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本文发展的技术可以使金鱼草下胚轴外植体不定芽高频再生。添加有2mg/l BAP和0.5mg/l NAA的MS培养基上再生芽出得又快又多,淡黄色愈伤组织易于形成并存活,但主要依赖的是6-BAP。MS培养基中含有0.1mg/l和6mg/l浓度的6-BP均能刺激芽的发育,最适浓度为2-3mg/l。仅加2.4-D,也能形成正常的黄色愈伤组织,但这样形成的愈伤组织在只含有0.1-6mg/l6-BAP或含有2mg/l6-BAP和0.5mg/lNAA的MS培养基上均不能分化生出再生芽来。仅加NAA,能够刺激下胚轴形成根。加入AgNO3,则抑制不定芽的再生,并导致整个外体变成棕色而死亡。组织化学分析结果表明:不定芽的再生源于下胚轴外植体表皮细胞。在不含有任何生长调节的MS培养基上,再生苗均能形成根。再生植株移栽至花盆可开花结实。  相似文献   

大白菜下胚轴离体不定芽高效再生体系的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以大白菜的下胚轴为外植体,比较了不同浓度TDZ和6-BA两种细胞分裂素与不同浓度NAA相配合的培养基上不定芽再生的差异,并利用筛选出的高效再生培养基研究外植体苗龄、切段来源、接种方式以及品种对不定芽再生的影响。结果表明:与6-BA相比,TDZ对诱导下胚轴不定芽再生更有效,在M S+TDZ 0.3 m g.L-1+NAA0.5 m g.L-1+A gNO35 m g.L-1的培养基上,下胚轴不定芽再生频率高达87.8%,平均每下胚轴再生不定芽数也达到15.1个;3~5 d苗龄之间的下胚轴不定芽再生能力无显著差异,再生频率均达到80%以上,此后随着苗龄的增加,不定芽分化频率快速下降,苗龄为7 d时再生频率只有51.1%;下胚轴不同切段不定芽再生能力由强到弱表现为:上部切段>中部切段>下部切段;以正插(形态学下端插入培养基)方式接种的外植体不定芽再生能力显著大于反插(形态学上端插入培养基)和平放的;不同品种大白菜下胚轴的不定芽再生能力有一定差异。  相似文献   

红光、远红光、钙及IAA对绿豆下胚轴切段伸长的影响   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
红光明显抑制黄化绿豆下胚轴切段的伸长,远红光则有部分逆转红光的作用。黑暗条件下加钙对切段具有与红光处理相同的抑制伸长效果。IAA可完全逆转红光的作用。  相似文献   

影响油菜下胚轴外植体芽高频率再生的因素   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以芥菜型油菜DB3 的下胚轴为外植体 ,分析了苗龄、激素、AgNO3 对油菜外植体的高频率再生的影响。结果发现 ,3~ 5d的苗用于诱导愈伤组织较佳 ,6 BA 1 .5mg/L +NAA 0 .1mg/L的组合对下胚轴芽的分化较好 ,AgNO3 可提高下胚轴芽的分化率  相似文献   

表油菜素内酯对绿豆下胚轴切段的保幼延衰作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
表油菜素内酯(1ppm)对绿豆下胚轴切段有明显的保幼延衰和维持旺盛伸长生长的作用。0.1~1ppm的表油菜素内醋几乎完全阻抑了绿豆下胚轴切段花青素的累积。 表油菜素内醋处理的下胚轴能维持远较对照为高的呼吸作用和蛋白质合成水平。电镜观察表明,表油菜素内酯处理5日后的离体下胚轴切段细胞仍然保持完整的细胞器结构,而对照细胞内部完整细胞器结构则已崩溃破坏殆尽。  相似文献   

藏红花不同类型愈伤组织器官形态发生能力的差异杨永华郭子彪(南京大学生物科学与技术系,南京210093)(南京农业大学农业与生命科学学院,南京210095)萧凤(云南农业大学农业科学技术学院,昆明650201)Diferencesonorganoge...  相似文献   

结球甘兰下胚轴组织培养形态发生的组织学研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
结球甘兰离体下胚轴培养,近切口的中柱薄壁细胞首先启动分生,中柱外的内皮层,皮层,表皮细胞随后也启动分生。随着愈伤组织的生长和愈伤形成层的建成,维管组织与分生组织产生。组织培养中出现的多倍性细胞团和单倍性细胞,不会引起原二倍体物种的遗传性变异和性状变化。在愈伤组织中,芽多为外起源。由原体原始细胞和原套原始细胞发育成芽原基,进一步形成不定芽。另外,不定芽还可由外植体皮层内薄壁组织直接产生。不定根为内起  相似文献   

影响椪柑上胚轴再生不定芽的几个生理因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨几种因素对椪柑实生苗上胚轴再生不定芽影响的结果表明,在6-BA 1 mg·L-1和NAA0.1 mg·L-1下,椪柑上胚轴切段的出芽率达到61.1%,每个上胚轴上的不定芽数也同时达到最大(7.10个);黑暗处理20d后转入光照条件下培养可提高椪柑上胚轴切段不定芽的再生率;上胚轴水平放置于培养基中有利于不定芽的再生,形态学下端插入培养基有利于不定芽的生长.再生的不定芽在附加NAA0.1~1 mg·L-1的1/2MT培养基中生根并再生椪柑植株.  相似文献   

