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Calcium-hydrogen exchange in isolated bovine rod outer segments   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have measured Ca-H exchange in rod photoreceptors with different preparations of rod outer segments isolated from bovine retinas (ROS). One preparation contained ROS with an intact plasma membrane (intact ROS), and in the other preparation, the plasma membrane was leaky to small solutes (leaky ROS) and the cytoplasmic space was freely accessible to externally applied solutes. Addition of Ca2+ to Ca2+-depleted ROS (both intact and leaky) resulted in uptake of Ca2+ that was accompanied by the release of protons when catalytic amounts of the ionophore A23187 were present. This ionophore mediates Ca-H exchange transport across ROS membranes and serves to gain access to the intracellular compartment where Ca-H exchange appears to take place. Two protons were ejected for each calcium ion taken up. Conversely, when protons were added to Ca2+-enriched ROS, Ca2+ was released in the presence of A23187. The majority of this Ca-H exchange was observed only when A23187 was present in both intact and leaky ROS. We conclude that Ca-H exchange occurs predominantly in the intradiskal space and at the surface of the disk membrane rather than across the disk membrane. These exchange binding sites can accommodate 10 mol of Ca2+/mol of rhodopsin at physiological pH. We were unable to detect any Ca2+ release when a proton gradient was rapidly established across the disk membrane in the absence of A23187. These results are discussed in relation to the hypothesis that protons produced by the light-induced hydrolysis of cGMP cause the release of Ca2+ into the cytoplasm of rod photoreceptor cells.  相似文献   

By applying flash-spectrophotometry with the calcium-indicating dye arsenazo III rapid light-triggered calcium release in various cattle rod outer segment preparations was studied. It is shown that light-induced calcium signals can be unambiguously discriminated from underlying absorption changes due to photolysis of rhodopsin and apparent absorption changes resulting from lightscattering transients. The following results have been obtained: 1. Calcium-induced arsenazo III responses can be quantitatively and kinetically resolved within the time domain of the visual transduction process. 2. Photoexcitation of rhodopsin results in calcium release from intradiscal binding sites. 3. Calcium released does not appear in the cytoplasmic space unless the disc membrane is made permeable to calcium ions by an ionophore. 4. The shortest observed half-rise time of calcium release (300 ms) is possibly limited by the ionophore. 5. The stoichiometric ratio of calcium released/rhodopsin bleached is 0.5 at a free calcium concentration of 2 microM. The amount of calcium released is proportional to the precentage of rhodopsin bleaching (from 1--10%). 6. Upon disruption of the disc stack by lysis of intact rod outer segments the light-induced calcium release is greatly altered. The results are discussed in relation to previous reports on a light-induced calcium release from retinal discs and in terms of the proposed role of calcium as an intracellular transmitter in vertebrate photoreceptors.  相似文献   

Frog rod outer segments contain approximately 0.25 mol of GTP and 0.25 mol of ATP per mol of rhodopsin 3 min after their isolation from the retina. UTP and CTP are present at 10-fold and 100-fold lower levels, respectively. Concentrations of GTP and ATP decline in parallel over the next 4 min to reach relatively stable levels of 0.1 mol per mol of rhodopsin. Illumination reduces the concentration of endogenous GTP but not ATP. This light-induced decrease in GTP can be as large as 70% and has a half-time of 7 s. GTP is reduced to steady intermediate levels during extended illumination of intermediate intensity, but partially returns to its dark-adapted level after brief illumination. The magnitude of the decrease increases as a linear function of the logarithm of continuous light intensity at levels which bleach between 5 X 10(2) and 5 X 10(6) rhodopsin molecules/outer segment per second. This exceeds the range of intensities over which illumination causes decreases in the cyclic GMP content and permeability of isolated outer segments (Woodruff and Bownds. 1979. J. Gen. Physiol. 73:629-653). Thus, over 4 log units of light intensity, a sensitivity control mechanism functions to make extended illumination less effective in stimulating a GTP decrease. GTP levels in dark-adapted outer segments are sensitive to changes in calcium concentration in the suspending medium. If the external calcium concentration is reduced to 10(-8) M, GTP concentration is lowered to the same level caused by saturating illumination, and the GTP remaining is no longer light-sensitive. Lowering calcium concentration to intermediate levels between 10(-6) and 10(-8) M reduces GTP to stable intermediate levels, and the GTP remaining can be reduced by light. Restoration of millimolar calcium drives synthesis of GTP, but not of ATP, and GTP lability towards illumination is again observed. These calcium-induced changes in GTP are diminished by the addition of the divalent cation ionophore A23187. Lowering or raising magnesium levels does not influence the GTP concentration. These data raise the possibility that light activates either a calcium transport mechanism driven by the hydrolysis of GTP, or some other calcium-sensitive GTPase activity of unknown function. Known light-dependent reactions involving cyclic nucleotide transformations and rhodopsin phosphorylation appear to account for only a small fraction of the light-induced GTP decrease.  相似文献   

