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The Atx1 copper metallochaperone from Synechocystis PCC 6803, ScAtx1, interacts with two P(1)-type copper ATPases to supply copper proteins within intracellular compartments, avoiding ATPases for other metals en route. Here we report NMR-derived solution structures for ScAtx1. The monomeric apo form has a betaalphabetabetaalpha fold with backbone motions largely restricted to loop 1 containing Cys-12 and Cys-15. The tumbling rate of Cu(I)ScAtx1 (0.1-0.8 mm) implies dimers. Experimental restraints are satisfied by symmetrical dimers with Cys-12 or His-61, but not Cys-15, invading the copper site of the opposing subunit. A full sequence of copper ligands from the cell surface to thylakoid compartments is proposed, considering in vitro homodimer liganding to mimic in vivo liganding in ScAtx1-ATPase heterodimers. A monomeric high resolution structure for Cu(I)ScAtx1, with Cys-12, Cys-15, and His-61 as ligands, is calculated without violations despite the rotational correlation time. (2)J(NH) couplings in the imidazole ring of His-61 establish coordination of N(epsilon2) to copper. His-61 is analogous to Lys-65 in eukaryotic metallochaperones, stabilizing Cu(I)S(2) complexes but by binding Cu(I) rather than compensating charge. Cys-Cys-His ligand sets are an emergent theme in some copper metallochaperones, although not in related Atx1, CopZ, or Hah1. Surface charge (Glu-13) close to the metal-binding site of ScAtx1 is likely to support interaction with complementary surfaces of copper-transporting ATPases (PacS-Arg-11 and CtaA-Lys-14) but to discourage interaction with zinc ATPase ZiaA and so inhibit aberrant formation of copper-ZiaA complexes.  相似文献   

Industrial production of antibiotics, such as semisynthetic penicillins and cephalosporins, requires optically pure D-p-hydroxylphenylglycine and its derivatives as important side-chain precursors. To produce optically pure D-amino acids, microbial D-hydantoinase (E.C. is used for stereospecific hydrolysis of chemically synthesized cyclic hydantoins. We report the apo-crystal structure of D-hydantoinase from B. stearothermophilus SD1 at 3.0 A resolution. The structure has a classic TIM barrel fold. Despite an undetectable similarity in sequence, D-hydantoinase shares a striking structural similarity with the recently solved structure of dihydroorotase. A structural comparison of hydantoinase with dihydroorotase revealed that the catalytic chemistry is conserved, while the substrate recognition is not. This structure provides insight into the stereochemistry of enantioselectivity in hydrolysis and illustrates how the enzyme recognizes stereospecific exocyclic substituents and hydrolyzes hydantoins. It should also provide a rationale for further directed evolution of this enzyme for hydrolysis of new hydantoins with novel exocyclic substituents.  相似文献   

The N-carbamoyl-D-amino-acid amidohydrolase (D-NCAase) is used on an industrial scale for the production of D-amino acids. The crystal structure of D-NCAase was solved by multiple isomorphous replacement with anomalous scattering using xenon and gold derivatives, and refined to 1.95 A resolution, to an R-factor of 18.6 %. The crystal structure shows a four-layer alpha/beta fold with two six-stranded beta sheets packed on either side by two alpha helices. One exterior layer faces the solvent, whereas the other one is buried and involved in the tight intersubunit contacts. A long C-terminal fragment extends from a monomer to a site near a dyad axis, and associates with another monomer to form a small and hydrophobic cavity, where a xenon atom can bind. Site-directed mutagenesis of His129, His144 and His215 revealed strict geometric requirements of these conserved residues to maintain a stable conformation of a putative catalytic cleft. A region located within this cleft involving Cys172, Glu47, and Lys127 is proposed for D-NCAase catalysis and is similar to the Cys-Asp-Lys site of N-carbamoylsarcosine amidohydrolase. The homologous active-site framework of these enzymes with distinct structures suggests convergent evolution of a common catalytic mechanism.  相似文献   

