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The adoral ciliary zone of Cycloposthium spp., inhabiting the large intestine of the horse, was studied by scanning electron microscopy. It could be divided into four parts: outer, inner, left, and right zones. The outer zone, extending on the anterior periphery of the apical cone of the body, had 20 tuft-like syncilia arranged radially around the longitudinal axis. Each ciliary tuft consisted of about 170 cilia, and in cross section it had a rectangular shape. The cilia of the inner zone, situated at the top of the apical cone, were aggregated irregularly to form shorter bundles than the tufts of the outer zone. The innermost cilia of this zone were shorter than the outermost. There was a distinct non-ciliated border between the outer and inner zones. A horseshoe-like operculum having no cilia was present at the center of the adoral ciliary zone, and the opening of the vestibulum was situated as a cleft crossing from the center to the right periphery of this zone. No cilia extended onto the vestibular wall. The left ciliary zone was situated beneath the outer zone and consisted of five short rows of barren kinetosomes of which only the central row possessed very short cilia. The right ciliary zone, consisting of a few rows of cilia situated at the bottom of the inner adoral lip, was also easily distinguished from the other ciliary zones. This zone was interpreted as an extension of the outer adoral zone passing along the right side of the apical cone. These ciliary zones were considered to be highly differentiated and useful for both movement of and ingestion of food.  相似文献   

The adoral ciliary zone of Cycloposthium spp., inhabiting the large intestine of the horse, was studied by scanning electron microscopy. It could be divided into four parts: outer, inner, left, and right zones. The outer zone, extending on the anterior periphery of the apical cone of the body, had 20 tuft-like syncilia arranged radially around the longitudinal axis. Each ciliary tuft consisted of about 170 cilia, and in cross section it had a rectangular shape. The cilia of the inner zone, situated at the top of the apical cone, were aggregated irregularly to form shorter bundles than the tufts of the outer zone. The innermost ciliar of this zone were shorter than the outermost. There was a distinct non-ciliated border between the outer and inner zones. A horseshoe-like operculum having no cilia was present at the center of the adoral ciliary zone, and the opening of the vestibulum was situated as a cleft crossing from the center to the right periphery of this zone. No cilia extended onto the vestibular wall. The left ciliary zone was situated beneath the outer zone and consisted of five short rows of barren kinetosomes of which only the central row possessed very short cilia. The right ciliary zone, consisting of a few rows of cilia situated at the bottom of the inner adoral lip, was also easily distinguished from the other ciliary zones. This zone was interpreted as an extension of the outer adoral zone passing along the right side of the apical cone.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Morphogenesis, and the cortical structures of Brooklynella hostilis, a cyrtophorine gymnostome ciliate ectoparasitic on marine fishes, were studied from protargol silver-impregnated preparations and with the aid of electron microscopy. The pattern of morphogenesis of Brooklynella is close to that found in less differentiated species of the families Chlamydodontidae (e.g., in the genus Trithigmostoma) and Dysteriidae (e.g., in the genus Hartmanula). The full number of kineties in the opisthe is restored after division from a segment of the left one of the 3 kinetics producing the oral rows. The oral rows consist of a double row of kinetosomes arranged in a zig-zag pattern; only the outer row is ciliated, the inner one being barren. However, the positions of the postciliary and transverse fibers indicate that the oral rows are not homologs of an undulating membrane but are akin to a membranelle. In association with the ventral somatic kinetosomes there are 4 postciliary fibers; a rather aberrant, transversally oriented kinetodesma; 2 microtubular, transverse fibers plus a transverse fibrousspur; and one to several ribbons of subkinetal microtubular fibers. Not directly associated with the kinetosomes are fibrous strands running subpellicularly between the kinetosomes and also deep into the cytoplasm. The cortical structures of Brooklynella are compared with those of some other groups of ciliates of about the same phylogenetic level in which the subkinetal microtubules can also be found– rhynchodine, suctorian, and chonotrich ciliates. The nasse consists of 6–8 nematodesmata not closely associated with the microtubular cytopharyngeal tube. The former have a distinctly developed densely fibrous capitulum containing barren kinetosomes which originally produced the nematodesma during stomatogenesis; the capitulum is connected by a fibrous link to the microtubular shaft. Extending from the oral rows to the capitula are fibrous structures strongly reminiscent of filamentous reticulum in hymenostome and peritrich ciliates. The structure of the posterio-ventral glandular organelle is also described and discussed.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS The cortical infraciliature of Kuklikophrya dragescoi gen. n., sp. n. is composed of double kinetosomes. Each kinetosome has transverse fibers. The anterior transverse fibers are associated with a sheet of dense material and the posterior transverse fibers are directed toward the posterior part of the body. The posterior kinetosome of a pair has only a short protuberance in the position of the kinetosomal fiber. The cortex has a well developed alveolar layer and a thick ecto-endoplasmic boundary. A distinctive characteristic of the buccal ciliature is the circumoral ciliature whose infraciliature is made up of pairs of cilia-bearing kinetosomes. The antero-posterior polarity of the paroral segment is in inverse relationship to that of the remaining ciliature of the organism. The adoral and preoral ciliary organelles consist of 2 rows of kinetosomes, each of which bears postciliary fibers. A frame of nematodesmata surrounds the cytopharynx which is supported by microtubular bands which impart to it a very specific laminated appearance. The “phagoplasm” is formed by “vermicelli”-like vesicles. The micronucleus is found in the perinuclear area of the macronucleus.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural and protargol studies reveal that the trophont of Lagenophrys callinectes, though highly specialized, generally conforms to the basic peritrich structural pattern. Features described for L. callinectes trophonts which are unique for the genus are the fine structure and arrangement of the lorica and lips, the attachment organelle of the peristomial cytoplasm, its attachment to the loricastome walls, and the arrangement of the aboral kinetosomes of the trophont. Lack of a distinct scopularized region, and of a ventral lorica wall also characterize L. callinectes trophonts. The 4-row terminal peniculus, as revealed by protargol staining, differs from the 6-row terminal peniculus of L. nassa suggesting that the patterns of infundibular structure, as revealed by protargol, should be useful in future taxonomic studies of Lagenophrys species.  相似文献   

