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Homozygous Drosophila females bearing the ocelliless mutation are sterile and produce oocytes with abnormal chorions. It has been possible to determine in which tissues these defects reside by generating ovarian chimeras. Pole cells from ocelliless female embryos can give rise to functional oocytes surrounded by normal chorions when placed in a wild-type environment. Conversely, when wild-type pole cells are placed in homozygous ocelliless females, the oocytes that form from them have abnormal chorions and never give rise to progeny. Thus the chorion defect and sterility of the ocelliless mutation are not germ-line autonomous. Homozygous ocelliless ovaries will attach to the uterus when placed in a wild-type third instar larva, but few eggs are ever laid, and the chorions of stage 14 oocytes remain ocelliless in morphology. Wild-type ovaries continue to produce oocytes with normal chorion morphology when placed into ocelliless hosts, indicating that the ocelliless chorion defect is ovary autonomous. Thus the chorion defect of the ocelliless mutation resides in the ovarian somatic tissue, presumably the follicle cells.  相似文献   


An attempt to isolate an ooplasmic factor active in inducing pole cells in Drosophila embryos is described. With the help of a bioassay system, we demonstrated that RNA extracted from embryos was active in inducing pole cells. These RNA-induced pole cells were morphologically identical to the normal ones. In addition, a local application of cycloheximide suggests that translation in the posterior pole cytoplasm is a precondition for pole cell formation.  相似文献   

Summary Females homozygous for a newly isolated mutation induced by ethyl methane sulphonate,fs(1)K10, lay abnormally shaped eggs in which the dorsal appendages of the chorion are enlarged and fused ventrally. The eggs are usually not fertilized and development is never normal beyond the blastoderm stage. The mutant was mapped to the tip of the X-chromosome with a meiotic position of 1–0.5 and a cytological location between 2B17 and 3A3. Using germ line mosaics constructed by transplantation of pole cells, it was shown that the abnormal morphology and the sterility are obtained only when the germ line is homozygous for the mutant.  相似文献   

The translational repressor Nanos is required in the germ line stem cells of the Drosophila ovary to maintain their capacity for self‐renewal. Following division of the stem cells, Nanos is inhibited in the daughters that differentiate into cysts and ultimately become mature oocytes. The control of Nanos activity is thus an important aspect of the switch from self‐renewal to differentiation. In this report, we describe a genetic interaction between nanos and Enhancer of nos, an allele of the previously uncharacterized locus CG4699. We find that E(nos) protein is required for normal accumulation of Nanos in the ovary and thus for maintenance of the germ line. The mechanism by which E(nos)/CG4699 protein acts is not clear, although it has been found in a complex with Mof acetylase. Consistent with the finding that E(nos) interacts with Mof, we observe that nanos and mof also interact genetically to maintain normal oogenesis. genesis 48:161–170, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mosaics have been used in Drosophila to study development and to generate mutant structures when a mutant allele is homozygous lethal. New approaches of directed somatic recombination based on FRT/FLP methods, have increased mosaicism rates but likewise multiple clones in the same individual appeared more frequently. Production of single clones could be essential for developmental studies; however, for cell-autonomous gene function studies only the presence of homozygous cells for the target recessive allele is relevant. Herein, we report the number and extension of antennal mosaics generated by the MARCM system at different ages. This information is directed to obtain the appropriated mosaic type for the intended application. By applying heat shock at 10 different developmental stages from 0-12 h to 6-7 days after egg laying, more than 50% of mosaics were obtained from 5,028 adults. Single recombinant clones appeared mainly at early stages while massive recombinant areas were observed with late treatments.  相似文献   

The temperature-sensitive mutant l(3)c43hs1 is lethal at the restrictive temperature late in the last larval instar and has wing disks that show excessive growth when larvae are reared at 25°C. Such mutant disks give rise to defective wings showing duplications and deficiencies. Abnormal folding patterns are localized to the region between the wing pouch and the area where adepithelial cells are found; the disks retain an epithelial morphology. Apoptotic cell death is distributed throughout the wing disks without any obvious concentration of dead cells in a specific area. Cell death is seen as early as 12 hr after a shift to the restrictive temperature. Temperature shift experiments also show that cell death precedes the onset of overgrowth, but since the spatial distribution of death is not localized to the regions of abnormal folds, it is unlikely that cell death and overgrowth are causally related.  相似文献   

