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Trends in, and potential causes of, insect pest problems of the Tasmanian blue gum, Eucalyptus globulus globulus, in south‐western Australia are reviewed. Historical evidence suggests that insect pest problems of E. g. globulus in south‐western Australia have greatly increased in the last 10 years, which corresponds to a time of rapid expansion of the blue gum industry in the region. Current major establishment pests include the African black beetle, Heteronychus arator, spring beetles, Liparetrus spp. and Heteronyx spp., and the wingless grasshopper, Phaulacridium vittatum. Current major pests of established trees are the Eucalyptus weevil, Gonipterus scutellatus, and chrysomelid beetles, Chrysophtharta spp. and Cadmus excrementarius. The occurrence of these insects on an introduced eucalypt is not unexpected because insect‐rich native eucalypt forests dominate the landscape where E. g. globulus plantations are grown. Insect damage may also be exacerbated because E. g. globulus is grown as a monoculture.  相似文献   

  • 1 Wood‐boring larvae in the families Cerambycidae and Buprestidae are often found in high densities in burned trees after wildland fires. They play an important role in tree decomposition, often reducing the value of salvageable timber, and represent an important avian food source.
  • 2 Three forest areas that experienced wildfires 1–3 years previously were surveyed during the summer of 2004. Ponderosa pine trees with green, scorched and consumed needles were examined for wood borer occurrence. Within each of the three needle damage categories, the mean wood borer incidence was similar between different age fires. Trees with scorched or consumed needles had significantly more wood borers than trees with green needles.
  • 3 Larvae collected from under tree bark were identified to family; when possible, cerambycids were identified further to Acanthocinus spp., Monochamus sp., Rhagium inquisitor (L.) and Stictoleptura canadensis (LeConte), and buprestids were identified to Chalcophora spp. and Chrysobothris sp.
  • 4 Classification tree models showed that the estimated probability of tree infestation by wood borers varied among needle damage categories. For trees with green needles, tree injury variables of high bole char height and phloem discolouration were important predictive variables. In trees where needles were consumed, tree size variables of diameter at breast height and tree height were important predictive variables.
  • 5 More than half the dead trees examined were infested with wood borers, indicating that infestation of fire‐killed ponderosa pine may represent an important food source for species such as woodpeckers and a potential problem for the utilization of infested trees.

Diversifying planted forests by increasing genetic and species diversity is often promoted as a method to improve forest resilience to climate change and reduce pest and pathogen damage. In this study, we used a young tree diversity experiment replicated at two sites in the UK to study the impacts of tree diversity and tree provenance (geographic origin) on the oak (Quercus robur) insect herbivore community and a specialist biotrophic pathogen, oak powdery mildew. Local UK, French, and Italian provenances were planted in monocultures, provenance mixtures, and species mixes, allowing us to test whether: (a) local and nonlocal provenances differ in their insect herbivore and pathogen communities, and (b) admixing trees leads to associational effects on insect herbivore and pathogen damage. Tree diversity had variable impacts on foliar organisms across sites and years, suggesting that diversity effects can be highly dependent on environmental context. Provenance identity impacted upon both herbivores and powdery mildew, but we did not find consistent support for the local adaptation hypothesis for any group of organisms studied. Independent of provenance, we found tree vigor traits (shoot length, tree height) and tree apparency (the height of focal trees relative to their surroundings) were consistent positive predictors of powdery mildew and insect herbivory. Synthesis. Our results have implications for understanding the complex interplay between tree identity and diversity in determining pest damage, and show that tree traits, partially influenced by tree genotype, can be important drivers of tree pest and pathogen loads.  相似文献   

The eucalypt‐feeding psyllid Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore (Hom.: Psyllidae), an Australian insect, is reported for the first time in Europe. It was initially detected in Portugal and Spain, in September 2007, on Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn. At present, G. brimblecombei has only been found associated with E. camaldulensis and E. tereticornis Smith, being apparently absent from E. globulus Labill., the main eucalypt species planted on the Iberian Peninsula. Generalist predators, such as ants, spiders and ladybeetles, were observed in trees attacked by G. brimblecombei, but no psyllid parasitoids were detected.  相似文献   

