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A pollen analysis was carried out on six herbaceous pollen types whose annual concentration represents a percentage higher than 0.3% in the atmosphere of the city of La Plata, Argentina, from July 1998 to June 2001. They are: Ambrosia, Cyperaceae, Chenopodiaceae-Amaranthaceae, Plantago, Poaceae and Urticaceae. Hourly patterns of the pollen types analysed with the intradiurnal daily index (IDI) could be grouped into three categories account the percentage that represent of pollen concentration registered during five hourly periods of the day. Group I includes pollen types that show a sharp peak in abundance gust one at hour of the day. Group II is formed by pollen types that show high concentrations in more than one hourly band during the daylight. Group III is characterized by the pollen types that show lower concentrations over a broad hourly band during the day.  相似文献   

A continuous aeropalynologic survey of the atmosphere of La Plata was carried out between July 1998 and June 2001 in order to study flowering development from winter to summer using a Lanzoni volumetric spore trap. The total pollen spectrum was represented by 79 pollen types. Between 10 and 12 pollen types showed a relative concentration of more than 1% of the annual total. Airborne pollen was mainly represented by Platanus, Fraxinus, Cupressaceae, Poaceae, Urticaceae, Cyperaceae, Myrtaceae, Celtis, Casuarina and Morus during the 3-year period. Acer and Ambrosia pollen types were only dominant in the first 2 years. Maximum absolute concentrations were recorded in the the July 1998–June 1999 period, and the minimum concentrations were recorded in the July 2000–June 2001 period. The contribution of the arboreal pollen grains was higher than 68% relative to the annual total for each year. Two periods of maximum pollen emissions were found for each year: pollen from aboreal taxa predominated from July to October, and pollen from herbaceous taxa predominated from November to March. There was very little pollen in the atmosphere between April and June. The maximum arboreal and herbaceous pollen emissions were recorded during hours of daylight: at 10:00 and 14:00 hours.  相似文献   

Intradiurnal variation of non-arboreal pollen (NAP) aredescribed in relation to the associated weather using the data obtainedwith a Burkard trap in Mar del Plata city, for a three year data set(1988, 1992 and 1995). The daily pattern of concentration was quitehomogeneous during the years analysed except for 1995, when it showed avariation due to the change of position of the station. Qualitativecomposition of the NAP airborne pollen was mainly represented byPoaceae, Plantago and Cyperaceae during the three years. The daily trendshowed high concentrations during daylight hours, when instability andconvective movements prevail, and low concentrations in the night, whenmeteorological conditions favour the development of a stable stratifiedlayer.  相似文献   

Long range transport of airborne pollen has been seldom studied in South America. Backward trajectories of Celtis and Nothofagus pollen grains trapped over a meteorological station outside Mar del Plata City were calculated in one-hour steps using the regional hybrid model developed by the NOAA (HYSPLIT 4.5) and the data of the NCEP filed in the NOAA server. Results showed that the observed trajectories agree with the location of vegetation sources of the collected tree species. In the case of Celtis, the transport was associated to anticyclones located east of the city, generating winds with a N-NE component, which produce pollen cloud advection from the Celtis forests located some tens of kilometers to the N and NE of the city. The sources of Nothofagus pollen correspond to a narrow strip on the Andes slopes between 39° and 55°S, at least 1100 km to the SW of Mar del Plata. The transport was associated to eastward displacement of the troughs corresponding to the Westerlies circulation and the presence of an anticyclone system that brings back Nothofagus pollen towards Mar del Plata area.  相似文献   

Summary Annual differences in cumulative counts of Urticaceae pollen are found to relate primarily to the weather conditions during the pollen formative period (April and May) and secondarily to the weather prevailing during the season itself. Relative humidity, temperature, wind velocity and precipitation emerge as the most influential variables in the analysis of daily variations but their relative importance varies between years. Diurnal patterns in concentrations show general peaks occurring in the early evening but the severity and exact timing of these relates closely to wind direction. The implications of these results are considered in the context of forecasting.  相似文献   

