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 1982—1985年,在拉萨进行了小麦生态试验。辽春6号属于强春性品种,泰山4号属于强冬性品种。小麦在拉萨抽穗晚,成熟迟,各生育期和全生育期明显加长、千粒重增大是其主要生育特点。温度较低、日长较短是使参试品种生育期长的重要原因。抽穗至成熟期间的昼夜温差大、夜温低和太阳辐射强烈综合作用,是使小麦在拉萨的千粒重增大的重要原因。  相似文献   

Herein we describe a general multivariate quantitative genetic model that incorporates two potentially important developmental phenomena, maternal effects and epigenetic effects. Maternal and epigenetic effects are defined as partial regression coefficients and phenotypic variances are derived in terms of age-specific genetic and environmental variances. As a starting point, the traditional quantitative genetic model of additive gene effects and random environmental effects is cast in a developmental time framework. From this framework, we first extend a maternal effects model to include multiple developmental ages for the occurrence of maternal effects. An example of maternal effects occurring at multiple developmental ages is prenatal and postnatal maternal effects in mammals. Subsequently, a model of intrinsic and epigenetic effects in the absence of maternal effects is described. It is shown that genetic correlations can arise through epigenetic effects, and in the absence of other developmental effects, epigenetic effects are in general confounded with age-specific intrinsic genetic effects. Finally, the two effects are incorporated into the basic quantitative genetic model. For this more biologically realistic model combining maternal and epigenetic effects, it is shown that the phenotypic regressions of offspring on mother and offspring on father can be used in some cases to estimate simultaneously maternal effects and epigenetic effects.  相似文献   

Within-locality correlations among eight morphological traits of the fundatrix and among 15 morphological traits of the alate fundatrigeniae of the aphid Pemphigus populicaulis Fitch were examined for among-locality variation. A jackknife procedure revealed highly significant differences among correlation matrices representing 34 local samples from eastern North America. Most bivariate correlations also differed significantly among samples. Although very low correlations cannot differ, for moderate or strong correlations the average magnitude of correlation is not a good predictor of the degree of interlocality difference. Nearly half of the variation among localities is in the level of “overall correlation,” which is positively correlated with intralocality size variation. Despite significant differences among localities, spatial autocorrelation tests failed to reveal any significant geographic pattern in correlations. Monte Carlo experiments suggest that if geographic patterns in the correlations were of the same magnitude as those for the means of these traits, some of these patterns would have been detected. Factor analyses of the pooled within-locality correlation matrices, after oblique rotation to simple structure, reveal appendage and body-size factors for both alates and stem mothers. In general, correlations between traits with high loadings on the same factor differ among localities, whereas substantial correlations that do not vary geographically are between traits that are not well resolved by the factor analyses. It is hypothesized that the apparently random geographic differences in correlation are caused by chance differences in the mode of response to short-term selection. Geographic patterns in trait means are established by selection, but, because local population sizes are finite, similar response to selection occurs by diverse physiological or developmental mechanisms in different populations, just as replicate lines in artificial selection experiments may achieve the same response by diverse mechanisms. These diverse mechanisms of response will have diverse effects on genetic variance and covariance, causing correlation patterns to vary geographically. Several forces will oppose continued divergence of these patterns.  相似文献   


毛乌素沙地的生态背景及其草地建设的原则与优化模式   总被引:172,自引:28,他引:172       下载免费PDF全文
 本文全面分析了毛乌素沙地生态过渡带的自然环境、植被的现状和历史变迁过程,以定性和定量相结合的方法阐述了环境和植被之间的动态关系,在此基础上提出了该地区草地建设的原则及优化生态模式,其中包括:水分平衡原则,半固定沙丘持续发展原则,网带状种植原则,滩地草、农、林复合系统模式、软梁半人工草地复合系统模式和硬梁天然草地放牧系统模式。  相似文献   

研究食中可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖、总糖、铁、磷以及水等营养组分含量对三突花蛛相对取食量(RCR)和食物利用率(ECI)的影响,并建立这些组分对三突花蛛相对取食量和食物利用率的线性数学模型。  相似文献   


不同水平磷对磷饥饿墨兰生长发育及某些生理特性的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
将磷饥饿的墨兰无土栽培在5个NaH_2PO_4水平的营养液中,结果表明:0.20mmol/L NaH_2PO_4有利于叶芽生长;当叶片张开后,1mmol/NaH_2PO_4促进光合作用和呼吸作用,叶片生长较快,褐斑病病斑较少,每株花数增多.  相似文献   

不同水平磷对磷饥饿墨兰生长发育及某些生理特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将磷饥饿的墨兰无土栽培在5个NaH_2PO_4水平的营养液中,结果表明:0.20mmol/L NaH_2PO_4有利于叶芽生长;当叶片张开后,1mmol/NaH_2PO_4促进光合作用和呼吸作用,叶片生长较快,褐斑病病斑较少,每株花数增多.  相似文献   

It is often proposed that the morphometric shape of animals often evolves as a correlated response to selection on life-history traits such as whole-body growth and differentiation rates. However, there exists little empirical information on whether selection on rates of growth or differentiation in animals could generate correlated response in morphometric shape beyond that owing to the correlation between these rates and body size. In this study genetic correlations were estimated among growth rate, differentiation rate, and body-size-adjusted head width in the green tree frog, Hyla cinerea. Head width was adjusted for size by using the residuals from log-log regressions of head width on snout-vent length. Size-adjusted head width at metamorphosis was positively genetically correlated with larval period length. Thus, size-independent shape might evolve as a correlated response to selection on a larval life-history trait. Larval growth rate was not significantly genetically correlated with size-adjusted head width. An additional morphometric trait, size-adjusted tibiofibula length, had a nonnormal distribution of breeding values, and so was not included in the analysis of genetic correlations (offspring from one sire had unusually short legs). This result is interesting because, although using genetic covariance matrices to predict long-term multivariate response to selection depends on the assumption that all loci follow a multivariate Gaussian distribution of allelic effects, few data are available on the distribution of breeding values for traits in wild populations. Size at metamorphosis was positively genetically correlated with larval period and larval growth rate. Quickly growing larvae that delay metamorphosis therefore emerge at a large size. The genetic correlation between larval growth rate and juvenile (postmetamorphic) growth rate was near zero. Growth rate may therefore be an example of a fitness-related trait that is free to evolve in one stage of a complex life cycle without pleiotropic constraints on the same trait expressed in the other stage.  相似文献   

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