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Book reviewed in this article: Books: Mayr , E. (1984): Die Entwicklung der biologischen Gedankenwelt: Vielfalt, Evolution und Vererbung (The growth of biological thought. Harvard Univ. Press 1982) Books: Festschrift für Bernhard Rensch (1985): Evolution Books: Hausmann , K. (1985): Protozoologie (Protozoology) Books: Bereiter-Hahn , J., A. G. Matoltsy & K. S. Richards, eds. (1984): Biology of the integument: 1. Invertebrates (Biologie des Integuments: 1. Books: Blüm , V. (1985): Vergleichende Reproduktionsbiologie der Wirbeltiere Books: Donovan , B. T. (1985): Hormones and human behaviour (Hormone und Verhalten des Menschen) Books: Boucher , D. H., ed. (1985): The biology of mutualism Books: Collias , N. E., & E. C. Collias (1948): Nest building and bird benavior (Nesrbau und Verhalten der Vögel) Books: Peterson , R., G. Mountfort , und P. A. D. Hollom (1985): Die Vögel Europas. Ein Taschenbuch für Ornithologen und Naturfreunde über alle in Europa lebenden Vögel (A field guide to the birds of Britain and Europe)  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Books: Moynihan , M. (1985): Communication and noncommunication by cephalopods (Verständigung und Nicht-Verständigung bei Tintenfischen) Books: Lewis , T., ed. (1984): Insect communication (Kommunikation bei Insekten) Books: Kalmring , K., & N. Elsner (1985): Acoustic and vibrational communication in insects (Verständigung durch Laute und Vibration bei Insekten) Books: ölldobler , B., Sc M. Lindauer, eds. (1985): Experimental behavioral ecology and sociobiology (Experimentelle Verhaltensökologie und Soziobiologie) Books: Brown , R. E., & D. W. Macdonald, eds. (1985): Social odours in mammals (Duftverständigung bei Säugetieren)  相似文献   

