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Question: We tested whether (1) the change in composition and structure of whole plant communities after fire is directly related to regeneration of the dominant tree species in the canopy; (2) the change in structure and composition of plant communities several years after fire decreases with the proportion of obligate seeders and (3) the proportion of obligate seeders in plant communities increases with the dryness gradient. Location: Catalonia (NE Spain) Methods: We measured floristic differences between burned and long‐since burned sites in eight vegetation types across a climate gradient. We compared 22 sites burnt in 1994 in paired plots with 22 sites that had not been burnt since the 1940s. In each site we placed plots in burned and long‐since burned areas, where we identified the presence and abundance of all plant species. Results: When the tree canopy recovers, structure and composition of the vegetation also return to the long‐since burned community; when tree canopy does not recover, composition of the post‐fire community varies compared to the long‐since burned one. A higher proportion of obligate seeders in the pre‐fire community promotes quicker regeneration of the original community. The proportion of obligate seeders increased along the dryness gradient. Conclusions: Regeneration of plant communities after fire depends on the vegetation type before the fire. Regeneration increases when the dominant tree or shrub species persists after fire and with a higher proportion of obligate seeders in the pre‐fire community. The proportion of obligate seeders varies along the dryness gradient, which suggests that vegetation in drier areas (when seeders are more abundant) recovers earlier than in moister areas.  相似文献   

The primary goal of restoration is to create self‐sustaining ecological communities that are resilient to periodic disturbance. Currently, little is known about how restored communities respond to disturbance events such as fire and how this response compares to remnant vegetation. Following the 2003 fires in south‐eastern Australia we examined the post‐fire response of revegetation plantings and compared this to remnant vegetation. Ten burnt and 10 unburnt (control) sites were assessed for each of three types of vegetation (direct seeding revegetation, revegetation using nursery seedlings (tubestock) and remnant woodland). Sixty sampling sites were surveyed 6 months after fire to quantify the initial survival of mid‐ and overstorey plant species in each type of vegetation. Three and 5 years after fire all sites were resurveyed to assess vegetation structure, species diversity and vigour, as well as indicators of soil function. Overall, revegetation showed high (>60%) post‐fire survival, but this varied among species depending on regeneration strategy (obligate seeder or resprouter). The native ground cover, mid‐ and overstorey in both types of plantings showed rapid recovery of vegetation structure and cover within 3 years of fire. This recovery was similar to the burnt remnant woodlands. Non‐native (exotic) ground cover initially increased after fire, but was no different in burnt and unburnt sites 5 years after fire. Fire had no effect on species richness, but burnt direct seeding sites had reduced species diversity (Simpson's Diversity Index) while diversity was higher in burnt remnant woodlands. Indices of soil function in all types of vegetation had recovered to levels found in unburnt sites 5 years after fire. These results indicate that even young revegetation (stands <10 years old) showed substantial recovery from disturbance by fire. This suggests that revegetation can provide an important basis for restoring woodland communities in the fire‐prone Australian environment.  相似文献   

Most obligate seeder species build up a soil seed bank that is associated with massive seed germination in the year immediately after a fire. These species are also shade‐intolerant and disappear when vegetation cover closes, creating unsuitable conditions for seedling recruitment. The only way for these plants to expand their populations is when habitats suitable for seedling recruitment arise (i.e. in years immediately after a fire). However, short primary seed dispersal of obligate seeders does not allow these plants to colonise the suitable habitats, and these habitats can only be colonised by secondary seed dispersion. We hypothesised that Fumana ericoides, an obligate‐seeding small shrub, not only establishes abundantly in the first year after fire, but also expands its local range in the following years due to secondary dispersal by ants while suitable habitats are still available. We tested this hypothesis using experimental studies and a simulation model of potential population expansion in a recently burned area. Results showed that F. ericoides not only established prolifically in the year immediately after fire, but was also able to recruit new individuals and expand its population in the years following the fire, despite a low germination rate and short primary seed dispersal. Ant‐mediated seed dispersal and availability of suitable habitats were key factors in this phenomenon: ants redistributed seeds in suitable habitats while they were available, which accelerated the expansion of F. ericoides because new plants established far away from the core population.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of insect grazing on the establishment of plant populations from seed after bushfires in coastal plain woodland near Perth, Western Australia. Seedling germination was measured and individual seedlings were observed frequently to estimate survivorship and causes of mortality. Invasion rates of acridid grasshoppers into both small and large burnt areas were measured and palatabilities of seedlings to the most abundant grasshopper species were estimated. Escape of seedlings from insect grazing was influenced by both seedling palatability and area of burning. Grasshoppers were absent from large burnt areas for one to two years. In small burnt patches of vegetation, the patterns of grazing on seedlings were related to seedling palatabilities. These results are discussed in the light of current models of plant succession and the main conclusion is that fire is not a succession-initiating disturbance in this ecosystem because the long association with fire has allowed the evolution of specific survival and recruitment strategies.  相似文献   