The morphology, infraciliature, and life cycle of Endosphaera terebrans , a suctorian endocommensal of peritrichs, have been studied with the aid of silver impregnation.
The life cycle of Endosphaera terebrans begins with infection of the host cell by a small larva. The swarmer has a pointed needle-like cellular projection and two rings of cilia. The swarmer penetrates the peritrich, loses the cilia, and then matures into an adult. The infraciliature of the adult form has four rows of barren kinetosomes that lack kinetodesmal fibers. By endogenous budding, a migratory larva is produced that leaves the host cell through the peristomial disc and that can infect other peritrichs.  相似文献   

The morphology, infraciliature, and life cycle of Endosphaera terebrans, a suctorian endocommensal of peritrichs, have been studied with the aid of silver impregnation. The life cycle of Endosphaera terebrans begins with infection of the host cell by a small larva. The swarmer has a pointed needle-like cellular projection and two rings of cilia. The swarmer penetrates the the peritrich, loses the cilia, and then matures into an adult. The infraciliature of the adult form has four rows of barren kinetosomes that lack kinetodesmal fibers. By endogenous budding, a migratory larva is produced that leaves the host cell through the peristomial disc and that can infect other peritrichs.  相似文献   

In Pleurotricha lanceolata, the ventral somatic infraciliature presents 13 frontoventral cirri, 5 transverse cirri, one row with 18–19 left marginal cirri and two rows of right marginal cirri of different length. On the dorsal side there are six longitudinal rows of dorsal bristles, four of them bipolar and the other two less than half body length. The oral infraciliature includes the adoral zone of membranelles, with 45–55 membranelles of three or four rows of kinetosomes each, and two undulating membranes (paroral and endoral membranes), each with two rows of kinetosomes. Some structures of the oral and somatic fibrillar systems have also been examined and are similar to those described in other species of hypotrichous ciliates.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The fine structure of the cilium, kinetosome, kinetodesmal fiber, and basal microtubules has been described in Cyathodinium piriforme. The ciliary axoneme is encased in an electron-dense jacket termed the axonemal jacket. This jacket surrounds the axoneme and is found midway between the axoneme and the ciliary membrane when viewed in cross section. Before division or reorganization the cilia are withdrawn into the cell. Intact cilia surrounded by their jackets are found in the cytoplasm during the early phases of retraction. Degradation of the axonemal microtubules precedes the dissolution of the axonemal jacket. Profiles of the jackets are observed after the microtubules have been resorbed. The cilia appear to detach from the kinetosomes. Barren kinetosomes are seen below the cell surface frequently with kinetodesmal fibers still attached. Whether all or some of these barren kinetosomes contribute to the formation of the new ciliary anlage cannot be ascertained.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS Cortical events occurring in the course of regeneration in Condylostoma magnum (Spiegel) were studied by electron microscopy. The zone of regeneration is very rich in vacuoles and small vesicles formed from the plasma membrane. Multiplication of kinetosomes starts on the left side of kineties in the V-shaped left ventral area, normally implicated in stomatogenesis, at the level of the anterior kinetosomes of the somatic pairs. The proliferation proceeds by the appearance of young kinetosomes most often orthogonal to the old ones. This process of multiplication is very rapid and terminates in the formation of an “anarchic field” in which one observes that: (a) the newly formed kinetosomes do not possess all the associated postciliary fibers; and (b) when these fibers are detected, the kinetosomes are not in the same orientation. Differentiation of the adoral organelles takes place in the left part of the field (left primordium) by an alignment of the kinetosomes into 2 rows for each organelle (oriented perpendicularly to the antero-posterior axis of the ciliate), of which only one has the postciliary fibers. Ciliatogenesis occurs in numerous kinetosomes of the anarchic field; in certain kinetosomes it is achieved at the onset of their arrangement into organelles and is concomitant with growth of the nematodesmata. The 3rd (anterior) row of the organelles, the interkinetosomal desmata, and connections among neighboring organelles appear only secondarily. Differentiation of the paroral cilia occurs later. It takes place in the interior of the primordium, whose organization is primarily anarchic, and is accompanied by a progressive resorption of the major part of the newly formed kineties. Numerous kinetosomes of the right field have the associated postciliary fibers, which are not found at the level of the regenerated “polystichomonad” (paroral organization characteristic of C. magnum). Finally, the formation of new kinetosomes within a somatic kinety at the time of its elongation is described.  相似文献   

