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Kobayashi K  Tagawa S  Mogi T 《Biochemistry》1999,38(18):5913-5917
Cytochrome bd is a two-subunit ubiquinol oxidase in the aerobic respiratory chain of Escherichia coli and binds hemes b558, b595, and d as the redox metal centers. Taking advantage of spectroscopic properties of three hemes which exhibit distinct absorption peaks, we investigated electron transfer within the enzyme by the technique of pulse radiolysis. Reduction of the hemes in the air-oxidized, resting-state enzyme, where heme d exists in mainly an oxygenated form and partially an oxoferryl and a ferric low-spin forms, occurred in two phases. In the faster phase, radiolytically generated N-methylnicotinamide radicals simultaneously reduced the ferric hemes b558 and b595 with a second-order rate constant of 3 x 10(8) M-1 s-1, suggesting that a rapid equilibrium occurs for electron transfer between two b-type hemes long before 10 micros. In the slower phase, an intramolecular electron transfer from heme b to the oxoferryl and the ferric heme d occurred with the first-order rate constant of 4.2-5.6 x 10(2) s-1. In contrast, the oxygenated heme d did not exhibit significant spectral change. Reactions with the fully oxidized and hydrogen peroxide-treated forms demonstrated that the oxidation and/or ligation states of heme d do not affect the heme b reduction. The following intramolecular electron transfer transformed the ferric and oxoferryl forms of heme d to the ferrous and ferric forms, respectively, with the first-order rate constants of 3.4 x 10(3) and 5.9 x 10(2) s-1, respectively.  相似文献   

Cytochrome bd is a two-subunit ubiquinol oxidase in the aerobic respiratory chain of Escherichia coli that does not belong to the heme-copper terminal oxidase superfamily. To explore unique protein structural changes associated with the reduction of the redox metal centers, we carried out Fourier-transform infrared and visible spectroscopic studies on cytochrome bd. For infrared measurements of a partially dehydrated thin sample solution, the air-oxidized enzyme was fully reduced by the intermolecular electron transfer of photo-excited riboflavin in the absence and presence of KCN, and redox difference spectra were calculated. Upon reduction, the bound cyanide was released from the heme b595-heme d binuclear center but remained in a protein pocket as a deprotonated form. Reduction of heme b558, heme b595, and heme d resulted in large changes in amide-I and protonated carboxylic CO-stretching vibrations and also a small change in the cysteine SH-stretching vibration. The location of the redox metal centers and the effects of cyanide suggest that these protein structural changes occur at the heme-binding pockets near the protein surface. Systematic site-directed mutagenesis and time-resolved FTIR studies on cytochrome bd will facilitate an understanding of the unique molecular mechanisms for dioxygen reduction and delivery of chemical protons to the active center at the atomic level.  相似文献   

Recent proteome studies on the Escherichia coli membrane proteins suggested that YhcB is a putative third subunit of cytochrome bd-type ubiquinol oxidase (CydAB) (F. Stenberg, P. Chovanec, S.L. Maslen, C.V. Robinson, L.L. Ilag, G. von Heijne, D.O. Daley, Protein complexes of the Escherichia coli cell envelope. J. Biol. Chem. 280 (2005) 34409-34419). We isolated and characterized cytochrome bd from the DeltayhcB strain, and found that the formation of the CydAB heterodimer, the spectroscopic properties of bound hemes, and kinetic parameters for the ubiquinol-1 oxidation were identical to those of cytochrome bd from the wild-type strain. Anion-exchange chromatography and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that YhcB was not associated with the cytochrome bd complex. We concluded that YhcB is dispensable for the assembly and function of cytochrome bd. YhcB, which is distributed only in gamma-proteobacteria, may be a part of another membrane protein complex or may form a homo multimeric complex.  相似文献   

