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This study on the nightingale, Luscinia megarhynchos, is the first to examine both nocturnal and diurnal singing activity of mated and unmated males throughout a species' entire breeding cycle. Nocturnal song was sung mostly by unmated males. After pair formation, males ceased nocturnal singing and resumed it if their mate deserted. These results strongly suggest that nocturnal song of unmated males functions to attract a mate. Diurnal singing activity before females settled was low and did not predict future mating status. However, unmated males showed a continuous increase in diurnal singing activity until the end of the breeding cycle, but diurnal singing activity of mated males decreased after the egg-laying period. Mated males resumed nocturnal song for, on average, 3 nights during egg laying by their mates. This second period of nocturnal song coincided with the peak of diurnal singing activity. Such a high male singing effort during egg laying might allow the female to adjust her reproductive effort to male quality, deter rival males (e.g. through honest announcement of the female's fertility) or attract females for extrapair copulations. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The variation in song rate during the breeding season was studied in two individually marked chaffinch Fringilla coelebs populations. We gathered data to investigate especially the recently presented mate-guarding hypothesis. The active singing has been supposed to function as a form of mate guarding during the female's fertile period by announcing the high status of the male and preventing extra-pair copulations by neighbouring males. There was no clear dawn chorus in the chaffinch, i.e. a peak in the song rate before sunrise. Male chaffinches continued to sing after mating, but the song rate dropped significantly. In contrast to the mate-guarding hypothesis the song rate was lower during the fertile period of the female than during pre-mating and incubation. Thus, the males do not announce the fertility status of their mates or their own quality and status by active singing. The song does not function as a form of mate guarding in the chaffinch. One function of the song of the chaffinch is mate attraction: singing activity was highest before pair formation in early spring and decreased after mating but increased again if the male lost his mate later in the breeding season.  相似文献   

Hoopoe (Upupa epops, Coraciformes) males produce a very simple song during the breeding season in order to attract females and repel intruders. Strophes vary in length (i.e. number of elements) both within and between males, and previous studies have shown that this song cue is positively correlated with male condition and breeding success. In the present study we tested whether strophe length of males influences male behaviour during intra‐sexual contests, in a colour‐ringed population in southeast Spain. Paired males were presented with a recorded song with long strophes during the pre‐laying period, while they were near their mates, in order to provoke male mate‐defence behaviour. Most males responded to the playback, but the strategy of defence adopted depended on their own strophe length in spontaneous songs recorded before the experiments. While singing responses were common to most of the males, only those using long strophes adopted the most risky strategy of approaching the loudspeaker. However, the males that approached produced abnormal songs during playback, that were shorter and with fewer strophes than those of males that did not approach, and used shorter strophes in comparison with spontaneous songs before the experiment. These differences in quality of the song produced in response to the playback suggest that long‐strophe males were basing their response mainly on attacking rather than singing, while short‐strophe males tried to resolve the contest at a distance by means of their song. These results show that strophe length reflects some component of the competitive ability of males (either physical strength or aggressiveness) in the hoopoe, which together with previous results regarding its role for female choice, show that it is a sexual signal with dual function.  相似文献   

Robert J. Thomas 《Ibis》2002,144(2):E105-E112
Male Common Nightingales Luscinia megarhynchos famously sing at night. There are two distinct types of nocturnal singing routine (the dusk-to-dawn pattern of variation in song rate): (1) dusk and dawn choruses, with little or no song during the middle of the night; (2) a rapid increase in song rate after dusk, reaching a broad peak in the middle of the night, declining towards dawn, and followed by a dawn chorus. Males sing different nocturnal singing routines at different times in the breeding season. Earlier in the breeding season, most males sing Type 2 routines. Later in the breeding season, most males sing Type 1 routines, as do birds on the wintering grounds. At least some individuals may also sing Type 1 routines during the first few days after their arrival on their breeding territories, before the arrival of females. The main function of nocturnal song appears to be mate attraction. The patterns of variation in song rate over the course of the night are qualitatively similar to those predicted by stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) models of daily singing and foraging routines, for birds that do not forage at night, in circumstances when birds can pair at night (Type 2 routines), and when they cannot (Type 1 routines). The observed seasonal changes in the types of routine sung are also consistent with the predictions of these models.  相似文献   

