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Bacteriophage T4 gp59 helicase assembly protein (gp59) is required for loading of gp41 replicative helicase onto DNA protected by gp32 single-stranded DNA-binding protein. The gp59 protein recognizes branched DNA structures found at replication and recombination sites. Binding of gp32 protein (full-length and deletion constructs) to gp59 protein measured by isothermal titration calorimetry demonstrates that the gp32 protein C-terminal A-domain is essential for protein-protein interaction in the absence of DNA. Sedimentation velocity experiments with gp59 protein and gp32ΔB protein (an N-terminal B-domain deletion) show that these proteins are monomers but form a 1:1 complex with a dissociation constant comparable with that determined by isothermal titration calorimetry. Small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) studies indicate that the gp59 protein is a prolate monomer, consistent with the crystal structure and hydrodynamic properties determined from sedimentation velocity experiments. SAXS experiments also demonstrate that gp32ΔB protein is a prolate monomer with an elongated A-domain protruding from the core. Fitting structures of gp59 protein and the gp32 core into the SAXS-derived molecular envelope supports a model for the gp59 protein-gp32ΔB protein complex. Our earlier work demonstrated that gp59 protein attracts full-length gp32 protein to pseudo-Y junctions. A model of the gp59 protein-DNA complex, modified to accommodate new SAXS data for the binary complex together with mutational analysis of gp59 protein, is presented in the accompanying article (Dolezal, D., Jones, C. E., Lai, X., Brister, J. R., Mueser, T. C., Nossal, N. G., and Hinton, D. M. (2012) J. Biol. Chem. 287, 18596-18607).  相似文献   

The Gp59 protein of bacteriophage T4 promotes DNA replication by loading the replicative helicase, Gp41, onto replication forks and recombination intermediates. Gp59 also blocks DNA synthesis by Gp43 polymerase until Gp41 is loaded, ensuring that synthesis is tightly coupled to unwinding. The distinct polymerase blocking and helicase loading activities of Gp59 likely involve different binding interactions with DNA and protein partners. Here, we investigate how interactions of Gp59 with DNA and Gp32, the T4 single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)-binding protein, are related to these activities. A previously characterized mutant, Gp59-I87A, exhibits markedly reduced affinity for ssDNA and pseudo-fork DNA substrates. We demonstrate that on Gp32-covered ssDNA, the DNA binding defect of Gp59-I87A is not detrimental to helicase loading and translocation. In contrast, on pseudo-fork DNA the I87A mutation is detrimental to helicase loading and unwinding in the presence or absence of Gp32. Other results indicate that Gp32 binding to lagging strand ssDNA relieves the blockage of Gp43 polymerase activity by Gp59, whereas the inhibition of Gp43 exonuclease activity is maintained. Our findings suggest that Gp59-Gp32 and Gp59-DNA interactions perform separate but complementary roles in T4 DNA metabolism; Gp59-Gp32 interactions are needed to load Gp41 onto D-loops, and other nucleoprotein structures containing clusters of Gp32. Gp59-DNA interactions are needed to load Gp41 onto nascent or collapsed replication forks lacking clusters of Gp32 and to coordinate bidirectional replication from T4 origins. The dual functionalities of Gp59 allow it to promote the initiation or re-start of DNA replication from a wide variety of recombination and replication intermediates.  相似文献   

The DNA helicase encoded by gene 4 of bacteriophage T7 forms a hexameric ring in the presence of dTTP, allowing it to bind DNA in its central core. The oligomerization also creates nucleotide-binding sites located at the interfaces of the subunits. DNA binding stimulates the hydrolysis of dTTP but the mechanism for this two-step control is not clear. We have identified a glutamate switch, analogous to the glutamate switch found in AAA+ enzymes that couples dTTP hydrolysis to DNA binding. A crystal structure of T7 helicase shows that a glutamate residue (Glu-343), located at the subunit interface, is positioned to catalyze a nucleophilic attack on the γ-phosphate of a bound nucleoside 5'-triphosphate. However, in the absence of a nucleotide, Glu-343 changes orientation, interacting with Arg-493 on the adjacent subunit. This interaction interrupts the interaction of Arg-493 with Asn-468 of the central β-hairpin, which in turn disrupts DNA binding. When Glu-343 is replaced with glutamine the altered helicase, unlike the wild-type helicase, binds DNA in the presence of dTDP. When both Arg-493 and Asn-468 are replaced with alanine, dTTP hydrolysis is no longer stimulated in the presence of DNA. Taken together, these results suggest that the orientation of Glu-343 plays a key role in coupling nucleotide hydrolysis to the binding of DNA.  相似文献   