The effect of fire frequency on the relative abundance of obligate-seeders and vegetative-regenerators was studied in 15 pairs of sites on the West Head, NSW. Each site pair consisted of a site which had been burnt frequently over the past 20 years and a nearby site which had been burnt less frequently. The data were collected in two phases. First, the relative abundance of the two overall groups of vegetative-regenerators and obligate-seeders was recorded by measuring the projective cover of live foliage. The presence or absence of particular species was then measured. For all the site pairs the projective cover of live foliage of obligate-seeders was dramatically less in the frequently burnt sites. Some obligate-seeder shrub species were absent from frequently burnt sites and the vegetation structure was simplified. In 11 of the 15 site pairs there was an increase in the projective cover of live foliage of vegetative-regenerators in the frequently burnt sites, while in the remaining four site pairs there were no significant differences between the infrequently and frequently burnt sites. Overall, the increases in the relative abundance of vegetative-regenerators made by high fire frequencies were not as large as the decreases in the relative abundance of obligate-seeders.  相似文献   

Semi-natural open habitats have drastically changed in the last few decades due to agricultural intensification and rural depopulation. Steppe-birds, and especially those adapted to primary stages of vegetation succession, are threatened by an increase in scrub cover, and management actions are being applied to reverse scrub encroachment and restore habitat suitability in semi-natural open habitats. In this paper we evaluated for the first time, the long-term effects of a wildfire on habitat structure, vegetation productivity, and the associated response of an endangered scrub-steppe specialist bird, the Dupont’s Lark Chersophilus duponti. Wildfire occurred in a Mediterranean steppe of central Spain dominated by permanent community of dwarf cushions scrubs. Bird abundance was evaluated by line transects in the burnt and unburnt areas 3 years prior to the fire and 4 and 7 years after the fire. We quantified changes in habitat structure at fine scale level through vegetation sampling points and in vegetation productivity by estimating the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Fire had strong effects for at least up to 4 years after the fire, when lower NDVI values, less scrub cover and fewer, but not significant, number of males were detected in the burnt area with respect to the pre-fire conditions. Seven years after fire most vegetation variables measured did not differ between areas, number of males detected within the burnt area was recovered and NDVI values in burnt area were slightly recovered but were significantly lower than in control area. Slow regeneration of the scrub cover after fire explained the unsuccessful occupation of the burnt area by the Dupont’s Lark up to several years after fire. The more dispersed and shorter habitat created by fire 7 years after the fire seems to be more suitable for the species than that in control areas. The large number of males around the burnt area may have played a role in the recolonization process. In sum, vegetation recovery and the presence of a low scrub-steppe specialist, as the Dupont’s lark, suggests that fire management could be integrated into conservation plans to effectively manage scrub encroachment processes in Mediterranean scrub-steppes.  相似文献   

Ecosystems managed with contrasting fire regimes provide insight into the responses of vegetation and soil. Heathland, woodland and forest ecosystems along a gradient of resource availability were burnt over four decades in approximately 3- or 5-year intervals or were unburnt for 45–47 years (heathland, woodland), or experienced infrequent wildfires (forest: 14 years since the last fire). We hypothesized that, relative to unburnt or infrequent fires, frequent burning would favour herbaceous species over woody species and resprouting over obligate seeder species, and reduce understorey vegetation height, and topsoil carbon and nitrogen content. Our hypothesis was partially supported in that herbaceous plant density was higher in frequently burnt vegetation; however, woody plant density was also higher in frequently burnt areas relative to unburnt/infrequently burnt areas, across all ecosystems. In heathland, omission of frequent fire resulted in the dominance of fern Gleichenia dicarpa and subsequent competitive exclusion of understorey species and lower species diversity. As hypothesized, frequent burning in woodland and forest increased the density of facultative resprouters and significantly reduced soil organic carbon levels relative to unburnt sites. Our findings confirm that regular burning conserves understorey diversity and maintains an understorey of lower statured herbaceous plants, although demonstrates the potential trade-off of frequent burning with lower topsoil carbon levels in the woodland and forest. Some ecosystem specific responses to varied fire frequencies were observed, reflecting differences in species composition and fire response traits between ecosystems. Overall, unburnt vegetation resulted in the dominance of some species over others and the different vegetation types were able to withstand relatively high-frequency fire without the loss of biodiversity, mainly due to high environmental productivity and short juvenile periods.  相似文献   

