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The work reported here has been directed to the identification of new nuclear calmodulin-binding proteins. To achieve this goal, nuclei from rat hepatocytes were purified and a fraction enriched in DNA- and RNA-binding proteins was extracted using DNase I and RNase A. Calmodulin-binding proteins present in this nuclear subfraction were purified by chromatography using first a DEAE-Sephacel column and subsequently a calmodulin-Sepharose column. Four major polypeptides of 118, 107, 48 and 45 kDa were found to bind to the calmodulin column in a Ca2+-dependent way. [125I]-calmodulin overlay analysis confirmed that the proteins of 118, 48 and 45 kDa are calmodulin-binding proteins. These proteins bind single-stranded and also double-stranded DNA. A partial amino acid sequence obtained from the 48 kDa protein revealed a 100% identity with the La/SSB protein, an autoantigen implicated in several autoimmune diseases, such as lupus erythematosus and Sjögren's syndrome. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, Western blot analysis and experiments of binding to poly(U), also supports the identity of p48 as La/SSB. CaM and La/SSB protein colocalize in the heterochromatinic regions within the nucleus of rat hepatocytes. Preincubation of La/SSB with calmodulin in the presence of Ca2+ resulted in an increase in the binding of ssDNA to La/SSB, suggesting that calmodulin can play a role in the regulation of the association of La/SSB with DNA.  相似文献   

La/SSB phosphoprotein is the target antigen of autoantibodies in sera of patients with Sj?gren's syndrome (SS) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Among other structural and function motifs, four phosphorylation sites are encompassed in the primary sequence of La/SSB. Two of them (Thr-362 and Ser-366) are located within GSGKGKVQFQGKKTKFASDD (346-368) and one (Thr-302) within VTWEVLEGEVEKEALKKI (301-318), which are main B-cell epitopes of La/SSB. With the aim to investigate how phosphorylation, one of the most common posttranslational protein modifications, affects the antigenic and conformational characteristics of the La/SSB epitopes, we synthesized and studied the phosphorylated epitopes La/SSB(346-368)-P, La/SSB(359-368)-P, and La/SSB(301-318)-P with respect to their nonphosphorylated counterparts. Anti-La/SSB positive sera from SS and SLE patients are better recognized by the phosphorylated epitopes compared to their nonphosphorylated counterparts. Conformational analysis by (1)H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and molecular dynamics showed that the phosphorylated epitopes adopt different structural characteristics from those of the corresponding nonphosphorylated epitopes. It is concluded that phosphorylation can create neoepitopes with altered functions, compared to the nonphosphorylated epitopes, which might be seen from the immune system as "foreign."  相似文献   

One target of autoantibodies in sera of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus or primary Sjögren's syndrome is the nuclear autoantigen La/SS-B. Lambda clones and cosmids were isolated, which contained the sequences of the La gene and the three La pseudogenes. They were used for preparation of a physical map. Finally, the La gene and pseudogenes were sequenced. The pseudogenes were characterized as retropseudogenes. Their evolutionary ages were estimated to be approx. 4, 4.5 and 5 million years. Inserts of 4, 16 and 24 nucleotides, which were mostly A-residues, were found in exon 7 of the respective pseudogene. The oldest pseudogene contained the longest insert, the youngest pseudogene contained the smallest insert. The oligonucleotides seem to be the result of repeated inserts of A-residues in a hot spot region of the La genes. Two La cDNAs were isolated which contained either a deletion or an insert of an A-residue at the same position.  相似文献   

