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Patterns of within‐group relatedness are expected to affect the prospects for cooperation among group members through kin selection. It has long been established that dispersal patterns determine the availability of kin and there is ample evidence of matrilineal kin biases in social behavior across primate species. However, in 1979, Jeanne Altmann1 suggested that mating patterns also influence the structure of within‐group relatedness; high male reproductive skew and the frequent replacement of breeding males leads to relatively high levels of paternal relatedness and age‐structured paternal sibships within groups. As a consequence of frequent replacement of breeding males, relatedness among offspring of a given female will be reduced to the half‐ rather than full‐sibling level. Depending on the number of sires and degree of relatedness among mothers, members of the same birth cohort may be as closely related as maternal siblings. If animals are able to recognize their paternal kin and exhibit biases in favor of them, this may influence the distribution of cooperation and the intensity of competition within groups of primates. Here, I summarize the evidence that serves as the basis for Altmann's predictions and review evidence regarding whether or not the availability of paternal kin also leads to paternal kin bias among primates.  相似文献   

The ring-tailed coati (Nasua nasua) is the only coati species in which social groups contain an adult male year round, although most males live solitarily. We compared reproductive success of group living and solitary adult male coatis to determine the degree to which sociality affects reproductive success. Coati mating is highly seasonal and groups of female coatis come into oestrus during the same 1-2 week period. During the mating season, solitary adult males followed groups and fought with the group living male. This aggression was presumably to gain access to receptive females. We expected that high reproductive synchrony would make it difficult or impossible for the one group living male to monopolize and defend the group of oestrous females. However, we found that group living males sired between 67-91% of the offspring in their groups. This reproductive monopolization is much higher than other species of mammals with comparably short mating seasons. Clearly, living in a group greatly enhanced a male's reproductive success. At the same time, at least 50% of coati litters contained offspring sired by extra-group males (usually only one offspring per litter); thus, resident males could not prevent extra-group matings. The resident male's reproductive advantage may reflect female preference for a resident male strong enough to fend off competing males.  相似文献   

Previously, wild orangutan feeding and ranging behaviors have been described only from populations in hilly or mountainous regions. The Tanjung Puting study focuses on an orangutan population in a swampy lowland area near sea level. Tanjung Puting also differs from other areas in the virtual absence of large figs, which are significant orangutan food sources elsewhere. During a 4-year period and 6804 hr of observation, focal orangutans were recorded in 11,338 foraging bouts accounting for 3805 hr. Composition and phenology of the forest habitat were documented. The orangutans were predominantly frugivorous, with fruit-eating accounting for 61% of the foraging time. However, the overall variety in their diet was remarkable; 317 different food types have been identified, including fungus, insects, and honey. Orang-utans were strongly opportunistic foragers, with the composition of their diet varying markedly from month to month. During most months orangutans fed on a complex mix of fruit, leaves, bark, insects, and small vines. During some months fruit was not the major component of the diet. All orangutans foraged in both the dry-ground mixed dipterocarp forest and the peatswamp forest habitats found in their ranges. Adult males and females utilized different proportions of certain resources in their diets. Prime adult males also ranged further per day and spent more time on the ground than prime adult females. At Tanjung Puting contact with other orangutans usually increased a focal orangutan’s day length, day range, and amount of time spent moving. This suggests that foraging alone maximized each orangutan’s foraging returns by minimizing the day range traveled. Orangutan solitariness is the result of a large body size and of a predominantly frugivorous and opportunistic diet.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Parabens are widely used preservatives in cosmetics and pharmaceutical products, and approved as food additives. Parabens have been considered safe for these uses for many years. Recently, adverse effects on male reproductive parameters in rats have been reported when parabens were given orally for 8 weeks starting at three weeks of age. Our studies used two representative parabens, methyl‐ and butylparaben, to try to replicate these studies and thereby evaluate potential reproductive effects in male Wistar rats. METHODS: Diets containing 0, 100, 1000 or 10,000 ppm of either butyl‐ or methylparaben were fed to male rats for eight weeks. Rats were 22 days of age at the start of exposure. Parameters evaluated included organ weights, histopathology of reproductive tissues, sperm production, motility, morphology and reproductive hormone levels (butylparaben only). RESULTS: None of the parameters evaluated for either paraben showed compound‐ or dosage‐dependent adverse effects. Metabolism experiments of butylparaben indicate that it is rapidly metabolized by non‐specific esterases to p‐hydroxybenzoic acid and butanol, neither of which is estrogenic. CONCLUSIONS: Exposure to methyl‐ or butylparaben in the diet for eight weeks did not affect any male reproductive organs or parameters at exposures as high as 10,000 ppm, corresponding to a mean daily dose of 1,141.1±58.9 or 1,087.6±67.8 mg/kg/day for methyl‐ and butylparaben, respectively. The rapid metabolism of parabens by esterases probably explains why these weakly estrogenic substances elicit no in vivo effects when administered by relevant exposure routes (i.e., topical and oral). Birth Defects Research (Part B) 2008. 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

