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The red colored product, which was identified as a chlorpromazine (CPZ) free radical, was observed in the reaction of CPZ with the vanadate ion (+5 oxidation state). The product and the mechanism for the reaction were characterized from optical and EPR spectrometries. Optimal conditions for generation of the free radical were determined as reaction time within one minute of pH 6 and free radical stabilizing time of 30 minutes by acidifying with HCl. Under these conditions, the stoichiometry for the reaction was found to be 1:1, indicating the involvement of one electron transfer from CPZ to the vanadate ion to form the free radical and vanadyl ion (+4 oxidation state). A possible reaction scheme was proposed:
The implications of this reaction were discussed with regard to the pharmacological action of the vanadate ion and CPZ.  相似文献   

The Schiff base N-(2-hydroxy-3-carboxy-1-naphthylidine)-4-methyl-2-sulphonic acid aniline (bonsaH3) has been found to react with a range of divalent metal ions (Mg2+, Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+ and Zn2+ and UO22+ to give red-yellow insoluble complexes (bonsaH)m(H2O)n. The solid state diffuse reflectance spectra of all the complexes have an intense visible band at ca. 470 nm. This fact, together with evidence from infrared spectra and room-temperature magnetic-moment measurements, suggests that in all cases the ligand is coordinated to the metal ion in the solid state in the enol-iminium zwitterionic form. The 1H NMR spectra of the Mg2+ and Zn2+ complexes in DMSO-d6 indicate that a different structure is adopted in this solvent. Comparisons with the spectra of bonsa-H3 and (bonsa-H2)K·H2O suggest that the solution structure is that of an enol-imine.  相似文献   

Reactions of benzo[a]pyrene 1,6-dione with t-butylthiolate affords two products of conjugate addition and subsequent spontaneous reoxidation, namely, 2-t-butylthio- and 2,4-di-t-butylthiobenzo[a]pyrene 1,6-dione. Analogous reaction of benzo[a]pyrene 3,6-dione furnished only 12-t-butylthiobenzo[a]pyrene 3,6-dione. Structural assignments are based on analysis of the high-resolution 270-MHz Fourier-transform proton nmr spectra. In both products the attachment of the entering nucleophile is on an aromatic ring remote from either of the carbonyl groups, the first examples of such detected. The biological significance of these results with relation to the potential reactions of these quinones, known to be major metabolites of the carcinogen benzo[a]pyrene, with glutathione, cysteine, and proteins in vivo is discussed.  相似文献   

The structure of 4′,4″-diethylstilbestrol quinone (DES quinone), a short-lived metabolic intermediate of the synthetic estrogen E-diethylstilbestrol (DES), was investigated by 13C- and 1H-nmr. Selected homonuclear decoupling experiments were carried out to identify the carbons and protons with which resonances were associated. The 1H-nmr spectrum of DES quinone remained unchanged in the temperature range from 25°C to 65°C. The spectral results suggested the structure of DES quinone to be planar or time-averaged planar with the exception of the freely rotating ethyl groups. The conformation of this intermediate was found to be transoid without any indication of conversion through a cisoid conformation. The similarity of the 1H-nmr spectrum of 3′,3″,-5′,5″-tetrafluoro-4′,4″-diethylstilbestrol quinone (TF-DES quinone) and that of the non-fluorinated parent suggested a high degree of structural similarity. The planar structures of the quinone intermediates differed from those of DES or Z,Z-dienestrol which were not coplanar with respect to the aromatic ring systems.  相似文献   

