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Hair follicle and fibre characteristics of Peruvian alpaca and llama and Bolivian llama were analysed in three experimental studies. The first experiment was designed to determine the age at which all the secondary follicles reach maturity, as well as to compare the skin follicular structure and activity among these different types of Peruvian camelids. It is concluded that the South American camelids investigated in this study gained a complete and mature skin follicle apparatus at an early age, and hence producers should practise an early first shearing. A second Peruvian experiment investigated comparative fibre cuticular structure on twenty Peruvian domestic camelids comprising huacaya, suri and llama (woolly) 'chacos' genotypes. The results showed that the number of cuticular scales per 100 μm fibre length proved to be strongly affected by both the fleece type and the fibre diameter. The suri fleece was clearly differentiated from those of both huacaya and llama by possessing the highest percentage of fibres with a number of scales less than eight, the lowest percentage of fibres with more than nine scales, along with the lowest percentage of fibres with a diameter of more than 35 μm. It is concluded that, with the exception of the scale height, the cuticular parameters investigated in this study can be utilised in textile fibre analyses for distinguishing among these three types of fleece, as well as in selection projects designed to produce homogeneous fibres from Peruvian domestic camelids. A further study was conducted to determine the age at which the hair follicles in Bolivian llamas reach maturity as well as for comparing the skin follicular structure and activity between the two distinct genotypes. Thirty-one llama kids were chosen. They were born between January and April 1998 and were of different sex and of 'Q'aras' (or Carguera) or 'T'amphullis' type. Skin biopsies were taken from the right mid-costal region at 2, 4, 6, 8,10,12 and 14 months of age in order to monitor four follicular parameters. In this experiment, secondary to primary (S/P) data show that the Bolivian llama population analysed possessed a complete and mature skin follicle apparatus at birth that remained essentially constant throughout the investigation period. Due to the variation of these traits inside the same genetic population, the present results showed that T and Q types could only be subjective on the basis of S/P ratio.  相似文献   

Blood samples of llamas and alpacas were typed using haemolytic, electrophoretic and isoelectric focusing procedures to assay polymorphism at 13 loci. Blood group variation was assessed using six antibody specificities produced by allo- and heteroimmunizations. Two red cell factors (A and B) behave as autosomal, codominant alleles at a closed A locus. The other four factors (C, D, E and F) behave as autosomal, dominant traits. Biochemical variation was found for red cell enzymes catalase, phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, glucose phosphate isomerase and for plasma proteins transferrin and post-albumin. No variants were found for haemoglobin, phosphoglucomutase and albumin. Estimates of probability of exclusion were 0.883 for llamas and 0.681 for alpacas, which are adequate initial levels of efficacy for purposes of parentage verification. Preliminary estimate of Nei's genetic distance measure (D) suggests that llamas and alpacas are more likely related as subspecies than as separate species.  相似文献   

Non-surgical embryo transfer and live birth in a llama   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The uteri of two donor female llamas were flushed non-surgically and one viable 7-day-old embryo was recovered. The embryo was transferred non-surgically within four hours into a recipient female llama whose estrous cycle was synchronized with the donor by injection of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH). Pregnancy was confirmed 20 days after transfer, at which time the level of serum progesterone was determined and found to be consistent with that of gestation (>/=100 ng/100 ml). A normal and healthy male weighing 33 1bs was born on October 8, 1984, 326 days following transfer of the embryo to the recipient.  相似文献   

