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P. A. Abrams 《Oecologia》1987,72(2):248-258
Summary Resource partitioning was quantified for 6 species of intertidal hermit crabs in the genus Pagurus, that occur on the outer coast of Washington. This, together with field evidence of shell shortage and with laboratory experiments to quantify the mechanism of interactions for shells, allowed estimation of the relative intensities of inter-and intraspecific competition between these species. The findings were that: (1) the magnitude of intraspecific competition was greater than any single interspecific competitive effect for all of the species; and (2) the relative proportion of intraspecific competition was greater for the middle and upper intertidal species than for the lower intertidal species. Studies at several outer coast sites supported these generalizations. Both of these findings are consistent with the hypothesis that competitive divergence has occurred in the past. The structure of the outer coast hermit crab assemblage is compared with that of the San Juan Archipelago hermit crab assemblage. Differences between the two do not seem to be the result of adaptive responses to the presence of more competing species in the former group.  相似文献   

This study was designed to evaluate the effect of interference and exploitation competition in shell partitioning between two hermit crab species (Pagurus criniticornis and Clibanarius antillensis). Field samples revealed that shells of the gastropod Cerithium atratum were the main resource used by both hermit crab species and that Pagurus used eroded or damaged shells in higher frequency than Clibanarius. The exploitative ability of each species was compared between species in the laboratory using dead gastropod (Cerithium) baits to simulate predation events and signalize newly available shells to hermit crabs. Pagurus reached the baits more rapidly than Clibanarius, but this higher exploitative ability did not explain shell utilization patterns in nature. Another experiment evaluated the dominance hierarchy between these two hermit crab species and revealed that Clibanarius was able to outcompete Pagurus for higher quality shells in agonistic encounters. This higher interference competitive ability of Clibanarius in relation to Pagurus may explain field observations. Nevertheless, Pagurus may be responsible to enhance shell availability to other hermit crab species that have lower ability to find and use newly available shells. Differently, the poorer condition of shells used by Pagurus, the higher ability of this species to attend gastropod predation events and its higher consumption rate by shell-breaking crabs (Menippe nodifrons) may increase its predation risks, thus revealing the disadvantages of such an exploitative competitive strategy for hermit crabs.  相似文献   

The role of interspecific competition in fungal communities in natural substrates is poorly understood because fungi do not form easily definable populations. A new approach to investigating fungal competition, using natural substrates containing a range of known biomass concentrations of each of two species, is described. Relative competitive success of each species is assessed over time in terms of propagule production and substrate colonisation by each species. In an agricultural soil Mucor hiemalis usually out-competed Trichoderma harzianum. After 27 days, the success of both species in the mixtures was independent of the initial biomass concentration of either species, although the success of T. harzianum in these mixtures was substantially inhibited relative to the T. harzianum monocultures. In a forest soil, T. polysporum maintained a competitive advantage over M. hiemalis, and induced M. hiemalis to produce propagules rather than mycelia. Coexistence of both species always occurred in both experiments, and in the forest soil experiment the two-species mixtures all contained a higher total microbial biomass than the monocultures of either species by day 47, suggesting some niche differentiation.  相似文献   


Many studies have investigated shell‐related behaviour in hermit crabs. Few studies, however, have focused specifically on the intraspecies aggression associated with shell competition. We examined intraspecies aggression in hermit crab (Pagurus samuelis) pairs as it relates to competition for a limiting resource, gastropod shells. Pairs of hermit crabs were observed in the laboratory in four different treatments that varied the presence or absence of shells for one or both of the crabs. Measurements of the latency to respond, the number of bouts, and the fight durations were recorded. There was a significant difference among treatments for all three measurements, and naked hermit crabs were much more aggressive than housed hermit crabs. There was no significant difference in aggression between males and females in any of the three treatments. The heightened aggression observed in naked P. samuelis is likely in service of acquiring a protective shell.  相似文献   

A glasshouse study investigated the effect of salinity on growth and competitive interactions between two closely related rush species, an Australian native (Juncus kraussii) and an exotic (J. acutus) species. Overall, both species exhibited decreases in height and total biomass with increasing salinity, although tolerance of J. acutus was marginally lower. We observed asymmetric responses at each salinity, due to the presence of the other species. In fresh-water, co-presence of J. kraussii facilitated the growth (increases in height and total biomass) of J. acutus. However, at 10 ppt salinity direct interspecific competition with J. kraussii adversely affected total biomass of J. acutus. When grown with J. acutus, at 5 ppt but not at 10 ppt, salinity reduced total biomass of J. kraussii. We suggest that interspecific interactions vary with salinity, dependant on relative salinity tolerance of each species. It would appear that in areas receiving regular fresh-water inputs, which reduce salinity stress, J. acutus has the potential to displace J. kraussii.  相似文献   