We previously isolated a plasmid-borne, recombination-deficient mutant derivative of the bacteriophage T4 DNA helicase gene 41. We have now transferred this 41rrh1 mutation into the phage genome in order to characterize its mutational effects further. The mutation impairs a recombination pathway that is distinct from the pathway involving uvsX, which is essential for strand transfer, and it also eliminates most homologous recombination between a plasmid and the T4 genome. Although 41rrh1 does not affect T4 DNA replication from some origins, it does inactivate plasmid replication that is dependent on ori(uvsY) and ori(34), as well as recombination-dependent DNA replication. Combination of 41rrh1 with some uvsX alleles is lethal. Based on these results, we propose that gene 41 contributes to DNA recombination through its role in DNA replication. Received: 3 February 1999 / Accepted: 20 July 1999  相似文献   

The helicase and primase activities of the hexameric ring-shaped T7 gp4 protein reside in two separate domains connected by a linker region. This linker region is part of the subunit interface between monomers, and point mutations in this region have deleterious effects on the helicase functions. One such linker region mutant, A257T, is analogous to the A359T mutant of the homologous human mitochondrial DNA helicase Twinkle, which is linked to diseases such as progressive external opthalmoplegia. Electron microscopy studies show that A257T gp4 is normal in forming rings with dTTP, but the rings do not assemble efficiently on the DNA. Therefore, A257T, unlike the WT gp4, does not preassemble on the unwinding DNA substrate with dTTP without Mg(II), and its DNA unwinding activity in ensemble assays is slow and limited by the DNA loading rate. Single molecule assays measured a 45 times slower rate of A257T loading on DNA compared with WT gp4. Interestingly, once loaded, A257T has almost WT-like translocation and DNA unwinding activities. Strikingly, A257T preassembles stably on the DNA in the presence of T7 DNA polymerase, which restores the ensemble unwinding activity of A257T to ~75% of WT, and the rescue does not require DNA synthesis. The DNA loading rate of A257T, however, remains slow even in the presence of the polymerase, which explains why A257T does not support T7 phage growth. Similar types of defects in the related human mitochondrial DNA helicase may be responsible for inefficient DNA replication leading to the disease states.  相似文献   

Efficient DNA replication involves coordinated interactions among DNA polymerase, multiple factors, and the DNA. From bacteriophage T4 to eukaryotes, these factors include a helicase to unwind the DNA ahead of the replication fork, a single-stranded binding protein (SSB) to bind to the ssDNA on the lagging strand, and a helicase loader that associates with the fork, helicase, and SSB. The previously reported structure of the helicase loader in the T4 system, gene product (gp)59, has revealed an N-terminal domain, which shares structural homology with the high mobility group (HMG) proteins from eukaryotic organisms. Modeling of this structure with fork DNA has suggested that the HMG-like domain could bind to the duplex DNA ahead of the fork, whereas the C-terminal portion of gp59 would provide the docking sites for helicase (T4 gp41), SSB (T4 gp32), and the ssDNA fork arms. To test this model, we have used random and targeted mutagenesis to generate mutations throughout gp59. We have assayed the ability of the mutant proteins to bind to fork, primed fork, and ssDNAs, to interact with SSB, to stimulate helicase activity, and to function in leading and lagging strand DNA synthesis. Our results provide strong biochemical support for the role of the N-terminal gp59 HMG motif in fork binding and the interaction of the C-terminal portion of gp59 with helicase and SSB. Our results also suggest that processive replication may involve the switching of gp59 between its interactions with helicase and SSB.  相似文献   

Several proteins have been shown to catalyze branch migration (BM) of the Holliday junction, a key intermediate in DNA repair and recombination. Here, using joint molecules made by human RAD51 or Escherichia coli RecA, we find that the polarity of the displaced ssDNA strand of the joint molecules defines the polarity of BM of RAD54, BLM, RECQ1, and RuvAB. Our results demonstrate that RAD54, BLM, and RECQ1 promote BM preferentially in the 3'→5' direction, whereas RuvAB drives it in the 5'→3' direction relative to the displaced ssDNA strand. Our data indicate that the helicase activity of BM proteins does not play a role in the heterology bypass. Thus, RAD54 that lacks helicase activity is more efficient in DNA heterology bypass than BLM or REQ1 helicases. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the BLM helicase and BM activities require different protein stoichiometries, indicating that different complexes, monomers and multimers, respectively, are responsible for these two activities. These results define BM as a mechanistically distinct activity of DNA translocating proteins, which may serve an important function in DNA repair and recombination.  相似文献   