Fire is an important part of many Australian ecosystems, and determining how it affects different vegetation communities and associated fauna is of particular interest to land managers. Here, we report on a study that used sites established during a 39‐year fire experiment in coastal heathland in southeastern Queensland to compare arthropod abundance and vegetation in 1.5–2.6 ha sites that were (i) long unburnt, (ii) burnt every 5 years and (iii) burnt every 3 years. We found that the abundance of ants was more than four times higher in the frequently burnt sites compared to long unburnt sits. Moreover, long unburnt sites had greater dominance of Xanthorrhoea johnsonii and Caustis recurvata, whereas burnt sites had greater cover of Lomandra filiformis, Leucopogon margarodes and Leucopogon leptospermoides. Our findings show that frequent fire can alter vegetation structure and composition, and this is matched by an increase in the relative dominance of ants in the arthropod community.  相似文献   

Natural grasslands in southern Australia commonly exist in altered states. One widespread altered state is grassland pasture dominated by cool‐season (C3) native grasses maintained by ongoing grazing. This study explores the consequences of removing grazing and introducing fire as a conservation management tool for such a site. We examined the abundance of two native and three exotic species, across a mosaic of fire regimes that occurred over a three‐year period: unburnt, summer wild‐fire (>2 years previous), autumn management fire (<1 year previously) and burnt in both fires. Given that one aim of conservation management is to increase native species at the expense of exotics, the impacts of the fires were largely positive. Native grasses were at higher cover levels in the fire‐managed vegetation than in the unburnt vegetation. Of the three exotic species, one was consistently at lower density in the burnt plots compared to the unburnt plots, while the others were lower only in those plots burnt in summer. The results show that the response of a species varies significantly between different fire events, and that the effects of one fire can persist through subsequent fires. Importantly, some of the effects were large, with changes in the density of plants of over 100‐fold. Fire is potentially a cost‐effective tool to assist the ecological restoration of retired grassland pastures at large scales.  相似文献   

Abstract. Post-fire seed germination, seedling mortality and seed banks were investigated in scrub-heath (kwongan) in SW Australia. Study species included herbaceous and woody, obligate seeders and resprouters in two non-bradysporous but significant plant families (Restionaceae and Epacridaceae). In all species, seedlings were recruited only in the first autumn-spring after fire and occurred in similar densities as the estimated germinable annual seed input. Seedlings were absent from unburnt vegetation. Although most species retained some residual seeds after fire, tests (excised embryo culture) indicated that a negligible number of seeds were germinable. Regardless of fire response or species, there appeared to be a large loss of seeds each year and in most cases, only a small proportion of the annual seed production was used in post-fire recovery of plants. Based on seedling: parent ratios, all species had the capacity to reconstitute parent densities from germinants in the first year after fire, but high seedling mortality and no further recruitment resulted in less seedlings than replacements for four resprouter Restionaceae and three Epacridaceae (all obligate seeders) at the end of the third year after fire.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the history of fire management in the Bontebok National Park (3435 ha) over a period of almost four decades. A GIS database was compiled of all fires between 1972 and 2009 and the fire regime was analysed in terms of the frequency, season, size and cause of fires. Since the early 1970s, short interval burning was implemented to promote grazing for bontebok, but from 2004 the fire interval was lengthened to favour plant species diversity, an increasingly urgent conservation priority for the park. In total, 43 fires were recorded, ranging in size from 9 to 1007 ha, collectively spanning 14 013 ha. The majority of fires were large (100–500 ha), with fires of >100 ha accounting for 96% of the area burnt. The overall mean fire return period (FRP) for the park was 7.2 years, which is short judged by fynbos standards. FRPs under the old and new management regimes were 6.7 and 10.9 years respectively. Under the old regime, FRPs in renosterveld and fynbos were 5.8 and 8.0 years respectively. Large parts of the park repeatedly experienced fires at immature vegetation ages resulting in the elimination of slow-maturing seed-regenerating plant species such as Protea repens. Post-fire age distribution was highly skewed towards young vegetation, with 75% of fire-prone vegetation burning at post-fire ages of ≤7 years, and <10% of fire-prone vegetation surviving beyond 10 years of age. Prescribed and accidental fires respectively accounted for 70% and 30% of the total area burnt. Prescribed burning was mostly done in March–April, and only 8% of the total area burnt, burnt outside of the ecologically acceptable fire season. This study identified areas which have been subject to ecologically appropriate and inappropriate fire return intervals, providing a basis for informed future management and research.  相似文献   

