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1. We examined whether the local abundance of stream bryophytes in a boreal drainage basin (Koutajoki system in northeastern Finland) correlated with their: (i) regional occupancy; (ii) provincial distribution in northwestern Europe; and (iii) global range size. We specifically tested whether aquatic and semi‐aquatic species differ in their distribution–abundance relationships. We also analysed the frequency distributions of occupancy at two spatial scales: within the focal drainage system and across provinces of northwestern Europe. 2. Regional occupancy and mean local abundance of stream bryophytes were positively correlated, and the relationship was rather strong in aquatic species but very weak in semi‐aquatic species. Local abundance was related neither to provincial distribution nor global distribution. 3. Species frequency distributions differed between regional occupancy and provincial distribution. While most species were rare with regard to their regional occupancy within the focal drainage system, most of the same set of species were common and occurred in most provinces in northwestern Europe. 4. The results indicate the presence of dominants (core species) and transients/subordinates (satellite species) among stream bryophytes, highlighting marked differentiation in life‐history strategies and growth form. The observed abundance–occupancy relationships suggest that dispersal limitation and metapopulation processes may govern the dynamics of obligatory aquatic stream bryophytes. In semi‐aquatic species, however, habitat availability may be more important in contributing to regional occupancy.  相似文献   

Although scaling relationships that characterize fractal species distributions offer an exciting potential for unification in biogeography, empirical support for fractal theory remains the subject of debate. We synthesize and test multiple predictions of two interrelated fractal models and a null model of random placement using Californian serpentine grassland data describing the spatial location of over 37 000 individually identified plants. The endemics–area relationship and species‐abundance distribution recently derived from a community‐level fractal property performed poorly because of an inaccurate assumption of homogeneity among species. In contrast, a species‐level fractal model that incorporates species‐level differences predicted abundances well, but systematically overestimated endemism and predicted a species–area relationship that violated the observed power law. These findings indicate that in order to make predictions based on the existence of a power‐law species–area relationship, ecologists need a unifying theory of how the community‐level fractal property arises in the presence of species‐level distributional differences.  相似文献   

Aims We have two aims: (1) to examine the relationship between local population persistence, local abundance and regional occupancy of stream diatoms and (2) to characterize the form of the species–occupancy frequency distribution of stream diatoms. Location Boreal streams in Finland. There were three spatial extents: (1) across ecoregions in Finland, (2) within ecoregions in Finland, and (3) within a single drainage system in southern Finland. Methods Diatoms were sampled from stones (epilithon), sediment (epipelon) and aquatic plants (epiphyton) in streams using standardized sampling methods. To assess population persistence, diatom sampling was conducted monthly at four stream sites from June to October. The relationships between local population persistence, local abundance and regional occupancy were examined using correlation analyses. Results There was a significant positive relationship between local persistence and abundance of diatoms in epilithon, epipelon and epiphyton. Furthermore, local abundance and regional occupancy showed a significant positive relationship at multiple spatial extents; that is, across ecoregions, within ecoregions and within a drainage system. The relationships between occupancy and abundance did not differ appreciably among impacted and near pristine‐reference sites. The occupancy–frequency distribution was characterized by a large number of satellite species which occurred at only a few sites, whereas core species that occurred at most sites were virtually absent. Main conclusions The positive relationship between local population persistence and abundance suggested that a high local abundance may prevent local extinction or that high persistence is facilitated by a high local cell density. High local persistence and local abundance may also positively affect the degree of regional occupancy in stream diatoms. The results further showed that anthropogenic effects were probably too weak to bias the relationship between occupancy and abundance, or that the effects have already modified the distribution patterns of stream diatoms. The small number of core species in the species–occupancy frequency distribution suggested that the regional distribution patterns of stream diatoms, or perhaps unicellular microbial organisms in general, may not be fundamentally different from those described previously for multicellular organisms, mainly in terrestrial environments, although average global range sizes may differ sharply between these two broad groups of organisms.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate the relationship between the slope z of the species–area relationship (SAR) and the intensity of spatial patterns in species number and dissimilarity for woody plants with different modes of seed dispersal. According to island theory we expect, for any given archipelago, steeper slopes and more pronounced spatial patterns for groups of less dispersive species. Location Ivory Coast, West Africa. Methods In a West African forest–savanna mosaic we collected presence–absence data for woody plant species in 49 forest islands. The parameters of the SARs were fitted by nonlinear regressions and then compared for plant species aggregated according to their mode of seed dispersal. We used the Mantel test to calculate the intensity of spatial patterns in species number, i.e. residual deviation from SAR, and species dissimilarity. Results The z‐value for bird‐dispersed species was lower (0.11) than that for wind‐dispersed species (0.27), with mammal‐dispersed species taking an intermediate value (0.16). This result suggests that, as a group, bird‐dispersed species are better colonizers. The spatial pattern in species number as well as species similarity was more pronounced for bird‐ compared with wind‐dispersed species. Main conclusions The standard interpretation of the theory of island biogeography claims that shallow slopes in the SAR imply low isolation of islands, i.e. good dispersal abilities of species. The results of our study appear to contradict this statement. The contradiction can eventually be resolved by a more detailed account of the colonization process, i.e. by distinguishing between dispersal and consecutive establishment of populations.  相似文献   

