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Fermentation patterns of Escherichia coli HB101 carrying plasmids expressing cloned genes of Zymomonas mobilis pyruvate decarboxylase (PDC) and alcohol dehydrogenase li (ADH) were determined in glucose-limited complex medium in pH-controlled anaerobic batch cultivations. Time profiles of glucose, dry cell weight, succinate, formate, acetate, and ethanol were determined, as were the activities of ADH and PDC. Fluxes through the central carbon pathways were calculated for each construct utilizing exponential phase data on extracellular components and assuming quasi-steady state for intermediate metabolites. Overall biomass yields were greatest for cells expressing both PDC and ADH activities. Yields of carbon catabolite end products were similar for all PDC-expressing strains and different from those for other strains. Relative to its glucose uptake rate, the strain with greatest PDC and ADH activities produces formate and acetate more slowly and ethanol more rapidly than other strains. Strong influences of plasmid presence and metabolic coupling complicate detailed interpretations of the data.  相似文献   

Recombinant E. coli fermentations were observed to undergo regular, reproducible oscillations in oxygen uptake for several hours during a controlled fermentation process. Culture growth slowed during the period of oscillations, delaying induction of recombinant protein production. The oscillations were similar in 10-L and 1,000-L fermentors and also occurred with different feed control algorithms. Both observations support the hypothesis that the oscillations are metabolic in nature. Analysis of amino acid, ATP, and GTP pools suggests that the oscillations result from aberrant regulation of isoleucine biosynthesis leading to repeated starvation events in which protein synthesis and growth are impaired. Both a nutritional solution, isoleucine feeding, and a genetic solution, repair of an ilvG frameshift mutation in E. coli K-12 strains, were found to eliminate the oscillations, further supporting the proposed mechanism for the behavior. These results illustrate the interesting and complicated physiological behavior which can be displayed in metabolic networks and provide another example of surprising problems that can arise in growing recombinant organisms in fermentors.  相似文献   

重组大肠杆菌的高密度发酵和甘油生产条件的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在摇瓶中进行重组大肠杆菌菌株BL21高密度发酵条件的研究,考察了葡萄糖浓度、盐离子浓度、温度、接种量、发酵时间等对该菌株生产甘油的影响。初步确定底物浓度为2.5%,盐离子浓度0.2%,温度为37℃,接种量为2%,经24h的摇瓶发酵,甘油产量最高达6.8g/L。在30L发酵罐实验中、按初步确定的优化条件发酵26h,甘油产量可达46.67g/L,是LB/葡萄糖培养基中甘油产量的2.06倍。  相似文献   

大肠杆菌乙酸耐受性菌株的构建及其耐受机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乙酸是微生物发酵生产常见的副产物,也可作为碳源存在于木质纤维素水解液等非粮原料发酵培养基中。培养基中含有高浓度的乙酸/乙酸盐时会抑制细胞生长、降低生物量,影响目标产品的产量和产率。研究乙酸耐受性机制,改进菌株的乙酸耐受性,构建具有高乙酸耐受性工程菌株,对于以乙酸为碳源或利用含乙酸的原料进行高附加值产品发酵生产具有重要意义。本文综述了通过代谢工程、实验室适应性进化、全局转录机器工程和基于CRISPR可追踪基因组工程等方法构建大肠杆菌乙酸耐受性菌株的研究进展,进一步从乙酸同化代谢、氨基酸依赖型代谢、离子转运系统调节和细胞膜成分修饰等4个方面阐述了大肠杆菌乙酸耐受性菌株的耐受性应答机制,总结了大肠杆菌乙酸耐受菌株的生产应用,展望了提高大肠杆菌乙酸耐受方法和大肠杆菌乙酸耐受机制的研究方向。  相似文献   

The synthesis of several industrially useful compounds are cofactor‐dependent, requiring reducing equivalents like NADPH in enzymatic reactions leading up to the synthesis of high‐value compounds like polymers, chiral alcohols, and antibiotics. However, NADPH is costly and has limited intracellular availability. This study focuses on the study of the effect of the two transhydrogenase enzymes of Escherichia coli, PntAB and UdhA (SthA) on reducing equivalents‐dependent biosynthesis. The production of (S)‐2‐chloropropionate from 2‐chloroacrylate is used as a model system for monitoring NADPH availability because 2‐haloacrylate reductase, the enzyme catalyzing the one‐step conversion to (S)‐2‐chloropropionate in the synthesis pathway, requires NADPH as a cofactor. Results suggest that the presence of UdhA increases product yield and NADPH availability while the presence of PntAB has the opposite effect. A maximum product yield of 1.4 mol product/mol glucose was achieved aerobically in a pnt‐deletion strain with udhA overexpression, a 150% improvement over the wild‐type control strain. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 29:1124–1130, 2013  相似文献   

