculenta (RL), natural hybrids R. ridibunda (RR) X R. lessonae (LL), reproduce hemiclonally; both sexes exclude the L genome in the germ line and produce unrecombined R gametes; hybridity is restored each generation by matings of RL with coexisting LL. Different allozyme-defined hybrid hemiclones (R genome haplotypes) are thought to have originated independently from primary hybridizations RR x LL. Natural matings between two hybrids usually lead to inviable RR tadpoles. This inviability is thought to result from unmasked deleterious alleles on the clonally transmitted R genomes. Most simply it reflects homozygosity for recessive deleterious alleles at particular loci; alternatively (consistent with absence of RR adults in multiclonal populations) it may reflect hemiclone-specific sets of incompletely recessive deleterious mutations that cumulatively cause inviability when two such genomes are combined. If inviability results from the former, progeny of two hybrids of different hemiclones, whether allopatric or coexisting, should be viable, because it is improbable that their R genomes share recessive deleterious alleles at the same set of loci; if inviability results from the latter, progeny of hybrids of different hemiclones should be inviable, especially when hybrid lineages are old. We tested these hypotheses in artificial crosses, using frogs from three regions: hemiclonal hybrids outside R. ridibunda's range from northern Switzerland (two abundant coexisting allozyme-defined hemiclones; estimated lineage age < or = 5,000 generations) and from Sicily, Italy (one hemiclone; estimated age > or = 25,000 generations) and R. ridibunda from Poland. We generated RR progeny, which we reared under benign conditions in the laboratory, by crossing (1) two hybrids from the same region (H x H local); (2) two hybrids from different regions (H X H foreign); (3) hybrids and R. ridibunda (H X R); and (4) two R. ridibunda (R X R). Survival to metamorphosis was similar and high for R x R, H X H foreign, and H X R, whereas all tadpoles of H X H local died before metamorphosis. This supports the hypothesis that homozygosity for recessive deleterious mutations at particular loci causes inviability. Crosses within and between the two coexisting hemiclones from Switzerland were, however, equally inviable. This result may reflect episodic sexual recombination in RR progeny from exceptional successful interclonal hybrid X hybrid matings, followed by matings of such RR with LL. This process would both slow down or halt Muller's ratchet and disrupt genetic independence of coexisting hemiclones, so that the same remaining deleterious R alleles could exist in different allozyme-defined hemiclones. Whereas all data are consistent with the prediction of Muller's ratchet operating on clonally transmitted R genomes of natural hybrid lineages, they are insufficient to demonstrate such operation, because deleterious recessives that mutated after clone formation and those that preexisted in the R. ridibunda source populations that formed the hemiclonal lineages are not distinguished. The possibility of episodic sexual recombination must be carefully taken into account when studying Muller's ratchet in natural populations of this Rana system.  相似文献   

Whereas the importance of frequency-dependent selection in life-history traits, behavioral characters and source allocation patterns is widely accepted, its role in governing biochemical and molecular polymorphisms remains poorly understood. Here we demonstrate a case of allozyme frequency-dependent selection. When olive fruit flies (Bactrocera oleae) are reared on an artificial larval medium, an allele at the alcohol dehydrogenase locus that is present in very low frequency in natural populations increases to about one-third in less than five generations. We show here that the time from the hatching of the egg to the eclosion of the adult is affected by the genotype composition of the larval population that grows in the same cup of food. Cultures consisting of one genotype only have the longest developmental time, and two-allele cultures in which the two homozygotes and the heterozygote occur in a 1:1:2 ratio show the shortest developmental time. Cultures with intermediate genotypic compositions show intermediate levels of developmental time. The results can be explained by assuming that the developmental time of a genotype depends on the frequency array of all genotypes in the larval population and is not merely a function of its own frequency. It is even possible that the developmental time of a genotype becomes longer as the genotype becomes rarer, yet the genotype will be favored because the developmental times of the competing genotypes become even longer owing to the associated increase of their frequencies. Given that developmental time is inversely related to fitness, this generates a frequency-dependent selection, with developmental times changing progressively until the population arrives at an equilibrium. One optimum population composition that provides a satisfactory fit to allele frequency changes in our experimental populations is when the two alleles occur in equal frequencies and genotypes are in Hardy-Weinberg proportions. We argue that this type of selection is consistent with the role of alcohol dehydrogenase as a detoxifying enzyme in a medium that undergoes continuous chemical changes during its use by the feeding larvae.  相似文献   

