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Summary Conditions and techniques for achieving good nodulation ofPhaseolus vulgaris L. in continuously aerated solution were developed from greenhouse experiments.If nodules had been established, their growth and activity and the growth of the plant were at least as good in solution culture as in gravel culture. Nodule formation was observed within 10 days of inoculation in small volumes of solution culture (1 liter). In large volumes (19 liters), similarly prompt nodulation occurred only if the plants were inoculated before or immediately after the seedlings were transferred to the solution from gravel or vermiculite; and the nodules were restricted to the roots that had been present at the time of transfer. Delayed inoculation, 2 days after transfer to large volume solutions, led to sparse nodulation observed only after 3 weeks. Delay or inhibition of nodulation in large volumes of solution could not be explained by failute of bacteria to colonize roots or by sparsity of root hairs.Nodule initiation in solution culture was severely inhibited at pH below 5.4. An additional problem in growing N2-dependent bean in solution culture was the buildup of Cl to toxic levels in the plant in nitrate-free media, even at solution concentrations as low as 0.4 mM Cl. Daily addition of 0.5 to 1.0 mg N per plant delayed nodule growth and activity slightly, but increased plant growth and alleviated the severe N-deficiency that otherwise developed before the onset of N2-fixation.  相似文献   

Summary In an experiment performed under greenhouse conditions usingPhaseolus vulgaris cv. Carioca inoculated withRhizobium strain CO5, effects of cotyledons and mineral nitrogen on the initial process of nitrogen assimilation were evaluated. Plants were maintained intact or had either both or half of both cotyledons removed six days after planting. Levels of mineral nitrogen corresponded to the addition of 0 or 1.5 mg N/plant/day three days before each of the four harvests (8, 10, 12 and 14 days after planting). Cotyledon removal generally decreased nodule number and dry weight and total nitrogenase activity, although there was no effect on specific nodule efficiency, but the nitrate reductase activity was increased in both shoots and roots. Mineral nitrogen decreased nodulation and nitrogenase activity when applied 9 and 11 days after planting, but increased shoot and root nitrate reductase activity and total nitrogen incorporation, indicating that plants could be nitrogen limited during the initial period of growth.
Resumen En un experimento realizado en invernadero conPhaseolus vulgaris, cv. Carioca, inoculado conRhizobium (cepa CO5) fue evaluado los efectos de los cotiledones y del nitrógeno mineral en el proceso inicial de la assimilación de N. Las plantas fueron mantenidas intactas o con la mitad o todos los cotiledones retirados a los 6 dias despues de la siembra (DDS). El N mineral fue aplicado en la dosis de 0 ó 1.5 mg N/planta/dia, 3 dias antes de cada una de los 4 casechas realizadas (8, 10, 12 y 14 DDS). La retirada de los cotiledones generalmente disminuyó el número y el peso seco de los nódulos y la actividad de la nitrogenase, mas não hubo influencia en la eficiencia específica de los nódulos. La actividad de la nitrato reductasa aumentó tanto en la parte aérea como en las raíces. El nitrógeno mineral disminuyó la nodulación y la actividad de la nitrogenasa cuando la aplicación ocurrió a los 9 y 11 DDS, mas aumentó la actividad de la nitrato reductasa de las raíces y de la parte aérea, asi como el contenido de N en la planta, indicando que estas podrian estar limitadas por nitrógeno en la fase inicial de crescimento.

Résumé Dans une expérimentation réalisée dans les conditions de serre au moyen dePhaseolus vulgaris cv Carioca inoculée avec la souche CO5 deRhizobium, on a évalué les effets de cotylédons et de l'azote minéral sur le processus initial de l'assimilation azotée. Les plants ont été soit maintenus intacts soit amputés des deux ou de la moitié des deux cotylédons, 6 jours après la plantation. Les teneurs en azote minéral correspondaient à l'ajout de 0 ou 1.5 mg d'azote par plant et par jour, trois jours avant chacune des 4 récoltes (8, 10, 12 et 14 jours après la plantation). L'amputation de cotyledon diminue d'une manière générale le nombre de nodules, le poids sec et l'activité totale de nitrogénase, bien qu'il n'y ait aucun effet sur l'efficience spécifique de nodule mais l'activité de nitrate réductase était augmentée tant dans les pousses que dans les racines. L'azote minéral a déterminé la nodulation et l'activité de nitrogénase lorsque l'application avait lieu les 9ème et 11ème jours après la plantation, mais elle a augmenté l'activité de nitrate réductase chez les pousses et les racines ainsi que l'incorporation totale d'azote, indiquant par là que la plante pouvait être limitée en azote durant la période initiale de croissance.

