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Five lignans (secoisolariciresinol, pinoresinol, eudesmin, lariciresinol, and lariciresinol-4-methyl ether) were isolated from an MeOH extract from Araucaria araucana (Mol.) K. Koch wood for the first time in this species and their structures determined with spectroscopic methods. The antimicrobial activities of these compounds were determined for the bacteria Citrobacter sp., Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Micrococcus luteus, Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and for the white rooting and staining fungi Mucor miehei, Paecilomyces variotii, Ceratocystis pilifera, Trametes versicolor, and Penicillium notatum, and in addition, the MeOH extract was evaluated against Aspergillus niger, Candida albicans, Fusarium moniliforme, F. sporotrichum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes. The most sensitive bacteria against pinoresinol were the Gram-positive. However, secoisolariciresinol exhibited a significant antifungal activity on fungi of white rooting and wood staining and this compound completely inhibited the mycelial growth of T. versicolor and C. pilifera at 300 and 400 microg per disc, respectively, whereas pinoresinol showed a moderate inhibitory activity. On the other hand, the MeOH extract had the highest activity against rooting and staining and pathogenic fungi as well as T. versicolor, Fusarium spp. and Trichophyton mentagrophytes, inhibiting completely the growth at 400 microg per disc.  相似文献   

Starch is the main reserve in Araucaria araucana (Mol.) Kochseeds. In an attempt to understand the regulation of starchmobilization during seed germination, amylase activity was characterizedand its levels were measured for the first 90 h after the startof seed imbibition. Amylase is present in both the embryo andmegagametophyte when seeds are quiescent. The enzyme activityof the embryo has two peaks during the 90 h, while amylase activityof the megagametophyte remains low and unchanged during thistime. Analysis of the products released by the enzyme and thermostabilityexperiments identify the amylase as a-amylase. Differentialcentrifugation of embryo homogenates under isoosmotic conditionsshows that the enzyme is soluble. Quantification of the endogenous gibberellins of the embryoshows a time correlation between the rise in amylase activityand the rise in specific gibberellin levels during the 40 hafter the start of imbibition. The growth retardant AMO-1618lowers enzyme activity to 37.3% of the control at this time.However, activity is almost completely restored when the gibberellinsfrom embryonic tissue are added in physiological doses to theimbibition medium containing AMO-1618. 3 Present address: Department of Biology, Washington University,St. Louis, Missouri, USA. (Received September 2, 1982; Accepted December 27, 1982)  相似文献   

Salas E  Cardemil L 《Plant physiology》1986,81(4):1062-1068
α-Amylase is one of the major enzymes present in the seeds of both Araucaria species of South America and it initiates starch hydrolysis during germination and early seedling growth. The pattern of the multiple forms of α-amylase of the two Araucaria species was investigated by electrophoresis and isoelectrofocusing of the native enzyme in polyacrylamide gels. The enzyme forms were compared in the embryo and megagametophyte of quiescent seeds and of seeds imbibed for 18, 48, and 90 hours. Specific α-amylase enzyme forms appear and disappear during these imbibition periods showing both similarities and differences between tissues and species. Before imbibition, there are five α-amylase forms identical in both tissues, but different between species. After 18 hours of imbibition, there are two enzyme forms in both tissues of Araucaria araucana seeds, only one form in the embryo of Araucaria angustifolia but two forms in the megagametophyte of this specie. After 48 hours of seed imbibition, most of the enzyme forms present in quiescent seeds reappear. At 90 hours of imbibition different enzyme forms are detected in the embryo with respect to the gametophyte. The changes in form patterns of α-amylase are discussed according to a possible regulation of gene expression by endogenous gibberellins.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 1.Dissodinium pseudocalani ist eine neue, auf den Eiern des CopepodenPseudocalanus elongatus ektoparasitisch lebende Peridinee. Die Art tritt im Plankton der Deutschen Bucht von Mitte April bis Anfang Juni auf.2. Anfänglich ist der blasenförmige Parasit mit einem stabilen Saug-Haftorgan in seiner Wirtszelle verankert. Nachdem der Inhalt des Eies aufgenommen ist, löst er sich als kugelförmige Primärzyste von einem Durchmesser zwischen 151–250 µ ab. Sie enthält einen gefärbten Nahrungsballen, der während der Vermehrungsteilungen zusammenschrumpft.3. Durch simultane Teilung entstehen in der Primärzyste 8, 16 oder 32 ovale Sekundärzysten, in denen sukzedan jeweils 16 oder 32 begeißelte Dinosporen gebildet werden. Die Dinosporen sind farblos und gehören demGymnodinium-Typ an. Die Infektion derPseudocalanus-Eier konnte nicht direkt beobachtet, sondern nur aus den verschiedenen im Plankton gefundenen Entwicklungsstadien erschlossen werden.
Dissodinium pseudocalani sp. nov., a parasitic dinoflagellate on copepod eggs
In spring 1967 and 1968, a new marine dinoflagellate species,Dissodinium pseudocalani, was discovered off Helgoland in the German Bight. The species lives as ectoparasite on eggs of the copepodPseudocalanus elongatus. The vesicular parasitic stage adheres to the host by a suction organ. After the substrate of the egg is consumed, the parasite develops into a spherical primary cyst which produces 8, 16 or 32 oval secondary cysts by simultaneous cell divisions. Each secondary cyst forms 16 or 32 dinospores. The dinospores are colourless, flagellated and of theGymnodinium-type. During reproduction a large reddish or greenish coloured food source is resorbed by the protoplast and diminishes in size. In regard to its mode of reproduction,Dissodinium pseudocalani is related toD. lunula and the parasitic species ofChytriodinium.

