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Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is endogenously produced in the skin of primates when exposed to the appropriate wavelengths of ultraviolet light (UV-B). Common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) maintained indoors require dietary provision of vitamin D3 due to lack of sunlight exposure. The minimum dietary vitamin D3 requirement and the maximum amount of vitamin D3 that can be metabolized by marmosets is unknown. Observations of metabolic bone disease and gastrointestinal malabsorption have led to wide variation in dietary vitamin D3 provision amongst research institutions, with resulting variation in circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25(OH)D3), the accepted marker for vitamin D sufficiency/deficiency. Multiple studies have reported serum 25(OH)D3 in captive marmosets, but 25(OH)D3 is not the final product of vitamin D3 metabolism. In addition to serum 25(OH)D3, we measured the most physiologically active metabolite, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D3), and the less well understood metabolite, 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (24,25(OH)2D3) to characterize the marmoset's ability to metabolize dietary vitamin D3. We present vitamin D3 metabolite and related serum chemistry value colony reference ranges in marmosets provided diets with 26,367 (Colony A, N = 113) or 8,888 (Colony B, N = 52) international units (IU) of dietary vitamin D3 per kilogram of dry matter. Colony A marmosets had higher serum 25(OH)D3 (426 ng/ml [SD 200] vs. 215 ng/ml [SD 113]) and 24,25(OH)2D3 (53 ng/ml [SD 35] vs. 7 ng/ml [SD 5]). There was no difference in serum 1,25(OH)2D3 between the colonies. Serum 1,25(OH)2D3 increased and 25(OH)D3 decreased with age, but the effect was weak. Marmosets tightly regulate metabolism of dietary vitamin D3 into the active metabolite 1,25(OH)2D3; excess 25(OH)D3 is metabolized into 24,25(OH)2D3. This ability explains the tolerance of high levels of dietary vitamin D3 by marmosets, however, our data suggest that these high dietary levels are not required.  相似文献   

Common marmosets vocalize phee calls as isolation calls, which seem to facilitate their reunion with family groups. To identify multiple acoustic properties with different time courses, we examined acoustic modulations of phees during different social contexts of isolation. Subject marmosets were totally isolated in one condition, were visually isolated and could exchange vocalizations in another condition, and were visually isolated and subsequently totally isolated in a third condition. We recorded 6,035 phees of 10 male–female marmoset pairs and conducted acoustic analysis. The marmosets frequently vocalized phees that were temporally elongated and louder during isolation, with varying time courses of these changes in acoustic parameters. The vocal rates and sound levels of the phees increased as soon as the marmosets saw their pair mates being taken away, and then gradually calmed down. The phee duration was longer in conditions during which there were no vocal responses from their pair mates. Louder vocalizations are conspicuous and seem to be effective for long‐distance transmission, whereas shorter call duration during vocal exchanges might avoid possible vocal overlap between mates. Am. J. Primatol. 72:681–688, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The circadian activity rhythm of the common marmoset, Callithrix j. jacchus was investigated by long-term recording of the locomotor activity of 15 individuals (5 males, 10 females) from 1.5 to 8 years old, both under constant illumination and under LD 12:12. The mean period of the spontaneous circadian rhythm was 23.2 ± 0.3 h. Neither sex-specific differences nor a systematic influence of light intensity on the spontaneous period were observed, but the period was dependent on the duration of the trial and on the age of the individual. Due to the short spontaneous period, in LD 12:12 there was a distinct advance of the activity phase with respect to the light time and a masking of the true onset of activity by the inhibitory direct effect of low light intensity during the dark time. After an 8 h delay shift of the LD 12:12, re-entrainment of the circadian activity rhythm required an average of 6.8 ± 0.7 days; the average re-entrainment time after an 8 h phase advance of the LD cycle was 8.6 ± 1.3 day. This directional effect is ascribed to characteristics of the phase-response curve. No ultradian components were observed, either in the LD-entrained or the free-running circadian activity rhythm.  相似文献   

