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Abnormal protein kinetics could be a cause of several diseases associated with essential life processes. An accurate understanding of protein dynamics and turnover is essential for developing diagnostic or therapeutic tools to monitor these changes. Raman spectroscopy in combination with stable isotope probes (SIP) such as carbon-13, and deuterium has been a breakthrough in the qualitative and quantitative study of various metabolites. In this work, we are reporting the utility of Raman-SIP for monitoring dynamic changes in the proteome at the community level. We have used 13C-labeled glucose as the only carbon source in the medium and verified its incorporation in the microbial biomass in a time-dependent manner. A visible redshift in the Raman spectral vibrations of major biomolecules such as nucleic acids, phenylalanine, tyrosine, amide I, and amide III were observed. Temporal changes in the intensity of these bands demonstrating the feasibility of protein turnover monitoring were also verified. Kanamycin, a protein synthesis inhibitor was used to assess the feasibility of identifying effects on protein turnover in the cells. Successful application of this work can provide an alternate/adjunct tool for monitoring proteome-level changes in an objective and nondestructive manner.  相似文献   

定量稳定性同位素探针技术(qSIP)是将生态系统中微生物分类性状与代谢功能联系起来的有效工具,能够定量测定特定环境中单个微生物类群暴露于同位素示踪剂后微生物代谢活动或生长速率.qSIP技术采用定量PCR与高通量测序技术并结合稳定同位素探针技术(SIP),通过向环境样品添加标记底物进行培养,提取微生物生物标记物,利用超高...  相似文献   

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Time-series DNA-stable isotope probing (SIP) was used to identify the microbes assimilating carbon from [(13)C]toluene under nitrate- or sulfate-amended conditions in a range of inoculum sources, including uncontaminated and contaminated soil and wastewater treatment samples. In all, five different phylotypes were found to be responsible for toluene degradation, and these included previously identified toluene degraders as well as novel toluene-degrading microorganisms. In microcosms constructed from granular sludge and amended with nitrate, the putative toluene degraders were classified in the genus Thauera, whereas in nitrate-amended microcosms constructed from a different source (agricultural soil), microorganisms in the family Comamonadaceae (genus unclassified) were the key putative degraders. In one set of sulfate-amended microcosms (agricultural soil), the putative toluene degraders were identified as belonging to the class Clostridia (genus Desulfosporosinus), while in other sulfate-amended microcosms, the putative degraders were in the class Deltaproteobacteria, within the family Syntrophobacteraceae (digester sludge) or Desulfobulbaceae (contaminated soil) (genus unclassified for both). Partial benzylsuccinate synthase gene (bssA, the functional gene for anaerobic toluene degradation) sequences were obtained for some samples, and quantitative PCR targeting this gene, along with SIP, was further used to confirm anaerobic toluene degradation by the identified species. The study illustrates the diversity of toluene degraders across different environments and highlights the utility of ribosomal and functional gene-based SIP for linking function with identity in microbial communities.  相似文献   

Stable isotope probing (SIP) is a key tool for identifying the microorganisms catalyzing the turnover of specific substrates in the environment and to quantify their relative contributions to biogeochemical processes. However, SIP-based studies are subject to the uncertainties posed by cross-feeding, where microorganisms release isotopically labeled products, which are then used by other microorganisms, instead of incorporating the added tracer directly. Here, we introduce a SIP approach that has the potential to strongly reduce cross-feeding in complex microbial communities. In this approach, the microbial cells are exposed on a membrane filter to a continuous flow of medium containing isotopically labeled substrate. Thereby, metabolites and degradation products are constantly removed, preventing consumption of these secondary substrates. A nanoSIMS-based proof-of-concept experiment using nitrifiers in activated sludge and 13C-bicarbonate as an activity tracer showed that Flow-SIP significantly reduces cross-feeding and thus allows distinguishing primary consumers from other members of microbial food webs.Subject terms: Microbiology, Biological techniques, Metabolism, Biogeochemistry, Microbial ecology