Naoto Shinohara  Takehito Yoshida 《Oikos》2021,130(10):1626-1635
Herbivorous insect communities are structured by multiple processes operating locally (e.g. bottom–up effects of plants) and regionally (e.g. dispersal limitation). Although the relative strength of these processes has been well documented, how it varies in time is less understood, especially in relation with the temporal dynamics of plant communities. If temporal turnover of local plant species composition is too rapid for insect community assembly to keep up with, bottom–up effects are expected to be weak. Here, in plant and herbivorous insect communities in Japanese grasslands, we studied how the relative importance of local (bottom–up effects of plants, structures of plant communities and top–down effects of predators) and regional (dispersal limitation) processes varies over the growing season. In addition, we tested the hypothesis that larger temporal turnover of plant species composition is related to the weaker bottom–up effects, that is, the lower explanation power of plant communities for insect communities. We found that, throughout the growing season, the insect species composition was mainly explained by local variables (plant species composition, vegetation height and predator abundance), and their explanation power was higher during later phases of the season (late summer). Furthermore, the variation not explained by plant species composition was correlated with the degree of temporal turnover of plants, suggesting that insect communities failed to track the temporal turnover of plant species. These results were pronounced when we focused on leaf sucker insects, whose host plant range is presumably more limited. We conclude that herbivorous insect communities are mainly regulated by local processes, especially bottom–up effects from plants, while stochasticity may have played a role in early phases of the season. Furthermore, we underscore the importance of considering relative time scale of community assembly and environmental shifts, especially in systems characterized by dynamic changes.  相似文献   

Tropical forests are among the most species-diverse ecosystems on Earth. Their structures and ecological functions are complex to understand. Functional group is defined as a group of species that play similar roles in an ecosystem. The functional group approach has been regarded as an effective way of linking the compositions of complex ecosystems with their ecological functions. To understand the variation of functional groups in species-rich ecosystems after disturbance, the present study investigated the spatial pattern and temporal dynamics of woody plants in a typically fragmented natural forest landscape of Hainan Island in South China. The study area was classified into eight landscape types based on vegetation type, disturbance manner and the time of recovery. The woody plant species were aggregated into seven functional groups based on the growth form, successional status and plant size. The results gained from the present study showed that all functional groups, except for the emergent and canopy tree species, were present in all eight landscape types. Each landscape type had different numbers of dominant functional groups. There are similar species richness and stem abundance structure among functional groups between mid-successional clear cut lowland rainforest and old growth tropical coniferous forest. This similarity exists in selective logged lowland rainforest and old-growth lowland rainforest, as well as among landscape types of montane rainforest. The functional groups with the same successional status had similar patterns of species richness and stem abundance ratios among different landscape types. The variation patterns of functional groups along the successional stages in terms of species richness and stem abundance among the tropical lowland rainforest landscape types were more similar to each other than those in the tropical montane reinforest landscape types. This study provides further support for the competition-colonization tradeoff and successional niche theory as opposed to models of neutrality and ecological equivalence.  相似文献   

北热带喀斯特季节性雨林(northern tropical karst seasonal rain forest)是在我国热带北缘喀斯特地区分布的典型森林植被类型之一。由于富钙偏碱的地球化学背景及多样性的生境类型, 同时受季风气候影响, 该森林呈现群落结构多样、树种组成丰富、特有成分突出等特点。基于大型固定监测样地对该森林树种组成与空间分布进行的研究, 是探明该区域生物多样性形成与维持机制的基础。我们于2011年底建立了广西弄岗北热带喀斯特季节性雨林15 ha监测样地, 依照CTFS (Center for Tropical Forest Science)全球森林生物多样性监测规范, 定位并调查了样地内每一棵胸径≥1 cm的木本植物。结果表明: (1)样地内有监测树种223种, 隶属于56科157属; 独立个体总数为68,010株(含分枝为95,471株), 平均胸径为4.84 cm; (2)树种科、属的区系均以热带成分为主, 大戟科、马鞭草科、梧桐科等为优势科; (3)个体数最多的11个树种的个体数之和占到总个体数的51.64%, 前58个树种的占90.19%; 稀有种有75种, 占总树种数的33.63%; (4)群落结构稳定且更新良好, 主要优势种的径级结构均呈倒“J”形, 无明显断层; (5)树种分布在空间上表现出明显差异, 黄梨木(Boniodendron minus)等强耐旱型树种分布于山顶周围; 蚬木(Excentrodendron tonkinense)等树种分布于山坡中部; 对叶榕(Ficus hispida)等喜湿耐荫型树种分布于山谷周围; (6)胸径>20 cm的个体较多分布在山坡中下部, 极少分布在山顶周围; 胸径10–20 cm的个体较均匀分布于整个样地; 分枝和萌枝较多分布在山顶周围; (7)种–面积散点图在2–7 ha的取样面积下分化形成两条曲线, 表明了树种数量组成在空间上具有强烈异质性。研究初步认为: 强烈生境异质性及独特地质背景可能是影响该喀斯特森林物种组成及空间分布的重要因素。  相似文献   

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