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The behaviour of the spider crab Inachus phalangium (Fabricius, 1775), which lives in association with the sea anemone Anemonia sulcata (Pennant), was studied in the field. The crab was found in the littoral zone of the Mediterranean Sea near Banyuls sur Mer, France, in the whole depth range studied (0.5–25 m). The crabs had a long-lasting association with individual Anemonia sulcata, occasionally with Aiptasia mutabilis. Most crabs were found in association with the same anemone for several days, some crabs were found in association with the same anemone for longer than one month. In the areas studied, on average 65 Inachus phalangium were found on 100 anemones. Crabs released in the vicinity of anemones moved towards them and entered them. Inachus phalangium could walk between the tentacles of Anemonia sulcata and Aiptasia mutabilis without eliciting feeding reactions of the anemone. The crabs left the anemones for moulting. After moulting masking material was removed from the exuvia and used again. The animals returned into an anemone while still soft. Material used for masking, usually algae, could be picked off the body and eaten. Masking material may be a food reservoir in addition to providing camouflage. Anemones were left only during night-time. The crabs left their anemone to moult, to feed in the vicinity, fleeing from larger conspecifics, and to migrate to a different anemone. Outside the anemone's protection Inachus was eaten by several species of fish. Individuals appeared to avoid each other. 57% of all animals were found alone on an anemone. Large males and females were more frequently found alone than were small males and females. Fights were observed between members of the same and of the opposite sex. During fights, legs and claws could be torn off. Adult males migrated more often between anemones and moved over larger distances when migrating than did adult females. Adult males probably migrated in search of sexually mature females. Such a roving strategy is evolutionarily stable only when the higher costs (in terms of energy expenditure and mortality) are compensated for by a higher number of offspring than produced in the alternative, pair-bonding strategy.  相似文献   

Various aspects of the reproductive anatomy of the spider crab Inachus phalangium are investigated utilizing light and electron microscopy. Spermatozoal ultrastructure reveals the presence of a glycocalyx in the peripheral region of the periopercular rim, never recorded before in crustacean sperm cells. Sperm cell morphological traits such as semi-lunar acrosome shape, centrally perforate and flat operculum, and absence of a thickened ring, are shared only with Macropodia longirostris, confirming a close phylogenetic relationship of these species and their separation from the other members of the family Majidae. Spermatozoa are transferred to females inside spermatophores of different sizes, but during ejaculate transfer, larger spermatophores might be ruptured by tooth-like structures present on the ejaculatory canal of the male first gonopod, releasing free sperm cells. Such a mechanism could represent the first evidence of a second form of sperm competition in conflict with sperm displacement, the only mechanism of sperm competition known among Brachyura, enabling paternity for both dominant and smaller, non-dominant, males. In addition, we propose several hypotheses concerning the remote and proximal causes of the existence of large seminal receptacles in females of I. phalangium. Among these, genetically diverse progeny, reduction of sexual harassment and phylogenetic retention seem the most plausible, while acquisition of nutrients from seminal fluids, demonstrated in other arthropods, and suggested by previous studies, could be discarded on the basis of the presented data.  相似文献   

The guarding of females approaching a limited period of sexual receptivity is a common mating tactic of males. In many decapod crustaceans, such as the shrimp Palaemonetes pugio , females can only copulate during a short period after a reproductive molt. It has been predicted that mate guarding by males (pre-copula) evolves in such species if sex ratios are not highly female-biased and if males can detect the molt stage of the female. The mating tactics of males were investigated in P. pugio . Time-lapse video observations were made on interactions among two males, a pre-molt female, and an inter-molt female (20 replicates). There was no evidence that males recognized a pre-molt female until 24 h before its molt. Significant numbers of male contacts with pre-molt females occurred 1 h before and after the female molt. Copulation took place within 1–3 min of the molt. No behavior commonly associated with mate guarding in decapods was observed – no clasping, agonistic behavior, or close association. It is concluded that the male's mating tactic is pure searching, wherein males haphazardly contact many females in order to find a receptive one. The high encounter rate in nature of these very mobile, aggregated shrimps is proposed as the factor responsible for the evolution of pure searching. It is hypothesized that pure searching is the male tactic of the many species of decapod shrimps with small males, sexually monomorphic cheliped weapons, and aggregated populations.  相似文献   