针对目前关于草地螟Loxostege sticticalis L.雄成虫生殖系统结构和功能的研究相对缺乏的状况,本文利用光镜和扫描电镜系统研究了草地螟雄蛾的内外生殖器官及相关结构。草地螟雄蛾内外生殖器官集中于腹部第510腹节;内生殖器官位于510腹节;内生殖器官位于58腹节内腔中,由睾丸(testes)、贮精囊(seminal vesicle)、输精管(vas deferens)、附腺(accessory gland)和射精管(ejaculatory ducts)组成;外生殖器官为腹部第9、10腹节的特化结构,包括抱握器(harpes)、背兜(tegumen)、基腹弧(vinculum)、钩形突(uncus)、颚形突(gnathos)、阳茎囊(aedeagal caecum)和阳茎(phallus)。外生殖器中抱握器的端刺(furcella)方向为雄蛾区别于其它种类的一个重要形态学特征。该研究首次明确了草地螟雄蛾的生殖系统结构,并为锥额野螟蛾属中种间分类提供更多的科学依据。  相似文献   

Androdioecy, the coexistence of males and hermaphrodites within a population, is a rare breeding system, often considered as unlikely to evolve because of restrictive conditions for its maintenance. Phillyrea angustifolia, a wind-pollinated shrub, is one of the handful species reported to be androdioecious. Our previous studies have shown that natural populations of this species in southern France exhibit higher male frequencies (approximately 50%) than predicted on theoretical grounds. Thus, the male functionality of hermaphrodites is still debated. To assess the functional breeding system of this species in the wild, a paternity analysis was performed with two highly polymorphic microsatellite loci on 729 seeds collected on 10 maternal shrubs in a natural population of 24 mature individuals of P. angustifolia. A large proportion of seeds were found to have been sired by pollen from outside the population. Analysis of seeds sired by individuals within the study population revealed a high male fertility of hermaphrodites resulting in a low male advantage in fertility for male plants. Intermate distances were found to have a strong impact on male reproductive success, whereas sexual morph had no effect, with males and hermaphrodites performing equivalently. This study is the first to unequivocally document the occurrence of a male function of hermaphrodites in a natural population of an androdioecious species.  相似文献   

This paper reviews aspects of life history that influence the reproductive success of male rhesus monkeys. Recent theories propose that there is some optimum level of inbreeding for each population and that behaviors related to group transfer by males are the result of selection pressure toward such an optimum. Group changing by males is clearly linked to the effects of testosterone at sexual maturation. A male’s maternal genealogical rank is not consistently related to the age at which it leaves the natal group, but social interactions within the natal group may influence the age of departure. Choice of the new group is influenced by the operational sex ratio and the presence of maternal relatives. Rank in the new group is positively correlated with seniority. Seniority, in turn, is influenced by the rank of the male’s natal group, his mother’s genealogical rank, and the presence of male siblings in the new group. Much of this effect is due to the high mortality of males born to females and/or groups of low rank. Most studies show a positive association between male reproductive success and rank. Males from high-ranking groups and/or maternal genealogies that join groups containing brothers tend to remain in those groups longer, attain a higher rank, and probably achieve higher levels of reproduction than other males.  相似文献   

A population of langurs (Presbytis entellus)at the Rajaji Wildlife Sanctuary in northern India was investigated for 1820 hr throughout a 10-month period in 1978. Data were collected from four bisexual troops and the adult males that ranged outside of bisexual troops. Most (60%) of the observation hours occurred with a main study troop from which social and ecological data were collected. The langur population at Rajaji shows pronounced birth and mating seasons. The population density is high (ca. 80/km 2), with about 75% of the adult males living outside of bisexual troops, which typically are large and multimale. Males outside of bisexual troops occur in small all-male bands or as isolates. Relations between bisexual troops and all-male bands are characterized by relatively low levels of aggression, and members of all-male bands are able to associate with bisexual troops for prolonged periods during the mating season. As a result of these associations, nontroop males are about as successful as troop males in achieving reproductive access to troop females. These associations between bisexual troops and all-male bands occurred with a minimal amount of agonistic behavior and without mortality or injury to troop females or immatures.  相似文献   