Stable isotope probing (SIP) is widely applied to link specific microbial populations to metabolic processes in the environment and has greatly advanced our understanding of the role of microorganisms in biogeochemical cycling. SIP relies on tracing the incorporation of specific isotopically labeled substrates (e.g., 13C, 15N, 18O, 2H) into cellular biomarkers or bulk cellular biomass [e.g., 14]. SIP is considered a robust technique to identify microbial populations that assimilate a labeled substrate of interest in complex environmental communities. However, cross-feeding can occur when isotopically labeled metabolites are released from a primary consumer and then used by other microorganisms, which subsequently also become isotopically labeled. Likewise, when 13C-bicarbonate and unlabeled substrate are supplied to assess the activity of specific chemolithoautotrophs [e.g., 57], undesired 13C-incorporation can occur due to cross-feeding between chemolithoautotrophs whose activity depends on each other, for example in nitrifiers, where ammonia oxidizers provide nitrite oxidizers with their substrate, nitrite. The uncertainties associated with cross-feeding in SIP studies increase as the incubation time of microbial communities increases. While this phenomenon can be used to study microbial interactions and trophic networks [811], cross-feeding can lead to erroneous identification of organisms that are not directly responsible for the process of interest, but are rather connected to primary consumers via a microbial food web [2, 10, 12, 13].We developed an approach that significantly reduces the effect of cross-feeding in SIP studies. For this purpose, a thin layer of microbial cells is placed on a membrane filter, and isotopically labeled substrate is supplied at a fixed concentration by continuous flow, which constantly removes released metabolites and degradation products of primary substrate consumers. While previous SIP studies have employed a continuous flow of medium or substrate [e.g., 6, 1416], in these studies, cross-feeding still occurred, as large amounts of biomass were placed in a 3D space, which allowed for the exchange of metabolites. Here, we present a proof-of-concept experiment with a nitrifying activated sludge microbial community, which converts ammonia to nitrite by the activity of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), and subsequently oxidizes nitrite to nitrate by nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB). In our experiments, the carbon source for both groups of autotrophic nitrifiers (the sludge contained no comammox bacteria [17, 18]) was isotopically labeled inorganic carbon (13C–NaHCO3) and, as the sole electron donor, unlabeled ammonium was provided.In the flow-through approach, AOB, but not NOB, should be 13C-labeled because the substrate for NOB (nitrite), produced by AOB is continuously removed and thus the NOB should remain metabolically inactive (Fig. 1). In addition to a regular batch incubation, we included a control incubation, where the flow-through was recirculated to determine the impact of the experimental setup (continuous medium flow and retainment of biomass on a membrane filter) in Flow-SIP on the activity of the bacterial cells (in particular on the NOB as their autotrophic activity is used as a read out for cross-feeding in our experiments) in comparison to the batch experiment. Cross-feeding is expected to occur in both recirculated and batch control incubations, where nitrite is not removed and thus both AOB and NOB conserve energy to fix 13C–CO2. After the experiments, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes was used to identify AOB and NOB and combined with nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry (nanoSIMS) to quantify 13C-assimilation at the single-cell level for all setups.Open in a separate windowFig. 1Schematic representation of the experimental setup: (left) batch, (center) recirculated, and (right) flow-through incubation.In all incubations, the carbon source for both autotrophic nitrifiers (AOB, yellow and NOB, magenta) was isotopically labeled (i.e., CO2 as 13C–NaHCO3) and ammonia was provided as the only external energy source (as NH4Cl). Cross-feeding is expected to occur in the batch and recirculated approaches, where NOB consume nitrite produced via ammonia oxidation by AOB and thus both AOB and NOB incorporate 13C–CO2. In the flow-through approach, only AOB are expected to be 13C-labeled, as cross-feeding should be eliminated by the continuous removal of nitrite. Other, non-nitrifier cells are indicated in gray.For these experiments, activated sludge from a Danish municipal wastewater treatment plant was initially treated by sonication to disrupt large flocs. Cells were then either placed on a membrane filter for flow-through incubation and the recirculated control experiment, or incubated in a conventional batch experiment. All experiments were set up using the same amount of biomass, and the ratio of biomass to medium volume was the same in batch and recirculated control experiments. Incubations were done using mineral medium containing 250 µM NH4Cl and 2 mM 13C–NaHCO3 for 24 h. Medium flow was maintained at a rate of 26 ml h−1. We did not select a higher flow rate in order to avoid excessive stress by the medium flow on the microbial cells and to minimize the required amounts of media containing isotopically labeled bicarbonate. Furthermore, modeling nitrite advection and diffusion at different flow rates showed that, for example, a tenfold higher flow rate would only marginally reduce nitrite concentrations surrounding the AOB colonies (Fig. S1). In contrast, in a purely diffusive system without continuous flow, our model showed that nitrite would accumulate to significantly higher concentrations around single AOB colonies (Fig. S2). For example, after 24 h, ~23 µM nitrite would accumulate at a distance of 0–100 µm (with no significant decrease over distance) around an AOB colony of 50 cells, which is 230- to 9200-fold higher (depending on the distance to the colony) than modeled nitrite concentrations at the flow rate used in our experiments. Most inorganic metabolites that can directly be taken up into cells behave similar as nitrite in a diffusive system, i.e., they have a similar diffusion coefficient. Larger molecules tend to have an even smaller diffusion coefficient, which would lead to slower diffusion, and thus even more efficient metabolite removal when a medium flow is applied.We monitored nitrification activity via concentration measurements of ammonium, nitrite and nitrate (Fig. S3) and conducted nanoSIMS analyses (Fig. 2) for two successive experiments using sludge collected from the same treatment plant on different days as replication of experimental results (referred to as E1 and E2). Additionally, we confirmed the reproducibility of the method with two further experiments, where nitrification activity was followed (Fig. S4). Details on the experimental setup are given in Fig. 1 and the Supplementary Text.Open in a separate windowFig. 