Sesarma leptosoma an East African mangrove-dwelling crab, migrates twice a day from a system of known dens among the roots to well-defined feeding areas in the branches of trees, reaching 15 m high. Field experiments were performed to test whether chemical or visual cues are involved in the orientation and homing of this species to reach their feeding areas. Manipulation of the substratum at branch junctions, in order to alter possible chemical cues, did not affect homing ability in S. leptosoma. Moreover, crabs trained to cross an asymmetrical artificial wooden fork could still follow their preferred directions after (1) the fork branches had been switched, (2) the whole fork had been rotated around the trunk, resulting in a right-left inversion, and (3) the inversion of two wide black and white screens hiding most of the canopy from view of the climbing crabs. These results suggest that S. leptosoma may not rely on reference systems such as chemical trail-following and chemical or visual cues from the substratum, but probably depend on complex visual information from the surroundings trunks and/or from the sun's position integrated with junction sequence memory.  相似文献   

On the Kenyan coast, Thalamita crenata confines itself to a defined system of crevices and forages, swimming in a few cm of water, within a radius of about 5 m from its shelter. A field study was designed to analyse this crab's ability to find its shelter after being moved away from it. Crabs were displaced, being kept under water, with full vision of the sky and landscape and released 5 m away from their refuges, at a maximum depth of 50 cm. They were able to return to their shelters within 1 h and followed initial directions which were well orientated towards home. T. crenata was still well orientated and successful in returning home during nocturnal displacements and even after trials in which the landscape was altered. Only blind crabs were neither initially orientated towards home nor successful in returning within two tidal cycles of their release. The hypothesis that this swimming crab could use orientating information obtained during the outward displacement was then tested. Specimens were dislocated following a non-linear outward path, without vision of the surrounding landscape; other crabs were carried to a false release point and then carried in a closed container to the actual release point. Finally, three kinds of detour experiments were performed. In all these trials the directions chosen by the crabs were still clustered around the home direction and homing success was again high. These results exclude homing mechanisms based on random search strategies or on egocentric mechanisms, such as path integration. The most probable hypothesis is that T. crenata organizes some visual cues in a map-like arrangement and, detecting these cues from any release point within its home range, uses this map to return home.  相似文献   

Rudolf  Diesel 《Journal of Zoology》1990,220(2):213-223
Parker's (1970a) hypothesis that the overlap of multiple mating sperm in the female's storage organs promotes sperm competition is tested here for the first time in Crustacea: specifically, the mechanisms and consequences of sperm competition are detailed for the spider crab Inachus phalangium . Females of this species store ejaculates from successive copulations with different males discretely and consecutively in sac-like twin seminal receptacles. During copulation males transfer a large quantity of a sperm-free seminal plasma, followed by the sperm which is stored in small spermatophores and forms a densely-packed sperm packet. It was shown, using 3H-thymidine-labelled ejaculate, that the last male to mate displaces the ejaculate of his predecessors dorsally into the apex of the receptacle. Sperm of previous matings are sealed in with the hardening seminal plasma (sperm gel) and are thus prevented from being used to fertilize eggs, while the last male to mate places his sperm closest to the oviduct and vaginal openings. In experiments using the 'sterile-male' method, sperm from the last male to mate gained all fertilizations in subsequent broods. The seminal plasma forms the sperm gel in ghost spider crabs which is used for displacement of previously stored sperm, whereas various other brachyuran taxa use seminal plasma to produce the sperm plug, which prevents a male's sperm from being displaced.  相似文献   

The silk spinning apparatus in the crab spider, Misumenops tricuspidatus was studied with the field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) and the main microstructural characteristics of the silk glands are presented. In spite of the fact that the crab spiders do not spin webs to trap a prey, they also have silk apparatus even though the functions are not fully defined. The crab spider, Misumenops tricuspidatus possesses only three types of silk glands which connected through the typical spinning tubes on the spinnerets. The spinning apparatus of Misumenops closely corresponds to that of wandering spiders such as jumping spiders or wolf spiders except some local variations. Anterior spinnerets comprise 2 pairs of the ampullates and 48 (±5) pairs of pyriform glands. Another 2 pairs of ampullate glands and nearly 20 (±3) pairs of aciniform glands were connected on the middle spinnerets. Additional 50 (±5) pairs of the aciniform glands were connected on the posterior spinnerets. The aggregate glands and the flagelliform glands which have the function of sticky capture thread production in orb‐web spiders as well as the tubuliform glands for cocoon production in females were not developed at both sexes of this spider, characteristically.  相似文献   