In this paper I examine exploratory behavior and learning in two groups of common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus jacchus), both living under laboratory conditions. The main aim of my studies was to compare behavior occurring in an experimental testing situation with home-cage behavior, and to assess conditions under which exploration is enhanced. One group of marmosets was tested individually in an experimental room away from a larger animal holding room, and a second group was observed in their own home cages, surrounded by other marmosets. Marmosets in both groups were given the opportunity to learn simple tasks, such as pressing a lever for food or jumping on to a wire grid to open a door and see a neighbouring marmoset, and were provided with sets of novel or familiar objects to encourage play and exploration. In the isolated experimental cage, marmosets which learnt a lever-pressing task showed higher general activity levels than controls; in the home cages the mere addition of novel objects resulted in enhancements in exploratory behavior (measured in terms of contacts with the objects). Although the activities associated with learning tended to decline over time, the novel objects remained a constant interest throughout the experiment. The results have implications for maintaining marmosets in captivity, especially in situations when they are housed separately.  相似文献   

Social peer groups of callitrichid monkeys [marmosets and tamarins] exhibit intrasexual dominance hierarchies in captivity. This laboratory study employed two-choice behavioral discrimination bioassys to test the hypothesis that scent from female common marmosets contains chemical cues that permit discrimination between dominant females in the peri-ovulatory versus luteal phase of the ovarian cycle and females holding dominant versus subordinate status. When scent from only dominant females was presented, marmosets directed significantly greater amounts of investigatory behavior toward peri-ovulatory scent versus scent collected during the luteal phase of the ovarian cycle. Animals of both sexes demonstrated significant discriminatory behavior between scent deposited by dominant versus subordinate females, but only when the dominant female was in the peri-ovulatory phase of the ovarian cycle. Test animals directed equal amounts of investigative behavior toward scent from luteal-phase dominant females and subordinate females. Female test subjects deposited significantly more scent marks over presented scents than did male subjects, particularly when the scent had been donated by a peri-ovulatory female. Chemical odors specific to the peri-ovulatory and luteal phases of the ovarian cycle may play a role in mediating behavioral interactions among marmosets. Am. J. Primatol. 46:265–284, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We describe a cost- and time-efficient method for designing new microsatellite markers in any species with substantial genomic DNA sequence data available. Using this technique, we report 14 new polymorphic dinucleotide microsatellite loci isolated from the common marmoset. The relative yield of new polymorphisms was higher with less labor than described in previous marmoset studies. Of 20 loci initially evaluated, 14 were polymorphic and amplified reliably (70% success rate). The number of alleles ranged from 3 to 9 with heterozygosity varying from 0.48 to 0.83.  相似文献   

The physiological mechanisms of parental and alloparental care in cooperatively breeding nonhuman primate species such as the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) are poorly known. In this study, we examined prolactin and cortisol plasma levels of fathers and older offspring of both sexes, with and without previous experience in infant carrying, around parturition and during infant carrying. Blood samples were collected from fathers and older offspring and prolactin and cortisol were measured by RIA and EIA, respectively. Prolactin levels of both caretakers were not influenced by infant's birth, previous experience or proximity to parturition. However, prolactin levels increased in both caretakers while in physical contact with infants and also with the number of infants being carried in older offspring. These findings suggest that increased prolactin seems to be mainly due to physical effort rather than a physiological trigger of paternal and alloparental care in common marmosets. Cortisol levels were higher for experienced fathers shortly before parturition which could act to reinforce affiliative bonds between breeding males and females at this time or in the ability of males to detect the proximity of the parturition or both.  相似文献   