2Single cell isotope probing of nitrifying activated sludge in batch, recirculated, and flow-through incubations.a–c Show representative FISH images of E2 (AOB in yellow; NOB in magenta; other cells counterstained by DAPI in gray) of batch, recirculated, and flow-through incubations, respectively, and d–f show the corresponding nanoSIMS images. Scale bar is 10 µm in all images. g–l Show 13C labeling of AOB, NOB, and other cells quantified by nanoSIMS at the single-cell level for E1 (g–i) and E2 (j–l) in batch, recirculated, and flow-through incubations, respectively. We used FISH probe sets targeting AOB (Nitrosomonas oligotropha cluster (Cl6a192), Nitrosomonas eutropha/europea/urea cluster (NEU)) and NOB (Nitrotoga (Ntoga122), Nitrospira Lineage 1 (Ntspa1431), and Nitrospira Lineage 2 (Ntspa1151)), respectively, for differential staining of the two nitrifier groups. In (g–l), dashed lines give the 13C natural abundance values of the filter surface. The number of cells analyzed per group is indicated below each boxplot. For each experiment, lower case letters indicate significant difference in 13C labeling between groups (AOB, NOB, other cells) within an incubation type and upper case letters indicate significant difference between incubation types for a given group (Kruskal–Wallis test followed by Dunn’s test; Statistics are given in Table S2). Boxplots depict the 25–75% quantile range, with the center line depicting the median (50% quantile) and whiskers encompass data points within 1.5× the interquartile range.In recirculated and batch control incubations, the consumption of ammonium, production of nitrite and nitrate (Fig. S3), and single cell 13C-incorporation (Fig. 2) indicated that both AOB and NOB were active. However, nitrification activity (i.e., nitrite and nitrate production) in recirculated incubations were reduced by 57% (E1) and 83% (E2) compared to batch incubations (Fig. S3). The reduced ammonia oxidation activity in the recirculated incubations compared to the batch incubations was also reflected by a 73–82% lower 13C-incorporation in AOB cells in the former incubations (Fig. 2, median AOB 13C-enrichment in recirculated setup was 3.7 and 3.9 13C-atom%, in batch incubations 20.7 and 14.7 13C-atom% for E1 and E2, respectively). AOB in the flow-through incubations also showed lower 13C-enrichment levels (8.2 and 8.5 atom% for E1 and E2, respectively) compared to batch incubations but higher enrichment than in the recirculated incubations. The lower enrichment of AOB in the recirculated compared to the flow-through incubations might be due to an accumulation of compounds leaching from the used tubing (PharMed® Ismaprene, Table S1), which may negatively affect AOB. Indeed, nitrifiers have previously been reported to be sensitive to various organic compounds [19, 20]. Use of different rubber tubing or replacing rubber tubing by glass might alleviate these effects. AOB 13C-enrichment was highest in batch incubations, which could be due to both the lack of stress from the continuous medium flow and the observed reaggregation of the sonicated activated sludge into larger flocs—reminiscent of native activated sludge flocs.As expected, NOB were 13C-enriched in both the batch (13.3 and 4.9 atom% for E1 and E2, respectively) and recirculated incubations (7.2 and 4.7 atom% for E1 and E2, respectively). In contrast, as intended, the flow-through setup resulted in a substantial reduction in 13C-enrichment of NOB (2.0 atom% for both E1 and E2, respectively; with consistently low 13C-enrichment in all NOB cells measured). This demonstrates that Flow-SIP efficiently removed the secondary substrate nitrite released by the AOB primary substrate consumers, thereby strongly limiting cross-feeding between AOB and NOB. The low 13C-enrichment of NOB in the flow-through incubations was statistically not significantly different to the 13C-enrichment of non-nitrifier cells (Table S2). It is unlikely that this low background 13C-enrichment was due to 13C-bicarbonate adsorption, as all samples were treated with acid before nanoSIMS analysis. It is, however, possible that at least some of the observed 13C-enrichment in NOB and other bacteria is due to anaplerotic reactions leading to C-fixation by background cellular activity rather than substrate-induced autotrophic C-fixation [e.g., 21, 22]. Transfer of 13C-labeled metabolites from the autotrophic nitrifiers to non-nitrifier cells was negligible in all incubations, including batch and recirculated incubations (Fig. 2), which was likely due to the short incubation time (24 h). In contrast, other SIP studies using incubation times of several days reported significant C-isotope transfer from nitrifiers to non-nitrifiers [11, 23].Our results demonstrate that Flow-SIP is a promising approach to significantly reduce cross-feeding in complex microbial communities and can be even successfully applied to highly aggregated samples like activated sludge flocs when they are dispersed prior to the experiment. Flow-SIP and conventional SIP are complementary to each other in the analysis of such aggregated or biofilm communities. In such systems, Flow-SIP enables microbial ecologists studying microbial physiologies with drastically reduced cross-feeding, but destroys the spatial arrangement of cells, while conventional SIP retains the 3D architecture, but its results are strongly influenced by cross-feeding. We expect that Flow-SIP is ideally suited for oligotrophic fresh- or seawater samples, which predominantly harbor planktonic cells or small aggregates, and thus do not require any sonication pretreatment before incubation. Furthermore, for such samples, tracer can be directly added to sterile filtered water without the need for using artificial medium, as used for the presented proof-of-principle experiments.Flow-SIP may, after upscaling to label more biomass, also be used in combination with DNA-, RNA- or protein-SIP, which should in comparison to conventional SIP, where cross-feeding is not inhibited, allow microbial ecologists to more precisely identify both previously known and yet unknown primary consumers of a supplied substrate. For example, Flow-SIP with 13C-bicarbonate and unlabeled ammonium would allow distinguishing comammox organisms from canonical NOB, as comammox but not the canonical NOB would be active under these conditions together with the canonical ammonia oxidizers. In addition, Flow-SIP has the potential to study direct use of chemically unstable substrates by microorganisms, by distinguishing it from microbial consumption of their chemically formed decomposition products. For example, cyanate, which abiotically decays relatively fast to ammonium and carbon dioxide [24, 25], has previously been shown to serve as energy and nitrogen source for ammonia-oxidizing archaea [25, 26]. Using Flow-SIP, cyanate could be constantly supplied, thereby strongly reducing abiotic decay. At the same time, any abiotically formed ammonium (and ammonium produced by other organisms) would be constantly removed, which should allow identifying ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms that directly use cyanate as a substrate. Furthermore, the presented approach may be coupled to fluorescence-based activity markers, where a substrate of interest and bioorthogonal noncanonical amino acids are supplied and, subsequently, translationally active cells are visualized on an epifluorescence microscope (BONCAT) [27]. In conclusion, Flow-SIP expands the toolbox of microbial ecologists interested in structure–function analyses of microbial communities and will contribute to a more precise understanding of the ecophysiology of bacteria and archaea catalyzing key processes in their natural environments.  相似文献   