Addition of either abscisic acid (ABA) or kinetin at 10−6 M to salinized media (20–120mM NaCl) induced remarkable effects on growth ofPhaseolus vulgaris plants. Whereas ABA inhibited the plant growth and the rate of transpiration, kinetin induced stimulation of both parameters. Moreover, ABA increased proline and phosphorus concentrations in the salinized plants whilst kinetin decreased them. ABA induced stimulation of the transport of K, Ca and Cl from root to shoot, accumulation of K, Na and Cl in root cells and inhibits the transport of Na and accumulation of Ca. Kinetin appeared to inhibit the transport and accumulation of Na and Cl, transport of K, and stimulates the accumulation of K and Ca as well as the transport of Ca. The highest influence of both ABA and kinetin was mostly observed when these hormones were used in combination with the highest concentration of NaCl (120 mM) in the medium.  相似文献   

During light-induced greening of 10-dayold etiolated bean seedlings a strong increase is observed of ferredoxin (Fd) and of ferredoxin-NADP-oxidoreductase (FNR; E.C. activity, both known to reside in chloroplasts. The production of Fd starts immediately upon illumination and proceeds almost linearly for at least the next 72 h. It is inhibited by chloramphenicol (CAP) but not by cycloheximide (CHI), beit that in the presence of the latter Fd synthesis was impaired after 48 h of illumination. We conclude that for the elaboration of functional Fd in greening chloroplasts protein synthesis on chloroplast ribosomes is required. The increase of FNR activity shows a lag of about 24 h and is blocked by both CAP and CHI. When CAP is applied at 24 h after the illumination started it has no effect. We suggest that the synthesis of FNR on cytoplasmic ribosomes requires prior synthesis of protein(s) on chloroplast ribosomes.The nature of possible interactions between chloroplasts and cytoplasm is discussed.Abbreviations CAP D-threo-chloramphenicol - CHI cycloheximide - DCIP dichlorophenol-indophenol - DEAE diethylaminoethyl - Fd Ferredoxin - FNR ferredoxin-NADP-oxidoreductase - NAR nitrate reductase - NIR nitrite reductase  相似文献   

A technique which measures the change in 2-3H content of proteinwith time by racemization of the protein hydrolysate with aceticanhydride was employed to measure protein turnover in the primaryleaves of Phaseolus vulgaris var. The Prince. Plants were grownin liquid culture and the radioactivity was introduced throughthe roots in the form of tritiated water. Substantial quantitiesof 1H2O (1 mCi ml1), a 48 h exposure to 3H2O, togetherwith detopping of the plant (which stimulates resumption ofprotein synthesis as shown by a 3-fold increase, over normalplants, in 3H incorporated into different protein fractionsin the 24 h immediately following detopping) were required toobtain manageable amounts of label incorporated into matureleaves. Under these particular conditions the half-life, thetime required for half the protein molecules initially presentto be degraded, of chloroplast coupling factor (CF1) was estimatedas 1.53 d, of a total soluble protein fraction (TSP) as 1.9d, and of a chloroplast lamellae fraction as 7.65 d.  相似文献   

Brock TG  Cleland RE 《Planta》1990,182(3):427-431
Rapid cell enlargement in primary leaves of bean is induced by bright white light (WL), gibberellic acid (GA3) or the cytokinin N6-benzyladenine (BA). In previous studies it has been show that all three agents cause an increase in wall extensibility, although by different mechanisms. Here we examine the effects of the three growth promoters on the osmotic potential difference (delta Psi), the accumulation of solutes (delta TSC), the wall yield threshold (Y) and the growth potential (delta Psi -Y). With GA3 and BA, but not WL, there was a rapid decline in delta Psi as measured by the osmotic concentration of expressed sap. Unlike WL, neither GA3 nor BA promoted the accumulation of osmotic solutes. The decline in delta Psi, however, was apparently counteracted by a decline in Y since the growth potential, as measured by the external-osmoticum method, remained unchanged. It is concluded that WL, GA3 and BA all promote cell enlargement of bean leaves by increasing one cellular growth parameter, wall extensibility. Only WL, however, promotes osmotic adjustment during growth.  相似文献   