The mechanism of the dioxygen (O(2)) reduction conducted by cytochrome bo-type quinol oxidase was investigated using submillisecond-resolved freeze-quench EPR spectroscopy. The fully reduced form of the wild-type enzyme (WT) with the bound ubiquinone-8 at the high-affinity quinone-binding site was mixed with an O(2)-saturated solution, and the subsequent reaction was quenched at different time intervals from 0.2 to 50 ms. The EPR signals derived from the binuclear center and heme b were weak in the time domain from 0.2 to 0.5 ms. The signals derived from the ferric heme b and hydroxide-bound ferric heme o increased simultaneously after 1 ms, indicating that the oxidation of heme b is coupled to the formation of hydroxy heme o. In contrast, the enzyme without the bound ubiquinone-8 (Delta UbiA) showed the faster oxidation of heme b and the slower formation of hydroxy heme o than WT. It is interpreted that the F(I) intermediate possessing ferryl-oxo heme o, cupric Cu(B), and ferric heme b is converted to the F(II) intermediate within 0.2 ms by an electron transfer from the bound ubiquinonol-8 to ferric heme b. The conversion of the F(II) intermediate to the hydroxy intermediate occurred after 1 ms and was accompanied by the one-electron transfer from heme b to the binuclear center. Finally, it is suggested that the hydroxy intermediate possesses no bridging ligand between heme o and Cu(B) and is the final intermediate in the turnover cycle of cytochrome bo under steady-state conditions.  相似文献   

R M Rakita  B R Michel  H Rosen 《Biochemistry》1989,28(7):3031-3036
A microbicidal system, mediated by neutrophil myeloperoxidase, inhibits succinate-dependent respiration in Escherichia coli at rates that correlate with loss of microbial viability. Succinate dehydrogenase, the initial enzyme of the succinate oxidase respiratory pathway, catalyzes the reduction of ubiquinone to ubiquinol, which is reoxidized by terminal oxidase complexes. The steady-state ratio of ubiquinol to total quinone (ubiquinol + ubiquinone) reflects the balance between dehydrogenase-dependent ubiquinone reduction and terminal oxidase-dependent ubiquinol oxidation. Myeloperoxidase had no effect on total quinone content of E. coli but altered the steady-state ratio of ubiquinol to total quinone. The ratio doubled for organisms incubated with the myeloperoxidase system for 10 min, suggesting decreased ubiquinol oxidase activity, which was confirmed by observation of a 50% decrease in oxidation of the ubiquinol analogue 2,3-dimethoxy-5-methyl-6-decyl-1,4-benzoquinol. Despite inhibition of ubiquinol oxidase, overall succinate oxidase activity remained unchanged, suggesting that succinate dehydrogenase activity was preserved and that the dehydrogenase was rate limiting. Microbial viability was unaffected by early changes in ubiquinol oxidase activity. Longer (60 min) exposure of E. coli to the myeloperoxidase system resulted in only modest further inhibition of the ubiquinol oxidase, but the ubiquinol to total quinone ratio fell to 0%, reflecting complete loss of succinate dehydrogenase activity. Succinate oxidase activity was abolished, and there was extensive loss of microbial viability. Early myeloperoxidase-mediated injury to ubiquinol oxidase appeared to be compensated for by higher steady-state levels of ubiquinol which sustained electron turnover by mass effect. Later myeloperoxidase-mediated injuries eliminated succinate-dependent ubiquinone reduction, through inhibition of succinate dehydrogenase, with loss of succinate oxidase activity, effects which were associated with, although not clearly causal for, microbicidal activity.  相似文献   

M Tsubaki  T Mogi  H Hori 《FEBS letters》1999,449(2-3):191-195
Azide-binding to the heme-copper binuclear center of bo-type ubiquinol oxidase from Escherichia coli was investigated with Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. Deconvolution analyses of infrared spectra of the azide (14N3)-inhibited air-oxidized form showed a major infrared azide antisymmetric stretching band at 2041 cm(-1). An additional band developed at 2062.5 cm(-1) during a longer incubation. Isotope substitutions with terminally 15N-labelled azides did not show a splitting of the major band, indicating that the geometry of the bound azide is mainly in a bridging configuration between high-spin heme o and CuB. The band at 2062.5 cm(-1) showed clear splittings upon substitution with the terminally 15N-labelled azides, indicating the Cu(2+)B-N=N=N structure. Partial reduction of the oxidase with beta-NADH in the presence of azide caused an appearance of new infrared bands at 2038.5 (major) and 2009 (minor) cm(-1). The former band also showed clear splittings in the presence of the terminally 15N-labelled azides, indicating that reduction of low-spin heme b alters the structure of the binuclear center leading to the Fe(3+)o-N=N=N configuration.  相似文献   

