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This study was conducted to determine whether the pedaling frequency of cycling at a constant metabolic cost contributes to the pattern of fiber-type glycogen depletion. On 2 separate days, eight men cycled for 30 min at approximately 85% of individual aerobic capacity at pedaling frequencies of either 50 or 100 rev.min-1. Muscle biopsy samples (vastus lateralis) were taken immediately prior to and after exercise. Individual fibers were classified as type I (slow twitch), or type II (fast twitch), using a myosin adenosine triphosphatase stain, and their glycogen content immediately prior to and after exercise quantified via microphotometry of periodic acid-Schiff stain. The 30-min exercise bout resulted in a 46% decrease in the mean optical density (D) of type I fibers during the 50 rev.min-1 condition [0.52 (0.07) to 0.28 (0.04) D units; mean (SEM)] which was not different (P > 0.05) from the 35% decrease during the 100 rev.min-1 condition [0.48 (0.04) to 0.31 (0.05) D units]. In contrast, the mean D in type II fibers decreased 49% during the 50 rev.min-1 condition [0.53 (0.06) to 0.27 (0.04) units]. This decrease was greater (P < 0.05) than the 33% decrease observed in the 100 rev.min-1 condition [0.48 (0.04) to 0.32 (0.06) units). In conclusion, cycling at the same metabolic cost at 50 rather than 100 rev.min-1 results in greater type II fiber glycogen depletion. This is attributed to the increased muscle force required to meet the higher resistance per cycle at the lower pedal frequency.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Load carriage is a physically demanding task that is often required of employees in many different occupations. The Mover's Assistive Device (MAD) is an on-body ergonomic assistive device designed to help professional movers transfer boxes during two techniques of hand-held load carriage: anterior carriage and posterior carriage. The purpose of this study was to examine the intersegment coordination between the trunk and pelvis as well as the trunk and box, since coordination may be a mechanism to reduce the amount of stress exerted on the back during load carriage. Thirteen males completed a hand-held load carriage task in a laboratory setting using two popular techniques employed by professional movers (anterior/posterior), with and without the assistance of the Mover's Assistive Device (MAD); resulting in a total of four conditions. Triads of retro-reflective markers tracked the angular positions of the trunk, pelvis and the load being carried. Intersegment coordination between the trunk-pelvis and the box-trunk were measured using continuous relative phase angles in the transverse plane of motion. No trunk coordination differences were observed across carrying techniques (anterior/posterior); however, under all conditions users walked with a near in-phase coordination pattern, which is believed to help reduce the risk of injury. MAD use resulted in decreased perceived discomfort and more in-phase coordination between the trunk-pelvis, which may help reduce injury risk when carrying loads either anteriorly or posteriorly.  相似文献   

Exchange-transferred nuclear Overhauser enhancement (etNOE) provides a useful method for determining the 3-dimensional structure of a ligand bound to a high-molecular-weight complex. Some concern about the accuracy of such structures has arisen because indirect relaxation can occur between the ligand and macromolecule. Such indirect relaxation, or spin diffusion, would lead to errors in interproton distances used as restraints in structure determination. We address this concern by assessing the extent of intermolecular spin diffusion in nineteen peptide-protein complexes of known structure. Transferred NOE intensities were simulated with the program CORONA (Calculated OR Observed NOESY Analysis) using the rate-matrix approach to include contributions from indirect relaxation between protein-ligand and intraligand proton pairs. Intermolecular spin diffusion contributions were determined by comparing intensities calculated with protonated protein to those calculated with fully deuterated protein. The differences were found to be insignificant overall, and to diminish at short mixing times and high mole ratios of peptide to protein. Spin diffusion between the peptide ligand and the protein contributes less to the etNOE intensities and alters fewer cross peaks than the well-studied intramolecular spin diffusion effects. Errors in intraligand interproton distances due to intermolecular relaxation effects were small on average and can be accounted for with the restraint functions commonly used in NMR structure determination methods. In addition, a rate-matrix approach to calculate distances from etNOESY intensities using a volume matrix comprising only intraligand intensities was found to give accurate values. Based on these results, we conclude that structures determined from etNOESY data are no less accurate due to spin diffusion than structures determined from conventional NOE intensities.  相似文献   