Membrane vesicles of Escherichia coli can be produced by 2 different methods: lysis of intact cells by passage through a French pressure cell or by osmotic rupturing of spheroplasts. The membrane of vesicles produced by the former method is everted relative to the orientation of the inner membrane in vivo. Using NADH, D-lactate, reduced phenazine methosulfate, or ATP these vesicles produce protonmotive forces, acid and positive inside, as determined using flow dialysis to measured the distribution of the weak base methylamine and the lipophilic anion thiocyanate. The vesicles accumulate calcium using the same energy sources, most likely by a calcium/proton antiport. Calcium accumulation, therefore, is presumably indicative of a proton gradient, acid inside. The latter type of vesicle, on the other hand, exhibits D-lactate-dependent proline transport but does not accumulate calcium with D-lactate as an energy source. NADH oxidation or ATP hydrolysis, however, will drive the transport of calcium but not proline in these vesicles. Oxidation of NADH or hydrolysis of ATP simultaneous with oxidation of D-lactate does not result in either calcium or proline transport. These results suggest that the vesicles are a patchwork or mosiac, in which certain enzyme complexes have an orientation opposite to that found in vivo, resulting in the formation of electrochemical proton gradients with an orientation opposite to that found in the intact cell. Other complexes retain their original orientation, making it possible to set up simultaneous proton fluxes in both directions, causing an apparent uncoupling of energy-linked processes. That the vesicles are capable of generating protonmotive forces of the opposite polarity was demonstrated by measurements of the distribution of acetate and methylamine (to measure the ΔpH) and thiocyanate (to measure the Δψ).  相似文献   

The genes for the well-characterized high-affinity histidine transport system of S typhimurium have been cloned in λgt4. Genetic and physiological analyses of the analogous transport system of E coli were undertaken in order that available λ vectors, recombinant DNA techniques, and a genetic selection for transport function might be used to isolate the Salmonella genes. The presence of the transport genes on a 12.4 Kb cloned DNA fragment has been confirmed (1) genetically, by complementation studies; (2) physiologically, by the rates of histidine uptake by bacteria containing this DNA; and (3) by demonstrating that the cloned DNA codes for the previously identified transport proteins J and P. The isolated fragment carries the entire transport operon, the argT gene and the ubiX locus, but neither the purF gene nor the ack/pta loci.  相似文献   

Heparosan is an acidic polysaccharide natural product, which serves as the critical precursor in heparin biosynthesis and in the chemoenzymatic synthesis of bioengineered heparin. Heparosan is also the capsular polysaccharide of Escherichia coli K5 strain. The current study was focused on the examination of the fermentation of E. coli K5 with the goal of producing heparosan in high yield and volumetric productivity. The structure and molecular weight properties of this bacterial heparosan were determined using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and Fourier transform mass spectrometry. Fermentation of E. coli K5 in a defined medium using exponential fed‐batch glucose addition with oxygen enrichment afforded heparosan at 15 g/L having a number average molecular weight of 58,000 Da and a weight average molecular weight of 84,000 Da. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;107: 964–973. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

考察了E.coli NZN111及其重组菌株E.coli NZN111/pTrc99a-pncB发酵生产丁二酸的性能。E.coli NZN111两阶段发酵丁二酸的同时,会造成丙酮酸的大量积累。研究发现:通过过量表达烟酸转磷酸核糖激酶,两阶段发酵重组菌株E.coli NZN111/pTrc99a-pncB,减少丙酮酸的积累且无副产物乙酸生成,提高丁二酸的产量,丁二酸得率和耗糖速率分别提高了139%和20%。  相似文献   

A containment sampling system for shake flasks and fermentors has been developed from a blood collection system used in hospitals. The core of the system is a collection vial with a vacuum inside. When a needle connected to the fermentation fluid penetrates a rubber seal on the vial, a sample is withdrawn. The system has been developed in two versions, a manual method for shake flasks, and an automated version for fermentors including cool storage of samples. The sampling system offers the same safety for fermentation containment as the original system offers safety for patients and hospital staff. (c) 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Acetic acid formation in Escherichia coli fermentation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Theoretical analysis of cellulase product inhibition (by cellobiose and glucose) has been performed in terms of the mathematical model for enzymatic cellulose hydrolysis. The analysis showed that even in those cases when consideration of multienzyme cellulase system as one enzyme (cellulase) or two enzymes (cellulase and beta-glucosidase) is valid, double-reciprocal plots, usually used in a product inhibition study, may be nonlinear, and different inhibition patterns (noncompetitive, competitive, or mixed type) may be observed. Inhibition pattern depends on the cellulase binding constant, enzyme concentration, maximum adsorption of the enzyme (cellulose surface area accessible to the enzyme), the range in which substrate concentration is varied, and beta-glucosidase activity. A limitation of cellulase adsorption by cellulose surface area that may occur at high enzyme/substrate ratio is the main reason for nonlinearity of double-reciprocal plots. Also, the results of calculations showed that material balance by substrate, which is usually neglected by researchers studying cellulase product inhibition, must be taken into account in kinetic analysis even in those cases when the enzyme concentration is rather low. (c) 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