Zusammenfassung 1. Die mikroskopische Untersuchung eines am Strand der Helgoländer Düne gesammelten Stückes Treibborke erbrachte den Neufund eines Deuteromyceten, der in die GattungBrachysporium (Sacc.)Mason etHughes zu stellen war und alsB. helgolandicum nov. spec. beschrieben wird.2. Die neue Art unterscheidet sich von den übrigen Vertretern der GattungBrachysporium vor allem durch ihre großen, breit birnenförmigen, 2- bis 3-septierten Konidien, die jeweils auf einer bemerkenswert langen, spiralisierten Trägerzelle an der Spitze des Konidienträgers entstehen.3. Dem gegenwärtigen Hyphomyceten-Klassifikationssystem vonBarron (1968) folgend, ist der Pilz in die Reihe der Aleuriosporae einzuordnen.4. Außer durchB. helgolandicum war das Substrat durchMonodictys pelagica (Johnson)Jones,Corollospora maritima Werd.,C. trifurcata (Höhnk)Kohlm. sowie zwei weitere, z. Z. nicht näher bestimmte Pilzarten besiedelt.5. Ob und inwiefernB. helgolandicum als eine typisch marine Species anzusehen ist, läßt sich auf Grund des bisher vorliegenden Materials nicht beurteilen.
Brachysporium helgolandicum nov. sp., a new deuteromycete on driftbarks in the sea
The new fungus described differs from the known species of the genus by its large, 2- to 3-septate, broadly pyriform conidia, which are attached to the conidiophore by long, spirally coiled pedicels. With regard to the modern classification system of the Hyphomycetes, the fungus belongs to the series Aleuriosporae sensuBarron (1968). Within the genusBrachysporium (Sacc.)Mason etHughes,B. helgolandicum is the first species reported from marine habitats.

Teil einer Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades im Fachbereich Biologie der Universität Hamburg. Die Untersuchungen wurden durch eine Sachbeihilfe der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft gefördert.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):363-373

Three new species of Cololejeunea, C. dianae M. Wigginton, C. sanctae-helenae M. Wigginton and C. grossestyla M. Wigginton are described and illustrated from St Helena, South Atlantic Ocean. Details of their distributions are provided, and differences between the new taxa and other species of Cololejeunea are discussed. This is also the first report of the genus Cololejeunea from St Helena.  相似文献   