Carl A. K. Borrebaeck 《Planta》1984,161(3):223-228
The distribution of lectin in various tissues ofPhaseolus vulgaris L. (cv. red) has been investigated using a sensitive solid-phase enzyme immunoassay. Roots, leaves and stems from 3- to 4-week-old plants were screened for their lectin content; low levels could be detected in all organs, with a relative distribution of 37% in roots, 20% in leaves and 43% in stems. The lectin from stemsleaves and roots was then isolated from 5- to 6-week-old plants using extraction, salt fractionation and affinity chromatography on immobilized porcine thyroglobulin. A comparative study of the seed lectin and the lectin isolated from 5- to 6-week-old plants was made using hemagglutination, inhibition of hemagglutination, immunodiffusion, polyacrylamide and agarose electrophoresis. The results showed that lectin isolated from the different tissues was immunologically identical and exhibited the same subunit structure and similar isolectin composition as the seed lectin.Abbreviations EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - PHA phytohemagglutinin - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate  相似文献   

Effects of temperature and salinity on Vibrio cholerae growth   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Laboratory microecosystems (microcosms) prepared with a chemically defined sea salt solution were used to study effects of selected environmental parameters on growth and activity of Vibrio cholerae. Growth responses under simulated estuarine conditions of 10 strains of V. cholerae, including clinical and environmental isolates as well as serovars O1 and non-O1, were compared, and all strains yielded populations of approximately the same final size. Effects of salinity and temperature on extended survival of V. cholerae demonstrated that, at an estuarine salinity (25%) and a temperature of 10 degrees C, V. cholerae survived (i.e., was culturable) for less than 4 days. Salinity was also found to influence activity, as measured by uptake of 14C-amino acids. Studies on the effect of selected ions on growth and activity of V. cholerae demonstrated that Na+ was required for growth. The results of this study further support the status of V. cholerae as an estuarine bacterium.  相似文献   

Seeds of the beanPhaseolus vulgaris L. (Veltruská Saxa cultivar) were gathered gradually at different stages of development, starting at fertilization up to full maturity. Seeds were freeze-dried and the dry solid used for preparing extracts which were analyzed by immunoelectrophoresis for the presence of proteins resembling those contained in the cotyledons of a mature seed. Proteins from cotyledons of the first stages of development of bean seedlings were analyzed similarly. After a preparatory period, approximately from the second—third seed development stage, there is a period of intense protein synthesis that characterizes cotyledons of a mature seed. These proteins increase in quantity and are differentiated in quality up to maturity when a single antiserum detected a total of 12. After germination both the quantity and number of these proteins decreases. It was found that some proteins are metabolically more active, both during synthesis and cleavage. This holds e.g. for phaseolin during maturation, as well as during germination. In addition, phaseolin changes its electrophoretic mobility, which is apparently due to proteolytic hydrolysis of phaseolin molecules. During the last phase of maturation, viz. dehydration of seeds, some new proteins suddenly appear, apparently synthesized from pre-formed peptide chains. In the discussion the possibility is taken up that the beginning on the synthesis of specific proteins characteristic for mature seeds is the cause underlying the disturbances in the embryonal development of distant hybrids.  相似文献   

Summary Incubation of bean hook plasma membrane vesicles in the presence of L-[14C]ascorbate (ASC) resulted in a specific recovery of significant levels of the ligand with the vesicles. The strong decrease in radioactive ASC detected after hypotonic disruption of the vesicles or after an assay at 4 °C indicated that ASC was probably transported from the medium into the lumen of the membrane vesicles. The concentration kinetics of this presumptive transport process revealed a saturation curve which best fitted a biphasic model. Each phase in this model showed Michaelis-Menten type kinetics. The kinetic parameters for the different phases were calculated to be 14 and 79 M (K m1 andK m2) and 26 and 53 pmol/min · mg protein (V max1 andV max2). High concentrations of iso-ascorbate, dehydroascorbate (DHA) or non-labelled ASC significantly reduced the uptake of the radioactive vitamin. It was demonstrated that sugar or amino acid carriers are not involved in the ASC transport reaction. Generation of transmembrane cation gradients (H+, K+, Ca2+, Na+) or addition of sulfhydryl reagents (pCMBS or NEM) did not affect the ASC uptake in any way. It is suggested that ASC is taken up by a facilitated diffusion mechanism.Abbreviations ASC ascorbate - DHA dehydroascorbate - FCCP carbonyl cyanidep-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone - NEM N-ethylmaleimide - pCMBS p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid  相似文献   