AIMS: The response surface methodology was used to evaluate the effect of operating variables (acetic acid concentration, spraying time and temperature) on the reduction of Escherichia coli populations on poultry breast skin in a laboratory showering process, as well as to identify the best conditions that are required to develop this operation. METHODS AND RESULTS: Skin samples were inoculated with a 24-h E. coli culture and afterwards treated according to experimental design under selected acetic acid concentration, spraying time, and solution temperature. The E. coli reduction model was significantly affected by the acetic acid concentration and spraying time (P < or = 0.05 and < or =0.01), while temperature did not show a significant effect (P > 0.05). CONCLUSION: The predictive model obtained was validated through additional confirmatory experiments and showed to be adequate, and it could be used as an approach to optimize the acetic acid spray washes during poultry carcasses processing. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The use of acetic acid washes in the processing of poultry does not have the capability of eliminating E. coli populations from carcasses. However, significant reductions in the initial load could be achieved.  相似文献   

Cross-flow filtration of Escherichia coli strains was examined at the laboratory and pilot scales using Romicon 500,000 molecular-weight-cutoff hollow fiber membranes. Both the series resistance and macrosolute polarization models were employed to compare performances. Total dissolved solids content above 90 g/L and viscosity above 1.1 x 10(-3) pac s of cell-free culture media were found to decrease average filtration fluxes by over 60% both in the absence and presence of cells. Broth filtration with culture media of dissolved solids levels below 80 g/L were influenced to a greater extent by harvest cell density. The collodial nature of the complex nutrient responsible for the total solids increase affected prediction of filtration performance. Differences in strain filterability were observed with JM109 preferred over DH5 in high solids-containing media and RR1 preferred over JM109 in low dissolved solids-containing media. Their research demonstrates the importance of cell strain and media selection in the performance of early downstream processing steps. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Numerous high‐value recombinant proteins that are produced in bacteria are exported to the periplasm as this approach offers relatively easy downstream processing and purification. Most recombinant proteins are exported by the Sec pathway, which transports them across the plasma membrane in an unfolded state. The twin‐arginine translocation (Tat) system operates in parallel with the Sec pathway but transports substrate proteins in a folded state; it therefore has potential to export proteins that are difficult to produce using the Sec pathway. In this study, we have produced a heterologous protein (green fluorescent protein; GFP) in Escherichia coli and have used batch and fed‐batch fermentation systems to test the ability of the newly engineered Tat system to export this protein into the periplasm under industrial‐type production conditions. GFP cannot be exported by the Sec pathway in an active form. We first tested the ability of five different Tat signal peptides to export GFP, and showed that the TorA signal peptide directed most efficient export. Under batch fermentation conditions, it was found that TorA‐GFP was exported efficiently in wild type cells, but a twofold increase in periplasmic GFP was obtained when the TatABC components were co‐expressed. In both cases, periplasmic GFP peaked at about the 12 h point during fermentation but decreased thereafter, suggesting that proteolysis was occurring. Typical yields were 60 mg periplasmic GFP per liter culture. The cells over‐expressed the tat operon throughout the fermentation process and the Tat system was shown to be highly active over a 48 h induction period. Fed‐batch fermentation generated much greater yields: using glycerol feed rates of 0.4, 0.8, and 1.2 mL h?1, the cultures reached OD600 values of 180 and periplasmic GFP levels of 0.4, 0.85, and 1.1 g L?1 culture, respectively. Most or all of the periplasmic GFP was shown to be active. These export values are in line with those obtained in industrial production processes using Sec‐dependent export approaches. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2012; 109: 2533–2542. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Bacterial toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems are operons that code for a stable toxic protein and a labile antitoxin. TA modules are widespread on the chromosomes of free-living Bacteria and Archaea, where they presumably act as stress response elements. The chromosome of Escherichia coli K-12 encodes four known TA pairs, as well as the dinJ-yafQ operon, which is hypothesized to be a TA module based on operon organization similar to known TA genes. Induction of YafQ inhibited cell growth, but its toxicity was counteracted by coexpression of dinJ cloned on a separate plasmid. YafQ(His)(6) and DinJ proteins coeluted in Ni(2+)-affinity and gel filtration chromatography, implying the formation of a specific and stable YafQ-DinJ protein complex with an estimated molecular mass of c. 37.3 kDa. Induction of YafQ reduced protein synthesis up to 40% as judged by incorporation of [(35)S]-methionine, but did not influence the rates of DNA and RNA synthesis. Structure modelling of E. coli YafQ revealed its structural relationship with bacterial toxins of known structure suggesting that it might act as a sequence-specific mRNA endoribonuclease.  相似文献   