Cytochrome bo3 is the major respiratory oxidase located in the cytoplasmic membrane of Escherichia coli when grown under high oxygen tension. The enzyme catalyzes the 2-electron oxidation of ubiquinol-8 and the 4-electron reduction of dioxygen to water. When solubilized and isolated using dodecylmaltoside, the enzyme contains one equivalent of ubiquinone-8, bound at a high affinity site (QH). The quinone bound at the QH site can form a stable semiquinone, and the amino acid residues which hydrogen bond to the semiquinone have been identified. In the current work, it is shown that the tightly bound ubiquinone-8 at the QH site is not displaced by ubiquinol-1 even during enzyme turnover. Furthermore, the presence of high affinity inhibitors, HQNO and aurachin C1–10, does not displace ubiquinone-8 from the QH site. The data clearly support the existence of a second binding site for ubiquinone, the QL site, which can rapidly exchange with the substrate pool. HQNO is shown to bind to a single site on the enzyme and to prevent formation of the stable ubisemiquinone, though without displacing the bound quinone. Inhibition of the steady state kinetics of the enzyme indicates that aurachin C1–10 may compete for binding with quinol at the QL site while, at the same time, preventing formation of the ubisemiquinone at the QH site. It is suggested that the two quinone binding sites may be adjacent to each other or partially overlap.  相似文献   

The orientation of the two haems of the Escherichia coli ubiquinol oxidase:O2 reductase, cytochrome bo, has been determined by electron paramagnetic resonance studies on oriented multilayer preparations of cytoplasmic membrane fragments. The enzyme contains a low-spin b-like haem and a high-spin b-like haem, designated cytochromes b and o respectively. Both haems are oriented with their planes perpendicular to the membrane plane, further extending the catalogue of structural and functional similarities between this enzyme and the mammalian cytochrome c oxidase, cytochrome aa3.  相似文献   

Cell respiration is catalyzed by the heme-copper oxidase superfamily of enzymes, which comprises cytochrome c and ubiquinol oxidases. These membrane proteins utilize different electron donors through dissimilar access mechanisms. We report here the first structure of a ubiquinol oxidase, cytochrome bo3, from Escherichia coli. The overall structure of the enzyme is similar to those of cytochrome c oxidases; however, the membrane-spanning region of subunit I contains a cluster of polar residues exposed to the interior of the lipid bilayer that is not present in the cytochrome c oxidase. Mutagenesis studies on these residues strongly suggest that this region forms a quinone binding site. A sequence comparison of this region with known quinone binding sites in other membrane proteins shows remarkable similarities. In light of these findings we suggest specific roles for these polar residues in electron and proton transfer in ubiquinol oxidase.  相似文献   