Eucalypts are among the most widely planted forest trees in the world, and outside their native Australian range, the main arthropod pests are sap‐sucking insects, defoliators, gall‐making insects and xylophagous beetles. We report on a new association between a polyphagous wood‐boring beetle and Tasmanian blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus Labill.) in Central Portugal. Unidentified wood‐boring insects were found attacking two three‐year‐old E. globulus trees showing signs of decline among otherwise healthy trees in a commercial plantation, in June 2018. Declining trees presented dead twigs and branches, and recently developed epicormic sprouts evident on the trunks. Insects emerging from logs were identified as Ambrosiodmus rubricollis (Eichhoff), a species native to eastern and southern Asia, with the taxonomic identification validated by molecular analysis. To our knowledge, this is the first record of A. rubricollis associated with a eucalypt species worldwide. It is not clear whether the beetles played any significant role on the decline of the trees, but Ambrosiodmus may be potential pests for several tree and shrub species in Europe, as these beetles can transport pathogenic fungi.  相似文献   

The stability of species and provenance performance across diverse environments is a major issue in restoration, particularly for assisted migration and climate‐adjusted provenancing strategies. This study examines how differences in species and provenance performance are affected by plant community composition in a dry sclerophyll forest restoration experiment. Five indices were measured over 6 years post‐establishment to evaluate the relative performance of community composition using 10 provenances of two focal eucalypts (Eucalyptus pauciflora and Eucalyptus tenuiramis) under six community treatments for E. pauciflora and five for E. tenuiramis. Community treatments varied according to the species planted as the immediate neighbor to the focal species, and included same species, same genus, or one of three different genera. Significant species and provenance differences were observed for all measured performance indices, with no evidence of interaction effects with community treatments. E. tenuiramis was more susceptible to insects and frost, and had poorer establishment but greater growth of the survivors than E. pauciflora. Generally, nonlocal provenances were more susceptible to insect herbivory and frost damage and had higher mortality than local provenances. At this early life‐stage there was no evidence that co‐planted species affected the relative performance of focal species or provenances, arguing transfer functions are likely stable across different planted communities. While species and provenance performance was not affected by community context, focal species differed in their response to upslope migration and any climate‐adjusted provenancing may require staged transfers to avoid maladaptation under contemporary growing conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract 1 Eucalyptus globulus Labill. exhibited consistent intraspecific variation in oviposition choice by Mnesampela privata (Guenée) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) in field surveys of host plants that had been designated, based on the prior season's defoliation levels, as resistant or susceptible to M. privata. At both field sites significantly fewer egg batches were found on resistant compared to susceptible trees. 2 In cage bioassays we demonstrated a significant oviposition preference by M. privata, with over two‐fold greater number of egg batches laid on foliage sprigs from susceptible compared to resistant trees. Despite differences in tree oviposition choice, we found no evidence in the field or the laboratory of adult females adjusting egg batch size in accordance to oviposition preference. 3 Caged larval survival, development times and pupal weight did not vary significantly between resistant and susceptible trees. Similarly, in a laboratory feeding experiment, neonates utilized resistant and susceptible foliage equally. 4 Larval mortality in the field attributed to natural enemies did not vary significantly between resistant and susceptible trees, nor did the percentage of Telenomus sp. parasitism of M. privata eggs within a batch and batches per tree. 5 Failure to associate either larval performance or natural enemy efficacy with the observed intraspecific variation in E. globulus susceptibility to M. privata oviposition indicates that some other unidentified factors drive the evolution of host selection for oviposition.  相似文献   

