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Carpospore differentiation in Faucheocolax attenuata Setch. can be separated into three developmental stages. Immediately after cleaving from the multinucleate gonimoblast cell, young carpospores are embedded within confluent mucilage produced by gonimoblast cells. These carpospores contain a large nucleus, few starch grains, concentric lamellae, as well as proplastids with a peripheral thylakoid and occasionally some internal (photosynthetic) thylakoids. Proplastids also contain concentric lamellar bodies. Mucilage with a reticulate fibrous substructure is formed within cytoplasmic concentric membranes, thus giving rise to mucilage sacs. Subsequently, these mucilage sacs release their contents, forming an initial reticulate deposition of carpospore wall material. Dictyosome vesicles with large, single dark-staining granules also contribute to wall formation and may create a separating layer between the mucilage and carpospore wall. During the latter stages of young carpospores, starch is polymerized in the perinuclear cytoplasmic area and is in close contact with endoplasmic reticulum. Intermediate-aged carpospores continue their starch polymerization. Dictyosomes deposit more wall material, in addition to forming fibrous vacuoles. Proplastids form thylakoids from concentric lamellar bodies. Mature carpospores are surrounded by a two-layered carpospore wall. Cytoplasmic constituents include large floridean starch granules, peripheral fibrous vacuoles, mature chloroplasts and curved dictyosomes that produce cored vesicles which in turn are transformed into adhesive vesicles. Pit connections remain intact between carpospores but begin to degenerate. This degeneration appears to be mediated by microtubules.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of carposporogenesis for Erythrocystis saccata is described. The fusion and gonimoblast cells contain few organelles, and chloroplasts are in a proplastid state, with pit plugs between gonimoblast cells dissolving early in development. Carpospore development may be separated into 3 stages, the first stage being characterized by the appearance of straight-profiled dictyosomes, fibrous vesicles, and an increase of discoid thylakoids within the chloroplasts. During the second, stage the dictyosomes assume a curved profile and striped vesicles are formed by the endoplasmic reticulum. The third stage is initiated by the disappearance of striped vesicles and the appearance of straight-profiled dictyosomes secreting vesicles with cores. Mature carpospores consist of many cored vesicles, fibrous vesicles, and floridean starch grains. A single wall layer surrounds each carpospore since the carposporangial wall becomes incorporated into a mucilaginous matrix surrounding the spores.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of carposporophyte development is described for the red alga Gloiosiphonia verticillaris Farl. The auxiliary cell produces gonimoblast initials, which divide to produce two types of gonimoblast cells—the nondividing vacuolate cells and terminal generative gonimoblast cells. The generative gonimoblast cells form clusters of carpospore initials, which eventually differentiate into carpospores. After gonimoblast filaments are formed, the auxiliary cell undergoes autolysis, causing degeneration of septal plugs between the auxiliary cell and adjacent cells, thus forming a fusion cell. Since this cell lacks starch and appears degenerate throughout carposporophyte development, a nutritive function cannot be ascribed to the fusion cell. Carpospore differentiation is simple and proceeds through three developmental stages. Young carpospores structurally resemble gonimoblast cells, because they contain undeveloped plastids, large quantities of floridean starch, and are surrounded by extensive mucilage instead of a distinct wall. In addition, dictyosomes form and begin to produce vesicles with fibrous contents representing carpospore wall material. During the intermediate stage, dictyosomes continue to produce vesicles that contribute additional carpospore wall material, thereby compressing the mucilage and creating a darker-staining layer outside the carpospore wall. Plastids form internal thylakoids by invaginations of the inner membrane of the peripheral thylakoid. The endoplasmic reticulum forms large granular vacuoles that appear to be degraded during subsequent stages of development. Mature carpospores form cored vesicles. They also contain mature chloroplasts, large amounts of floridean starch, and occasionally granular vacuoles. During this stage, interconnecting carpospore-carpospore and carpospore-gonimoblast cell septal plugs begin to undergo degeneration. This process may be mediated by tubular structures.  相似文献   