Analysis of microbial community structure by multivariate ordination methods, using data obtained by high‐throughput sequencing of amplified markers (i.e., DNA metabarcoding), often requires clustering of DNA sequences into operational taxonomic units (OTUs). Parameters for the clustering procedure tend not to be justified but are set by tradition rather than being based on explicit knowledge. In this study, we explore the extent to which ordination results are affected by variation in parameter settings for the clustering procedure. Amplicon sequence data from nine microbial community studies, representing different sampling designs, spatial scales and ecosystems, were subjected to clustering into OTUs at seven different similarity thresholds (clustering thresholds) ranging from 87% to 99% sequence similarity. The 63 data sets thus obtained were subjected to parallel DCA and GNMDS ordinations. The resulting community structures were highly similar across all clustering thresholds. We explain this pattern by the existence of strong ecological structuring gradients and phylogenetically diverse sets of abundant OTUs that are highly stable across clustering thresholds. Removing low‐abundance, rare OTUs had negligible effects on community patterns. Our results indicate that microbial data sets with a clear gradient structure are highly robust to choice of sequence clustering threshold.  相似文献   

Dynamic characteristics of a manual task can affect the control of hand muscles due to the difference in biomechanical/physiological characteristics of the muscles and sensory afferents in the hand. We aimed to examine the effects of task dynamics on the coordination of hand muscles, and on the motor adaptation to external assistance. Twenty-four healthy subjects performed one of the two types of a finger extension task, isometric dorsal fingertip force production (static) or isokinetic finger extension (dynamic). Subjects performed the tasks voluntarily without assistance, or with a biomimetic exotendon providing targeted assistance to their extrinsic muscles. In unassisted conditions, significant between-task differences were found in the coordination of the extrinsic and intrinsic hand muscles, while the extrinsic muscle activities were similar between the tasks. Under assistance, while the muscle coordination remained relatively unaffected during the dynamic task, significant changes in the coordination between the extrinsic and intrinsic muscles were observed during the static task. Intermuscular coherence values generally decreased during the static task under assistance, but increased during the dynamic task (all p-values < 0.01). Additionally, a significant change in the task dynamics was induced by assistance only during static task. Our study showed that task type significantly affect coordination between the extrinsic and intrinsic hand muscles. During the static task, a lack of sensory information from musculotendons and joint receptors (more sensitive to changes in length/force) is postulated to have resulted in a neural decoupling between muscles and a consequent isolated modulation of the intrinsic muscle activity.  相似文献   

Every year, 500,000 osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures occur in Europe. Quantitative computed tomography (QCT)-based finite element (FE) voxel models predict ultimate force whether they simulate vertebral bodies embedded in polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) or vertebral sections with both endplates removed. To assess the effect of endplate removal in those predictions, non-linear FE analyses of QCT-based voxel models of human vertebral bodies were performed. High resolution pQCT images of 11 human lumbar vertebrae without posterior elements were coarsened to clinical resolution and bone volume fraction was used to determine the elastic, plastic and damage behavior of bone tissue. Three model boundary conditions (BCs) were chosen: the endplates were cropped (BC1, BC2) or voxel layers were added on the intact vertebrae to mimic embedding (BC3). For BC1 and BC3, the bottom nodes were fully constrained and the top nodes were constrained transversely while both node sets were freed transversely for BC2. Axial displacement was prescribed to the top nodes. In each model, we compared ultimate force and damage distribution during post-yield loading. The results showed that ultimate forces obtained with BC3 correlated perfectly with those computed with BC1 (R(2)=0.9988) and BC2 (R(2)=0.9987), but were in average 3.4% lower and 6% higher respectively. Moreover, good correlation of damage distribution calculated for BC3 was found with those of BC1 (R(2)=0.92) and BC2 (R(2)=0.73). This study demonstrated that voxel models of vertebral sections provide the same ultimate forces and damage distributions as embedded vertebral bodies, but with less preprocessing and computing time required.  相似文献   

As the ocean warms, thermal tolerance of developmental stages may be a key driver of changes in the geographical distributions and abundance of marine invertebrates. Additional stressors such as ocean acidification may influence developmental thermal windows and are therefore important considerations for predicting distributions of species under climate change scenarios. The effects of reduced seawater pH on the thermal windows of fertilization, embryology and larval morphology were examined using five echinoderm species: two polar (Sterechinus neumayeri and Odontaster validus), two temperate (Fellaster zelandiae and Patiriella regularis) and one tropical (Arachnoides placenta). Responses were examined across 12–13 temperatures ranging from ?1.1 °C to 5.7 °C (S. neumayeri), ?0.5 °C to 10.7 °C (O. validus), 5.8 °C to 27 °C (F. zelandiae), 6.0 °C to 27.1 °C (P. regularis) and 13.9 °C to 34.8 °C (A. placenta) under present‐day and near‐future (2100+) ocean acidification conditions (‐0.3 pH units) and for three important early developmental stages 1) fertilization, 2) embryo (prehatching) and 3) larval development. Thermal windows for fertilization were broad and were not influenced by a pH decrease. Embryological development was less thermotolerant. For O. validus, P. regularis and A. placenta, low pH reduced normal development, albeit with no effect on thermal windows. Larval development in all five species was affected by both temperature and pH; however, thermal tolerance was not reduced by pH. Results of this study suggest that in terms of fertilization and development, temperature will remain as the most important factor influencing species' latitudinal distributions as the ocean continues to warm and decrease in pH, and that there is little evidence of a synergistic effect of temperature and ocean acidification on the thermal control of species ranges.  相似文献   

