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Cytogenetic characterizations were made of lymphocyte colonies established from somatic mutation assays for 6-thioguanine (TG) resistance in Hiroshima atomic bomb survivors. G-banded chromosomes were analyzed in both TG-resistant (TGr) and wild-type colonies. Included were 45 TGr and 19 wild-type colonies derived from proximally exposed A-bomb survivors, as well as colonies from distally exposed control individuals who did not receive a significant amount of A-bomb radiation (18 TGr and 9-wild type colonies). Various structural and numerical chromosome abnormalities were observed in both TGr and wild-type colonies. Aberrations of the X chromosome, on which the hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HPRT) locus is present, were found in 6 colonies: 2 resistant colonies from controls (45,X/46,XX; 46,X,ins(X)), 3 resistant colonies (45,X/46,XX/46,X, + mar; 46,X,t(Xq +;14q-); 46,Y,t(Xq-;5q +)), and 1 wild-type colony (45,X/47,XXX) from proximally exposed persons. In cases with exchange aberrations, each of the break points on the X chromosome was situated proximally to band q26 where the HPRT locus is known to be assigned. DNA-replicating patterns were also studied, and it was found that abnormal X chromosomes showed early replicating patterns, while normal X chromosomes showed late replicating patterns.  相似文献   

The percentage of T lymphocytes of atomic bomb survivors showed no change as a function of age or exposure dose. The percentage of T cells was slightly lower in malignant-tumor patients than in the control group, but was significantly higher in the group with chromosomal aberrations than in the control group. The percentages of phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-induced transformation of peripheral lymphocytes decreased significantly with age in the 0 rad control group and the 200+ rad exposure group, particularly so in the latter. The malignant-tumor group also showed lower percentages of PHA-induced transformation than the control group. The percentages of PHA-induced transformation of lymphocytes of the chromosomal-aberration group were significantly depressed as compared with that of the control group.  相似文献   

Frequencies of stable chromosome aberrations from more than 3,000 atomic bomb survivors were used to examine the nature of the radiation dose response. The end point was the proportion of cells with at least one translocation or inversion detected in Giemsa-stained cultures of approximately 100 lymphocytes per person. The statistical methods allow for both imprecision of individual dose estimates and extra-binomial variation. A highly significant and nonlinear dose response was seen. The shape of the dose response was concave upward for doses below 1.5 Sv but exhibited some leveling off at higher doses. This curvature was similar for the two cities, with a crossover dose (i.e. the ratio of the linear coefficient to the quadratic coefficient) of 1.7 Sv (95% CI 0.9, 4). The low-dose slopes for the two cities differed significantly: 6.6% per Sv (95% CI 5.5, 8.4) in Hiroshima and 3.7% (95% CI 2.6, 4.9) in Nagasaki. This difference was reduced considerably, but not eliminated, when the comparison was limited to people who were exposed in houses or tenements. Nagasaki survivors exposed in factories, as well as people in either city who were outside with little or no shielding, had a lower dose response than those exposed in houses. This suggests that doses for Nagasaki factory worker survivors may be overestimated by the DS86, apparently by about 60%. Even though factory workers constitute about 20% of Nagasaki survivors with dose estimates in the range of 0.5 to 2 Sv, calculations indicate that the dosimetry problems for these people have little impact on cancer risk estimates for Nagasaki.  相似文献   

Radiation-induced genomic instability has been studied primarily in cultured cells, while in vivo studies have been limited. One major obstacle for in vivo studies is the lack of reliable biomarkers that are capable of distinguishing genetic alterations induced by delayed radiation effects from those that are induced immediately after a radiation exposure. Here we describe a method to estimate cytogenetic instability in vivo using chromosomally marked clonal T-cell populations in atomic bomb survivors. The basic idea is that clonal translocations are derived from single progenitor cells that acquired an aberration, most likely after a radiation exposure, and then multiplied extensively in vivo, resulting in a large number of progeny cells that eventually comprise several percent of the total lymphocyte population. Therefore, if chromosome instability began to operate soon after a radiation exposure, an elevated frequency of additional but solitary chromosome aberrations in clonal cell populations would be expected. In the present study, six additional translocations were found among 936 clonal cells examined with the G-band method (0.6%); the corresponding value with multicolor FISH analysis was 1.2% (4/333). Since these frequencies were no higher than 1.2% (219/17,878 cells), the mean translocation frequency observed in control subjects using the G-band method, it is concluded that chromosome instabilities that could give rise to an increased frequency of persisting, exchange-type aberrations were not commonly generated by radiation exposure.  相似文献   