Examination of the reproductive morphology of the adelphoparasitic red alga Gardneriella tuberifera Kylin reveals that this monotypic genus is correctly placed in the family Solieriaceae (Gigartinales), to which its host Agardhiella gaudichaudii (Montagne) Silva et Papenfuss also belongs. Gardneriella is multiaxial, nonprocarpic and has an inwardly directed, three-celled carpogonial branch. The large, reniform uninucleate auxiliary cell is distinct prior to and after fertilization. It is diploidized by an unbranched, multicellular connecting filament which lacks pit connections. One or two connecting filaments arise from each fertilized carpogonium. From the diploidized auxiliary cell, the gonimoblast initial is cut off obliquely toward the interior of the thallus. The cells of the gonimoblast fuse with adjacent unpigmented vegetative cells of Gardneriella and pigmented cells of the host. These cells become incorporated into the developing cystocarp and, from those of Gardneriella, additional short chains of gonimoblast cells arise. The mature cystocarp is placentate, radiately lobed, and lacks a surrounding involucre. Carposporangia are borne in short chains and the unpigmented carpospores are released upon the dissolution of outer vegetative cells. No ostiole is present. Gardneriella appears to be most closely related to the placentate solieriacean genera Agardhiella, Sarcodiotheca, and Meristiella and therefore this genus should be placed in the tribe recently erected for these taxa, the Agardhielleae.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural studies on tetraspore formation in Levringiella gardneri revealed that 3 stages may be recognized during their formation. The youngest stage consists of a uninucleate tetraspore mother cell with synaptonemal complexes present during early prophase of meiosis I. Mitochondria are aggregated around the nucleus, dictyosome activity is low, and chloroplasts occur in the peripheral cytoplasm. A 4-nucleate tetraspore mother cell is formed prior to tetrahedral cell cleavage, and an increase in the number of chloroplasts and mitochondria occurs. Small straight-profiled dictyosomes secrete vesicles into larger fibrous vesicles or contribute material to the developing tetraspore wall. During the second stage of tetraspore formation, striated vesicles form within endoplasmic reticulum, semicircular profiled dictyosomes secrete vesicles for fibrous vesicles or wall material, and starch formation increases. The final stage is characterized by the disappearance of striated vesicles, presence of straight, large dictyosomes which secrete cored vesicles, and an abundance of starch grains. Cleavage is usually complete at this stage and the tetraspore wall consists of a narrow outer layer of fibrillar material and an inner, electron transparent layer. These spores are surrounded by a tetrasporangial wall which was the original wall surrounding the tetraspore mother cell.  相似文献   

Both tetrasporangia and dormant apical cells of short vegetative filaments of the marine red alga Ptilota hypnoides have been examined by electron microscopy. Various cytoplasmic inclusions readily distinguish the vegetative apical cells from the reproductive apical cells which become tetrasporangial mother cells. The transformation of tetrasporangial mother cells into mature tetrasporangia involves a series of cytoplasmic changes which can be correlated with specific changes in the investing wall layers. The extracellular changes provide the basic criteria for the division of tetrasporogenesis into 3 successive stages. The ultrastructure of each stage is described and discussed in relation to the current knowledge of red algal cytology. In addition, a possible mechanism for the liberation of spores and gametes of red algae is proposed.  相似文献   

Two new polysaccharides were isolated from the cell walls of the carrageenan producing red seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii (Doty) Doty. They were characterized by chemical analyses, enzymatic degradations, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. One was a 4.0 M NaOH soluble β-(1,4)- d -glucomannan that mostly precipitated upon neutralization and dialysis. It was composed of about 82 residues, and 70% of its glucose and mannose were released by a commercial cellulase enzyme complex. The disaccharide β- d -Man (1→4) d -Glc was recovered from the hydrolysate during the first hours of degradation and confirmed the chemical structure of the polysaccharide. The other polysaccharide was extracted with 1.5 M NaOH and was identified as a sulfated glucan of degree of polymerization of about 180 1,4-linked β-glucose containing 10% 1,3-linkages. The sulfate was located on C-6 of 64% of the 4-linked glucose residues. A third alkali-soluble polysaccharide rich in galactose was also detected. The distribution of the glucomannan and galactose containing polysaccharides was inversely related to the algal cell size. Potential functions of these alkali-soluble polymers are discussed in the context of cell wall polysaccharide assembly.  相似文献   

Our study of the genetic structure of Mazzaella laminarioides (Bory) Fredericq (Gigartinales) in the central Chilean region documented a high level of genetic diversity based on random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers and indicated the occurrence of significant genetic structure at different spatial scales. A total of 288 haploid gametophytes was analyzed with 17 polymorphic RAPD bands, which produced 202 distinct multilocus genotypes. Within stands, mean gene diversity ranged from 0.210 to 0.249 and no significant linkage disequilibrium could be detected among pairs of alleles, revealing that recombination (sexual reproduction) regularly shuffles the genes at that scale. Analysis of molecular variance within stands (less than 30 m) showed that the structure was very low, only marginally significant, and did not increase with increasing hierarchical levels at this lowest spatial scale. In contrast, at a larger spatial scale (among stands, from 5 to 60 km), increasing geographical distance seemed to account for increasing isolation between populations even if natural barriers, such as sandy beaches or river estuaries, may play a role in such isolation. Moreover, the strong genetic differentiation occurring between locations separated by 60 km allowed the assignment of individuals to their original population through a canonical discriminant analysis. This approach further allowed the identification of potential recent migrants from one population to the other. Thus, in species like M. laminarioides for which the dominance of RAPD markers can be avoided by selecting haploid individuals, RAPD analysis appeared to be specially appropriate for the study of genetic differentiation.  相似文献   