Recently developed 13CO2 pulse labelling and stable isotope probing (SIP) methods offer the potential to track 13C-labelled plant photosynthate into phylogenetic groups of microbial taxa in the rhizosphere, permitting an examination of the link between soil microbial diversity and carbon flow in situ. We tested the feasibility of this approach to detect functional differences in microbial communities utilising recently fixed plant photosynthate in moisture perturbed grassland turfs. Specifically, we addressed two questions: (1) How does moisture perturbation (three treatments; continual wetting, drying, and drying followed by rewetting) affect the assimilation of 13C-labelled exudates carbon into the soil microbial community?; (2) Can 13C deposited in soil from pulse-labelled plants be used to identify microbes utilising plant exudates using SIP methodologies? Net CO2 fluxes showed that prior to 13CO2 pulse labelling, all treatments were photosynthetically active, but differences were observed in night time respiration, indicating moisture treatments had impacted on net CO2 efflux. Measurements of pulse-derived 13C incorporated into soil RNA over 2 months showed that there was only evidence of 13C enrichment in the continuously wetted treatments. However, isotopic values represented only a 0.1-0.2 13C at.% increase over natural abundance levels and were found to be insufficient for the application of RNA-SIP. These findings reveal that in this experimental system, the microbial uptake of labelled carbon from plant exudates is low, and further optimisation of methodologies may be required for application of SIP to natural plant-soil systems where 13C tracer dilution is a consideration.  相似文献   