Books: Schodde , R., Fullagar , P. & Hermes , N. 1983. A review of Norfolk Island birds: past and present Books: Aldrich , J.W. 1984. Ecogeographical variation in size and proportions of song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). AOU Monograph No Belton , W. 1984. Birds of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, Part I, Rheidae through Furnariidae Books: Benson , S.V, 1984. Birds of Lebanon, Syria and Jordan and for use in the neighbouring Arab States Books: Bird , D.M. (ed.) 1983. Biology and management of bald eagles and ospreys, Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Bald Eagles and Ospreys, Montreal, 28–29 October 1981 Books: Brooke , R.K. 1984. South African red data book–birds Books: Collias , N.E. & Collias , E.C. 1984. Nest building and bird behavior. Pp. 336, numerous black-and-white photographs, drawings and figures. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Books: Cordero -Tapia , PJ. 1983. Las aves del Maresme. Catalogo, status y fenelogia Books: Cramp , S. (ed.) 1985. Handbook of the birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa: the birds of the Western Palearctic, Vol. IV, Terns to woodpeckers Books: Corxall , J.P., EVANS, P.G.H. & SCHREIBER, R. 1984. Status and conservation of the world's seabirds. ICBP Technical Publication Books: Cheutz , G. 1985. Der Weiss-Storch. Die Neue Brehm-Bucherei No. 375 Books: Dejonghe , J.-F. 1984. Les oiseaux de montagne. (Mountain birds.) Pp. 310, 15 colour plates, 9 black-and-white photogaphs, numerous sketches, distribution maps, tables and graphs. Maisons-Alfort: Edition du Point Veterinair Books: Francis , CM. (compiler). 1984. Pocket guide to the birds of Borneo. Available from The Sabah Society, PO Box 247, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia Books: Harrison , H.H. 1984. Wood warblers' world. Pp. 335, 24 colour plates, many black-and-white photographs and maps. New York: Simon and Schuster Books: Kear , J. 1985. Eric Hosking's wildfowl Books: Kendeigh , S.C. 1982. Bird populations in east central Illinois: fluctuations, variations, and development over a half-century Books: Laws , R.M. (ed.) 1984. Antarctic ecology, Vols. 1 & 2, Pp. xxvii + 850; numerous black-and-white photographs, drawings and diagrams. London & New York: Academic Books: Lovel , T.W.I, (ed.) 1982. Grouse: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Grouse, Dalhousie Castle, Edinburgh, 16–20 March 1981 Books: Lübcke , W. & Furrer , R. 1985. Die Wacholderdrossel. Die Neue Brehm-Bucherei No. 569 Books: Mc Clure , E. 1984. Bird banding. Pp. 341. Pacific Grove Books: Muntaner , J., Ferreri , X. & Martinez -Vllalta , A. 1983. Atlas dels ocells nidificants de Catalunya i Andorra. (Atlas of the breeding birds of Cataluna and Andorra.) Books: Sibly , R.M. & Smith , R.H. (eds) 1985. Behavioural ecology: ecological consequences of adaptive behaviour. Proceedings of the twenty-fifth Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Reading, 1984 Books: Walkinshaw , L.H. 1983. Kirlan?s Warbler: the natural history of an endangered species. Cranbrook Institute of Science Bulletin 58 Books: Winkler , R. 1984. Avifaunader Schweiz, eine kommentierte Artenliste, I., Passeriformes. (German with French summary) Books: Woolfenden , G.E. & Fitzpatrick , J.W. 1984. The Florida Scrub Jay: demography of a cooperative breeding bird. Monographs in Population Biology 20 Books: Zoological Record: Aves 119. (1982). 1985. Philadelphia, PA: Biosis & London: Zoological Society of London. ISSN 0144–3607. Also received: Anon . 