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OTO method for preservation of actin filaments in electron microscopy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Osmium tetroxide, commonly used as a fixative in electron microscopy, can destroy actin filaments. Thiocarbohydrizide (TCH) is a bipolar substance that binds to the osmium. By sandwiching TCH between two phases of osmium treatment, tissue exposure to osmium could be minimized without destroying actin filaments. The contrast of osmophilic components of cells was also enhanced.  相似文献   

Lamellipodium extension, incorporating actin filament dynamics and the cell membrane, is simulated in three dimensions. The actin filament network topology and the role of actin-associated proteins such as Arp2/3 are examined. We find that the orientational pattern of the filaments is in accord with the experimental data only if the spatial orientation of the Arp2/3 complex is restricted during each branching event. We hypothesize that branching occurs when Arp2/3 is bound to Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP), which is in turn bound to Cdc42 signaling complex; Arp2/3 binding geometry is restricted by the membrane-bound complex. Using mechanical and energetic arguments, we show that any membrane protein that is conical or trapezoidal in shape preferentially resides at the curved regions of the plasma membrane. We hypothesize that the transmembrane receptors involved in the recruitment of Cdc42/WASP complex has this property and concentrate at the leading edge. These features, combined with the mechanical properties of the cell membrane, explain why lamellipodium is a flat organelle.  相似文献   

Orientational distribution of actin filaments within a cell is an important determinant of cellular shape and motility. To map this distribution we developed a method of measuring local orientation of actin filaments. In this method actin filaments within cells are labeled with fluorescent phalloidin and are viewed at high magnification in a fluorescent microscope. Emitted fluorescence is split by a birefringent crystal giving rise to two images created by light rays polarized orthogonally with respect to each other. The two images are recorded by a high-sensitivity video camera, and polarization of fluorescence at any point is calculated from the relative intensity of both images at this point. From the value of polarization, the orientation of the absorption dipole of the dye, and thus orientation of F-actin, can be calculated. To illustrate the utility of the method, we measured orientation of actin cores in microvilli of chicken intestinal epithelial cells. F-actin in microvillar cores was labeled with rhodamine-phalloidin; measurements showed that the orientation was the same when microvillus formed a part of a brush border and when it was separated from it suggesting that "shaving" of brush borders did not distort microvillar structure. In the absence of nucleotide, polarization of fluorescence of actin cores in isolated microvilli was best fitted by assuming that a majority of fluorophores were arranged with a perfect helical symmetry along the axis of microvillus and that the absorption dipoles of fluorophores were inclined at 52 degrees with respect to the axis. When ATP was added, the shape of isolated microvilli did not change but polarization of fluorescence decreased, indicating statistically significant increase in disorder and a change of average angle to 54 degrees. We argue that these changes were due to mechanochemical interactions between actin and myosin-I.  相似文献   

We used actin filament bundles isolated from intestinal brush-border microvilli to nucleate the polymerization of pure muscle actin monomers into filaments. Growth rates were determined by electron microscopy by measuring the change in the length of the filaments as a function of time. The linear dependence of the growth rates on the actin monomer concentration provided the rate constants for monomer association and dissociation at the two ends of the growing filament. The rapidly growing ("barbed") end has higher association and dissociation rate constants than the slowly growing ("pointed") end. The values of these rate constants differ in 20 mM KCl compared with 75 mM KCl, 5 mM MgSO4. 2 microM cytochalasin B blocks growth entirely at the barbed end, apparently by reducing both association and dissociation rate constants to near zero, but inhibits growth at the pointed end to only a small extent.  相似文献   


We have applied techniques for cryo-electron microscopy, combined with image processing, to both S1-decorated native thin filaments and S1-decorated actin filaments. In our reconstruction the actin subunit has a prolate ellipsoid shape and is composed of two domains. The long axis of the monomer lies roughly perpendicular to the filament axis. The myosin head (S1) approaches the actin filament tangentially, the major interaction being with the outermost domain of actin. To distinguish the position of tropomyosin unambiguously in our map, we compared the maps from decorated thin filaments with those from decorated actin filaments. Our difference map clearly shows a peak corresponding to the position of tropomyosin; tropomyosin is bound to the inner domain of actin just in front of the myosin binding site at a radius of about 40 Å.As a first step toward looking at the actomyosin structure in a state other than rigor, we examined S1 crosslinked to actin filaments by the zero-length crosslinker EDC in the presence of ATP and after pPDM bridging of the reactive thiols of S1. S1 molecules of the crosslinked complexes in the presence of ATP and after pPDM treatment appear dramatically different from those in rigor. The S1s appear more disordered and no longer assume the characteristic rigor 45° angle with the actin filaments.  相似文献   

