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Cephaleuros parasiticus Karsten, an endophyte of Magnolia grandiflora L. has been examined with light, and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The discoid thalli are composed of filaments which ramify throughout the leaf tissues beneath the epidermis. Algal filaments do not penetrate host cells, but do produce black leaf spots which have been mistaken for those caused by the fungus Glomerella cingulate (Ston.) Spauld. and Schrenk. Two distinct thallus types occur, often simultaneously on a single leaf. One bears clusters of zoosporangiate branches which seasonally emerge through the ventral (and rarely, dorsal) surface of the leaf. In contrast, the other thallus type bears gametangia which break through the dorsal leaf surface. Zoosporangia and gametangia have never been found on the same thallus. The zoosporangia are smaller than, but almost identical in shape to, those of C. virescens Kunze. Simple plasmodesmata are present in crosswalls and acetolysis indicates that little or no sporopollenin is present in the cell walls. The ultrastructure of biflagellate gametes and quadriflagellate zoospores is virtually indistinguishable from that reported for C. virescens and similar to that reported for Phycopeltis and Trentepohlia. In both gametes and zoospores there are keeled flagella, overlapping and parallel basal bodies, two 3-layered multilayered structures with microtubular splines, and two medial compound microtubular roots. Pyrenoids, eyespots, flagellar and body scales, striated roots (or rhizoplasts), and distal bands are absent. Two presumptive mating structures are present in each biflagellate gamete, and flagellar collars occur in both types of motile cells. The extreme similarity in motile cell ultrastructure revealed in this interspecific comparison parallels that similarity revealed in intergeneric comparisons.  相似文献   

To assess the current situation regarding the incidence of red rust disease in tea plants, an extensive survey was conducted in southern Indian tea plantations covering different tea cultivars and agroclimatic zones. The results indicated that the incidence of disease was more severe in tea seedlings than clones in all the agroclimatic zones. On the other hand, a simple, reliable, and reproducible technique was standardized for culturing Cephaleuros parasiticus G. Karst. isolated from infected tea leaves. Ten isolates were obtained, of which two were screened based on growth rate and culture characters for further studies. Ten culture media were tested for the culturing of C. parasiticus in which Trebouxia and Bristol media were the best followed by George, Go algal, and tea leaf extract media. Variations between isolates (Valparai C. parasiticus field number 27 [VCP27], Munnar C. parasiticus field number 11 [MCP11], and University of Texas culture number 2412 [UTEX2412]) of C. parasiticus were studied based on the growth pattern, protein expression profile, and cellular constituents in the filaments. The quantitative estimation of cellular constituents showed that there was no significant difference in these constituents among isolates. The detection of amino acids in the filaments of C. parasiticus isolates showed 16 free forms and 11 bound forms. Amino acids in bound form were higher in all the isolates than in free form of amino acids. The three isolates of C. parasiticus were closely related, with bands lying between the molecular weight of 116 and 35 kDa.  相似文献   

A transmission electron microscopy study of dividing cells of Ulothrix verrucosa Lokhorst has provided clear evidence that this species differs in many respects from other Ulothrix Kützing species. These differences include the presence of a microtubular sheath around the prophase nucleus, the complete disintegration of the nuclear envelope coinciding with the proliferation of extranuclear microtubules into the prometaphase nucleus and the intrusion of vacuoles into the interzonal spindle region in between the widely separated telophase nuclei. This necessitates the transfer of Ulothrix verrucosa to the charophycean genus Klebsormidium Silva, Mattox and Blackwell. The new combination Klebsormidium mucosum is proposed. On account of its mitotic pattern, this species can be placed in the (charophycean) evolutionary line towards the higher plants. However, because of its cytokinesis (annular centripetal ingrowth of the plasmalemma) this species probably should be considered as a blind offshoot of this line. It is emphasized that furrowing green algae with a persistent interzonal spindle at telophase (including the presently studied alga) often show an ill-defined cytokinetic microtubular system.  相似文献   

24-Ethylcholesterol, 24-ethylcholesta-5,7,22-trienol, dihydrolanosterol, 24-ethylcholesta-7,22-dienol, and 4-methyl-24-ethylcholesta-7,22-dienol were identified in cultured Cephaleuros in small quantities. Cholesterol made up 19% of the total sterol. The principal sterol, making up 65% of the total sterol, was 4,24-dimethylcholest-7-enol, a new algal sterol. This is the first report of this sterol as the principal sterol of any living organism.  相似文献   