The visual transduction cascade of the retinal rod outer segment responds to light by decreasing membrane current. This ion channel is controlled by cyclic GMP which is, in turn, controlled by its synthesis and degradation by guanylate cyclase and phosphodiesterase, respectively. When light bleaches rhodopsin there is an induced exchange of GTP for GDP bound to the alpha subunit of the retinal G-protein, transducin (T). The T alpha.GTP then removes the inhibitory constraint of a small inhibitory subunit (PDE gamma) on the retinal cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE). This results in activation of the PDE and in hydrolysis of cGMP. Recently both low and high affinity binding sites have been identified for PDE gamma on the PDE alpha/beta catalytic subunits. The discovery of two PDE gamma subunits, each with different binding affinities, suggests that a tightly regulated shut-off mechanism may be present.  相似文献   

A Olson  E N Pugh  Jr 《Biophysical journal》1993,65(3):1335-1352
Experiments have demonstrated that single photoisomerizations in amphibian and primate rods can cause the suppression of 3-5% of the dark circulating current at the response peak (Baylor, D. A., T. D. Lamb, and K. W. Yau. 1979. J. Physiol. (Lond.). 288:613-634; Baylor, D. A., B. J. Nunn, and J. L. Schnapf. 1984. J. Physiol. (Lond.). 357:575-607). These results indicate that the change in [cGMP] effected by a single isomerization must spread longitudinally over at least the corresponding fractional length of the outer segment. The effective longitudinal diffusion coefficient, Dx, of cGMP is thus an important determinant of rod sensitivity. We report here measurements of the effective longitudinal diffusion coefficients, Dx, of two fluorescently labeled molecules: 5/6-carboxyfluorescein and 8-(fluoresceinyl)thioguanosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate, introduced into detached outer segments via whole-cell patch electrodes. For these compounds, the average time for equilibration of the entire outer segment with the patch pipette was approximately 6 min. Fluorescence images of rods were analyzed with a one-dimensional diffusion model that included limitations on transfer between the electrode and outer segment and the effects of intracellular binding of the dyes. The analyses yielded estimates of Dx of 1.9 and 1.0 microns 2.s-1 for the two dyes. It is shown that these results place an upper limit on Dx for cGMP of 11 microns2.s-1. The actual value of Dx for cGMP in the rod will depend on the degree of intracellular binding of cGMP. Estimates of the effective buffering power for cGMP in the rod at rest range from two to six (Lamb and Pugh, 1992; Cote and Brunnock, 1993). When combined with these estimates, our results predict that for cGMP itself, Dx falls within the range of 1.4-5.5 microns 2.s-1.  相似文献   