研究了优化重组大肠杆菌产5-氨基乙酰丙酸(ALA)的条件,提高大肠杆菌发酵生产AL气的产量。在测定重组大肠杆菌GT48的生长曲线的基础上,确定诱导时间,优化摇瓶发酵条件。然后,进一步在5L发酵罐上进行间歇和流加发酵研究。摇瓶实验表明,细胞培养最佳初始pH为6.5,最佳诱导时间为稳定期前期,最佳接种量为2%,过高的葡萄糖浓度对细胞生长和产物合成均有一定的抑制作用。在5L发酵罐间歇发酵中,重组菌产ALA能力达到47.8mg/L。采用流加发酵可以进一步将产物产量提高到63.8mg/L。构建的过量表达自身的hemA基因的大肠杆菌具有较高的产ALA能力,通过发酵条件优化和采用流加发酵可以提高AL气产量。  相似文献   

Among amino acids screened for their potential to relieve wild and recombinant Escherichia coli from the negative effects of acetic acid, glycine, and methionine showed a sparing effect. In the presence of 2 g/L of acetic acid, addition of 0.5 g/L of glycine or methionine resulted in either a complete recovery or a further enhancement in the specific growth rate, while the enhancement was significant but not fully complete in the presence of 4 g/L of acetic acid. The addition of 0.5 g/L of methionine alleviated the negative effect of acetic acid on recombinant E. Coli growth to produce more beta-lactamase, which was encoded by plasmid pUC18. In continuous fermentation the methionine effect on recombinant. E. coli metabolism depended on dilution rate; at high dilution rates, above 0.4 h(-1), the methionine addition enhanced beta-lactamase production and reduced acetic acid formation, while at low dilution rates, below 0.3 h (-1), the effect was reversed. In def-batch fermentation with wild-type E. Coli, cell growth rate and cell yield from glucose were enhanced with methionine addition, while the acetic acid concentration reached over 4 g/L. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Homofermentative production of reduced products requires additional reducing power output (NADH) from glucose catabolism. Anaerobic expression of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDH, encoded by aceEF‐lpd, a normal aerobic operon) is able to provide the additional NADH required for production of reduced products in Escherichia coli fermentation. The multiple promoters (pflBp(1–7)) of pyruvate formate lyase (pflB) were evaluated for anaerobic expression of the aceEF‐lpd operon. Four chromosomal constructs, pflBp(1–7)‐aceEF‐lpd, pflBp(1–6)‐aceEF‐lpd, pflBp(6,7)‐aceEF‐lpd, and pflBp6‐aceEF‐lpd efficiently expressed the PDH complex in anaerobically grown cells. Doubling the reducing power output was achieved when glucose was oxidized to acetyl‐CoA through glycolysis and pyruvate oxidation by the anaerobically expressed PDH complex (glucose →2 acetyl‐CoA + 4 NADH). This additional reducing power output can be used for production of reduced products in anaerobic E. coli fermentation. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

Monitoring the physical or chemical properties of cell broths to infer cell status is often challenging due to the complex nature of the broth. Key factors indicative of cell status include cell density, cell viability, product leakage, and DNA release to the fermentation broth. The rapid and accurate prediction of cell status for hosts with intracellular protein products can minimise product loss due to leakage at the onset of cell lysis in fermentation. This article reports the rheological examination of an industrially relevant E. coli fermentation producing antibody fragments (Fab'). Viscosity monitoring showed an increase in viscosity during the exponential phase in relation to the cell density increase, a relatively flat profile in the stationary phase, followed by a rapid increase which correlated well with product loss, DNA release and loss of cell viability. This phenomenon was observed over several fermentations that a 25% increase in broth viscosity (using induction‐point viscosity as a reference) indicated 10% product loss. Our results suggest that viscosity can accurately detect cell lysis and product leakage in postinduction cell cultures, and can identify cell lysis earlier than several other common fermentation monitoring techniques. This work demonstrates the utility of rapidly monitoring the physical properties of fermentation broths, and that viscosity monitoring has the potential to be a tool for process development to determine the optimal harvest time and minimise product loss. © 2016 The Authors. Biotechnology Progress published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 32:1069–1076, 2016  相似文献   

通过不同培养基、不同葡萄糖浓度、不同溶氧条件、补料与非补料对幽门螺杆菌尿素酶B亚单位(UreB)基因工程菌的菌体生长与外源蛋白表达量的影响的比较 ,建立了稳定、适宜的幽门螺杆菌尿素酶B亚单位基因工程菌发酵工艺。多批实验结果证明 ,菌体单产可达 86 g/L ,目的蛋白的表达率为 38.2 %。  相似文献   

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