1985. The flock. US 15.00 + US $1.00 postage & packing. Available from F. R. Moore, AOU, Department of Biology, University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS 39406, USA. Also received: Draulans , D. 1984. Dagroofvogels te Mol-Postel en omgeving. Pp. 96, 65 figures, 17 tables, two black-and-white photographs, 22 line drawings. Also received: Gerrard , J. 1983. Charles Broley: an extraordinary naturalist Also received: Glayre , D. & Magnenat , D. 1984. Oiseaux nicheurs de la Haute Vallee de ?Orbe Also receivedGraber , J.W., Graber , R.R. & Kirk , E.L. 1983. Illinois birds: Wood Warblers. Illinois Natural History Survey Biological Notes No. 118 Also received: Grzybowski , J.A. & Schnell , G.D. 1984. Oklahoma ornithology: an annotated bibliography Also received: Hahn , O. 1984. Der Weissstorch Also received:de Jong , J. 1983. Der kerkuil. (The Barn Owl) Also received: Løppenthin , B. 1984. Icones Avium Rossico-Americanarum, Tabulae VII, Ineditae, with comments on birds, expeditions and people involved Also received: Pettingill , O.S., Jr. 1985. Ornithology in laboratory and field Also received: Quay , T.L., Funderburg , J.B., Jr., Lee , D.S., Potter , E.F. & Robbins , C.S. (eds) 1983. The Seaside Sparrow, its biology and management. Occasional Papers of the North Carolina Biological Survey Also received: Somes , R.G. 1984. International registry of poultry genetic stocks: a directory of specialised lines and strains, mutations, breeds and variety of chickens, Japanese quails and turkeys. Storrs Agricultural Experimental Station Bulletin Also received: Sutton , G.M. 1985. Eskimo year, 2nd ed Tunnicliffe , C.F. 1985. Shorelands summer diary. Pp. 160, 16 colour plates, 185 scraperboards. London: Orbis Publishing Also received: Wood , D.S. & Jenkinson , M.A. 1984. World inventory of avian anatomical specimens: geographical analysis Wood , D.S. & Schnell , G.D. 1984. Distribution of Oklahoma birds, Vol. 4. Stovall Museum Publications Series Sound recordings: Hardy , J.W. & Parker , T. 1985. Voices of the New World thrushes Sound recordings: Roché , J.-C. 1985. The bird walker: a dictionary of bird sounds from Britain, Europe and North Africa  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Books: Trivers , R. L. (1985): Social evolution (Entwicklung des Sozialverhaltens) Books: Payne , R. B. (1984): Sexual selection, lek and arena behavior, and sexual size dimorphism in birds (Sexuelle Zuchtwahl, Arenaverhalten und Größengeschlechtsdimorphismus bei Vögeln) Books: Barnard , C. J., and D. B. A. Thompson , (1985): Gulls and plovers Books: Dobat , K. (1985): Blüten und Fledermäuse (Chiropterophilie) (Bats and flowers) Books: Fenton , M. B. (1985): Communication in the Chiroptera (Verständigung bei Fledermäusen) Books: Payne , R., ed. (1983): Communication and behavior of whales (Verständigung und Verhalten von Walen) Books: Roeder , J. J. (1985): Evolution des systèmes de communication chez les carnivores et les primates: organisation sociale et modalités de communication Books: Preuschoft , H., D. J. Chivers , W. Y. Brockelman & N. Creel, eds. (1984): The lesser apes. Evolutionary and behavioural biology (Die Gibbons. Evolutions- und Verhaltensbiologie) Books: Becker , C. (1984): Orang-Utans und Bonobos im Spiel (Orang-Utans and Bonobos in play) Books: Häßlin , J. H., und G. Nogge (1985): Der Kölner Zoo (The Cologne Zoo) Books: Hess , J. (1985): Tierkinder - Tiermütter (Animal mothers and children) Books: Obst , F. J. (1985): Die Welt der Schildkröten (The world of turtles) Books: Kästle , W. (1984): Echsen im Terrarium (Lizards in captivity)  相似文献   