Hirano T  Imai H  Kandori H  Shichida Y 《Biochemistry》2001,40(5):1385-1392
To investigate the chloride effect on the spectral properties of iodopsin, we have prepared an anion-free iodopsin (iodopsin.free) by extensive dialysis of an iodopsin sample against a buffer containing no chloride, and visible and infrared difference spectra between iodopsin.free and its photoproduct at 77 K were recorded. The absorption maximum of iodopsin.free in L-alpha-phosphatidylcholine liposomes was 528 nm, which was almost identical with that of the nitrate-bound form of iodopsin (526 nm, iodopsin.NO(3)), but 43 nm blue-shifted from that of the chloride-bound form of iodopsin (iodopsin.Cl). The iod/batho visible difference spectrum obtained from iodopsin.free was similar in shape to that from iodopsin.NO(3), but not to that from iodopsin.Cl. FTIR spectroscopy revealed that the chromophore vibrational bands and the peptide bonds of the original state in iodopsin.free were identical with those in iodopsin.NO(3) and were also similar to those in iodopsin.Cl except for the ethylenic vibrations of the chromophore. In contrast, those of the batho state in iodopsin.free were similar to those in iodopsin.NO(3) but considerably different from those in iodopsin.Cl. These results suggested that the binding of chloride but not nitrate induces a conformational change in the protein and that the chloride binding site is situated in a position where it directly interacts with the chromophore when the chromophore is photoisomerized. FTIR spectroscopy also revealed that one of the four water bands observed in the batho/iod spectrum of iodospin.Cl is absent in the spectra of iodopsin.free and iodopsin.NO(3). Thus, in contrast to nitrate, a lyotropic anion, chloride would bind to the binding site with water molecule(s) which could form a hydrogen-bonding network with amino acid residue(s) near the chromophore, thereby resulting in the red shift of the absorption maximum of iodopsin.  相似文献   

U Gohlke  A Warne    M Saraste 《The EMBO journal》1997,16(6):1181-1188
The haem-copper cytochrome oxidases are terminal catalysts of the respiratory chains in aerobic organisms. These integral membrane protein complexes catalyse the reduction of molecular oxygen to water and utilize the free energy of this reaction to generate a transmembrane proton gradient. Quinol oxidase complexes such as the Escherichia coli cytochrome bo belong to this superfamily. To elucidate the similarities as well as differences between ubiquinol and cytochrome c oxidases, we have analysed two-dimensional crystals of cytochrome bo by cryo-electron microscopy. The crystals diffract beyond 5 A. A projection map was calculated to a resolution of 6 A. All four subunits can be identified and single alpha-helices are resolved within the density for the protein complex. The comparison with the three-dimensional structure of cytochrome c oxidase shows the clear structural similarity within the common functional core surrounding the metal-binding sites in subunit I. It also indicates subtle differences which are due to the distinct subunit composition. This study can be extended to a three-dimensional structure analysis of the quinol oxidase complex by electron image processing of tilted crystals.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequence data have revealed that the bo-type ubiquinol oxidase from Escherichia coli is closely related to the eukaryotic aa3-type cytochrome c oxidases. In the cytochrome c oxidases, the reduction of oxygen to water occurs at a binuclear center comprised of heme a3 and Cu(B). In this paper, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy of CO bound to the enzyme is used to directly demonstrate that the E. coli bo-type ubiquinol oxidase also contains a heme-copper binuclear center. Photolysis of CO ligated to heme o at low temperatures (e.g., 30 K) results in formation of a CO-Cu complex, showing that there is a heme-Cu(B) binuclear center similar to that formed by heme a3 and Cu(B) in the eukaryotic oxidase. It is further demonstrated that the cyoE gene product is required for the correct assembly of this binuclear center, although this polypeptide is not required as a component of the active enzyme in vitro. The cyoE gene product is homologous to COX10, a nuclear gene product from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which is required for the assembly of yeast cytochrome c oxidase. Deletion of the cyoE gene results in an inactive quinol oxidase that is, however, assembled in the membrane. FTIR analysis of bound CO shows that Cu(B) is present in this mutant but that the heme-Cu(B) binuclear center is abnormal. Analysis of the heme content of the membrane suggests that the cyoE deletion results in the insertion of heme B (protoheme IX) in the binuclear center, rather than heme O.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Depth of bilayer penetration and effects on lipid mobility conferred by the membrane-active peptides magainin, melittin, and a hydrophobic helical sequence KKA(LA)7KK (denoted KAL), were investigated by colorimetric and time-resolved fluorescence techniques in biomimetic phospholipid/poly(diacetylene) vesicles. The experiments demonstrated that the extent of bilayer permeation and peptide localization within the membrane was dependent upon the bilayer composition, and that distinct dynamic modifications were induced by each peptide within the head-group environment of the phospholipids. Solvent relaxation, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and fluorescence quenching analyses, employing probes at different locations within the bilayer, showed that magainin and melittin inserted close to the glycerol residues in bilayers incorporating negatively charged phospholipids, but predominant association at the lipid-water interface occurred in bilayers containing zwitterionic phospholipids. The fluorescence and colorimetric analyses also exposed the different permeation properties and distinct dynamic influence of the peptides: magainin exhibited the most pronounced interfacial attachment onto the vesicles, melittin penetrated more into the bilayers, while the KAL peptide inserted deepest into the hydrophobic core of the lipid assemblies. The solvent relaxation results suggest that decreasing the lipid fluidity might be an important initial factor contributing to the membrane activity of antimicrobial peptides.  相似文献   