AIMS: To study the effect of UV irradiation on the bacterial load of shell eggs and of a roller conveyor belt. METHODS AND RESULTS: The natural bacterial load on the eggshell of clean eggs was significantly reduced by a standard UV treatment of 4.7 s; from 4.47 to 3.57 log CFU per eggshell. For very dirty eggs no significant reduction was observed. Eggs inoculated with Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus (4.74 and 4.64 log CFU per eggshell respectively) passed the conveyor belt and were exposed to UV for 4.7 and 18.8 s. The reduction of both inoculated bacteria on the eggshell was comparable and significant for both exposure times (3 and 4 log CFU per eggshell). Escherichia coli was reduced but still detectable on the conveyor rollers. The internal bacterial contamination of eggs filled up with diluent containing E. coli or S. aureus was not influenced by UV irradiation. Conclusions: There is a significant lethal effect of UV irradiation on the bacterial contamination of clean eggshells and recent shell contamination, contamination of rollers can be controlled and the internal contamination of eggs is not reduced. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The penetration of UV into organic material appears to be poor and UV disinfection can be used as an alternative for egg washing.  相似文献   

The glycosaminoglycan chondroitin sulfate is essential in human health and disease but exactly how sulfation dictates its 3D-strucutre at the atomic level is unclear. To address this, we have purified homogenous oligosaccharides of unsulfated chondroitin (with and without 15N-enrichment) and analysed them by high-field NMR to make a comparison published chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronan 3D-structures. The result is the first full assignment of the tetrasaccharide and an experimental 3D-model of the hexasaccharide (PDB code 2KQO). In common with hyaluronan, we confirm that the amide proton is not involved in strong, persistent inter-residue hydrogen bonds. However, in contrast to hyaluronan, a hydrogen bond is not inferred between the hexosamine OH-4 and the glucuronic acid O5 atoms across the β(1→3) glycosidic linkage. The unsulfated chondroitin bond geometry differs slightly from hyaluronan by rotation about the β(1→3) ψ dihedral (as previously predicted by simulation), while the β(1→4) linkage is unaffected. Furthermore, comparison shows that this glycosidic linkage geometry is similar in chondroitin-4-sulfate. We therefore hypothesise that both hexosamine OH-4 and OH-6 atoms are solvent exposed in chondroitin, explaining why it is amenable to sulfation and hyaluronan is not, and also that 4-sulfation has little effect on backbone conformation. Our conclusions exemplify the value of the 3D-model presented here and progress our understanding of glycosaminoglycan molecular properties.  相似文献   

In studies conducted with fruits of the host plant, Symphoricarpus albus (L.), we examine the influence of egg load on the oviposition behaviour of Rhagoletis zephyria Snow (Diptera:Tephritidae). By altering the availability of exogenous protein, three classes of females with progressively increasing egg loads were produced, while keeping confounding factors such as age, experience, and mating status constant. Flies from all three classes were randomly presented with either a pheromone marked fruit, or with an unmarked fruit. Results indicate that increased egg load led to a greater propensity to accept, or superparasitize, the pheromone marked fruit. Upon dissection it was revealed that females which superparasitized had a mean egg load of 19.5 eggs (n=22), while females which rejected marked fruit had a mean egg load of 13.5 eggs (n=26). These results are consistent with the theory of adaptive superparasitism.  相似文献   