Schank, Roger C. with Peter C. Childers The Cognitive Computer: On Language, Learning, and Artificial Intelligence Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1984 268 pp. $17.95. Reviewed by Gerald R. Rising.

Brown, Vinson Building Your Own Nature Museum for Study and Pleasure, 2d ed. New York: Arco Pub., 1984 161 pp. $12.95 hardcover, $7.95 paper. Reviewed by A. Gilbert Wright.

Heppenheimer, T. A. The Man-Made Sun: The Quest for Fusion Power Boston, Mass.: Little, Brown and Co., 1984 347 pp., $19.95 hardcover. Reviewed by Laurence A. Marschall.

Stiebing, William H., Jr. Ancient Astronauts, Cosmic Collisions, and Other Popular Theories About Man's Past Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1984 217 pp. $19.95 hardcover, $9.95 paper. Reviewed by Joseph S. Tenn.

Finucane, R. C. Appearances of the Dead: A Cultural History of Ghosts Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1984 232 pp. $18.95 hardcover. Reviewed by Russell F. Trimble.

De Carlo, Nicola Alberto Psychological Games New York: Facts on File, 1984 184 pp. $22.95 hardcover, $12.95 paper. Reviewed by Barry Guinagh.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Books: Breipohl , W., ed. (1986): Ontogeny of olfaction. Principles of olfactory maturation in vertebrates (Die Entwicklung des Geruchsinnes bei Wirbeltieren). Books: Huntingford , F. A., & A. K. Turner (1987): Animal conflict (Konflikt und Angriff bei Tieren). Animal Behaviour Series. Books: Taylor , F., & R. Karban, eds. (1986): The evolution of insect life cycles (Ökologische Anpassung der Entwicklungszyklen von Insekten). Proceedings in Life Sciences. Books: Danthanarayana, W., ed. (1986): Insect flight: dispersal and migration (Insektenflug: Verbreitung und Wanderungen). Books: Miller , J. R., & T. A. Miller, eds. (1986): Insect-plant interactions (Beziehungen zwischen Insekten und Pflanzen). Books: Hepburn , H. R. (1986): Honeybees and wax. An experimental natural history (Honigbienen und Wachs - experimentelle Naturgeschichte). Books: Pitcher , T. J., ed. (1986): The behaviour of teleost fishes (Verhalten von Knochenfischen). Books: Nettleship , D. N., & T. R. Birkhead (1985): The Atlantic Alcidae (Die Alkenvogel des Atlantik). Books: Warhol , A., & K. Benirschke (1986): Vanishing animals (Erlöschende Tierarten).  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article: Books: Sachs, L. (1984): Angewandte Statistik (Applied statistics). Eisenbeis, G., & W. Wichard (1985): Atlas zur Biologie der Bodenarthropoden (Biology of soil arthropods studied by scanning microscopy). Müller-Schwarze, D. (1984): The behavior of penguins, adapted to ice and tropics (Das Verhalten der Pinguine, ihre Anpassungen an Eis und Tropensonne). Davenport, J. (1985): Environmental stress and behavioural adaptation (Verhaltensanpassungen unter extremen Umweltbedingungen). Evered, D., & G. M. Collins, eds. (1984): Origin and development of adaptation (Ursprung und Entstehung von Anpassungen). Shorrocks, B., ed. (1984): Evolutionary ecology (Ökologie und Evolution). 23rd Symposion of “The British Ecological Society”. Spektrum der Wissenschaft: Verständliche Forschung (1984): Evolution. Die Entwicklung von den ersten Lebensspuren bis zum Menschen (From the origin of life to man). Mit einer Einführung von E. Mayr. Riedl, R. (1981): Biologie der Erkenntnis. Die stammesgeschichtlichen Grundlagen der Vernunft (Biology of knowledge. The evolutionary basis of reason. John Wiley and Sons 1984). Ders. (1985): Die Spaltung des Weltbildes. Biologische Grundlagen des Erklärens und Verstehens (The splitted image of the world. Biological bases of interpreting and comprehension). Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin-Hamburg.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Spillmann, L., & R. Wooten, eds. (1984): Sensory experience, adaptation, and perception (Sinneserfahrung, Adaptation und Wahrnehmung) Dawson , W. W., und J. M. Enoch, eds. (1984): Foundations of sensory science (Aus der Frühzeit der Sinnesphysiologie) Nachtigall, W., ed. (1984): Verhaltensphysiologischer Grundkurs (Basic course in behavioural physiology) Roberts , A., & B. L. Roberts (1983): Neural origin of rhythmic movements (Neuronale Grundlagen rhythmischer Bewegungen) Campan, R. (1980): L'animal et son univers (Das Tier in seiner Welt. The animal in its world) Horter, M. (1984): Soziale Lern– und Anwendungssituationen (Social learning in rats) Kraus, O., ed. (1983): Biologie von Sozialstrukturen bei Tier und Mensch (The biology of social organization in animals and man) Tinbergen , N., & E. A. Tinbergen (1984): Autismus bei Kindern. Fortschritte im Verständnis und neue Heilbehandlungen lassen hoffen. (‘Autistic’ children — new hope for a cure. George Allen & Unwin, London 1983, £ 19.50)  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Bücher/Books: Lorenz, K. Z. (1981): The foundations of ethology (Vergleichende Verhaltensforschung: Grundlagen der Ethologie). Bateson, P. P. G., and P. H. Klopfer, eds. (1982): Perspectives in ethology Vol. 5: Ontogeny (Perspektiven der Ethologie Band 5: Entwicklung). Halliday, T. R., and P. J. B. Slater, eds. (1983): Animal behaviour, Vol. 1. Lea, S. E. G. (1984): Instinct, environment and behaviour (Instinkt, Umwelt und Verhalten). Staddon, J. E. R. (1983): Adaptive behavior and learning (Verhaltensanpassung und Lernen). Cambridge University Press. Plotkin, H. C., ed. (1982): Learnings development, and culture. Chinery, M. (1984): Insekten Mitteleuropas (A field guide to the insects of Europe).  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article: Periodicals: Ax, P., ed. (1984): Microfauna marina Vol. 1. Journal of Ethology (ISSN 0289–0771) Vol. 1, 1983, Nos. 1–2, 114 p.; Vol. 2, 1984, No. 1, 67 p.; edited by Japan Ethological Society, Kyoto. Kummer, H. (1984): From laboratory to desert and back: A social system of Hamadryas Baboons (Das Sozialgefüge von Mantelpavianen. Daniels, D., J. Heath und W. Rawson (1984): A declaration of intent in the Kittiwake Gull (Rissa tridactyla) (Mitteilung einer Absicht bei Dreizehenmöwen). Turner, A. (1984): Dental sex dimorphism in European lions (Panthera leo L.) of the Upper Pleistocene: palaeoecological and palaeoethological implications (Sexualdimorphismus der Zähne von Löwen aus dem Pleistozän: paläoökologische und paläoethologische Folgerungen). Varjú, D., & H. U. Schnitzler, eds. (1984): Localization and orientation in biology and engineering (Ortung und Orientierung in Biologie und Technik). Smith, R. J. F. (1985): The control of fish migration (Die Steuerung der Fischwanderungen). Elkins, N. (1983): Weather and bird behaviour (Wetter und Vogelverhalten). T. & A. D. Poyser. Gaskin, D. E. (1982): The ecology of whales and dolphins (Ökologie der Wale und Delphine).  相似文献   