In this work, we examined structural changes of actin filaments interacting with myosin visualized by quick freeze deep-etch replica electron microscopy (EM) by using a new method of image processing/analysis based on mathematical morphology.In order to quantify the degree of structural changes, two characteristic patterns were extracted from the EM images. One is the winding pattern of the filament shape (WP) reflecting flexibility of the filament, and the other is the surface pattern of the filament (SP) reflecting intra-molecular domain-mobility of actin monomers constituting the filament. EM images were processed by morphological filtering followed by box-counting to calculate the fractal dimensions for WP (DWP) and SP (DSP). The result indicates that DWP was larger than DSP irrespective of the state of the filament (myosin-free or bound) and that both parameters for myosin-bound filaments were significantly larger than those for myosin-free filaments. Overall, this work provides the first quantitative insight into how conformational disorder of actin monomers is correlated with the myosin-induced increase in flexibility of actin filaments along their length as suggested by earlier studies with different techniques. Our method is yet to be improved in details, but promising as a powerful tool for studying the structural change of protein molecules and their assemblies, which can potentially be applied to a wide range of biological and biomedical images.  相似文献   

The low radiation conditions and the predominantly phase-object image formation of cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) result in extremely high noise levels and low contrast in the recorded micrographs. The process of single particle or tomographic 3D reconstruction does not completely eliminate this noise and is even capable of introducing new sources of noise during alignment or when correcting for instrument parameters. The recently developed Digital Paths Supervised Variance (DPSV) denoising filter uses local variance information to control regional noise in a robust and adaptive manner. The performance of the DPSV filter was evaluated in this review qualitatively and quantitatively using simulated and experimental data from cryo-EM and tomography in two and three dimensions. We also assessed the benefit of filtering experimental reconstructions for visualization purposes and for enhancing the accuracy of feature detection. The DPSV filter eliminates high-frequency noise artifacts (density gaps), which would normally preclude the accurate segmentation of tomography reconstructions or the detection of alpha-helices in single-particle reconstructions. This collaborative software development project was carried out entirely by virtual interactions among the authors using publicly available development and file sharing tools.  相似文献   

In migrating fibroblasts, rearward movement of the nucleus orients the centrosome toward the leading edge. Nuclear movement results from coupling rearward-moving, dorsal actin cables to the nucleus by linear arrays of nesprin-2G and SUN2, termed transmembrane actin-associated nuclear (TAN) lines. A-type lamins anchor TAN lines, prompting us to test whether emerin, a nuclear membrane protein that interacts with lamins and TAN line proteins, contributes to nuclear movement. In fibroblasts depleted of emerin, nuclei moved nondirectionally or completely failed to move. Consistent with these nuclear movement defects, dorsal actin cable flow was nondirectional in cells lacking emerin. TAN lines formed normally in cells lacking emerin and were coordinated with the erratic nuclear movements, although in 20% of the cases, TAN lines slipped over immobile nuclei. Myosin II drives actin flow, and depletion of myosin IIB, but not myosin IIA, showed similar nondirectional nuclear movement and actin flow as in emerin-depleted cells. Myosin IIB specifically coimmunoprecipitated with emerin, and emerin depletion prevented myosin IIB localization near nuclei. These results show that emerin functions with myosin IIB to polarize actin flow and nuclear movement in fibroblasts, suggesting a novel function for the nuclear envelope in organizing directional actin flow and cytoplasmic polarity.  相似文献   