Kangaroos ferment forage material in an enlarged forestomach analogous to the rumen, but in contrast to ruminants, they produce little or no methane. The objective of this study was to identify the dominant organisms and pathways involved in hydrogenotrophy in the kangaroo forestomach, with the broader aim of understanding how these processes are able to predominate over methanogenesis. Stable isotope analysis of fermentation end products and RNA stable isotope probing (RNA-SIP) were used to investigate the organisms and biochemical pathways involved in the metabolism of hydrogen and carbon dioxide in the kangaroo forestomach. Our results clearly demonstrate that the activity of bacterial reductive acetogens is a key factor in the reduced methane output of kangaroos. In in vitro fermentations, the microbial community of the kangaroo foregut produced very little methane, but produced a significantly greater proportion of acetate derived from carbon dioxide than the microbial community of the bovine rumen. A bacterial operational taxonomic unit closely related to the known reductive acetogen Blautia coccoides was found to be associated with carbon dioxide and hydrogen metabolism in the kangaroo foregut. Other bacterial taxa including members of the genera Prevotella, Oscillibacter and Streptococcus that have not previously been reported as containing hydrogenotrophic organisms were also significantly associated with metabolism of hydrogen and carbon dioxide in the kangaroo forestomach.  相似文献   

Plant residues, mainly made up of cellulose, are the largest fraction of organic carbon material in terrestrial ecosystems. Soil microorganisms are mainly responsible for the transfer of this carbon to the atmosphere, but their contribution is not accurately known. The aim of the present study was to identify bacterial populations that are actively involved in cellulose degradation, using the DNA-stable isotope probing (DNA-SIP) technique. 13C-cellulose was produced by Acetobacter xylinus and incubated in soil for 7, 14, 30 and 90 days. Total DNA was extracted from the soil, the 13C-labelled (heavy) and unlabelled (light) DNA fractions were separated by ultracentrifugation, and the structure of active bacterial communities was analysed by bacterial-automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (B-ARISA) and characterized with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Cellulose degradation was associated with significant changes in bacterial community structure issued from heavy DNA, leading to the appearance of new bands and increase in relative intensities of other bands until day 30. The majority of bands decreased in relative intensity at day 90. Sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of 10 of these bands in DGGE profiles indicated that most sequences were closely related to sequences from organisms known for their ability to degrade cellulose or to uncultured soil bacteria.  相似文献   

