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Protein trafficking to two different types of vacuoles was investigated in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv SR1) mesophyll protoplasts using two different vacuolar green fluorescent proteins (GFPs). One GFP is targeted to a pH-neutral vacuole by the C-terminal vacuolar sorting determinant of tobacco chitinase A, whereas the other GFP is targeted to an acidic lytic vacuole by the N-terminal propeptide of barley aleurain, which contains a sequence-specific vacuolar sorting determinant. The trafficking and final accumulation in the central vacuole (CV) or in smaller peripheral vacuoles differed for the two reporter proteins, depending on the cell type. Within 2 d, evacuolated (mini-) protoplasts regenerate a large CV. Expression of the two vacuolar GFPs in miniprotoplasts indicated that the newly formed CV was a lytic vacuole, whereas neutral vacuoles always remained peripheral. Only later, once the regeneration of the CV was completed, the content of peripheral storage vacuoles could be seen to appear in the CV of a third of the cells, apparently by heterotypic fusion.  相似文献   

We synthesized and characterized two novel fluorescent sigma-2 receptor selective ligands, SW120 and SW116, and evaluated these ligands as potential probes for imaging cell proliferation. Both ligands are highly selective for sigma-2 receptors versus sigma-1 receptors. SW120 and SW116 were internalized into MDA-MB-435 cells, and 50% of the maximum fluorescent intensity was reached in 11 and 24 minutes, respectively. In vitro studies showed that 50% of SW120 or SW116 washed out of cells in 1 hour. The internalization of SW120 was reduced ≈30% by phenylarsine oxide, an inhibitor of endocytosis, suggesting that sigma-2 ligands are internalized, in part, by an endocytotic pathway. Subcellular localization studies using confocal and two-photon microscopy showed that SW120 and SW116 partially colocalized with fluorescent markers of mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes, and the plasma membrane, suggesting that sigma-2 receptors localized to the cytoplasmic organelles and plasma membrane. SW120 did not colocalize with the nuclear dye 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole. In vivo studies showed that the uptake of SW120 in solid tumors and peripheral blood mononuclear cells of mice positively correlated with the expression level of the cell proliferation marker Ki-67, suggesting that sigma-2 fluorescent probes may be used to image cell proliferation in mice.  相似文献   

Zheng H  Staehelin LA 《Plant physiology》2011,155(4):2023-2035
We have investigated the structural events associated with vacuole biogenesis in root tip cells of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) seedlings preserved by high-pressure freezing and freeze-substitution techniques. Our micrographs demonstrate that the lytic vacuoles (LVs) of root tip cells are derived from protein storage vacuoles (PSVs) by cell type-specific sets of transformation events. Analysis of the vacuole transformation pathways has been aided by the phytin-dependent black osmium staining of PSV luminal contents. In epidermal and outer cortex cells, the central LVs are formed by a process involving PSV fusion, storage protein degradation, and the gradual replacement of the PSV marker protein α-tonoplast intrinsic protein (TIP) with the LV marker protein γ-TIP. In contrast, in the inner cortex and vascular cylinder cells, the transformation events are more complex. During mobilization of the stored molecules, the PSV membranes collapse osmotically upon themselves, thereby squeezing the vacuolar contents into the remaining bulging vacuolar regions. The collapsed PSV membranes then differentiate into two domains: (1) vacuole "reinflation" domains that produce pre-LVs, and (2) multilamellar autophagosomal domains that are later engulfed by the pre-LVs. The multilamellar autophagosomal domains appear to originate from concentric sheets of PSV membranes that create compartments within which the cytoplasm begins to break down. Engulfment of the multilamellar autophagic vacuoles by the pre-LVs gives rise to the mature LVs. During pre-LV formation, the PSV marker α-TIP disappears and is replaced by the LV marker γ-TIP. These findings demonstrate that the central LVs of root cells arise from PSVs via cell type-specific transformation pathways.  相似文献   

During recent years, the selected knockdown of protein expression by RNA interference has received rapidly growing interest. Although short interfering RNA (siRNA) target designers apply strict selection parameters, the deduced small RNAs need to be tested for their silencing potency. Here we describe a fast and efficient method for evaluating the silencing efficiency of target gene by small hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) in mammalian cells. Cells were cotransfected with two vectors: one containing shRNAs as well as the coding region for green fluorescent protein and one containing a chimeric fusion construct encoding red fluorescent protein coupled to the synaptic vesicle protein SV31. The efficiency of various shRNAs was directly monitored in vivo by fluorescence microscopy.  相似文献   