Ca2+ sequestration and release from disks of rod outer segments may play a critical role in visual transduction. An ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake activity has been identified in association with purified disks of bovine rod outer segments. A crude preparation of osmotically active disks was obtained from rod outer segments by hypoosmotic shock and subsequent flotation on a 5% Ficoll 400 solution. These "crude" disks were further purified by separation into two distinct components by centrifugation in a linear Ficoll gradient. Disks comprised the major component; at least 60% of the protein was rhodopsin. This fraction also contained a Ca2+ uptake activity stimulated approximately 4-fold by ATP. The initial rate was approximately 0.21 nmol of Ca2+ (mg of protein)-1 min-1. Most of the ATP-dependent accumulation of 45Ca2+ was released by the calcium ionophore A23187. The uptake activity was sensitive to vanadate (Ki approximately 20 microM) and insensitive to the mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake inhibitor ruthenium red (10 microM). The ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake exhibited Michaelis-Menten activation kinetics with respect to [Ca2+] (Km approximately 6 microM). The osmotic properties of the sealed disk membranes were exploited to determine whether the association of Ca2+ transport activity with the disks was merely coincidental. The sedimentation properties of these disks, upon centrifugation on a second Ficoll linear density gradient, varied with the osmolarity of the gradient solution. In several separate gradient solutions of differing osmotic and ionic strengths, the Ca2+ uptake activity always comigrated with the disks. These results indicate that the ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake activity was physically associated with sealed native disk membranes. The characteristics of the Ca2+ uptake activity suggest that it may play a major role in the regulation of cytosolic Ca2+ levels in rod cells in vivo.  相似文献   

Suspensions of isolated rod outer segments are shown to have a high calcium content of up to 11 moles calcium per mole rhodopsin. Osmotic lysis of the outer segments demonstrates the presence of two calcium fractions, a soluble one and a particulate one. The particulate fraction apparently coincides with the rod disks or with disk fragments. Illumination of intact rod outer segments in calcium-free ATP-containing Ringer solution has no measurable effect upon their total caclium content, but causes a significant shift of calcium from the particulate to the soluble fraction. This light effect is retained in lysed outer segments resuspended in calcium-free ATP-containing Ringer. These results support a function of calcium as a transmitter in light transduction in rod outer segments.  相似文献   

Summary. Calcium ion (Ca2+) uptake was measured in rod outer segments (ROS) isolated from rat retina in the presence of varying concentrations of CaCl2 in the incubation buffer (1.0–2.5 mM). It is known that taurine increases Ca2+ uptake in rat ROS in the presence of ATP and at low concentrations of CaCl2 (Lombardini, 1985a); taurine produces no significant effects when CaCl2 concentrations are increased to 1.0 and 2.5 mM. With the removal of both taurine and ATP, Ca2+ uptake in rat ROS increased significantly in the presence of 2.5 mM CaCl2. Taurine treatment in the absence of ATP was effective in decreasing Ca2+ uptake at the higher levels of CaCl2 (2.0 and 2.5 mM). Similar effects were observed with ATP treatment. The data suggest that taurine and ATP, alone or in combination, limit the capacity of the rat ROS to take up Ca2+ to the extent that a stable uptake level is achieved under conditions of increasing extracellular Ca2+, indicating a protective role for both agents against calcium toxicity. Received January 25, 2000/Accepted January 31, 2000  相似文献   

Phosphoinositide synthesis in bovine rod outer segments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
B D Gehm  D G Mc Connell 《Biochemistry》1990,29(23):5442-5446
Phosphoinositide turnover has been implicated in signal transduction in a variety of cells, including photoreceptors. We demonstrate here the presence of a complete pathway for rapid synthesis of phosphoinositides in isolated bovine retinal rod outer segments (ROS) free of microsomal contaminants. Synthesis was measured by the incorporation of label from radioactive precursors, [gamma-32P]ATP and [3H]inositol. [gamma-32P]ATP also produced large amounts of labeled phosphatidic acid. Incorporation of [3H]inositol required CTP and Mn2+. Mn2+ increased 32P incorporation into phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate, while spermine increased phosphoinositide labeling generally. ROS that had been washed to remove soluble and peripheral proteins incorporated less label than unwashed ROS into phosphatidic acid and phosphatidylinositol. No effects of light were detected. Inhibitory effects of high concentrations of nonhydrolyzable GTP analogues were probably due to competition with ATP.  相似文献   

