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Vitamin D is an important hormone in vertebrates. Most animals acquire this hormone through their diet, secondary to exposure to ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation, or a combination thereof. The objectives for this research were to evaluate the clinical and physiologic effects of artificial UVB light supplementation on guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) and to evaluate the long-term safety of artificial UVB light supplementation over the course of six months. Twelve juvenile acromelanic Hartley guinea pigs were randomly assigned to one of two treatment groups: Group A was exposed to 12 hours of artificial UVB radiation daily and Group B received only ambient fluorescent light for 12 hours daily. Animals in both groups were offered the same diet and housed under the same conditions. Blood samples were collected every three weeks to measure blood chemistry values, parathyroid hormone, ionized calcium, and serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25-OHD3) levels. Serial ophthalmologic examinations, computed tomography scans, and dual energy x-ray absorptiometry scans were performed during the course of the study. At the end of the study the animals were euthanized and necropsied. Mean ± SD serum 25-OHD3 concentrations differed significantly in the guinea pigs (p<0.0001) between the UVB supplementation group (101.49±21.81 nmol/L) and the control group (36.33±24.42 nmol/L). An increased corneal thickness in both eyes was also found in the UVB supplementation compared to the control group (right eye [OD]: p<0.0001; left eye [OS]: p<0.0001). There were no apparent negative clinical or pathologic side effects noted between the groups. This study found that exposing guinea pigs to UVB radiation long term significantly increased their circulating serum 25-OHD3 levels, and that this increase was sustainable over time. Providing guinea pigs exposure to UVB may be an important husbandry consideration that is not currently recommended.  相似文献   

The domesticated guinea pig, Cavia porcellus (Hystricomorpha, Rodentia), is an important laboratory species and a model for a number of human diseases. Nevertheless, genomic tools for this species are lacking; even its karyotype is poorly characterized. The guinea pig belongs to Hystricomorpha, a widespread and important group of rodents; so far the chromosomes of guinea pigs have not been compared with that of other hystricomorph species or with any other mammals. We generated full sets of chromosome-specific painting probes for the guinea pig by flow sorting and microdissection, and for the first time, mapped the chromosomal homologies between guinea pig and human by reciprocal chromosome painting. Our data demonstrate that the guinea pig karyotype has undergone extensive rearrangements: 78 synteny-conserved human autosomal segments were delimited in the guinea pig genome. The high rate of genome evolution in the guinea pig may explain why the HSA7/16 and HSA16/19 associations presumed ancestral for eutherians and the three syntenic associations (HSA1/10, 3/19, and 9/11) considered ancestral for rodents were not found in C. porcellus. The comparative chromosome map presented here is a starting point for further development of physical and genetic maps of the guinea pig as well as an aid for genome assembly assignment to specific chromosomes. Furthermore, the comparative mapping will allow a transfer of gene map data from other species. The probes developed here provide a genomic toolkit, which will make the guinea pig a key species to unravel the evolutionary biology of the Hystricomorph rodents.  相似文献   

Age at maturity, a particularly important parameter in the life history of small mammals, contributes greatly to fitness. Social influences on age at maturity have been demonstrated for altricial rodents, in particular, mice. Nothing is known about such effects in precocial small mammals. Wild cavies Cavia aperea are born in a highly precocial state and mature early in life, briefly after weaning. We investigated whether the wild cavy C. aperea and the domestic guinea-pig Cavia aperea f. porcellus reach maturity earlier in the presence of adults of the opposite sex. Juvenile females kept in pairs without males showed first vaginal opening (=oestrus) when 59 days old in cavies and at about 40 days in the guinea-pig. However, in the company of adult males, cavy females kept in pairs reached maturity when about 30 days old, and guinea-pig females when 26 days old. Most cavy females experienced successful pregnancy following first vaginal opening. In cavies, female mass at birth and at first oestrus was not correlated with age at first oestrus. In guinea-pigs, birth mass predicted age at maturity only when a male was present. The growth rate from birth to first oestrus related to age at first oestrus. In the wild cavy, the presence of a male appeared to influence maturation more between days 25 and 30 than earlier in life. Male C. aperea matured and had fully descended testes when about 65–70 days old. All male cavies produced abundant motile sperm from day 75. First successful copulations occurred at about the same age. Surprisingly, the priming effect of the presence of an adult male on female maturation proved stronger in these highly precocial caviomorphs than in altricial rodents investigated so far.  相似文献   