RESUME. Chacun des 45–80 organelles adoraux de Bursaria truncatella O. F. Müller est constitué de 3 rangées de cinétosomes et l'aire buccale droite est couverte de nombreuses doubles rangées de cinétosomes. La stomatogenèse débute par la désorganisation et la résorption des organelles buccaux postérieurs. Puis, il y a désorganisation des rangées parorales de cinétosomes et multiplication des cinétosomes sur l'aire orale droite, en měme temps que sont rompues, selon une ligne oblique, un certain nombre de cinéties somatiques. La prolifération des cinétosomes aux extrémités des cinéties. de part et d'autre de la ligne de rupture, aboutit, d'une part, à la formation d'un champ anarchique qui est le primordium oral droit de l'opisthe, d'autre part, à la formation de nombreux doublets qui constituent chacun le primordium de chaque organelle adoral. Après la séparation des tomites, les cinétosomes de l'aire droite s'ordonnent en doubles rangées et les organelles adoraux se complètent par addition d'une 3ème rangée de cinétosomes. Les cinétosomes somatiques sont jumelés, reliés par 2 desmoses. Les fibres transverses postérieures et les fibres postciliaires forment de longs rubans de microtubules dirigés vers l'arrière et juxtaposés dans les crětes intercinétiennes. Les doubles rangées droites de cinétosomes buccaux sont assimilables à des stichodyades. Les organelles des cinétosomes adoraux portent des rideaux de fibres postciliaires convergents ou divergents. La rangée postérieure de chaque organelle est non ciliée. Par son type de stomatogenèse, par sa structure corticale, par l'ultrastructure des organelles adoraux, Bursaria appartient aux Colpodidea, ce qui suggère des remarques de plusieurs types. SYNOPSIS. In Bursaria truncatella O. F. Müller, each of the 45–80 adoral organelles is composed of 3 rows of kinetosomes, and the right buccal area is covered by many double rows of kinetosomes. Stomatogenesis begins by disorganization and disappearance of the posterior buccal organelles. Next, there is disorganization of the paroral rows of kinetosomes and multiplication of kinetosomes in the right oral area; at the same time, some somatic kineties are disrupted along an oblique line. Multiplication of kinetosomes at the extremities of the kineties, on both sides of the disruption, leads to the formation of an anarchic field which is the right oral primordium of the opisthe and the formation of doublets each of which constitutes an adoral organelle. After the separation of the tomites. the kinetosomes in the right buccal area position themselves, and the adoral organelles are completed by the addition of a 3rd row of kinetosomes. Somatic kineties are formed by successive pairs of ciliated kinetosomes united by 2 desmoses. the long posterior transverse ribbons and the postciliary ribbons extend posteriad, overlapping in the pellicular ridges. Oral rows of kinetosomes on the right can be compared with stichodyads. the adoral kinetosomes have convergent or divergent postciliary ribbons. the posterior row of kinetosomes in each organelle is not ciliated. By the type of stomatogenesis, the cortical ultrastructure, the ultrastructure adoral of its organelles, Bursaria belongs to the Colpodidea.  相似文献   