Cobb, Vicki Lots of Rot New York; J. B. Lippincott, 1981 35 pp. $9.95 trade, $9.89 library. Reviewed by Frances B. Spuler.

Sheaffer, Robert The UFO Verdict: Examining the Evidence Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1981 242 pp. $15.95. Reviewed by R. F. Trimble.

Taylor, Ron The Story of Evolution New York: Warwick Press, 1981 80 pp. $9.90. Reviewed by A. Gilbert Wright.

D'Ignazio, Fred Small Computers: Exploring Their Technology and Future New York: Franklin Watts, Inc., 1981 146 pp. $8.90. Reviewed by Judith A. Douville.

Stwertka, Eve, and Albert Stwertka Industrial Pollution: Poisoning Our World (Impact Books) New York: Franklin Watts, Inc., 1981 96 pp. $7.45. Reviewed by Robert H. Bell.

Claypool, Jane Alcohol and You (Impact Books) New York: Franklin Watts, Inc., 1981 96 pp., $ 7.45. Reviewed by Austin T. Hyde, Jr., M.D.

The Johns Hopkins Atlas of Human Functional Anatomy, 2d ed. Leon Schlossberg, illustrator George D. Zuidema, editor Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1980 115 pp. $17.50 hardcover, $10.95 paperback. Reviewed by Carl Gans.

Harper &; Row's Complete Field Guide to North American Wildlife, western edition (Assembled by Jay Ellis Ransom) New York: Harper &; Row, 1981 809 pp. $12.95 vinyl, $17.50 cloth. Reviewed by Donald J. Nash.

Houdini Miracle Mongers and their Methods: A Complete Exposé Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1981 240 pp. $13.95. Reviewed by R. F. Trimble.

Rublowsky, John Born in Fire: A Geological History of Hawaii New York: Harper &; Row, Publishers, 1981 84 pp. $9.95 ($9.89 library ed.). Reviewed by M. Grant Gross.

Lampton, Christopher Meteorology: An Introduction (Impact Books) New York: Franklin Watts, Inc., 1981 96 pp. $7.45. Reviewed by Ira W. Geer.

