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In this paper, we discussed the influence of a plasmonic lens with V-shaped metallic subwavelength slits and variant periods on transmission properties. In order to analyze the influence, a finite-difference time-domain numerical algorithm was adopted for computational numerical simulation of the plasmonic structures. The structures are flanked with the penetrated slits through a metal (Ag) film which is coated on a quartz substrate. Our simulation results demonstrated that different cone angles originated from the V-shaped slits generate different influences on the beam propagation. The width variation affects the intensity significantly. The cone angles formed by the V-shaped slits can change the focusing performance. These results are very encouraging for future study of the plasmonic lens-based applications. 相似文献
Tuning effect of different polarization states was presented in this paper. It can be realized by a plasmonic lens constructed
with elliptical pinholes ranging from submicron to nanoscales distributed in variant period along radial direction. Propagation
properties of the lens illuminated under four different polarization states: linear, elliptical, radial, and cylindrical vector
beam, were calculated and analyzed combining with finite-difference time-domain algorithm. Different focusing performances
of the lens were illustrated while the polarized light passes through the pinholes. Our calculation results demonstrate that
polarization effect of the elliptical pinholes-based plasmonic lens can generate high transmission intensity and sharp focusing
for our proposed specific structures. Beam focal region, position, and transmission intensity distribution can be tailored
by the four polarization states. 相似文献
A plasmonic lens constructed with elliptical pinholes ranging from micron to nanoscales distributed in variant periods along
the radial direction was presented. Our computational numerical calculation results demonstrated that an ultra-enhanced lasing
effect exists while linear polarized plane wave illuminates and passes through the pinholes. The lasing effect can extend
the longitudinal focal region and reach as long as 12 μm along the propagation direction. Benefiting from the lasing effect,
depth of focus with extraordinarily elongated length (three orders of magnitude in comparison to that of the conventional
microlenses) is generated accordingly. Undoubtedly, it may be helpful for practical applications such as data storage, photolithography,
and bioimaging. 相似文献
The focusing effect of the plasmonic nanolens is studied systematically. The influence of different construction parameters including the size of the central hole, the ring width of the surrounding concentric grating, the thickness of the metal film, and the distance of the central hole to grating has been simulated by rigorous finite difference time domain method and analyzed. It is found that the intensity of the central nano-spot is linearly proportional to the size of the central hole and inversely linearly proportional to the thickness of the metal film. In addition, the intensity of the lobes can be suppressed effectively by reducing the ring width down to a quarter of plasmon wavelength to achieve a better focusing effect. The influence of the distance of central hole to grating is a little bit complex, but generally, the intensity for the distance of (2 n − 1)/2 plasmon wavelength is larger than the case of the distance of nλ SP. The simulation results can be a general guide for the design of plasmonic nanolenses. 相似文献
To experimentally demonstrate the subwavelength focusing of depth-tuned or non-depth-tuned plasmonic lenses, we first designed this type of lens using diffraction-coupling-angle based method, then fabricated the structure in gold thin film with focused ion beam, and finally characterized its focusing behavior using near-field scanning optical microscope. It is found that this type of lens has a resolution limit on the focal plane due to the field represented by angular spectrum having a cut-off frequency, while at the near field the lens has sub-diffraction limit focusing capability due to the existence of high-angular-frequency components in the field. 相似文献
An elliptical nano-pinhole structure-based plasmonic lens was designed and investigated experimentally by means of focused
ion beam nanofabrication, atomic force microscope imaging, and scanning near-field optical microscope (NSOM). Two scan modes,
tip scan and sample scan, were employed, respectively, in our NSOM measurements. Both the scan modes have their characteristics
while probing the plasmonic lenses. Our experimental results demonstrated that the lens can realize subwavelength focusing
with elongated depth of focus. This type of lens can be used in micro-systems such as micro-opto-electrical–mechanical systems
for biosensing, subwavelength imaging, and data storage. 相似文献