在MS基本培养基上,黄瓜和绿豆幼苗的下胚轴切段培养4d时即可见不定根发生。下胚轴不同部位切段的发根能力不同。下胚轴切段反插时比正插时发根快1-2d,发根率也高于正插的;0.01-0.05mg/L的NAA还诱导下胚轴切段在形态学上端发根。TIBA对正插或反插的下胚轴切段的不定根发生都有抑制作用。结果提示,生长素极性运输活性对不定根形成起着重要作用。  相似文献   

Hairy roots of snapdragon (Antirrhinum ma-jus L.: Scrophulariaceae) induced by a wild-type strain of Agrobacterium rhizogenes were cultured on media containing various concentrations of a phosphinothricin-based herbicide, bialaphos, or plant growth regulators (PGRs). Adventitious shoot regeneration from hairy roots was observed with a low frequency (10%) on half-strength Murashige and Skoog medium. Addition of α-naphthalene-acetic acid in combination with 6-benzylaminopurine, thidiazuron, or zeatin to the medium had no effect on shoot regeneration from hairy roots. Although bialaphos at 0.9 mg l–1 or more was toxic to hairy roots, it significantly increased the shoot regeneration frequency up to 56% at 0.5 mg l–1. In contrast, non-transformed roots and leaves regenerated no shoots on media with or without bialaphos. Regenerated shoots detached from host roots readily developed roots on gellan-gum-solidified medium. Regenerated plants were successfully transferred to the greenhouse, but did not produce seed. Received: 24 February 1997 / Revision received: 10 July 1997 / Accepted: 28 July 1997  相似文献   

Large numbers of subprotoplasts were isolated enzymatically from pollen tubes of Antirrhinum majus L. When these subI)rotoplasts, either nucleate or enucleate, were cultured in D2 liquid eulture medium, each formed a thick cell wall and germinated a pollen tube like strueture which also deposited a thick wall, except at the tip of the tube. Tube growth was accomparied by a continuous movement of the mass of cell inelusion in this tube to the tip. Rupture of the naked tip oeeurred within one to six days releasing the mass of cell inelusion in the tube into the culture medium. The faet that both nucleate and enneleate subprotoplasts show the same cultural behavior eharaeteristie of the gene expression of a normal pollen tube demonstrates the presence of presynthesized mRNA in the germinated tubes.  相似文献   

The ultracytochemical localization of ATPase activity was carried out by the method of lead precipitation in the ovules of Antirrhinum majus L. No ATPase activity is observed in the egg apparatus, but some in the polar nuclei, cytoplasm and plasma membrane of the central cell. Between the embryo sac wall and the cuticle surrounding it, there is a gap where some filamentand vesicle-like structures were demonstrated by conventional staining method, and much of ATPase activity is found there. At the chalaza of the ovule, a lot of ATPase particles are found irt the nuclei, plasma membranes and the thick and loose wall of the hypostase cells. The particles of ATPase in the hypostase and those in the gap surrounding embryo sac are continuously distributed through the intervals of the cuticle at the chalazal end of the embryo sac. Some of ATPase particles are found on the plasma membranes and plasmadesmata of integument ceils, noticeably much more in the nucleoplasm of the integumentary tapetum. According to the ATPase distribution pattern in the ovules, we suggest that the function of the integumentary tapetum and hypostase is secretion, and that the gap surrounding the embryo sac may be an apoplastic ehannal for nutrient flow into the embryo sac.  相似文献   

At the beginning of the 1990s, a simple genetic model that explained flower development was presented based on Arabidopsis thaliana and Antirrhinum majus floral homeotic mutants. According to this model, which is a milestone in plant development studies, flower development can be explained by three classes of genes (A, B and C), each one controlling the identity of organs in two adjacent whorls. Intriguingly, more than 20 years later, there are still some unanswered questions, in particular regarding the universality of the class A-function genes. Class A genes are well characterised in A. thaliana, but so far no A mutants have been described in other plant species nor in Antirrhinum majus. Here, we retrace the story that led to the proposal of the ABC model focusing on the contribution of A. majus to this model. Although fewer groups are still using A. majus as a model system, this plant was a master contributor to our comprehension of the molecular networks controlling flower development.  相似文献   

