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Prostate imaging requires optimization in young and old mouse models. We tested which MR sequences and field strengths best depict the prostate gland in young and old mice; and, whether prostate MR signal, size, and architecture change with age.


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the prostate of young (2 months) and old (18 months) male nude mice (n = 6) was performed at 4.7 and 7 T and SCID mice (n = 6) at 7 T field strengths, using T1, fat suppressed T1, DWI, T2, fat suppressed T2, as well as T2-based- and proton density-based Dixon “water only” sequences. Images were ranked for best overall sequence for prostate visualization, prostate delineation, and quality of fat suppression. Prostate volume and signal characteristics were compared and histology was performed.


T2-based-Dixon “water only” images ranked best overall for prostate visualization and delineation as well as fat suppression (n = 6, P<0.001) at both 4.7 T and 7 T in nude and 7T in SCID mice. Evaluated in nude mice, T2-based Dixon “water only” had greater prostate CNR and lower fat SNR at 7 T than 4.7 T (P<0.001). Prostate volume was less in older than younger mice (n = 6, P<0.02 nude mice; n = 6, P<0.002 SCID mice). Prostate T2 FSE as well as proton density-based and T2-based-Dixon “water only” signal intensity was higher in younger than older mice (P<0.001 nude mice; P<0.01 SCID mice) both at 4.7 and 7 T. This corresponded to an increase in glandular hyperplasia in older mice by histology (P<0.01, n = 6).


T2-based Dixon “water only” images best depict the mouse prostate in young and old nude mice at 4.7 and 7 T. The mouse prostate decreases in size with age. The decrease in T2 and T2-based Dixon “water only” signal with age corresponds with glandular hyperplasia. Findings suggest age should be an important determinant when choosing models of prostate biology and disease.  相似文献   



Alzheimer disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder for which there is no cure. We have investigated synaptic plasticity in area CA1 in a novel AD mouse model (APPPS1-21) which expresses the Swedish mutation of APP and the L166P mutation of human PS-1. This model shows initial plaque formation at 2 months in the neocortex and 4 months in the hippocampus and displays β−amyloid-associated pathologies and learning impairments.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We tested long-term potentiation (LTP) and short term potentiation (paired-pulse facilitation, PPF) of synaptic transmission in vivo in area CA1 of the hippocampus. There was no difference in LTP or PPF at 4–5 months of age in APPPS1-21 mice compared to littermate controls. At 6 months of age there was also no difference in LTP but APPPS1-21 mice showed slightly increased PPF (p<0.03). In 8 months old mice, LTP was greatly impaired in APPPS-21 animals (p<0.0001) while PPF was not changed. At 15 months of age, APPPS1-21 mice showed again impaired LTP compared to littermate controls (p<0.005), and PPF was also significantly reduced at 80 ms (p<0.005) and 160 ms (p<0.01) interstimulus interval. Immunohistological analysis showed only modest amyloid deposition in the hippocampus at 4 and 6 months with a robust increase up to 15 months of age.


Our results suggest that increased formation and aggregation of beta amyloid with aging is responsible for the impaired LTP with aging in this mouse model, while the transient increase of PPF at 6 months of age is caused by some other mechanism.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Different numbers of spleen and lymph node cells of 6-week and 6–8 month A/J mice, immune to Plasmodium berghei, were transferred into normal 4-week old mice. Better protection was observed with 2.5 × 10s than with 107 spleen cells, and spleen cells afforded better protection than an equal number of lymph node cells. Further, spleen cells from older mice were more effective than those from young animals. Possible mechanisms of immunity transfer are discussed.  相似文献   

Some physico-chemical properties of the enamel of deciduous and permanent (young and old) teeth were investigated and compared using x-ray diffraction, infrared absorption spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and chemical analyses. Results demonstrated the following: all enamel samples gave x-ray diffraction patterns of only apatite; all enamel samples gave IR absorption spectra of carbonate-containing apatite; the α-axis of deciduous enamel apatite was larger than that of permanent (both young and old) enamel apatite (mean values, deciduous = 9.458 ± 0.003A; permanent =9 443 ± 0.003A); apatite crystallite dimensions increased with age especially along the c-axis; when compared to permanent, deciduous enamel contained slightly more carbonate, magnesium and HPO42-; the prism (enamel rods) dimensions were slightly smaller, and the extent of acid-etching was more extensive in deciduous enamel than in permanent enamel. These observations combined with other factors such as the difference in the orientation of and crystal density in prism rods and the difference in conditions of the oral environment between deciduous and permanent enamel may account for the reported observations of a decrease in caries prevalance with age.  相似文献   