Crystals of cytochrome bo(3) ubiquinol oxidase from E. coli diffract X-rays to 3.5 A and the structure determination is in progress. The limiting factor to the elucidation of the structural detail is the quality of the crystals; the diffraction spots from the crystals are diffused which leads to difficulties in processing the data beyond 4.0 A. Weak protein-protein contacts within the crystal lattice is assumed to be the cause of this problem. To improve these contacts, we have introduced protein Z to the C-terminal end of the subunit IV of cytochrome bo(3) and expressed both proteins as a single fusion. We have successfully obtained crystals of this fusion protein. The spot shape problem has clearly been solved in the crystals of the fusion protein although further optimization is necessary to obtain higher resolution. We also discuss the potential applications of this approach to the crystallization of membrane proteins in general.  相似文献   

Cytochrome bo is the heme-copper terminal ubiquinol oxidase in the aerobic respiratory chain of Escherichia coli, and functions as a redox-coupled proton pump. As an extension to our mutagenesis and Fourier-transform infrared studies on ion pumps, we examined the effects of subunit I mutations on redox-linked protein structural changes in cytochrome bo. Upon photo-reduction in the presence of riboflavin, Y288F and H333A showed profound effects in their peptide backbone vibrations (amide-I and amide-II), probably due to the loss of CuB or replacement of high-spin heme o with heme B. In the frequency region of protonated carboxylic C=O stretching vibrations, negative 1,743 cm-1 and positive 1,720 cm-1 bands were observed in the wild-type; the former shifted to 1,741 cm-1 in E286D but not in other mutants including D135N. This suggests that Glu286 in the D-channel is protonated in the air-oxidized state and undergoes hydrogen bonding changes upon reduction of the redox metal centers. Two pairs of band shifts at 2,566 (+)/2,574 (-) and 2,546 (+)/2,556 (-) cm-1 in all mutants indicate that two cysteine residues not in the vicinity of the metal centers undergo redox-linked hydrogen bonding changes. Cyanide had no effect on the protein structural changes because of the rigid local protein structure around the binuclear center or the presence of a ligand(s) at the binuclear center, and was released from the binuclear center upon reduction. This study establishes that cytochrome bo undergoes unique redox-linked protein structural changes. Localization and time-resolved analysis of the structural changes during dioxygen reduction will facilitate understanding of the molecular mechanism of redox-coupled proton pumping at the atomic level.  相似文献   

Comparative studies on the interaction of the membrane-bound and detergent-solubilized forms of the enzyme in the fully reduced state with carbon monoxide at room temperature have been carried out. CO brings about a bathochromic shift of the heme d band with a maximum at 644 nm and a minimum at 624 nm, and a peak at 540 nm. In the Soret band, CO binding to cytochrome bd results in absorption decrease and minima at 430 and 445 nm. Absorption perturbations in the Soret band and at 540 nm occur in parallel with the changes at 630 nm and reach saturation at 3-5 microM CO. The peak at 540 nm is probably either beta-band of the heme d-CO complex or part of its split alpha-band. In both forms of cytochrome bd, CO reacts predominantly with heme d. Addition of high CO concentrations to the solubilized cytochrome bd results in additional spectral changes in the gamma-band attributable to the reaction of the ligand with 10-15% of low-spin heme b558. High-spin heme b595 does not bind CO even at high concentrations of the ligand. The apparent dissociation constant values for the heme d-CO complex of the membrane-bound and detergent-solubilized forms of the fully reduced enzyme are about 70 and 80 nM, respectively.  相似文献   