三突花蛛捕食速度的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
熊文华  鲁敏  陈建 《蛛形学报》2004,13(1):33-39
本文研究了三突花蛛Misumenops tricuspidatus在不同条件下对果蝇的捕食速度.结果表明,蜘蛛的捕食速度与蜘蛛的步足长度、身体长度无关,而与性别、温度、饥饿程度有显著关系.25 ℃为三突花蛛捕食的最适温度,14 ℃和34 ℃即温度过低或过高时,它的捕食速度显著减慢;三突花蛛在饥饿3~4 d时的捕食速度最快;雄蛛的捕食速度显著大于雌蛛.蜘蛛的共存,如雌蛛-雌蛛、雄蛛-雄蛛、雌蛛-雄蛛共存,对捕食的速度也存在着一定的影响:2雄蛛共存时,各自的捕食速度显著减慢;2雌蛛共存时,各自的捕食速度变化不显著;1雌蛛1雄蛛共存时,雌蛛的捕食速度降低不显著,而雄蛛的捕食速度显著降低.  相似文献   

Flowers exhibit symmetrical patterns, and innate preferences for symmetry in pollinators like honeybees are documented. Most previous studies of symmetry preferences in honeybees, Apis mellifera, tested levels of asymmetry using artificial flowers or stimuli. Here we investigated the effect of flower asymmetry on flower preferences of honeybees in a novel approach using real flowers, incorporating their spectral properties and how the receivers process the visual signals. Importantly, we also tested the response of an ‘eavesdropping’ predator, the crab spider Thomisus spectabilis, that also utilizes the same flower to prey on honeybees. Flowers (Chrysanthemum frutescens) were manipulated to contain asymmetrical and symmetrical patterns, excluding olfactory cues. Both crab spiders and honeybees exhibited a significant preference for symmetrical flowers. Moreover, honeybees exhibited a significant preference for radial symmetry over bilateral symmetry, but no corresponding effect was recorded in crab spiders. Further analyses demonstrated that flower reflectance and orientation of the axis of symmetry did not affect crab spider decisions. Field observations on T. spectabilis revealed that the natural variation in C. frutescens symmetry had no effect on the choice of crab spiders. This indicates that spiders and honeybees may use other flower characteristics, for example, olfactory cues, together with flower symmetry, to make their foraging decisions.  相似文献   

Males of the nymphalid butterfly Asterocampa leilia perch and wait during the morning at places where females are likely to appear. Males leave their perches to court passing females and chase away intruding males. As air and ground temperatures rise during the morning, males switch from perching on the ground to perching off the ground (average height = 0.87 m) for thermoregulatory reasons. To evaluate how this switch in perch location might affect mate detection, I have investigated how the three-dimensional posture of the male's body and head varies with perch location and how conspecifics fly through male perching areas. The body posture of males varies with perch location, as measured by pitch and roll relative to gravity, and yaw relative to the sun. Moreover, the pitch and roll of the head relative to the body is adjusted in a way that compensates for variation in body pitch and roll. These results, along with information on conspecific flight altitudes, suggest that when a male is perched on the ground his visual system is positioned in such a way that he is less likely to detect conspecifics flying nearby than when he is perched off the ground. Hence, it appears that early in the morning visual detection of mates and intruding males may be compromised by thermoregulatory concerns.  相似文献   

Aquatic animals have a close relationship with water, but differences in their symbiotic bacteria and the bacterial composition in water remains unclear. Wild or domestic Chinese mitten crabs (Eriocheir sinensis) and the water in which they live were collected from four sampling sites in Jiangsu and Shanghai, China. Bacterial composition in water, gills or guts of E. sinensis, were compared by high-throughput sequencing using 16S rRNA genes. Analysis of >660,000 sequences indicated that bacterial diversity was higher in water than in gills or guts. Tenericutes and Proteobacteria were dominant phyla in guts, while Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes were dominant in gills and water. Non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis indicated that microbiota from gills, guts or water clearly separated into three groups, suggesting that crabs harbor a more specific microbial community than the water in which they live. The dominant OTUs in crab gut were related to Mycoplasmataceae, which were low in abundance in gills, showing that, like mammals, crabs have body-site specific microbiota. OTUs related to Ilumatobacter and Albimonas, which are commonly present in sediment and seawater, were dominant in gills but almost absent from the sampled water. Considering E. sinensis are bottom-dwelling crustacean and they mate in saline water or seawater, behavior and life cycle of crabs may play an important role in shaping the symbiotic bacterial pattern. This study revealed the relationship between the symbiotic bacteria of Chinese mitten crab and their habitat, affording information on the assembly factors of commensal bacteria in aquatic animals.  相似文献   

