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This study evaluated the effects of exposure and/or vitrification of porcine metaphase II (MII) oocytes on their in vitro viability and ultra-structural changes with two experiments. Experiment 1 examined the effect of vitrified oocytes on microtubule localization, mitochondrial morphology, chromosome organization and the developmental rate in IVF control and vitrified oocytes. Oocytes matured for 44 h were subjected to IVF (IVF control). Oocytes matured for 42 h were exposed to cryoprotectants (CPA control), followed by 2h culture, and subjected to IVF. Oocytes vitrified at 42 h post-maturation were warmed, cultured for 2h, and subjected to IVF (vitrified). Experiment 2 evaluated the effect of oocytes freezing on development of ICSI with and without activation and parthenotes. Fresh and vitrified oocytes were subjected to ICSI with and without electrical activation. Cleavage and blastocyst rates were significantly (P<0.05) lower in vitrified IVF, parthenote and ICSI embryos than those in fresh counterparts. Between ICSI embryos from fresh oocytes and vitrified oocytes, the rates of blastocyst were significantly higher (P<0.05) in activated group than the group without activation. Significant differences (P<0.05) were observed in normal spindle configuration of vitrified (43.5%) compared to control (81.0%) oocytes, but no significant difference was observed between CPA exposed and control groups. In conclusion, porcine oocytes at MII stage are very sensitive to vitrification with altered microtubule localization and mitochondrial organization thus resulting in impaired fertilization and embryo development.  相似文献   

Rat neural crest stem cells (NCSCs) prospectively isolated from uncultured E14.5 sciatic nerve and transplanted into chick embryos generate fewer neurons than do NCSCs isolated from E10.5 neural tube explants. In addition, they differentiate primarily to cholinergic parasympathetic neurons, although in culture they can also generate noradrenergic sympathetic neurons. This in vivo behavior can be explained, at least in part, by a reduced sensitivity of sciatic nerve-derived NCSCs to the neurogenic signal BMP2 and by the observation that cholinergic neurons differentiate at a lower BMP2 concentration than do noradrenergic neurons in vitro. These results demonstrate that neural stem cells can undergo cell-intrinsic changes in their sensitivity to instructive signals, while maintaining multipotency and self-renewal capacity. They also suggest that the choice between sympathetic and parasympathetic fates may be determined by the local concentration of BMP2.  相似文献   

Summary Continuous exposure of young rats to the almond-like odor of acetophenone or cyclohexanone for up to 4 months, resulted in distinct but similar patterns of degenerating mitral cells in their olfactory bulbs. Rats favored their exposure odor in olfactory preference tests (Fig. 2) and their acuity for it was not altered (Fig. 3). However, they appeared to exhibit a deficit in detecting a similar but novel odor. The results suggest that the remaining normal mitral cells in the bulbs of these animals are those stimulated by the exposure odor. Cells which show signs of degeneration (Fig. 4) may receive little or no input from the periphery. Controls exposed to a similar but non-odorous environment showed evidence of non-selective mitral cell degeneration. In addition they had a lower acuity for acetophenone and cyclohexanone than animals reared in a normal rat colony (Fig. 3). Anatomical and behavioral data from odor exposed and control groups, suggest that partial regeneration of altered mitral cells may have occurred during a 5 month period following exposure. Overall the results provide further evidence for a topographical projection of the olfactory receptor epithelium onto the olfactory bulb and spatial coding of different odors in the bulb.  相似文献   

The extent and stability of the expression of developmental isoforms of myosin heavy chain (MHCd), and their association with cellular morphology, were determined in adult rat skeletal muscle fibres following injury induced by eccentrically-biased exercise. Adult female Wistar rats [274 (10) g] were either assigned as non-exercised controls or subjected to 30 min of treadmill exercise (grade, -16 degrees; speed, 15 m x min(-1)), and then sacrificed following 1, 2, 4, 7, or 12 days of recovery (n = 5-6 per group). Histologically and immunohistologically stained serial, transverse cryosections of the soleus (S), vastus intermedius (VI), and tibialis anterior (TA) muscles were examined using light microscopy and digital imaging. Fibres staining positively for MHCd (MHCd+) were seldom detected in the TA. In the VI and S, higher proportions of MHCd+ fibres (0.8% and 2.5%, respectively) were observed in rats at 4 and 7 days post-exercise, in comparison to all other groups combined (0.2%, 1.2%; P < or = 0.01). In S, MHCd+ fibres were observed less frequently by 12 days (0.7%) than at 7 days (2.6%) following exercise. The majority (85.1%) of the MHCd+ fibres had morphological characteristics indicative of either damage, degeneration, repair or regeneration. Most of the MHCd+ fibres also expressed adult slow, and/or fast myosin heavy chain. Quantitatively, the MHCd+ fibres were smaller (< 2500 microm2) and more angular than fibres not expressing MHCd. Thus, there was a transient increase in a small, but distinct population of MHCd+ fibres following unaccustomed, functional exercise in adult rat S and VI muscles. The observed close coupling of MHCd expression with morphological changes within muscle fibres suggests that these characteristics have a common, initial exercise-induced injury-related stimulus.  相似文献   