Staphylococcal leucocidins and gamma-hemolysins (leucotoxins) are bi-component toxins that form lytic transmembrane pores. Their cytotoxic activities require the synergistic association of a class S component and a class F component, produced as water-soluble monomers that form hetero-oligomeric membrane-associated complexes. Strains that produce the Panton-Valentine leucocidin are clinically associated with cutaneous lesions and community-acquired pneumonia. In a previous study, we determined the crystal structure of the F monomer from the Panton-Valentine leucocidin. To derive information on the second component of the leucotoxins, the x-ray structure of the S protein from the Panton-Valentine leucocidin was solved to 2.0 angstrom resolution using a tetragonal crystal form that contains eight molecules in the asymmetric unit. The structure demonstrates the different conformation of the domain involved in membrane contacts and illustrates sequence and tertiary structure variabilities of the pore-forming leucotoxins. Mutagenesis studies at a key surface residue (Thr-28) further support the important role played by these microheterogeneities for the assembly of the bipartite leucotoxins.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Metallochaperone proteins function in the trafficking and delivery of essential, yet potentially toxic, metal ions to distinct locations and particular proteins in eukaryotic cells. The Atx1 protein shuttles copper to the transport ATPase Ccc2 in yeast cells. Molecular mechanisms for copper delivery by Atx1 and similar human chaperones have been proposed, but detailed structural characterization is necessary to elucidate how Atx1 binds metal ions and how it might interact with Ccc2 to facilitate metal ion transfer. RESULTS: The 1.02 A resolution X-ray structure of the Hg(II) form of Atx1 (HgAtx1) reveals the overall secondary structure, the location of the metal-binding site, the detailed coordination geometry for Hg(II), and specific amino acid residues that may be important in interactions with Ccc2. Metal ion transfer experiments establish that HgAtx1 is a functional model for the Cu(I) form of Atx1 (CuAtx1). The metal-binding loop is flexible, changing conformation to form a disulfide bond in the oxidized apo form, the structure of which has been solved to 1.20 A resolution. CONCLUSIONS: The Atx1 structure represents the first structure of a metallochaperone protein, and is one of the largest unknown structures solved by direct methods. The structural features of the metal-binding site support the proposed Atx1 mechanism in which facile metal ion transfer occurs between metal-binding sites of the diffusible copper-donor and membrane-tethered copper-acceptor proteins. The Atx1 structural motif represents a prototypical metal ion trafficking unit that is likely to be employed in a variety of organisms for different metal ions.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the catalytic domain of alkaline cellulase K was determined at 1.9 A resolution. Because of the most alkaliphilic nature and it's highest activity at pH 9.5, it is used commercially in laundry detergents. An analysis of the structural bases of the alkaliphilic character of the enzyme suggested a mechanism similar to that previously proposed for alkaline proteases, that is, an increase in the number of Arg, His, and Gln residues, and a decrease in Asp and Lys residues. Some ion pairs were formed by the gained Arg residues, which is similar to what has been found in the alkaline proteases. Lys-Asp ion pairs are disfavored and partly replaced with Arg-Asp ion pairs. The alkaline adaptation appeared to be a remodeling of ion pairs so that the charge balance is kept in the high pH range.  相似文献   

Neisseria polysaccharea amylosucrase (NpAS), a transglucosidase of glycoside hydrolase family 13, is a hydrolase and glucosyltransferase that catalyzes the synthesis of amylose-like polymer from a sucrose substrate. Recently, an NpAS homolog from Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. glycines was identified as a member of the newly defined carbohydrate utilization locus that regulates the utilization of plant sucrose in phytopathogenic bacteria. Interestingly, this enzyme is exclusively a hydrolase and not a glucosyltransferase; it is thus known as sucrose hydrolase (SUH). Here, we elucidated the novel functional features of SUH using X-ray crystallography and site-directed mutagenesis. Four different crystal structures of SUH, including the SUH-Tris and the SUH-sucrose and SUH-glucose complexes, represent structural snapshots along the catalytic reaction coordinate. These structures show that SUH is distinctly different from NpAS in that ligand-induced conformational changes in SUH cause the formation of a pocket-shaped active site and in that SUH lacks the three arginine residues found in the NpAS active site that appear to be crucial for NpAS glucosyltransferase activity. Mutation of SUH to insert these arginines failed to confer glucosyltransferase activity, providing evidence that its enzymatic activity is limited to sucrose hydrolysis by its pocket-shaped active site and the identity of residues in the vicinity of the active site.  相似文献   

ATP:cobalamin adenosyltransferase MMAB was recently identified as the gene responsible for a disorder of cobalamin metabolism in humans (cblB complementation group). The crystal structure of the MMAB sequence homologue from Thermoplasma acidophilum (TA1434; GenBank identification number gi|16082403) was determined to a resolution of 1.5 A. TA1434 was confirmed to be an ATP:cobalamin adenosyltransferase, which depended absolutely on divalent metal ions (Mg2+ > Mn2+ > Co2+) and only used ATP or dATP as adenosyl donors. The apparent Km of TA1434 was 110 microM (kcat = 0.23 s(-1)) for ATP, 140 microM (kcat = 0.11 s(-1)) for dATP, and 3 microM (kcat = 0.18 s(-1)) for cobalamin. TA1434 is a trimer in solution and in the crystal structure, with each subunit composed of a five-helix bundle. The location of disease-related point mutations and other residues conserved among the homologues of TA1434 suggest that the active site lies at the junctions between the subunits. Mutations in TA1434 that correspond to the disease-related mutations resulted in proteins that were inactive for ATP:cobalamin adenosyltransferase activity in vitro, confirming that these mutations define the molecular basis of the human disease.  相似文献   

