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在野外调查的基础上,结合查阅标本和文献比对,对秦岭地区芍药属(Paeonia)植物及其地理分布进行修订。结果表明,秦岭地区分布有芍药属8个野生种及1个栽培种,可分为牡丹组(Section Mouton DC.)和芍药组(Sect. Paeonia)。地理分布格局研究表明:芍药组内4个种:草芍药(P. obovata)、美丽芍药(P. mairei)、芍药(P. lactiflora)、川赤芍(P. anomala subsp. veitchii)和牡丹组中的牡丹(P. suffruticosa Andrews)、紫斑牡丹(P. rockii)为秦岭广布种,卵叶牡丹(P. qiui)和杨山牡丹(P. ostii)为秦岭中东部分布种,矮牡丹(P.jishanensis)为秦岭东部分布种。根据修订,给出了秦岭地区芍药属植物分种检索表。  相似文献   

饶固  戴丹  张波  李玉 《微生物学通报》2021,48(10):3791-3798
[背景] 托光柄菇属(Volvopluteus)隶属于光柄菇科(Pluteaceae),目前世界上仅有4个种。[目的] 调查我国东北地区大型真菌资源。[方法] 采集大型真菌标本,对其形态进行详细的观察和描述,提取DNA,测定rDNA ITS序列,基于最大似然法和贝叶斯法构建系统发育树。[结果] 2019–2020年在吉林省延边朝鲜族自治州敦化市采集的标本中,有6份标本为密执安托光柄菇V.michiganensis,该种真菌此前未在我国发现。在系统发育分析中,采自我国的密执安托光柄菇V.michiganensis与该种的模式标本聚为一个分支。[结论] 密执安托光柄菇V.michiganensis为中国新记录种。  相似文献   

Peristenus digoneutis Loan (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) was introduced to the US for biological control of the tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois) (Hemiptera: Miridae), and has since spread through much of the northeast. The purpose of this study was to determine if P. digoneutis and a native congener, Peristenus pallipes (Curtis), parasitize L. lineolaris in strawberry (where it is a key pest), and what factors relate to parasitism levels. During 1997–1999 we monitored parasitism on 17 strawberry farms in 14 counties in eastern and western New York State. We found that in eastern NY (where P. digoneutis has been established since the early 1990s), overall mean parasitism was 19.7% (ranging from 0 to 70%), mostly by P. digoneutis. Mean parasitism was significantly lower (12.3%, ranging from 0 to 58%) in western NY (where P. digoneutis was first recorded in 1999), and was mostly by P. pallipes. P. pallipes parasitism was significantly lower in eastern than western NY, suggesting the potential for competitive interaction with P. digoneutis. The insecticide regime of a farm was an important factor influencing parasitism rate, which was 5- to 6.5-fold higher on organic or casually sprayed farms than on intensely treated farms, though pest density under these three regimes was not significantly different. L. lineolaris density, and parasitism rate in nearby alfalfa and abandoned fields were also significant factors for parasitism in strawberry.  相似文献   

通过野外调查、标本查阅及文献考证,订正了华南吊灯花属(Ceropegia Linn.)植物,将狭瓣吊灯花(C. angustilimba Merr.)从吊灯花(C. trichantha Hemsl.)的异名中予以恢复,提供了二者的形态描述,确认华南地区记录的柳叶吊灯花(C. salicifolia H. Huber)实为剑叶吊灯花(C. dolichophylla Schltr.)的错误鉴定,并提供了后者的形态描述。  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科盆距兰属一新记录种: 刚毛盆距兰(Gastrochilus setosus Aver. & Vuong),并提供彩色照片及详细特征描述。该种形态上与红松盆距兰(G. raraensis Fukuuama)近似,但前者植株小,唇瓣具短刚毛,距为圆筒状等特征极易与红松盆距兰区分开。该种原仅分布于越南,现首次在中国西藏发现其分布。凭证标本保存于西藏农牧学院标本馆。  相似文献   