Abstract Interest in restoring native ecosystems is resulting in conversion of marginal agricultural lands to bottomland hardwood‐dominated forests in the midwestern and midsouthern United States. Growing stock for these efforts typically consists of planted oak (Quercus spp.) and volunteer vegetation. Reports of mixed reforestation success and the lack of post‐establishment tree growth data prompted this evaluation of vegetation characteristics of 5‐ to 7‐year‐old operational restorations in the Lower Cache River Watershed in southernmost Illinois, U.S.A. Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash), Acer negundo (box‐elder), and Liquidambar styraciflua (sweetgum) together comprised 77% of all tree stems observed. Full stocking of overstory tree species can be expected to produce a closed canopy stand within 160 m of a forested edge, due primarily to the abundance of rapidly growing volunteer‐origin trees. Planted oaks contributed minimally to total tree stocking but were present in sufficient numbers to eventually improve wildlife habitat, and therefore satisfied restoration objectives. Oak height was 23% greater when in the presence of a non‐oak tree species. Herbaceous cover was dominated by Solidago gigantea (late goldenrod) and Juncus spp. (rushes). Solidago gigantea was associated with poor growth and low density of non‐oak stems, whereas Juncus dudleyi (Dudley's rush) was associated with taller non‐oak stems. These results suggest that the presence of volunteer‐origin trees is crucial for the creation of full stand stocking that will result in rapid development of a closed canopy forest. Improved success of future reforestation efforts will require more intensive methods to establish adequate stocking beyond 160 m of a forest edge. Methods described here could be adapted for agricultural field to forest restorations in other regions to predict critical distances from volunteer seed sources within which supplemental planting would be unnecessary to meet tree stocking objectives.  相似文献   

Planting native riparian trees can help recover wildlife and fish habitat on a local scale, when full recovery of natural processes that sustain riparian ecosystems is infeasible. To help improve planting success, we determined which environmental factors and management practices most influenced survival of planted Populus fremontii (Fremont cottonwood) in a field experiment on the San Rafael River, Utah, U.S.A. We planted 474 approximately 2‐m‐tall trees and tracked survival for 1.25 years. We used logistic regression to evaluate whether tree height, elevation above the river channel, distance to existing cottonwood or Salix exigua (coyote willow), soil conductivity, soil texture, planting depth, planting method (mechanical auger vs. hand‐digging), and provision of natural and commercial supplements affected survival probability. Survival probability decreased with elevation above the river channel bottom and was greater in auger‐dug than hand‐dug holes. Survival probability was lower in soils with the highest salinity levels and was lower in sandy soils than soils with silt and clay. Survival may be improved by planting well above the channel to avoid flooding impacts but within 2 m above the channel in auger‐dug holes to ensure access to soil moisture. Testing soil salinity and texture in areas with suitable elevation could also help improve survival. Approximately 35% of trees survived to the end of the study period, indicating that planting can help recover riparian habitat locally, especially if survival is improved in future planting efforts. However, full recovery of desired riparian habitat throughout the floodplain will require natural flows.  相似文献   

  • 1 High productivity in plantations of exotic tree species is achieved by management for fast growth in the absence of the full complex of co‐evolved insect herbivores. In the case of Eucalyptus, silvicultural selection for desirable wood traits is concomitant with a trade‐off against defence and a reduction of chemical and genetic diversity. These factors, combined with accidental introductions, rapid insect evolution and the emergence of new pests, increase the likelihood that future plantations will need insect pest management to maintain productivity.
  • 2 Forestry researchers have suggested that selecting for resistant genotypes may be beneficial in insect control. There are, however, significant differences between long‐lived trees and annual crops that make this approach unlikely to be successful. This is illustrated using several examples of research into resistance to insect herbivores in trees.
  • 3 Selection for resistance to insects in trees requires an assessment of trial plantations for heritable variation in insect damage and then a determination of the effect of variation in resistance on insect population parameters. Identifying rare resistant genotypes using markers is difficult because many factors interact to produce a resistant phenotype, and phytophagous insects have less intimate relationships with their host than pathogens, resulting in weak associations with genetic loci.
  • 4 If resistant genotypes are identified, their widespread deployment in plantations might not provide satisfactory management of insect pests when the use of extensive monocultures is continued. In this paper, experiments are suggested that would explore the effectiveness of polycultures or chemotype mixtures with respect to ameliorating the damage of insects on plantation productivity. In addition, mitigating the effects of some insects on plantation productivity by maintaining vigour of fast‐growing eucalypts should be considered.