Abstract We examined post‐fire responses of two sympatric Australian rodents, Pseudomys gracilicaudatus and Rattus lutreolus, as coastal wet heath regenerated following two high intensity wildfires. Pseudomys gracilicaudatus, an early serai‐stage species, recolonized an area burnt in August 1974 after one year, but took only 3 months to recolonize another area following a wildfire in October 1994. Rattus lutreolus, a late serai‐stage specialist, took approximately 3.6 years to recolonize following wildfire in August 1974, but had recolonized after only 4 months following wildfire in October 1994. We suggest that this apparent anomaly is associated with the rate of recovery of vegetation density. When the relative abundance of each species was plotted as a function of vegetation density, the trajectories following the two wildfires were concordant. An implicit relationship exists between time since wildfire and vegetation density. We make this relationship explicit by quantifying cover requirements for each species, and show that it is the resource continuum borne of regenerating vegetation (rather than time per se) that is important in determining the timing of small mammal successional sequences.  相似文献   

Abstract The effects of recent fire frequency and time‐since‐fire on plant community composition and species abundance in open‐forest and woodland vegetation in Girraween National Park, south‐east Queensland, Australia, were examined. Cover‐abundance data were collected for shrub and vine species in at least 10 400‐m2 plots in each of four study areas. Study areas were within one community type and had burnt most recently either 4 or 9 years previously. Variations in fire frequency allowed us to compare areas that had burnt at least three times in the previous 25 years with less frequently burnt areas, and also woodlands that had experienced a 28‐year interfire interval with more frequently burnt areas. Although species richness did not differ significantly with either time‐since‐fire or fire frequency, both these factors affected community composition, fire frequency being the more powerful. Moisture availability also influenced floristics. Of the 67 species found in five or more plots, six were significantly associated with time‐since‐fire, whereas 11 showed a significant difference between more and less frequently burnt plots in each of the two fire‐frequency variables. Most species, however, did not vary in cover‐abundance with the fire regime parameters examined. Even those species that showed a marked drop in cover‐abundance when exposed to a particular fire regime generally maintained some presence in the community. Five species with the capacity to resprout after fire were considered potentially at risk of local extinction under regimes of frequent fire, whereas two species were relatively uncommon in long‐unburnt areas. Variable fire regimes, which include interfire intervals of at least 15 years, could be necessary for the continuity of all species in the community.  相似文献   

Abstract. In seasonally dry regions of the world fire is a recurring disturbance but little is known of how fire interacts with granite outcrop vegetation. We hypothesize that the floristic composition in granite vegetation, usually attributed to the edaphic environment, may also reflect the impact of disturbances such as fire. Dramatic differences in floristic composition and cover over 13 years and two fires were observed in vegetation on a Western Australian granite outcrop. This was very marked in the first year following the two fires, with annuals and geophytes showing the greatest turnover of species. Even among the perennial shrubs there was considerable turnover in a number of obligate seeders. After the first fire the number of species declined for woody perennials, herbaceous perennials and annuals, remained unchanged for perennial grasses and sedges, and varied with highest richness 4 yr after fire for geophytes. Demographic studies of two endemic woody obligate seeders and three endemic mallee eucalypt resprouters similarly showed dramatic differences within and between species in seedling recruitment following the two fires. Fire does have a significant impact on the floristic composition of semi‐arid granite outcrop vegetation communities. Studies on other granite outcrop systems are needed to test the generality of this conclusion.  相似文献   