To investigate whether corneal thickness parameters measured by optical coherence tomography (OCT), such as central corneal thickness (CCT), central corneal stromal thickness (CCST), and central corneal epithelial thickness (CCET), influence the intraocular pressure (IOP) difference measured by Goldmann applanation tonometry (GAT) and non-contact tonometry (NCT).


In total, 50 eyes from 50 subjects without glaucomatous defects were included in this retrospective, cross-sectional study. We measured IOP using GAT and NCT and calculated the difference between the two methods. CCT was measured by a Cirrus HD-OCT device using anterior segment imaging. The basement membrane of the epithelium, which was seen as a high-reflection line in the OCT image, was taken as a reference line to measure CCST and CCET.


The mean IOP measured by GAT and NCT was 16.7 ± 3.0 and 18.1 ± 3.8 mmHg, respectively. The mean IOP difference was 1.5 ± 1.7 mmHg, and the IOP measured by NCT was 8.4% ± 11.3% higher than that measured by GAT. The CCET and CCST were 57.9 ± 5.6 and 501.7 ± 33.8 μm, respectively. CCT showed a positive correlation with both GAT IOP (r = 0.648, P < 0.001) and NCT IOP (r = 0.676, P < 0.001). Although CCST showed a significant correlation with GAT IOP and NCT IOP, CCET did not. The difference between GAT IOP and NCT IOP increased with CCT (r = 0.333, P = 0.018), and CCET was positively correlated with the IOP difference between GAT and NCT (r = 0.435, P = 0.002).


IOP increased with greater CCT, and CCST seemed to have a more important role than CCET. CCET also increased with greater CCT, and this may be a possible explanation for the increasing difference in IOP between GAT and NCT with increasing CCT.  相似文献   

An individual′s survival and fitness depend on its ability to effectively allocate its time between competing behaviors. Sex, social tactic, season and food availability are important factors influencing activity budgets. However, few field studies have tested their influences. The African striped mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio) lives in highly seasonal habitats in southern Africa, and individuals can adopt different social tactics. We investigated seasonal changes in activity budgets of different tactics and predicted that individuals will reduce their activity in the non‐breeding season to save energy when food availability is low and that young non‐breeding adults (‘philopatrics’) invest mainly in activities related to gaining body mass to increase survival probability. We predicted old adults (‘breeders’), which bred during the previous breeding season, to invest mainly in maintenance of their social status. We conducted 90 focal observations during the non‐breeding season and 73 during the breeding season. Activity budgets of striped mice were season and tactic specific, with philopatrics, but not breeders, reducing activity when food availability was low, possibly to decrease energy expenditure. Philopatrics of both sexes foraged and basked more in the breeding season than during the non‐breeding season. Male philopatrics gained body mass and female philopatrics maintained their body mass in both seasons. Sex‐specific differences occurred during the breeding season, when female breeders foraged more than male breeders, while male breeders chased other individuals more than female breeders. These findings indicate that individuals adopting different social tactics display distinct behaviors to fulfill tactic‐specific energetic needs .  相似文献   

