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Loxosceles spider venom usually causes a typical dermonecrotic lesion in bitten patients, but it may also cause systemic effects that may be lethal. Gel filtration on Sephadex G-100 ofLoxosceles gaucho, L. laeta, orL. intermedia spider venoms resulted in three fractions (A, containing higher molecular mass components, B containing intermediate molecular mass components, and C with lower molecular mass components). The dermonecrotic and lethal activities were detected exclusively in fraction A of all three species. Analysis by SDS-PAGE showed that the major protein contained in fraction A has molecular weight approximately 35 kDa inL. gaucho andL. intermedia, but 32 kDa inL. laeta venom. These toxins were isolated from venoms ofL. gaucho, L. laeta, andL. intermedia by SDS-PAGE followed by blotting to PVDF membrane and sequencing. A database search showed a high level of identity between each toxin and a fragment of theL. reclusa (North American spider) toxin. A multiple sequence alignment of theLoxosceles toxins showed many common identical residues in their N-terminal sequences. Identities ranged from 50.0% (L. gaucho andL. reclusa) to 61.1% (L. intermedia andL. reclusa). The purified toxins were also submitted to capillary electrophoresis peptide mapping afterin situ partial hydrolysis of the blotted samples. The results obtained suggest thatL. intermedia protein is more similar toL. laeta toxin thanL. gaucho toxin and revealed a smaller homology betweenL. intermedia andL gaucho. Altogether these findings suggest that the toxins responsible for most important activities of venoms ofLoxosceles species have a molecular mass of 32–35 kDa and are probably homologous proteins.  相似文献   

The most common manifestation of Loxosceles spider envenoming is a dermonecrotic lesion at the bite site. Dermonecrotic toxins from Loxosceles gaucho venom were purified and characterized by mass spectrometry (capillary liquid chromatography followed by mass spectrometry detection). Two components were purified: a major one of 31,444 Da, called loxnecrogin A, and a minor one of 31,626 Da, called loxnecrogin B, being probably two isoforms of the toxin. The N-terminal sequence of loxnecrogin A showed similarity with N termini of other sphingomyelinolytic dermonecrotic toxins isolated from venoms of different Loxosceles species. The internal sequences did not present any statistically significant hits in sequence databases searches. However, loxnecrogin A partial sequence showed high similarity to regions of L. intermedia LiD1 recombinant protein sequence, recently described in the literature but not yet deposited in databanks.  相似文献   

U. Seibt  W. Wickler 《Oecologia》1990,82(3):317-321
Summary This study investigates the suggested protective function of the compact silken nest of two species of social Stegodyphus spiders (S. dumicola and S. mimosarum), as a possible ultimate factor for their sociogenesis. Being inhabitants of African dry thornbush country, these spiders are endangered by overheating and desiccation. In the laboratory, both species were found to avoid temperatures >40° C. In the field, temperature in the nest between 7:00 and 21:00 h tends to be higher than air-temperature outside, and between 13:00 and 15:00 h even tends to exceed 40° C. The nest thus is of no value in temperature regulation. Nor is it effective in protecting the spiders from desiccation: Both species have a body water content of 65.2±3.8% and are extremely desiccation resistant; they survived 9 days at 37°C in an exciccator with P2O5, with a daily average % liveweight reduction of 4.94(±1.1). In the field, relative humidity inside the nest between 11:00 and 19:00 h tends to be lower than that of the air outside. Inspection of burnt areas showed that the nest does not protect the spiders from bushfire. The nest does protect from wind, hail, and direct sun-radiation; but available natural retreats, or a simple silken shield, or the funnel-shaped silk tube inhabited by solitary Stegodyphus, have the same effect.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of myoglobin from the triturative stomach of gastropodic molluscBursatella leachii has been determined. It is composed of 146 amino acid residues, is acetylated at the N-terminus, and contains a single histidine residue at position 95 which corresponds to the heme-binding proximal histidine. The E7 distal histidine, which is conserved widely in myoglobins and hemoglobins, is replaced by valine inBursatella myoglobin. The amino acid sequence ofBursatella myoglobin shows strong homology (73–84%) with those ofAplysia andDolabella myoglobins.  相似文献   

Spiders possess a suit of characteristics, which play important roles in the fields of sensory modalities and sexual selection. Although the effects of temperature on spider prey-hunting, web-building, sexual signaling and habitat selection are well-documented, the effects of environmental temperature on spider courtship and copulatory behaviours are largely unexplored. In order to determine the effects of temperature on the sexual behaviours of the wolf spider Pardosa astrigera, we subjected pairs of male and female to five temperatures from 16 to 32 °C at an interval of 4 °C in a controlled laboratory conditions. Results indicated that in males most behavioural parameters, except the number of hematodochal expansions, were significantly influenced by environmental temperature. Male P. astrigera courtship latency, courtship duration, and copulatory duration declined gradually with increasing temperature within the range of 16–28 °C, whereas the number of pedipalp insertions and frequencies of both pedipalp insertions and hematodochal expansions increased gradually with temperature.  相似文献   