Summary Two populations (salt marsh and seagrass bed) of the hermit crab Pagurus longicarpus were sampled to examine associations between shell characteristics and egg production. Multivariate statistical analyses controlled for crab size and time of year, variables that otherwise could be confounded with shell effects. Although correlations between shell characteristics and reproduction existed in both populations, generalizations could not be made because associations varied within and between populations. Shell species was not associated with a female's reproductive state (i.e., whether or not she was barren when sampled) in either population. In the seagrass population, medium-large and large females occupying severely damaged or fouled shells were half as likely to be reproductive as females occupying other shell conditions. However, there was no association between shell condition and reproductive state for small and small-medium females in the seagrass population or among all females in the salt marsh population. In the seagrass population, small through medium-large reproductive females occupied shells more similar to their predicted shell size, regardless of whether the occupied shell was relatively small or large, than nonreproductive females. In contrast, relative shell sizes of reproductive and nonreproductive females were similar for large females in the seagrass population and all females in the salt marsh population. Clutch sizes were enhanced for females occupying Polinices duplicatus shells or shells larger than their predicted shell size in the seagrass population. Relative shell size also was associated with clutch size in the salt marsh population, but crabs occupying shells similar to their predicted shell size had the largest clutches.  相似文献   

Peter Abrams 《Oecologia》1981,51(1):84-90
Summary This article is a study of shell fighting between two intertidal hermit crab species in Panama. Laboratory results showed some cases of high exchange frequencies between Calcinus obscurus and Clibanarius albidigitus when the former occupied poor-quality shells. Exchange frequencies varied considerably between collecting sites, and were always low when the defending Clibanarius came from Venado Beach. Shell exchange frequencies estimated from field experiments were similar to those obtained in the laboratory. Observations on relative shell sizes occupied by both species in areas of sympatry and allopatry failed to provide clear evidence that Calcinus reduced the shell size of Clibanarius or that Clibanarius increased the shell size occupied by Calcinus. Results obtained here differ from those obtained in previous studies (Abrams 1980; Bertness 1981a, b), and these differences are discussed. Although shell fighting may be an important component of the interaction of these species, it is likely that roughly 90% of the competition experienced by each species is intraspecific.  相似文献   

  • 1 The effects of intraspecific and interspecific larval competition on larval survival, adult size, adult longevity and fecundity were quantified in four species of coexisting Lucilia blowflies: illustris, silvarum, sericata and caesar.
  • 2 There was a general negative effect of increasing density on larval and adult survival, size and fecundity. Additionally, complex species-specific and frequency-dependent responses were identified, which were not expected in these biologically and morphologically closely similar species.
  • 3 Lucilia illustris, the numerically dominant species in the natural community, was a superior competitor to L.silvarum at intermediate densities but an inferior competitor at high density. Such nonlinear responses may be related to differences in the life histories and larval behaviour of the species (bigger eggs and more contest-type outcome of competition in L.silvarum).
  • 4 We parameterized a model of interspecific competition on a subdivided resource in an attempt to reconcile the conflicting results on larval competitive abilities and the abundances of the species in the field. Using laboratory and field-estimated parameter values the model predicted coexistence of L.illustris and L.silvarum and the observed numerical dominance of the former species. The average densities of flies in the field are limited to relatively low levels, apparently preventing L.silvarum (the superior competitor at high density) from dominating and excluding L. illustris.

Male hermit crabs perform precopulatory mate-guarding behavior during their reproductive season. As females generally cannot reject guarding attempts by males, male guarding prevents females from inspecting and choosing other male mates. However, as guarding males are often replaced by other males through competition for females during the guarding phase, females may be able to select males by delaying their copulation. To examine the possibility of female choice by hermit crabs, we investigated whether female Pagurus filholi that were being guarded in the field were ready to copulate and spawn. We found that about 30% of females guarded in the field were ready to spawn, indicating that guarded females delayed copulation with their current male. Our results suggest that by delaying copulation females may exploit male–male competition to choose dominant males. However, delaying copulation reduced the spawning potential of females. Hence, there is a trade-off between waiting for the opportunity to mate with a dominant male and decreased spawning success if females exploit male–male competition.  相似文献   