We studied the fertility of D. melanogaster females heterozygous for the dominant temperature sensitive mutation l(2)M167 DTS , which exerts a recessive lethal effect at 25°C, under the conditions of stable temperature regimes 25, 28, and 29°C and changing regimes 25 → 29°C and 29 → 25°C. It was shown that inhibition of total activity of oogenesis due to a decreased number of functioning ovarioles is one of the mechanisms underlying the decreased fertility of l(2)M167 DTS /+ females. Analysis of individual fertility of each female confirmed also the role of sterility as a component of fertility of the females. Sterilization was realized due both to full depletion of functioning ovarioles and disturbed mechanism of laying the mature eggs onto a substrate as a result of violation of the feedback blocking normal ovulation, which led to the breakdown of ovarioles and filling of the abdominal cavity with mature oocytes. A significant polymorphism of heterozygous females by their fertility was observed. The intensity of sterilization and mortality of l(2)M167 DTS /+ females sharply increased at an elevated temperature (29°C), especially at the pupal stage.  相似文献   

A neuroanatomical screening of a collection of P-element mutagenized flies has been carried out with the aim of finding new mutants affecting the optic lobe of the adult brain in Drosophila melanogaster. We have identified a new gene that is involved in the development of the adult axon array in the optic ganglia and in the ommatidia assembly. We have named this locus visual system disorganizer (vid). Reversional mutagenesis demonstrated that the vid mutant was the result of a P-element insertion in the Drosophila genome and allowed us to generate independent alleles, some of which resulted in semilethality, like the vid original mutant, while the others were completely lethal. A genetic somatic mosaic analysis indicated that the vid gene is required in the eye for its normal development by inductive effects. This analysis also suggests an inductive effect of the vid gene on the distal portion of the optic lobe, particularly the lamina and the first optic chiasma. Moreover, the absence of mutant phenotype in the proximal region of the optic ganglia, including the medulla, the second optic chiasma, and the lobula complex underlying mosaic eyes, is suggestive of an autonomously acting mechanism of the vid gene in the optic lobe. The complete or partial lethality generated by different mutations at the vid locus suggests that this gene's role may not be limited to the visual system, but may also affect a vital function during Drosophila development.  相似文献   

The female sterile mutant of Drosophila melanogaster, fs(1)1304 (1-19 +/- 2), has been characterized. Our studies show that the mutation affects the organization of nucleolar material in the ovarian nurse cells and the pattern of RNA metabolism in the ovary. Autoradiographic analysis of incorporation of 3H-uridine in vivo and analysis of 3H-uridine incorporation into high molecular weight RNA in vitro suggest that RNA from the ovaries of homozygous fs flies is degraded at a higher rate than that from heterozygous fs and wild-type ovaries. It is likely that the RNA class affected is ribosomal RNA. These data are discussed in the context of the functional role for the wild-type gene allelic to fs(1)1304, and it is suggested that one of the effects of the mutation may be on the biogenesis of ribosomes that are to be stored in the oocyte.  相似文献   

Summary In order to correlate the synthesis of a previously described set of follicel cell (Fc) proteins with a known mutation that affects female fertility, three female sterile mutations, fs(1)384, fs(1)508 and fs(1)1501, mapping in the same region as the Fc locus (7C1-9), were analysed with respect to Fc synthesis. The fs(1)508 strain displayed a normal Fc protein pattern, while in fs(1)384 no Fc protein synthesis could be detected. The fs(1)1501 pattern of Fc polypeptide synthesis was totally different from that of any previously analysed strain, displaying a set of proteins that were much larger than the standard Fc variant form. Two of the female sterile mutations, fs(1)384 and fs(1)1501, were combined in rans with two wild-type strains displaying two different electrophoretic variant forms of the Fc proteins. The combinations were then analysed for Fc protein synthesis, using the fact that females heterozygous for two of the Fc variant forms display both parental forms. The results indicate that the fs(1)384 mutation is directly involved in the synthesis of the Fc proteins, as the trans heterozygotes only synthesize the Fc form derived from the wild-type parent. We also suggest that the large proteins synthesized by the fs(1)1501 mutant are a defective Fc variant form. The nature of the two mutations is also discussed.  相似文献   