In this paper we show the seasonal and diurnal variation in the content of the four iridoids found in cultivars of Antirrhinum majus, antirrhinoside, antirrhide, 5-glucosyl-antirrhinoside and linarioside. The seasonal variation in total iridoid content showed a marked bimodal distribution with high total values (around 100 mg/g dry matter) early and late in the season and a very low content of all iridoids coinciding with the onset of flowering at the beginning of August. The relative contribution of antirrhinoside was significantly higher before flowering than after bud break. The relative decrease in antirrhinoside was counteracted by an increase of antirrhide, which was significantly higher after the onset of flowering than before. This pattern indicates a change in biosynthesis, although no explanation can be given to the phenomenon. The diurnal variation showed a variation between 20 and 60 mg/g dry weight, but there was no relation to light/darkness conditions, temperature patterns or water content. The analyses were performed by HPLC. The applied method has not previously been used in the quantification of iridoids, but was developed specifically for the analyses of cultivars of Antirrhinum majus. We have fully validated the method during its development. The limit of detection was calculated to 0.004 mg/ml and the limit of quantification was 0.01 mg/ml.  相似文献   

Assessing processes of geographic expansion in contact zones is a crucial step towards an accurate prediction of the evolution of species genetic diversity. The geographic distribution of cytonuclear discordance often reflects genetic introgression patterns across a species geographic range. Antirrhinum majus pseudomajus and A. m. striatum are two interfertile subspecies that occupy nonoverlapping areas but enter in contact in many locations at the margin of their geographic distribution. We found that genetic introgression between both subspecies was asymmetric at the local scale and geographically oriented in opposite directions at both ends of their contact zone perimeter in the Pyrenees. Our results suggest that the geographic expansion of A. majus subspecies was circular around the perimeter of their contact zone and pinpoint the need to integrate different spatial scales to unravel complex patterns of species geographic expansion.  相似文献   

Studies of pollination ecology have been hindered by an absence of biochemical information about the basis of polymorphism. Using model plants and mutant lines described by molecular genetics may circumvent this difficulty. Mutation of genes controlling petal colour and petal epidermal cell shape in Antirrhinum majus was previously shown to influence fruit set. White flowers set less fruit than magenta flowers and mutants with flat petal epidermal cells set less fruit than flowers with conical cells. Here we analyse the causal pathway underlying this phenomenon through a study of floral characteristics and bee behaviour. Results indicate that bees recognized plants with magenta conical‐celled flowers at a distance and did not approach white flowers or magenta flat‐celled flowers so frequently. Petal cell shape interacted with colour in determining whether an approaching bee landed on a flower within a plot and whether a bee landing on a flower would probe it. The intrafloral temperature of flowers with conical petal cells was shown to increase with solar irradiance, unlike the intrafloral temperature of flowers with flat petal cells. The difference in fruit set may reflect pollinator discrimination between genotypes as a consequence of the effect of intrafloral temperature on nectar quality and quantity.  相似文献   

以温室中生长的金鱼草品种‘泛美夏粉’为研究对象,依据盆栽金鱼草叶片生长与光温环境的关系,构建了适合温室金鱼草叶面积指数模拟模型,并用独立试验数据对模型进行了检验,旨在提高温室金鱼草生长和蒸腾模型精度和适用性。结果表明,金鱼草出叶数与出苗后累积辐热积呈指数函数关系;叶片长度与出叶后累积辐热积呈负指数函数关系;金鱼草出叶数、叶片长度和叶面积指数的模拟结果与实测值基于1:1直线间的决定系数R。分别为0.98、0.93、0.99,其回归估计标准误R懈E分别为2.6,0.33cm、0.17。本研究建立的模型能够较准确地预测温室盆栽金鱼草叶面积指教动态,参数少且易获取、实用性强。  相似文献   

Petal and stamen identity of the Antirrhinum majus flower is under the genetic control of the floral homeotic gene DEFICIENS (DEF). To isolate factors involved in the regulation of DEF gene activity, a promoter segment of this B-function gene, containing cis-acting regulatory elements, was used to identify the novel trans-acting factor ROSINA (RSI). RSI does not show an extended similarity with any gene product present in the database. Rather RSI constitutes a protein that contains domains similar to known proteins from organisms of different phyla. The capacity of RSI to bind a sequence element of the DEF promoter, its spatial and temporal expression pattern together with the phenotype of RSI-RNAi interference plants as well as RSI over-expression in Arabidopsis thaliana suggest that RSI is a putative regulator of DEF gene activity in A. majus.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Fifty-two populations were sampled in order to establish the taxonomic delimitation and relationships of eight taxa belonging to the A. majus L. and A. siculum Miller groups. METHODS: Data on 13 allozyme loci were recorded after extraction of fresh leaves and electrophoresis on horizontal 10% starch gels. KEY RESULTS: Genetic distances between conspecific populations are lower than for other species of the genus. CONCLUSIONS: These results support the recognition of A. majus, A. tortuosum, A. linkianum, A. cirrigherum, A. litigiosum and A. barrelieri at specific rank. The genetic distances, together with the lack of morphological differences and the sympatric distribution ranges, support the inclusion of A. australe into A. tortuosum, A. dielsianum into A. siculum, and A. latifolium subsp. intermedium as a synonym of A. latifolium. The results support separation of the taxa studied into two groups, coinciding with series Sicula Rothm. and Majora, but disagreeing with the arrangement of species into them. According to our results, Sicula consist of A. siculum and Majora consists of A. latifolium, A. majus, A. tortuosum, A. linkianum, A. cirrigherum, A. litigiosum and A. barrelieri.  相似文献   

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