During the dawn chorus, territorial male songbirds vocalise intensively within signalling range of several conspecific males and can therefore be considered members of a busy communication network. The more or less continuous singing over a long period of time under standardised stimulus conditions makes the dawn song a potentially important information source both for simple receivers and for eavesdroppers. Male blue tits (Parus caeruleus) vary in features of their dawn song, e.g. older males sing longer strophes, and females choose males that sing longer strophes as extra-pair partners. However, so far, dawn song in the blue tit has been investigated separately from other singing behaviour of the same males. In this study, we investigate aspects of blue tit male quality, reflected in dawn song characteristics, and their predictive value for how males behave during singing interactions later in the morning. We acted as simple receivers by recording the singing activity of one male at a time at dawn and compared features of its dawn song, such as onset before sunrise, repertoire size, mean bout length, strophe length and percentage performance time to responses of the same male to a territory intrusion simulated by playback of synthesised songs later during the same morning. We assume that an aggressive response towards an intruder will involve a fast approach to the loudspeaker broadcasting strophes of blue tit song, searching for the intruder (flying around), and a high amount of counter singing and overlapping of the intruders songs. Aspects of vigour of response to the simulated intrusion could be predicted from all five investigated dawn song parameters as well as male age. This is, to our knowledge, the first indication that a simple receiver could extract reliable information from a males dawn singing behaviour about its competitiveness later in the day.Communicated by P.K. McGregor  相似文献   

Procellariiform seabirds have extreme life histories; they are very long‐lived, first breed when relatively old, lay single egg clutches, both incubation and chick‐rearing are prolonged and chicks exhibit slow growth. The early part of the breeding season is crucial, when pair bonds are re‐established and partners coordinate their breeding duties, but is a difficult period to study in burrow‐nesting species. Miniature geolocators (Global Location Sensors or GLS loggers) now offer a way to collect data on burrow attendance, as well as determine at‐sea movements. We studied the early breeding season in thin‐billed prions Pachyptila belcheri breeding at New Island, Falkland Islands. Males and females arrived back at the colony at similar times, with peak arrival in the last days of September. However, males spent more time on land during the pre‐laying period, presumably defending and maintaining the burrow and maximising mating opportunities. Males departed later than females, and carried out a significantly shorter pre‐laying exodus. Males took on the first long incubation shift, whereas females returned to sea soon after egg laying. During the pre‐laying exodus and incubation, males and females travelled at similar speeds (> 250 km d?1) and were widely distributed over large areas of the Patagonian Shelf. Inter‐annual differences in oceanographic conditions were stronger during the incubation than during the pre‐laying exodus and were matched by stronger differences in distribution. The study thus suggests that extended trips and flexible distribution enable thin‐billed prions to meet the high energy demands of egg production and incubation despite low productivity in waters around the colony during the early summer.  相似文献   

The bellbird (Anthornis melanura) is a honeyeater endemic to New Zealand, which uses song to defend breeding territories and/or food resources year round. Both sexes sing and the song structure and singing behavior have not yet been quantified. The number of song types, spectral structure, repertoire size, and singing behavior of male and female bellbirds was investigated for a large island population. Song types differed between the sexes with males singing a number of structurally distinct song types and females producing song types that overlapped in structure. Singing behavior also differed between the sexes; males often sung long series of songs while females sung each song at relatively long and variable intervals. Singing by both sexes occurred year round but the frequency of male and female singing bouts showed contrasting seasonal patterns. The frequency of female singing bouts increased as the breeding season progressed, whereas male singing bouts decreased. In contrast to almost all studied passerines, female bellbirds exhibited significant singing behavior and sung songs of complex structure and variety that parallel male song. These results provide a quantitative foundation for further research of song in bellbirds and in particular the function of female vocal behavior.  相似文献   

Data are presented from a study of habituated Kloss gibbons on Siberut Island, Indonesia. Male Kloss gibbons can sing at any time from 0100 to 1300 hr, but the majority of songs is concentrated in the hour before dawn. Female Kloss gibbons sing only after dawn and the song bout includes a dramatic visual display. Neither countersinging nor coordinated chorusing has been proved in either sex. Males sing before dawn as often as possible but are inhibited by wet nights and by minimum temperatures below 21.5°C; postdawn songs of both sexes are inhibited by rain. The occurrence of any particular type of song bout is independent of the occurrence of the other types. Song trees used by males and those used by females do not differ in height. Song trees emerged from the neighboring canopy more than other available trees of similar height in the gibbons’ home range. Female song trees were most abundant on the slopes and where the trees were tallest. Almost all the male’s night trees could have been used for singing from had the weather been suitable. There was a greater likelihood of the male’s traveling a long way to the day’s first fruit source on mornings when he sang before dawn than on mornings when he did not. Considerations of sound transmission through tropical rain forest reveal that the times and frequencies used for singing by Kloss gibbons are optimal for communicating with neighboring groups.  相似文献   