Blood coagulation studies were performed on 45 healthy, adult guinea pigs. Additionally thrombelastograms of 30 animals were recorded. Guineapigs revealed short partial thromboplastin times and euglobulin lysis times, but long prothrombin times and thrombin times. Fibrinogen values were within the range of human normal values. Biphasic ADP-induced aggregation of platelets, as occurs in man, was found in 29% of the animals. Short r (reaction time until the beginning of clot formation) and k times (time from the beginning of clot formation until an amplitude of 20 mm) of their thrombelastograms indicate, that whole blood clotting is enhanced in guineapigs. Higher maximum amplitudes in this species suggest a stronger clot stability than in man.  相似文献   

Guo Y  Bao Y  Meng Q  Hu X  Meng Q  Ren L  Li N  Zhao Y 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e39298
In science, the guinea pig is known as one of the gold standards for modeling human disease. It is especially important as a molecular and cellular biology model for studying the human immune system, as its immunological genes are more similar to human genes than are those of mice. The utility of the guinea pig as a model organism can be further enhanced by further characterization of the genes encoding components of the immune system. Here, we report the genomic organization of the guinea pig immunoglobulin (Ig) heavy and light chain genes. The guinea pig IgH locus is located in genomic scaffolds 54 and 75, and spans approximately 6,480 kb. 507 V(H) segments (94 potentially functional genes and 413 pseudogenes), 41 D(H) segments, six J(H) segments, four constant region genes (μ, γ, ε, and α), and one reverse δ remnant fragment were identified within the two scaffolds. Many V(H) pseudogenes were found within the guinea pig, and likely constituted a potential donor pool for gene conversion during evolution. The Igκ locus mapped to a 4,029 kb region of scaffold 37 and 24 is composed of 349 V(κ) (111 potentially functional genes and 238 pseudogenes), three J(κ) and one C(κ) genes. The Igλ locus spans 1,642 kb in scaffold 4 and consists of 142 V(λ) (58 potentially functional genes and 84 pseudogenes) and 11 J(λ) -C(λ) clusters. Phylogenetic analysis suggested the guinea pig's large germline V(H) gene segments appear to form limited gene families. Therefore, this species may generate antibody diversity via a gene conversion-like mechanism associated with its pseudogene reserves.  相似文献   

The aim was to establish the genetic diversity and population structure of three guinea pig lines, from seven production zones located in Nari?o, southwest Colombia. A total of 384 individuals were genotyped with six microsatellite markers. The measurement of intrapopulation diversity revealed allelic richness ranging from 3.0 to 6.56, and observed heterozygosity (Ho) from 0.33 to 0.60, with a deficit in heterozygous individuals. Although statistically significant (p < 0.05), genetic differentiation between population pairs was found to be low. Genetic distance, as well as clustering of guinea-pig lines and populations, coincided with the historical and geographical distribution of the populations. Likewise, high genetic identity between improved and native lines was established. An analysis of group probabilistic assignment revealed that each line should not be considered as a genetically homogeneous group. The findings corroborate the absorption of native genetic material into the improved line introduced into Colombia from Peru. It is necessary to establish conservation programs for native-line individuals in Nari?o, and control genealogical and production records in order to reduce the inbreeding values in the populations.  相似文献   

