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We investigated the effect of intraspecific competition on the magnitude of inbreeding depression in Impatiens capensis by planting seeds from chasmogamous (CH) and cleistogamous (CL) flowers in three experimental greenhouse treatments: in individual pots, in flats in dense pure stands according to seed type, and in flats with the two seed types intermixed in a checkerboard array. The size distributions of plants grown in flats were significantly more hierarchical than those of plants grown individually, indicating that larger plants competitively suppressed smaller plants in the high-density treatments. The magnitude of inbreeding depression at high density depended upon the planting arrangement of CL and CH seeds. CH advantage was greatest when CH and CL seedlings were grown in competition with one another, suggesting that fitness differences between outcrossed and inbred individuals were intensified by dominance and suppression. For plants grown individually, the effects of maternal parent, seed weight, and emergence date on seedling size disappeared with plant age, whereas at high density these effects remained at the final harvest. Thus, plant density may influence patterns of natural selection both on mating system and on juvenile traits in natural Impatiens populations.  相似文献   

This study compares survival and growth of progeny derived from chasmogamous (CH) and cleistogamous (CL) flowers in Impatiens capensis, a forest annual. When progeny were grown in the field, CH seeds had significantly higher survival rates over winter (64% versus 56%), and the survival advantage of outcrossed progeny was not attributable to seed weight differences. No differences in seedling growth were detected. Greenhouse comparisons revealed no difference in seed survival but a 30% growth advantage to CH seedlings. We found no changes in developmental homeostasis of three leaf shape characters between inbred and outbred progeny, nor was there any difference in variability within CH and CL families. The outcrossing advantage observed in these experiments could not have been caused by avoidance of sib competition. Theory predicts that self-pollinated progenies may be more variable than outcrossed progenies if rare, recessive alleles are important contributors to genetic variances. Electrophoretic markers indicate that progeny derived from CH flowers are predominantly outcrossed (at least 54-97%).  相似文献   

The germination behavior and early growth of chasmogamous (CH) and cleistogamous (CL) progeny of Impatiens capensis were investigated in two eastern Nebraska stands. Field germination of families of buried seeds was scored in mid-April. In one stand a significantly higher proportion of CL seeds germinated than CH seeds while no significant differences were observed in the second stand. Among-family variation in germination rates was significant in both stands. The time course of field germination was similar for CL and CH seeds. A sample of the germinated CL and CH seedlings, matched in size, was planted individually in pots and grown in the greenhouse for five wk. Early growth of CL and CH seedlings was similar. In addition, CL seedlings were as variable as CH seedlings for four morphological traits. Overall, a large fitness advantage for CH progeny was not detected in the germination and early growth of Impatiens capensis seedlings.  相似文献   

Plant responses to crowding may be mediated by resource availability and/or by a specific environmental cue, the ratio of red:far red wavelengths (R:FR) perceived by phytochrome. This study examined the contribution of phytochrome-mediated photomorphogenesis to genetic variation in plastic responses to density in the annual plant Impatiens capensis. Inbred lines derived from open and woodland populations were grown under low density high density, and high density with selective removal of FR wavelengths to block phytochrome-mediated perception of neighbor proximity. Genetic variation in plasticity to density and to the R:FR cue was detected for several traits Plants grown at high density displayed increased internode elongation; decreased branch, flower, and node production; increased menstem dormancy; and decreased leaf area and specific leaf weight compared to plants grown at low density. Stem elongation responses to density were suppressed when phytochrome perception was blocked at high density. For these phytochrome-mediated traits, a genotype's plasticity to density was strongly correlated with its response to R:FR. Phytochrome-mediated traits were tightly correlated with one another, regardless of the density environment. However, the responses to density of meristem allocation to branching and leaf traits were less strongly phytochrome-mediated. These traits differed in patterns of plasticity, and their genetic correlations often differed across environments. In particular, genetic trade-offs involving meristem allocation to branching were expressed only at low density. The observed density dependence of phenotypic and genetic correlations implies that indirect selection and the potential for correlated response to selection will depend upon the competitive environment. Thus the differential sensitivity of characters to the R:FR cue can influence the evolution of integrated plastic responses to density.  相似文献   