Mitosis and cytokinesis in vegetative cells of the sarcinoid green alga Chlorokybus atmophyticus Geitler were examined with rapid freeze fixation, freeze substitution, and transmission electron microscopy. The taxonomic placement of C. atmophyticus in the class Charophyceae sensu Stewart and Mattox is corroborated by some mitotic and cytokinetic features including development of a microtubular sheath around the prophase nucleus, the almost constant chromosome to pole distance during anaphase, telophase nuclei widely separated by a persistent interzonal spindle, and centripetal plasma membrane invagination. Features, previously unknown in the Charophyceae, include the specific position of the peroxisome lying between the nucleus and adjacent cell wall during interphase and mitosis, the extensive array of microtubules radiating from the centrioles located at the presumptive poles at prophase, involvement of coated vesicles in the furrowing process, and occurrence of transversely aligned cleavage microtubules. Placement of Chlorokybus in the order Klebsormidiales is proposed.  相似文献   

An ultrastructure study of mitosis and cytokinesis in the sessile sporangium of Trentepohlia aurea (L.) Mart, was made to clarify the phylogenetic position of the alga. Mitosis was closed and centric at late anphase with cytokinesis involving the production of cleavage membranes by dictyasames between the numerous, well-separated daughter nuclei. Neither phycoplast nor phragmoplast microtubules were observed during cytokinesis. The lack of phycoplast microtubules and the presence of multilayered structures in flagellated cells suggest Trentepohlia is phylogenetically related to those green algae thought to have given rise to the land plants. The primitive type of mitosis and the lack of microbodies suggest that the ancestors of Trentepohlia may have branched off from this line relatively early.  相似文献   

DNA content of the nucleus in the placoderm desmid, Closterium ehrenbergii Meneghini was measured throughout the life cycle by epifluorescence microspectrophotometry after DNA specific dye [4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindol (DAPI)] staining. Postulating a mean DNA content of gamete nuclei as 1C, the nucleus of a newly divided vegetative cell was 2C. Most vegetative cells in the stage of exponential growth had a DNA content from 2C to 4C, while most in stationary phase, with the highest frequency of zygote formation, were 2C. They became pre-gametes (2C) upon mixing two heterothallic strains. Four gametes were made by a DNA reduction division of each pre-gamete cell. Therefore, there was a nonmeiotic DNA reduction stage by one half. During germination, the zygote underwent meiosis to produce two gones, each of which contained one surviving nucleus (large nucleus) and one degenerating nucleus (small nucleus). The DNA content of these four nuclei was 1C basically. The DNA of the surviving nucleus duplicated to 2C and further quadruplicated to 4C without cell or nuclear division. These two 4C gones had different cell morphology from ordinary vegetative cells. After the first cell division following meiosis, each gone produced two vegetative cells in which the DNA content became 2C to 4C again.  相似文献   

Mitotic PtK1cells were treated both during mid-anaphase and at furrow initiation with the potent microtubule (MT) stabilizing agent, taxol, to determine the role of MTs in the rate of cytokinetic events. Rates of cytokinesis (μm/min) were measured by changes in furrow diameter. Incubation of PtK1cells during mid-anaphase with 5 μg/ml taxol slows the rate of cytokinesis by an average of 43%. Instead of furrow initiation to midbody formation taking an average of 10.7 min (1.6 μm/min), furrowing to midbody formation was completed in an average of 19.0 min (0.9 μm/min), which does not include the 7-min period between taxol application in mid-anaphase and furrow initiation. Application of 5 μg/ml taxol to cells at furrow initiation had a reduced effect on decreasing the rate of cytokinesis and midbody formation; furrowing to midbody formation took an average of 14.6 min (1.2 μm/min). These data suggest that delays in the rate of cytokinesis is dependent on the mitotic stage at which taxol is applied. Ultrastructural analysis shows that taxol treatment of anaphase cells prevents midbody formation during early G1, yet MT number and organization in the furrowed region is not significantly altered from untreated cells. There is little change in the organization and amount of contractile ring microfilaments, yet filaments are also found parallel to midbody MTs. Our results may be explained by the fact that taxol tends to stabilize MTs which probably affects the rate at which they depolymerize in the terminal phases of cytokinesis. Reduction in depolymerization rates of a stable population of MTs could serve to regulate the rate of cytokinesis.  相似文献   