A toluene-degrading microbial consortium was enriched directly in a BTEX-contaminated aquifer under sulfate-reducing conditions using in situ microcosms consisting of toluene-loaded activated carbon pellets. Degradation of toluene and concomitant sulfide production by the consortium was subsequently demonstrated in laboratory microcosms. The consortium was physiologically and phylogenetically characterized by isotope tracer experiments using nonlabeled toluene, [13C]-α-toluene or [13C7]-toluene as growth substrates. Cells incubated with [13C]-α-toluene or [13C7]-toluene incorporated 8–15 at.%13C and 51–57 at.%13C into total lipid fatty acids, respectively, indicating a lower specific incorporation of 13C from [13C7]-toluene. In order to identify the toluene-assimilating bacteria, the incorporation of carbon from both [13C]-α-toluene and [13C7]-toluene into rRNA was analyzed by stable isotope probing. Time and buoyant density-resolved 16S rRNA gene-based terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism profiles, combined with cloning and sequencing, revealed that an uncultured bacterium (99% sequence similarity) related to the genus Desulfocapsa was the main toluene-degrading organism in the consortium. The ratio of the respective terminal restriction fragments changed over time, indicating trophic interactions within this consortium.  相似文献   

Movile Cave is an unusual groundwater ecosystem that is supported by in situ chemoautotrophic production. The cave atmosphere contains 1-2% methane (CH4), although much higher concentrations are found in gas bubbles that keep microbial mats afloat on the water surface. As previous analyses of stable carbon isotope ratios have suggested that methane oxidation occurs in this environment, we hypothesized that aerobic methane-oxidizing bacteria (methanotrophs) are active in Movile Cave. To identify the active methanotrophs in the water and mat material from Movile Cave, a microcosm was incubated with a 10%13CH4 headspace in a DNA-based stable isotope probing (DNA-SIP) experiment. Using improved centrifugation conditions, a 13C-labelled DNA fraction was collected and used as a template for polymerase chain reaction amplification. Analysis of genes encoding the small-subunit rRNA and key enzymes in the methane oxidation pathway of methanotrophs identified that strains of Methylomonas, Methylococcus and Methylocystis/Methylosinus had assimilated the 13CH4, and that these methanotrophs contain genes encoding both known types of methane monooxygenase (MMO). Sequences of non-methanotrophic bacteria and an alga provided evidence for turnover of CH4 due to possible cross-feeding on 13C-labelled metabolites or biomass. Our results suggest that aerobic methanotrophs actively convert CH4 into complex organic compounds in Movile Cave and thus help to sustain a diverse community of microorganisms in this closed ecosystem.  相似文献   

稳定性同位素探测技术在微生物生态学研究中的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
稳定性同位素标记技术同分子生物学技术相结合而发展起来的稳定性同位素探测技术(stableisotope probing,SIP),在对各种环境中微生物群落组成进行遗传分类学鉴定的同时,可确定其在环境过程中的功能,提供复杂群落中微生物相互作用及其代谢功能的大量信息,具有广阔的应用前景.其基本原理是:将原位或微宇宙(microcosm)的环境样品暴露于稳定性同位素富集的基质中,这些样品中存在的某些微生物能够以基质中的稳定(性同位素为碳源或氮源进行物质代谢并满足其自身生长需要,基质中的稳定性同位素被吸收同化进入微生物体内,参与各类物质如核酸(DNA和RNA)及磷脂脂肪酸(PLFA)等的生物合成,通过提取、分离、纯化、分析这些微生物体内稳定性同位素标记的生物标志物,从而将微生物的组成与其功能联系起来.在介绍稳定性同位素培养基质的选择及标记方法、合适的生物标志物的选择及提取分离方法的基础上,举例阐述了此项技术在甲基营养菌、有机污染物降解菌、根际微生物生态、互营微生物、宏基因组学等方面的应用.  相似文献   