The present report documents the breeding success of a new colony of common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus jacchus) and demonstrates a correlation between environmental stress and reproductive success. Environmental conditions ranged chronologically over 40 months, through four periods: I) the initial period, when the colony was formed; II) a phase of relative environmental stability; III) a stage of “environmental stress” (when the colony was disrupted by nearby construction); and IV) a return to a stable environment. Examination of reproductive status during each period indicated that the colony exhibited severe reproductive suppression during the time of the environmental disruption. Parity and the number of live births decreased and the number of spontaneous abortions increased during this period. Reproductive success remained low during period IV. More triplets than twins were born during the period of relative environmental stability.  相似文献   

Captive adult common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) produce whistlelike “phee” calls in two contexts: in the home cage, where phee calls may function as part of territorial marking behavior, and when separated from social companions, where phee calls may function to reunite conspecifics. Natural and synthesized calls representing the acoustic structure of male and female calls in each context were presented to adult marmosets in a playback paradigm. Marmosets demonstrated discriminative abilities according to the context of the call and the caller's sex. Vocal and behavioral responses indicated increased vigilance and territorial behavior, following playbacks of naturally produced calls as well as synthetic calls. All animals scanned more frequently following produced calls as well as synthetic calls. All animals scanned more frequently following natural home cage as well as isolation calls, but only increased contact behavior (trills) in response to home cage calls. The responses were dimorphic according to the sex of the caller, where adult males scanned more following male calls, and adult females were more aggressive following male and female calls. The differential behavioral responses to playbacks of marmoset phee calls suggest a biological relevance to subtle differences found in the acoustic parameters of the phee call. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • 1 This article is a US Government work and, as such, in the public domain in the United States of America.
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    A slowly growing microaerophilic Helicobacter species was isolated from the feces of the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). This bacterium possessed a pair of nonsheathed bipolar flagella, was positive for oxidase, catalase and alkaline phosphatase activities, but was negative for gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase and urease activity and for nitrate reduction. The bacterium was susceptible to nalidixic acid and resistant to cephalotine and did not hydrolyze hippurate. On the basis of phenotypic characteristics, 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis and whole-cell protein profiles, the isolate represents a new species of the genus Helicobacter, for which the name Helicobacter callitrichis sp. nov. is proposed; the type strain of the new species is R-204(T) (GenBank accession number AY192526).  相似文献   

    Common marmosets produce two variants of their long call (phee call) in different situations. Intergroup calls are produced in territorial situations, and intragroup separation calls are produced by marmosets isolated from group members. Marmoset groups frequently include postpubertal, nonreproductive members; their roles in the spontaneous production of territorial vocalizations is unclear. This study analyzed the production of home cage phee calls by nonreproductive, postpubertal marmosets while they were housed in their natal groups and after pairing with an opposite-sex conspecific. Additionally, the production of the separation phee call variant was assessed in both social conditions. The results indicated that the marmosets rarely produced home cage, or territorial, phee calls while they were natally housed. In contrast, both males and females produced the territorial phee call at a much higher rate as early as 4 days after pairing. Age-matched females remaining in their natal groups throughout the study produced home cage phee calls infrequently. Most marmosets produced separation phee calls at a high rate after separation from either their natal group or a partner, suggesting that the makeup of a social group has little effect on an animal's motivation to reunite with conspecifics. These results suggest that the social environment has an important influence on the production of territorial phee calls. Am. J. Primatol. 43:135–146, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

    Communication is important in social species, and may occur with the use of visual, olfactory or auditory signals. However, visual communication may be hampered in species that are arboreal have elaborate facial coloring and live in small groups. The common marmoset fits these criteria and may have limited visual communication. Nonetheless, some (contradictive) propositions concerning visual displays in the common marmoset have been made, yet quantitative data are lacking. The aim of this study was to assign a behavioral context to different visual displays using pre–post‐event‐analyses. Focal observations were conducted on 16 captive adult and sub‐adult marmosets in three different family groups. Based on behavioral elements with an unambiguous meaning, four different behavioral contexts were distinguished: aggression, fear, affiliation, and play behavior. Visual displays concerned behavior that included facial expressions, body postures, and pilo‐erection of the fur. Visual displays related to aggression, fear, and play/affiliation were consistent with the literature. We propose that the visual display “pilo‐erection tip of tail” is related to fear. Individuals receiving these fear signals showed a higher rate of affiliative behavior. This study indicates that several visual displays may provide cues or signals of particular social contexts. Since the three displays of fear elicited an affiliative response, they may communicate a request of anxiety reduction or signal an external referent. Concluding, common marmosets, despite being arboreal and living in small groups, use several visual displays to communicate with conspecifics and their facial coloration may not hamper, but actually promote the visibility of visual displays. Am. J. Primatol. 75:1084–1095, 2013. © 2013 The Authors. American Journal of Primatology Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

