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Partitioning of exogenously supplied U-14C-saccharose into primary metabolic pool as sugars, amino acids, and organic acids was analyzed and simultaneous utilization for production of alkaloid by leaf, stem, and root in twigs and rooted plants of Catharanthus roseus grown in hydroponic culture medium was determined. Twigs revealed comparable distribution of total 14C label in leaf and stem. Stems contained significantly higher 14C label in sugar fraction and in alkaloids [47 kBq kg−1(DM)] than leaf. In rooted plants, label in 14C in metabolic fractions in root such as ethanol-soluble, ethanol-insoluble, and chloroform-soluble fractions and in components such as sugars, amino acids, and organic acids were significantly higher than in stems and leaves. This was related with significantly higher content of 14C in alkaloids in stems and leaves. 14C contents in sugars, amino acids, and organic acids increased from leaf to stem and roots. Roots are the major accumulators of metabolites accompanied by higher biosynthetic utilization for alkaloid accumulation.  相似文献   

Light stimulates the synthesis of amaranthin in Amaranthus caudatus var. viridis. Evidence suggests that this stimulation is markedly dependent on seedling age. Synthesis is controlled by both a “low-energy” red/far-red reversible phytochrome system and an HER at least partially under phytochrome control. In seedlings exposed to light, synthesis is promoted by exogenously applied DOPA and tyrosine. It is suggested that at least two light-promoted reactions occur in the biosynthetic pathway; one between tyrosine and DOPA and a second between DOPA and amaranthin.  相似文献   

研究了外源甜菜碱对恶臭假单胞菌(Pseudomonas putida)DLL-1耐盐性的影响并对其渗透保护机制进行了初步的探讨;结果表明培养基中添加甜菜碱可以改善DLL-1细胞在高盐培养基中的生长情况,添加150mg/L的甜菜碱可以使DLL-1在1.2mol/L NaCl的基础盐培养基中生长,添加10mg/L的甜菜碱就足以显著缩短渗透胁迫条件下DLL-1细胞的延滞期和代时,增加生长量;和不添加对照相比,延滞期由24h缩短到6h,代时由60min缩短到35.7min,最大生长量OD610由1.29增长到1.57。在渗透胁迫条件下,细胞从外界快速吸收外源甜菜碱来代替自身相容性溶质的合成。  相似文献   

Continuous treatment with spermidine or 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid stimulated ethylene production and ethylene-forming enzyme activity and accelerated chlorophyll breakdown in detached tobacco leaves. The treatments also induced the production of eleven major acidic pathogenesis-related proteins, which were also produced during the hypersensitive reaction to tobacco necrosis virus. A delay between the onset of the stimulated ethylene increase and the detection of PR-proteins was found; ethylene production was stimulated after a few hours of treatment, whereas one, three and all the eleven PR-proteins were detected by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of fluid extracts after 2, 4 and 6 days of treatments, respectively. The possible causal relationship between stimulation of ethylene production and PR-protein accumulation is discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to investigate the underlying molecular mechanisms of exogenously supplied trehalose affecting wheat photosynthesis under heat stress. The amount of ATP synthase (ATPase), oxygen-evolving enhancer protein (OEE), PsbP, Rubisco, chloroplast fructose-bisphosphate aldolase (FBPA), and ferredoxin-NADP(H) oxidoreductase (FNR) were downregulated, while PSI reaction center subunits were upregulated under heat stress. However, in the trehalose-pretreated groups, the amount of FNR, cytochrome b6f complex, PSI reaction center subunits, ATPase, FBPA, and Rubisco were upregulated under normal growth conditions and heat stress. Besides, during the recovery period, the upregulation in CAB, PsbP, OEE2, and ATPase suggested that trehalose pretreatment might help to the recovery of PSII and PSI. These results indicate that trehalose pretreatment effectively regulates the levels of the photosynthesis-related proteins and relieves the damage of heat stress to wheat chloroplast.  相似文献   