We have investigated, with osmotic techniques, the light-regulated Na+ channels in rod outer segments (ROS) and ROS fragments freshly isolated from the frog retina. Values of Na+ permeability (PNa) similar to those observed electrophysiologically in the retina were observed using the osmotic technique (continuous flow) described by Korenbrot and Cone. In the other osmotic techniques that we explored, PNa was greatly diminished, if not completely suppressed; however, we found with these techniques that antioxidant conditions (N2 atmosphere or EDTA) significantly increased PNa, suggesting that the Na+ channels are highly sensitivive to membrane oxidation. Using the continuous flow technique, we investigated the H+ and Ca++ dependence of the Na+ channels and found that both of these ions, at micromolar activities, can block the channels. Raising the external H+ activity decreases PNa (reversibly) in a single "sigmoidal" response with an apparent pKa of 5.8. Similarly, in the presence of the ionophores X537A or A23187 which allow equilibration of Ca++ across membranes, the Na+ channels are blocked when the external Ca++ activity is increased from 10(-7) to 10(-5) M. This high sensitivity to both H+ and Ca++ ions suggests that high field strength anionic sites may exist in or near the Na+ channels and that the channels are blocked when these sites bind H+ or Ca++ ions.  相似文献   

Isolated frog rod outer segments (ROS) with a leaky plasma membrane showed a bicarbonate-dependent, ATP-activated45Ca accumulation. This calcium uptake requires magnesium and is specific for ATP; Other nucleotides, ITP, GTP, UTP and the non-hydrolysable analogue of ATP --methylene ATP did not substitute for ATP.45Ca accumulation was inhibited by mersalyl, ethylmaleimide, ruthenium red, oligomycin and dicyclohexylcarbodiimide and was unaffected by ouabain. Addition of taurine to the incubation medium enhanced45Ca uptake in a concentration-dependent manner; increases of more than 100% being produced by 25 mM taurine. The taurine-induced stimulation of45Ca uptake was also sensitive to the tested inhibitors. The effect of taurine was only exerted on the bicarbonate-dependent, ATP-activated45Ca uptake. Calcium accumulation observed in the absence of ATP or in a tris-buffered medium was unaffected by taurine. Other amino acids, glycine, GABA, -alanine, glutamic acid and the taurine analogue guanidinoethyl-sulfonate did not stimulate45Ca uptake. These results suggest that taurine is affecting a Mg-ATPase activity responsible for calcium accumulation in frog ROS.  相似文献   

When isolated frog (Rana catesbeiana) rod outer segment (ROS) fragments were incubated with [gamma-32P]ATP in the dark, only two of phospholipids, i.e., phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate (DPI) and phosphatidic acid (PA) incorporated 32P. Upon addition of DPI (100 microM), considerable amount of 32P was incorporated into phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (TPI) as well as DPI and PA. Exposure of the ROS membranes to 5 sec flash of light resulted in approx. 20% decrease in the labeled TPI, while no significant effect was observed on DPI and PA. It was also observed that Ca2+ markedly accelerated the production of PA in the dark, while it reduced the 32P-incorporation into TPI. These results suggest that there is light- and/or Ca2+-dependent TPI-specific phospholipase C in ROS of vertebrate photoreceptors.  相似文献   