The Mre11-Rad50 (MR) complex is a central player in DNA repair and is implicated in the processing of DNA ends caused by double strand breaks. Recent crystal structures of the MR complex suggest that several conformational rearrangements occur during its ATP hydrolysis cycle. A comparison of the Mre11 dimer interface from these structures suggests that the interface is dynamic in nature and may adopt several different arrangements. To probe the functional significance of the Mre11 dimer interface, we have generated and characterized a dimer disruption Mre11 mutant (L101D-Mre11). Although L101D-Mre11 binds to Rad50 and dsDNA with affinity comparable with the wild-type enzyme, it does not activate the ATP hydrolysis activity of Rad50, suggesting that the allosteric communication between Mre11 and Rad50 has been interrupted. Additionally, the dsDNA exonuclease activity of the L101D-MR complex has been reduced by 10-fold under conditions where processive exonuclease activity is required. However, we unexpectedly found that under steady state conditions, the nuclease activity of the L101D-MR complex is significantly greater than that of the wild-type complex. Based on steady state and single-turnover nuclease assays, we have assigned the rate-determining step of the steady state nuclease reaction to be the productive assembly of the complex at the dsDNA end. Together, our data suggest that the Mre11 dimer interface adopts at least two different states during the exonuclease reaction.  相似文献   

The Cdc45-Mcm2-7-GINS (CMG) complex is the replication fork helicase in eukaryotes. Synthetic lethal with Dpb11-1 (Sld2) is required for the initiation of DNA replication, and the S phase cyclin-dependent kinase (S-CDK) phosphorylates Sld2 in vivo. We purified components of the replication initiation machinery and studied their interactions in vitro. We found that unphosphorylated or CDK-phosphorylated Sld2 binds to the mini chromosome maintenance (Mcm)2-7 complex with similar efficiency. Sld2 interaction with Mcm2-7 blocks the interaction between GINS and Mcm2-7. The interaction between CDK-phosphorylated Sld2 and Mcm2-7 is substantially inhibited by origin single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). Furthermore, origin ssDNA allows GINS to bind to Mcm2-7 in the presence of CDK-phosphorylated Sld2. However, unphosphorylated Sld2 blocks the interaction between GINS and Mcm2-7 even in the presence of origin ssDNA. We identified a mutant of Sld2 that does not bind to DNA. When this mutant is expressed in yeast cells, cell growth is severely inhibited with very slow progression into S phase. We propose a model wherein Sld2 blocks the interaction between GINS and Mcm2-7 in vivo. Once origin ssDNA is extruded from the Mcm2-7 ring and CDK phosphorylates Sld2, the origin ssDNA binds to CDK-phosphorylated Sld2. This event may allow the interaction between GINS and Mcm2-7 in vivo. Thus, CDK phosphorylation of Sld2 may be important to release Sld2 from Mcm2-7, thereby allowing GINS to bind Mcm2-7. Furthermore, origin ssDNA may stimulate the formation of the CMG complex by alleviating inhibitory interactions between Sld2 with Mcm2-7.  相似文献   

The essential and evolutionarily conserved Smc5-Smc6 complex (Smc5/6) is critical for the maintenance of genome stability. Partial loss of Smc5/6 function yields several defects in DNA repair, which are rescued by inactivation of the homologous recombination (HR) machinery. Thus HR is thought to be toxic to cells with defective Smc5/6. Recent work has highlighted a role for Smc5/6 and the Sgs1 DNA helicase in preventing the accumulation of unresolved HR intermediates. Here we investigate how deletion of MPH1, encoding the orthologue of the human FANCM DNA helicase, rescues the DNA damage sensitivity of smc5/6 but not sgs1Δ mutants. We find that MPH1 deletion diminishes accumulation of HR intermediates within both smc5/6 and sgs1Δ cells, suggesting that MPH1 deletion is sufficient to decrease the use of template switch recombination (TSR) to bypass DNA lesions. We further explain how avoidance of TSR is nonetheless insufficient to rescue defects in sgs1Δ mutants, by demonstrating a requirement for Sgs1, along with the post-replicative repair (PRR) and HR machinery, in a pathway that operates in mph1Δ mutants. In addition, we map the region of Mph1 that binds Smc5, and describe a novel allele of MPH1 encoding a protein unable to bind Smc5 (mph1-Δ60). Remarkably, mph1-Δ60 supports normal growth and responses to DNA damaging agents, indicating that Smc5/6 does not simply restrain the recombinogenic activity of Mph1 via direct binding. These data as a whole highlight a role for Smc5/6 and Sgs1 in the resolution of Mph1-dependent HR intermediates.  相似文献   