The structure of the pyrenoid supports the separation of Chlorella species into two groups based on cell wall chemistry and suggests evolutionary relationships. Chlorella species with a glucan-type wall exhibit quite diverse pyrenoid structures, which may indicate that these species are not closely related. Those species with glucosamine cell walls (C. kessleri, C. sorokiniana, C. vulgaris) are virtually identical in pyrenoid morphology, indicating a closer evolutionary relationship. In the species with glucosamine walls, the thylakoid that penetrates into the pyrenoid matrix, is unijormly double-layered. Pyrenoids in the species with glucan walls show various features: 1) a pyrenoid matrix only, 2) a pyrenoid traversed by a few discs of double thylakoids with many adhering pyrenoglobuli, 3) a pyrenoid penetrated with tubelike structures or 4) a pyrenoid penetrated with many single undulating thylakoids. The pyrenoid structure of the symbiotic Chlorella in Paramecium bursaria resembles those of free-living Chlorella with glucosamine walls.  相似文献   

Cell division is described in the octaflagellate prasinophyte Pyramimonas amylifera Conrad and is compared in related genera. Basal bodies replicate at preprophase and move toward the poles. Cells remain motile throughout division. The nuclear envelope disperses and chromosomes begin to condense at prophase. Pairs of multilayered kinetochores are evident on the chromosomes of the metaphase plate. Spindle microtubules extending from the region of the basal bodies and rhizoplasts attach to the kinetochores or extend from pole to pole. Numerous vesicles and ribosomes have entered the nuclear region and the incipient cleavage furrow invaginates. The chromosomes move toward the poles at anaphase leaving a broad interzonal spindle between the two chromosomal plates. The nuclear envelope reforms first around the chromatin on the side adjacent to the spindle poles and later on the interzonal side. The cleavage furrow progresses into the interzonal spindle at telophase. By late telophase the nucleoli have reformed and the chromosomes have decondensed. The interzonal spindle has not been observed late in telophase. As the cleavage furrow nears completion the cells begin to twist and contort, ultimately separating the two cells.  相似文献   

Centrin, a 20 kDa calmodulin-like protein, is located in various basal body-associated fibers in protists. We used indirect immunofluorescence of isolated cytoskeletons or methanol-fixed cells to analyze the distribution of centrin during mitosis of the biflagellate green alga Dunaliella bioculata (Butcher). The distance between the nucleus and the basal apparatus decreased in late interphase, presumably caused by the contraction of the two centrin-containing nucleus–basal body connectors (NBBCs). During prophase, centrin accumulated on the new basal bodies as shown by postembedding immunogold labeling of serial thin sections. The new basal bodies were in close contact with plaque-like structures on the nuclear envelope. In mitotic cells, basal body pairs were separated and positioned at a considerable distance from the poles of the mitotic spindle. At this stage, we observed four separated centrin dots, two associated with the pairs of basal bodies and two located at the spindle poles as shown by double immunofluorescence, including anti-tubulin staining. The latter signals corresponded to an accumulation of centrin between the plasma membrane and the nuclei, indicating that centrin could be involved in mitotic movements of the nuclei. In telophase, centrin was observed along the nuclear surface and one new NBBC developed in each cell half. Our results demonstrate that centrin is present at the acentriolar spindle poles of Dunaliella independently from its localization in the basal apparatus.  相似文献   

Chloroplast division in Nannochloris bacillaris Naumann (Chlorophyta) was examined by electron microscopy after preparation of samples by freeze-substitution. A pair of belts appeared on the surface of the outer and inner envelope membranes at the middle of the chloroplast. These belts seemed to be constructed of thin fibrils that run parallel to the longitudinal direction of the belts. The outer fibrillar belt increased in width as the constriction of the chloroplast advanced. It appears that the fibrillar belt is the division apparatus of the chloroplast. It encircles the chloroplast and finally divides the chloroplast in two as the diameter of the belt decreases.  相似文献   

The quadriflagellate snow alga Chlainomonas Christen, distributed in New Zealand and North America, has several unusual structural attributes. A process assumed to be cytokinesis involves extrusion of protoplasm from the parent through a narrow canal, C. kolii (J. T. Hardy et Curl) Hoham produces a net‐like outer envelope rather than a cell wall, and the flagellar basal apparatus of Chlainomonas consists of two semi‐independent pairs of basal bodies. Structural connections between basal body pairs appear minimal, but a connecting system different from that observed in other genera exists within each pair. Phylogenetic analysis using rbcL sequences places Chlainomonas in the Chloromonas clade, other known members of which are all biflagellate. Chlainomonas is split into two robust lineages, with New Zealand collections sharing an origin with northern North American collections. Although the quadriflagellate condition is regarded as ancestral in the Chlorophyceae, we speculate—based on ultrastructural and molecular data presented here—that Chlainomonas represents a derived form that has arisen from fusion of two ancestral biflagellate cells. Other explanations (for example, that Chlainomonas represents a diploid form of a biflagellate species) are remotely possible but are presently at odds with extensive observations of field material. Improvements in techniques for experimental manipulation of these sensitive cryophiles will be required to fully characterize their structure and progress our understanding of their biology.  相似文献   