Formation of excited species such as singlet molecular oxygen during redox cycling (one-electron reduction-oxidation) was detected by low-level chemiluminescence emitted from perfused rat liver and isolated hepatocytes supplemented with the quinone, menadione (vitamin K3). Chemiluminescence was augmented when the two-electron reduction of the quinone catalyzed by NAD(P)H:quinone reductase was inhibited by dicoumarol, thus underlining the protective function of this enzyme also known as DT-diaphorase. Interference with NADPH supply by inhibition of energy-linked transhydrogenase by rhein or of mitochondrial electron transfer by antimycin A led to a depression in the level of photoemission. Unexpectedly, glutathione depletion of the liver led to a lowering of chemiluminescence elicited by menadione, whereas conversely the depletion of glutathione led to increased chemiluminescence levels when a hydroperoxide was added instead of the quinone. As the GSH conjugate of menadione, 2-methyl-3-glutathionyl-1,4-naphthoquinone, studied with microsomes, was shown also to be capable of redox cycling, we conclude that menadione-induced chemiluminescence of the perfused rat liver does not only arise from menadione itself but from the menadione-GSH conjugate as well. Therefore, the conjugation of the quinone with glutathione is not in itself of protective nature and does not abolish semiquinone formation. A biologically useful aspect of conjugate formation resides in the facilitation of biliary elimination from the liver. Nonenzymatic formation of the conjugate from menadione and GSH in vitro was found to be accompanied by the formation of aggressive oxygen species.  相似文献   

Mouse Ehrlich ascites tumor cells incubated with the creatine analog, N-ethylguanidinoacetate (N-amidino-N-ethylglycine), accumulated up to 8 μmol/g packed cells of the creatine-P analog, N-ethylguanidinoacetate-P. Evaluation of N-ethylguanidinoacetate-P as a synthetic phosphagen under in vivo conditions was performed with Ehrlich cells loaded with equimolar amounts of a common reference phosphagen, cyclocreatine-P (1-carboxymethyl-2-imino-3-phosphonoimidazolidine) plus either N-ethylguanidinoacetate-P or creatine-P. It was concluded that N-ethylguanidinoacetate-P has a Gibbs free energy of hydrolysis equal to that of creatine-P and 2 kcal/mol greater than that of cyclocreatine-P. The relative rates of utilization of intracellular phosphagens by Ehrlich cells when their ATP pools were depleted with 2-deoxyglucose were in the order: creatine-P > N-ethylguanidinoacetate-P > cyclocreatine-P. Dietary N-ethylguanidinoacetate was nontoxic even at very high levels to all animal systems tested. Feeding of 2% N-ethylguanidinoacetate to mice or chicks resulted in equimolar replacement of natural by synthetic phosphagen to the following extents: heart, 75%; leg muscle, 50%; and brain 10–25%. N-Ethylguanidinoacetate-P is the most active synthetic phosphagen thus far found to be accumulated by animal tissues.  相似文献   

Lapachol [2-hydroxy-3-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-1,4-naphthoquinone] has been shown to be a potent inhibitor of both vitamin K epoxide reductase and the dithiothreitol-dependent vitamin K quinone reductase of rat liver microsomes in vitro. These observations explain the anticoagulant activity of lapachol previously observed in both rats and humans. Lapachol inhibition of the vitamin K epoxide and quinone reductases resembled coumarin anticoagulant inhibition, and was observed in normal strain but not in warfarin-resistant strain rat liver microsomes. This similarity of action suggests that the lactone functionality of the coumarins is not critical for their activity. The initial-velocity steady-state inhibition patterns for lapachol inhibition of the solubilized vitamin K epoxide reductase were consistent with tight binding of lapachol to the oxidized form of the enzyme, and somewhat lower affinity for the reduced form. It is proposed that lapachol assumes a 4-enol tautomeric structure similar to that of the 4-hydroxy coumarins. These structures are analogs of the postulated hydroxyvitamin K enolate intermediate bound to the oxidized form of the enzyme in the chemical reaction mechanism of vitamin K epoxide reductase, thus explaining their high affinity.  相似文献   