A new approach to characterize growing microorganisms in environmental samples based on labeling microbial DNA with H(2)(18)O is described. To test if sufficient amounts of (18)O could be incorporated into DNA to use water as a labeling substrate for stable isotope probing, Escherichia coli DNA was labeled by cultivating bacteria in Luria broth with H(2)(18)O and labeled DNA was separated from [(16)O]DNA on a cesium chloride gradient. Soil samples were incubated with H(2)(18)O for 6, 14, or 21 days, and isopycnic centrifugation of the soil DNA showed the formation of two bands after 6 days and three bands after 14 or 21 days, indicating that (18)O can be used in the stable isotope probing of soil samples. DNA extracted from soil incubated for 21 days with H(2)(18)O was fractionated after isopycnic centrifugation and DNA from 17 subsamples was used in terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP) analysis of bacterial 16S rRNA genes. The TRFLP patterns clustered into three groups that corresponded to the three DNA bands. The fraction of total fluorescence contributed by individual terminal restriction fragments (TRF) to a TRFLP pattern varied across the 17 subsamples so that a TRF was more prominent in only one of the three bands. Labeling soil DNA with H(2)(18)O allows the identification of newly grown cells. In addition, cells that survive but do not divide during an incubation period can also be characterized with this new technique because their DNA remains without the label.  相似文献   

The acetate-utilizing microbial consortium in a full-scale activated sludge process was investigated without prior enrichment using stable isotope probing (SIP). [13C]acetate was used in SIP to label the DNA of the denitrifiers. The [13C]DNA fraction that was extracted was subjected to a full-cycle rRNA analysis. The dominant 16S rRNA gene phylotypes in the 13C library were closely related to the bacterial families Comamonadaceae and Rhodocyclaceae in the class Betaproteobacteria. Seven oligonucleotide probes for use in fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) were designed to specifically target these clones. Application of these probes to the sludge of a continuously fed denitrifying sequencing batch reactor (CFDSBR) operated for 16 days revealed that there was a significant positive correlation between the CFDSBR denitrification rate and the relative abundance of all probe-targeted bacteria in the CFDSBR community. FISH-microautoradiography demonstrated that the DEN581 and DEN124 probe-targeted cells that dominated the CFDSBR were capable of taking up [14C]acetate under anoxic conditions. Initially, DEN444 and DEN1454 probe-targeted bacteria also dominated the CFDSBR biomass, but eventually DEN581 and DEN124 probe-targeted bacteria were the dominant bacterial groups. All probe-targeted bacteria assessed in this study were denitrifiers capable of utilizing acetate as a source of carbon. The rapid increase in the number of organisms positively correlated with the immediate increase in denitrification rates observed by plant operators when acetate is used as an external source of carbon to enhance denitrification. We suggest that the impact of bacteria on activated sludge subjected to intermittent acetate supplementation should be assessed prior to the widespread use of acetate in the wastewater industry to enhance denitrification.  相似文献   

The microbial ecology of soil still presents a challenge to microbiologists attempting to establish the ways in which bacteria and fungi actively metabolise substrates, link into food webs and recycle plant and animal remains and provide essential nutrients for plants. Extraction and in situ analysis of rRNA has enabled identification of active taxa, and detection of mRNA has provided an insight into the expression of key functional genes in soil. Recent advances in genomic analysis and stable isotope probing are the first steps in resolving the linkage between structure and function in microbial communities.  相似文献   