Stomatogenesis during metamorphosis of the marine loricate ciliate, Eufolliculina uhligi, was observed by transmission electron microscopy. Kinetosome proliferation in the stomatogenic territory leads to the formation of an anarchic field. This separates into the left adoral and the right paroral primordia. Both primordia consist of pairs of kinetosomes. One kinetosome of a pair is associated with one transverse and two postciliary microtubules; the other has one transverse microtubule. The postciliary microtubules of the adoral kinetosomes become divergent; those of the paroral kinetosomes become convergent. The adoral kinetosomes arrange in promembranelles. Then a third row of kinetosomes is produced anteriorly to each promembranelle. This third row is short at the peristome but longer in the buccal area. The paroral kinetosomes form a stichodyad. The buccal part of the paroral primordium is resorbed during formation of the buccal cavity. Stomatogenesis ends with the development of a functioning cytostome. During this process, the postciliary microtubules of the buccal adoral membranelles elongate and become associated with cytopharyngeal vesicles. Fusion of these vesicles with the cytostome has been observed some time after the completion of the oral structures.  相似文献   

The patterns of increase in numbers of argentophilic elements (kinetosomes) are studied during the cell cycle of Tetrahymena pyriformis, syngen 1. The patterns suggest that new ciliary units are added uniformly to all ciliary rows during the early part of the cell cycle. After the start of the formation of the new oral apparatus, the rate of increase of the row to the right of the oral apparatus is increased and the rate of growth of the row to the left is decreased. The increase in total ciliary units, both somatic and oral, may well be constant for the entire cell cycle.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Sessile zooids, and mobile telotrochs and microgamonts of Carchesium polypinum (Protozoa, Ciliata, Peritrichia), were examined by scanning electron microscopy. The results were compared to earlier light and electron microscope studies in order to investigate structural changes concerned with adaptation and differentiation. Telotrochs and microgamonts always had a contracted peristome and usually had a long phalange of cilia. Striae around the contracted buccal apparatus in all 3 stages were convoluted and often had thickened margins; those in telotrochs and microgamonts had oral-aboral ectoplasmic cross-connections. Nonbuccal striae of telotrochs and microgamonts varied in structure and height differences between epiplasmic peaks and alveoli surface membranes. The number of striae were constant in all 3 stages. Pellicular pore structure did not vary in any of the stages examined and resembled parasomal sacs located near buccal structures. Fully relaxed sessile zooids had ectoplasmic ridges coursing from polykinety kinetosomes and cilia to an area in front of the ciliated portion of the haplokinety; these ridges were interpreted to be the interkinetal fibers. Telotroch bands of sessile zooids consisted of 2 or 3 parallel ectoplasmic ridges which circled the aboral region and contained structures resembling pores. Telotroch bands in telotrochs and microgamonts had 2 enlarged, parallel ectoplasmic ridges circling the aboral region; telotroch band cilia were found between these ridges. In addition, a fold-like, ectoplasmic structure extended beyond the 2 ridges and was located between the telotroch band cilia and the aboral ridge. The epiplasmic shelf surrounding the stalk in sessile zooids was enlarged in telotrochs, and cilia were seen in the scopula depression. No scopula organelle was seen in any microgamont.  相似文献   

A new marine peritrich ciliate, Pseudovorticella sinensis n. sp. was isolated from a shrimp-farming pond in the littoral area of Qingdao, China. The morphology, infraciliature, and silverline system were studied based on living and silver-impregnated specimens. This species is characterized by (1) an elongated bell-shaped body that measures 50-60 x 35-45 microm in vivo, (2) one large, ventrally located contractile vacuole, and (3) a pellicle covered by a layer of transparent, cortical vesicles. The number of transverse silverlines from the peristomial area to the aboral ciliary wreath is 26-32, and from the aboral ciliary wreath to the scopula is 12-15. The stalk measures about 160-250 microm long x 5-6 microm wide. The spasmoneme has one row of conspicuous thecoplasmic granules, which are about 0.8 microm in diameter.  相似文献   