In vivo hprt mutant frequencies in T-cells of normal human newborns   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mutation at the hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase locus (hprt; HPRT enzyme) in the human fetus was studied by clonal assay of placental cord blood samples from full-term newborns. Conditions for determining hprt mutant frequencies, as defined for adults, were also optimal for studies in newborns. The mean mutant frequency for 45 normal human newborns (37 male, 8 female) was 0.64 X 10(-6) (SD = 0.41 X 10(-6); median value = 0.58 X 10(-6). These values are approx. 10-fold lower than corresponding adult hprt mutant frequency values. Factors such as limiting-dilution cloning efficiencies, delay prior to study of sample, sex, cryopreservation or technician performing the assay did not significantly affect assay results. Maternal smoking did not result in elevated mutant frequency values. Most wild-type and mutant clones studied were CD4 surface antigen positive (helper/inducer). All hprt mutants analyzed lacked HPRT activity.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies of the atomic bomb survivors have suggested dose-related increases in mortality from diseases other than cancer. Cardiovascular disease is one such noncancer disease for which increases in both mortality and incidence have been found to be associated with radiation dose. Immunological studies have revealed long-term impairment of T-cell-mediated immunity, especially involving deficiencies of CD4 helper T cells, in atomic bomb survivors. In the present study, we investigated whether decreases in CD4 T cells were associated with myocardial infarction in atomic bomb survivors. Of 1,006 survivors examined to determine the proportion of CD4 T cells in peripheral blood lymphocytes, 18 persons had a history of myocardial infarction. The proportion of CD4 T cells was significantly decreased with increased radiation dose [corrected]. Further, the prevalence of myocardial infarction was significantly greater in individuals with a lower proportion of CD4 T cells. These results suggest that myocardial infarction in atomic bomb survivors may be associated with defects in CD4 helper T cells.  相似文献   

A total of 1328 atomic bomb survivors in Hiroshima were studied to determine alterations in the number of blood lymphocytes belonging to T-cell subpopulations, the number of CD19 antigen-positive B cells and the number of Leu 7 and CD16 antigen-positive lymphocytes. Overall, with increasing age, significant decreasing trends in the numbers of some lymphocytes in T-cell subpopulations and of B cells were observed. Furthermore, the number of blood lymphocytes positive for CD5 antigen was significantly lower in the people exposed to radiation (greater than 1 Gy) in the older age group (more than 30 years old at the time of the bombing). A similar tendency for decreases in the numbers of CD4, CD8, and CD19 antigen-positive cells was observed in these older survivors, although the differences were not statistically significant. These results suggest that aging of the T-cell related immune system is accelerated in the irradiated people of advanced age. This may be explained by the age-related decrease in thymic function in those subjects who were older at the time of the bombing resulting in a decreased functional ability of the immune system after radiation injury. On the contrary, the number of Leu 7 or CD16 antigen-positive cells was found to be increased significantly in the older age group compared to the younger group, although there was little dependence on dose.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the phagocytic and bactericidal activities of peripheral blood leukocytes from Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bomb survivors for Staphylococcus aureus. The data were analyzed by multiple linear regression for age, sex, radiation exposure, city of exposure, and neutrophil counts. No significant radiation effect was observed for either blood phagocytic or bactericidal activities. The only significant variable for these functions was the neutrophil count.  相似文献   