Actin filaments of different lengths were prepared by polymerizing actin in the presence of various concentrations of gelsolin, a protein which accelerates actin polymerization by stabilizing nuclei from which filaments grow and which binds to their fast growing ends. The lengths of the actin filaments following polymerization were measured by electron microscopy and showed that the number-average filament length agreed with the predicted length if each gelsolin molecule acted as a seed for the growth of an actin filament. The distribution of lengths was independent of the actin:gelsolin ratio and was similar to that of actin filaments polymerized in the absence of gelsolin (Lw/Ln = 1.8). The mobility of these filaments in solution was studied by quasielastic light scattering and by viscometry. The translational diffusion constant determined by quasielastic light scattering was in agreement with the infinite dilution values calculated from the dimensions and the distribution of lengths determined by electron microscopy for relatively short filament lengths. Under conditions where overlap of the rotational domains of the filaments would be expected to occur, the measured diffusion rates deviated from their predicted dilute solution values and the solution viscosity increased abruptly. The dependence of the diffusion constant and the solution viscosity on the length of the actin filaments can be explained in terms of a theory that describes the restraints on diffusion of independent rigid rods in semi-dilute solution. The results suggest that the rheology of actin filaments can be accounted for by steric restraints. The length of cytoplasmic actin filaments in some cell types is such that these steric constraints are significant and could produce large changes in physical properties with small changes in filament length.  相似文献   

Interactions between microtubules (MTs) and filamentous actin (f-actin) are involved in directed cell locomotion, but are poorly understood. To test the hypothesis that MTs and f-actin associate with one another and affect each other's organization and dynamics, we performed time-lapse dual-wavelength spinning-disk confocal fluorescent speckle microscopy (FSM) of MTs and f-actin in migrating newt lung epithelial cells. F-actin exhibited four zones of dynamic behavior: rapid retrograde flow in the lamellipodium, slow retrograde flow in the lamellum, anterograde flow in the cell body, and no movement in the convergence zone between the lamellum and cell body. Speckle analysis showed that MTs moved at the same trajectory and velocity as f-actin in the cell body and lamellum, but not in the lamellipodium or convergence zone. MTs grew along f-actin bundles, and quiescent MT ends moved in association with f-actin bundles. These results show that the movement and organization of f-actin has a profound effect on the dynamic organization of MTs in migrating cells, and suggest that MTs and f-actin bind to one another in vivo.  相似文献   

T. Kanbe  T. Akashi  K. Tanaka 《Protoplasma》1993,176(1-2):24-32
Summary Actin distribution and ultrastructure of the fission yeastSchizosaccharomyces pombe treated with cytochalasin A (CA) were investigated by fluorescence microscopy using rhodamine-conjugated phalloidin (rh-ph) and freeze substitution electron microscopy. Among the cytochalasins tested, CA was most effective and at 5 g/ ml inhibited the appearance of the actin ring at the cell equator at the stage prior to septum formation and the accumulation of actin dots at the septum-forming site both in wild-type cells and the mutantcdc 11, which is defective in septum formation at restrictive temperature. Freeze substitution electron microscopy of CA-treated cells revealed the displacement and morphological alteration of cytoplasmic vesicles and dictyosomes within 30 min and the appearance of dense bodies in the cytoplasm. A sub-population of cytoplasmic vesicles and dictyosomes were insensitive to CA and maintained their original structure. An electron less dense layer containing filamentous material was noted beneath the plasma membrane and thought to be the area of heavy actin patches stained with rh-ph at the cells ends. These results suggest that CA disrupted an actin network that normally maintains the organization of the secretory pathway involving dictyosomes and vesicles.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of actin filaments decorated with the actin-binding domain of chick smooth muscle alpha-actinin (alpha A1-2) has been determined to 21-A resolution. The shape and location of alpha A1-2 was determined by subtracting maps of F-actin from the reconstruction of decorated filaments. alpha A1-2 resembles a bell that measures approximately 38 A at its base and extends 42 A from its base to its tip. In decorated filaments, the base of alpha A1-2 is centered about the outer face of subdomain 2 of actin and contacts subdomain 1 of two neighboring monomers along the long-pitch (two-start) helical strands. Using the atomic model of F-actin (Lorenz, M., D. Popp, and K. C. Holmes. 1993. J. Mol. Biol. 234:826-836.), we have been able to test directly the likelihood that specific actin residues, which have been previously identified by others, interact with alpha A1-2. Our results indicate that residues 86-117 and 350-375 comprise distinct binding sites for alpha-actinin on adjacent actin monomers.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the actin cytoskeleton depends upon the unique constellation of ac- tin-binding proteins (ABPs), as well as their spatial distribution and local activation. However, the identification and characterization of actin-binding proteins in plant cells are still limited. At pre- sent, only a few plant ABPs have been identified in plant tissues, including profilin, ADF/cofilin, fimbrin, villin and several myosins. Compared with that in animals, there is still a long way for us …  相似文献   