A new approach is presented for the study of the variability of Portuguese reproduction cork using solid-state (13)C-NMR spectroscopy and photoacoustic (PAS) FTIR (FTIR-PAS) spectroscopy combined with chemometrics. Cork samples were collected from 12 different geographical sites, and their (13)C-cross-polarization with magic angle spinning (CP/MAS) and FTIR spectra were registered. A large spectral variability among the cork samples was detected by principal component analysis and found to relate to the suberin and carbohydrate contents. This variability was independent of the sample geographical origin but significantly dependent on the cork quality, thus enabling the distinction of cork samples according to the latter property. The suberin content of the cork samples was predicted using multivariate regression models based on the (13)C-NMR and FTIR spectra of the samples as reported previously. Finally, the relationship between the variability of the (13)C-CP/MAS spectra with that of the FTIR-PAS spectra was studied by outer product analysis. This type of multivariate analysis enabled a clear correlation to be established between the peaks assigned to suberin and carbohydrate in the FTIR spectrum and those appearing in the (13)C-CP/MAS spectra.  相似文献   

The respiratory chain of the ethanologenic bacterium Zymomonas mobilis was investigated, in which the pyruvate-to-ethanol pathway has been demonstrated to be mainly responsible for NADH oxidation and the tricarboxylic acid cycle is incomplete. Membranes from cells cultivated under aerobic or anaerobic growth conditions showed dehydrogenase and oxidase activities for NADH, D-lactate and D-glucose and ubiquinol oxidase activity. Intriguingly, the NADH oxidase activity level of membrane fractions from cells grown aerobically was found to be higher than that of membrane fractions from Escherichia coli or Pseudomonas putida grown aerobically, indicating a crucial role of the respiratory chain in NADH oxidation in the organism. Cyanide-resistant terminal oxidase activity was observed and appeared to be due to a bd-type ubiquinol oxidase as the only terminal oxidase encoded by the entire genome. The terminal oxidase with a relatively strong ubiquinol oxidase activity exhibited remarkably weak signals of cytochrome d. Considering these findings and the presence of a type-II NADH dehydrogenase but not a type-I, a simple respiratory chain that generates less energymay have evolved in Z. mobilis.  相似文献   

The growth of Escherichia coli cells has been analyzed for the first time by dual-parameter flow cytophotometry, in which the deoxyribonucleic acid and protein contents of single bacteria have been measured simultaneously with an accuracy of a few percent and at a rate of 3,000 cells/s.  相似文献   

The aerobic respiratory chain of Escherichia coli contains two terminal oxidases: the cytochrome d complex and the cytochrome o complex. Each of these enzymes catalyzes the oxidation of ubiquinol-8 within the cytoplasmic membrane and the reduction of molecular oxygen to water. Both oxidases are coupling sites in the respiratory chain; electron transfer from ubiquinol to oxygen results in the generation of a proton electrochemical potential difference across the membrane. The cytochrome d complex is a heterodimer (subunits I and II) that has three heme prosthetic groups. Previous studies characterized two monoclonal antibodies that bind to subunit I and specifically block the ability of the enzyme to oxidize ubiquinol. In this paper, the epitopes of both of these monoclonal antibodies have been mapped to within a single 11-amino acid stretch of subunit I. The epitope is located in a large hydrophilic loop between the fifth and sixth putative membrane-spanning segments. Binding experiments with these monoclonal antibodies show this polypeptide loop to be periplasmic. Such localization suggests that the loop may be close to His186, which has been identified as one of the axial ligands of cytochrome b558. Together, these data begin to define a functional domain in which ubiquinol is oxidized near the periplasmic surface of the membrane.  相似文献   

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