The priming effect (PE) induced by biochar provides a basis for evaluating its carbon (C) sequestration potential in soils. A 60 days’ laboratory incubation was conducted, which involved the amendment of biochar (1% of soil mass) produced from rice straw at 300ºC (B300) and 500ºC (B500) to young (Y) and old (O) poplar plantation soils, with the aim of studying the responses of biochar-induced PEs to poplar plantation ages. This incubation included six treatments: Y + CK (control), Y + B300, Y + B500, O + CK, O + B300, and O + B500. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions were significantly increased (p < 0.05) in the B300 amended soils, while it was decreased in the B500 amended soils compared to the CK. The primed CO2 emissions were 2.35 times higher in the Y + B300 than the O + B300 treatments, which was measured to be 18.6 and 5.56 mg C·kg-1 with relative PEs of 12.4% and 3.35%, respectively. However, there was little difference between the primed CO2 emissions in Y + B500 and O + B500 treatments, which were measured to be -24.9 and -29.6 mg·C·kg-1 with relative PEs of -16.6% and -17.8%, respectively. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was significantly lower in the young poplar plantation soil than that in the old poplar plantation soil regardless of biochar amendment throughout the incubation, indicating greater C-limit of soil microorganisms in the young poplar plantation soil. Using 13C isotope tracing, neither B300 nor B500 decreased native soil-derived DOC, which indicated that the negative B500-induced PEs were not due to a reduction in the availability of native soil-derived C. In conclusion, the response of biochar-induced PEs to poplar plantation age depends on biochar types while soil available C indirectly affects biocharinduced PEs. Further studies should focus on how the interactive effects between soil C availability and microbial community impacts biochar-induced PEs.  相似文献   

小鼠和兔原代乳腺上皮细胞的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:对小鼠和兔的原代乳腺上皮细胞进行培养。方法:取小鼠和免的乳腺组织,用加葡萄糖的PBS稀释胶原酶Ⅲ作消化液、分三个阶段进行消化,选择离心后的小细胞团,用含激素的培养液培养。结果:在基本培养液中添加10ng/ml的表皮生长因子和5μg/ml的胰岛素可以使乳腺上皮细胞富集.结论:成功地培养出了小鼠和免的原代乳腺上皮细胞。  相似文献   

瘤胃是反刍动物营养物质消化吸收和代谢的重要器官,其发育状态直接影响反刍动物生产性能和健康。初生犊牛和羔羊,瘤胃功能尚未发育完全,不能够充分消化和吸收固体饲料。因此,在幼龄时期,通过营养调控手段促进反刍动物的瘤胃发育对维持动物健康及提高生产性能具有重要意义。丁酸是瘤胃微生物降解植物性饲料的主要产物,也是瘤胃上皮及宿主的重要能量来源。丁酸调控幼龄反刍动物瘤胃上皮发育是一个历久弥新的话题。主要介绍了幼龄反刍动物瘤胃上皮形态及功能的发育以及丁酸调控幼龄反刍动物瘤胃上皮发育的研究进展。  相似文献   

Aging can be defined as a process of progressive decline in the physiological capacity of an organism, manifested by accumulated alteration and destabilization at the whole system level. Systems biology approaches offer a promising new perspective to examine the old problem of aging. We begin this review by introducing the concepts of systems biology, and then illustrate the application of systems biology approaches to aging research, from gene expression profiling to network analysis. We then introduce the network that can be constructed using known lifespan and aging regulators, and conclude with a look forward to the future of systems biology in aging research. In summary, systems biology is not only a young field that may help us understand aging at a higher level, but also an important platform that can link different levels of knowledge on aging, moving us closer to a more comprehensive control of systematic decline during aging.  相似文献   

Chromosomal abnormality is a leading cause of aging-related infertility, spontaneous abortion and congenital birth defects in humans. Karyotype analyses of spontaneously aborted human fetuses reveal high proportions (~50%) being chromosomal abnormal with the majority being trisomies of various chromosomes. As a model organism, mice are widely used for studies of reproduction and reproductive aging. Like older women, older mice exhibit high incidences of early embryo death. However, it is not known if aneuploidy is prevalent amongst resorptions in older mice. We have karyotyped 65 retarded/resorbed fetuses in 10-month-old C57BL/6 mice, and found that 55 (84.6%±8.8%, with 95% confidence) were euploid. Similarly, of 40 such fetuses from 17 month-old C57BL/6 mice, we found 38 (95±7%, with 95% confidence 95%) being euploid. Therefore, aneuploidy is not a leading cause of embryo death in older mice.  相似文献   

Abstract. Many cell kinetic studies are based on the assumption that tritiated thymidine injected into an animal is available for incorporation into DNA for only a short time, and that it labels all cells in the S phase. the present study indicates that this is not the fact for the rat corneal epithelium. the labelling index (LI) declines considerably from the limbal area to the central cornea, while the mitotic rate is almost constant all over the corneal epithelium. the LI should therefore not be used as the only criterion in the assessment of proliferation rate.  相似文献   

Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) have become highly prevalent in developed countries. Environmentally triggered exaggerated immune responses against the intestinal microbiome are thought to mediate the disorders. The potential dietary origins of the disease group have been implicated. However, the effects of environmental influences on prenatal developmental programming in respect to orchestrating postnatal microbiome composition and predilection towards mammalian colitis have not been examined. We tested how transient prenatal exposure to methyl donor micronutrient (MD) supplemented diets may impact predilection towards IBD in a murine dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) colitis model. Prenatal MD supplementation was sufficient to modulate colonic mucosal Ppara expression (3.2 fold increase; p=0.022) and worsen DSS colitis in young adulthood. The prenatal dietary exposure shifted the postnatal colonic mucosal and cecal content microbiomes. Transfer of the gut microbiome from prenatally MD supplemented young adult animals into germ free mice resulted in increased colitis susceptibility in the recipients compared to controls. Therefore, the prenatal dietary intervention induced the postnatal nurturing of a colitogenic microbiome. Our results show that prenatal nutritional programming can modulate the mammalian host to harbor a colitogenic microbiome. These findings may be relevant for the nutritional developmental origins of IBD.  相似文献   



To report normative data for retinal thickness in wild-type C57BL/6 mouse utilizing a miniature SD-OCT system.


Thirty adult mice (range: 3–5 months) were anesthetized and secured into the Bioptigen Spectral Domain Ophthalmic Imaging System. Right eye SD-OCT images were standardized by centralizing the optic nerve head (ONH) prior to image acquisition. Global and quadrant total retinal thickness (TRT) values were measured from retinal nerve fiber layer to retinal pigment epithelial layer. Posterior segment analyses also included the outer retinal layer (ORL) and inner retinal layer (IRL). Further sublayer analyses of four layers from the ORL and three layers comprising the IRL were also performed.


The overall mean±SD global TRT in a C57BL/6 mouse model was 204.41±5.19 µm. Quadrant mean TRT values were 204.85±5.81 µm inferiorly, 204.97±6.71 µm nasally, 205.08±5.44 µm temporally, and 202.74±4.85 µm superiorly. Mean±SD thickness for ORL, and IRL were 126.37±10.01 µm, and 107.03±10.98 µm respectively. The mean±SD estimates for the four layers of the ORL were 18.23±2.73 µm, 26.04±4.21 µm, 63.8±6.23 µm, and 19.22±4.34 µm. Mean±SD values for the three IRL sublayers were 27.82±4.04 µm, 59.62±6.66 µm and 19.12±3.71 µm.


This study established normative values for the total retinal thickness and sublayer thickness for the wild-type C57BL/6 mice. Moreover, it provides a standard of retinal morphology, in a commonly used animal model, for evaluating therapeutic interventions and retinal disease pathophysiology.  相似文献   

青年和老年人结肠上皮的比较蛋白质组学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
衰老的大肠上皮不仅多种生理功能下降,而且对大肠癌在内的多种衰老相关的肠道疾病易感性显著增加,但结肠上皮衰老及衰老的结肠上皮对癌症易感的分子机制仍然不清楚.为此,应用双向凝胶电泳(2-DE)技术分离青年人及老年人的正常结肠上皮的总蛋白质,图像分析识别差异表达的蛋白质点,基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱(MALDI-TOF-MS)对差异表达的蛋白质点进行鉴定,免疫组化和实时定量(real-timequantitative)PCR检测部分差异蛋白,在青年人和老年人结肠上皮中的表达水平.得到了分辨率较高、重复性较好的青年人和老年人结肠上皮的2-DE图谱,质谱分析鉴定了17个结肠上皮衰老相关的蛋白质,免疫组化和real-timequantitativeRT-PCR证实了部分差异蛋白质的表达水平.研究结果提示,线粒体功能受伤、抗氧化能力下降是结肠上皮衰老的重要原因,4个差异蛋白质即guaninenucleotide-bindingproteinbetasubunit-likeprotein(Rack1)、stress-70protein、40SribosomalproteinSA和chlorideintracellularchannelprotein1可能与衰老的结肠上皮对癌症易感有关.  相似文献   