In only one cultivar out of 1200 investigated cultivars ofPhaseolus vulgaris L. could we find an extreme change in the pattern of reserve proteins on the cathodic side: one of the proteins, called protein I, is completely absent in the cultivar ‘Krupnaya sakharnaya’ and is replaced on the same site by another protein,i.e. a protein completely different in its immunochemical specificity. The case is of interest from both the phylogenetic and systematic viewpoints and deserves further attention.  相似文献   

Summary The linkage relationship of 11 bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) seed proteins (including phaseolin), 9 enzyme loci, and theP locus were analyzed in backcross and F2 progenies by use of the software package Mapmaker. The progenies were obtained by crossing the breeding line XR-235-1 and the cultivar Calima. Allelic differences for seed protein loci were detected with SDS-PAGE and those for enzyme loci with starch gel electrophoresis and activity stains. The seed coat color of Calima is a red/beige mottled pattern and that of XR-235-1 is white. Segregation at theP locus was followed by recording the phenotype of the BC1S1 and F3 seed. A linkage group comprising ca. 90 cM was detected with the following gene order:Est-2 — 11 —Pha — 8 — (Spe/Spg) — 24 — P — 9 — (Spa/Spv) — 16 —Spba — 22 —Mdh-1. In addition, another linkage group was detected: (Spd/Spf/Sph) — 5 -Spca. Therefore, the seed proteins appear to be organized in clusters in the bean genome.Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, Journal Series No. R-01131  相似文献   

Summary Tubular systems present in bean leaf glands have been studied electron microscopically. Ordered arrays of small tubules (290 Å in diameter) arise from the endoplasmic reticulum in early stages of gland development and remain connected to it. Subsequently larger tubules (560–660 Å in diameter) appear among the smaller tubules and gradually replace many of them. The large tubules are not connected to the endoplasmic reticulum. They contain an electron dense material and their walls exhibit a patterned substructure. In older gland cells the bundles of large tubules run randomly through the cytoplasm. The relationship of the two types of gland tubules to conventional microtubules has been examined morphologically and experimentally. The small tubules have larger diameters and thicker walls than microtubules. Neither type of gland tubule is affected by low temperature or colchicine, or, in thin sections, by pepsin digestion. This suggests that these tubules are not closely related chemically to either cytoplasmic or ciliary microtubules. The two systems of tubules are closely associated with prominent protein vacuoles in the gland cells, but are not directly connected to them.This work was supported in part by grant no. GB-6161 from the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Effects of temperature and salinity on Vibrio cholerae growth.   总被引:1,自引:9,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Laboratory microecosystems (microcosms) prepared with a chemically defined sea salt solution were used to study effects of selected environmental parameters on growth and activity of Vibrio cholerae. Growth responses under simulated estuarine conditions of 10 strains of V. cholerae, including clinical and environmental isolates as well as serovars O1 and non-O1, were compared, and all strains yielded populations of approximately the same final size. Effects of salinity and temperature on extended survival of V. cholerae demonstrated that, at an estuarine salinity (25%) and a temperature of 10 degrees C, V. cholerae survived (i.e., was culturable) for less than 4 days. Salinity was also found to influence activity, as measured by uptake of 14C-amino acids. Studies on the effect of selected ions on growth and activity of V. cholerae demonstrated that Na+ was required for growth. The results of this study further support the status of V. cholerae as an estuarine bacterium.  相似文献   