Adult Wistar rats were either partial (caput) and bilaterally epididymectomized or bilaterally efferentectomized, as controls of duct obstruction. The effects on testicular germinal epithelium were studied at 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23 and 25 days after surgery. No abnormalities were detected in sham-operated animals. Epididymectomized animals showed different levels of alterations with progressive disruption of the seminiferous epithelium, emergence of multinucleated bodies and some tubules obliterated by degenerated cells and cellular debris. Half way through the experiment there were tubules lacking their epithelia, as well as the Sertoli cells. On the 25th day degeneration was so important that is affected not only the epithelium (missing in almost all tubules) but also the tubular morphology. Eventually efferentectomized animals showed a progressive alteration, but its level was much lower than that observed after partial epididymectomy, indicating a possible specific function of the caput epididymidis in the control of testicular function.  相似文献   

Developmental dyslexia runs in families, and twin studies have confirmed that there is a substantial genetic contribution to poor reading. The way in which discoveries in molecular genetics are reported can be misleading, encouraging us to think that there are specific genes that might be used to screen for disorder. However, dyslexia is not a classic Mendelian disorder that is caused by a mutation in a single gene. Rather, like many other common disorders, it appears to involve combined effects of many genes and environmental factors, each of which has a small influence, possibly supplemented by rare variants that have larger effects but apply to only a minority of cases. Furthermore, to see clearer relationships between genotype and phenotype, we may need to move beyond the clinical category of dyslexia to look at underlying cognitive deficits that may be implicated in other neurodevelopmental disorders.  相似文献   

Although a genetic component is known to have an important role in the etiology of developmental dyslexia (DD), we are far from understanding the molecular etiopathogenetic pathways. Reduced measures of neurobiological functioning related to reading (dis)ability, i.e. endophenotypes (EPs), are promising targets for gene finding and the elucidation of the underlying mechanisms. In a sample of 100 nuclear families with DD (229 offspring) and 83 unrelated typical readers, we tested whether a set of well‐established, cognitive phenotypes related to DD [i.e. rapid auditory processing (RAP), rapid automatized naming (RAN), multisensory nonspatial attention and visual motion processing] fulfilled the criteria of the EP construct. Visual motion and RAP satisfied all testable criteria (i.e. they are heritable, associate with the disorder, co‐segregate with the disorder within a family and represent reproducible measures) and are therefore solid EPs of DD. Multisensory nonspatial attention satisfied three of four criteria (i.e. it associates with the disorder, co‐segregates with the disorder within a family and represents a reproducible measure) and is therefore a potential EP for DD. Rapid automatized naming is heritable but does not meet other criteria of the EP construct. We provide the first evidence of a methodologically and statistically sound approach for identifying EPs for DD to be exploited as a solid alternative basis to clinical phenotypes in neuroscience.  相似文献   

A substantial genetic contribution in the etiology of developmental dyslexia (DD) has been well documented with independent groups reporting a susceptibility locus on chromosome 15q. After the identification of the DYX1C1 gene as a potential candidate for DD, several independent association studies reported controversial results. We performed a family-based association study to determine whether the DYX1C1 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that have been associated with DD before, that is SNPs '-3GA' and '1249GT', influence a broader phenotypic definition of DD. A significant linkage disequilibrium was observed with 'Single Letter Backward Span' (SLBS) in both single-marker and haplotype analyses. These results provide further support to the association between DD and DYX1C1 and it suggests that the linkage disequilibrium with DYX1C1 is more saliently explained in Italian dyslexics by short-term memory, as measured by 'SLBS', than by the categorical diagnosis of DD or other related phenotypes.  相似文献   

Postnatal developmental changes in hapatic microsomal UDP-glucuronyltransferase were studied in the rat. The previously reported postnatal decline in the capacity of microsomal fractions to glucuronidate p-nitrophenol was found to be observable in unperturbed preparations only at non-saturating concentrations of the substrate UDP-glucuronic acid. At saturating concentrations of UDP-glucuronic acid, activity is identical in newborns and adults. Kinetic analysis revealed that the enzyme from liver of newborns has a much higher affinity for UDP-glucuronic acid than does the enzyme in adults, but the same activity at Vmax. On the other hand, the enzyme from adult liver microsomal fractions can be activated by the physiological allosteric effector UDP-N-acetylglucosamine, whereas the enzyme from newborns is largely unaffected by it. Thus it appears that the number of enzyme active sites is not changing; rather, the enzyme is maturing to a more highly regulable form. There were also differences between the enzymes in newborns and adults in their response to perturbation of the membrane-lipid environment by detergent and phospholipase A. Possible interpretations of these differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Among complex disorders, those concerning neuropsychiatric phenotypes involve particular challenges compared to disorders with more easily distinguished clinical signs and measures. One such common and unusually challenging phenotype to disentangle genetically is developmental dyslexia (DD), or reading disability, defined as the inability to learn to read and write for an otherwise normally intelligent child with normal senses and educational opportunity. There is presently ample evidence for the strongly biological etiology for DD, and a dozen susceptibility genes have been suggested. Many of these genes point to common but previously unsuspected biological mechanisms, such as neuronal migration and cilia functions. I discuss here the state-of-the-art in genomic and neurobiological aspects of DD research, starting with short general background to its history.  相似文献   