Utilizing an electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spin-trapping technique it was demonstrated that the di- and triphosphate nucleotides of adenosine, cytidine, thymidine, and guanosine in the presence of Fe(II) catalyze hydroxyl free radical formation from H2O2. The triphosphate nucleotides in general were about 20% more effective than the diphosphate nucleotides. The amount of ?H produced from H2O2 as a function of nucleotide level tended to increase in a sigmoidal fashion beginning at a nucleotide/Fe(II) ratio of 2 but then rose rapidly up to a ratio of 5 at which point the increase became more gradual. The monophosphate nucleotides did not cause an increase in the amount of hydroxyl free radical produced from H2O2 over the low level obtained in the buffer system only. The cations, Mg2+ and Ca2+, even at much higher than physiological levels and much higher than the level of added Fe(II), did not cause a substantial diminution of the Fe(II)-nucleotide-catalyzed breakdown of H2O2 to yield ?H. A study of the time course of the effectiveness of Fe(II)-nucleotide-mediated ?H formation from H2O2 demonstrated that Fe(II) in the presence of nucleotides remained in an effective catalytic state with a halftime of about 160 s whereas in the absence of the nucleotides the halftime was 7.5 s. All observations indicate that Fe(II) ligates with di- and triphosphate nucleotides and remains in the ferrous state which is then capable of catalyzing ?H formation from H2O2; but with time, oxidation of the metal ion to the ferric state occurs, which either ligated to the nucleotide or to buffer ions, is ineffective in H2O2 catalysis to yield ?H. Iron-nucleotide complexes may be of importance in mediating oxygen free radical damage to biological systems. The observations presented here indicate that hydroxyl free radicals will be produced when H2O2 is present with ferrous-nucleotide complexes.  相似文献   

Both the iron-containing and the manganese-containing superoxide dismutases from Escherichia coli show diminished activity with increasing ionic strength, indicative of electrostatic facilitation of the catalyzed reaction. Since both enzymes bear a net negative charge at the assay pH, as does the substrate, this suggests a cationic locale in the active site region. Acetylation of the enzymes inverted their response to increasing ionic strength. It thus appears that lysine residues provide the observed electrostatic facilitation. A specific inhibition by large monovalent anions was observed with the iron-containing superoxide dismutase and was taken to indicate the presence of a cationic group, within a hydrophobic crevice, at the active site.  相似文献   

Polymer-bound nitridomolybdenum(VI) complexes, MoNCl3(polystyrene-bound bipyridyl) (I), MoNCl2(bpy)(polystyrene-bound benzylthiolato) (II), and MoNCl (S-t-Bu)(bpy)(polystyrene-bound benzylthiolato) (III), were synthesized by the reaction of MoNCl3(CH3CN)x or MoNCl3(bpy) with polystyrene-bound bipyridyl or benzylthiol. The polymer-bound nitridomolybdenum complexes were characterized by photo-acoustic and resonance Raman spectra. Hydrolysis or hydrolytic reduction of the nitridomolybdenum(VI) complexes resulted in the formation of ammonia in the following order of yield: III & II & I. Coordination of the polymer thiolato ligands is thus important in enhancing reductive cleavage of the nitridomolybdenum bond.  相似文献   

Rose bengal sensitizes photoinactivation of lipoamide dehydrogenase from pig heart to a constant residual reductase activity resulting from specific destruction of histidine residues. The rate of sensitized photoinactivation is pH dependent and is associated with an ionizable group with pK 6.6 ± 0.2. All steady-state kinetic parameters are markedly reduced by photooxidation. Spectroscopic studies indicate the contribution of oxidized flavin/dithiol to the half-reduced form of the photooxidized enzyme. The proton magnetic resonance spectrum of lipoamide dehydrogenase shows resolved histidine C2 proton peak at δ9.18 ppm and a shoulder at δ9.23 ppm. The shoulder protons are eliminated by the sensitized photooxidation and shifted upfield on deprotonation. At high pH, the characteristic Faraday A term also disappears. These observations suggest that the essential histidine stabilizes the nascent thiolate via the ion pair formation to facilitate the reductase reaction catalyzed by lipoamide dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