Corneal thickness (CT) maps of the central (2-mm diameter), para-central (2 to 5-mm diameter), peripheral (5 to 6-mm diameter), and minimum (5-mm diameter) cornea were measured in normal Chinese school children aged 7 to 15 years old using Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography. Multiple regression analyses were performed to explore the effect of associated factors [age, gender, refraction, axial length and corneal curvature radius (CCR)] on CT and the relationship between central corneal thickness (CCT) and intraocular pressure (IOP). A total of 1228 eyes from 614 children were analyzed. The average CCT was 532.96 ± 28.33 μm for right eyes and 532.70 ±28.45 μm for left eyes. With a 10 μm increase in CCT, the IOP was elevated by 0.37 mm Hg, as measured by noncontact tonometry. The CT increased gradually from the center to the periphery. The superior and superior nasal regions had the thickest CTs, while the thinnest points were primarily located in the inferior temporal cornea. The CCT was associated with CCR (p = 0.008) but not with gender (p = 0.075), age (p = 0.286), axial length (p = 0.405), or refraction (p = 0.985). In the para-central region and the peripheral cornea, increased CT was associated with younger age, male gender, and a flatter cornea.  相似文献   

Systemic growth and branching stimuli, and appropriate interactions with the host stroma are essential for the development of foreign epithelia in the mammary gland of immunodeficient mice. These factors were manipulated to promote and investigate the generation of representative bovine epithelial morphology in the transplanted mouse mammary stroma. The bovine mammary epithelium is unique in its commitment to rapid proliferation and high rate of differentiation. Its morphological organization within a fibrotic stroma resembles that of the human breast, and differs significantly from the rudimentary ductal network that penetrates a fatty stroma in mice. Transplantation of bovine mammary epithelial cells into the cleared mammary fat pad of NOD-SCID mice led to continuous growth of epithelial structures. Multilayered hollow spheres developed within fibrotic areas, but in contrast to mice, no epithelial organization was formed between adipocytes. The multilayered spheres shared characteristics with the heifer gland’s epithelium, including lumen size, cell proliferation, cytokeratin orientation, estrogen/progesterone receptor expression and localization, and milk protein synthesis. However, they did not extend into the mouse fat pad via ductal morphology. Pre-transplantation of fibroblasts increased the number of spheres, but did not promote extension of bovine morphology. The bovine cells preserved their fate and rarely participated in chimeric mouse–bovine outgrowths. Nevertheless, a single case of terminal ductal lobuloalveolar unit (TDLU) development was recorded in mice treated with estrogen and progesterone, implying the feasibility of this representative bovine morphology’s development. In vitro extension of these studies revealed paracrine inhibition of bovine epithelial mammosphere development by adipocytes, which was also generalized to breast epithelial mammosphere formation. The rescue of mammosphere development by fibroblast growth factor administration evidences an active equilibrium between inhibitory and supportive effects exerted by the adipose and fibrotic regions of the stroma, respectively, which determines the development of foreign epithelium.  相似文献   


Histone H5 has been labelled with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) with particular attention to the reaction conditions (pH, reaction time and input FITC/H5 molar ratio) and to the complete elimination of non-covalently bound dye. We preferred to use reaction conditions which yielded non-specific uniform labelling rather than specific α-NH2 terminal labelling, in order to obtain higher sensitivity in further studies dealing with the detection of perturbation at the binding sites of H5 on DNA.

FTTC-labelled H5 was further characterized by absorption and circular dichroism spectroscopy, and the fluorescein probe titrated in the 4–8 pH range. The structural integrity of H5 was found to be preserved after labelling. The positive electrostatic potential of the environment in which the FITC probe is embedded in the arginine/lysine-rich tails of H5 is believed to be responsible for the drop of pK of 1 unit found for H5-FITC as compared to free FITC. For the globular part of H5, the pK of covalently-bound UTC was only slightly lowered; this is a consequence of the much lower content in positively-charged amino-acid side chains in this region.  相似文献   

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