Activated human T cells express MHC class II and have been shown to present foreign Ag to autologous T cells. We now demonstrate that MHC class II+ T cell clones can present myelin basic protein (MBP) peptide autoantigen in the absence of traditional APC to autologous MBP reactive T cell clones. MBP peptide-pulsed T cell clones specifically stimulated autologous MBP-reactive T cell clones to flux calcium and proliferate. Activation responses were peptide epitope specific and blocked by mAb to MHC class II, indicating a TCR-mediated response. In addition, mAb to the adhesion molecules LFA-3, CD2, LFA-1, CD29, and to the tyrosine phosphatase CD45 also inhibited proliferation, indicating the involvement of T to T cell interactions. In contrast to peptide Ag, T cell clones did not respond to autologous T cells pulsed with HPLC-purified MBP, suggesting that T cells are unable to process whole MBP. However, batch-purified MBP Ag preparations containing lower m.w. breakdown products were presented by T cells, indicating that naturally occurring breakdown products of autoantigens could be presented by activated T cells in vivo. These results raise the possibility that T cell presentation of autoantigen at inflammatory sites may be important in regulation of immune responses to self Ag.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Autoantigen La/SSB is molecular target of humoral autoimmunity in patients with primary Sjogren's Syndrome (pSS) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). In this study, we investigated the existence and possible influence of anti-idiotypic response to anti-La/SSB antibodies. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Synthetic peptide analogs (pep) of the major antigenic determinants of La/SSB (289-308 aa and 349-364 aa) were prepared. Based on "molecular recognition" theory, complementary peptides (cpep), derived by anti-parallel readings of the noncoding strand of La/SSB DNA encoding for its antigenic determinants, were constructed. Sera from 150 patients with anti-La/SSB antibodies, 30 patients without anti-La/SSB antibodies, and 42 normal individuals were tested against all four peptides. F(ab')(2) fragments from anti-peptide IgG were prepared and F(ab')(2) - IgG interactions were evaluated using a specific anti-idiotypic ELISA. RESULTS: All four peptides were recognized by anti-La positive sera (83% and 51% for pep and cpep 349-364 and 51% and 28% for pep and cpep289-308, respectively). Anti-cpep F(ab')(2 )bound to a common idiotype (Id) located within or spatially close to the antigen combining site of anti La/SSB (anti-pep) antibodies. Homologous and cross-inhibition experiments further confirmed this relation. The anti-idiotypic antibodies inhibited the anti-La/SSB antibody binding to recombinant La/SSB by 91%. To overcome the anti-idiotypic interference in anti-La/SSB detection, a specific assay was developed. Sera were heated for dissociation of Id-anti-Id complexes, anti-Id antibodies blocked with cpep, and anti-La/SSB reactivity was recovered. Application of this method to anti-Ro positive-anti-La/SSB "negative" sera showed that all anti-Ro/SSA positive autoimmune sera also possess anti-La/SSB antibodies. This reaction was not observed in 14 anti-Ro negative- anti-Sm/RNP positive sera from patients with SLE. CONCLUSIONS: Autoimmune sera from patients with pSS and SLE contain anti-idiotypic antibodies targeting a common anti-La/SSB idiotype. These antibodies can be detected using complementary peptides of La/SSB epitopes. The antiidiotypic antibodies mask the anti-La/SSB response. Hidden anti-La/SSB antibodies can be released and detected using complementary epitope analogs.  相似文献   

Secreted galactosyltransferase from bovine milk was used to induce antibodies cross-reacting with corresponding intracellular enzymes in a variety of cell lines and tissues. In contrast to the original antigen, the reactive intracellular galactosyltransferase appears as individual species (apparent MW approx. 42000-46000) in SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In indirect immunofluorescence microscopy affinity-purified IgGs locate the galactosyltransferase in a distinct perinuclear and juxtanuclear position indicative for the Golgi region. The rearrangement of labelled structures upon colcemid or monensin treatment--drugs known to influence Golgi morphology and function--is further proof for a Golgi association. The fate and distribution of Golgi elements during mitosis is described at the light microscopical level using galactosyltransferase as easily identifiable marker. In addition we evaluate the utilization of wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) binding for Golgi identification on tissue culture cells and show that WGA is not a reliable marker for certain cell types such as MDCK.  相似文献   

Translation initiation on poliovirus RNA occurs by internal binding of ribosomes to a sequence within the 5' untranslated region. We have previously characterized a HeLa cell protein, p52, that binds to a fragment of the poliovirus 5' untranslated region (K. Meerovitch, J. Pelletier, and N. Sonenberg, Genes Dev. 3:1026-1034, 1989). Here we report the purification of the HeLa p52. Protein microsequencing identified p52 as La autoantigen. The La protein is a human antigen that is recognized by antibodies from patients with autoimmune disorders such as systemic lupus erythematosus and Sjögren's syndrome. We show that the La protein stimulates translation of poliovirus RNA, but not brome mosaic virus, tobacco mosaic virus, and alfalfa mosaic virus 4 RNA, translation in a reticulocyte lysate. In addition, La corrects aberrant translation of poliovirus RNA in a reticulocyte lysate. Subcellular immunolocalization showed that La protein is mainly nuclear, but after poliovirus infection, La is redistributed to the cytoplasm. Our results suggest that La protein is involved in poliovirus internal initiation of translation and might function through a similar mechanism in the translation of cellular mRNAs.  相似文献   

The uptake of tritiated cysteinyl leukotrienes (LTC4, LTD4, LTE4) and LTB4 was investigated in freshly isolated rat hepatocytes and different hepatoma cell lines under initial-rate conditions. Leukotriene uptake by hepatocytes was independent of an Na+ gradient and a K+ diffusion potential across the hepatocyte membranes as established in experiments with isolated hepatocytes and plasma membrane vesicles. Kinetic experiments with isolated hepatocytes indicated a low-Km system and a non-saturable system for the uptake of cysteinyl leukotrienes as well as LTB4 under the conditions used. AS-30D hepatoma cells and human Hep G2 hepatoma cells were deficient in the uptake of cysteinyl leukotrienes, but showed significant accumulation of LTB4. Moreover, only LTB4 was metabolized in Hep G2 hepatoma cells. Competition studies on the uptake of LTE4 and LTB4 (10 nM each) indicated inhibition by the organic anions bromosulfophthalein, S-decyl glutathione, 4,4'-diisothiocyanato-stilbene-2,2'-disulfonate, probenecid, docosanedioate, and hexadecanedioate (100 microM each), but not by taurocholate, the amphiphilic cations verapamil and N-propyl ajmaline, and the neutral glycoside ouabain. Cholate and the glycoside digitoxin were inhibitors of LTB4 uptake only. Bromosulfophthalein, the strongest inhibitor of leukotriene uptake by hepatocytes, did not inhibit LTB4 uptake by Hep G2 hepatoma cells under the same experimental conditions. Leukotriene-binding proteins were analyzed by comparative photoaffinity labeling of human hepatocytes and Hep G2 hepatoma cells using [3H]LTE4 and [3H]LTB4 as the photolabile ligands. Predominant leukotriene-binding proteins with apparent molecular masses in the ranges of 48-58 kDa and 38-40 kDa were labeled by both leukotrienes in the particulate and in the cytosolic fraction of hepatocytes, respectively. In contrast, no labeling was obtained with [3H]LTE4 in Hep G2 cells. With [3H]LTB4 a protein with a molecular mass of about 48 kDa was predominantly labeled in the particulate fraction of the hepatoma cells, whereas in the cytosolic fraction a labeled protein in the range of 40 kDa was detected. Our results provide evidence for the existence of distinct uptake systems for cysteinyl leukotrienes and LTB4 at the sinusoidal membrane of hepatocytes; however, some of the inhibitors tested interfere with both transport systems. Only LTB4, but not cysteinyl leukotrienes, is taken up and metabolized by the transformed hepatoma cells.  相似文献   