Abstract The eucalypt plantation industry in Western Australia provides a unique opportunity to study the movement of pathogens between closely related host taxa. Eucalyptus globulus, a native to Tasmania and south‐eastern Australia, is the predominant species in Western Australian plantations, often being planted adjacent to native forest containing Eucalyptus marginata and Eucalyptus diversicolor. Since the commencement of the plantation industry 20 years ago, several fungal species, previously known only to eastern Australia or overseas, have been reported on E. globulus in Western Australia. Botryosphaeria australis is a newly described species, recently found causing cankers on Acacia spp. in eastern Australia. However, during a routine survey, B. australis was found to be the predominant species associated with E. globulus plantations and native Eucalyptus spp. in Western Australia. In this study, six short simple repeat markers were used to evaluate genetic diversity and gene flow between collections of B. australis from native eucalypt forest and E. globulus plantations at two locations in south‐western Australia. In both cases, there was no restriction to gene flow between the plantations and the adjacent native forest. Botryosphaeria australis has now been isolated from a wide range of hosts across south‐western Australia and was not isolated from E. globulus in Tasmania or South Australia. This extensive distribution and host range suggests B. australis is native to Western Australia. This study demonstrates the ability of a pathogen to move between plantation and forests.  相似文献   

  1. Scots pine Pinus sylvestris was originally introduced to Iceland in the beginning of the 20th Century. Extensive plantings started in the late 1940s and, in total, 2–3 million Scots pine seedlings were planted, mainly originating from two counties in northern Norway. Part of this plant material was imported as seedlings.
  2. Pine woolly aphid Pineus pini was introduced to Iceland before 1940, most likely on imported seedlings in 1937.
  3. High mortality of Scots pine, concurrent with high infestation of the pine woolly aphid, was observed in Iceland during the late 1950s and 1960s and planting was discontinued.
  4. Provenance trials with Scots pine were established in Iceland in 2004–2006. They consisted of 15 provenances from Norway, four from Finland, four from Scotland, one from Russia, one from the Austrian Alps and three first generation Scots pine provenances from Iceland, collected from survivors of the epidemic in the 1950s and 1960s. In total, there were 28 provenances.
  5. The Icelandic provenances had significantly lower P. pini infestation than all the provenances of non‐Icelandic origin, which indicates that natural selection in Scots pine in Iceland has occurred in favour of individuals less susceptible to P. pini.

  • 1 Abundance and feeding injury of the leafhopper Erythroneura lawsoni Robinson was measured in an intensively‐managed American sycamore Platanus occidentalis L. plantation. Trees were planted in spring 2000 in a randomized complete block design, and received one of three annual treatments: (i) fertilization (120 kg N/ha/year); (ii) irrigation (3.0 cm/week); (iii) fertilization + irrigation; or (iv) control (no treatment).
  • 2 Foliar nutrient concentrations were significantly influenced by the treatments because only sulphur and manganese levels were not statistically greater in trees receiving fertilization.
  • 3 Over 116 000 E. lawsoni were captured on sticky traps during the study. Leafhopper abundance was highest on nonfertilized trees for the majority of the season, and was positively correlated with foliar nutrient concentrations. Significant temporal variation in E. lawsoni abundance occurred, suggesting five discrete generations in South Carolina.
  • 4 Significant temporal variation occurred in E. lawsoni foliar injury levels, with the highest injury ratings occurring in late June and August. Foliar injury was negatively correlated with foliar nutrient content, and higher levels of injury occurred more frequently on nonfertilized trees.
  • 5 The results obtained in the present study indicated that increased E. lawsoni abundance occurred on trees that did not receive fertilization. Nonfertilized trees experienced greater foliar injury, suggesting that lower foliar nutrient status may have led to increased levels of compensatory feeding.

Between-tree variation in the terpenoid composition in the foliage of six species of Eucalyptus was investigated in relation to its effects on herbivory by Christmas beetles (Anoplognathus spp.). All six eucalypt species showed considerable intraspecific variation in terpenoid composition; the cineole content ranged from 13% to 78% of the total oil in different E. melliodora trees, from 0% to 67% in E. conica, 3% to 79% in E. sideroxylon, 1% to 76% in E. camaldulensis, 3% to 60% in E. rubida and 20% to 79% in E. blakelyi. Levels of defoliation by Christmas beetles of nine E. melliodora and eight E. conica trees were quantified from frass traps placed under each tree, and were used to confirm the reliability of visual ratings of defoliation. Defoliation was assessed visually for all six species and was found to be unrelated to the total amount of terpenoids in the foliage of each tree, but strongly associated with the percentage of cineole in the terpenoid mixture. Levels of most terpenoid components were significantly inter-correlated, so it was not possible to determine which components directly affected defoliation. The dominant Christmas beetle at all sites was A. montanus.  相似文献   

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