When replication stalls and forks disassemble, the restart primosome is required to reload the replicative helicase so that chromosomal replication can be reinitiated. We have taken a photo-cross-linking approach, using model replication forks containing a phenyl diazirine placed at single locations, to determine the positions of primosomal protein binding and changes in interactions that occur during the assembly reaction. This approach revealed a novel mode for single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB)-DNA binding, in which SSB interacts with both the leading and lagging single-strand segments and the parental duplex of the fork. Cross-linking to a novel region within SSB is observed only when it is bound to forked structures. This binding mode is also followed by PriB. PriA binds to the fork, excluding SSB and PriB, interacting with the primer terminus, single-stranded leading and lagging strands and duplex in immediate proximity of the fork. SSB binds to flanking single-stranded segments distal to the fork in the presence of PriA. The addition of PriB or DnaT to a PriA-SSB-fork complex does not lead to cross-linking or displacement, suggesting that their association is through protein-protein interactions at early stages of the reaction. Upon addition of DnaC and the DnaB helicase in the presence of ATPγS, helicase is assembled, leading to contacts within the duplex region on the tracking (lagging) strand and strong contacts with the displaced leading single strand near the fork. PriA is displaced from DNA upon helicase assembly.  相似文献   

The replication fork helicase in eukaryotes is composed of Cdc45, Mcm2-7, and GINS (CMG). The Dbf4-Cdc7 kinase phosphorylates Mcm2 in vitro, but the in vivo role for Dbf4-Cdc7 phosphorylation of Mcm2 is unclear. We find that budding yeast Dbf4-Cdc7 phosphorylates Mcm2 in vivo under normal conditions during S phase. Inhibiting Dbf4-Cdc7 phosphorylation of Mcm2 confers a dominant-negative phenotype with a severe growth defect. Inhibiting Dbf4-Cdc7 phosphorylation of Mcm2 under wild-type expression conditions also results in impaired DNA replication, substantially decreased single-stranded formation at an origin, and markedly disrupted interaction between GINS and Mcm2-7 during S phase. In vitro, Dbf4-Cdc7 kinase (DDK) phosphorylation of Mcm2 substantially weakens the interaction between Mcm2 and Mcm5, and Dbf4-Cdc7 phosphorylation of Mcm2 promotes Mcm2-7 ring opening. The extrusion of ssDNA from the central channel of Mcm2-7 triggers GINS attachment to Mcm2-7. Thus, Dbf4-Cdc7 phosphorylation of Mcm2 may open the Mcm2-7 ring at the Mcm2-Mcm5 interface, allowing for single-stranded DNA extrusion and subsequent GINS assembly with Mcm2-7.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage T7 expresses two forms of gene 4 protein (gp4). The 63-kDa full-length gp4 contains both the helicase and primase domains. T7 phage also express a 56-kDa truncated gp4 lacking the zinc binding domain of the primase; the protein has helicase activity but no DNA-dependent primase activity. Although T7 phage grow better when both forms are present, the role of the 56-kDa gp4 is unknown. The two molecular weight forms oligomerize by virtue of the helicase domain to form heterohexamers. The 56-kDa gp4 and any mixture of 56- and 63-kDa gp4 show higher helicase activity in DNA unwinding and strand-displacement DNA synthesis than that observed for the 63-kDa gp4. However, single-molecule measurements show that heterohexamers have helicase activity similar to the 63-kDa gp4 hexamers. In oligomerization assays the 56-kDa gp4 and any mixture of the 56- and 63-kDa gp4 oligomerize to form more hexamers than does the 63-kDa gp4. The zinc binding domain of the 63-kDa gp4 interferes with hexamer formation, an inhibition that is relieved by the insertion of the 56-kDa species. Compared with the 63-kDa gp4, heterohexamers synthesize a reduced amount of oligoribonucleotides, mediated predominately by the 63-kDa subunits via a cis mode. During coordinated DNA synthesis 7% of the tetraribonucleotides synthesized are used as primers by both heterohexamers and hexamers of the 63-kDa gp4. Overall, an equimolar mixture of the two forms of gp4 shows the highest rate of DNA synthesis during coordinated DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)-binding protein from the radiation-resistant bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans (DrSSB) functions as a homodimer in which each monomer contains two oligonucleotide-binding (OB) domains. This arrangement is exceedingly rare among bacterial SSBs, which typically form homotetramers of single-OB domain subunits. To better understand how this unusual structure influences the DNA binding and biological functions of DrSSB in D. radiodurans radiation resistance, we have examined the structure of DrSSB in complex with ssDNA and the DNA damage-dependent cellular dynamics of DrSSB. The x-ray crystal structure of the DrSSB-ssDNA complex shows that ssDNA binds to surfaces of DrSSB that are analogous to those mapped in homotetrameric SSBs, although there are distinct contacts in DrSSB that mediate species-specific ssDNA binding. Observations by electron microscopy reveal two salt-dependent ssDNA-binding modes for DrSSB that strongly resemble those of the homotetrameric Escherichia coli SSB, further supporting a shared overall DNA binding mechanism between the two classes of bacterial SSBs. In vivo, DrSSB levels are heavily induced following exposure to ionizing radiation. This accumulation is accompanied by dramatic time-dependent DrSSB cellular dynamics in which a single nucleoid-centric focus of DrSSB is observed within 1 h of irradiation but is dispersed by 3 h after irradiation. These kinetics parallel those of D. radiodurans postirradiation genome reconstitution, suggesting that DrSSB dynamics could play important organizational roles in DNA repair.  相似文献   