Question: What is the role of dispersal, persistent soil seed banks and seedling recruitment in population persistence of fleshy‐fruited obligate seeding plant species in fire‐prone habitats? Location: Southeastern Australia. Methods: We used a long‐term study of a shrubby, fleshy‐fruited Persoonia species (Proteaceae) to examine (1) seed removal from beneath the canopy of adult plants; (2) seedling recruitment after fire; (3) the magnitude and location of the residual soil seed bank; and (4) the implications for fire management of obligate seeding species. We used demographic sampling techniques combined with Generalised Linear Modelling and regression to quantify population changes over time. Results: Most of the mature fruits (90%) on the ground below the canopy of plants were removed by Wallabia bicolor (Swamp wallaby) with 88% of seeds extracted from W. bicolor scats viable and dormant. Wallabies play an important role in moving seeds away from parent plants. Their role in occasional long distance dispersal events remains unknown. We detected almost no seed predation in situ under canopies (< 1%). Seedling recruitment was cued to fire, with post‐fire seedling densities 6‐7 times pre‐fire adult densities. After fire, a residual soil seed bank was present, as many seeds (77‐100%) remained dormant and viable at a soil depth where successful future seedling emergence is possible (0‐5 cm). Seedling survival was high (> 80%) with most mortality within 2 years of emergence. Plant growth averaged 17 cm per year. The primary juvenile period of plants was 7–8 years, within the period of likely return fire intervals in the study area. We predicted that the study population increased some five‐fold after the wildfire at the site. Conclusions: Residual soil seed banks are important, especially in species with long primary juvenile periods, to buffer the populations against the impact of a second fire occurring before the seed bank is replenished.  相似文献   

Abstract. Most species-rich grasslands dominated by Themeda triandra in southeastern Australia have been ungrazed and frequently burnt for decades. The seedling emergence technique was used to determine the size and taxonomic composition of the soil seed bank of five grasslands that had different fire histories (i.e. burnt at 1 yr, 3 yr and > 10 yr intervals) and this was compared to the standing vegetation at each site. A nested sampling design (subplot, plot, site) was used to determine the effect of spatial scale on the patterns observed in both the vegetation and the seed bank. Temporal variation in the seed bank was assessed by repeated soil sampling over a two year period. 61 native and 30 exotic species were recorded in the vegetation. Richness varied more between sites than within sites. Sites were therefore internally homogeneous for species richness. However, no correlation between burning frequency and richness was found. DCA ordination separated the sites into distinct groups, but sites with similar fire history did not necessarily group closely. 60 taxa germinated from the soil seed bank, comprising 32 native and 28 exotic species; 11 species, mostly therophytes, were restricted to the seed bank. The richness of the seed bank was significantly lower than the vegetation at all spatial scales. No correlation between seed bank richness and fire history was found. The seed bank of species-rich grasslands is dominated by a limited number of widespread, highly clumped, annual, native and exotic monocots. Most native hemicryptophytes, and perennials in general, were represented in the soil by a transient seed bank. Only 12 % of study species, all therophytes, were considered to form large, persistent seed banks, the size of which was greater in unburnt grasslands at all times of the year. The distinct floristic patterns observed in the vegetation are less clearly represented in the seed bank. The seed bank represents a floristically distinct (and less variable) component of the vegetation when compared to the standing flora. The size of the long-term soil seed bank suggests that it has little functional importance for many native species and probably contributes little to seedling regeneration processes following disturbance. Altering established fire regimes is likely to only change the composition and small-scale richness of the existing site vegetation and will not re-integrate species previously lost from the vegetation due to past management. It is suggested that the maintenance of vegetation remnants and processes that encompass a range of long-term burning histories will be necessary if the flora is to be conserved in situ. Restoration of degraded grasslands cannot rely on the soil seed bank but rather, will be dependent on the reintroduction of propagules.  相似文献   