Summary. Plasma samples of alpacas and llamas were analysed by a simple method of two-dimensional (2-D) agarose gel (pH 8.6)-horizontal polyacrylamide gel (pH 9.0) electrophoresis, followed by general protein staining of gels. Genetic polymorphism in both species is described for α 1 B-glycoprotein (α 1 B) and three other unidentified proteins designated prealbumin (Pr), postalbumin 1 and 2 (Pal and Pa2). α 1 B was identified by cross-reactivity with antisera for human and pig α 1 B. Altogether, two alleles of Pr, two of Pa1, five of α 1 B and three of Pa2 are described. Most of the alleles were present in alpacas and llamas. Alpacas showed a high degree of polymorphism at all four loci. Llamas showed considerable polymorphism at only the Pa1 and Pa2 loci. The theoretical probability of exclusion (P e ) of an incorrectly assigned parent was estimated to be about 80% in each species by typing for the six polymorphic plasma proteins reported so far in these species. The given method of 2-D electrophoresis revealed no fixed differences in protein mobilities that discriminate between llamas and alpacas.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to establish reference interval for biochemical parameters in blood of alpacas on the basis of large population of clinically healthy animals, and to determine the influence of sex, age and season on nitrogen and lipid metabolites, enzymes, electrolytes, vitamins and minerals in blood of alpacas. Blood samples were collected from 311 alpacas (61 males and 201 females >6 months of age and 49 crias (21 males and 28 females) ⩽6 months of age). Selected farms were located in Central Europe (Czech Republic and Germany). We determined 24 biochemical parameters from blood serum. We performed the comparison of results by the sex of animals and for the older group also the comparison of the results with regard to the season, respectively, to the feeding period. We found no highly significant difference (P<0.01) between males and females with the exception of γ-glutamyl transferase (GGT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and cholesterol. We found 15 significantly different parameters between the group of crias 6 months of age and the older alpacas. Based on our findings we suggest for most parameters to use different reference intervals (especially ALP, cholesterol, total protein, globulin, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), GGT and phosphorus) for the two above-mentioned age groups. Another important finding is the differences between some parameters in older group of alpacas in summer/winter feeding period. Animals in the summer feeding period have higher values of parameters related to fat mobilization (β-hydroxybutyrate, NEFA) and liver metabolism (bilirubin, alanine aminotransferase). The winter period with increased feeding of supplements with higher amount of fat, vitamins and minerals is characteristic by increased values of cholesterol, triglycerides, vitamins A and E, and some minerals (K, Ca, Mg and Cl) in blood serum. Clinical laboratory diagnosis of metabolic disturbances may be improved with use of age-based reference values and with consideration of seasonal differences.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the genetic parameters for preweaning traits and their relationship with reproductive, productive and morphological traits in alpacas. The data were collected from 2001 to 2015 in the Pacomarca experimental farm. The data set contained data from 4330 females and 3788 males corresponding to 6396 and 1722 animals for Huacaya and Suri variants, respectively. The number of records for Huacaya and Suri variants were 5494 and 1461 for birth weight (BW), 5429 and 1431 for birth withers height (BH), 3320 and 896 for both weaning weight (WW) and average daily gain (DG) from birth to weaning, 3317 and 896 for weaning withers height (WH), and 5514 and 1474 for survival to weaning. The reproductive traits analyzed were age at first calving and calving interval. The fiber traits were fiber diameter (FD), standard deviation of FD (SD), comfort factor and coefficient of variation of FD and the morphological traits studied were density, crimp in Huacaya and lock structure in Suri, head, coverage and balance. Regarding preweaning traits, model of analysis included additive, maternal and residual random effects for all traits, with sex, coat color, number of calving, month–year and contemporary group as systematic effects, and age at weaning as linear covariate for WW and WH. The most relevant direct heritabilities for Huacaya and Suri were 0.50 and 0.34 for WW, 0.36 and 0.66 for WH, 0.45 and 0.20 for DG, respectively. Maternal heritabilities were 0.25 and 0.38 for BW, 0.18 and 0.32 for BH, 0.29 and 0.39 for WW, 0.19 and 0.26 for WH, 0.27 and 0.36 for DG, respectively. Direct genetic correlations within preweaning traits were high and favorable and lower between direct and maternal genetic effects. The genetic correlations of preweaning traits with fiber traits were moderate and unfavorable. With morphological traits they were high and positive for Suri but not for Huacaya and favorable for direct genetic effect but unfavorable for maternal genetic effect with reproductive traits. If the selection objective was meat production, the selection would have to be based on the direct genetic effect for WW but not on the maternal genetic effect that has been shown to have less relevance. Other weaning traits such as WH or DG would be indirectly selected.  相似文献   