C. Ludy  A. Lang   《Biological Control》2006,38(3):314-324
Concerns have been raised that genetically modified Bt maize may harm non-target organisms, and there is a general call and need for a risk assessment of Bt maize. Spiders are important pest predators in agroecosystems and in maize, and can be exposed to the Bt toxin by herbivorous or pollen-collecting prey, by active Bt maize pollen feeding, and by ingesting their pollen-dusted webs. The foliage-dwelling spider fauna of Bt maize fields and adjacent margins was monitored and compared to non-transgenic maize fields. The study took place during the vegetation seasons of 2001–2003 in Bavaria, South Germany. Maize fields and adjacent nettle field margins were colonized by a typical spider assemblage, dominated by space-web spiders (Theridiidae and Linyphiidae). Abundance and species richness of spiders was higher in nettle margins than in maize fields. The proportion of hunting spiders tended to be higher in nettle margins, whereas space-web spiders tended to be more frequent in maize fields. Bt maize showed no consistent effect on individual numbers, species richness and guild structure of spiders in maize fields and adjacent nettle field margin strips. The spider abundance was higher in Bt treatments in 2003, whereas in 2001 and 2002 no significant differences were found. The results provide an important contribution for the implementation of case-specific and general surveillance of transgenic plants to be employed due to the regulations of the European Community.  相似文献   

Cultivation of herbicide-tolerant strain of GM corn involves applications of a non-selective herbicide. Mortality of arthropod natural enemies resulting from the application of herbicides is negligible. But nothing is known how herbicides affect the behaviour of natural enemies and thus alter their pest control efficacy. Aim of the study was to assess the effect of the Roundup residues on the predatory, defensive, locomotory and reproductive behaviour of epigeic spiders and carabid beetles. Specimens of Pardosa agricola (Araneae: Lycosidae) and Poecilus cupreus (Coleoptera: Carabidae) were exposed for 2 h to the fresh and 1-day old residues of Roundup Biaktiv (Monsanto, IPA 480 g/l). Predation rate was similar for all treatments in both spiders and beetles. Spiders did not avoid surface treated with herbicide residues more than the control surface, but beetles slightly avoided surface with fresh residues. The speed of locomotion of spiders was not altered by herbicide residues, but beetles exposed to residues crawled at significantly lower speed than the control group. Herbicide residues did not affect the escape efficacy of spiders from a predator. Residues had no detrimental effect on the courtship, mating frequency and duration in spiders. Roundup Bioaktiv thus appears to be harmless to lycosid spiders and only slightly harmful to carabid beetles. The biological control potential of both predators should not be reduced by the application of Roundup Bioaktiv.  相似文献   

Dominant lethal effects of the herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) were evaluated in the freshwater snail Biomphalaria glabrata. Wild-type snails were exposed during 10 days to 50, 75 and 100 ppm of 2,4-D dimethylamine salt (2,4-D DMA) and paired with non-exposed albino snails 1, 11, 25 and 40 days after the exposure. The offspring of the non-exposed albino snails was scored for lethal malformations.One day after the exposure, a significant effect was observed at 75 and 100 ppm without a dose–response relationship. After 11 days, the effect was observed only at the highest dose. After 25 days, significant increases in the dominant lethal effects occurred at 50 and 75 ppm; effects were directly related to the doses. Background levels of lethal malformations were resumed after 40 days.Although the major and direct measure of dominant lethal mutations is the rate of lethal malformations in the heterozygous offspring of the albino snails, the sensitivity of the assay was substantially increased with the evaluation of all non-viable embryos, that are the sum of those with lethal malformations, identified or not as wild-type.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequences of pilin from a strain of Bacteroides nodosus from serogroup B (234) and serogroup C (217) were determined. The amino-terminal N-methylphenlalanine residue of both proteins was followed by a hydrophobic sequence of 30 residues closely related to the N-terminal sequence of other pili having an amino-terminal residue of N-methylphenylalanine. These data lend support to the hypothesis that in pilins of this type, the amino-terminal sequence functions as a transport signal necessary for pilin to reach its external environment, as well as promoting intersubunit interactions for muintenance of the structural integrity of the pilus. Two hydrophilic hypervariable regions can be discerned across the pilin sequences, indicating possible locations of antigenic domains.  相似文献   