Two new marine peritrich ciliates, Epicarchesium corlissi n. sp. and Pseudovorticella jiangi n. sp., were discovered in mariculture waters on the coast of northern China near Qingdao. Their morphology, infraciliature and silverline system were investigated based on both living and silver-impregnated specimens. E. corlissi is characterized as follows: marine Epicarchesium with dichotomously branched stalk; zooids elongate, approximately 60–70×25–35 μm in vivo; peristomial collar double-folded; macronucleus J-shaped; single, small contractile vacuole ventrally positioned; more than 60 striations between peristome and aboral trochal band, 13–18 from aboral trochal band to scopula; abstomal end of row 1 of infundibular polykinety 3 terminating at same level as rows 2 and 3 of infundibular polykinety 3; rows 2 and 3 of infundibular polykinety 3 much longer than row 1 and converging adstomally with infundibular polykinety 1. The new species P. jiangi is diagnosed as follows: marine Pseudovorticella; zooid inverted bell-shaped, approximately 80×60 μm in vivo and with a broad, flat, thin peristomial collar that measures approximately 90 μm across; pellicle with transparent cortical vesicles; macronucleus J-shaped; number of silverlines between peristome and aboral trochal band 20–24, from aboral trochal band to scopula 9–11; abstomal end of row 1 of infundibular polykinety 3 diverges from the other two rows of this polykinety and ends alongside row 3 of infundibular polykinety 2.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. In the first use of electron microscopy in a comparative investigation of ciliates belonging to the order Thigmotrichida, ultrastructural data were collected on ciliary organelles of the buccal area. Species studied included members of the genera Ancistrum and Boveria. Analysis of the findings suggest close affinities between thigmotrich and peritrich ciliates. Further comparison with studies on hymenostome (sensu lato) ciliates supportes the hypothesis of a common ancestral stock in the phylogenetic history of all 3 of these groups. Structures very likely homologous in species of hymenostomes, thigmotrichs, and peritrichs include: the undulating membrane, the polykineties, the oral ribs, the filamentous reticulum, and a small field of barren kinetosomes.  相似文献   

The functional mouth of exuviotrophic apostome ciltates appears only after an elaborate metamorphosis that begins at the onset of the molting of their crustacean hosts. In the tomite. a non-feeding migratory stage, a mid-ventrai depression at the origin of kineties x, y and z has been misidentified as the cytostome. Studies of fine structure and morphogenesis identify the true but nonfunctional cytostome—the subapiral lateral canal —and the falciform and ogival fields as the adoral ciliature. The anterior row of barren kinetosomes that parallels on the right the anterior third of the lateral canal is actually the infraciliature of a paroral. 2 rows of barren staggered kinetosomes. The canal itself is a narrow tube, its walls partially lined with microtubules. It begins 2–3 μm from the apex of the body and passes between falciform field 9 and the ogival field to end near the end of the ogival field. The fine structure of the infraciliature of the falciform and ogival fields differs markedly from that of the somatic kineties. In the host's early pre-molt stages, the paroral migrates across the ventral surface of the encysted phoront and is accompanied by the microtubules of the lateral canal. The anterior end of falciform field 9 disorganizes into scattered kinetosomes, the trophont's anterior field of kinetosomes, but the posterior end migrates in an arc across the anterior ventral surface and remains as kinety a located near the angle where kinety 1 sharply par ra continues posteriad ind dorsad to the posterior limit of the extended cytostome. At the end of metamorphosis it sinks into The cytoplasm and disappears. The completion of the extended cytostome, the functional mouth, marks the termination of the microstome-macrostome transformation. The fine structure of the infraciliature and microtubular elements making up the macrostome and the evocation of the microstome-macrostome transformation in the presence of specific foods suggest that apostome ciliates any more properly be a suborder of Hymenostomatida rather than a subclass of Oligohymenophorea.  相似文献   

Lacalli, T. C. and Gilmour, T. H. J. 2001. Locomotory and feeding effectors of the tornaria larva of Balanoglossus biminiensis . — Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 82 : 117–126
The tornaria ciliary bands and oesophagus were examined ultrastructurally to identify the neural components that control larval behaviour. The circumoral ciliary band is known to be innervated in part by fibres from the apical plate and adoral nerve centres. Within the band itself, however, the only neurones we could find were multipolar cells, an unusual cell type with apical processes that traverse the surface of the band. Similar cells occur in the circumoral bands of echinoderm larvae. The tornaria telotroch has a much larger nerve, but no neurones were found either in the band or nearby, so the source of the fibres in the telotroch nerve remains unknown. In addition to having different innervation, the two bands also respond differently to cholinergic agonists, which elicit telotroch arrests but have no visible effect on the circumoral band. The oesophagus has a well-developed musculature and an extensive nerve plexus. During feeding, the oesophagus repeatedly contracts, forcing excess water out along two lateral channels prior to swallowing. These channels are also sites of gill slit formation, so there is evidently a continuity between the water bypass mechanism of the larva and that of the postmetamorphic juvenile.  相似文献   

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