报道了2017年发现于云南孟连县勐马镇腊福大黑山贺莫村附近海拔2 145m中山湿性常绿阔叶林的一种附生兰科植物——窄唇舌唇兰[Platanthera angustilabris Seidenf.]在中国的新分布记录,该物种过去记录仅分布在缅甸、泰国和越南。窄唇舌唇兰与长瓣舌唇兰相近,但前者的窄披针形叶片长度可以达到15cm,后者的披针形叶片仅可达7cm。凭证标本存放于中国科学院昆明植物研究所标本馆(KUN)。  相似文献   

【目的】2016年7月北京出入境检验检疫局从泰国进境商品山竹果中检出双色多刺蚁,经查询,该种为我国进出境检疫部门首次检出。了解多刺蚁属情况可为该类昆虫的检疫鉴定提供依据。【方法】笔者通过对双色多刺蚁及多刺蚁属相关文献进行翻译和整理,详细介绍了双色多刺蚁的分类地位、分布、形态特征及近似种,以及多刺蚁属在中国的种类,并简要分析了我国检疫系统对多刺蚁属的截获情况。【结果】双色多刺蚁(膜翅目:蚁科)主要分布于东南亚和澳大利亚地区,在我国仅分布于云南省。多刺蚁属在我国已知45种1亚种。2003—2016年7月我国检疫系统共检出多刺蚁属2097批次。【结论】多刺蚁属随货物包装携带入境的概率较高,各进出境检疫部门应加强对该类昆虫的检疫工作。  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium and Giardia infections are common causes of diarrhea worldwide. To better understand the transmission of human cryptosporidiosis and giardiasis in Henan, China, 10 Cryptosporidium-positive specimens and 18 Giardia-positive specimens were characterized at the species/genotype and subtype levels. Cryptosporidium specimens were analyzed by DNA sequencing of the small subunit rRNA and 60 kDa glycoprotein genes. Among those genotyped, nine belonged to C. hominis and one C. felis, with the former belonging to three subtype families: Ia, Ib, and Id. The three Ib subtypes identified, IbA16G2, IbA19G2, and IbA20G2, were very different from the two common Ib subtypes (IbA9G3 and IbA10G2) found in other areas of the world. The distribution of Giardia duodenalis genotypes and subtypes was assessed by sequence analysis of the triosephosphate isomerase (tpi) gene. The assemblages A (eight belonging to A-I and four A-II) and B (belonging to six new subtypes) were found in 12 and six specimens, respectively. More systematic studies are needed to understand the transmission of Cryptosporidium and G. duodenalis in humans in China.  相似文献   

庄剑云  魏淑霞 《菌物学报》1993,12(Z1):47-50
本文报告采自四川西部九寨沟自然保护区菰帽悬钩子(Rubus pileatus Focke)上的一个锈菌新种。标本上仅见冬孢子堆,冬孢子双胞,类似柄锈菌的冬孢子。由于未见性子器,属的地位尚难确定。然而,此菌的冬孢子堆外观酷似悬钩子植物上特有的单种属阿氏锈菌属(Arthuriomyces)。镜下观察测得孢子大小为40-55(-65) × 22-28 μm,孢壁厚度为3-4.5 μm,有细皱纹,每个细胞各具一芽孔。从芽孔数及位置看符合阿氏锈菌属的特征,因而将此菌暂隶于此属,命名为悬钩子生阿氏锈菌(Arthuriomyces rubicola sp. nov.)  相似文献   

报道了采自中国西北部新疆博格达山区哈熊沟森林公园的鸡皮衣属和泡鳞衣属地衣的2个中国新记录种,即南方鸡皮衣(Pertusaria australis Vian)和北极泡鳞衣(Toninia arctica Timdal),并描述了二者的形态学、解剖学以及化学成分特征,提供了其形态特征和内部解剖结构照片.标本保存于新疆大学...  相似文献   