In order to identify the several biotypes of the Phoxinus eos‐neogaeus hybrid complex that can be found in sympatry with either or both parental species, a PCR based method was developed. This allowed identification of the mitochondrial genome and determination of the composition and the ploidy of the nuclear genome.  相似文献   

This paper provides a review of South American camelid evolution, classification and present status. Particular attention is paid to the debate concerning origins of the domestic alpaca and llama and the contribution of research on faunal remains from Andean archaeological sites towards resolving this issue. Changes in incisor morphology during the domestication process suggest that the alpaca may be descended from the vicuna, while a comparison of fibre production characteristics in preconquest and extant llama and alpaca breeds indicates that extensive hybridization between the two species is likely to have occurred since European contact. The potential role of hybridization in the formation of extant South American camelid populations has not been studied, and may be the root cause of taxonomic disputes.  相似文献   

中国重要海洋动物遗传多样性的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海洋动物遗传多样性的研究不仅可以揭示物种的起源与进化历史,而且为遗传资源的保存、海水养殖动物育种和遗传改良及整个海洋生态环境的修复和稳定等工作提供理论依据.本文概述了近十几年来我国重要海洋动物(主要包括鱼类、虾蟹类和贝类)遗传多样性研究所取得的成果,具体阐述其在种质鉴定、系统进化、群体遗传结构分析和良种培育等方面的应用,以期进一步推动海洋动物遗传多样性研究,加快优良种质的培育,促进海水养殖业的健康发展,实现海洋生物资源的合理开发和可持续利用.  相似文献   

Genetic divergence and hybrid speciation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Although the evolutionary importance of natural hybridization has been debated for decades, it has become increasingly clear that hybridization plays a fundamental role in the evolution of many plant and animal taxa, sometimes resulting in the formation of entirely new species. Although some hybrid species retain the base chromosome number of their parents, others combine the full chromosomal complements of their progenitors. Hybrid speciation can thus produce two fundamentally different types of evolutionary lineages, yet relatively little is known about the factors influencing ploidy level in hybrid neospecies. We estimated genetic divergence between species pairs that have given rise to homoploid and polyploid hybrid species and found that divergence is significantly greater for the parents of polyploids, even after controlling for potentially confounding factors. Our data thus provide the first direct evidence in support of the notion that the extent of genomic divergence between hybridizing species influences the likelihood of diploid versus polyploid hybrid speciation.  相似文献   

1 Wireworms are the polyphagous larvae of click beetles and are well known as agricultural pests. Larvae of the genus Agriotes are internationally recognized as economically important pests of potato. Historically associated with crop damage after conversion of grassland, they are an increasing problem even in all-arable rotations.
2 Current studies of Agriotes ecology and behaviour, and consequently control and management, are seriously hampered by the lack of a means of reliably identifying larvae owing to morphological crypsis during this life-stage.
3 Here, sequence data at the mitochondrial 16SrRNA gene are presented for three species of wireworm: Agriotes obscurus, A. lineatus , and A. sputator. A novel terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) technique is described that identifies larvae of these species. This technique is shown to be both efficient and reliable. Interestingly, thus far the samples tested have yielded no A. lineatus. Implications for future study of wireworm ecology and control are discussed.  相似文献   

中国经过遗传改良的重要造林树种有100多种,全国年均提供各类林木种子2300万kg,年均生产各类良种壮苗约130亿株。林木良种在生产上的应用产生了明显的综合增益,其中用材林平均生长增益达10%~30%,经济林平均产量增益达15%~68%。中国每年进口林木种子15万kg以上,涉及50多个树种;每年出口林木种子30万kg和苗木400多种。近10年来,中国林木遗传资源的可持续经营和利用已取得了明显的进步,但与一些发达国家相比还存在一定差距。今后,应优先考虑对已保存的林木遗传资源的维护和资金补贴,加强种苗市场监管和信息服务,进一步提高林木良种的基地供种率和良种使用率。  相似文献   