A data analysis that incorporates time dependencies is demonstrated for the dose response of leukemia mortality in the atomic bomb survivors. The time dependencies are initially left unspecified and the data on leukemia mortality--up to the end of 1978--are used to infer them. Several findings based on T65 revised doses (T65DR) are obtained. First, it is shown that the fits to the data of time-dependent L (linear in gamma dose)-Q (quadratic in gamma dose)-L (linear in neutron dose), L-L, and Q-L dose-response models are significantly improved (P less than 0.001) by using the corresponding time-dependent dose-response models. Second, it is shown that the increased risk of leukemia mortality due to gamma irradiation decreases in time while the increased risk due to neutron exposure decreases more slowly, if at all, in time. Consequently, relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of neutrons is shown to increase in time (P = 0.002) and the current definition of RBE as a time-independent quantity is therefore challenged. It is demonstrated with time-dependent models that the L-L model has a poor fit (P = 0.01) to the data for the first 7 years of study, but has an adequate fit for the remaining 21 years. In contrast the Q-L model has an adequate fit for the entire follow-up period (P greater than 0.30).  相似文献   

Review is devoted to the problems of biological (cytogenetic) dosimetry and indication of degree of radiation lesions based on analysis of unstable chromosome aberrations in lymphocytes of human peripheral blood. Effects of radiation in low doses on human chromosomes and methodology of interpretation of the character of dose cytogenetic curves are discussed. Traditional cytogenetic analysis remains the basic one for monitoring in groups of people with accidental irradiation.  相似文献   

We recently conducted a large-scale screening for clonal aberrations among atomic bomb survivors and proposed a model for the gross clonal composition of blood lymphocytes. Here we show an application of the model indicating that the number, m,of clones detectable by cytogenetic methods in an individual is predictable by the equation m= (1.8 + 6.4FG) x FP x n/500, where FG represents the estimated translocation frequency in the 46 chromosome set, FP is the observed translocation frequency with FISH or other methods, and nis the number of cells examined. Application of the equation to the results of seven other reports gave close agreement between the observed and calculated numbers of clones. Since the model assumes that clonal expansion is ubiquitous, and any translocation can be the constituent of a clone detectable by cytogenetic means, the vast majority of observed clonal expansions of these somatic cells are likely the result of random-hit events that are not detrimental to human health. Furthermore, since our model can predict the majority of clonal aberrations among Chernobyl workers who were examined 5-6 years after irradiation, clonal expansion seems to occur primarily within a few years after exposure to radiation, most likely being coupled with the process of recovery from radiation-induced injury in the lymphoid and hematopoietic systems.  相似文献   

The analyses in this paper show that a number of biologically based models describe cancer incidence among the A-bomb survivors equally well. However, these different models can predict very different temporal patterns of risk after irradiation. No evidence was found to support the previous claim of Pierce and Mendelsohn that excess cancer risks for the solid tumors depend only upon attained age and not on age at exposure or time since exposure. Although the A-bomb survivor cohort is the largest epidemiological data set for the study of radiation and cancer, it is not large enough to discriminate among various possible carcinogenic mechanisms. Unfortunately for hypothesis generation, the data appear to be consistent with a number of different mechanistic interpretations of the role of radiation in carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Annual medical examinations were conducted during adolescence for the in utero clinical study sample subjects exposed prenatally to the atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Systolic blood pressure and several anthropometric measurements were recorded during these examinations. For 1014 persons exposed in utero, two types of longitudinal analyses were performed, for a total of 7029 observations (6.93 observations per subject) of systolic blood pressure (continuous data) and systolic hypertension (binary data) for persons aged 9 to 19 years. Body mass index (BMI) and/or body weight were considered in the analyses as potential confounders. For the measurements of systolic blood pressure, the common dose effect was 2.09 mmHg per Gy and was significant (P = 0.017). The dose by trimester interaction was suggestive (P = 0.060). A significant radiation dose effect was found in the second trimester (P = 0.001), with an estimated 4.17 mmHg per Gy, but in the first and third trimesters, radiation dose effects were not significant (P > 0.50). For prevalence of systolic hypertension, the radiation dose effect was significant (P = 0.009); the odds ratio at 1 Gy was 2.23 [95% confidence interval (CI): 1.23, 4.04], and the dose by trimester interaction was not significant (P = 0.778). The dose response of systolic hypertension had no dose threshold, with a threshold point estimate of 0 Gy (95% CI: <0.0, 1.1 Gy). The dose response for systolic blood pressure was most pronounced in the second trimester, the most active organogenesis period for the organs relevant to blood pressure.  相似文献   