Using field and greenhouse experiments, we tested two hypotheses that could account for the maintenance of outcrossing in Impatiens capensis. Seedlings derived from cleistogamous (CL) and chasmogamous (CH) flowers were grown under competitive conditions while flanked by neighbors that were either related or unrelated. In both experiments, CH progeny sometimes expressed more phenotypic variability than CL progeny. In the greenhouse experiment, CH progeny attained the same weight as CL progeny, and the relatedness of neighboring plants did not affect the growth of either type. In the field experiment, CL and CH progeny performed similarly when grown with related competitors. However, CH progeny were somewhat larger when planted with nonsibs, while CL progeny were somewhat smaller under those conditions. Thus, there is no evidence that either frequency-dependent selection or the avoidance of competition among siblings favors the maintenance of outcrossing in this species. We also modeled the relative variability of selfed and outcrossed progeny under several reproductive systems. When females mate with one male (progeny are full sibs), selfed progeny are often more variable than outcrossed progeny. When females engage in both selfing and outcrossing, variation among progeny is frequently maximized at an intermediate selfing rate. The sib-competition mechanism, under a range of genetic models, is not apt to promote outcrossing, since selfed progeny are commonly more variable than outcrossed progeny.  相似文献   

For plants, light availability is an important environmental factor that varies both within and between populations. Although the existence of sun and shade “ecotypes” is controversial, it is often assumed that trade-offs may exist between performance in sun and in shade. This study therefore investigated variation in reaction norms to light availability within and between two neighboring natural populations of the annual Impatiens capensis, one in full sun and the other in a forest understory. Seedlings were collected randomly from both populations and grown to maturity in a greenhouse under two light conditions: full light and 18% of full light. Selfed full-sib seed families were collected from plants from both populations grown in both parental light environments. To characterize family reaction norms, seedlings from each family were divided into the same two light treatments and individuals were scored for a variety of morphological and life-history traits. The maternal light environment had little impact on progeny reaction norms. However, the two study populations differed both qualitatively and quantitatively in plastic response to light availability (indicated by significant population x environment interactions in mixed-model ANCOVA). Much of this difference was attributable to population differences in light sensitivity of axillary meristem allocation patterns, which produced concurrent differences in reaction norms for a suite of developmentally linked traits. Within each population, different sets of traits displayed significant variation in plasticity (indicated by significant family x environment interactions). Thus, the genetic potential for evolutionary response to selection in heterogeneous light environments may differ dramatically between neighboring plant populations. Between-environment genetic correlations were largely positive in the woods population and positive or nonsignificant in the sun population; there was no evidence for performance trade-offs across environments or sun or shade “specialist” genotypes within either population. There was little evidence that population differences represented adaptive differentiation for sun or shade; rather, the results suggested the hypothesis of differential selection on patterns of meristem allocation caused by population differences in timing of mortality and intensity of competition.  相似文献   

Studies of inbreeding depression in wild plants customarily compare the fitness of outcrossed progeny to progeny derived from one generation of self-pollination. We compare levels of inbreeding depression in a greenhouse in two populations of jewelweed using progeny derived from random outcrosses, one generation of self-pollination, and three generations of selling. The progeny have expected inbreeding coefficients of, respectively, 0, 0.5, and 0.875. Seedling survivorship declined linearly with the level of inbreeding in both populations. Inbreeding also increased the variability of emergence date. Maternal family membership affected early seedling performance and often interacted significantly with the level of inbreeding. In contrast, path analyses reveal that inbreeding had both negative linear and positive quadratic direct effects on seed and final plant weight, causing the highly inbred progeny to outperform progeny derived from one generation of selfing. These results suggest either the rapid purging of deleterious alleles or diminishing epistasis among the loci affecting these characters. It is not clear why the loci affecting survival responded differently.  相似文献   

By using a generally applicable technique that involves monitoring the development and survivorship of flowers and seed capsules, I estimated the material and energetic costs of producing self- and cross-fertilized seeds in Impatiens capensis. All flowers and fruits on six plants were censused intensively for the two-month period of reproduction. Cleistogamous (selfing) flowers ripened seed in about 24 days, compared to about 36 days for the chasmogamous (outcrossing) flowers. In terms of dry weight, selfed seeds cost about two-thirds as much as outcrossed seeds: 12.4 versus 18.4 mg dry weight per seed. When adjusted to the currency of calories, and including an independent estimate of pollen and nectar production in outcrossing flowers, I estimate the costs to be about 65 and 135 calories per selfed or outcrossed seed. Sources of error include the accuracy of the estimates of flower and fruit weight, and possible differences among the developmental stages in respiratory costs. The cost discrepancy implies that outcrossed seeds should possess a countervailing fitness advantage large enough to offset their greater energetic cost.  相似文献   