The paternity of 202 of 220 offspring of rhesus monkeys housed in six separate half-acre field cages at the California Primate Research Center was determined by genetic marker techniques. Reproductive success of the adult males was statistically significantly correlated (r = 0.76, P <0.0005) with rank. Marked systematic changes in reproductive success were, however, observed for two adult males during the three years covered by this study. Based upon these results and those of another study, it is argued that changes in rank position typically follow, rather than precede, changes in reproductive success.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. For insect herbivores the quality of the larval host plant is a key determinant of their fitness. Only little attention, however, has been given to the effects of plants on mating success of males and its consequence for the reproductive output of their mates. In addition, almost all the studies that have investigated the influence of host plants on herbivore fitness components have been done in the laboratory, and less is known of these effects in natural conditions.
2. Using the phytophagous European grapevine moth ( Lobesia botrana Den. & Schiff., Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), we tested the influence of grape cultivars as larval food on the probability of acquiring a mate for both sexes, and on the reproductive output of females and males.
3. Results from this study stress the importance of larval host plants on the reproductive success of both sexes. Larval diet differentially affected mating success and reproductive output of male and female moths. Fecundity, egg size, and egg hatchability were significantly different when larvae were fed on particular grape cultivars.
4. A given cultivar that is of poor quality for females is generally also of poor quality for males. A cultivar, however, could be suitable for females but not for males and vice-versa. Apparently, the nutrients required for adult reproduction are not necessarily the same for males and females.
5. The important conclusion from this study is that evaluating the differential effect of host-plant species on traits associated with reproductive success of herbivores requires that the effects on both sexes be taken into account.  相似文献   

The relationship between reproductive morphology and reproductive tactics was examined in Scartella cristata , a combtooth blenny, which exhibits three behaviourally distinct mature male types: nesters, big males that care for eggs; hole-dwellers, medium-sized, non-reproducing males that are site-attached to a hole; sneakers, small, vagrant males that release sperm in the nests of the big males. The anal fin gland was a densely folded, mucous-secreting structure probably involved in pheromone synthesis. It was relatively larger in nesters than hole-dwellers, and altogether rudimentary in sneakers. Sneakers invested more in sperm production than nesters or hole-dwellers, suggesting adaptation to sperm competition. Approximately half of the testes of nesters and hole-dwellers was comprised of a highly developed efferent duct system or 'testicular gland', but this was extremely reduced in sneakers. In nesters the gland was characterized by many large vacuoles. A pair of secretory blind pouches was present in nesters and hole-dwellers, but barely visible in sneakers. In nesters, the sperm duct walls were thickened and highly secretory containing sperm dispersed in a granular matrix. In sneakers they were thin-walled and packed with concentrated sperm. Such differences probably represent different priorities for sperm production in relation to sperm competition and sperm economy. Thus it appears the accessory structures are traits developed specifically for a nesting tactic, whereas the gonad of sneakers is simply organized to produce as much sperm as possible.  相似文献   

Adult male redtail guenons (Cercopithecus ascanius) live as resident males in heterosexual groups or as nonresident males outside groups. Data are reported here on movement and temporary intrusions by nonresident males in heterosexual groups. These data further elucidate the reproductive strategies of this class of individual. Observations of three radiocollared males provided data on the details of their movement relative to groups. Regular sampling of three heterosexual groups provided data on patterns of nonresident males' intrusions. During peak mating months, nonresident males formed loose affiliations with groups. The males affiliated with one group at a time, with each affiliation lasting several weeks. Nonresident male intrusions in groups were unevenly distributed and were not correlated with the number of potentially fertile females in each group. Estimates of male density indicate that there were about two nonresident males per group, which suggests an adult sex ratio of three females per male within the study area. Nonresident male redtail guenons apparently do not spread their reproductive efforts over several groups at once, but instead each male tends to direct his attention toward the group offering the best opportunity for reproductive payoffs. Factors that determine which groups they attempt to infiltrate may include the characteristics of resident males, female choice, or both, but the number of fertile females probably has no effect. The male low density and female-biased sex ratio among adults should facilitate resident males' attempts to monopolize fertilizations in groups; however, resident males were unable to prevent copulations by nonresident males even when only one nonresident was intruding in a group.  相似文献   