The purity of the Melbourne Zoo mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx) population has been questioned, based on the facial coloration of the female members. Consequently, it is believed that the original founding female of the Melbourne Zoo “mandrill” population was a drill–mandrill hybrid. This individual, whose mother was suspected to be a drill (Mandrillus leucophaeus), is the only female to have contributed mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) to the population. The strictly maternal inheritance of mtDNA in vertebrates makes this molecule an ideal marker for the tracing of maternal gene flow. DNA sequence data from a 307-base pair (bp) region of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b, amplified via the poly-merase chain reaction (PCR), was obtained from the Melbourne Zoo individuals, and compared to the homologous sequences from known specimens of both mandrill and drill. The results obtained show that all current members of the “mandrill” population possess drill mtDNA, supporting the belief that the original female founder was a hybrid. This type of genetic study has significant implications for the conservation and future management of this and other captive populations. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Investigations of genetic diversity and domestication in South American camelids (SAC) have relied on autosomal microsatellite and maternally‐inherited mitochondrial data. We present the first integrated analysis of domestic and wild SAC combining male and female sex‐specific markers (male specific Y‐chromosome and female‐specific mtDNA sequence variation) to assess: (i) hypotheses about the origin of domestic camelids, (ii) directionality of introgression among domestic and/or wild taxa as evidence of hybridization and (iii) currently recognized subspecies patterns. Three male‐specific Y‐chromosome markers and control region sequences of mitochondrial DNA are studied here. Although no sequence variation was found in SRY and ZFY, there were seven variable sites in DBY generating five haplotypes on the Y‐chromosome. The haplotype network showed clear separation between haplogroups of guanaco–llama and vicuña–alpaca, indicating two genetically distinct patrilineages with near absence of shared haplotypes between guanacos and vicuñas. Although we document some examples of directional hybridization, the patterns strongly support the hypothesis that llama (Lama glama) is derived from guanaco (Lama guanicoe) and the alpaca (Vicugna pacos) from vicuña (Vicugna vicugna). Within male guanacos we identified a haplogroup formed by three haplotypes with different geographical distributions, the northernmost of which (Peru and northern Chile) was also observed in llamas, supporting the commonly held hypothesis that llamas were domesticated from the northernmost populations of guanacos (L. g. cacilensis). Southern guanacos shared the other two haplotypes. A second haplogroup, consisting of two haplotypes, was mostly present in vicuñas and alpacas. However, Y‐chromosome variation did not distinguish the two subspecies of vicuñas.  相似文献   

注意植物迁地保护中的遗传风险   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
康明  叶其刚  黄宏文 《遗传》2005,27(1):160-166
稀有濒危植物迁地保护的长期目标之一就是要保护物种的遗传多样性和进化潜力。介绍了稀有濒危植物在植物园迁地保护过程中存在的一系列遗传风险。由于引种或取样的不足,容易导致被保存的物种缺乏足够的遗传代表性;盲目的引种、不合理的定植以及材料的来源不清则会导致稀有濒危植物的遗传混杂、近交衰退或杂交衰退;人为选择和生长环境的改变也容易造成濒危物种对迁地保护的遗传适应。在实际的迁地保护工作中,这些遗传风险往往被忽视。植物迁地保护中遗传风险将严重影响稀有濒危物种的回归和恢复。植物园应当重视濒危植物的遗传管理,以降低或避免迁地保护中的遗传风险。Abstract: Conserving genetic diversity of rare and endangered species and their evolutionary potential is one of the long-term goals of ex-situ conservation. Some potential genetic risks in ex-situ conservation in botanical gardens are presented. The preserved species may lack genetic representativity because of poor sampling. Inappropriate plantations, inadequate records and unclear kinships jeopardize endangered species to genetic confusion, inbreeding depression or outbreeding depression. Artificial selection and habitat conversion also potentially result endangered plants in adapting to ex-situ conservation, which had been usually overlooked. All the genetic risks can decrease the success of reintroduction and recovery. Therefore, appropriate genetic management should be carried out in botanical gardens to decrease or avoid genetic risks in ex-situ conservation.  相似文献   

