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Synopsis The submandibular, sublingual and parotid glands of the cat have been studied. Mucosubstance histochemistry demonstrated acidic mucosubstances with varying properties in the acini. Thiamine pyrophosphatase and nucleoside diphosphatase reaction products were seen with a Golgi-like appearance in acinar cells. Granules of acid phosphatase, -glucuronidase and E600-resistant esterase reaction products, presumably representing lysosomal enzyme activities, were seen in acinar and ductal cells. Diffuse acid phosphatase and -glucuronidase reaction products were seen in central cells of the submandibular acini, and diffuse non-specific esterase reaction product was seen in acinar and ductal cells. Arylamidase reaction product was associated with some acinar cells. Reaction product from a peroxidase technique was seen in demilunar cells of the submandibular acini, in parts of the sublingual acini, in parotid acini, and in ductal cells. Cytochrome oxidase and succinate dehydrogenase reaction products were seen most strongly in striated ducts, whereas NADH- and NADPH-diaphorase reaction products were seen at a high level throughout the ducts.  相似文献   

Summary In view of the existence of a different secretion pattern of growth hormone (GH) between male and female rats, the aim of the present study was to analyse the role played by ovarian steroid hormones in the modulation of such secretion. To do so, postpuberal female rats were ovariectomized and killed at 30 days after the operation. The basal serum levels of growth hormone, together with cell area, cytoplasmic area and nuclear area of the hypophyseal somatotropic cells of normal and ovariectomized rats were compared. The results obtained show that ovariectomy induces a significant decrease (p<0.05) in the basal serum levels of GH, accompanied by an increase in cellular and cytoplasmic areas, with no significant differences in nuclear area. Overiectomy was also accompanied by an increase in reaction intensity and the number of GH-immunoreactive cells (p<0.01). These findings point to the shift towards a masculine secretory and morphological pattern following ovariectomy and supports the hypothesis that ovarian steroids intervene in the establishment of a different pattern in females compared to males.  相似文献   

Using a retrograde tracer technique with horseradish peroxidase, we have revealed some afferent projections to the locus coeruleus complex from the contralateral pontine tegmentum, raphe nuclei, substantia nigra, nucleus of the solitory tract, dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus and other regions of the ponto-bulbar reticular formation as well as from hypothalamic and preoptic areas.  相似文献   

The morphology of the hypophysis and the immunocharacteristics of the adenohypophyseal cells in the viviparous reptile Chalcides chalcides were studied by light microscopy, using conventional staining methods and an indirect antibody technique (ABC method), respectively. The general morphology of the C. chalcides hypophysis was comparable to that of other reptiles, showing three main regions: the pars distalis, the pars intermedia and the pars nervosa. The gland appeared as an elongated body in a cephalic-caudal direction and was almost completely enclosed in the sella turcica. For this reason, the hypophysis was studied in toto with the brain in decalcified specimens. The pars distalis accounted for most of the whole organ. The pars intermedia surrounded the pars nervosa as a goblet. The pars tuberalis was lacking.The immunohistochemical identification of the adenohypophyseal cells was performed using rabbit antisera against mammalian/synthetic hypophyseal hormones. Prolactin cells were clustered in small cellular cordons in the rostral pars distalis and in the medial pars distalis in both male and female specimens. Somatotropic cells were found in the caudal pars distalis. Corticotropic cells were observed in the medio-rostral pars distalis, as well as in the pars intermedia, where melanotropic cells were also present. Melanotropic cells were confined to the pars intermedia. Gonadotropic cells were mostly distributed in the ventral and lateral portions of the pars distalis, where they were found isolated or in small clusters. Thyrotropic cells were detected in the pars distalis with a distribution similar to that of the gonadotropic cells; however, atypically, they were also found in the pars intermedia. Therefore, the cytological characteristics of the adenohypophyseal cells appeared mostly conserved.  相似文献   

The different antehypophysical cell types which synthetize and release somatotroph (GH), corticothroph (ACTH), gonadotroph (LH-FSH) and lactotroph (PRL) hormones were analysed. The experiments were performed on hypophyses from five groups of animals: adult males, 14 days-old female, adult females, gestating adult females and lactating adult females. The cells were analysed by immunofluorescence using flow cytometry. For each of the hormones studied, there was a characteristic spectral distribution of cells. The evolution of cell size and granular content with respect to sex and physiological state of each group was studied by the analysis of diffused light. Small, slightly granular cells represented 50% of the cell population in males and 14 day-old females but only 8% in gestating or lactating females. The study of the cell cycle showed the presence of dividing cells in the population of large, granular cells from gestating and from lactating females. No features of cell division were observed in the population of small, slightly granular cells. This study indicates the potential value of multiparametric analysis in the separation of pure sub-populations of antehypophysial cells.  相似文献   

With enzyme histochemical methods, the distribution and the activities of various oxidative and hydrolytic enzymes in the apocrine glands of the general body surface of the domestic cat were investigated. The results obtained support the view that these glands are clearly active in function. On the whole, however, the relatively weak enzyme activities in the secretory portion of the glands point to only unimportant secretion production rates.  相似文献   