Fields, Alice Satellites New York: Franklin Watts, Inc., 1981 48 pp. $6.90. Reviewed by Frances B. Spuler.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Freshwater Biology》1985,15(3):381-390
Laybourn-Parry, J. (1984) A Functional Biology of Free-living Protozoa.
Zaret, T.M. (ed.) (1984) Evolutionary Ecology of Neotropical Freshwater Fishes: Developments in Environmental Biology of Fishes.
Por, F.D. & Dor, I. (eds.) (1984) Hydrobiology of the Mangal. The ecosystem of the mangrove forests.
Trewavas, E. (1983) Tilapiine Fishes of the Genera Sarotherodon, Oreochromis and Dankilia.
Downing, J.A. & Rigler, F.H. (eds.) (1984) A Manual on Methods for the Assessment of Secondary Productivity in Fresh Waters
Pequeux, A., Gilles, R. & Bolis, L. (1984) Osmoregulation in Estuarine and Marine Animals.
Dumont, H.J., el Mogrhaby, A.I. & Desougi, L.A. (eds.) (1948) Limnology and Marine Biology in the Sudan.
Hakumat, R. & Marker, A.F.H. (eds.) (1982) The Measurement of Photosynthetic Pigments in Freshwaters and Standardization of Methods.
Templeton, R.G. (ed.) (1984) Freshwater Fisheries Management.
Resh, V.H. & Rosenberg, D.M. (Eds) (1984) The Ecology of Aquatic Insects.
Heip, C. (ed.) (1984) Biology of Meiofauna.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Books: Eldredge, N., & St. M. Stanley, eds. (1984): Living fossils (Lebende Fossile). Duncker, H.-R., & G. Fleischer, eds. (1985): Functional morphology in vertebrates (Funktionelle Morphologie von Wirbeltieren). Rehkämper, G. (1986): Nervensysteme im Tierreich—Bau, Funktion und Entwicklung (Animal nervous systems—structure, function, development). Eckert, R. (1986): Tierphysiologie (Animal physiology, 2. edition. Freeman & Co., San Francisco, 1983). Bush, B. M. H., & F. Clarac (1985): Coordination of motor behaviour (Steuerung von Bewegungsweisen). Ottoson, D., ed. (1986): Progress in sensory physiology 6 (Fortschritte der Sinnesphysiologie Bd. 6). Kuhlmann, D., & H. Straub (1986): Einführung in die Endokrinologie. Wynne-Edwards, V. C. (1986): Evolution through group selection (Evolution durch Gruppenselektion). Luckett, W. P., & J.-L. Hartenberger, eds. (1985): Evolutionary relationships among rodents. Chivers, D. J., B. A. Wood, & A. Bilsborough, eds. Gray, J. P. (1985): Primate sociobiology (Soziobiologie der Primaten). Rawlins, R. C., & M. J. Kessler, eds. (1986): The Cayo Santiago macaques: history, behavior and biology (Die Makaken von Cayo Santiago: Geschichte, Biologie und Verhalten). Sade, D. S., B. D. Chepko-Sade, J. M. Schneider, S. S. Roberts, & J. T. Richtsmeier (1985): Basic demographic observations on free-ranging rhesus monkeys (Demographische Untersuchungen an freilebenden Rhesusaffen).  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: de Duve, Chr. (1986): Die Zelle — Expedition in die Grundstruktur des Lebens (A guided tour of the living cell. Scientific American Books Inc., New York 1984, übersetzt von E. D. JARASCH). Laudien, H., ed. (1986): Temperature relations in animals and man (Thermobiologie von Tieren und Menschen). Biona report 4 (series ed. W. NACHTIGALL). Gwinner, E. (1986): Circannual rhythms — endogenous annual clocks in the organization of seasonal processes (Jahresrhythmen. Die Steuerung jahres-zeitlicher Abläufe durch innere Uhren). Sawyer, R. T. (1986): Leech biology and behaviour (Biologie und Verhalten von Egeln). Vols. 1–3. Dreyer, W. (1986): Die Libellen. Handbuch der Libellenkunde (Handbook of European dragonflies and damselflies). Bryden, M. M., & R. Harrison, eds. (1986): Research on dolphins (Untersuchungen an Delphinen). Endler, J. A. (1986): Natural selection in the wild (Natürliche Auslese in freilebenden Populationen). Provine, W. B. (1986): Sewall WRIGHT and evolutionary biology (S. WRIGHT, Biographie eines Evolutionsbiologen). Wright, S. (1889): Evolution: selected papers (Ausgewählte Schriften zur Evolutionsbiologie), edited and with introductory materials by W. B. PROVINE.