3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA (HMG-CoA) lyase is a key enzyme in the ketogenic pathway that supplies metabolic fuel to extrahepatic tissues. Enzyme deficiency may be due to a variety of human mutations and can be fatal. Diminished activity has been explained based on analyses of recombinant human mutant proteins or, more recently, in the context of structural models for the enzyme. We report the experimental determination of a crystal structure at 2.1 A resolution of the recombinant human mitochondrial HMG-CoA lyase containing a bound activator cation and the dicarboxylic acid 3-hydroxyglutarate. The enzyme adopts a (betaalpha)(8) barrel fold, and the N-terminal barrel end is occluded. The structure of a physiologically relevant dimer suggests that substrate access to the active site involves binding across the cavity located at the C-terminal end of the barrel. An alternative hypothesis that involves substrate insertion through a pore proposed to extend through the barrel is not compatible with the observed structure. The activator cation ligands included Asn(275), Asp(42),His(233), and His(235); the latter three residues had been implicated previously as contributing to metal binding or enzyme activity. Arg(41), previously shown to have a major effect on catalytic efficiency, is also located at the active site. In the observed structure, this residue interacts with a carboxyl group of 3-hydroxyglutarate, the hydrolysis product of the competitive inhibitor 3-hydroxyglutaryl-CoA required for crystallization of human enzyme. The structure provides a rationale for the decrease in enzyme activity due to clinical mutations, including H233R, R41Q, D42H, and D204N, that compromise active site function or enzyme stability.  相似文献   

Martynowski D  Eyobo Y  Li T  Yang K  Liu A  Zhang H 《Biochemistry》2006,45(35):10412-10421
Alpha-amino-beta-carboxymuconate-epsilon-semialdehyde decarboxylase (ACMSD) is a widespread enzyme found in many bacterial species and all currently sequenced eukaryotic organisms. It occupies a key position at the branching point of two metabolic pathways: the tryptophan to quinolinate pathway and the bacterial 2-nitrobenzoic acid degradation pathway. The activity of ACMSD determines whether the metabolites in both pathways are converted to quinolinic acid for NAD biosynthesis or to acetyl-CoA for the citric acid cycle. Here we report the first high-resolution crystal structure of ACMSD from Pseudomonas fluorescens which validates our previous predictions that this enzyme is a member of the metal-dependent amidohydrolase superfamily of the (beta/alpha)(8) TIM barrel fold. The structure of the enzyme in its native form, determined at 1.65 A resolution, reveals the precise spatial arrangement of the active site metal center and identifies a potential substrate-binding pocket. The identity of the native active site metal was determined to be Zn. Also determined was the structure of the enzyme complexed with cobalt at 2.50 A resolution. The hydrogen bonding network around the metal center suggests that Arg51 and His228 may play important roles in catalysis. The metal center configuration of PfACMSD is very similar to that of Zn-dependent adenosine deaminase and Fe-dependent cytosine deaminase, suggesting that ACMSD may share certain similarities in its catalytic mechanism with these enzymes. These data enable us to propose possible catalytic mechanisms for ACMSD which appear to be unprecedented among all currently characterized decarboxylases.  相似文献   