Biological control of invasive saltcedars (Tamarix spp.) in the western U.S. by exotic tamarisk leaf beetles, Diorhabda spp., first released in 2001 after 15 years of development, has been successful. In Texas, beetles from Crete, Greece were first released in 2004 and are providing control. However, adults alight, feed and oviposit on athel (Tamarix aphylla), an evergreen tree used for shade and as a windbreak in the southwestern U.S. and México, and occasionally feed on native Frankenia spp. plants. The ability of tamarisk beetles to establish on these potential field hosts was investigated in the field. In no-choice tests in bagged branches, beetle species from Crete and Sfax, Tunisia produced 30–45% as many egg masses and 40–60% as many larvae on athel as on saltcedar. In uncaged choice tests in south Texas, adult, egg mass and larval densities were 10-fold higher on saltcedar than on adjacent athel trees after 2 weeks, and damage by the beetles was 2- to 10-fold greater on saltcedar. At a site near Big Spring, in west-central Texas, adults, egg masses and 1st and 2nd instar larvae were 2- to 8-fold more abundant on saltcedar than on athel planted within a mature saltcedar stand being defoliated by Crete beetles, and beetles were 200-fold or less abundant or not found at all on Frankenia. At a site near Lovelock, Nevada, damage by beetles of a species collected from Fukang, China was 12–78% higher on saltcedar than on athel planted among mature saltcedar trees undergoing defoliation. The results demonstrate that 50–90% reduced oviposition on athel and beetle dispersal patterns within resident saltcedar limit the ability of Diorhabda spp. to establish populations and have impact on athel in the field.  相似文献   

记述中国缨翅目蓟马科1新记录属:梯背蓟马属Tenothrips Bhatti和1新记录种:变色梯背蓟马T. discolor (Karny, 1907)。研究标本保存在浙江大学昆虫研究所标本馆。  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科(Orchidaceae)隔距兰属(Cleisostoma Blume)一新记录种:角唇隔距兰(C.tricornutum Averyanov)。该种与C.crochetii(Guillaumin)Garay、C.parishii(J.D.Hooker)Garay相近,因其有不分枝的线状花粉团柄、球状的花粉团块和一个先端短喙状的半球形药帽而与C.crochetii(Guillaumin)Garay相区别;因其有松散、罕分枝的花序,长角状的唇瓣侧裂片而与C.parishii(J.D.Hooker)Garay相区别。提供了新记录种的形态描述及图片。  相似文献   

记载了采自越南奠边省的越南新记录种Castanopsis gamblei Hickel et A.Camus。该种与C.jucunda Hance相似,但区别在于中脉在叶上面凸起,侧脉8~12对,壳斗外壁的刺长为1~1.5 cm,壳斗具短柄和坚果被伏毛等,并根据采自越南的标本,提供了C.gamblei的形态特征描述和绘图。  相似文献   

报道了中国凤仙花属一新记录种——高大凤仙花(Impatiens kerriae Craib)。该种原产于泰国,在中国为首次记录。该文对高大凤仙花的特征进行了详细描述,尤其是对花果特征及花果期进行了重新描述和补充。凭证标本存放于中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园标本馆(HITBC)。  相似文献   

In the present study phylogenetic relationships of the genus Stereocaulon (lichenized ascomycetes) were examined using DNA sequences from the ITS1–5.8 S–ITS2 rDNA gene cluster and from the protein-coding β-tubulin gene. In addition to the fruticose species traditionally classified in Stereocaulon, representatives of the crustose species that have recently been transferred to the genus were included. Muhria, a monotypic genus that is morphologically similar to Stereocaulon, differing only in apothecia ontogeny, was also incorporated. The analyses included 101 specimens from the ingroup representing 49 taxa. Sequences from both DNA regions were analysed simultaneously using direct optimization under the parsimony optimality criterion. The results support the inclusion of the crustose species and Muhria in Stereocaulon, while the current infrageneric classification is not supported. As Muhria is securely nested within Stereocaulon the new combination Stereocaulon urceolatum comb. nov. (syn. Muhria urceolata) is made. Further, species concepts need to be re-examined, as some species do not appear as monophyletic entities in the phylogeny.  相似文献   