【目的】稳定性同位素探针技术(stable isotope probing,SIP)是采用稳定性同位素示踪复杂环境中具有代谢活性微生物的有力工具。然而,在近期利用SIP技术的研究当中,我们发现~(13)C-标记物对试验本身有一定程度影响。例如研究土壤秸秆降解微生物,需将~(13)C-标记作物秸秆添加到土壤,利用微域培养实验和DNA-SIP技术解析主导降解微生物物种。但是~(13)C秸秆的添加以及不同土壤肥力水平是否会影响土壤微生物群落有待商榷。【方法】本研究采集江西鹰潭红壤试验站3种施肥处理(Control、NPK、OM)水稻土壤,分别添加自然丰度(12C)和~(13)C-标记的高丰度水稻秸秆,进行微域培养试验,研究两种秸秆添加下的响应物种以及不同丰度C对生物质气体的累积排放、细菌a-多样性以及群落结构的影响。【结果】研究发现,3种施肥土壤下,2种丰度秸秆处理间C累计排放无差异。但是,寡营养条件(Control)下,~(13)C-标记秸秆处理的细菌a-多样性高,12C秸秆处理群落异质性高,稳定性较差,无差异性物种;与~(12)C秸秆处理相比,富营养条件(NPK和OM)下,~(13)C-标记秸秆处理的细菌a-多样性和群落结构无差异,但存在差异物种,主要集中于变形菌门和稀有物种。【结论】本研究的结果表明~(13)C标记秸秆对微生物群落有一定影响,因此在后续的SIP试验中,高丰度秸秆虽可被用来作为标记底物,但需慎用。  相似文献   

Motivated by the finding that Pseudomonas knackmussii B13 but not Rhodococcus opacus 1CP grows in the absence of externally provided CO(2), we investigated the assimilation of (13)CO(2) into active cells cultivated with non-labelled glucose as sole energy substrate. (13)C found in the bulk biomass indicated a substantial but different CO(2) assimilation by Pseudomonas and Rhodococcus, respectively (3500 per thousand and 2600 per thousand). Cellular fatty acids were labelled from -15 per thousand to 470 per thousand and amino acids from 500 per thousand to 24,000 per thousand demonstrating clear differences between various compound classes. 'You are what you eat plus 1 per thousand' is therefore only valid for the average bulk C without specific isotope signature deviation of the external CO(2) or carbonates. Odd-numbered and 10-methyl fatty acids, which are much more abundant in Rhodococcus or other Gram-positive bacteria, were up to fivefold higher enriched in (13)C relative to the Pseudomonas fatty acids. A high-level growth-phase-independent, labelling of the oxaloacetate-derived amino acids indicated heterotrophic CO(2) fixation by anaplerotic reactions known to replenish the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Although both strains assimilate CO(2) via similar general pathways, Rhodococcus depends to a much higher extent on carboxylations reactions with external CO(2) owing to the formation of odd-numbered fatty acids. As a general consequence, heterotrophic fixation of CO(2) should be taken into account in investigations of degradation experiments using isotope tracer compounds.  相似文献   

The remediation of benzene contaminated groundwater often involves biodegradation and although the mechanisms of aerobic benzene biodegradation in laboratory cultures have been well studied, less is known about the microorganisms responsible for benzene degradation in mixed culture samples or at contaminated sites. To address this knowledge gap, DNA based stable isotope probing (SIP) was utilized to identify active benzene degraders in microcosms constructed with soil from three sources (a contaminated site and two agricultural sites). For this, replicate microcosms were amended with either labeled (13C) or unlabeled benzene and the extracted DNA samples were ultracentrifuged, fractioned and subject to terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP). The dominant benzene degraders (responsible for 13C uptake) were determined by comparing relative abundance of TRFLP phylotypes in heavy fractions of labeled benzene (13C) amended samples to the controls (from unlabeled benzene amended samples). Two phylotypes (a Polaromonas sp. and an Acidobacterium) were the major benzene degraders in the microcosms constructed from the contaminated site soil, whereas one phylotype incorporated the majority of the benzene-derived 13C in each of the agricultural soils (“candidate” phylum TM7 and an unclassified Sphingomonadaceae).  相似文献   

Butyrate-degrading bacteria in four methanogenic sludges were studied by RNA-based stable isotope probing. Bacterial populations in the (13)C-labeled rRNA fractions were distinct from unlabeled fractions, and Syntrophaceae species, Tepidanaerobacter sp., and Clostridium spp. dominated. These results suggest that diverse microbes were active in butyrate degradation under methanogenic conditions.  相似文献   

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