Intradiurnal variation of arboreal pollen (AP) in Mar del Plata city is compared during three non - consecutive years of survey and described in relation to the associated weather. The daily pattern of pollen abundance has a maximum between 10:00 and 12:00?h, while a minimum occurs at 18:00?h. The first two years of survey showed homogeneous daily trends, but in 1995 the maximum and minimum concentrations were delayed because of the change in position of the collecting station. Arboreal pollen spectrum presented qualitative and quantitative changes in the three years analysed. Results indicate optimal conditions for diurnal dispersion of arboreal pollen are high temperatures and low relative humidity. Also interaction between source position and wind direction has important effects on the timing of the peaks of some pollen types.  相似文献   

Continuous aerobiological survey of the atmosphere of Mar del Plata was carried out from December 1991 to November 1993 with a Burkard volumetric spore trap. Daily slides were prepared and studied every 2 h with standard techniques. Weekly records were kept for 27 relevant pollen types selected either by their prevalence or relative high atmospheric concentration. Quantitative multivariate analysis enabled to distinguish three major pollen seasons, related to atmospheric dominance either arboreal pollen (AP) or non-arboreal pollen (NAP). June to October is the richest period in number of pollen types, mainly dominated by AP; while from November to May, there is an overwhelming dominance of NAP types, represented by grass, herb and weed pollen. The study and prediction of this phenomenon is of great interest not only from the ecosystem point of view, but in relation to human disease as well.  相似文献   

Summary During the pollen season, a daily account of airborne pollen is reported by radio and newpapers in Denmark as «Today's pollen count». The Aerobiological Group under the Danish Asthma and Allergy association is responsible for the daily identification and counting of pollen. In 1984 the Group set up a trial to investigate the reproducibility of the pollen count.Three trained pollen counters independently examined the same specimens from two Burkard pollen traps. The traps were located on the roof of the Meterological Institute in Copenhagen 15 meters above ground level in the northern outskirts of central Copenhagen. This is the usual sampling site. Specimens from each trap from 20 days during the grass pollen season were selected. Four species groups were identified in sufficient numbers for statistical analysis. These were, in order of occurrence, spruce/pine (Picea/Pinus), grass (Poaceae), nettle (Urtica) and mugwort (Artemisia).Identification of sources of variation and assessment of their relative importance were carried out using variance components models. A detailed account of the method is given.Qualitatively equivalent conclusions were reached for each group: i) The expected seasonal variation was identified; ii) The counters contributed significantly to the variation of pollen counts; iii) The traps did not contribute to the variance, but a day-trap interaction was identified. This interaction was interpreted. as a problem of instrumental variation over time of traps of variation in meteorological conditions; iv) The total variance was larger than originally expected. The relative uncertainty was greater than 50 per cent.The variance of the daily pollen count cannot be reduced much by reducing counter variation or day-trap interaction. The variation among pollen counters is small, and the day-trap interaction is difficult to fully comprehend. The basic measurement error can be reduced by examining a larger area of each specimen. Although this implies a greater cost, it is probably the most effective method of reducing the uncertainty of «Today's pollen count».  相似文献   

解季明  丁新颖  张宇杰  汪正祥  戴璨 《生态学报》2021,41(13):5446-5453
人工授粉作为一项关键性技术在生态研究与农业生产领域广泛应用,但是授粉过程中的工具有效性以及花粉保存尚未受到研究者的关注。以植物野慈姑为试验材料,研究了人工授粉方式和花粉保存条件对繁殖的影响。两年的结果表明,相较于直接接触式授粉,借助毛刷工具授粉显著降低了野慈姑的座果概率和种子数。花粉经过半小时野外高温保存后,其授粉的座果概率显著高于对照组,但单果种子数和种子大小保持稳定。综上,在野慈姑的人工授粉中应避免使用毛刷等工具,离体花粉可置于野外环境适当保存。在相关应用中,研究人员应当警惕工具授粉造成的负面影响,注意比较工具与其他授粉方式的等效性,保证实验的科学性。  相似文献   