Summary Salivary myoepithelial cells were demonstrated by alkaline-phosphatase techniques in cat, but not in man or dog, and by an adenosine-triphosphatase technique in man, but not in cat or dog.Electron-microscopical cytochemistry showed that the reaction product from the respective techniques in cat and man was associated with the myoepithelial plasma membrane and that it was most constant and usually strongest at the plasma membrane adjacent to the acinar cells.In the dog, the reaction product from the adenosine-triphosphatase technique was found lining the canaliculi and lumina of the acini of the parotid gland, and of the non-mucous acini of the submandibular and sublingual glands. Alkaline-phosphatase reaction product was found lining the canaliculi and lumina in the sublingual gland.These remarkable species differences indicate that neither technique can be regarded as a universal marker of salivary myoepithelial cells. Inconsistencies in activity were found within the myoepithelium of individual glands and suggest that even the appropriate technique may not be relied upon to demonstrate all the myoepithelial cells present in a tissue section.
Zusammenfassung Myoepithelzellen der Speicheldrüsen lassen sich bei der Katze — nicht jedoch bei Mensch und Hund — mittels der alkalischen Phosphatase-Reaktion darstellen. Der Nachweis für Adenosintriphosphatase fällt in diesen Zellen beim Menschen, nicht bei Katze und Hund, positiv aus.Elektronenmikroskopisch-cytochemisch zeigt sich, daß das Reaktionsprodukt der jeweiligen Methode bei der Katze und beim Menschen an den Plasmamembranen der Myoepithelzellen auftritt und zwar am regelmäßigsten und meistens am stärksten in der Nachbarschaft der Azinuszellen.Beim Hund fällt in der Ohrspeicheldrüse sowie den nicht-mukösen Acini der Glandulae submandibularis und sublingualis das Reaktionsprodukt der Adenosintriphosphatase-Reaktion an der Begrenzung der Azinuskanälchen und der Lumenoberfläche aus. Alkalische Phosphatase ist in der Glandula sublingualis in den Wänden der Kanälchen und an den Lumina lokalisiert.Diese bemerkenswerten Unterschiede zwischen den verschiedenen Tierarten zeigen, daß keine der verwendeten Methoden zur Universalmarkierung von Myoepithelzellen der Speicheldrüsen geeignet ist. Außerdem ist die Aktivität des Myoepithels bei den einzelnen Drüsen uneinheitlich. Dies legt die Vermutung nahe, daß man sich selbst bei Anwendung der richtigen Methode nicht darauf verlassen kann, alle in einem Gewebsschnitt vorhandenen Myoepithelzellen zu erfassen.

This work has been supported by a Medical Research Council Grant.  相似文献   

Ca-dependent ATPase activity in the rat anterior pituitary was demonstrated in 50-microns tissue slices of aldehyde-fixed tissue with the medium of Takano et al. (Cell Tissue Res. 243:91. 1986).--The outer surface of the plasma membrane of the parenchymal as well as the folliculo-stellate cells was lined with lead precipitate. The reaction deposit was particularly well localized in intercellular spaces both between two parenchymal cells, and between a parenchymal and a folliculo-stellate cell. A fine reaction deposit was also seen in the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus of some parenchymal cells. Elimination of Ca2+ from the tissue and the substrate medium drastically reduced the amount of reaction product. If ATP was omitted or replaced by sodium beta-glycerophosphate, no reaction product was seen. Changing the Ca2+ concentration or addition of Mg2+ to the standard medium caused a decrease in reaction intensity. Substitution of Mg2+ for Ca2+ resulted, again in well-localized lead deposition which we attribute to the activity of another enzyme. We suggest that the activity we described in the membrane of glandular cells may correspond to the enzyme involved in the long-term regulation of intracellular Ca2+ level.  相似文献   

Summary Ca-dependent ATPase activity in the rat anterior pituitary was demonstrated in 50-m tissue slices of aldehyde-fixed tissue with the medium of Takano et al. (Cell Tissue Res. 243:91. 1986). — The outer surface of the plasma membrane of the parenchymal as well as the folliculo-stellate cells was lined with lead precipitate. The reaction deposit was particularly well localized in intercellular spaces both between two parenchymal cells, and between a parenchymal and a folliculo-stellate cell. A fine reaction deposit was also seen in the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus of some parenchymal cells. Elimination of Ca2+ from the tissue and the substrate medium drastically reduced the amount of reaction product. If ATP was omitted or replaced by sodium -glycerophosphate, no reaction product was seen. Changing the Ca2+ concentration or addition of Mg2+ to the standard medium caused a decrease in reaction intensity. Substitution of Mg2+ for Ca2+ resulted again in well-localized lead deposition which we attribute to the activity of another enzyme. We suggest that the activity we described in the membrane of glandular cells may correspond to the enzyme involved in the long-term regulation of intracellular Ca2+ level.  相似文献   

The intestinal epithelium of the Baltic lamprey and its larva was studied. Glandular cells and absorbing cells simultaneously capable to synthesize polysaccharides were found histochemically in the composition of the epithelial layer. The cranial zone where glandular cells analogous to the cells of the pancreas were concentrated was revealed in the medial intestine of the larva. The rest of the intestine was devoid of specialized glandular cells. Using H3-thymidine as a precursor it was shown that in the cranial zone of the intestine the cambial cells were scattered diffusely throughout the whole epithelial layer and in other portions of the medial intestine the cambial zone was distinctly seen in the lateral portions of the intestine (the area of the fornix) where labelled nuclei were formed and mitoses took place. After injection of H3-thymidine poor incorporation of the isotope was found in the nuclei of solitary cells of some adult lampreys going to spawning. Uneven incorporation of S35-methyonine, used as a precursor, in the epithelium of the intestine and the liver of the adult lamprey was shown.  相似文献   

The paper proposes a complex of methods for the histological study of protein which allosw revealing heterogeneity of its compostitions, determining the protein discharge and obtaining the data on the presence and distribution of a number of aminoacid residues. The schedule of the study includes reactions with dichlortriazine basic and acid stains (of both low and high affinity). The proposed schedule is convenient for detection and characterization of protein both in the structure, containing mainly proteins, and in the structures whose biopolymeres are represented mainly by carbohydrates.  相似文献   

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