Bovine rod outer segments (rods), isolated with an intact plasma membrane and a stable calcium exchange and storage capacity, contain 2-3 mol endogenous calcium/mol rhodopsin. By means of 45Ca accumulation experiments and concomitant 40Ca analysis, the calcium metabolism of these organelles has been studied with the following results: 1. The majority of endogenous calcium is localized within disks. 2. In the presence of the ionophore A23187 the intradiskal binding sites can be titrated with external calcium. 3. The Scatchard plot of calcium binding of rods indicates the presence of a single set of intradiskal binding sites with a maximal capacity of 8-9 mol calcium/mol rhodopsin and an affinity constant of 55 microM to calcium. 4. Without A23187 more than 99% of the rod calcium appears in a bound state in equilibrium with a free calcium concentration of 15-25 microM. 5. External calcium exchanges with endogenous calcium in a fast (t 1/2 = 12 s) process with a uniform rate constant, whereas net calcium transport is very slow (t 1/2 greater than 2 h). 6. Intact rods contain a calcium translocation system, presumably located in the plasma membrane, which performs Ca-Ca exchange with a high unidirectional flux of 2 . 10(6) calcium ions/rod per s. 7. This translocation system can be saturated by external calcium (Km = 0.5 -1 microM) and has a low Q10 (1.08). Both the calcium translocation system and the calcium binding system appear to depend on the structural integrity of the stacked disks and are very sensitive to the experimental conditions. The relevance of these findings is discussed in relation to the proposed role of calcium ions as the intracellular transmitter in vertebrate rod photoreceptor cells.  相似文献   

A spectrin-like protein in retinal rod outer segments   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
S Wong  R S Molday 《Biochemistry》1986,25(20):6294-6300
Biochemical and immunochemical studies indicate that rod outer segments (ROS) of bovine photoreceptor cells contain a Mr 240,000 polypeptide related to the alpha-subunit of red blood cell (RBC) spectrin. With the use of sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis in conjunction with the immunoblotting technique, monoclonal antibody 4B2 was found to bind to a Mr 240,000 polypeptide in ROS that is distinct from the prominent Mr 220,000 concanavalin A binding glycoprotein. The Mr 240,000 polypeptide is highly susceptible to degradation by endogenous proteases. It does not appear to be an integral membrane protein but is tightly membrane associated since it can be partially extracted from ROS membranes with urea in the absence of detergent. The 4B2 antibody cross-reacted with RBC ghosts and bovine brain microsomal membranes. Radioimmune assays and immunoblotting analysis of purified bovine RBC spectrin further revealed that the 4B2 antibody predominantly labeled the alpha-chain of RBC spectrin having an apparent molecular weight of 240,000. Polyclonal anti-spectrin antibody that bound to both the alpha- and beta-chain of RBC spectrin predominantly labeled a Mr 240,000 polypeptide of ROS membranes. Two faintly labeled bands in the molecular weight range of 210,000-220,000 were also observed. These components may represent variants of the beta-chain of spectrin that are weakly cross-reacting or present in smaller quantities than the alpha-chain.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The axial and radial shrinkage of bovine rod outer segments, monitored by near-infrared scattering changes (P-signal), is investigated in dependence on the intensity of the activating flash. Suspensions of axially oriented and randomly oriented rod outer segments were measured. In the latter case, axial and radial effects are superimposed to another. The following results are obtained:
  1. The axial signal (P a, Τ≈10 ms) and the radial signal (P r, Τ=40–100 ms), simultaneously measured on axially oriented rod outer segments, are similarly saturated with a half-saturation at a rhodopsin turnover of 3.5%.
  2. For the saturation of the signal amplitude, measured on randomly oriented rod outer segments, a good fit is obtained by: $$\begin{gathered} P\left( \varrho \right) \sim 1 - e\beta \varrho , \hfill \\ \varrho : relative rhodopsin turnover by the flash; \hfill \\ \beta is found in the range 23 \leqslant \beta \leqslant 27 in all measurements \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$
  3. The kinetics of the signal, also measured on the isotropic sample, depends on the rhodopsin turnover, the apparent time constant becoming faster with increasing turnover. The distortion of the signal cannot be fitted by a sum of exponentials with a fixed set of time constants.
The signals from the isotropic sample are fitted by a phenomenological model. It introduces three first order processes concatenated in series; the first step is assumed as a rhodopsin transition inducing the two further processes. The distortion of the signals with increasing? is then described assuming a?-dependent quenching of this induction, according to the measured amplitude saturation. The time constants remain thereby unchanged. The fit yields the values ln 2/k=4, 11, and 45 ms with mean square deviations of 20%.  相似文献   

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