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Chapman , R. F., E. A. Bernays , & J. G. Stoffolano , Jr., eds. (1986): Perspectives in chemoreception and behavior (Geruch, Geschmack und Verhalten). Wilczynski , W., ed. (1986): Common principles in the neuroethology of acoustic and electric communication (Übereinstimmungen in der Neuroethologie akustischer und chemischer Kommunikation). Ganzer , J., J. Schmidtmayer , & H. Laudien (1984): Das Kampfverhalten der Männchen von Betta splendens Regan (Pisces, Belontiidae) — eine etho-physiologische Studie (Fighting in male B. s. — an etho-physiological study). Redfern , P. H., I. C. Campbell , J. A. Davis , & K. F. Martin, eds. (1985): Circadian rhythms in the central nervous system (Circadiane Rhythmen im Zentralnervensystem). Ingold , T. (1986): Evolution and social life (Evolution und menschliche Gesellschaft). Series: Themes in Social Sciences.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Edmunds , L. N. (1988): Cellular and molecular bases of biological clocks. Models and mechanisms for circadian timekeeping (Zelluläre und molekulare Grundlagen biologischer Uhren. Modelle und Mechanismen circadianer Zeitregelung). Stetson , M. H., ed. (1987): Processing of environmental information in vertebrates (Die Wirkung von Umwelteinflüssen auf Wirbeltiere). Poncin , P. (1988): Le contrôle environnemental et hormonal de la reproduction du barbeau, Barbus barbus (L.) et du chevaine, Leuciscus cephalus (L.) (Pisces Cyprinidae), en captivité (Die exogene und hormonelle Kontrolle der Fortpflanzung in Gefangenschaft bei Barbe und Döbel). Miura , T., ed. (1987): Seasonality of birth. Progress in biometeorology Vol. 6 (Die Saisonalität der Geburt. Fortschritte der Biometeorologie Bd. 6). Thorndyke , M. C., & G. J. Goldsworthy, eds. (1988): Neurohormones in invertebrates (Neurohormone bei Wirbellosen). Society for Experimental Biology. Descoins , C., & B. Frerot, eds. (1988): Médiateurs chimiques: comportement et systématique des Lépidoptères. Applications en agronomie (Chemical mediators: behaviour and systematics of Lepidoptera. Applications in agriculture). Fritzsch , B., M. J. Ryan , W. Wilczynski, T. E. Hetherington , & W. Walkowiak, eds. (1988): The evolution of the amphibian auditory system (Evolution des Gehörsystems der Amphibien). Akoev , G. N., N. P. Alekseev , & B. V. Krylov (1988): Mechanoreceptors. Their functional organization (Mechanorezeptoren und ihre Wirkungsweise). Seelen , W. v., G. Shaw , & U. M. Leinhos, eds. (1988): Organization of neural networks; structures and models (Analysen und Modelle zur Gehirnfunktion). Geschwind , N., & A. M. Galaburda, eds. (1984): Cerebral dominance. The biological foundations (Biologische Grundlagen der Hemisphärendominanz). Pöldinger , W., ed. (1987): Aspekte menschlichen Befindens und Verhaltens (Aspects of human feeling and behaviour). Wolf , G., ed. (1989): Fachlexikon ABC Neurobiologie (Dictionary of neurobiology).  