Ferredoxin-NADP reductase accounts for about 50% of the NADPH diaphorase activity of spinach leaf homogenates. The enzyme is bound to thylakoid membranes, but can be slowly extracted by aqueous buffers. Ferredoxin-NADP reductase can be extracted from the membranes by a 1- to 2-min treatment with a low concentration of trypsin. This treatment completely inactivates NADP photoreduction but does not affect electron transport from water to ferredoxin. It is shown that the inactivation is due to solubilization of ferredoxin-NADP reductase: the activity can be restored by addition of a very large excess of soluble enzyme in pure form. When ferredoxin-NADP reductase is added as a soluble enzyme after extraction or inactivation (by a specific antibody) of the membrane-bound enzyme, NADP photoreduction requires a very large excess of this enzyme, and the apparent Km for ferredoxin is also increased. These observations are discussed as related to the interactions of thylakoids with ferredoxin-NADP reductase.  相似文献   

An intact cell assay system, based on Tween-80 permeabilization can be used to investigate ribonucleotide reductase activity in a variety of mammalian cell lines. An important consideration in the use of intact cells is the presence of other nucleotide metabolizing activities. The influence of these activities on estimates of pyrimidine (CDP) and purine (ADP) reductase in permeabilized hamster cells has been examined. Studies on the incorporation of label from CDP and ADP into RNA indicated that a very small proportion of the reductase substrates was eventually incorporated into RNA during routine enzyme assays, and would have no detectable effect on activity estimates. The possibility that the products of the reaction (dCDP and dADP) were eventually phosphorylated and incorporated into DNA was also examined, and it was found that proper permeabilization of the cells eliminated or greatly reduced loss of deoxyribonucleotides to DNA. An analysis by HPLC of nucleotides present during CDP and ADP reductase reactions showed that various kinases and phosphatases were active in permeabilized cells, as all levels of phosphorylation of nucleotide substrates and allosteric effectors were detected. The base composition of the nucleotides added to the assay systems were not altered. Although movement of phosphates occurred during the assay, the concentrations of substrates quickly reached equilibrium (within 1 min) with their respective nucleosides and nucleotides, resulting in a relatively constant although reduced concentration of CDP or ADP substrates during the 20-min assay. Similarly the levels of allosteric effectors, ATP for pyrimidine and dGTP for purine reductase activities, declined within the first minute of the assays and quickly reached an equilibrium with their respective adenine or guanine containing nucleotides during most of the reaction time. Although useful approximations of intracellular reductase activity can be obtained without correcting for modified nucleotide concentrations, precise determinations can be calculated when these alterations are taken into consideration. For example, estimates of intracellular Km values for CDP closely resembled those reported with highly purified mammalian enzyme preparations in other studies. Clearly, the intact cell assay system provides worthwhile information about mammalian ribonucleotide reductase in its physiologically relevant environment.  相似文献   

Theoretical calculations are presented, describing the kinetics of reaction zone formation with radial diffusion of ligands over a receptor coated surface. Calculated concentration distributions of ligands diffusing radially over a receptor-coated surface are combined with different types of receptor-ligand reactions, taking place at the surface, in order to obtain theoretical relations between the initial concentration of ligand in the source, the diameter of the receptor-ligand reaction zone and reaction time. These relations are compared to experimental data, using bovine serum albumin (BSA) as immobilized receptor and anti-BSA antibodies as diffusing ligand. The theory predicts how the diffusion constant of the ligand and the detection level of the visualization method may be determined and how to discriminate between different kinetics of the receptor-ligand reaction. The practical use of the theory in experimental studies of receptor-ligand interaction is discussed.  相似文献   

The nature of the diamine plays a very critical role in stabilizing the cationic species [Pt(η2-C2H4)Cl(diamine)]+ containing a highly reactive olefin. Hence while N,N,N′,N′-tetramethyl-1,2-diaminoethane (tmen) gave a species isolatable in a pure form, N,N,N′,N′-tetramethyl-1,3-diaminopropane (tmpm) and unsubstituted 1,2-diaminoethane (en) were unable to act as bidentate and gave, as isolatable species, only complexes of the type cis-[Pt(η2-C2H4)Cl2(Hdiamine)]+ in which the diamine is protonated and acts as monodentate towards platinum. These results are explained in terms of greater conformational stability of five- versus six-membered chelate rings and of gem-dimethyl substituted towards unsubstituted ring systems (Thorpe-Ingold effect).  相似文献   