    Parental care in mammals is influenced by sensory stimuli from infants, and by changes in the hormone levels of caretakers. To determine the responsiveness to infant cues in nonreproductive adult male common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) with and without previous experience in caretaking, we exposed 12 males to newborn marmosets and assessed their cortisol plasma levels and behavioral response. Newborn marmosets housed in transparent enclosures were placed inside the cages of the adult male subjects. Males were exposed four times to two different experimental conditions: (a) newborn enclosures remained closed during the observation period and (b) newborn enclosures were opened during the observation period to allow direct social interaction by the adult males. Blood samples from adult males were collected after each behavioral observation trial to measure the levels of cortisol. The behavioral responses of adult males exposed to the closed and open newborn enclosures showed a significant difference only with respect to the frequency of displacements, where males moved among the quadrants of their own cages with greater frequency when the newborn enclosure was sealed. Experienced males approached newborn enclosures more frequently, spent more time in close proximity, and carried and recovered newborns more quickly than inexperienced males. The successive exposure to newborns increased the responsiveness in inexperienced males. The highest levels of plasma cortisol in adult males were recorded following periods of exposure to the sealed newborn enclosures. This suggests that successive exposure to newborns and previous alloparental caregiving experience while living in family groups influences the responsiveness of male marmosets to the sensory cues of newborns. Am. J. Primatol. 75:145‐152, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

    Hand preference has been investigated in New World primates but the data obtained thus far are controversial. In this study we investigated hand preference in common marmosets,Callithrix jacchus, during the execution of a reaching for food task. We used 46 adult common marmoset males (n=27) and females (n=19) from the Universidade of Rio Grande do Norte colony, both wild and captive-born. To test the hand preference we used a device measuring 10 cm2, with a central hole 1 cm in diameter, to force the animal to use only one hand to reach for food on a food dish located underneath. Each animal was tested 5 times and had to make a maximum of 20 successful attempts per session. A total of 100 successful attempts per animal and 4,600 successful attempts for all animals were recorded during the experiment. Latency and duration of the sessions were measured and we found preference for the use of one of the hands in common marmoset individuals, i.e. 45 of total of 46 animals used significantly more the right or the left hand when performing the task. However no bias at the population level was found. Females born in captivity presented an increase in the duration of latency for the first successful attempt and in the total duration of the test sessions. These findings might be indicating differences associated with a natural tendency for females to be more selective and to spend more time exploring alimentary sources. Additionally, captive-born females may have a constrain in developing cognitive abilities regarding foraging since they have food available during most part of the time.  相似文献   

    Adult and juvenile common marmosets were introduced to unfamiliar conspecifics individually and in whole groups. In introductions using animals of the same sex, adults were mutually hostile unless they were related or socially familiar; juveniles behaved submissively to adults and little aggression was observed between juveniles. In introductions using animals of the opposite sex, males of all ages solicited females but females did not reciprocate. When whole groups were introduced, in two experiments most of the elder group members behaved aggressively and younger animals did not interact frequently; but in a third experiment, in which the adult males were related, little aggression was observed and younger animals behaved amicably. It is argued that the behavioral reactions shown by individual marmosets are related to territorial hostility and that the behavior of juveniles to adults may aid assimilation of younger animals into new groups.  相似文献   

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