Carposporogenesis in Caloglossa leprieurii is divided into three cytological stages. At stage I, the young spores have few plastids and little starch. Abundant dictyosomes secrete a gelatinous wall layer in scale-like units. At stage II, dictyosomes produce a second fibrillar wall component in addition to the gelatinous constituent. Large fibrillar vesicles accumulate in the cytoplasm. Production of gelatinous material decreases in this stage. By stage III, starch grains and fully developed plastids are abundant. Rough endoplasmic reticulum occupies much of the peripheral cytoplasm. A dense, granular proteinaceous component appears in the wall in association with the fibrillar layer. Arrays of randomly oriented tubules are scattered in the cytoplasm. The mature carpospore is surrounded by an outer gelatinous wall layer and an inner fibrillar layer. Few dictyosomes persist in the mature spore. Carposporogenesis in Caloglossa is compared with that in other red algae.  相似文献   

Localization of natural products in the gland cells of the tetrasporophyte of Asparagopsis armata Harvey was examined using light microscopy, epifluorescence microscopy, and TEM. A. armata produces a range of halogenated metabolites that deter herbivores and inhibit bacterial fouling. The halogenated metabolites accumulate as a refractile inclusion inside specialized gland cells and this inclusion was no longer produced when the alga was cultured without bromine. Gland cells are formed soon after the apical division and can occupy a large portion of the algal volume, up to 10% of some parts of the filament. TEM was carried out on cryofixed and freeze‐substituted samples. Ultrastructure studies revealed that gland cells are positioned inside the pericentral cell, originating from the axial cell wall. The refractile inclusion of these gland cells is comprised of numerous electron‐translucent vacuoles enclosed by an electron‐opaque matrix. Some contents of the inclusion autofluoresced under UV excitation by epifluorescence microscopy. Light microscopy further revealed that stalk‐like structures connected the gland cell to the outer wall of the pericentral cell. These stalk‐like structures may provide the mechanism for metabolite transfer to the algal surface. Gland cell walls are relatively thin, which in turn would aid the transfer of metabolites to the stalk‐like structure. These features of the gland cells provide essential clues to the production and storage of the halogenated metabolites in A. armata and offer new insights into a possible mechanism for their release.  相似文献   

The differentiation of male gametes of the marine red alga Ptilota densa was studied by electron microscopy. Mature primary spermatangia are enveloped by a single cell wall and possess a clearly polar subcellular organization. The nucleus is situated apical to large, striated, fibrous vacuoles which are apparently formed by the repeated fusion of dictyosome vesicles. The transformation and liberation of spermatia from spermatangia involve both the secretion of the fibrous vacuoles at the base of the cell and the subsequent rupturing of the spermatangial cell wall. Liberated spermatia are coated with a thin mucilage layer and contain numerous small vesicles and several mitochondria and dictyosomes. The nucleus is cup-shaped and generally lacks a limiting envelope. These findings are discussed in relation to other light and electron microscopic studies of differentiating spermatangia in red algae.  相似文献   

In view of the relative importance of reproductive cell ultrastructure in phylogenetic and systematic studies of green algae, we investigated the fine structure of germinating zygotes and meiospores of Coleochaete pulvinata Braun. Meiospores have a flagellar apparatus very similar to that of zoospores and spermatozoids of the same species. Meiospores differ from zoospores and spermatozoids of C. pulvinata in having pyramidal body scales similar to those present on zoospores of C. scutata. Meiospores of C. pulvinata had as many as twice the number of spline microtubules as zoospores, and four times the number present in splines of spermatozoids of the same species. Developing meiospores of C.pulvinata, like those of other Coleochaete species, are individually surrounded by chamber walls. These differed from vegetative cell walls in lacking plasmodesmata. Moreover, the chamber walls in germinating zygotes of C.pulvinata stained a cobalt blue color with resorcinal blue, and fluoresced yellow in the presence of aniline blue, thus exhibiting the staining characteristics of callose. In location, morphology and presence of callose, chamberwalls resemble “special walls” of land plants, they may represent a charophycean spore development preadaptation useful in the evolution of walled spores characteristic of land  相似文献   