Six extended dyslexic families with at least four affected individuals were genotyped with markers in three chromosomal regions: 6p23-p21.3, 15pter-qter, and 16pter-qter. Five theoretically derived phenotypes were used in the linkage analyses: (1) phonological awareness; (2) phonological decoding; (3) rapid automatized naming; (4) single-word reading; and (5) discrepancy between intelligence and reading performance, an empirically derived, commonly used phenotype. Two-point and multipoint allele-sharing analyses of chromosome 6 markers revealed significant evidence (P < 10(-6)) for linkage of the phonological awareness phenotype to five adjacent markers (D6S109, D6S461, D6S299, D6S464, and D6S306). The least compelling results were obtained with single-word reading. In contrast, with chromosome 15 markers, a LOD score of 3.15 was obtained for marker D15S143 at theta = 0.0 with single-word reading. Multipoint analyses with markers adjacent to D15S143 (D15S126, D15S132, D15S214, and D15S128) were positive, but none reached acceptable significance levels. Chromosome 15 analyses with the phonological awareness phenotype were negative. Parametric and nonparametric linkage analyses with chromosome 16 markers were negative. The most intriguing aspect of the current findings is that two very distinct reading-related phenotypes, reflecting different levels in the hierarchy of reading-related skills, each contributing to different processes, appear to be linked to two different chromosomal regions.  相似文献   

Dyslexia, or specific reading disability, is the most common learning disorder with a complex, partially genetic basis, but its biochemical mechanisms remain poorly understood. A locus on Chromosome 3, DYX5, has been linked to dyslexia in one large family and speech-sound disorder in a subset of small families. We found that the axon guidance receptor gene ROBO1, orthologous to the Drosophila roundabout gene, is disrupted by a chromosome translocation in a dyslexic individual. In a large pedigree with 21 dyslexic individuals genetically linked to a specific haplotype of ROBO1 (not found in any other chromosomes in our samples), the expression of ROBO1 from this haplotype was absent or attenuated in affected individuals. Sequencing of ROBO1 in apes revealed multiple coding differences, and the selection pressure was significantly different between the human, chimpanzee, and gorilla branch as compared to orangutan. We also identified novel exons and splice variants of ROBO1 that may explain the apparent phenotypic differences between human and mouse in heterozygous loss of ROBO1. We conclude that dyslexia may be caused by partial haplo-insufficiency for ROBO1 in rare families. Thus, our data suggest that a slight disturbance in neuronal axon crossing across the midline between brain hemispheres, dendrite guidance, or another function of ROBO1 may manifest as a specific reading disability in humans.  相似文献   

Functional maturation of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor is executed by its gamma-to-epsilon subunit switching. The glycine receptor also has fetal (alpha 2) and adult (alpha 1) isoforms. However, whether subunit switching is responsible for developmental changes in glycine receptor function is not known. We recorded single-channel currents from homomeric glycine receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes with cRNAs encoding the alpha 2 or alpha 1 subunits and compared them with those recorded from native glycine receptors in rat spinal neurons at various ontogenic periods. The mean channel life times of the alpha 1 and mature glycine receptors were equally short, whereas both the alpha 2 and fetal receptors showed a significantly longer open time. Consistent with these results, the decay time of the glycinergic inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs) in spinal neurons became shorter during postnatal development. We conclude that developmental switching of alpha subunits may accelerate the kinetics of IPSCs.  相似文献   

Recent application of nonparametric-linkage analysis to reading disability has implicated a putative quantitative-trait locus (QTL) on the short arm of chromosome 6. In the present study, we use QTL methods to evaluate linkage to the 6p25-21.3 region in a sample of 181 sib pairs from 82 nuclear families that were selected on the basis of a dyslexic proband. We have assessed linkage directly for several quantitative measures that should correlate with different components of the phenotype, rather than using a single composite measure or employing categorical definitions of subtypes. Our measures include the traditional IQ/reading discrepancy score, as well as tests of word recognition, irregular-word reading, and nonword reading. Pointwise analysis by means of sib-pair trait differences suggests the presence, in 6p21.3, of a QTL influencing multiple components of dyslexia, in particular the reading of irregular words (P=.0016) and nonwords (P=.0024). A complementary statistical approach involving estimation of variance components supports these findings (irregular words, P=.007; nonwords, P=.0004). Multipoint analyses place the QTL within the D6S422-D6S291 interval, with a peak around markers D6S276 and D6S105 consistently identified by approaches based on trait differences (irregular words, P=.00035; nonwords, P=.0035) and variance components (irregular words, P=.007; nonwords, P=.0038). Our findings indicate that the QTL affects both phonological and orthographic skills and is not specific to phoneme awareness, as has been previously suggested. Further studies will be necessary to obtain a more precise localization of this QTL, which may lead to the isolation of one of the genes involved in developmental dyslexia.  相似文献   

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