Trade‐offs can exist within and across environments, and constrain evolutionary trajectories. To examine the effects of competition and resource availability on trade‐offs, we grew individuals of recombinant inbred lines of Impatiens capensis in a factorial combination of five densities with two light environments (full light and neutral shade) and used a Bayesian logistic growth analysis to estimate intrinsic growth rates. To estimate across‐environment constraints, we developed a variance decomposition approach to principal components analysis, which accounted for sample size, model‐fitting, and within‐RIL variation prior to eigenanalysis. We detected negative across‐environment genetic covariances in intrinsic growth rates, although only under full‐light. To evaluate the potential importance of these covariances, we surveyed natural populations of I. capensis to measure the frequency of different density environments across space and time. We combined our empirical estimates of across‐environment genetic variance–covariance matrices and frequency of selective environments with hypothetical (yet realistic) selection gradients to project evolutionary responses in multiple density environments. Selection in common environments can lead to correlated responses to selection in rare environments that oppose and counteract direct selection in those rare environments. Our results highlight the importance of considering both the frequency of selective environments and the across‐environment genetic covariances in traits simultaneously.  相似文献   

To investigate the microgeographic spatial structure of genetic variation for quantitative traits in a natural population of Impatiens capensis, we performed a common-garden greenhouse experiment. Seedlings were collected at 10-m intervals from a 40 times 40-m permanent grid in a natural population and grown to maturity in a greenhouse. From these parents, 3 self-fertilized seed families per grid point were then grown in a randomized design in the greenhouse and scored for a variety of morphological and life-history traits. Virtually all of the traits displayed significant variation among families, and many were significantly heterogeneous among grid points, indicating microgeographic genetic differentiation on a fine spatial scale. Overall morphological divergence, measured as Mahalanobis distances between grid points, increased with geographical distance. In general, spatial autocorrelation coefficients of grid point character means were positive at 11–20 m and negative beyond 40 m, although power for significance testing was low. The first factor in a principal component analysis of grid point means was positively loaded on height-related traits and negatively loaded on total reproduction at 50 days, accounting for 31% of the variation. This factor displayed significant positive spatial autocorrelation at 11–20 m and negative autocorrelation at >40 m. The remaining factors showed no detectable spatial structuring among grid points. These differences in spatial pattern among characters suggest that forces other than drift may have influenced the genetic structure of the population. There was no evidence for density-dependent selection; seedling density was not significantly correlated with the grid point mean of any trait.  相似文献   

One of the potential selective mechanisms invoked in discussions of breeding-system evolution is that competition within sibships increases the fitness of outcrossed progeny relative to selfed progeny. We tested this sib-competition hypothesis using cleistogamous (CL) and chasmogamous (CH) seeds of Impatiens capensis in a large greenhouse experiment. The experimental design was a double replacement series which also allowed us to test for inbreeding depression and overall resource partitioning among sibships. We found no evidence for strong inbreeding depression in the study population; although plants from CH seeds had a slight advantage over plants from CL seeds in total flower and pod production, CL plants had slightly higher growth. We also could not detect significant resource partitioning among sibships nor any evidence to support the sib-competition hypothesis for outcrossing advantage. CH sibships were not significantly more variable than CL sibships in any of the phenotypic traits measured. These results suggest that sibling competition may have little importance in the evolution of Impatiens breeding systems.  相似文献   