Summary Hybridogenetic species possess a hybrid genome: half is clonally inherited (hemiclonal reproduction) while the other half is obtained each generation by sexual reproduction with a parental species. We addressed the question of whether different hemiclones of the hybridogenetic water frogRana esculenta are locally adapted for genetic compatibility with their sexual parental hostRana lessonae. We artificially crossedR. esculenta females of three hemiclones (GUT1, GUT2 and GUT3) from a pond near Gütighausen, Switzerland and one hemiclone (HEL1) from near Hellberg, Switzerland each toR. lessonae males from both populations. We also created primary hybrids by crossing the sameR. lessonae males from both populations toR. ridibunda females from Pozna, Poland (POZ). Tadpoles were then reared in the laboratory at two food levels to assess their performance related to early larval growth rate, body size at metamorphosis and length of the larval period. Tadpoles from hemiclones GUT1, GUT3 and POZ had higher growth rates than those from hemiclones GUT2 and HEL1 at the low food level, but at the high food level all growth rates were higher and diverged significantly between hemiclones GUT2 and HEL1. Tadpoles from the intrapopulational crosses GUT2 × GUT and HEL1 × HEL were larger at metamorphosis than those from the interpopulational crosses GUT2 × HEL and HEL1 × GUT. A high food level increased the size at metamorphosis in all tadpoles. A high food level also decreased the days to metamorphosis and tadpoles from GUT1, GUT3 and POZ had the shortest larval period whereas those from GUT2 and HEL1 had the longest. These results indicate that the differential compatibility of clonal genomes may play an important role in hybridogenetic species successfully using locally adapted sexual genomes of parental species and that interclonal selection is likely important in determining the distribution of hemiclones among local populations.  相似文献   

The serum albumin genotypes of 65 Jersey × Hariana (F1), 75 Holstein Friesian × Hariana (F1) and 47 Brown Swiss × Hariana (F1) crossbred cows were determined by starch gel electrophoresis. Two albumin alleles AlbF and Albs , but only either as AlbF homozygotes or AlbFs heterozygotes, were observed amongst these animals. There were no AlbS homozygotes or other genotypes. Highly significant relationships between albumin genotypes and both birth weights and first-lactation milk yields of these cows were observed. The AlbF allele was associated with increased milk yield and greater birth weights.  相似文献   

Genetic structure of two Turkish brown trout populations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
I. Togan    A. Z. Fidan    E. Yain    A. Ergüven    Y. Emre 《Journal of fish biology》1995,47(SA):164-169
The genetic structure of two brown trout Salmo trutta populations living in Lake Abant in Bolu and Üzüm River in Antalya was determined by examining 15 enzyme coding loci ( AAT, ADH, LDH, MDH, MEP, GPI, PGM and SOD ) using starch gel electrophoresis. Population specific mobilities were observed for the fixed alleles of LDH-B2, mMEP-2 and SOD-1 loci. Polymorphisms in sAA T-4, GPI-B2 loci were observed within the populations. Average heterozygosity of Abant and Antalya populations was 0.0358 and 0.0224 respectively. For LDH-C which is the post glaciation marker locus, the ancestral allele * 105 was found to be fixed in both of the populations. Nei's genetic distance between the two populations was 0.2507 which is the level of genetic distance often found between different species. This difference seems to be due to the presence of unique alleles in the LDH-B2, mMEP-2 and SOD-1 loci of the Abant population, indicating that the conservation of the Abant population and its heterozygosity is of prime importance.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal analysis of frequency distribution patterns of the Rana esculenta (=lessonae)-specific allele, Ldh-B71, in the populations and individuals of R. ridibunda from the Middle Dnieper region was performed. It was established that the allele was accumulated in the populations of Kiev, where on average 15 to 25% of individuals steadily preserved this allele through at least three to four generations. Furthermore, the allele frequency in juveniles and adults was similar. These findings suggest that the frogs carrying foreign genetic material were not eliminated from the populations, and hence, the observed introduction of foreign genes was adaptively neutral. The transfer of the genetic material from one species to another may be considered as a possible mechanism of the formation of an additional source for population genetic variation, which, however, do not seems to be evolutionary progressive.  相似文献   