The intracellular distribution of several hydrophobic fluorescent probes (1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (DPH), perylene, and 2-p-toluidinyl-6-naphthalene sulfonate (TNS) in mouse lymphocytes and a fibroblast cell line was examined using radiolabeled fluorescent probes and the technique of high resolution EM autoradiography. Following a short term incubation, DPH and perylene were found largely internalized in cells, while TNS was localized predominantly at the cell surface. These findings suggest that fluorescence polarization studies using such probes with intact cells do not necessarily monitor only the cell surface membrane and must be interpreted with caution.  相似文献   

We have cloned and sequenced two barley alpha-amylase genes belonging to the high pI isozyme family, one of which, Amy6-4, corresponds to a cDNA previously characterized by our laboratory. A 750-base pair probe from Amy6-4, representing primarily the promoter/upstream sequences cross-hybridizes on genomic Southern blots under stringent conditions to five other genes or pseudogenes; this demonstrates that the promoter/upstream region in these different members of the gene family is highly conserved. In contrast, this probe hybridizes very poorly to the genomic fragment containing the other cloned high pI gene, Amy46, a finding consistent with substantial divergence of sequence about 200 base pairs upstream from the TATA box of each. We compared steady-state mRNA levels from these individual genes to levels for mRNAs from two low pI alpha-amylase genes and from the single copy gene for aleurain, a thiol protease, using quantitative S1 nuclease protection assays. We found, in RNA from aleurone cells treated with gibberellic acid for 19-24 h, that the two low pI alpha-amylase mRNAs are each about five times more abundant than Amy6-4 or aleurain, which are, in turn, about 10 times more abundant than Amy46. These results indicate that as many as seven closely related high pI genes are needed to provide mRNA levels approaching those from the two low pI genes. We speculate that the substantially lower level of expression of Amy46 may be related to its divergent sequence upstream from the promoter.  相似文献   

Characterization of two types of yeast ribosomal DNA genes.   总被引:33,自引:5,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
The intragenic organization of ribosomal DNA from a diploid strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was analyzed by using recombinant DNA molecules constructed in vitro. Restriction analysis of the yeast ribosomal DNA with the EcoRI restriction enzyme indicated that eight restriction fragments were present in the ribosomal DNA of this strain: X' (1.87 X 10(6) daltons), A (1.77 X 10(6) daltons), B (1.48 X 10(6) daltons), C (1.22 X 10(6) daltons), D (0.39 X 10(6) daltons), E (0.36 X 10(6) daltons), F (0.22 X 10(6) daltons), and G (0.17 X 10(6) daltons). These fragments were distributed between two different types of ribosomal DNA genes, which had the restriction maps: (formula: see text) in which the underlined region shows the repeating unit. The diploid yeast strain contained approximately equal amounts of each of these two types of genes. The analysis of the recombinant DNA molecules also indicated that the yeast ribosomal genes are homogeneous and extensively clustered.  相似文献   

Peptide-membrane interaction is an important step to be evaluated in a study of the activity and mode of action of several bioactive peptides. A variety of methods are available; however, few of them satisfy the criteria of being sensitive, biocompatible, versatile, easy to perform, and allowing real-time monitoring as the use of potential-sensitive fluorescent probes. Here we review methods for detecting the effects of membrane-active peptides, even those that are not intrinsically fluorescent, on the different types of membrane potentials, with a special emphasis on studies conducted with living cells. FPE is a probe sensitive to surface potential and detects electrostatic interactions at the water-lipid interface. Di-8-ANEPPS is sensitive to dipole potential and detects membrane incorporations. Transmembrane potential changes reveal major membrane destabilizations, such as in pore formation. The combination of the information obtained from the three potential variations can lead to a more elucidative picture of the mechanisms of the interaction of relevant peptides with biomembranes.  相似文献   

C Dive  J V Watson  P Workman 《Cytometry》1990,11(2):244-252
We describe an improved twin-probe multiparameter flow cytometric technique to examine cell membrane permeability. Ability to retain preloaded intracellular bis-carboxyethyl carboxy fluorescein (BCECF, green fluorescence) and to exclude extracellular propidium (red fluorescence) is measured, simultaneously with forward and right-angle scatter. This has significant advantages over an earlier method using fluorescein together with ethidium. In addition to the two expected cell populations which were stained green positive, red negative (by convention membrane "intact" and "viable," Region 1) and green negative, red positive ("membrane-damaged" and "non-viable," Region 3), a third population was seen which fluoresced neither green nor red and displayed intermediate light scatter characteristics (Region 2). This was true for each of 9 cell types in vitro. For EMT6 mouse mammary tumour cells held under sub-optimal conditions or treated with membrane-active drugs, progression from Region 1 to Region 2 was observed, followed by further progression from Region 2 to Region 3. Cells eventually accumulated in Region 3. These results suggest that sequential changes in membrane structure lead to increased permeability, first with respect to intracellular BCECF and in turn to extracellular propidium.  相似文献   