In bacteria, RuvABC is required for the resolution of Holliday junctions (HJ) made during homologous recombination. The RuvAB complex catalyzes HJ branch migration and replication fork reversal (RFR). During RFR, a stalled fork is reversed to form a HJ adjacent to a DNA double strand end, a reaction that requires RuvAB in certain Escherichia coli replication mutants. The exact structure of active RuvAB complexes remains elusive as it is still unknown whether one or two tetramers of RuvA support RuvB during branch migration and during RFR. We designed an E. coli RuvA mutant, RuvA2(KaP), specifically impaired for RuvA tetramer-tetramer interactions. As expected, the mutant protein is impaired for complex II (two tetramers) formation on HJs, although the binding efficiency of complex I (a single tetramer) is as wild type. We show that although RuvA complex II formation is required for efficient HJ branch migration in vitro, RuvA2(KaP) is fully active for homologous recombination in vivo. RuvA2(KaP) is also deficient at forming complex II on synthetic replication forks, and the binding affinity of RuvA2(KaP) for forks is decreased compared with wild type. Accordingly, RuvA2(KaP) is inefficient at processing forks in vitro and in vivo. These data indicate that RuvA2(KaP) is a separation-of-function mutant, capable of homologous recombination but impaired for RFR. RuvA2(KaP) is defective for stimulation of RuvB activity and stability of HJ·RuvA·RuvB tripartite complexes. This work demonstrates that the need for RuvA tetramer-tetramer interactions for full RuvAB activity in vitro causes specifically an RFR defect in vivo.  相似文献   

The BRC repeat is a structural motif in the tumor suppressor BRCA2 (breast cancer type 2 susceptibility protein), which promotes homologous recombination (HR) by regulating RAD51 recombinase activity. To date, the BRC repeat has not been observed in other proteins, so that its role in HR is inferred only in the context of BRCA2. Here, we identified a BRC repeat variant, named BRCv, in the RECQL5 helicase, which possesses anti-recombinase activity in vitro and suppresses HR and promotes cellular resistance to camptothecin-induced replication stress in vivo. RECQL5-BRCv interacted with RAD51 through two conserved motifs similar to those in the BRCA2-BRC repeat. Mutations of either motif compromised functions of RECQL5, including association with RAD51, inhibition of RAD51-mediated D-loop formation, suppression of sister chromatid exchange, and resistance to camptothecin-induced replication stress. Potential BRCvs were also found in other HR regulatory proteins, including Srs2 and Sgs1, which possess anti-recombinase activities similar to that of RECQL5. A point mutation in the predicted Srs2-BRCv disrupted the ability of the protein to bind RAD51 and to inhibit D-loop formation. Thus, BRC is a common RAD51 interaction module that can be utilized by different proteins to either promote HR, as in the case of BRCA2, or to suppress HR, as in RECQL5.  相似文献   