If we are to progress out of our current state of uncertainty about the role of interspecific competition in community structure, it is essential that we can distinguish competition from other types of population interaction, and from lack of interaction, in particular case studies. To make such distinctions, it is necessary to quantify the effect of species on each other. One way to do this is to calculate interaction coefficients, and another (only readily applicable in experimental systems) is to plot graphs of N against time and to contrast monocultures with mixed cultures. We show (1) that these methods often appear to give contradictory results, and (2) that the problems are most pronounced when one species has a low equilibrium population size in mixed culture. To resolve the question of whether an interspecific interaction is taking place (and if so, what kind of interaction), it is necessary to apply tests of significance which overcome the problems of serial correlation inherent in all long-term population experiments. We illustrate the use of such tests in the analysis of the results from an experimental Drosophiia system. In the past, this kind of test has generally not been applied, and this raises the question of whether some of the 'classic cases of competition' in the experimental literature were really competition at all.  相似文献   

1. Variations in the strength of ecological interactions between seasons have received little attention, despite an increased focus on climate alterations on ecosystems. Particularly, the winter situation is often neglected when studying competitive interactions. In northern temperate freshwaters, winter implies low temperatures and reduced food availability, but also strong reduction in ambient light because of ice and snow cover. Here, we study how brown trout [Salmo trutta (L.)] respond to variations in ice-cover duration and competition with Arctic charr [Salvelinus alpinus (L.)], by linking laboratory-derived physiological performance and field data on variation in abundance among and within natural brown trout populations. 2. Both Arctic charr and brown trout reduced resting metabolic rate under simulated ice-cover (darkness) in the laboratory, compared to no ice (6-h daylight). However, in contrast to brown trout, Arctic charr was able to obtain positive growth rate in darkness and had higher food intake in tank experiments than brown trout. Arctic charr also performed better (lower energy loss) under simulated ice-cover in a semi-natural environment with natural food supply. 3. When comparing brown trout biomass across 190 Norwegian lakes along a climate gradient, longer ice-covered duration decreased the biomass only in lakes where brown trout lived together with Arctic charr. We were not able to detect any effect of ice-cover on brown trout biomass in lakes where brown trout was the only fish species. 4. Similarly, a 25-year time series from a lake with both brown trout and Arctic charr showed that brown trout population growth rate depended on the interaction between ice breakup date and Arctic charr abundance. High charr abundance was correlated with low trout population growth rate only in combination with long winters. 5. In conclusion, the two species differed in performance under ice, and the observed outcome of competition in natural populations was strongly dependent on duration of the ice-covered period. Our study shows that changes in ice phenology may alter species interactions in Northern aquatic systems. Increased knowledge of how adaptations to winter conditions differ among coexisting species is therefore vital for our understanding of ecological impacts of climate change.  相似文献   

Individuals of Pagurus criniticornis in a free-choice situation were experimentally tested under different laboratory conditions. In order to assess the effect of recently occupied shells on the size- and type-preference by hermit crabs, individuals were held for 30 days under one of the following two conditions: (1) excess of shells and (2) absence of shells. The crabs were then allowed to select shells from a wide array of empty gastropod shells of the two most-occupied species, as observed previously in the field: Cerithium atratum and Morula nodulosa. Preferred shell type (species) and size (shell aperture width and length) were correlated with hermit-crab size. The crabs showed a strong (100%) preference for C. atratum shells, demonstrating that recent and past experience did not influence either shell-type or shell-size preferences in this pagurid. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

A series of experiments was conducted on the relationship between population density and spacing out in two sympatric species of crab, Pagurus bernhardus (L.) and Pagurus prideauxi Leach. A second series of experiments investigated the two species’ aggressiveness and activity by observing the behaviour of pairs of animals.

In the first series of experiments, animals became more aggregated (Clarke and Evans’ R) as the population density (p) was increased. The rate of aggregation (dR/dp) was greater when the species were mixed than when they were separate.

In the second series of experiments, activity, total encounters, and resolved encounters, were highest in paired P. bernhardus, lower in mixed pairs of the two species, and lowest in pairs of P. prideauxi. Larger individuals were more active than smaller ones in P. bernhardus and P. prideauxi pairs. In the mixed pairs, P. bernhardus were more active. Paired P. bernhardus were slightly more active than isolated P. bernhardus but this difference was not statistically significant. The activities of paired and isolated P. prideauxi were not significantly different. The distances between individuals in pairs were similar for all combinations.

The results are discussed in relation to the distribution of sympatric species.  相似文献   

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