In this paper, the polarization effects on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) in azimuthally rotated 2D square lattice plasmonic
crystal (PCL) are reported. By controlling the polarization angle ( α) of the incoming beam, the SPR coupling strength can be fully enhanced when optimized α is used for different momentum lattice vectors ( x-, y-axis and diagonal direction). This value can be obtained by adjusting the polarization angle until the deepest dip in SPR
reflectivity spectrum can be observed. This will lead to a much easier way for determining the optimum surface plasmon polariton
excitation condition for each crystal momentum in 2D PCL. 相似文献
The generation efficiency of surface plasmon polaritons at metallic nanoslit is theoretically analyzed, and a novel plasmonic lens with two semiannular nanoslits is proposed in this paper. Based on the analysis results, the focusing performance of the proposal is optimized with a maximum field intensity enhancement factor of 7.69 and the full width at half maximum is 132 nm (~0.2 λ i), far beyond theoretical diffraction limit. Meanwhile, some other classical plasmonic lenses are also optimized through improving generation efficiency of surface plasmon polaritons at nanoslit and the focusing performances are consequently greatly enhanced. 相似文献
The scattering spectra and intensity of gold nanorods placed at varied distances above gold films have been simulated and measured under various conditions, demonstrating that scattering characteristics of the nanorod-film system are highly dependent on illumination conditions. Studying the surrounding electric fields of nanorods reveals that the illumination-dependent properties of the system are induced by the interference in the nanorod-film system. Both simulations and experiments show that optimising the nanorod-film distance can greatly enhance scattering magnitudes up to ~20 times for certain illumination conditions. We propose an application of the studied system in facilitating photo-thermal conversion. 相似文献
Plasmonics - An ultra-broadband single polarization filter based on plasmonic photonic crystal fiber with a liquid crystal core is investigated using the full-vectorial finite element method.... 相似文献
PurposeTo compare the visual performance of multifocal intraocular lenses (IOLs) and monofocal IOLs made of the same material. MethodsThe subjects included patients implanted with either Tecnis® monofocal IOLs (ZA9003 or ZCB00) or Tecnis® multifocal IOLs (ZMA00 or ZMB00) bilaterally. We conducted a retrospective study comparing the two types of IOLs. The multifocal group included 46 patients who were implanted with Tecnis® multifocal IOLs bilaterally. The monofocal group was an age- and sex-matched control group, and included 85 patients who were implanted with Tecnis® monofocal IOLs bilaterally. Lens opacity grading, the radius of corneal curvature, corneal astigmatism, axial length and the refractive status were measured preoperatively. Pupil size, ocular aberrometry, distance, intermediate and near visual acuity, contrast sensitivity with and without glare and the responses to a quality-of-vision questionnaire were evaluated pre- and postoperatively. ResultsThe uncorrected near visual acuity was significantly better in the multifocal group, whereas both the corrected intermediate and near visual acuity were better in the monofocal group. Contrast sensitivity (with and without glare) was significantly better in the monofocal group. The rate of spectacle dependency was significantly lower in the multifocal group. There were no significant differences between the two groups regarding most items of the postoperative quality-of-vision questionnaire (VFQ-25), with the exception that the patients in the monofocal group reported fewer problems with nighttime driving. ConclusionsThe multifocal IOLs used in this study reduced spectacle dependency more so than monofocal IOLs and did not compromise the subjective visual function, with the exception of nighttime driving. 相似文献
Deep-subwavelength guiding and superfocusing of spoof surface plasmon polaritons (SSPPs) realized on a helically grooved metal wire at microwave frequencies are presented in this paper. Two smooth bridges with gradient helical grooves decorated on the cylindrical and conical metal wire are proposed and designed, respectively. High-efficiency and broadband mode conversion from the traditional guided waves to the SSPPs and superfocusing of SSPPs are reported. Numerical simulations quantitatively show that the amplitudes of electric field at the tip of the conical wire with gradient helical grooves can be magnified 50 times more than that of the input signal in broadband. Moreover, the second transition structure ensures that the depth of helical groove can be tuned flexibly and arbitrarily, making it compatible with all kinds of N-type coaxial connectors. Strong field concentration and superfocusing of these two structures can be easily extended to terahertz (THz) frequencies by tuning the geometrical parameters and can find important applications in sensing, spectroscopy and near-field imaging in the microwave and THz frequencies. 相似文献