The acentriolar state of the Drosophila cell lines 1182   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A Drosophila melanogaster cell line devoid of centrioles has been recently described. In order to achieve an easier characterization of these acentriolar cells, we used the monoclonal antibody Bx 63 of M. Frasch which recognizes the Drosophila centrosome. Although centrosomes are detected at every mitotic pole in Drosophila cells with centrioles, no such structure has been observed in 1182-4 acentriolar cells. The antigenic material is, however, present in these cells. Moreover, we noticed a certain proportion of acentriolar cells in 4 other 1182 lines. The lack of centrioles previously found only in the 1182-4 cells seems therefore not accidental and should be linked to their particular origin.  相似文献   

Fs(2)1 is a germ-line dependent dominant female sterile mutation of Drosophila melanogaster. Fs(2)1 heterozygous females deposit very few abnormal eggs (collapsed, with malformed chorion). The degeneration of egg primorida starts around the end of egg maturation. Mitotic recombination mapping locates Fs(2)1 in a distal region of the left arm of the 2nd chromosome. Fs(2)1 is a good tool for studying germ-line functions (by the dominant female sterile technique) because the frequency of germ-line mosaicism exceeds 20% upon irradiation of adult females. Salivary gland polytene chromosomes of Fs(2)1 and the revertant heterozygous larvae appear normal.  相似文献   

Summary Pole cell transplantations were used to construct germ line mosaics of the Drosophila melanogaster maternal effect mutant mat(3)1. The mutant is of particular interest since the development of embryos derived from homozygous mat(3)1 females is arrested at the pole cell stage. Such embryos form exclusively pole cells and no blastoderm cells. By means of germ line mosaics we could demonstrate the primary target tissue of mutant gene expression. For normal development the mat(3)1 +gene has to be expressed in the germ line. Pole cells formed in defective embryos derived from homozygous mutant mothers were transplanted into normal recipient embryos to test their developmental potential. Heterozygous mat(3)1 pole cells were found to form fertile gametes in both sexes whereas homozygous mat(3)1 pole cells form fertile gametes only in males. The lack of progeny derived from homozygous mat(3)1 donor pole cells in recipient females further demonstrates the germ line autonomy of the mat(3)1 mutation. Pole cells from defective embryos that are transplanted into normal hosts colonize the gonads with the same frequency as donor pole cells derived from normal embryos. This indicates that mat(3)1 derived pole cells are normal with respect to their function as germ cells and that the mat(3)1 mutant might therefore offer a convenient source for the mass isolation of functional pole cells.  相似文献   

Abstract Parasites can exert a wide range of negative effects on their hosts. Consequently, hosts that can resist infection should have a selective advantage over nonresistant conspecifics. Yet, host populations remain susceptible to some parasites. Could genetic heterogeneity in the host's ability to resist parasites reflect costs of mounting an immune response? Previous work on Drosophila melanogaster establishes that maintaining the ability to mount an immune response decreases larval competitive ability. Moreover, mounting an immune response decreases fitness. I report on the impact of mounting an immune response on fitness of D. melanogaster survived parasitism by Asobara tabida. I used isofemale lines to determine whether genotype influences the costs of immune response. I examined fitness consequences both to larvae and adults. Survivors of parasitism show no measurable decrease in larval fitness (development time) but have decreased adult fitness (population growth rates), probably because of their smaller size.  相似文献   

Endolyn (CD164) is a sialomucin that regulates the proliferation, adhesion, and migration of human haematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. This molecule is predominately localized in endocytotic compartments, where it may contribute to endolysosomal biogenesis and trafficking. In order to more closely define the function of endolyn from an evolutionary view-point, we first analyzed endolyn orthologs in species ranging from insects, fish, and birds to mammals. The predicted molecular structures of the endolyn orthologs from these species are well conserved, particularly with respect to significant O-linked glycosylation of the extracellular domain, and the high degree of amino acid similarities within their transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains, with the latter possessing the lysosomal target signal, YXXphi. Focusing on Drosophila, our studies showed that the subcellular distribution of endolyn in non-polarized Drosophila S2 cells resembles that of its human counterpart in hematopoietic cells, with its predominant localization being within intracellular vesicles, while a small fraction occurs on the cell surface. Both Y --> A and L --> A mutations in the YHTL motif perturbed the normal subcellular distribution of Drosophila endolyn. Interestingly, embryonic and early larval development was often arrested in endolyn-deficient Drosophila mutants. This may partly be due to the role of endolyn in regulating cell proliferation, since knock-down of endolyn expression in S2 cells resulted in up to 50% inhibition of cell growth, with a proportion of cells undergoing apoptosis. Taken together, these results demonstrate that endolyn is an evolutionarily conserved sialomucin fundamentally involved in cell proliferation in both the human and Drosophila melanogaster.  相似文献   