In the Baltic Sea area, the cladoceran Daphnia magna is commonly found in brackish water rockpools and it has been suggested that salinity is one of the niche dimensions that affects the distribution of the species. The salinity tolerance of D. magna was studied both in physiological and life history experiments. The experimental salinities were freshwater, 4S and 8S. The highest respiration and ammonium excretion rates were measured in the freshwater treatment with decreasing respiration and ammonium excretion rates at higher salinities. The lowest O/N ratio (oxygen consumption to ammonium excretion), describing the metabolic status of an organism, was obtained at 8S, although the only significant differences were detected when comparing to 4S treatments. Individual growth rate, reproductive output and population growth rate were highest at 4S. At 8S growth and reproduction were reduced as compared to freshwater and 4S. The life history parameters in the performed experiments indicated higher fitness (expressed as r) as well as more favourable conditions for growth and reproduction at 4S, whereas the O/N ratio was more difficult to interpret and, in this case, gave a less clear picture of the salinity influence.  相似文献   

Lead chloride (10-5 M) inhibited the growth of the main root, the duration of development, the number and growth of lateral roots, primary and trifoliate leaves, and also the mitotic index in root apical meristems. Lead strongly inhibited root growth rate, mainly by reducing the number of dividing cells. Other mechanisms of this inhibition are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The toxicity of some heavy metals to the common macrophytic freshwater algaChara vulgaris was studied under laboratory conditions. For experiments, apical tips of algae containing two internodes were cultivated for fourteen days in the presence of various concentrations of cadmium, mercury or lead (as triethyl lead or lead nitrate). Fifty percent growth inhibition occurred with concentrations of 8.5×10–8 M (9.5 ppb) cadmium, 7.5×10–7M (150ppb) mercury, 1.6×10–6 M (330ppb) organic lead or 4× 10–5 M (8000 ppb) inorganic lead. Sublethal concentrations of these metals caused alterations in the fine structure of internodal cells which turned out to be at least partly metal-specific or in the case of lead, the effects depended on whether the lead was ionic or organically bound. Cadmium and inorganic lead induced disorders of cell wall microfibrils which resulted in local wall protuberances. Mercury affected the chloroplasts which mostly showed considerably increased grana stacks. In addition, mercury caused a dilation of the endoplasmic reticulum and of the mitochondrial tubuli. Organic lead damaged the membrane system of chloroplasts; sheet- or tubule-like thylakoids were disarranged and showed whorl-like structures. At higher concentrations of organic lead, tubular invaginations of the plasmalemma (charasomes) disappeared. The fine structure of nuclei was not altered by any of the metals.  相似文献   

Summary Observations by light, transmission electron and scanning electron microscopy have shown that intercellular spaces (ICS) are formed schizogenously in expanding leaves ofPhaseolus vulgaris. ICS formation occurs in predictable positions at the junctions between three or more cells, and follows three phases of development. The first, initiation, phase occurs soon after cell division, and is marked by the formation of an electron-dense osmiophilic body, probably proteinaceous, at the end of the cell plate/middle lamella of the daughter cell wall and across the adjacent piece of the primary wall of the mother cell. This part of the mother cell wall is digested, involving cellulolysis. The second phase, of cell separation, is marked by the first appearance of the ICS. InPhaseolus primary leaves this phase begins about day 3 after sowing, at which time the leaf area is about 1 cm2. In the final enlargement phase, lysis of cell wall material continues in the region of the middle lamella, and mechanical tensions arising from the rapid expansion of the lamina lead to further separation of the mesophyll cells so that spaces enlarge and merge.  相似文献   

Effects of salinity and nitrogen on cotton growth in arid environment   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The influences of different N fertilization rates and soil salinity levels on the growth and nitrogen uptake of cotton was evaluated with a pot experiment under greenhouse conditions. Results showed that cotton growth measured as plant height was significantly affected by the soil salinity and N-salinity interaction, but not by N alone. Cotton was more sensitive to salinity during the emergence and early growth stages than the later developmental stages. At low to moderate soil salinity, the growth inhibition could be alleviated by fertilizer application. Soil salinity was a dominated factor affecting cotton’s above-ground dry mass and root development. Dry mass of seed was reduced by 22%, 52%, and 84% respectively, when the soil salinity level increased from control level of 2.4 dS m?1 to 7.7 dS m?1, 12.5 dS m?1 and to 17.1 dS m?1, respectively. N uptake increased with N fertilization at adequate rates at both low and medium soil salinities but was not influenced by over N fertilization. At higher salinities, N uptake was independent of N rates and mainly influenced by soil salinity. The uptake of K decreased with soil salinity. The concentration of Na, Cl and Ca in plant tissues increased with soil salinity with highest concentrations in the cotton leaf.  相似文献   

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