The complexes designed in this work combine the sequence-specific binding properties of helix-turn-helix DNA-binding motifs with intercalating cyanine dyes. Thermodynamics of the Hin recombinase and Tc3 transposase DNA-binding domains with and without the conjugated dyes were studied by fluorescence techniques to determine the contributions to specific and nonspecific binding in terms of the polyelectrolyte and hydrophobic effects. The roles of the electrostatic interactions in binding to the cognate and noncognate sequences indicate that nonspecific binding is more sensitive to changes in salt concentration, whereas the change in the heat capacity shows a greater sensitivity to temperature for the sequence-specific complexes in each case. The conjugated dyes affect the Hin DNA-binding domain by acting to anchor a short stretch of amino acids at the N-terminal end into the minor groove. In contrast, the N-terminal end of the Tc3 DNA-binding domain is bound in a well-ordered fashion to the DNA even in the absence of the conjugated dye. The conjugated dye and the DNA-binding domain portions of each conjugate bind noncooperatively to the DNA. The characteristic thermodynamic parameters of specific and nonspecific DNA binding by each of the DNA-binding domains and their respective conjugates are presented.  相似文献   

Current cytogenetic approaches in noninvasive prenatal diagnosis focus on fetal nucleated red blood cells in maternal blood. This practice may be too restrictive because a vast proportion of other fetal cells is ignored. Recent studies have indicated that fetal cells can be directly detected, without prior enrichment, in maternal blood samples by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis for chromosomes X and Y (XY-FISH). In our blinded analysis of 40 maternal blood samples, we therefore examined all fetal cells without any enrichment. Initial examinations using conventional XY-FISH indicated a low specificity of 69.4%, which could be improved to 89.5% by the use of two different Y-chromosome-specific probes (YY-FISH) with only a slight concomitant decrease in sensitivity (52.4% vs 42.9%). On average, 12-20 male fetal cells/ml of maternal blood were identified by XY- and YY-FISH, respectively.  相似文献   

The lipophilic cation triphenylmethylphosphonium (TPMP+) and the potassium analog Rb+, were used to monitor the membrane potential (delta psi) of freshly isolated rabbit type II alveolar epithelial cells. Type II cells were found to accumulate TPMP+ rapidly at 37 degrees C in Hanks' balanced-salt solution with 5 microM tetraphenyl boron, but this accumulation was partially due to non-membrane potential dependent binding of TPMP+ to the cell. Lysophosphatidylcholine (lysoPC) was found to abolish delta psi and permitted correction for bound TPMP+ or Rb+. TPMP+ remaining in the cell following correction for binding represents the sum of mitochondrial and plasma membrane potential dependent accumulation. The accumulation of Rb+ by the type II cell was found to be independent of the mitochondrial membrane potential and indicated a trans-plasma membrane Rb+ distribution potential of -62.9 +/- 4 mV. A similar value was obtained by estimating the plasma membrane potential dependent accumulation of TPMP+ in type II cells whose mitochondria were depolarized with carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP). The release of TPMP+ due to CCCP treatment also permitted an estimation for the trans-mitochondrial membrane potential of -141.8 +/- 10 mV. These techniques of membrane potential measurements were found to be sensitive to changes in delta psi induced by a number of inhibitors and ionophores. The ability to measure the membrane potential of the type II pneumocyte, and the changes caused by various agents, should be useful in characterizing the functional responses of this pulmonary surfactant producing cell.  相似文献   

T-activin alters the electric properties of plasmatic membranes of the T-activin treated suspension of mouse (CBAX X057B1) F1 thymic cells. These alterations were registered by means of negative charged fluorescent probe l-anilino-naphthalene-8-sulfonate (ANS) and positive charged 4-(p-dimethylaminostyryl)-1-methylpyridinium (DSM) by measurement of their fluorescence in the individual thymic cell. Apparently, T-activin leads to depolarization of transmembrane potential on plasmatic membrane of thymic cells. It seems that action of T-activin is similar to the effect of polycations, which alter cells ionic streams during lymphocyte activation. However, there is a version, that T-activin acts like neuraminidase, but it is activity less expressed.  相似文献   

The fluorescent probes pyrene, pyrene butyric acid and N-phenyl 1-naphthylamine have been used to investigate the changes that accompany in vitro transformation of a baby hamster kidney cell line using Rous sarcoma virus. The fluorescent probes which reside in the membrane were used to compare the changes in microviscosity and polarity of the membranes of normal cells with two transformed cell lines. The spectrofluorimetric data indicate that following transformation the probe N-phenyl 1-naphthylamine resides in a more polar environment. However, using the probe pyrene, the yield of excimer indicates decreased mobility of this probe in the membrane of transformed cells. The data also indicate differences between the two transformed cell lines. Laser photolysis was used to study the lifetime of the pyrene probes and the quenching of the pyrene fluorescence in the membrane by several different quenching molecules. The data indicate differences between the three cell lines and suggest that transformation decreases movement within the membrane.  相似文献   