Population response to selection depends on the presence of additive genetic variance for traits under selection. When a population enters an alien environment, environment-induced changes in the expression of genetic variance may occur. These could have large effects on the response to selection. To investigate the environment-dependence of genetic variance, we conducted a reciprocal transplant experiment between two ecotypically differentiated populations of Impatiens pallida using the progeny of a standard mating design. The floodplain site was characterized by high water availability, moderate temperatures, and continuous dense stands of Impatiens. The hillside site was drier, with larger temperature extremes and supported only scattered patches of Impatiens with significantly lower seed production and earlier mortality. Estimates of heritability were low for each of the 13 traits measured in each population and site (range from 0–28%). Additive genetic variance for life-history traits tended to be larger than for morphological traits, but genetic variance in fitness was estimated to be not significantly different from zero in all cases. Significant heritability was detected in both populations for one trait (date of first cleistogamous flower) known to be closely related to fitness on the hillside. In general, heritability was reduced for populations when grown in the hillside site relative to the floodplain site, suggesting that stress acts to reduce the expression of genetic variance and the potential to respond to selection there. Consistent reductions in heritability associated with more stressful environments suggest that populations invading such sites may undergo little adaptive differentiation and be more prone to local extinction.  相似文献   

I analyzed within- and between-plant variation in seed weight from one greenhouse and four natural populations of Impatiens capensis Meerb. Most variation in seed size in natural populations occurred within populations and within plants. Weights of seeds from cleistogamous flowers on greenhouse plants increased with height on the plant and proximity to the main stem, a result that may be related to the local supply of photosynthate. Mean seed weight in the natural populations declined during seed set, then increased again. Seeds from chasmogamous flowers were significantly larger in one of the four populations. Maternal parents differed significantly in both mean seed weight and the relative size of the two types of seeds. Combined genetic and general environmental effects accounted for 26% of the total phenotypic variance, which provides an outside estimate of the heritability of this character.  相似文献   


The scale studies indicate that the annulus is a reliable year mark. A linear relationship exists between anterior scale radius and body length so that back-calculations of length were possible. Males and females had a similar growth rate. The growth rate is similar to that found by Mulder (1973) for L. capensis in the Vaal River. Fish under 35 centimetres in length had a sex ratio of 1:1, but in larger fish, only 16 per cent were males. Males reach sexual maturity at a length of 15 to 25 centimetres and females at a length of 20 to 25 centimetres. The spawning season extends from September to March with a peak in November. Fecundity increased with an increase in length from 12 664 for a fish of 22.8 centimetres to 106 286 for a fish of 34.8 centimetres.

The results are basically similar to those found by Mulder (1973) in the Vaal River except for fecundity and length at sexual maturity.  相似文献   

Despite numerous adaptive scenarios concerning the evolution of plant life-history phenologies few studies have examined the heritable basis for and genetic correlations among these phenologies. Documentation of genetic variation for and covariation among reproductive phenologies is important because it is this variation/covariation that will determine the potential for response to evolutionary forces. To address this problem, I conducted a breeding experiment to determine narrow-sense heritabilities for and genetic correlations among the phenologies of life-history events and plant size in Chamaecristafasciculata, a temperate summer annual plant species. Paternal families showed no evidence of heritable variation for two estimates of plant size, six measures of reproductive phenology or two fitness components. Similarly, paternal estimates of genetic correlations among these traits were low or zero. In contrast, maternal estimates of heritability suggested the influence of maternal parent on one estimate of plant size and four phenological traits. Likewise, maternal effects influenced maternal estimates of genetic correlations. These maternal effects can arise from three sources: endosperm nuclear, cytoplasmic genetic and/or maternal phenotypic. The degree to which the phenology of one life-history trait acts as a constraint on the evolution of other phenological traits depends on the source of the maternal influence in this species.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of interference through improper pollen transfer are described for sympatric populations of the simultaneously flowering annuals Impatiens capensis and I. pallida. Stigmas of both Impatiens species are receptive to conspecific pollen from the time of androecium disarticulation until after perianth drop. Pollen of I. pallida adheres to, and germinates on, the stigmas of I. capensis. The pollen tubes reach the ovules but do not fertilize them. In contrast, pollen of I. capensis adheres poorly to I. pallida stigmas and fails to germinate. Pollen mixtures of the two Impatiens species cause a much greater reduction in fruit set in I. capensis than in I. pallida. Despite the interference of I. pallida pollen, I. capensis persists in mixed populations with I. pallida by: 1) possessing stigmas receptive to pollen throughout the female phase; 2) having the ability to produce a full seed complement via one pollination event; and 3) possessing cleistogamous flowers to ensure sexual reproduction.  相似文献   

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