Landscape rehabilitation following mining is required to be resilient to disturbance impacts such as fire, drought and disease. As mining companies undergo the process of rehabilitation certification and mine closure, there are notable knowledge gaps on the ecological risks associated with mature rehabilitated landscapes, based largely on the assumption that rehabilitation is analogous to reference communities. However, the response to fire disturbance across a range of landscapes remains largely untested and in particular there is limited understanding of recovery traits of plant species that occur naturally or are commonly seeded into rehabilitation. In August 2018, a controlled fire was applied to 37 hectares of 12-year-old coal-mine rehabilitation in central Queensland, Australia. We used a combination of (i) ground plot surveys and (ii) drone imagery to compare the vegetation response of burnt woody species to unburnt controls prior to, and for, two years following the fire. The survival of the most dominant shrub species found on the rehabilitation site was significantly impacted by the fire. Old Man Saltbush (Atriplex nummularia Lindl. subsp. nummularia) recorded significant post-fire mortality, with ground surveys recording an average reduction of 89% of stems per hectare across the burnt site, while unburnt controls remained unchanged. The plot data analysis was supported with high spatial and temporal resolution drone imagery, classified using a Random Forest machine-learning approach. Change analysis of these maps showed a significant decline of 82% in Old Man Saltbush plant density and 92% reduction in foliage cover following the fire. In addition, the mean canopy area of individual Old Man Saltbush shrubs reduced significantly from a pre-fire mean of 11.3 to 4.8 m2 two years following the fire. A spatial proximity analysis showed that those individuals that survived the fire were located significantly closer to unburnt areas and bare spoil, indicating that discontinuous ground fuel loads can greatly improve the survivability of individuals. This study provides new evidence on the contested fire sensitivity of Old Man Salt bush and demonstrates the risk that future climate-driven extreme events may have on the resilience of novel ecosystems.  相似文献   

Fire is known to facilitate the invasion of many non-native plant species, but how invasion into burnt areas varies along environmental gradients is not well-understood. We used two pre-existing data sets to analyse patterns of invasion by non-native plant species into burnt areas along gradients of topography, soil and vegetation structure in Yosemite National Park, California, USA. A total of 46 non-native species (all herbaceous) were recorded in the two data sets. They occurred in all seven of the major plant formations in the park, but were least common in subalpine and upper montane conifer forests. There was no significant difference in species richness or cover of non-natives between burnt and unburnt areas for either data set, and environmental gradients had a stronger effect on patterns of non-native species distribution, abundance and species composition than burning. Cover and species richness of non-natives had significant positive correlations with slope (steepness) and herbaceous cover, while species richness had significant negative correlations with elevation, the number of years post-burn, and cover of woody vegetation. Non-native species comprised a relatively minor component of the vegetation in both burnt and unburnt areas in Yosemite (percentage species = 4%, mean cover < 6.0%), and those species that did occur in burnt areas tended not to persist over time. The results indicate that in many western montane ecosystems, fire alone will not necessarily result in increased rates of invasion into burnt areas. However, it would be premature to conclude that non-native species could not affect post-fire succession patterns in these systems. Short fire-return intervals and high fire severity coupled with increased propagule pressure from areas used heavily by humans could still lead to high rates of invasion, establishment and spread even in highly protected areas such as Yosemite.  相似文献   

Soil seed banks can exert a strong influence on the path of vegetation succession following fire, with species varying in their capacity to persist in the seed bank over time, leading to changes in seed bank composition and propagules available for post-fire colonisation. This study examined the effect of time since fire on soil seed bank dynamics in a chronosequence of seven sites spanning 26 years in a south-eastern Australian sand heathland. No significant change was evident in the species richness and density of the germinable soil seed bank, but species composition differed significantly among young (0–6 years since fire), intermediate (10–17 years since fire) and old-aged (24–26 years since fire) sites (using presence/absence data). No significant trend was observed in the similarity between the extant vegetation and the soil seed bank with time since fire. A total of 32% of the species recorded in the soil seed bank were not present in the above-ground vegetation at the same site, which suggests that species requiring fire for germination may be present in the seed bank. Most species present in the extant vegetation were not recorded (63%) or were in very low abundances in the soil seed bank (29%). The mode of regeneration appears to be the major determinant of species absence in the soil seed bank, as 66% of species occurring in the extant vegetation but not in the seed bank have the capacity to regenerate by resprouting. This study shows that a major shift in the successional pathway after fire due to altered seed bank composition is unlikely in this vegetation; most species not recorded in the seed bank are either resprouters (obligate or facultative) or serotinous, suggesting that they will readily regenerate following fire. Unless fire frequencies are high and kill fire-sensitive obligate seeders before they reach maturity, the chance that the soil seed bank could substantially alter vegetation composition within the study area after fire is low. However, it is unclear how successional pathways may alter in response to severe fires with the potential to kill both seeders and resprouters.  相似文献   

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