In this paper, the effect of radial anisotropy on optical bistability in the cylindrical nanoshells is theoretically investigated within the quasi-static approximation. We consider two cases: when the shell is anisotropic and the core is nonlinear metal and when the core is anisotropic and the shell is a nonlinear metal. The dependence of optical bistability on the size of the nonlinear/anisotropic shell or core, the embedding medium, the anisotropy parameter, and the type of noble metals as candidates for plasmonics is studied and demonstrated. We show that by changing the type of the plasmonic metal, the switching threshold field changes can be used to design nanoparticle-based all-optical sensors. It is also shown that significant optical bistability and all-optical switching behavior can be obtained in the cylindrical nanoshells due to nonlinearity enhancement via the plasmonic structure. 相似文献
In this paper, we examine the plasmonic properties of silver nanoparticles, with an emphasis on the sensitivity of the extinction
spectra on the supporting substrate: silica (SiO 2) microsphere and indium tin oxide (ITO) coated glass slide, on which silver particles are deposited electroless and electrochemically,
respectively. The microstructures and phases of these nanoparticles are characterized by transmission electron microscopy,
field emission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis. The surface plasmon resonance (SPR) properties which are
experimentally measured in the ultraviolet-visible-near infrared spectral region are compared to electrodynamics calculations
based on the discrete dipole approximation. A wide SPR band ranging from 400 to 800 nm is observed for the silver nanoparticles
on a silica microsphere, which is similar to the plasmon resonance characteristics of metal nanoshells. The SPR of a conducting
substrate, however, has an effect on the plasmonic properties of silver nanoparticles at longer wavelength.
This paper reports on a systematic study of the plasmonic properties of periodic arrays of gold cylindrical nanoparticles in contact with a gold thin film. Depending on the gold film thickness, it observes several plasmon bands. Using a simple analytical model, it is able to assign all these modes and determine that they are due to the coupling of the grating diffraction orders with the propagating surface plasmons travelling along the film. With finite difference time domain (FDTD) simulations, it demonstrates that large field enhancement occurs at the surface of the nanocylinders due to the resonant excitation of these modes. By tilting the sample, it also observes the evolution of the spectral position of these modes and their tuning through nearly the whole visible range is possible. Such plasmonic substrates combining both advantages of the propagative and localised surface plasmons could have large applications in enhanced spectroscopies. 相似文献
Many organisms overlap in their use of resources in space and time. Where and when resources are restricted, species must compete for them. Living space, often a critical resource controlling food and mate availability, is directly contested by organisms in most habitats. The ensuing animal interactions generally result in a winner gaining space and a loser, which may die. Contact matrices from studies of interference competition in encrusting marine Bryozoa (clonal and colonial animals), spanning at least 60 degrees latitude in both hemispheres, were analysed and subjected to a modern transitivity index. Only data for Bryozoa were used because (i) use of a single taxon with restricted ecology simplifies the scope for types of encounters, (and therefore) interpretation; and (ii) ecological bias is reduced because bryozoans are abundant at all latitudes. The analysis shows that assemblage competition is more hierarchical towards both poles. Thus, poorer competitors fail more frequently in interactions with increasing latitude. The cause of this trend is the simplification of overall outcomes between competitors, such as fewer ties, reversals in outcome or competitive loops (where low-ranking competitors beat those of higher ranking). The implication of such a trend is that the maintenance of biological diversity at high latitudes may principally be by physical rather than biological (competition) processes. Certainly, ocean surface energy increases with latitude through wind and wave action (and ice scour in polar regions). 相似文献
Plasmonics - A novel plasmonic nanolaser is proposed based on a heptamer of silver nanoparticles surrounded by gain material. Optical properties of the proposed laser are analyzed using the finite... 相似文献