Currently available methods for model selection used in phylogenetic analysis are based on an initial fixed-tree topology. Once a model is picked based on this topology, a rigorous search of the tree space is run under that model to find the maximum-likelihood estimate of the tree (topology and branch lengths) and the maximum-likelihood estimates of the model parameters. In this paper, we propose two extensions to the decision-theoretic (DT) approach that relax the fixed-topology restriction. We also relax the fixed-topology restriction for the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) and the Akaike information criterion (AIC) methods. We compare the performance of the different methods (the relaxed, restricted, and the likelihood-ratio test [LRT]) using simulated data. This comparison is done by evaluating the relative complexity of the models resulting from each method and by comparing the performance of the chosen models in estimating the true tree. We also compare the methods relative to one another by measuring the closeness of the estimated trees corresponding to the different chosen models under these methods. We show that varying the topology does not have a major impact on model choice. We also show that the outcome of the two proposed extensions is identical and is comparable to that of the BIC, Extended-BIC, and DT. Hence, using the simpler methods in choosing a model for analyzing the data is more computationally feasible, with results comparable to the more computationally intensive methods. Another outcome of this study is that earlier conclusions about the DT approach are reinforced. That is, LRT, Extended-AIC, and AIC result in more complicated models that do not contribute to the performance of the phylogenetic inference, yet cause a significant increase in the time required for data analysis.  相似文献   

The Hedgehog (Hh) signal is transmitted by two receptor molecules, Patched (Ptc) and Smoothened (Smo). Ptc suppresses Smo activity, while Hh binds Ptc and alleviates the suppression, which results in activation of Hh targets. Smo is a seven-transmembrane protein with a long carboxyl terminal tail. Vertebrate Smo has been previously shown to be coupled to Gαi proteins, but the biological significance of the coupling in Hh signal transduction is not clear. Here we show that although inhibition of Gαi protein activity appears to significantly reduce Hh pathway activity in Ptc−/− mouse embryonic fibroblasts and the NIH3T3-based Shh-light cells, it fails to derepress Shh- or a Smo-agonist-induced inhibition of Gli3 protein processing, a known in vivo indicator of Hh signaling activity. The inhibition of Gαi protein activity also cannot block the Sonic Hedgehog (Shh)-dependent specification of neural progenitor cells in the neural tube. Consistent with these results, overexpression of a constitutively active Gαi protein, Gαi2QL, cannot ectopically specify the neural cell types in the spinal cord, whereas an active Smo, SmoM2, can. Thus, our results indicate that the Smo-induced Gαi activity plays an insignificant role in the regulation of Gli3 processing and Shh-regulated neural tube patterning.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine what patterns, if any, existed in the response of nitrifying enzyme activity (NEA), denitrifying enzyme activity (DEA), soil microbial N and soil inorganic N to elevated CO2 across a broad range of grassland environments. We studied the response of these N pools and microbial activities in four CO2‐enrichment sites of the MEGARICH project (Managing European Grasslands as a Sustainable Resource in a Changing Climate). CO2 treatment was studied in factorial combination with a cutting frequency treatment at two sites and with a temperature treatment at one site. Our study showed that microbial biomass N, NEA, DEA and extractable soil [NH4+] and [NO3?] were generally not affected by elevated CO2 in these grassland ecosystems after several years of treatment, nor by cutting frequency or temperature at the sites that included these treatments. Exceptions to this were that DEA and soil [NO3?] decreased by 22% and 45%, respectively, at the French site at elevated CO2. We discuss the possible explanations for this lack of response.  相似文献   

Metal ions in proteins are important not only for the formation of the proper structures but also for various biological activities. For biological functions such as hydrolysis and oxidation, metal ions often adopt unusual coordination structures. We constructed a stable scaffold for metal binding to create distorted metal coordination structures. A stable four stranded α‐helical coiled‐coil structure was used as the scaffold, and the metal binding site was in the cavity created at the center of the structure. Two His residues and one Asp or Glu residue were used to coordinate the metal ions, AM2D and AM2E, respectively. Cu2+ bound to AM2D with an equatorial planar coordination structure with two His, one Asp, and H2O as detected by electron spin resonance and UV spectral analyzes. On the other hand, Cu2+ had a slightly distorted square planar structure when it bound two His and Glu in AM2E, due to the longer side‐chain of the Glu residue as compared to the Asp residue. Computational analysis also supported the distorted coordination structure of Cu2+ in AM2E. This construct should be useful to create various coordinations of metal ions for catalytic functions. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 91: 907–916, 2009. This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The “Published Online” date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com  相似文献   