Summary This contribution presents a procedure for estimating the distribution of pollen sources and mapping their activity. Particular reference is made to the example of mapping the pollen emissions ofCastanea sativa, in the Reno valley near Bologna (Italy), achieved with numerical techniques and starting from basic maps (vegetation, topographic and pedologic), phenological observations and pollen production data.  相似文献   

An accurate forecast of the starting point of thebirch pollen season in Neuchâtel can be made byadding the positive daily average air temperature fromFebruary 1st onward until the figure 270 is reached.At this point, the birch trees are ready to bloom.After that, the daily average temperature has toexceed 10 °C to allow pollen release.Today, the birch pollen season starts some 19 daysearlier in the year than in the 1980's, a consequenceof a recent climate change.The daily patterns of airborne birch pollen isirregular. Moreover, pollen concentrations frequentlyexceed the threshold of the appearance of allergicsymptoms, except during rainfall. Therefore, the onlybehavioral recommendation that can be given to peopleallergic to birch pollen is to shorten as much aspossible the contact with outdoor air during the mainbirch pollen season.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to present the first aeromycological study of the atmosphere of the city of La Plata. Air samples were taken using a Hirst-type volumetric spore trap sampler (Lanzoni, VPPS 2000) for a period of a year (July 2000–June 2001). Seventy-nine morphological types of spores belonging to the Phyla Myxomycota, Zygomycota, Oomycota, Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, as well as anamorphs of Higher Fungi were identified. A total of 171670.21 spores were recorded, with a daily mean of 540 spores/m3. The spores were present throughout the year the study was carried out. However, there was a wide daily fluctuation in the concentration values with a tendency toward an increase during the summer months. The fungal spores were classified in three categories: abundant, having five spore types; moderate having 12 types; and low, with 62 morphological types which represent 67.2, 24.2, and 8.6%, respectively. The most representative taxa were Cladosporium cladosporioides, Leptosphaeria, Cladosporium herbarum, Coprinus, and Agaricus, the first two taxa having a high frequency during the year of study. This scientific research reveals a great diversity of morphological types in this outdoor environment, showing a strong dominance of the Imperfect Fungi, whose components have seasonal rates. By this study, the first aeromycological profile of an urban center of Argentina has been portrayed, and new information on the field of aeromycology in the country has been provided.  相似文献   

The content of herbaceous pollen in the atmosphere depends on the vegetal cover, climate and the weather and geographical conditions. The aim of the study reported here was to compare aerobiological data obtained from pollen monitoring stations located at sites differing with respect to their flora and microclimate – i.e. a town and a rural area. A volumetric method was used for sampling. In each microscopic preparation 12 vertical strips corresponding with 2-h intervals were analysed. A 90% method was used to determine the pollen season. The results were statistically verified using the u test and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Spearman and Wilcoxon tests. Higher values of the Seasonal Pollen Index (SPI), higher daily average concentrations and higher peak values were recorded in the rural area. An analysis of intradiurnal variations of airborne pollen showed that apart from the Poaceae the number of pollen grains in the air began to increase earlier in the day in the rural area; in the case of Rumex and Ambrosia, the maximum values also appeared a few hours earlier. For all the taxa investigated, the analysis of correlation showed a significant association between the daily average concentrations at both sites. The weakest association occurred for Plantago lanceolata; for all other taxa, the determination coefficients (R 2) were high. The results of the Wilcoxon test showed that, despite the strong positive association between daily concentrations of the pollen types investigated, there were differences in mean pollen concentrations in the overlapping pollen season. Mean concentrations of Poaceae and Rumex airborne pollen were significantly higher in the rural area in both years, and those of Urtica and P. lanceolata were significantly higher only in 2002.  相似文献   