Brown spider (Genus Loxosceles) bites are normally associated with necrotic skin degeneration, gravitational spreading, massive inflammatory response at injured region, platelet aggregation causing thrombocytopenia and renal disturbances. Brown spider venom has a complex composition containing many different toxins, of which a well-studied component is the dermonecrotic toxin. This toxin alone may produce necrotic lesions, inflammatory response and platelet aggregation. Biochemically, dermonecrotic toxin belongs to a family of toxins with 30-35 kDa characterized as sphingomyelinase-D. Here, employing a cDNA library of Loxosceles intermedia venom gland, we cloned and expressed two recombinant isoforms of the dermonecrotic toxin LiRecDT2 (1062 bp cDNA) and LiRecDT3 (1007 bp cDNA) that encode for signal peptides and complete mature proteins. Phylogenetic tree analysis revealed a structural relationship for these toxins compared to other members of family. Recombinant molecules were expressed as N-terminal His-tag fusion proteins in Escherichia coli and were purified to homogeneity from cell lysates by Ni(2+) chelating chromatography, resulting in proteins of 33.8 kDa for LiRecDT2 and 34.0 kDa for LiRecDT3. Additional evidence for related toxins containing sequence/epitopes identity comes from antigenic cross-reactivity using antibodies against crude venom toxins and antibodies raised with a purified dermonecrotic toxin. Recombinant toxins showed differential functionality in rabbits: LiRecDT2 caused a macroscopic lesion with gravitational spreading upon intradermal injection, while LiRecDT3 evoked transient swelling and erythema upon injection site. Light microscopic analysis of skin biopsies revealed edema, a collection of inflammatory cells in and around blood vessels and a proteinaceous network at the dermis. Moreover, differential functionality for recombinant toxins was also demonstrated by a high sphingomyelinase activity for LiRecDT2 and low activity for LiRecDT3 as well as greater in vitro platelet aggregation and blood vessel permeability induced by LiRecDT2 and residual activity for LiRecDT3. Cloning and expression of two recombinant dermonecrotic toxins demonstrate an intraspecific family of homologous toxins that act in synergism for deleterious activities of the venom and open possibilities for biotechnological applications for recombinant toxins as research tools for understanding the inflammatory response, vascular integrity and platelet aggregation modulators.  相似文献   

Myoglobin was isolated from the radular muscle of the chitonLiolophura japonica, a primitive archigastropodic mollusc.Liolophura contains three monomeric myoglobins (I, II, and III), and the complete amino acid sequence of myoglobin I has been determined. It is composed of 145 amino acid residues, and the molecular mass was calculated to be 16,070 D. The E7 distal histidine, which is replaced by valine or glutamine in several molluscan globins, is conserved inLiolophura myoglobin. The autoxidation rate at physiological conditions indicated thatLiolophura oxymyoglobin is fairly stable when compared with other molluscan myoglobins. The amino acid sequence ofLiolophura myoglobin shows low homology (11–21%) with molluscan dimeric myoglobins and hemoglobins, but shows higher homology (26–29%) with monomeric myoglobins from the gastropodic molluscsAplysia, Dolabella, andBursatella. A phylogenetic tree was constructed from 19 molluscan globin sequences. The tree separated them into two distinct clusters, a cluster for muscle myoglobins and a cluster for erythrocyte or gill hemoglobins. The myoglobin cluster is divided further into two subclusters, corresponding to monomeric and dimeric myoglobins, respectively.Liolophura myoglobin was placed on the branch of monomeric myoglobin lineage, showing that it diverged earlier from other monomeric myoglobins. The hemoglobin cluster is also divided into two subclusters. One cluster contains homodimeric, heterodimeric, tetrameric, and didomain chains of erythrocyte hemoglobins of the blood clamsAnadara, Scapharca, andBarbatia. Of special interest is the other subcluster. It consists of three hemoglobin chains derived from the bacterial symbiont-harboring clamsCalyptogena andLucina, in which hemoglobins are supposed to play an important role in maintaining the symbiosis with sulfide bacteria.  相似文献   

Summary The gene braB, encoding the Na-coupled carrier for branched-chain amino acids in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO, was cloned on cosmid pMMB34. The cosmid clones carrying the braB gene were identified as those that restored growth at low leucine concentration and Na-dependent leucine transport activity to P. aeruginosa PAO3536 defective in the transport of branched-chain amino acids. Determination of the nucleotide sequence of the DNA fragment shows that the braB gene comprises 1311 bp and encodes a hydrophobic protein of 437 amino acids with a calculated Mr of 45279. The hydropathy profile suggests that there exist in the carrier protein 12 hydrophobic segments long enough to traverse the membrane. The amino acid sequence shows a high degree of homology with thebrnQ product, a branched-chain amino acid carrier of Salmonella typhimurium, while no homology in the nucleotide sequences is found in the braB and brnQ genes.  相似文献   

A new species of recluse spider, Loxosceles niedeguidonaesp. n., is described from the Parque Nacional Serra da Capivara, State of Piauí, Brazil. This is the first endemic species described from Brazilian semi-arid environment. The species is included in gaucho group of Gertsch (1967) due to its spermathecal shape and is considered close to Loxosceles chapadensis Bertani, Fukushima & Nagahama, 2010 by the unusual long male palpal tibia, a character not common for species of this group. An updated key for Loxosceles species of gaucho group is presented.  相似文献   