Bird song is typically depicted as a male singing a long‐distance signal to potentially unknown receivers to (1) deter males and (2) attract females. Nevertheless, many songbirds sing from close distances to a known receiver; males of these species may be under more intense selective pressure to modify their songs depending on the sex of the receiver in order to convey different motivational states (aggression versus courtship) to the different sexes. In a laboratory setting, we examined how receiver sex affected within‐song variation of the close‐range singing behavior in the brown‐headed cowbird (Molothrus ater). Although we know that cowbird song is influenced by flock composition, it is still unclear as to how the cowbird modifies his song based on social context. Using a cross‐correlation analysis of each male's different song types, we found that pairs of songs were significantly more dissimilar if they were directed to females compared with songs directed to males. We subsequently tested whether there were any consistent spectral or temporal patterns in the songs males gave to females versus to males. Our results lend support for the Motivational Structural Rules Hypothesis as songs directed toward males had higher entropy (i.e., harshness) than the same song type directed toward females. Our results suggest that cowbirds may have evolved the ability to alter multiple dimensions of their singing behavior based on receiver sex.  相似文献   

SHOJI HAMAO 《Ibis》2008,150(2):388-394
Bird song is critical to mate attraction. Because singing involves fitness costs, males that sing vigorous and complex songs are thought to be of high quality. Males of the Black-browed Reed Warbler Acrocephalus bistrigiceps sang actively when they were solitary, but stopped singing as soon as they had attracted a female. Males exhibited two distinct patterns of singing behaviour after the fertile period of their mates: some resumed singing, whereas others did not. Males that resumed singing acquired secondary females more frequently than those that did not sing, suggesting that resuming males seek polygynous mating. The occurrence of extra-pair fertilization was rare (6.4%) in the study population, and extra-pair young were sired by both resuming and non-resuming males. There is no strong evidence that non-resuming males compensate for their disadvantage in social mate acquisition by extra-pair paternity. Resuming males arrived at the breeding ground earlier, suggesting that they were high-quality males.  相似文献   

Much attention has been paid to the polyterritorial mating system of some passerine birds. Here we report how a male's mating success is related to the behavioral traits of polyterritorial pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) males. We found no evidence that the timing of polyterritoriality in relation to egg laying in the primary nest or the singing behavior of males have any influence on mating success. However, results show clearly that male mating success was improved with an increase in the distance between territories up to a distance of about 200–300 m whereupon there was no further enhancement of mating success. This finding is crucial for both the deception hypothesis and female-female aggression hypothesis which have been put forward to explain polyterritorial polygyny. Males who establish a distant second territory seemed to allocate more time to singing there. The association, although weak, between singing activity and distance between territories makes it more difficult for females to use song rate as a cue to discriminate males with a secondary territory far from the primary territory, and these are the males that are least likely to feed the young of a second female. Males who established a second territory late in relation to egg laying in the primary nest did not take over a close second territory as might be predicted from female-female aggression hypothesis.  相似文献   

Territorial songbirds often match the song features or singing patterns of rivals, commonly as an aggressive signal. Most studies of song matching have been on Northern Hemisphere species with short lifespans and high song rates, but vocal matching is predicted to be affected both by longevity and territorial stability. We studied song matching in males of the white-browed scrubwren, Sericornis frontalis, a long-lived, sedentary, territorial Australian songbird. We quantified natural song rate and diversity, and then conducted three playback experiments to test: (a) whether males match by song type; (b) how they respond physically and vocally to territorial intrusion; and (c) whether they match by song length, and use it as an agonistic signal. Males naturally had very low song rates, singing on average less than three times per hour, and moderate repertoires, with an estimated mean of 17.5 song types for individual males. Males did not engage in extended counter-singing bouts. The first experiment showed that males matched the song type of immediate neighbours almost 90% of the time, if that type was in their repertoire. The remaining experiments revealed that song-type matching was an aggressive signal; males responded more aggressively to, and were more likely to match, playback simulating a neighbour's territorial intrusion than song from their shared boundary. Males did not match songs by length, but they produced longer songs after simulated intrusion. Males also responded more aggressively to playback of longer songs that simulated intrusion, but less aggressively to longer songs from the territory boundary. Overall, we show that sedentary, long-lived songbirds with low song rates, can use song-type matching as an aggressive signal to communicate with neighbours and intruders. Song length had a different role in communication, possibly related to individual quality or territory ownership.  相似文献   