The sex-linked mutation fs(1)42 was induced by ethyl methane sulfonate. It has no effect on either the external morphology or longevity of adult hemizygotes or homozygotes. Heterozygotes and hemizygotes are fertile, but homozygotes are sterile. Egg chamber development proceeds through stages 8, and thereafter chambers degenerate. Dying follicle cells are seen in chambers at all positions in the ovarioles. Profollicle cells also die within germaria, and clusters of sister cystocytes take longer than normal to receive their coverings of follicle cells. Egg chambers in the vitellarium contain only about 60% the normal number of follicle cells, these generally have greater lateral dimensions, and their nuclei and nucleoli are also larger than normal. The follicular envelope of mutant chambers often contains gaps through which cystocytes send cytoplasmic projections. Abnormalities seen in development of the fs(1)42 oocyte are likely to be due to its envelope of defective follicle cells.  相似文献   

The I(1)fdg mutation demonstrates two separate phases of lethality, depending on developmental conditions. At 32–33°C, an embryonic lethality is expressed whereas at lower temperatures a larval-pupal lethality is observed. This larval-pupal lethality characteristically produces noncondensed, curved puparia, and since the contraction of the pupa depends on strong muscular contraction, this phase of lethality implicates some involvement of abnormal musculature. The embryonic expression of I(1)fdg at 32–33°C is the subject of this study. In these embryos, which are alive but immobile (incapable of hatching), the fibrillar organization and fiber morphology of the somatic musculature varies from being apparently normal to being grossly abnormal. While the abnormalities appear as unusual distributions of fiber organelles, abnormal convolutions of the muscle fibers, and disorganizations of fibrillar components, it seems most probable that the underlying defect ultimately responsible resides in some system essential for Z body alignment and sarcomere formation. Accompanying the embryonic lethality, certain abnormalities in midgut development are observed which at present do not appear to be related to the defects observed in the somatic muscle.  相似文献   

In order to know when the protein of Xenopus vasa homolog ( Xenopus vasa -like gene 1, XVLG1 ) first appears in germ line cells and whether the protein is also present in somatic cells as is vasa protein in Drosophila , the spatio-temporal distribution of the protein in Xenopus embryos was carefully investigated by fluorescent microscopy. Part of the observation was performed by whole-mount immunocytochemistry and immunoblotting. A distinct fluorescence of XVLG1 protein was first recognized in a juxta-nuclear location of germ line cells or presumptive primordial germ cells (pPGC) at stage 12 (late gastrula) and remained associated with the pPGC or primordial germ cells (PGC) throughout the following stages until stage 46 (feeding tadpole). In contrast, weak fluorescence was seen in the animal hemisphere rather than in the vegetal hemisphere of cleaving embryos and in the perinuclear region of somatic cells at stages 10–42 (early gastrula to young tadpole), respectively. Nearly the same pattern as revealed by fluorescence was seen by whole-mount immunocytochemistry, except that a small amount of XVLG1 protein seemed to be present in the germ plasm and pPGC of embryos earlier than stage 12. The presence of the protein in the somatic cells and the PGC was also shown by immunoblotting.  相似文献   

Drosophila (Sophophora) subpulchrella Takamori and Watabe, sp. nov., of the D. suzukii subgroup in the D. melanogaster species group, is described from Japan and southern China, and compared with its sibling species, D. pulchrella Tan et al. distributed in the Yun‐Gui Highland, south‐western China. The results of cross‐experiments show a complete pre‐mating isolation between D. subpulchrella and D. pulchrella.  相似文献   

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