Patterns of natural selection on size at metamorphosis in water frogs   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Strategies for optimal metamorphosis are key adaptations in organisms with complex life cycles, and the components of the larval growth environment causing variation in this trait are well studied empirically and theoretically. However, when relating these findings to a broader evolutionary or ecological context, usually the following assumptions are made: (1) size at metamorphosis positively relates to future fitness, and (2) the larval growth environment affects fitness mainly through its effect on timing of and size at metamorphosis. These assumptions remain poorly tested, because data on postmetamorphic fitness components are still rare. We created variation in timing of and size at metamorphosis by manipulating larval competition, nonlethal presence of predators, pond drying, and onset of larval development, and measured the consequences for subsequent terrestrial survival and growth in 1564 individually marked water frogs (Rana lessonae and R. esculenta), raised in enclosures in their natural environment. Individuals metamorphosing at a large size had an increased chance of survival during the following terrestrial stage (mean linear selection gradient: 0.09), grew faster and were larger at maturity than individuals metamorphosing at smaller sizes. Late metamorphosing individuals had a lower survival rate (mean linear selection gradient: -0.03) and grew more slowly than early metamorphosing ones. We found these patterns to be consistent over the three years of the study and the two species, and the results did not depend on the nature of the larval growth manipulation. Furthermore, individuals did not compensate for a small size at metamorphosis by enhancing their postmetamorphic growth. Thus, we found simple relationships between larval growth and postmetamorphic fitness components, and support for this frequently made assumption. Our results suggest postmetamorphic selection for fast larval growth and provide a quantitative estimate for the water frog example.  相似文献   

The developmental threshold is the minimum size or condition that a developing organism must have reached in order for a life-history transition to occur. Although developmental thresholds have been observed for many organisms, inter-population variation among natural populations has not been examined. Since isolated populations can be subjected to strong divergent selection, population divergence in developmental thresholds can be predicted if environmental conditions favour fast or slow developmental time in different populations. Amphibian metamorphosis is a well-studied life-history transition, and using a common garden approach we compared the development time and the developmental threshold of metamorphosis in four island populations of the common frog Rana temporaria: two populations originating from islands with only temporary breeding pools and two from islands with permanent pools. As predicted, tadpoles from time-constrained temporary pools had a genetically shorter development time than those from permanent pools. Furthermore, the variation in development time among females from temporary pools was low, consistent with the action of selection on rapid development in this environment. However, there were no clear differences in the developmental thresholds between the populations, indicating that the main response to life in a temporary pool is to shorten the development time.  相似文献   

Mitotic chromosomes of the European water frogs Rana ridibunda and Rana lessonae, the parental species of Rana esculenta, differ significantly in their centromeric regions: when C-banded or when made fluorescent, the centromeres of R. ridibunda (and of ridibunda chromosomes in R. esculenta) are visible as a conspicuous dark granule or as a conspicuous fluorescent spot; the centromeres of R. lessonae (and of the lessonae chromosomes in R. esculenta) are inconspicuous or not fluorescent. Lampbrush chromosomes of these three taxa are described in detail for the first time; those of R. ridibunda and R. lessonae differ significantly in morphostructural characters such as conspicuousness of centromeres and number, form, and location of giant loops as well as in chiasma frequency. Chromosomes of the two parental species can thus be distinguished when present in lampbrush complements of hybrids. Reproduction in both sexes of natural R. esculenta lineages is hemiclonal: only the unrecombined genome of one parental species, usually R. ridibunda, is transmitted to haploid gametes (hybridogenesis). In 18 hybrids from natural populations of Poland, somatic tissues had allodiploid complements with chromosomes from each parental species. In contrast, spermatocytes I of five males and oocytes I of seven of eight females (221 of 222 oocytes) were autodiploid and contained only R. ridibunda chromosomes that formed n bivalents. These 12 hybrids thus were hybridogenetic. A single female hybrid had oocytes I (33 of 34) with genomes of both parental species; they showed various disturbances including tetraploidy, reduced number of chiasmata, and incomplete synapsis resulting in univalents. This individual thus was not hybridogenetic. The irregular lampbrush patterns indicate that such hybrids will have severely reduced fertility and most of their successful gametes will result in allotriploid progeny.  相似文献   

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