郭林 《菌物学报》1988,7(Z1):211-240
黑粉菌属是Roussel 1806年建立的,全世界记载有三百余种,主要寄生于禾本科,是经济作物及牧草的重要致病菌·长期以来,对黑粉菌的邢子使用过各种名称,如厚垣孢子,冬孢子及黑粉孢子等.本文采用黑粉孢子以区别锈菌的冬孢子. 芳’(1979)在《中国真菌总汇》中列出黑粉菌属五十种及一个变型.作者经过显微结构和超显微结构的研究,承认其中二十九种为正确名称,八种及一变型为异名,顶黑粉菌(Ustilago acrearus Berk.)由于错拼而被废弃.埃地黑粉菌(Ustilago emodensis Berk.)被转移至利罗粉菌属(Liroa).另有十一种黑粉菌因缺少标本留待今后订正.自1979年以后,杨信东(1983)增加黑粉菌属二种我国新纪录,K.范基和郭林(1986)描述一新种,四种新纪录.在本文中,作者描述一新种:鸢尾蒜黑粉(Ustilago ixiolirii Guo L) ,孢子堆生在蒴果内,不开裂,黑色,粉末状.黑粉孢子球形,近球形,稀椭圆形, 12.5-21×10-21μm,黑褐色,壁厚1-1.Sμm,纹饰脑状.是迄今生在石蒜科植物上唯一黑粉菌的种,其它几种黑粉菌均属条黑粉菌属.本文增加七种我国新纪录.共计四十九种,寄生于六科四十四属植物,主要是禾本科和蓼科.这仅是黑粉菌属研究的初步报告,在全国范围内大量采集黑粉菌标本后,作者相信会有更多新种和我国新纪录被发现.利罗黑粉菌属(Liroa)是从黑粉菌属(Ustaligo)分出的,此属为单种属.  相似文献   

Leveillula on monocotyledonous plants have been recorded as L. taurica by several authors, whereas the fungus on Allium has been described as an independent species, namely L. allii, by some authors. We sequenced ca 600 bp of the rDNA ITS region for two Leveillula specimens from Allium and Polianthes (both from monocotyledons) and compared them with several already published sequences from Leveillula isolates from dicotyledons. Pair-wise percentages of sequence divergences were calculated for all Leveillula isolates. The ITS sequence of the Polianthes isolate was identical to L. taurica on Helianthus and Vicia. The sequence of the Allium isolate was 99.5 % identical to L. taurica on Euphorbia, Haplophylum, Peganum, etc. These results suggest close relationships between monocot and dicot pathogenic Leveillula species. The identity between two monocot isolates was 98.4 %. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the two monocot isolates do not group into a clade together. This result suggests that Leveillula acquired parasitism to monocots at least twice independently.  相似文献   

The potential of Fusarium oxysporum var. cubense UAMH 9013 to perform steroid biotransformations was reinvestigated using single phase and pulse feed conditions. The following natural steroids served as substrates: dehydroepiandrosterone (1), pregnenolone (2), testosterone (3), progesterone (4), cortisone (5), prednisone (6), estrone (7) and sarsasapogenin (8). The results showed the possible presence of C-7 and C-15 hydroxylase enzymes. This hypothesis was explored using three synthetic androstanes: androstane-3,17-dione (9), androsta-4,6-diene-3,17-dione (10) and 3α,5α-cycloandrost-6-en-17-one (11). These fermentations of non-natural steroids showed that C-7 hydroxylation was as a result of that position being allylic. The evidence also pointed towards the presence of a C-15 hydroxylase enzyme.The eleven steroids were also fed to Exophialajeanselmei var. lecanii-corni UAMH 8783. The results showed that the fungus appears to have very active 5α and 14α-hydroxylase enzymes, and is also capable of carrying out allylic oxidations.Ceratocystis paradoxa UAMH 8784 was grown in the presence of the above-mentioned steroids. The results showed that monooxygenases which effect allylic hydroxylation and Baeyer–Villiger rearrangement were active. However, redox reactions predominated.  相似文献   

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