ADP-ribosylated actin caps the barbed ends of actin filaments   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The mode of action on actin polymerization of skeletal muscle actin ADP-ribosylated on arginine 177 by perfringens iota toxin was investigated. ADP-ribosylated actin decreased the rate of nucleated actin polymerization at substoichiometric ratios of ADP-ribosylated actin to monomeric actin. ADP-ribosylated actin did not tend to copolymerize with actin. Actin filaments were depolymerized by the addition of ADP-ribosylated actin. The maximal monomer concentration reached by addition of ADP-ribosylated actin was similar to the critical concentration of the pointed ends of actin filaments. ADP-ribosylated actin had no effect on the rate of polymerization of gelsolin-capped actin filaments which polymerize at the pointed ends. The results suggest that ADP-ribosylated actin acts as a capping protein which binds to the barbed ends of actin filaments to inhibit polymerization. Based on an analysis of the depolymerizing effect of ADP-ribosylated actin, the equilibrium constant for binding of ADP-ribosylated actin to the barbed ends of actin filaments was determined to be about 10(8) M-1. As actin is ADP-ribosylated by perfringens iota toxin and by botulinum C2 toxin, it appears that conversion of actin into a capping protein by ADP-ribosylation is a pathophysiological reaction catalyzed by bacterial toxins which ultimately leads to inhibition of actin assembly.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic cells, actin filaments play various crucial roles by altering their spatial and temporal distributions in the cell. The distribution of actin filaments is regulated by the binding of end-binding proteins, including capping protein (CapZ in muscle), the Arp2/3 complex, gelsolin, formin and tropomodulin, to the end of the actin filament. In order to determine the nature of these regulations, structural elucidations of actin filament-end-binding protein complexes are crucially important. Here, we have developed new procedures on the basis of single-particle analysis to determine the structure of the end of actin filaments from electron micrographs. In these procedures, the polarity of the actin filament image, as well as the azimuth orientation and the axial position of each actin protomer within a short stretch near the filament end, were determined accurately. This improved both the stability and accuracy of the structural determination dramatically. We tested our procedures by reconstructing structures from simulated filament images, which were obtained from 24 model structures for the actin-CapZ complex. These model structures were generated by random docking of the atomic structure of CapZ to the barbed end of an atomic model of the actin filament. Of the 24 model structures, 23 were recovered correctly by the present procedures. We found that our analysis was robust against local aberrations of the helical twist near the end of the actin filament. Finally, the procedures were applied successfully to determine the structure of the actin-CapZ complex from real cryo-electron micrographs of the complex. This is the first method for elucidating the detailed 3D structures at the end of the actin filament.  相似文献   

The effect of plasma gelsolin on plant microfilaments and its localization in plant cells were investigated. The results by using ultracentrifugation and electron microscopy showed that plant microfilaments could be severed into shorter fragments by gelsolin in a Ca2+-dependent manner. By measuring the binding ability of plasma gelsolin to pollen actin using the method of immunoprecipitation, it was shown that pollen actin could bind gelsolin at a ratio of 2.0±0.21 in the presence of Ca2+. Addition of EGTA could disassociate the actin-gelsolin complexes, reducing the ratio to 1.2±0.23, and the addition of PIP2 could further reduce the ratio to 0.8±0.1. The results indicate that plant actin has similar binding properties with plasma gelsolin as that of animal actin. By Western blotting we identified the existence of gelsolin in lily pollen. The results of immunolo-calization of gelsolin in pollen and pollen tube showed that gelsolin was mainly localized at the germinal furrow in pollen grains and at the cytoplasm in pollen tube, especially in the tip region.  相似文献   

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