Restricted reproduction is traditionally posited as the defining feature of eusocial insect workers. The discovery of worker reproduction in foreign colonies challenges this view and suggests that workers’ potential to pursue selfish interests may be higher than previously believed. However, whether such reproductive behaviour truly relies on a reproductive decision is still unknown. Workers’ reproductive decisions thus need to be investigated to assess the extent of workers’ reproductive options. Here, we show in the bumblebee Bombus terrestris that drifting is a distinct strategy by which fertile workers circumvent competition in their nest and reproduce in foreign colonies. By monitoring workers’ movements between colonies, we show that drifting is a remarkably dynamic behaviour, widely expressed by both fertile and infertile workers. We demonstrate that a high fertility is, however, central in determining the propensity of workers to enter foreign colonies as well as their subsequent reproduction in host colonies. Moreover, our study shows that the drifting of fertile workers reflects complex decision-making processes associated with in-nest reproductive competition. This novel finding therefore adds to our modern conception of cooperation by showing the previously overlooked importance of alternative strategies which enable workers to assert their reproductive interests.  相似文献   

In several primate taxa there is evidence that the social and physical environment can exert a significant effect on reproductive behavior and biology. In this paper we examine social and physiological factors influencing group composition and reproduction in free-ranging moustached tamarin monkeys (Saguinus mystax mystax). This species is characterized by cooperative care of the young and a breeding system that includes both polyandrous and polygyandrous matings. Body measurements collected on adult males residing in multimale groups indicate marked within-group differences in testes volume. In 12 of 17 groups examined, testes volume of at least two resident adult males differed by 21–174%. Among these males, testes volume was not correlated with either body weight or adult age class. We also examine whether factors such as time of year had an effect on reproductive condition. An analysis of body measurements of 128 adult male and 127 adult female moustached tamarins, wild-trapped and released in northeastern Peru, indicates cyclic changes in genital size. For males, mean monthly testes volume in July (712 mm3) was twice that recorded in June (351 mm3). Females exhibited a similar pattern. Although endocrine information on intra- and intersexual social effects on fertility are unavailable for S. mystax, given the high degree of social cooperation and lack of overt aggression among adult male group members, we offer the possibility that resident male moustached tamarins compete for access to the groups' lone breeding female through socially induced reproductive suppression and sperm competition. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Abstract. Under controlled laboratory conditions of 28–30oC and 16:8 L:D photoperiod, an attempt was made to develop an age-grading technique for Anopheles culicifacies males. Mating activity was maximal when females were 5–12 days old and males were 5–7 days old. The numbers of total and mature spermatocysts declined significantly with age, and the proportion of the testes occupied by the sperm reservoir increased as virgin males grew older. Mating resulted in the loss of spermatozoa and accessory gland substance from the reproductive system. Loss of mating ability of older virgin males seemed to be age-related, because the reproductive system contained ample supplies of accessory gland substance and spermatozoa. Morphological changes of the reproductive system, due to mating and age, were used to infer the age and reproductive history of unknown males in a laboratory evaluation.  相似文献   

巨龙竹生殖器官形态结构及雌、雄配子体的发育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过石蜡切片的方法对巨龙竹生殖器官结构、大小孢子的发生和雌、雄配子体的发育过程进行了观察研究。 巨龙竹为一心皮组成的单室单子房,子房内具有一个胚珠,倒生、双珠被、厚珠心。大孢子母细胞减数分裂形成线形排列的4个大孢子,合点端大孢子具功能。胚囊的发育为蓼型,具多个反足细胞。巨龙竹的花药壁由4层结构组成,包括表皮、药室内壁、中层、绒毡层;花药壁发育为单子叶型,绒毡层为腺质型。小孢子母细胞减数分裂中的胞质分裂为连续型,四分孢子为四面体型;成熟花粉粒为2细胞型,具1个萌发孔。小穗发育雌雄异熟,雌蕊的发育早于雄蕊的发育。  相似文献   

We tested whether the order in which males encounter females affects reproductive fitness in spotted salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum). Using mating chambers in the field, we allowed one male access to a female before a second male. We then used four microsatellite markers in paternity analyses of the resulting larvae. First males sired a significantly larger number of offspring than second males, suggesting that male reproductive success is greatly enhanced by early arrival at breeding ponds. Multiple paternity was common among clutches, and frequently larvae were assigned to unidentified males that had not been in the chambers. Sperm from these males had either been stored by females for a year or obtained more recently at other breeding sites.  相似文献   

为了探究蛾类昆虫新的有效分类特征,本研究对直脉青尺蛾Geometra valida、白雪灯蛾Chionarctia niveus和多斑豹蠹蛾Zeuzera multistrigata雄性内生殖系统进行了解剖观察和形态学比较。结果表明:3种蛾类雄性内生殖系统均由精巢、贮精囊(前贮精囊和后贮精囊)、输精管、复射精管、单射精管(单射精管原节和单射精管表皮节)和附腺组成;种间形态差异表现在贮精囊的形状及连接方式、复射精管的形状及长短、单射精管和附腺的长度等方面,这些鉴别特征可为蛾类分类及系统发育研究提供形态学借鉴。  相似文献   

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