UreE is proposed to be a metallochaperone that delivers nickel ions to urease during activation of this bacterial virulence factor. Wild-type Klebsiella aerogenes UreE binds approximately six nickel ions per homodimer, whereas H144*UreE (a functional C-terminal truncated variant) was previously reported to bind two. We determined the structure of H144*UreE by multi-wavelength anomalous diffraction and refined it to 1.5 A resolution. The present structure reveals an Hsp40-like peptide-binding domain, an Atx1-like metal-binding domain, and a flexible C terminus. Three metal-binding sites per dimer, defined by structural analysis of Cu-H144*UreE, are on the opposite face of the Atx1-like domain than observed in the copper metallochaperone. One metal bridges the two subunits via the pair of His-96 residues, whereas the other two sites involve metal coordination by His-110 and His-112 within each subunit. In contrast to the copper metallochaperone mechanism involving thiol ligand exchanges between structurally similar chaperones and target proteins, we propose that the Hsp40-like module interacts with urease apoprotein and/or other urease accessory proteins, while the Atx1-like domain delivers histidyl-bound nickel to the urease active site.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The insulin-like growth-factor-1 (IGF-1) receptor, which is widely expressed in cells that have undergone oncogenic transformation, is emerging as a novel target in cancer therapy. IGF-1-induced receptor activation results in autophosphorylation of cytoplasmic kinase domains and enhances their capability to phosphorylate downstream substrates. Structures of the homologous insulin receptor kinase (IRK) exist in an open, unphosphorylated form and a closed, trisphosphorylated form. RESULTS: We have determined the 2.1 A crystal structure of the IGF-1 receptor protein tyrosine kinase domain phosphorylated at two tyrosine residues within the activation loop (IGF-1RK2P) and bound to an ATP analog. The ligand is not in a conformation compatible with phosphoryl transfer, and the activation loop is partially disordered. Compared to the homologous insulin receptor kinase, IGF-1RK2P is trapped in a half-closed, previously unobserved conformation. Observed domain movements can be dissected into two orthogonal rotational components. CONCLUSIONS: Conformational changes upon kinase activation are triggered by the degree of phosphorylation and are crucially dependent on the conformation of the proximal end of the kinase activation loop. This IGF-1RK structure will provide a molecular basis for the design of selective antioncogenic therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the complex formed between Deinococcus radiodurans RecR and RecO (drRecOR) has been determined. In accordance with previous biochemical characterisation, the drRecOR complex displays a RecR:RecO molecular ratio of 2:1. The biologically relevant drRecOR entity consists of a heterohexamer in the form of two drRecO molecules positioned on either side of the tetrameric ring of drRecR, with their OB (oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide-binding) domains pointing towards the interior of the ring. Mutagenesis studies validated the protein-protein interactions observed in the crystal structure and allowed mapping of the residues in the drRecOR complex required for DNA binding. Furthermore, the preferred DNA substrate of drRecOR was identified as being 3'-overhanging DNA, as encountered at ssDNA-dsDNA junctions. Together these results suggest a possible mechanism for drRecOR recognition of stalled replication forks.  相似文献   

Wang H  Yan Z  Geng J  Kunz S  Seebeck T  Ke H 《Molecular microbiology》2007,66(4):1029-1038
Human leishmaniasis is a major public health problem in many countries, but chemotherapy is in an unsatisfactory state. Leishmania major phosphodiesterases (LmjPDEs) have been shown to play important roles in cell proliferation and apoptosis of the parasite. Thus LmjPDE inhibitors may potentially represent a novel class of drugs for the treatment of leishmaniasis. Reported here are the kinetic characterization of the LmjPDEB1 catalytic domain and its crystal structure as a complex with 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) at 1.55 A resolution. The structure of LmjPDEB1 is similar to that of human PDEs. IBMX stacks against the conserved phenylalanine and forms a hydrogen bond with the invariant glutamine, in a pattern common to most inhibitors bound to human PDEs. However, an extensive structural comparison reveals subtle, but significant differences between the active sites of LmjPDEB1 and human PDEs. In addition, a pocket next to the inhibitor binding site is found to be unique to LmjPDEB1. This pocket is isolated by two gating residues in human PDE families, but constitutes a natural expansion of the inhibitor binding pocket in LmjPDEB1. The structure particularity might be useful for the development of parasite-selective inhibitors for the treatment of leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

Urinary methylmalonic acid (MMA) and 4-hydroxyphenyllactic acid (HPL) have been determined in 3345 and 2498 3-week-old newborns, respectively. Urine was collected onto filter paper and assayed by a rapid gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method. Forty-six infants (1.7%) had elevated MMA levels (greater than 58.5 micrograms/mg creatinine, means + 5 SD) and 31 infants (1.2%) had elevated levels of HPL (greater than 87.7 micrograms/mg creatinine, means + 5 SD). Fifteen infants with elevated values of MMA were retested from one to several months after the first test. In 12 infants the MMA levels normalized, while in the remaining three, elevated methylmalonic acid persisted. Nine infants with elevated values of HPL were retested, and in all except one, HPL levels normalized. No access to clinical evaluation of the infants was available. Transient methylmalonic aciduria and transient tyrosyluria affect a substantial number of infants and the clinical significance of this phenomenon has yet to be determined.  相似文献   

MAP kinase phosphatase 5 (MKP5) is a member of the mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase (MKP) family and selectively dephosphorylates JNK and p38. We have determined the crystal structure of the catalytic domain of human MKP5 (MKP5-C) to 1.6 A. In previously reported MKP-C structures, the residues that constitute the active site are seriously deviated from the active conformation of protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs), which are accompanied by low catalytic activity. High activities of MKPs are achieved by binding their cognate substrates, representing substrate-induced activation. However, the MKP5-C structure adopts an active conformation of PTP even in the absence of its substrate binding, which is consistent with the previous results that MKP5 solely possesses the intrinsic activity. Further, we identify a sequence motif common to the members of MKPs having low catalytic activity by comparing structures and sequences of other MKPs. Our structural information provides an explanation of constitutive activity of MKP5 as well as the structural insight into substrate-induced activation occurred in other MKPs.  相似文献   

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