A new raphidophyte flagellate is described from the river mouth of the Daintree River, north-east Australia where there are extensive mangrove forests. The organism has two distinct phases: a club-shaped motile form, and a more or less spherical benthic non-motile form. The motile cell is metabolic and possesses 10–20 chloroplasts. The chloroplasts are imbricated, somewhat reminiscent of roofing tiles. A unique structure has been found at the posterior end of the cell. It is a tubular invagination, which consists of a single membrane supported by many small flattened vesicles. In addition, the structure is surrounded by many fibril-containing vesicles. The tubular invagination is different from both the contractile vacuoles and the pusules of dinoflagellates in both behavior and structure. Based on the possession of these unique features, it is concluded that the this mangrove flagellate should be described as a new species in a new genus and the name Haramonas dimorpha Horiguchi gen. et sp. nov. is proposed.  相似文献   

Cremanthodium latilobum Y. S. Chen and C. medogense Y. S. Chen, two new species from Chinese eastern Himalaya are described and illustrated. A diagnostic key to the species of Cremanthodium section Pinnatinervia Y. Ling & S. W. Liu series Cuneata Y. Ling & S. W. Liu is provided.  相似文献   

Chromulina placentula sp. nov. is described from cultured material by light and electron microscopy, with notes on its occurrence and periodicity in the wild state. Its systematic position is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Chaenorhinum semispeluncarum H. Y?ld?r?m, Kit Tan, S. ?enol & A. Pirhan sp. nov. and C. yildirimlii Kit Tan, H. Y?ld?r?m, S. ?enol & A. Pirhan sp. nov. (Scrophulariaceae, C. sect. Microrrhinum) from east Anatolia are described and illustrated. They are both narrow endemics related to the rare C. cryptarum, also from east Anatolia. Chaenorhinum semispeluncarum occurs on calcareous marl rich in potassium nitrate at the entrance of wet caves in Malatya and differs from C. cryptarum by its erect habit, smaller corollas, shallowly ribbed and tuberculate, bicoloured seeds. Chaenorhinum yildirimlii from the neighbouring province of Erzincan was found on alluvial soil of stream banks and differs from C. semispeluncarum by its seed characters which are similar to those of C. cryptarum. Chaenorhinum yildirimlii differs from C. cryptarum, most conspicuously by the violet lower corolla lip spotted dark purple at the apex.  相似文献   

In re-assessing the genus Pringsheimiella , seven species are referred to this taxon. These are: P. scutata (Reinke) Marchewianka, the type species of the genus; P. gratulans (Weber-van Bosse) Nielsen & McLachlan comb. nov, renamed from Ochlo-chaete gratulans Weber-van Bosse; P. udoteae (Børgesen) Schmidt & Petrak; P. con-chyliophila Feldmann; P. crenulata (Lami) Nielsen & McLachlan comb. nov., renamed from Ulvella crenulata Lami; P. mauritiana Børgesen, which may be synonymous with P. crenulata but requires further study; and P. sanctae-luciae sp. nov.  相似文献   

A new bicarpellate Buxus species, Buxus sirindhorniana W. K. Soh, M. von Sternburg, Hodk. & J. Parn., is described from northern Thailand. This is the first reported bicarpellate species of Buxus. The pollen morphology and the degree of pollen viability of the species are reported. DNA was extracted from herbarium samples and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of nuclear ribosomal DNA sequenced. The palynological evidence and the phylogenetic reconstruction support the contention that this new species belongs to the genus Buxus. The morphological diversity of reproductive organs in the Buxaceae, in relation to this new species, is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Pterygiella trichosepala (Orobanchaceae) is described and illustrated as a new species endemic to Yunnan, southwest China. It grows in calcareous grasslands or scrubs at elevations of 2000–2600 m a.s.l. This new species is closely related to P. nigrescens Oliv., but clearly differs from the latter by being pilose–hirsute throughout, with stems simple or rarely branched, 10–30 cm tall, and leaves 10–20 mm long and 3–6 mm wide (with L/W ratio 3.5–5.0), racemose inflorescences, and calyx 13–20 mm long and 8–13 mm in diameter; moreover its seed micromorphological features are significantly different from those of P. nigrescens.  相似文献   

Crinipellis pedemontana, a new agaric growing on stems of dead grasses in an Italian urban park, is described and illustrated. It fits in sect. Grisentinae on account of the green reaction with KOH and ammonia and its bright colored pileus. The unique combination of purple-violaceous tinges in the pileus and the presence of chlamydospores in the pileipellis characterize this species as new. Its taxonomic position within Crinipellis and the related genus Moniliophthora is discussed.  相似文献   

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