Male singing behaviour correlates with extra-pair success in several passerine birds. Singing interactions during territorial contests provide relative information on the males involved. Such information may be important in female extra-pair behaviour and eavesdropping on singing interactions among males may allow females to make such relative assessments. We used interactive playback to instigate singing contests with male great tits during the peak fertile period of their mate in an attempt to alter females'' assessment of mates'' quality relative to neighbours (potential extra-pair partners). We escalated a contest to one male (by overlapping his songs) and then subsequently de-escalated a contest (by alternating) to a neighbour. Intrusions onto neighbouring territories by females mated to either treatment male were then monitored. Females mated to escalation treatment males were more likely to intrude following playbacks than females mated to de-escalation treatment males. Although the absolute song output of males did not differ between treatments, males produced more song relative to playback in de-escalation treatments and relative song output was positively correlated with female intrusions. Therefore, female great tits eavesdrop on singing interactions and change their visitation rates to neighbouring territories according to their mate''s singing performance relative to neighbours.  相似文献   

Males of many songbird species have peaks of singing activity at dawn and dusk. Singing during those twilight periods can function in territory proclamation, and males are suggested to adjust song output to the level of intruder pressure. We used song playback during the breeding season to simulate intrusions into territories of male Winter Wrens (Troglodytes troglodytes) shortly after dawn. We then compared male singing behaviour during the dawn and dusk chorus before and 1 day after the simulated intrusion. One day after the playback, male Wrens increased their song output before sunrise, which confirms our results from a previous study on dawn singing in autumn territories. At dusk, on the evening following the playback, males slightly increased song output after sunset, but singing activity at dusk was generally very low. We found no significant changes of song output after sunrise, before sunset, and between 2 days of control without playback. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that dawn and dusk singing is important for territory defence in spring. Unlike in autumn, however, increased singing in spring at dawn and dusk could also serve to defend other resources such as fertile mates or to strengthen the pair bond after a territorial challenge. In comparison with the results on autumnal singing, male Wrens started singing earlier at dawn during the breeding season, and they generally sang more songs at dawn and immediately after playback. The increase in absolute numbers of songs sung in the morning after playback seemed greater in spring than in autumn; however, the proportional increase relative to overall song output was similar in both seasons.  相似文献   

Paired male and female eastern whipbirds, Psophodes olivaceus,sing precisely coordinated, male-led duets. Four broad explanationshave been proposed for the function of duets: 1) cooperativeresource defense, 2) prevention of partner usurpation, 3) defenseof an individual's own position within the partnership, or 4)mate identification and localization. These 4 hypotheses makedifferent predictions about how male and female residents shouldrespond to simulated intrusion by other pairs or individuals.We compared the behavioral and vocal responses of 20 pairs ofeastern whipbirds to simulated territorial intrusions by: 1)a solitary singing male, 2) a solitary singing female, and 3)a duetting pair. Males and females did not coordinate theirapproach to the playback speaker and showed sex-specific responsesto playback. Males did not respond differently to duetting versussolo singing intruders. By contrast, females approached moreclosely during solo female song than during solo male song orduet playback. Females also produced specific vocalizationsonly in response to duet and solo female playback. Both sexesapproached the speaker more closely and quickly during playbackof same-sex solo songs than opposite-sex solo songs. Finally,females answered more of their mate's songs during simulatedintrusion by a lone female than during simulated intrusion bya lone male. Our results suggest that duets in this speciesprimarily function to allow females to defend their exclusiveposition in a partnership. Mate defense by females is unusualin birds but may be promoted in eastern whipbirds by a female-biasedsex ratio and the need for exclusive access to male care. Thus,duets result from independent and conflicting strategies ofmate and territory defense in males and females.  相似文献   

Sexually selected displays, such as male passerine bird song, are predicted to be costly. However, most measurements calculated the rate of oxygen consumption during singing using respirometry have shown that bird song has a low energetic cost. Since birds are reluctant to sing when enclosed inside a respirometry chamber, the energetic cost of singing could differ from that under more normal circumstances. We used heat transfer modelling, based on thermal images, to estimate the energetic cost of singing by canaries (Serinus canaria) that were not enclosed in respirometry chambers. Metabolic rate calculated from heat transfer modelling was 0.70±0.02 W (N=10 birds) during singing, which was 14±5% greater than during standing (0.62±0.02 W). The energetic cost of singing did not differ significantly from that measured previously using respirometry when we took into account that birds sang for a greater proportion of the time during the current experiments. These conclusions were not sensitive to potential errors in the heat transfer model. Heat transfer modelling would be especially useful to obtain measurements of the energetic cost of activities that animals do not perform readily inside respirometry chambers, such as singing in birds.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial distribution of song was studied in a population of yellowhammers Emberiza citrinella. Song was most frequent during the breeding season, and within the breeding season during the fertile period of both first, second, and replacement clutches. Song activity peaked at sunrise and sunset. During the fertile period most singing took place in the central parts of the territory. Song post heights peaked during the fertile period, and more song posts lacked foliage at that time. Intrusions by male conspecifics peaked in the fertile period and in territories where males sang relatively little. Song activity and mate guarding were strongly positively correlated. Song volume was loud and song was thus apparently used in long-distance communication. These observations are in accordance with a male deterrence hypothesis, suggesting that males sing to deter neighbouring males from trespassing during the fertile period of their mate. A female attraction hypothesis, suggesting that males sing to attract neighbouring females and thereby obtain extra-pair copulations, and a female reproduction hypothesis, suggesting that males sing to start the female reproductive cycle, were partly supported by observations.  相似文献   