In the spring of 1986 the Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF) received a new atomic bomb dosimetry system. This report presents the comparisons of leukemia and nonleukemia cancer mortality risk estimates under the old and new dosimetries. In terms of total kerma (essentially whole-body gamma plus neutron exposure), risk estimates for both classes of cancer are 75-85% higher with the new dosimetry. This and other summary comparisons allow for possible nonlinearity at high estimated doses. Changes are also considered in relation to organ doses and assumptions about the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of neutrons. Without regard to RBE, the risk estimates for total organ dose are essentially unchanged by the dosimetry revision. However, with increasing assumed values of RBE, the estimated low-LET risk decreases much less rapidly under the new dosimetry, due to the smaller neutron component. Thus at an assumed constant RBE of 10, for example, the effect of the dosimetry revision is to increase organ dose risk estimates, relative to those based on the old dosimetry, by 30% for nonleukemia and 80% for leukemia. At an RBE of 20 these increases are 72 and 136%, respectively. A number of other issues are discussed. The city difference in dose is no longer statistically significant, even at an RBE of one. Estimation of RBE is even less feasible with new dosimetry. There is substantial question of the linearity in dose response, in the sense of a leveling off at higher doses. Finally, some indication is given of how risks estimated from this dosimetry and the current data may compare to widely used estimates based largely on the RERF data with the previous dosimetry.  相似文献   

General reductions in cancer relative risk with increasing age at exposure are observed in the Japanese atomic bomb survivors and in other groups. However, there has been little evidence of heterogeneity in such trends by cancer type within the Japanese cohort, nor for cancer-type variations in other factors (sex, attained age) that modify relative risk. A recent report on the Japanese atomic bomb survivors published by Preston et al. in 2007 suggests that solid cancer relative risk exhibits a U-shaped relationship with age at exposure, and is initially decreasing and then increasing at older exposure ages. In this report, we reanalyse the latest Japanese atomic bomb survivor solid cancer mortality and incidence data analysed by Preston and co-workers, stratifying by cancer subtype where possible, the stratification being both in relation to the baseline and the radiation-associated excess. We find highly statistically significant (P < 0.001) variations of relative risk by cancer type, and statistically significant variations by cancer type in the adjustments for sex (P = 0.010) and age at exposure (P = 0.013) to the relative risk. There is no statistically significant (P > 0.2) variation by cancer type in the adjustment of relative risk for attained age. Although, for all incident solid cancers, there is marginally statistically significant (P = 0.033) variation of relative risk with a quadratic log-linear function of age at exposure, there is much weaker variation in the relative risk of solid cancer mortality (P > 0.1). However, the manner in which relative risk varies with age at exposure is qualitatively similar for incidence and mortality, so one should not make too much of these differences between the two datasets. Stratification by solid cancer type slightly weakens the evidence for quadratic variation in relative risk by age at exposure (P = 0.060).  相似文献   

The late effects of radiation on the hematopoietic system have not been fully evaluated. We examined the long-term effects of radiation exposure on hemoglobin levels in the Japanese atomic bomb survivors over a 40-year period from 1958 to 1998. Compared to the unexposed survivors, the mean hemoglobin levels for those exposed to a bone marrow dose of 1 Gy were significantly reduced by 0.10 g/dl (95% CI: 0.04 to 0.16) or 0.67% at 40 years of age (P < 0.0001) and by 0.24 g/dl (95% CI: 0.08 to 0.40) or 1.8% at 80 years of age. Radiation effects are greater for smokers than for nonsmokers at age less than 35 years (P < 0.01), although cigarette smoking was associated with increased hemoglobin levels. Sex and birth cohort differences in radiation effects were not found after adjusting for smoking. The radiation-induced reduction in hemoglobin levels could not be explained by the presence of certain anemia-associated diseases.  相似文献   

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