Females of Thalictrum pubescens produce stamens containing sterile pollen. Earlier studies have shown the presence of stamens does not increase seed set through increased visitation by insects. Insects may, however, increase pollen deposition on stigmas and increase pollen competition. This paper examines: 1) pollen deposition levels in natural populations and 2) whether larger pollen loads lead to higher quality offspring. The majority of stigmas in two populations received less than 15 grains, but a small proportion had large loads. The latter may represent the occasional insect visit. These visits may provide the opportunity for pollen tube competition. In the greenhouse, flowers receiving heavy-pollen loads had higher seed set than flowers receiving light-pollen loads. Seeds from the two treatments were the same mass, had similar germination times, and seedlings had the same mass. In conclusion, it does not appear that pollen tube competition can account for the maintenance of stamens in females of T. pubescens.  相似文献   

Reticulate and microechinate pollen forms withinSilene latifolia (S. alba, S. pratensis) were first described from N. America, where the species is an introduced weed. A previous study showed that the two forms also exist in Europe and intergrade along a zone roughly congruent with intergradation zones in seed morphology and flavone glycosylation genotypes. The present survey of pollen from herbarium specimens is more extensive and covers localities from nearly the whole of the species' native Eurasian and North African range. The first axis of a detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) of qualitative characterstate data for 11 pollen morphological characters shows a gradient between the two extreme exine types, reticulate and microechinate. When mapped, the co-ordinates of pollen samples on this axis indicate a broad zone of intergradation which coincides approximately with the somewhat sharper transition between low- and high-tubercle seeds in C. and N. Europe, but becomes diffuse in Italy and the Mediterranean region and diverges from the seed transition zone in SW. Asia and the Middle East. The biological significance of the pollen morphs is unknown; the variation pattern in pollen morphology, unlike that in seeds, is not consistently correlated with macroclimate.  相似文献   

方志荣  王胜华  陈放  刘庆 《广西植物》2016,36(4):479-485
麻疯树因其种子含油率较高,种子油提炼的生物柴油可部分替代汽油,而成为一种极具潜能的能源作物,但由于产量低,麻疯树在热带、亚热带的发展受到极大限制。杂交育种是提高产量的重要手段,杂交亲本花粉生活力的高低直接影响到育种的成效。因此,寻求麻疯树离体花粉萌发的最适培养基配方,探明花粉萌发培养基中各主要培养基成分间的交互作用对生产上麻疯树杂交结实率和种子产量的提高具有重要意义。该研究以麻疯树开花初期雄花上花药刚散粉时的成熟花粉粒为材料,采用Box-Behnken设计(Box-Behnken design,BBD)的响应面法,对麻疯树花粉离体萌发培养基中各主要培养基成分的浓度配比及各主要培养基成分的交互作用进行了研究。以花粉萌发率为响应指标,建立了4种营养成分(蔗糖、硼酸、硝酸钙、硝酸钾)与花粉萌发率的响应面模型,并对各主要培养基成分的浓度配比进行了优化。通过R软件进行响应面分析的结果表明:4因素对花粉萌发率的影响顺序为蔗糖硼酸硝酸钙硝酸钾;蔗糖与硼酸、蔗糖与硝酸钙、蔗糖与硝酸钾之间的交互作用显著。响应面建模优化后的最佳培养基为13.77%蔗糖+32.14 mg·L~(-1)硼酸+22.21 mg·L~(-1)硝酸钙+19.95 mg·L~(-1)硝酸钾+200 mg·L~(-1)硫酸镁,在此条件下的理论萌发率为99.73%。采用此培养基成分配比得到麻疯树花粉离体试验萌发率为98.97%,与理论响应值相吻合,同时也表明利用BBD设计的响应面模型进行麻疯树花粉离体萌发培养条件优化方法的有效性。  相似文献   