Stimulation of the rates of NAD(P)H oxidation, superoxide generation, and hydrogen peroxide formation by three anthracenedione antineoplastic agents in the presence of NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase, NADH dehydrogenase, or rabbit hepatic microsomes was studied and the results compared with those obtained for the anthracyclines Adriamycin and daunorubicin. In all cases the anthracenediones, including mitoxantrone and ametantrone, were significantly (5- to 20-fold) less effective than the anthracyclines in stimulating NAD(P)H oxidation, superoxide formation, or hydrogen peroxide production. Of the three anthracenediones studied, the ring-monohydroxylated compound showed the greatest activity followed by the ring-dihydroxylated derivative (mitoxantrone). In contrast, the non-ring-hydroxylated anthracenedione (ametantrone) was a relatively ineffective electron acceptor and inhibited the reduction of more effective acceptors such as Adriamycin. Michaelis-Menten kinetic constants were determined by analysis of the rates of NADPH oxidation. NADP+ and 2'-AMP inhibited the reduction of the ring-hydroxylated anthracenediones and anthracyclines, demonstrating the enzymatic nature of the reaction. The non-ring-hydroxylated anthracenedione inhibited the reduction of Adriamycin by both P-450 reductase and NADH dehydrogenase with 50% inhibition achieved at approximately 300 microM. Thus, there appears to exist a structural relationship between anthracenedione ring hydroxylation and metabolic activation. These results also suggest that the relative inability of the anthracenediones to function as artificial electron acceptors in comparison to the anthracyclines may be correlated with diminished anthracenedione cardiotoxicity.  相似文献   

Some properties of various preparations of solubilized 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase from rat liver are described. One, prepared by solubilization with deoxycholate, has been brought to a level of purity such that only a sińgle component is detected by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. A second preparation, solubilized by high salt concentration and heat treatment, has also been purified to a high level of purity so that only minor contaminants are detected. The deoxycholate-solubilized 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase has a molecular weight of 197,000–202,000. Electrophoresis of both preparations treated with mercaptoethanol on polyacrylamide gels in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate revealed one band with a molecular weight of 65,000. The data are consistent with the trimeric structure consisting of three polypeptide chains of apparently identical molecular weight. An antiserum to the deoxycholate-solubilized preparation has been prepared. Despite major differences among these preparations in specific activity, in stability to cold, and in the requirement of high salt concentration for preservation, both samples react in the same manner to the antibody and are immunologically indistinguishable. A preparation solubilized by freeze-thawing also reacts with the antiserum. Possible reasons for the variations in specific activity are considered, and it is concluded that specific activity changes cannot be reliably related to protein concentration unless the protein is isolated.Application of the immunological assay to an analysis of the effect of feeding cholestyramine to rats shows that compared to normals the diurnal cycle is unchanged but the rate of enzyme protein synthesis in the cholestyramine-fed rats is greatly accelerated. However, the first-order rate constant for degradatation of enzyme protein remains essentially unchanged throughout the falling phases of the cycle. The specific activity relationships of the enzyme protein of cholestyramine-fed rats appear to be altered when compared to that of normally fed controls.  相似文献   

The formation constants for complexes of copper(II) with GHL have been determined by means of pH titrations and ESR spectroscopy in aqueous solutions. GHL has an extremely high affinity for copper(II) and forms very stable 1:1 complexes and a comparatively weak 1:2 complex. The ? amino group of GHL seems not to be involved in complex formation as can be deducted from both equilibrium constants and ESR spectroscopy. The ternary system copper(II)-GHL-HSA was investigated by ESR spectroscopy and optical absorption spectroscopy in aqueous solution at physiological pH (7.4). At equimolar concentrations, copper(II), HSA and GHL form a ternary complex.  相似文献   

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