Two new oligonucleotide probes targeting the 16S rRNA of the methanogenic genus Methanosarcina were developed. The probes have the following sequences (Escherichia coli numbering): probe SARCI551, 5'-GAC CCAATAATCACGATCAC-3', and probe SARCI645, 5'-TCCCGGTTCCAAGTCTGGC-3'. In situ hybridization with the fluorescently labelled probes required several modifications of standard procedures. Cells of Methanosarcina mazeii S-6 were found to lyse during the hybridization step if fixed in 3% formaldehyde and stored in 50% ethanol. Lysis was, however, not observed with cells fixed and stored in 1.6% formaldehyde-0.85% NaCl. Extensive autofluorescence of the cells was found upon hybridization in the presence of 5 mM EDTA, but successful hybridization could be obtained without addition of this compound. The mounting agent Citifluor AF1, often used in conjugation with the fluorochrome fluorescein, was found to wash the labelled probes out of the cells. Stable labelling could be obtained with rhodamine-labelled probes when the specimen was mounted in immersion oil, and high hybridization intensities of the Methanosarcina cells were found even in the presence of biomass from an anaerobic reactor. The inherent high autofluorescence of the biomass could be lowered by use of a highly specific narrow-band filter. The probes were found to be specific for Methanosarcina and useful for detection of this genus in samples from anaerobic reactors.  相似文献   

We developed a multiplexed real-time PCR assay using four sets of gene-specific oligonucleotide primers and four TaqMan probes labeled with four different fluorophores in a single reaction for detection of total and pathogenic Vibrio parahaemolyticus, including the pandemic O3:K6 serotype in oysters. V. parahaemolyticus has been associated with outbreaks of food-borne gastroenteritis caused by the consumption of raw or undercooked seafood and therefore is a concern to the seafood industry and consumers. We selected specific primers and probes targeting the thermostable direct hemolysin gene (tdh) and tdh-related hemolysin gene (trh) that have been reported to be associated with pathogenesis in this organism. In addition, we targeted open reading frame 8 of phage f237 (ORF8), which is associated with a newly emerged virulent pandemic serotype of V. parahameolyticus O3:K6. Total V. parahaemolyticus was targeted using the thermolabile hemolysin gene (tlh). The sensitivity of the combined four-locus multiplexed TaqMan PCR was found to be 200 pg of purified genomic DNA and 10(4) CFU per ml for pure cultures. Detection of an initial inoculum of 1 CFU V. parahaemolyticus per g of oyster tissue homogenate was possible after overnight enrichment, which resulted in a concentration of 3.3x10(9) CFU per ml. Use of this method with natural oysters resulted in 17/33 samples that were positive for tlh and 4/33 samples that were positive for tdh. This assay specifically and sensitively detected total and pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus and is expected to provide a rapid and reliable alternative to conventional detection methods by reducing the analysis time and obviating the need for multiple assays.  相似文献   

A Olson  E N Pugh  Jr 《Biophysical journal》1993,65(3):1335-1352
Experiments have demonstrated that single photoisomerizations in amphibian and primate rods can cause the suppression of 3-5% of the dark circulating current at the response peak (Baylor, D. A., T. D. Lamb, and K. W. Yau. 1979. J. Physiol. (Lond.). 288:613-634; Baylor, D. A., B. J. Nunn, and J. L. Schnapf. 1984. J. Physiol. (Lond.). 357:575-607). These results indicate that the change in [cGMP] effected by a single isomerization must spread longitudinally over at least the corresponding fractional length of the outer segment. The effective longitudinal diffusion coefficient, Dx, of cGMP is thus an important determinant of rod sensitivity. We report here measurements of the effective longitudinal diffusion coefficients, Dx, of two fluorescently labeled molecules: 5/6-carboxyfluorescein and 8-(fluoresceinyl)thioguanosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate, introduced into detached outer segments via whole-cell patch electrodes. For these compounds, the average time for equilibration of the entire outer segment with the patch pipette was approximately 6 min. Fluorescence images of rods were analyzed with a one-dimensional diffusion model that included limitations on transfer between the electrode and outer segment and the effects of intracellular binding of the dyes. The analyses yielded estimates of Dx of 1.9 and 1.0 microns 2.s-1 for the two dyes. It is shown that these results place an upper limit on Dx for cGMP of 11 microns2.s-1. The actual value of Dx for cGMP in the rod will depend on the degree of intracellular binding of cGMP. Estimates of the effective buffering power for cGMP in the rod at rest range from two to six (Lamb and Pugh, 1992; Cote and Brunnock, 1993). When combined with these estimates, our results predict that for cGMP itself, Dx falls within the range of 1.4-5.5 microns 2.s-1.  相似文献   

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