The effects of wind speed and atmospheric pressure on male mate searching behavior, modulated by a female sex pheromone, were investigated in the aphid parasitoid Aphidius nigripes (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae). Male A. nigripe generally did not reach females at wind speeds of 100 cm/sec, as the majority of individuals taking flight in the pheromone plume (81.8%) were unable to sustain upwind flight. At lower wind velocities, male responsiveness to females generally decreased with distance from the source. However, wind speeds approaching the upper threshold (100 cm/sec) tended to eliminate this distance effect. Therefore, there appears to be a trade-off between the need for higher wind speeds to detect the pheromone source from long distances, and a reduction in male flight capacity as wind velocity increases. Our results also indicate that chemical communication in A. nigripes could be affected by variations in atmospheric pressure, as we observed a relationship between pressure fluctuations in the 24 hr prior to testing and male responsiveness to females. The importance of these abiotic factors on mate searching behavior is discussed within the context of the reproductive biology of A. nigripes.  相似文献   

A crab Planes marinus Rathbun, 1914 was found on a drifting buoy in Peter the Great Bay (Sea of Japan). The crab probably arrived in the bay with subtropical waters penetrating into this area during the summer period.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2014,24(23):2850-2854
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Complex courtship signals can be dissected into distinct components that can either function independently or via interactions with one another. Male Rabidosa rabida wolf spiders use courtship displays that couple a seismic signal with the waving of an ornamented foreleg. While previous studies suggest that female R. rabida exhibit mate choice and that both the seismic and visual modalities are important in mating interactions, it remains unclear how variation in each component influences female mating decisions. To investigate this, we ran two separate experiments in which we manipulated (1) male diets, to induce variation in the seismic courtship signal, and (2) male foreleg color, to artificially induce variation in visual foreleg ornamentation. To determine the influence of variation in each component independently, females were paired with males in environments that allowed the detection of only the manipulated signal component (e.g. seismic signal only and visual signal only). Variability in the seismic signal alone influenced female mate choice, but variability in visual ornamentation alone did not. In a third experiment, we manipulated foreleg color and allowed it to interact with the seismic signal to determine whether inter‐signal interactions influence female mating decisions. When females were able to detect both signal components, variation in visual ornamentation did influence mate choice – females preferred ornamented males. Together, these results suggest that the seismic signal of male R. rabida is integral for female mate choice and that the components of the courtship display interact to influence female mating decisions.  相似文献   

The effect of wind speed and distance from the source on the male response of the aphid parasitoid, Aphidius ervi (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae), to a pheromone source was studied in a wind tunnel. The number of males taking flight, entering the plume and successfully reaching the source, decreased at wind speeds >50 cm/s. Furthermore, the proportion of those attempting upwind flight that fell to the ground increased with increasing wind speed. In contrast, distance from the source had no significant effect on any of the parameters examined. While male flight behavior was significantly reduced at 70 cm/s, some males walked to the source when there was a bridge connecting the pheromone source and the release platform. This suggests that ambulatory behavior could be a significant component of male mate searching in A. ervi when wind conditions are too strong for upwind flight. The possible effects of variation in atmospheric pressure on male flight behavior to the long distance pheromone, as well as to the short distance one, were also investigated. No significant effects of atmospheric pressure were observed. These findings differ significantly from those previously reported for another aphid parasitoid, A. nigripes, and the reasons for such differences are discussed.  相似文献   

To clarify the effect of environmental endocrine disruptorson the induction of secondary sexual characteristics in wildanimals, we observed 1,527 male and 1,847 female specimens ofsexually mature Japanese freshwater crabs, Geothelphusa dehaani,collected at 12 sample points from 10 rivers in Sasebo City,Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan. The results obtained were as follows:
  1. Abnormal males, with external appearance of a complete male,but having female genital openings, were observed at frequenciesof 8–32% of males collected at all sample points. In contrastto this, all females collected were normal.
  2. The frequencyof abnormal males increased significantly withthe increasein individual carapace width.
This species inhabits mountain streams in Japan, which are freefrom tributyltin that is known to induce the sexual mosaic phenomenonin mollusks. The streams are most likely polluted by some agriculturalchemicals and chemicals present in waste gases from cars andespecially particulate materials from diesel engines. The clearrelationship of the frequencies of abnormal males to size (orage) suggests that the sexual mosaic phenomenon is induced notonly at early stages of male development but after sexual maturation,in response to long-term exposure to chemical(s) during thewhole life cycle of males. The definitive causal factors andmechanisms inducing sexual mosaics in this species are stillunclear.  相似文献   

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