A strain of Gracilaria epihippisora Hoyle produces gall-like cell proliferations in culture. These growths can be excised and grown separately, where they retain an undifferentiated morphology and reach 5mm in diameter. The gall tissue consists of a single morphological cell type without any differentiation between surface and internal cells as is characteristic of normal thallus tissue. Gall cells are typically 20–40 μm in diameter and contain the usual complement of organelles and a prominent vacuole, although there are several distinct features. The large multilobed plastids have an extensive proliferation of thylakoid membranes, which form an arrangement of loops and spirals. The thallus outer cell wall layer is highly reduced. The gall growths contain intracellular virus-like particles (ca. 80 nm in diameter) that occur in discrete groups.  相似文献   

Cubiculosporum koronicarpis Kraft (Cubiculosporaceae, Gigartinales), known previously only from the type locality (southeastern Luzon, Philippines), has been collected at North West Island on the southern Great Barrier Reef. The habitat, distribution and taxonomic status of the species are discussed, and habit features of the new specimens are illustrated.  相似文献   

The major diagnostic features for erecting the red algal subfamily Choreonematoideae (Corallinales) were a combination of 1) absence of both cell fusions and secondary pit connections, 2) conceptacle roof and wall comprised of a single cell layer, and 3) presence of tetrasporangial pore plugs within a uniporate conceptacle in the monotypic taxon Choreonema thuretii (Bornet) Schmitz. Because this alga is a parasite, the absence of secondary cell connections is most likely an adaptation to a reduced thallus. This study shows that all conceptacles are not composed of a file of cells but rather a single layer of epithallial cells that are underlain by a thick layer of calcified acellular material; both epithallial cells and the calcified layer are produced by peripheral sterile cells. Although the outermost tetrasporangial pore canal is uniporate, there is a calcified acellular multiporate plate recessed just below the rim. The plate is produced by interspersed sterile cells and is continuous with the calcified layer supporting the conceptacle. These unique structures are likely due to parasitism rather than to the ancestral state. Based on these results and a reexamination of published micrographs depicting lenticular cells in Austrolithon intumescens Harvey et Woelkerling, we propose that both subfamily Choreonematoideae and Austrolithoideae are closely allied with subfamily Melobesioideae. This distant relationship to its host (Corallinoideae) plus a combination of unique conceptacle and unusual type of parasitism indicates that C. thuretii is an alloparasite and that it is likely the most ancient red algal parasite studied to date.  相似文献   

Gametophyte germlings from unialgal cultures of Membranoptera platyphylla were examined with the electron microscope. The events of mitosis were observed in dividing cells near the thallus apex. In prophase the nucleus is spindle-shaped and surrounded by microtubules and a layer of endoplasmic reticulum. A unique organelle, the polar ring, is present at each pole; its junction is not clear. At metaphase the nuclear envelope is intact except for fenestrations at the poles. Spindle microtubules are attached to distinct kinetochores on the chromosomes and continuous pole-to-pole microtubules are present. The nucleolus has dispersed but, its granular components are still evident in the nucleoplasm. As the chromosomes separate, the nucleus elongates and finally constricts in the middle to produce 2 daughter nuclei.  相似文献   

The presence of the “symbiotic” red alga Hypneocolax stellaris Borgesen was found to substantially reduce the growth rate of Hypnea musciformis (Wulfen) Lamouroux. The growth rate of injected field material was 40% less than unifected thalli. Likewise, the growth rate of host thalli infected in the laboratory was reduced 70% compared to uninfected thalli. Neither the quantity nor quality of carrageenan extracted from Hypnea musciformis was directly affected by the presence of Hypneocolax stellaris. In a mariculture system the presence of a symbiotic alga on its host would be expected to reduce the host's growth rate and thereby lower its economic potential.  相似文献   

Electron-probe X-ray microanalysis of freeze dried sections of growing branch tips of Thysanocladia densa Sander shows high concentrations of bromine in the region of the medulla. Indirect evidence infers that the Br is associated with intercellular, granular deposits which accumulate within the mucilage of the medulla. The concentration of Br decreases in older regions of the thalli.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the Conchocelis or filamentous stage of Porphyra leucosticta was investigated. Each cell contains 1 or 2 parietal, stellate chloroplasts with a single pyrenoid in each chloroplast. The centrally located nucleus is irregularly shaped and contains 1–2 nucleoli. The cytoplasm has typical floridean starch grains and nonmernbrane-bound lipid bodies. The cell wall is divided into an outer and an inner wall. Many lomasomes are associated with the cell membrane. Pit connections are found between cells, and their taxonomic significance is discussed.  相似文献   

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