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Wootton , R. J. (1984): A functional biology of sticklebacks (Funktionsbiologie der Stichlinge) Johnston , R. F., ed. (1983): Current Ornithology (Fortschritte der Ornithologie). Vol. 1 Nicolai , J., D. Singer & K. Wothe (1984): Großer Naturführer Vögel (A field guide to European birds) Odening , K. (1984): Antarktische Tierwelt (Animals of the Antarctic) Rasa , A. E. (1984): Die perfekte Familie: Leben und Sozialverhalten der afrikanischen Zwergmungos (The perfect family: Life and social behaviour of African dwarf mungos) Berger, G., bis F. Zwirner, Autorenkollektiv (1982): Wildtiere in Menschen-hand (Wild animals in captivity) Austin , C. R., & R. V. Short, eds. (1976–1981): Fortpflanzungsbiologie der Säugetiere (Reproduction in mammals Austin , C. R., and R. V. Short (1984): Reproduction in mammals. Vol.3: Hormonal control of reproduction (Fortpflanzung bei Säugetieren. Bd. 3: Hormonale Steuerung) Willmann , R. (1985): Die Art in Raum und Zeit. Das Artkonzept in der Biologie und Paläontologie (The species in space and time. The species concept in biology and paleontology) Steitz , E., und G. Stengel (1984): Die Stämme und Klassen des Tierreichs. Eine Übersicht (A survey of animal phyla and classes) Baer , K. E. von (1834–1876): Entwicklung und Zielstrebigkeit in der Natur (Development and goal-directedness in nature)  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Möhn , E. (1984): System und Phylogenie der Lebewesen Bd. 1: Physikalische, chemische und biologische Evolution; Prokaryonta, Eukaryonta (bis Ctenophora) (Systematics and phylogeny of living organisms. Vol. 1: physical, chemical and biological evolution). E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Nägele & Obermiller), Stuttgart. Schwoerbel, J. (1984): Einführung in die Limnologie (Introduction to limnology). 5., neubearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Ottoson, D. , ed. (1985): Progress in sensory physiology. Vol. 5 (Fortschritte der Sinnesphysiologie). Kirschvink , J. L., D. S. Jones & B. J. MacFadden, eds. (1985): Magnetite biomineralization and magnetoreception in organisms. A new biomagnetism (Biomagnetismus). Michelsen, A., ed. (1985): Time resolution in auditory Systems (Zeitliche Auflösung in Gehörsystemen). Campbell, B. (1985): Ökologie des Menschen, übersetzt von S. Schmitz. (Human ecology. Heinemann Educational books. London 1983). Boakes , R. (1984): From Darwin to behaviourism — Psychology and the minds of animals (Von Darwin zum Behaviorismus — Psychologie und die Psyche der Tiere). Dewsbury , D. A. (1984): Comparative psychology in the twentieth century (Vergleichende Psychologie im zwanzigsten Jahrhundert).  相似文献   

Book reviews     
The Art of Primitive Peoples. J. T. Hooper and C. A. Burland. (168 pp., 68 pls. The Fountain Press, 46–47 Chancery Lane, London W.C.2. 1953. Cloth bound 42/—).

The God of the Witches. Margaret A. Murray. (2nd ed. Faber & Faber, London 1952).

Magic Books from Mexico. C. A. Burland. (31 pp., 16 colour pls. King Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England 1953. Bound 4/6 d).

Outline of South American Cultures. George P. Murdock. (Behavior Science Outlines, Vol. II, Human Relations Files, New Haven 1951. Price: $ 2.50).

Kunst im Reiche der Inca. Heinrich Ubbelohde Doering. (66 pp., 240 pls., 4 colour pls., one map. Verlag Ernst Wasmuth, Tübingen 1952. Cloth bound DM. 42).

Tiahuanacu, Atacama und Araukaner. Walter Ruben. (262 pp., 70 ill., 3 maps. Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, Leipzig 1952. Paper wrapper DM 15.80, bound DM 17.20).

Kunapipi. Ronald M. Berndt. (223 pp. Melbourne 1951), and Djanggawul. (230 pp. London 1952).  相似文献   

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