Following germination of the castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) seed, levels of phytin decline in both the endosperm and the embryo. However, as seedling growth continues, phytin increase in the latter to a level exceeding that present in the mature dry embryo, while phytin declines concomitantly in the endosperm. It is likely that phosphate mobilized from phytin in the endosperm acts as a substrate for phytin synthesis in the embryo. This is supported by the observation that isolated embryos supplied with phosphate accumulate phytin, particularly in the cotyledons. This increase is enhanced whenmyo-inositol is provided concurrently as a carbon source. Phytin synthesis in the cotyledons of the isolated embryos can occur without the attached axis. Whether initially exposed to exogenous phosphate or not, the isolated cotyledons remain competent in their ability to synthesize phytin for an extended post-germinative period, even though the major reserves are being mobilized at this time.  相似文献   

The isotope ratios in geraniol, citronellol and citronellal biosynthesized in Cymbopogon winterianus from 3H- and 14C-labelled mevalonate indicate that geraniol is first converted into citronellol which in turn is converted into citronellal.  相似文献   

A. Fusseder  P. Ziegler 《Planta》1988,173(1):104-109
[3H]Dihydrozeatin supplied to photoautotrophically growing cell suspension cultures of Chenopodium rubrum was rapidly taken up and metabolized by the cells. The predominant metabolites in extracts of the cells were [3H]dihydrozeatin-O-glucoside and [3H]dihydrozeatin riboside-O-glucoside. Both these compounds could be shown to be compartmented within the vacuole, whereas [3H]dihydrozeatin and [3H]dihydrozeatin riboside, which were both present to a minor extent in cell extracts, were both present to a minor extent in cell extracts, were localized predominantly outside the vacuole. Analysis of the culture medium at the end of the 36-h incubation period showed that there had been an efflux of [3H]dihydrozeatin metabolites out of the cells. Whereas [3H]dihydrozeatin riboside was found to be the major extracellular [3H]dihydrozeatin metabolite, the O-glucosides of neither this compound nor [3H]dihydrozeatin could be detected in the medium. The differential compartmentation of [3H]dihydrozeatin metabolites found with the C. rubrum suspension-culture system is discussed with respect to possible mechanisms governing the metabolism of cytokinins in plants cells.Abbreviations (diH)Z dihydrozeatin - (diH) [9R]Z 9--D-ribofuranosyl dihydrozeatin - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - ODS octododecyl silica - PEP phosphoenolyruvate  相似文献   

Isoflavone reductase (IFR) from alfalfa catalyzes the NADPH-dependent reduction of 2'-hydroxy isoflavones to 2'-hydroxyisoflavanones such as vestitone, thereby performing a key step in isoflavonoid phytoalexin biosynthesis. Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Xanthi) was transformed with an alfalfa cDNA encoding IFR regulated by an enhanced cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter and used to generate cell suspension cultures. Transformed cells expressed high levels of IFR activity and could take up 2'-hydroxyformononetin (2'OHF; IFR substrate) and convert it to vestitone. Both 2'OHF and vestitone were each converted to two sugar conjugates. The structure of the most abundant vestitone conjugate was determined using NMR spectroscopic analysis to be a novel vestitone 2'-O-glucoside. Liquid chromatography-mass spectroscopy (LC-MS) indicated that the molecular weights of the three less abundant conjugates were consistent with hexose conjugates of vestitone and 2'OHF. The IFR reduction and conjugation reactions were complete within 4 h, with the net percentage conversion of 2'OHF to vestitone ranging as high as 60%.  相似文献   