转基因技术在动植物优良新品种的培育中发挥着重要作用,而随着纳米生物技术的发展,基于纳米材料构建基因载体的动植物转基因技术,对于发展动植物转基因新方法以及加速转基因种质材料的大规模制备、优良新品种的培育进程具有更为重要的意义。综述了纳米基因载体的种类与性质,并结合动植物遗传育种的研究进展,分析了纳米基因载体相比于其他载体的特点及优势,同时,重点阐述了基于纳米基因载体的基因转染技术的基本原理和操作过程,及其在动植物遗传转化中的应用,以期为动植物基因工程改造提供新思路。  相似文献   

The health-promoting properties of dietary long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 LCPUFAs) for humans are well-known. Products of animal-origin enriched with n-3 LCPUFAs can be a good example of functional food, that is food that besides traditionally understood nutritional value may have a beneficial influence on the metabolism and health of consumers, thus reducing the risk of various lifestyle diseases such as atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease. The traditional method of enriching meat, milk or eggs with n-3 LCPUFA is the manipulation of the composition of animal diets. Huge progress in the development of genetic engineering techniques, for example transgenesis, has enabled the generation of many kinds of genetically modified animals. In recent years, one of the aims of animal transgenesis has been the modification of the lipid composition of meat and milk in order to improve the dietetic value of animal-origin products. This article reviews and discusses the data in the literature concerning studies where techniques of genetic engineering were used to create animal-origin products modified to contain health-promoting lipids. These studies are still at the laboratory stage, but their results have demonstrated that the transgenesis of pigs, cows, goats and fishes can be used in the future as efficient methods of production of healthy animal-origin food of high dietetic value. However, due to high costs and a low level of public acceptance, the introduction of this technology to commercial animal production and markets seems to be a distant prospect.  相似文献   

Background  Fullbred Chinese and Indian rhesus macaques represent genetically distinct populations. The California National Primate Research Center introduced Chinese founders into its Indian-derived rhesus colony in response to the 1978 Indian embargo on exportation of animals for research and the concern that loss of genetic variation in the closed colony would hamper research efforts. The resulting hybrid rhesus now number well over a thousand animals and represent a growing proportion of the animals in the colony.
Methods  We characterized the population genetic structure of the hybrid colony and compared it with that of their pure Indian and Chinese progenitors.
Results  The hybrid population contains higher genetic diversity and linkage disequilibrium than their full Indian progenitors and represents a resource with unique research applications.
Conclusions  The genetic diversity of the hybrids indicates that the strategy to introduce novel genes into the colony by hybridizing Chinese founders and their hybrid offspring with Indian-derived animals was successful.  相似文献   

14个蝴蝶兰品种遗传关系的ISSR分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用ISSR分子标记技术对14个蝴蝶兰品种进行品种间遗传关系的研究。利用14个筛选的引物共扩增出179条带,其中多态性条带147条,多态性条带比率(PPB)为82%。品种之间的遗传相似系数范围在0.734~0.936间,说明部分蝴蝶兰品种间存在显著的遗传分化。14个引物组合可区分所有14个品种,并且检测到20条品种特异性条带,这些品种特异条带可用来鉴定供试蝴蝶兰中的10个品种。因此,ISSR分子标记能有效地进行蝴蝶兰品种鉴定。UPGMA聚类分析表明,14个品种可聚为2类,聚类情况与花色特征比较一致,但与花色的划分结果不完全相同,这可能是由于品种间杂交引起的。本文也论讨了ISSR分析结果对蝴蝶兰育种的指导意义。  相似文献   

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