The evolutionary affinities of Heterochlamydomonas Cox and Deason and Dictyochloris Vischer ex Starr were investigated using phylogenetic analyses of a combined data set of 18S and 28S rDNA sequences with those from 38 additional green algae. Previous ultrastructural studies have shown that motile cells of Heterochlamydomonas and Dictyochloris have an unusual flagellar apparatus organization in that the two flagella are of unequal length and the basal bodies are persistently parallel. Because of this similarity these taxa, along with Bracteacoccus Tereg, a third taxon with this same flagellar apparatus arrangement, are hypothesized to be closely related. We show, with maximum parsimony and Bayesian analyses, that the parallel basal bodies are not homologous in the three genera. Rather, Heterochlamydomonas is most closely related to Chlamydomonas baca in the clockwise flagellar apparatus clade, and Dictyochloris and Bracteacoccus are nested within the Sphaeropleales, which has the directly opposite flagellar absolute orientation. Surprisingly, Dictyochloris and Bracteacoccus are not supported as closest relatives. These relationships are supported by morphological features such as the presence or absence of a walled motile cell but not by the orientation of the basal bodies. In addition, our data are derived from multiple isolates of each study genera, and the analyses show that Heterochlamydomonas and Dictyochloris are each monophyletic.  相似文献   

Colonies of Eudorina elegans Ehrenberg were treated with a 0.2% colchicine solution for periods of up to 48 h, and a number of alterations were observed in dividing colonies. Nuclear alterations were observed after 20 min of treatment, due to the inhibition of spindle microtubule polymerization. This inhibition resulted in increased ploidy levels, and permanent diploid colonies were obtained. The inhibition of cytoplasmic microtubule polymerization resulted in a number of structural alterations including: unequal cytokinesis of plakeal cells, the partial or complete inhibition of cytokinesis (30 min treatment), production of “stellate” cells (90 min treatment), and the subsequent formation of extra-cytoplasmic particles around the plakeal cells (3 h treatment). A possible cytoskeletal function of peripherally orient ed microtubules, and the role of the phycoplast microtubules is discussed. In addition, colchicine treatment caused an inhibition of inversion (60 min treatment), an increase in golgi-associated vesicles, and an excessive production of colonial envelope material (3 h treatment). The latter resulted in the formation of flattened Gonium-like colonies. The process of inversion is discussed in light of the above results. Chloroplast microtubules, however, were unaffected by colchicine treatment.  相似文献   

Populations of Cladophora with two different levels of ploidy, n = 18/2n = 36 (18/36) and n = 24/2n = 48 (24/48), are present in creeks in the southern part of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The goals of our study were to 1) relate the number of apical branches · mm?2 in 18/36 and 24/48 populations with the water velocity at the collection site; 2) correlate the number of apical ramifications · mm?2 in plants of the same population (24/48) growing in sectors with distinct water velocities; 3) compare cell length among populations with different ploidy levels, analyzing the sources of variation in different sectors of the same creek and in different plants of the same sector; and 4) analyze the sources of variation in cell length in 24/48 populations, including variations among different creeks. Our results suggest that 1) the number of branches · mm?2 tends to increase with higher water velocity; 2) the 24/48 populations have more ramifications · mm?2 than the 18/36 ones; 3) the length of vegetative cells is not an adequate criterion for differentiating between 18/36 and 24/48 populations; and 4) variations in vegetative cell length in 24/48 populations are highly significant among plants from different sectors of the same creek.  相似文献   