Evoked release of glutamate and aspartate from cultured cerebellar granule cells was studied after preincubation of the cells in tissue culture medium with glucose (6.5 mM), glutamine (1.0 mM),d[3H] aspartate and in some cases aminooxyacetate (5.0 mM) or phenylsuccinate (5.0 mM). The release of endogenous amino acids and ofd-[3H] aspartate was measured under physiological and depolarizing (56 mM KCl) conditions both in the presence and absence of calcium (1.0 mM), glutamine (1.0 mM), aminooxyacetate (5.0 mM) and phenylsuccinate (5.0 mM). The cellular content of glutamate and aspartate was also determined. Of the endogenous amino acids only glutamate was released in a transmitter fashion and newly synthesized glutamate was released preferentially to exogenously suppliedd-[3H] aspartate, a marker for exogenous glutamate. Evoked release of endogenous glutamate was reduced or completely abolished by respectively, aminooxyacetate and phenylsuccinate. In contrast, the release ofd-[3H] aspartate was increased reflecting an unaffected release of exogenous glutamate and an increased psuedospecific radioactivity of the glutamate transmitter pool. Since aminooxyacetate and phenylsuccinate inhibit respectively aspartate aminotransferase and mitochondrial keto-dicarboxylic acid transport it is concluded that replenishment of the glutamate transmitter pool from glutamine, formed in the mitochondrial compartment by the action of glutaminase requires the simultaneous operation of mitochondrial keto-dicarboxylic acid transport and aspartate aminotransferase which is localized both intra- and extra-mitochondrially. The purpose of the latter enzyme apparently is to catalyze both intra- and extra-mitochondrial transamination of -ketoglutarate which is formed intramitochondrially from the glutamate carbon skeleton and transferred across the mitochondrial membrane to the cytosol where transmitter glutamate is formed. This cytoplasmic origin of transmitter glutamate is in aggreement with the finding thatd-[3H] aspartate readily labels the transmitter pool even when synthesis of endogenous transmitter is impaired in the presence of AOAA or phenylsuccinate.Special issue dedicated to Dr Elling Kvamme  相似文献   

Glutamine synthetase (GS) level is positively influenced by exogenously supplied sucrose in isolated pea roots (similarly as nitrate reductase - NR), glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) level negatively. Comparison with previous results shows that GS level decreases more slowly than NR level when sucrose is omitted from the medium; the rate of changes in GS level corresponds rather to that in GDH level. The increase in GDH level in the tips of isolated roots cultivated in the medium lacking sucrose stops after approx. 24 h, but continues for at least 72 h in more mature root parts. GS level decreases during the first 24 h in the tips of isolated roots (compared with roots of intact seedlings) cultivated both with sucrose and without it (without sucrose more), however it again rises in the course of further cultivation with sucrose. The differences in GS and GDH levels caused by omission of sucrose are small in isolated roots from which root tips were removed, the difference in NR level in decapitated roots is similar to that found in isolated roots with root tips left. Decapitated isolated roots cultivated without sucrose contain higher amounts of soluble sugars than corresponding roots with root tips left. These facts are dismissed with regard to sugar consumption, transport, and compartmentalisation, and with respect to production in root tips and other plant parts of unknown compounds involved in GS and GDH regulation. The results obtained suggest that GDH functions in pea roots in the deaminating direction.  相似文献   

Besides IAA, other compounds with auxin activity (of both indole and non-indole nature) can also cause an increase in glutamate dehydrogenase level in excised pea roots. The effect of these substances is probably not mediated by ethylene, depends on proteosynthesis, is independent of the regulatory effect of sugars and need not be influenced by the antagonism between auxins and cytokinins.  相似文献   

A stimulation of the abscisic acid (ABA)-induced increase in proline was observed in leaf segments of barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Georgie) if K+ or Na+ were supplied in the external medium as salts of monovalent anions such as NO3, Br, Cr and I, but not when sulphate or phosphate were used. To a lesser extent, the effect was evident also with RbCl, but it did not occur when chlorides of Li+. Cs+, NH4+, Mg:+ and Ca2+ were used. Both KC1 and NaCl in the concentration range 2–100 m M influence the ABA-dependent proline accumulation to the same extent; the increase induced was about 100% at 10 m M , and reached a maximum between 60 and 100 m M. The effect is not due to the osmotic activity of the salts and does not seem to depend on changes in K+ and Na+ levels within the leaf tissue, but it is somehow linked to their external concentration. The existence of a specific interaction between ABA and K+ or Na+, possibly at the cell membrane level, is proposed.  相似文献   

Larvicidal activity of Tagetes patula essential oil was tested against the fourth instar larvae of Aedes aegypti, Anopheles stephensi, and Culex quinquefaciatus. Five different concentrations of essential oil were studied and the results were compared with that of synthetic insecticide, malathion. A. aegypti (LC(50) 13.57, LC(90) 37.91) was most susceptible followed by An. stephensi (LC(50) 12.08, LC(90) 57.62) and C. quinquefaciatus (LC(50) 22.33, LC(90) 71.89).  相似文献   

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