The authors studied branching of the a. coeliaca (the truncus coeliacomesentericus) in a group of Peruvian short-haired guinea pigs, with special reference to its variability. After the animals had been anaesthetized, their arterial bed was injected with red-dyed latex, fixed and dissected. In all 30 guinea pigs (100%), blood was supplied to the unpaired organs of the abdominal cavity by a truncus coeliacomesentericus arising from the aorta abdominalis at fundus ventriculi level. In 53.3% of the cases, the truncus coeliacomesentericus divided into a truncus gastrolienalis sending out an a. gastrica sinistra and an a. lienalis, and to a truncus hepatomesentericus which split up into an a. hepatica communis and a. mesenterica cranialis. An a. coeliaca (tripus Halleri) was found in only one guinea pig (3.3%), as a branch of the truncus coeliacomesentericus. In the remaining cases, the truncus branched in the most varied ways. The a. gastrica sinistra was most frequently (60%) a branch of the truncus gastrolienalis. In 21 cases (70%) there was a single a. gastrica sinistra and in nine cases (30%) it was doubled. In 29 cases (96.7%) the a. hepatica communis arose from the truncus hepatomesentericus. The classic type of division of the a. hepatica communis to an a. hepatica propria and an a. gastroduodenalis was observed in every case (100%). In 100% of the cases, the a. hepatica propria terminated in a r. dexter and a r. sinister to the liver. An a. cystica, as a direct branch of the a. hepatica propria, was formed in 28 cases (93.3%). In every case (100%) the a. pancreaticoduodenalis cranialis was a branch of the a. gastroduodenalis. An a. gastrica dextra was recorded in only eight cases in the series (26.7%)--in 23.3% as a branch of the a. hepatica propria and in 3.3% as a branch of the a. cystica. Duplication of this artery was found in one case (3.3%). An a. lienalis was found in 28 cases (93.3%), as a direct branch of the truncus gastrolienalis; in two cases (6.7%) it was doubled. An a. gastroepiploica sinistra and a. gastroepiploica dextra were present in 100% of the cases. Inter-organ arterial anastomoses were found in 22 guinea pigs (73.3%)--between the spleen and the stomach (36.7%), between the pancreas and the stomach (10%), between the stomach, spleen and pancreas (10%) and, in the remaining cases, as various combinations of these connections.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to look for a simple method to obtain synchronized ovulation in guinea pigs under farming conditions while respecting animal welfare. The luteolytic activity of three different prostaglandins F2alpha (PGF2α) analogs (D-cloprostenol, D,L-cloprostenol and luprostiol) and a daily treatment with oral progestagen (altrenogest) was tested successively at different stages of the estrous cycle on the same group of females during a period of 8 mo. The estrous cycle length was not modified by the administration of PGF2α analogs, whatever the stage of the estrous cycle when the treatment was initiated. Our results led us to reject the use of PGF2α analog to induce practical synchronization of the estrus in this species. In females (n = 29), given 15 days with altrenogest (0.1 mL po once a day), ovulation occurred 4.43 ± 0.13 days after the end of the treatment. Altrenogest treatment was followed by mating. No negative impacts of the treatment on the pregnancy rates, delivery rates and litter sizes were observed. This standard method of guinea-pig estrus synchronization is less stressful for the animals compared to techniques using progesterone tubing.  相似文献   

Brown C 《Lab animal》2011,40(2):42-43
Urethral catheterization of the female guinea pig has potential diagnostic, therapeutic and research applications. Urethral catheter placement in the female guinea pig is relatively easy to carry out and has fewer potential complications than does catheter placement in male guinea pigs.  相似文献   

Brown C  Mans C 《Lab animal》2007,36(7):20-21
Urethral catheterization of the male guinea pig has potential diagnostic, therapeutic, and research applications. Urethral catheter placement requires an understanding of the unique anatomy of the lower urinary tract in order to avoid iatrogenic injury to the urethra and to ensure successful catheterization.  相似文献   

In this study, normal nonpregnant, normal full-term pregnant, fasting ketotic and spontaneous pregnancy toxemic guinea pigs were compared to define the mechanism of this disease. In addition to conventional clinical, laboratory and pathologic studies, arterial blood pressure (thoracic and abdominal aortic) measurements and angiography were used. The results showed that in spontaneous cases of pregnancy toxemia, there is an aortic compression just caudal to the renal arteries. This compression reduced the aortic diameter by 22% of prerenal level as compared to 10% for fasting ketotic and normal pregnant guinea pigs. The aortic compression also resulted in a 30% postcompression reduction in blood pressure. No pressure differences were seen in the other groups. The postulated etiology for true toxemia of pregnancy in guinea pigs is, therefore, similar to that of man where aortic compression produces uterine ischemia and the resultant syndrome.  相似文献   

Native DNA of the Guinea pig, Cavia porcellus, purified from liver or tissue culture cells, was heat denatured and reassociated to a Cot value of 0.01 (equivalent Cot value of 7.2 x 10(-2)). The reassociated DNA was isolated by digestion with the single-strand DNA specific enzyme S1 nuclease. Spectrophotometric and radioactivity assays demonstrated that 24% of the total DNA was resistant to S1 nuclease treatment. Zero-time reassociation indicated that approximately 3% of the DNA was inverted repeat sequences. Thus, highly repeated sequences comprised 21% of the total genome. CsCl buoyant density ultracentrifugation indicated that this fraction was composed of both main band and satellite sequences. Although actinomycin D - CsCl density gradients failed to give significant separation of the repetitive sequences, distamycin A - CsCl gradients were able to fractionate the DNA into several overlapping bands. The heterogeneity of the repetitive DNA was further demonstrated by the first derivative plots calculated from their thermal denaturation profiles. This analysis revealed six major thermalytes which indicate that there may be at least six discrete components in the repetitive DNA.  相似文献   