The relationship between the ontogenetic pattern of sex steroids and the differentiation of sexually dimorphic song in canaries of both sexes was studied. Songs were recorded to assess the temporal course of different developmental stages. Song parameters such as length and frequency of tours were measured. Parallel to behavioural observations, all birds were bled regularly every 20–30 days from the age of 15 days to day 235. The plasma samples were analyzed by RIA to measure testosterone (T), dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and estradiol-17β (E2). The following results were obtained: 1) In young male canaries we distinguish three different stages of song development: subsong, starting at the age of 30 days, plastic song, and juvenile autumnal song finally giving way to the rigid and stable utterances of the reproductive period in next spring. During ontogeny the length and frequency of tours increase gradually. Female canaries were not observed singing regularly during their first year of life, whereas males sing very frequently. 2) Both sexes show tendencies to elevated titres of testosterone before the onset of juvenile moult. These titres correspond to those of paired males during the reproductive cycle. Song development is not correlated with the ontogenetic pattern of testosterone: the process of crystallization from the amorphic songs uttered by juveniles progresses gradually to the autumnal song in late autumn, when the titres of T in males are low (< 200 pg/ml). Female T and DHT levels during ontogeny correspond to those of the males. 3) There are sex differences in the estradiol pattern. Males show higher titres in several stages of development than females.  相似文献   

In anticipation of the breeding season male songbirds of the temperate zones undergo gonadal recrudescence in early spring that lead to elevated circulating testosterone (T) levels, positively correlated with an increase in aggressive and song behaviour. However, besides seasonal changes there are also marked fluctuations of T levels and song production within the breeding season. In many species, T levels and singing activity drop after pairing or after the first clutch is laid. Domesticated canaries (Serinus canaria) are multiple‐brooded with an extended breeding season, and males continue to sing after egg‐laying. So far, studies have mainly focused on the seasonality of T levels and song behaviour whereas the pattern of change throughout the breeding period is unknown. Here, we focused on the first and on the last brood of the breeding season. We measured plasma T levels in males at the different breeding stages and assessed song characteristics of males at both times. T levels fluctuated significantly throughout brood 1, being highest during the nest building stage compared with egg‐laying and feeding of young. No such changes occurred during the last brood. Temporal song characteristics changed between brood 1 and brood 3 with song length being the main contributor to explain these changes. Our data suggest that T mainly plays a role in mate attraction and initial nesting site selection but that elevated levels are not necessary for subsequent breeding attempts. Furthermore, temporal song characteristics are maintained independently of T levels, suggesting a threshold effect. Our results demonstrate behavioural and physiological plasticity of domesticated canaries during the breeding season and are consistent with previous findings in wild songbirds.  相似文献   

The eyes of stalk-eyed flies (Diopsidae) are positioned at the end of rigid peduncles projected laterally from the head. In dimorphic species the eye-stalks of males exceed the eye-stalks of females and can exceed body length. Eye-stalk length is sexually selected in males improving male reproductive success. We tested whether the long eye-stalks have a negative effect on free-flight and aerial turning behavior by analyzing the morphology and free-flight trajectories of male and female Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni. At flight posture the mass-moment-of-inertia for rotation about a vertical axis was 1.49-fold higher in males. Males also showed a 5% increase in wing length compared to females. During free-flight females made larger turns than males (54 ± 31.4 vs. 49 ± 36.2°, t test, P < 0.033) and flew faster while turning (9.4 ± 5.45 vs. 8.4 ± 6.17 cm s−1, ANOVA, P < 0.021). However, turning performance of both sexes overlapped, and turn rate in males even marginally exceeded turn rate in females (733 ± 235.3 vs. 685 ± 282.6 deg s−1, ANCOVA, P < 0.047). We suggest that the increase in eye-span does result in an increase in the mechanical requirements for aerial turning but that male C. dalmanni are capable of compensating for the constraint of longer eye-stalks during the range of turns observed through wingbeat kinematics and increased wing size.  相似文献   

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