The human La autoantigen (hLa) protein is a predominantly nuclear phosphoprotein that contains three potential RNA binding domains referred to as the La motif and the RNA recognition motifs RRMs 1 and 2. With this report, we differentiated the contribution of its three RNA binding domains to RNA binding by combining in vitro and in vivo assays. Also, surface plasmon resonance technology was used to generate a model for the sequential contribution of the RNA binding domains to RNA binding. The results indicated that the La motif may contribute to specificity rather than affinity, whereas RRM1 is indispensable for association with pre-tRNA and hY1 RNA. Furthermore, RRM2 was not crucial for the interaction with various RNAs in vivo, although needed for full-affinity binding in vitro. Moreover, earlier studies suggest that RNA binding by hLa may direct its subcellular localization. As shown previously for RRM1, deletion of RNP2 sequence in RRM1 alters nucleolar distribution of hLa, not observed after deletion of the La motif. Here we discuss a model for precursor RNA binding based on a sequential association process mediated by RRM1 and the La motif.  相似文献   

Liposome-mediated DNA uptake by sperm cells.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
To investigate the potential use of sperm cells as vectors to transfer exogenous DNA via the fertilization of oocytes into the germ line of mice, we have used liposomes to transfect DNA into the sperm head. Although the DNA transfer into sperm mediated by liposomes was very efficient and no obvious reduction in the fertilization frequency of oocytes could be detected, we were unable to generate transgenic mice by this method.  相似文献   

A diploid yeast strain, D6, is described which monitors mitotic non-disjunction by the phenotypic expression of a set of coupled and recessive markers flanking the centromere of chromosome VII. These markers are not expressed in the heterozygous condition prevailing in D6. The left arm of chromosome VII carries a tightly centromere linked marker, leu1 (leucine requirement), distal to leu1 in this order: trp5 (trytophan requirement), cyh2 (recessive resistance to cycloheximide) and met 13 (requirement for methionine). The right arm is marked with ade3 (simultaneous requirement for adenine and histidine). D6 is homozygous for ade2 and consequently, forms red rather than the normally white colonies. It shows no requirement for the above amino acids and it is sensitive to cycloheximide.Unmasking of all the markers on chromosome VII leads to colonies that are white because ade3 sets a block preceding the ade2 block (which causes the accumulation of a precursor of the red pigment), they require leucine, tryptophan and methionine, and grow on media with cycloheximide. Cells are plated on a cycloheximide medium where red and white colonies are formed. Colonies of spontaneous origin were tested. The majority of the white colonies expressed all the recessive markers whereas only few of the red colonies expressed all the markers on the left arm of chromosome VII.Basically expression of recessive markers on both sides of the centromere can be explained as a result of two coincident events of mitotic crossing over. However, the frequency of colonies expressing centromere linked leu1 was 14 times higher among the white types than the red ones. This suggested that the white, cycloheximide resistant, leucine requiring colonies arose by mitotic non-disjunction and not only by two coincident mitotic crossing over events.Presumptive spontaneous monosomic segregants were placed on sporulation medium. Only 8 out of 30 isolates sporulated, which showed that these eight segregants were diploid at the time of sporulation. They could have arisen by two coincident crossover events or through restoration of a normal disomic condition after non-disjunction had occurred. The genetic data thus leaves us with only its statistical argument in favour of non-disjunction. Further confirmation of monosomic nature of the white cycloheximide resistant colonies was provided by the estimates of their DNA contents. Compared to the stock wild type diploids the presumptive monosomics showed a reduction in DNA content.We have utilized D6 to investigate the possible induction of mitotic non-disjunction after treatment with gamma rays, heat shock at 52°C and ultraviolet irradiation. In all cases white, cycloheximide resistant colonies were produced at levels significantly higher than that found in untreated cultures. In order to detect the production of monosomic cells, treated cultures were grown for 48 h in non-selective medium after exposure to allow for “expression” of the monosomic condition.  相似文献   

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