Cell division in the marine red algae Polysiphonia harveyi Bailey and P. denudata (Dillwyn) Kutzing was studied with the electron microscope. Cells comprising the compact spermatangial branches of male plants were used exclusively because of their small size, large numbers and the ease with which the division planes can be predetermined. Some features characterizing mitosis in Polysiphonia confirm earlier electron microscope observations in Membranoptera, the only other florideophycean algae in which mitosis has been studied in detail. Common to both genera are a closed, fenestrated spindle, perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum, a typical metaphase plate arrangement of chromosomes, conspicuous, layered kinetochores, chromosomal and non-chromosomal microtubules, and nucleus associated organelles (NAOs) known as polar rings (PRs) located singly in large ribosome-free zones of exclusion at division poles in late prophase. However, other features, unreported in Membranoptera, were observed consistently in Polysiphonia. These include the presence of PR pairs in interphase-early prophase cells, the attachment of PRs to the nuclear envelope during all mitotic stages, the migration of a single PR to establish the division axis, a prominent, nuclear envelope protrusion (NEP) at both division poles at late prophase, the prometaphase splitting of PRs into proximal and distal portions, and the reformation of post-mitotic nuclei by the separation of an elongated interzonal nuclear midpiece at telophase. During cytokinesis, cleavage furrows impinge upon a central vacuolar region located between the two nuclei and eventually pit connections are formed in a manner basically similar to that reported for other red algae. Diagrammatic sequences of proposed PR behavior during mitosis are presented which can account for events known to occur during cell division in Polysiphonia. Mitosis is compared with that reported in several other lower plants and it is suggested that features of cell division are useful criteria to aid in the assessment of phylogenetic relationships of red algae.  相似文献   

The effects of different glutaraldehyde-osmium fixation schedules on the ultrastructure of the vegetative cells from the meristematic regions of Scytosiphon lomentaria (Lyngbye) Link fronds are described. The best overall preservation of cell structure was obtained with a 2 h fixation in 2.5–3.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M cacodylate buffered seawater (pH 7.0), followed after washing by 1 h post fixation in 1% osmium tetroxide. The addition of 1% caffeine to the glutaraldehyde fixative resulted in better retention and spatial localization of the electron dense phenolic deposits within the cells. Particular attention was paid to the effects of the various fixation schedules on the electron-dense material within the cells and the images obtained were compared with previous accounts of brown algal cells. It is proposed that the term physode should be restricted to the discrete electron dense spherical bodies within the vacuoles and not applied to electron dense material in general. Although the organization of Scytosiphon cells was similar to that previously reported in the Scytosiphonaceae, the organization of the plasmodesmata into pit fields is at variance with previous accounts.  相似文献   

In zygotes of the brown alga Scytosiphon lomentaria (Lyngb.) Link, cytokinesis proceeds by growth of membranous sacs, which are formed by fusion of Golgi vesicles and flat cisternae accumulated at the future cytokinetic plane. It has been reported that depolymerization of actin filaments by latrunculin B does not inhibit mitosis. However, this molecule prevents the formation of the actin plate, which appears at the region of intermingled microtubules from each centrosome just before and during cytokinesis. In this study, zygotes treated with latrunculin B were observed using EM. Remarkably, this reagent inhibited the formation of flat cisternae. Golgi vesicles gathered around the midzone between the two daughter nuclei and fused with the plasma membrane there. As a result, the plasma membrane invaginated, in a complicated manner, into the cytoplasm. However, these invaginations of the plasma membrane never produced a continuous partition membrane. The ultrastructure of zygotes treated with brefeldin A, which prevents Golgi‐mediated secretion, was also examined. Flat cisternae appeared at the future cytokinetic plane, and a new cell partition membrane was formed. However, the partition membrane became thick, because it was filled with amorphous material rather than the normal rigid fibrous material. These results suggested that actin is involved in the formation of flat cisternae, where it is necessary for completion of the new cell partition membrane, and that Golgi vesicles may play an important role in the deposition of cell wall material.  相似文献   

We characterized vegetative development in two inbred cell lines of Acetabularia acetabulum (L.) Silva. Cell growth occurred at the apex and by elongation of older interwhorls throughout vegetative development. Although cell length and hairs per whorl increased regularly during development, interwhorl length, hair persistence on the stalk, and complexity of each whorl (degree of branching of whorl hairs) showed sharp discontinuities during development in both cell lines. The first (earliest) discontinuity, formation of a short interwhorl, was the sixth interwhorl made in all cells. Even though cell line Aa1055 was twice the height ofAa4010 when mature, cells in both lines were 0.8–1.0 cm tall after formation of the short interwhorl. The second discontinuity, increases in hair persistence on the stalk and complexity of each whorl of hairs, began shortly before cap initiation. We propose the following nomenclature: 1) that slower growth before formation of the short interwhorl be called “juvenile”; 2) that more rapid growth after formation of the short interwhorl be called “adult”; and 3) that adult growth be separated into “early” and “late” phases by the discontinuities in whorl hair characteristics. The proposed developmental phases (juvenile, early adult, and late adult) are temporally sequential and spatially stacked.  相似文献   

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