This work studies the airborne pollenconcentrations of Acer spp.,Fraxinus spp. and Platanus spp. sincethe pollen of these three taxa has beencharacterized as etiological agents ofpollinosis. These tree species are present inlarge amounts in the streets of La Plata city.The aeropalynological monitoring was performedwith a Hirst-type spore trap (Lanzoni VPPS,2000). The emission period of the three taxaextends from approximately late August to October.The maximum cumulative totalof arboreal pollen was found to be 30824.7from September 12 to 18. This period coincideswith the peak of total pollen concentration.Pollen grains trapped were analysed andexpressed as daily averages of 5-hour bandsper day during the whole year. Maximum pollenconcentration was registered between 10 a.m.and 2 p.m. During the studied period, 67 patients examinedat the Allergy Service of ``Hospital Interzonalde Agudos R. Rossi' (La Plata) showed allergicdisease. These allergenic episodes may beproduced by the large amount of pollen trees inthe city area.  相似文献   

Summary Pollen and spore concentrations were compared in Tartu, Estonia and in three sites in Finland (Turku, Kuopio and Oulu) during May–September 1989. The onset ofQuercus, Pinus, Poaceae,Urtica andRumex flowering started earlier in Tartu than at any site in Finland. The flowering ofJuniperus andArtemisia, on the other hand, began earlier in Turku and Kuopio than in Tartu.Pinus andJuniperus showed a significant correlation (number of pollen grains at the same date) between Tartu and Turku and between Turku and Kuopio. Poaceae andUrtica were correlated between all the sites, as wasRumex except between Tartu and Turku.Artemisia was correlated between Tartu and Turku, Turku and Oulu, and Kuopio and Oulu.Cladosporium correlated between Tartu and Turku. The pollen seasons of Poaceae,Urtica andRumex are prolonged towards the south.  相似文献   

郭新军  孟长军  封婧 《生态学报》2023,43(23):9721-9732
中华蜜蜂为多种植物传粉,具有重要的生态服务价值。为进一步了解中华蜜蜂选择蜜粉源植物的多样性与特征,采用聚合酶链式反应(PCR)、DNA条形码、高通量测序等技术,研究了源自陕西宝鸡、贵州望谟和广西凤山蜂巢蜜中的花粉来源。通过对样品花粉rbcL基因片段扩增及测序、分析,发现各样本间可操作分类单元(OTU)水平上蜜粉源植物Alpha多样性指数无显著差异,同一地点样品不同重复间存在较高的相关性,而不同地区样本相关性较低。三地共鉴定出27目46科71属82种蜜粉源植物,其中宝鸡市、望谟县、凤山县样本中分别鉴定出57种、30种和40种,各地蜜粉源植物的物种组成存在较大差异。这些蜜粉源植物中,菊目植物种类最多,其次为毛茛目,分别有12种和7种。其中草本植物和木本植物(含乔木、灌木和木质藤本等)分别有44种和38种。研究对蜜粉源植物花序特点进行了分析,但并未发现相关性状对中华蜜蜂选择具有的影响。从属的区系成分分析,总体上温带分布区类型的植物属多于热带分布区类型的属,所占比例分别为46.5%和36.6%,但在凤山县样本中出现热带分布区类型多于温带分布区类型的情况。在不同样品中,红足蒿(Artemisia rubripes)、向日葵(Helianthus annuus)、芜青(Brassica rapa)、粗糠柴(Mallotus philippensis)、枇杷(Eriobotrya japonica)等分别占有一定优势,其与中华蜜蜂的关系值得进一步研究。根据蜜粉源植物的系统进化关系,中华蜜蜂访问的蜜粉源植物处于不同进化地位的分支,其中在菊类分支和蔷薇类分支比较集中。研究揭示了中华蜜蜂传粉植物组成特点,为进一步认知中华蜜蜂传粉服务功能的重要性提供依据。  相似文献   

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