Tetradenia riparia (Lamiaceae) is a well-known herbal medicine with a variety of useful properties, including its acaricidal effect. This experiment was carried out to study the bioacaricidal activity of T. riparia essential oil (EO) against engorged females of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Acari; Ixodidae). For this purpose, nine serial concentrations (12.50%, 6.25%, 3.75%, 1.80%, 0.90%, 0.45%, 0.22%, 0.11%, and 0.056% w/v) of T. riparia were used for the adult immersion test (AIT). For the larval packet test (LPT), we used 14 serial concentrations (100.00%, 50.00%, 25.00%, 12.50%, 6.25%, 3.65%, 1.82%, 0.91%, 0.45%, 0.228%, 0.114%, 0.057%, 0.028%, and 0.014% w/v). The results for AIT showed 100.00% and 2.05% mortality, 19.00 and 90.20% for the total number of eggs, egg-laying inhibition of 0.00% and 90.20%, hatchability inhibition of 0.00% and 70.23%, and product effectiveness of 100.00% and 2.89%, respectively. The AIT indicated that the LC50 and LC99.9, calculated using the Probit test, were for mortality (%) 0.534 g/mL (0.436–0.632) and 1.552 g/mL (1.183–1.92); for total number of eggs were 0.449 g/mL (0.339–0.558) and 1.76 g/mL (1.27–2.248); and for hatchability inhibition were 0.114 g/mL (0.0–0.31) and 2.462 g/mL (1.501–3.422), respectively. Larvae between 14 and 21 days old were fasted and placed in each envelope. Bioassays were performed at 27° ± 1 °C, RH ? 80%. Larval mortality was observed 24 h after treatment and showed 10.60–100% mortality in the LPT bioassay. The LPT showed that the LC50 and LC99.9 were 1.222 g/mL (0.655–1.788) and 11.382 g/mL (7.84–14.91), respectively. A positive correlation between T. riparia EO concentration and tick control, was observed by the strong acaricidal effects against R. (B.) microplus, and the mortality rate of ticks was dose-dependent. Our results showed that T. riparia is a promising candidate as an acaricide against resistant strains of R. (B.) microplus.  相似文献   

Summary While a number of advantages may result from group living, it may also lead to increased levels of attack by parasites because groups may be easier to find. This leads to the prediction that levels of parasitism should increase with colony size. We test this prediction by comparing colony size and parasitoid load for two species of colonial orb-weaving spiders from Mexico, Metepeira (undesc. sp., tentatively named atascadero) and Metepeira incrassata, which exhibit contrasting levels of social organization and utilize different habitats. For M. atascadero, which occurs solitarily or in small groups in desert/mesquite grassland habitat, rates of egg-sac parasitism fluctuate widely from year to year, and are closely tied to spider egg output. There is no relationship between colony size and rate of parasitism. For colonial M. incrassata, which occur in tropical rain forest/agricultural habitat, rates of parasitism are relatively constant from year to year. However, there is a positive relationship between colony size and rate of parasitism in this species. These differences are discussed with regard to the stability of the two habitats, prey availability, and the foraging behavior of the respective parasitoids.  相似文献   

D. J. Goyder 《Kew Bulletin》2008,63(3):471-472
Summary  Four species of tropical African Sarcostemma are transferred to Cynanchum together with two subspecies of S. viminale. In addition, Sarcostemma mulanjense is reduced to subspecific rank under C. viminale.  相似文献   

Since 1998, king scallops (Pecten maximus) obtained from Scottish offshore sites have been monitored for domoic acid (DA) and epi-domoic acid (epi-DA), the principal toxic compounds associated with amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP). The presence of these toxins in king scallops harvested from Scottish waters at concentrations exceeding the current regulatory limit (20 μg g−1 shellfish flesh) is a recurrent event. However, little information was available to determine the effects that different storage conditions experienced during sample transportation to the monitoring laboratory may have on the toxin concentrations, which are subsequently detected. Furthermore, the stability of DA and epi-DA in the solvents (methanol:water (1:1, v/v) and citric acid buffer (0.5 M, pH 3.2)) routinely used for their extraction from shellfish has not previously been assessed. Results from this study demonstrate that when king scallop samples were stored for 2–3 days at 12 °C, a significantly higher toxin concentration was detected in the gonad than when samples were stored at 4 °C and analysed within 48 h. This implies that monitoring programmes must consider transport and storage conditions between harvest and analysis. Stability studies showed rapid decomposition of DA and epi-DA in aqueous methanol extracts while DA and epi-DA seem acceptably stable when stored refrigerated in citrate buffer.  相似文献   

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