In previous studies, we have investigated the strength of self-incompatibility (SI) in Solanum carolinense, a highly successful weed with a fully functional SI system that inhabits early successional and other disturbed habitats. We have found that the SI response in S. carolinense is a plastic trait—its strength being affected by the age of the flowers, and the presence of developing fruits and that there are genetic differences among families in their self-fertility. However, in species with a fully functional SI response, selfing would not be that common. As a result, deleterious recessives scattered though the genome of horsenettle are only occasionally exposed to selection. It has been suggested that deleterious recessives accumulate near S-alleles in strong SI species because the S-locus is located in a non-recombining region of the genome and because strong S-alleles are never in the homozygous state, thus sheltering some of the genetic load near the S-locus from selection. We performed a series of laboratory and greenhouse experiments to determine the extent to which sheltered load adds to the overall magnitude of inbreeding depression in horsenettle. Specifically, we amplified and sequenced the S-alleles from 16 genets collected from a large population in Pennsylvania and performed a series of controlled self-pollinations. We then grew the selfed progeny in the greenhouse; recorded various measures of growth and reproductive output; and amplified and sequenced their S-allele(s). We found that the heterozygous progeny of self-pollinations produce more flowers and have a greater ability to set both self and cross seed than S-homozygous progeny. We also found evidence of variation in the magnitude of load among S-alleles. These results suggest that sheltered load might slow the fixation of weak (partially compatible) S-alleles in this population, thus adding to the maintenance of a mixed mating system rather than leading to the fixation of the selfing alleles.  相似文献   

The polycomb gene Bmi-1 is required for the self-renewal of stem cells from diverse tissues, including the central nervous system (CNS). Bmi-1 expression is elevated in most human gliomas, irrespective of grade, raising the question of whether Bmi-1 over-expression is sufficient to promote self-renewal or tumorigenesis by CNS stem/progenitor cells. To test this we generated Nestin-Bmi-1-GFP transgenic mice. Analysis of two independent lines with expression in the fetal and adult CNS demonstrated that transgenic neural stem cells formed larger colonies, more self-renewing divisions, and more neurons in culture. However, in vivo, Bmi-1 over-expression had little effect on CNS stem cell frequency, subventricular zone proliferation, olfactory bulb neurogenesis, or neurogenesis/gliogenesis during development. Bmi-1 transgenic mice were born with enlarged lateral ventricles and a minority developed idiopathic hydrocephalus as adults, but none of the transgenic mice formed detectable CNS tumors, even when aged. The more pronounced effects of Bmi-1 over-expression in culture were largely attributable to the attenuated induction of p16Ink4a and p19Arf in culture, proteins that are generally not expressed by neural stem/progenitor cells in young mice in vivo. Bmi-1 over-expression therefore has more pronounced effects in culture and does not appear to be sufficient to induce tumorigenesis in vivo.  相似文献   


研究乳酸菌发酵液联合瑞琳他抗对宫颈癌细胞系HeLa细胞的增殖、凋亡、迁移及HPV18 DNA病毒载量的影响,为2种药物联合治疗HPV感染提供新的选择。


采用CCK8法检测不同浓度的单药、组合药对HeLa细胞增殖变化的影响,得出乳酸菌发酵液联合瑞琳他抗对HeLa细胞的半数抑制浓度(IC50);采用流式细胞术、Transwell实验和杂交捕获—化学发光法(DH3)分别检测乳酸菌发酵液联合瑞琳他抗对HeLa细胞凋亡、细胞迁移、HPV18 DNA病毒载量的影响。


通过CCK-8法检测乳酸菌发酵液IC50为5.5×108 CFU/mL,瑞琳他抗IC50为160 mg/mL。增殖实验结果显示作用48 h后,单药组均对HeLa细胞抑制生长作用明显,且乳酸菌发酵液+瑞琳他抗组对细胞的抑制作用强于瑞琳他抗组(F=164.810,P<0.05);流式细胞术检测发现单药组均可诱导HeLa细胞凋亡,乳酸菌发酵液+瑞琳他抗组对细胞的凋亡作用增加且大于瑞林他抗组(F=83.823,P<0.05);Transwell实验发现单药组均可抑制细胞迁移,乳酸菌发酵液+瑞琳他抗组对细胞迁移的抑制作用大于瑞林他抗组(F=492.242,P<0.05);DH3法显示单药组均可明显下调HeLa细胞HPV18 DNA病毒载量,乳酸菌发酵液+瑞琳他抗组对细胞HPV18 DNA病毒载量的作用大于瑞林他抗组(F=284.769,P<0.05)。


乳酸菌发酵液联合瑞琳他抗对抑制HeLa细胞增殖、诱导细胞凋亡、抑制细胞迁移和下调细胞HPV18 DNA病毒载量的作用优于瑞琳他抗,为临床治疗HPV感染提供了实验依据和借鉴。


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