In this study spontaneous behavior and endocrine parameters were compared between the domestic guinea pig (Cavia aperea f. porcellus) and its wild ancestor, the cavy (Cavia aperea), to elucidate the process of domestication in this species. In 120 h of observation time the behavior of five groups of wild and seven groups of domestic guinea pigs, each consisting of one adult male and two adult females, was analyzed quantitatively. To assess the activities of the pituitary-adrenocortical (PAC), the pituitary-gonadal (PG), and the sympathetic-adrenomedullary (SAM) systems, serum cortisol, testosterone, epinephrine, and norepinephrine concentrations, as well as adrenal tyrosine hydroxylase activities, were determined in males of both forms. The following significant differences between wild cavies and domestic guinea pigs were found: the domesticated animals displayed less aggressive but more sociopositive and more male courtship behavior than their wild ancestors. In addition, they were distinctly less attentive to their physical environment than the wild cavies. The basal activity of the SAM system, as well as the reactivity of the SAM and the PAC systems, was distinctly reduced in the domesticated animals. In contrast, the basal activity of the PAC system did not differ between both forms. The activity of the PG system was significantly higher in males of the domestic guinea pig than in male wild cavies. Thus, in guinea pigs the process of domestication has led to typical behavioral traits-reduced aggressiveness, increased social tolerance-which have also been found in comparisons between wild and domestic forms of other species. The decreased reactivity of the organism's stress axes can be regarded as a physiological mechanism which helps domesticated animals to adjust to man-made housing conditions.  相似文献   

Guinea pigs (Cavia porcelus) are an important source of nonhuman animal protein in the Andean region of South America. Specific guidelines regarding the welfare of guinea pigs before and during slaughter have yet to be developed. This study critically assessed the humaneness of 4 different stunning/slaughter methods for guinea pigs: cervical neck dislocation (n = 60), electrical head-only stunning (n = 83), carbon dioxide (CO2) stunning (n = 21), and penetrating captive bolt (n = 10). Following cervical neck dislocation, 97% of guinea pigs had at least 1 behavioral or cranial/spinal response. Six percent of guinea pigs were classified as mis-stunned after electrical stunning, and 1% were classified as mis-stunned after captive bolt. Increased respiratory effort was observed during CO2 stunning. Apart from this finding, there were no other obvious behavioral responses that could be associated with suffering. Of the methods assessed, captive bolt was deemed the most humane, effective, and practical method of stunning guinea pigs. Cervical neck dislocation should not be recommended as a slaughter method for guinea pigs.  相似文献   

1. The dipeptidylcarboxypeptidases that degrade leucine enkephalin in human and guinea pig plasma were studied by kinetic and Chromatographic techniques.2. The extremely rapid degradation of enkephalins in Cavia plasma seems to be caused by both increased activity of enzymes and reduced role of inhibitors.3. The increased role of dipeptidylcarboxypeptidases in Cavia as compared to Homo appears prevalently caused by the presence in the former species of a considerable number of very active enzymes.4. The sum of these data indicates the existence of noticeable intraspecific differences either in peptide-degrading enzymes present in plasma, or in plasma peptides, or in both.  相似文献   

In mammals, olfactory cues play a major role in individual recognition and urine is one source of potentially individual‐specific olfactory cues. We studied how soon young of the extremely precocial domestic guinea‐pig (Cavia porcellus) establish specific preferences for maternal urine smell by offering 5–30‐d‐old young a simultaneous choice between a urine sample of the mother and urine from an unfamiliar unrelated lactating female. Young showed increasing preference for the smell of maternal urine from day 5 of life onwards. On day 10 of life, they discriminated between maternal urine and that of other lactating females when these were unfamiliar and related, unfamiliar and unrelated or familiar unrelated, but not when the urine of the other female came from a familiar and related lactating animal. The last result is based on fewer litters and, therefore has to be considered as preliminary. As our results are based on spontaneous preferences for just one source of olfactory cues, discrimination of live animals is likely to be even better than demonstrated here. Learning or phenotype matching of individual specific cues enable these precocial young to form a specific bond with their mother soon after birth.  相似文献   

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