The T4 gp59 protein is the major accessory protein of the phage's replicative DNA helicase, gp41. gp59 helps load gp41 at DNA replication forks by promoting its assembly onto single-stranded (ss) DNA covered with cooperatively bound molecules of gp32, the T4 single-strand DNA binding protein (ssb). A gp59-gp32-ssDNA ternary complex is an obligatory intermediate in this helicase loading mechanism. Here, we characterize the properties of gp59-gp32-ssDNA complexes and reveal some of the biochemical interactions that occur within them. Our results indicate the following: (i) gp59 is able to co-occupy ssDNA pre-saturated with either gp32 or gp32-A (a truncated gp32 species lacking interactions with gp59); (ii) gp59 destabilizes both gp32-ssDNA and (gp32-A)-ssDNA interactions; (iii) interactions of gp59 with the A-domain of gp32 alter the ssDNA-binding properties of gp59; and (iv) gp59 organizes gp32-ssDNA versus (gp32-A)-ssDNA into morphologically distinct complexes. Our results support a model in which gp59-gp32 interactions are non-essential for the co-occupancy of both proteins on ssDNA but are essential for the formation of structures competent for helicase assembly. The data argue that specific "cross-talk" between gp59 and gp32, involving conformational changes in both, is a key feature of the gp41 helicase assembly pathway.  相似文献   

The repair of reactive oxygen species-induced base lesions and single strand breaks (SSBs) in the nuclear genome via the base excision (BER) and SSB repair (SSBR) pathways, respectively, is well characterize, and important for maintaining genomic integrity. However, the role of mitochondrial (mt) BER and SSBR proteins in mt genome maintenance is not completely clear. Here we show the presence of the oxidized base-specific DNA glycosylase Nei-like 2 (NEIL2) and the DNA end-processing enzyme polynucleotide kinase 3'-phosphatase (PNKP) in purified human mitochondrial extracts (MEs). Confocal microscopy revealed co-localization of PNKP and NEIL2 with the mitochondrion-specific protein cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2 (MT-CO2). Further, chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis showed association of NEIL2 and PNKP with the mitochondrial genes MT-CO2 and MT-CO3 (cytochrome c oxidase subunit 3); importantly, both enzymes also associated with the mitochondrion-specific DNA polymerase γ. In cell association of NEIL2 and PNKP with polymerase γ was further confirmed by proximity ligation assays. PNKP-depleted ME showed a significant decrease in both BER and SSBR activities, and PNKP was found to be the major 3'-phosphatase in human ME. Furthermore, individual depletion of NEIL2 and PNKP in human HEK293 cells caused increased levels of oxidized bases and SSBs in the mt genome, respectively. Taken together, these studies demonstrate the critical role of NEIL2 and PNKP in maintenance of the mammalian mitochondrial genome.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, ATP-DnaA multimers formed on the replication origin oriC promote duplex unwinding, which leads to helicase loading. Based on a detailed functional analysis of the oriC sequence motifs, we previously proposed that the left half of oriC forms an ATP-DnaA subcomplex competent for oriC unwinding, whereas the right half of oriC forms a distinct ATP-DnaA subcomplex that facilitates helicase loading. However, the molecular basis for the functional difference between these ATP-DnaA subcomplexes remains unclear. By analyzing a series of novel DnaA mutants, we found that structurally distinct DnaA multimers form on each half of oriC. DnaA AAA+ domain residues Arg-227 and Leu-290 are specifically required for oriC unwinding. Notably, these residues are required for the ATP-DnaA-specific structure of DnaA multimers in complex with the left half of oriC but not for that with the right half. These results support the idea that the ATP-DnaA multimers formed on oriC are not uniform and that they can adopt different conformations. Based on a structural model, we propose that Arg-227 and Leu-290 play a crucial role in inter-ATP-DnaA interaction and are a prerequisite for the formation of unwinding-competent DnaA subcomplexes on the left half of oriC. These residues are not required for the interaction with DnaB, nucleotide binding, or regulatory DnaA-ATP hydrolysis, which further supports their important role in inter-DnaA interaction. The corresponding residues are evolutionarily conserved and are required for unwinding in the initial complexes of Thermotoga maritima, an ancient hyperthermophile. Therefore, our findings suggest a novel and common mechanism for ATP-DnaA-dependent activation of initial complexes.  相似文献   

Summary We have cloned and sequenced a bacteriophage T4 EcoRI fragment that complements T4 del (39-56) infections of an optA defective Escherichia coli strain. Bacteria containing this recombinant plasmid synthesize two new proteins with molecular weights of 9 and 26 kilodaltons. We have identified the gene encoding the 26 kilodalton protein as essential for T4 infections of optA defective E. coli. Genetic and biochemical results are consistent with the identification of this protein as the product of the dexA gene, which encodes a 3 to 5 exonuclease.  相似文献   

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