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The water balance of 0-group flounders was investigated in a range of static [0–100% sea water (SW), 100%≡ 34%‰] and cycling salinities (2–98% SW, 12 h 25 min period). The permeability coefficients of these juvenile fish were found to be higher than those quoted for adults. The permeability of juveniles in fixed salinities decreased with increased salinity whereas animals in the tidally cycling regime showed permeability changes that were directly proportional to the ambient salinity. However, comparison of the two groups showed that animals in a cycling salinity regime were less permeable to water than animals acclimated to fixed salinities. Drinking and urine production rates fluctuated within a tidal salinity regime, and 0-group flounders were found to modify their water permeability, urine production and drinking rates simultaneously, so maintaining their blood osmotic concentration and total water content within narrow limits throughout the range of salinities.
The relevance of measurements made in fixed and tidally cycling salinities to water regulation under natural estuarine conditions is considered.  相似文献   

'Atypical', cytochrome oxidase-negative variants of the fish pathogen Aeromonas salmonicida , isolated from ulcerated flounder ( Platichthys flesus ), were studied using different methods. Two of the strains possessed a protein that corresponded to the A-layer protein of Aer. salmonicida . The strains reacted with antibodies against the A-layer and monoclonal antibodies against the O-antigen of typical Aer. salmonicida . These tests confirm that the isolates from flounder should be classified as Aer. salmonicida . Analysis of the fatty acids showed that the isolates were rather homogenous but the values of the guanine plus cytosine content of the DNA of the bacteria varied too much for any conclusion to be drawn on their taxonomic location. The strains examined exhibited several biochemical characters that differed from those of the type strains of Aer. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida and Aer. salmonicida , subsp. achromogenes . The results suggest that these 'atypical', cytochrome oxidase-negative variants may form a new subspecies of Aer. salmonicida .  相似文献   

The factors influencing the selection of food by flounders, Platichthys flesus (L.), have been investigated by analysing collections made in the Severn Estuary for 1 year and the results of experiments. Flounders measuring between 6–0 and 35 cm fed heavily on the polychaete Nereis diversicolor in February and on the amphipod Gammarus salinus between February and April. Thereafter these species were replaced by the mysid Neomysis integer with the decapod Crangon vulgaris. Flounders shorter than 6.0 cm, fed mainly on Neomysis integer regardless of month. Numerous factors were involved in the choice of the food including (1) the maximum and minimum length of prey, (2) its spatial distribution in the water column, (3) its degree of concealment, (4) its motility and ability to escape predation, (5) conditioning of the flounders for certain foods, (6) the fish's swimming speed and (7) the turbidity and temperature of the water.
Although the average length of ingested prey remained unchanged as the fish grew in size, an increase in the maximum and minimum lengths was observed. The percentage of stomachs that contained no identifiable remains in flounders greater than 6–0 cm averaged 80–95 % during part of the winter and 60% in the summer and between January and March. These changes partly reflected the influence of low water temperature on the metabolic rate and availability of prey. The dry weight of the stomach contents in flounders longer than 6–0 cm was lowest in winter but high values were recorded in the spring. This latter feature was probably because the rate of feeding was greater than that of digestion. During the summer, under more normal feeding conditions, the weight of the stomach contents remained relatively low compared to other fish populations. Flounders shorter than 6–0 cm always contained more food in their stomachs on a unit weight basis than larger individuals, reflecting metabolic rate and hunting efficiency.  相似文献   

The composition of the parasite fauna of the flounder, Platichthys flesus, retrieved from two locations in the tidal Thames is described in detail for the first time. The combined parasite species list of the flounders from Lots Road in the upper tideway and West Thurrock in the middle tideway consisted of one protozoan (Glugea stephani), one monogenean (Gyrodactylus sp.), four larval digeneans (Cryptocotyle concava, Timoniella imbutiforme, T. praeterita, and Labratrema minimus), five adult digeneans (Derogenes varicus, Lecithaster gibbosus, Podocotyle sp., Plagioporus varius, and Zoogonoides viviparus), one larval cestode (unidentified tetraphyllidean), one or possibly more larval nematodes (unidentified) plus five adult nematodes (Capillaria sp., Cucullanus heterochrous, C. minutus, Contracaecum sp. and Goezia sp.), two acanthocephalans (Pomphorhynchus laevis and Acanthocephalus anguillae), three copepods (Lepeophtheirus pectoralis, Acanthochondria sp. and Lernaeocera branchialis), and one mollusc (unidentified glochidia). The overall parasite community of flounders from Lots Road and West Thurrock were compared in terms of species richness and diversity. The parasite community in flounders from the former location in the upper tideway was found to be less diverse than that of its counterpart at West Thurrock in the middle estuary. The component community of Lots Road flounders was dominated by the acanthocephalan Pomphorhynchus laevis.  相似文献   

Growth and food intake of juvenile flounders from the Kiel Bight were measured experimentally at different salinities (0, 5, 15 and 35 %). The growth at the middle levels (5 and 15 %) was faster then at 0 and 35 %. The reason for lower rates of increase in the freshwater group is the lower food intake. In the 35 % group the slower growth is caused by the worse food conversion. The variance of the individual growth rates in the 15 % salinity group remains far below the values of all other groups.  相似文献   

The status of flounders as hosts of Pomphorhynchus laevis and its survival in both freshwater and marine habitats was studied in the wild and by means of laboratory investigations. Natural infections were found in flounders in the euryhaline regions of the River Avon but not in adjacent or distant regions of the English Channel. Pomphorhynchus laevis of freshwater origin survived and grew but did not become sexually mature in natural infections of flounders in the Avon or in flounders maintained in fresh water and sea water in the laboratory. The position of the parasite in the alimentary canal of its host changed in flounders but not in eels in response to the changing conditions within the flounder with increasing salinity. In the Baltic Sea P. laevis grew to a larger size, became sexually mature and occupied a different position, the rectum, in both flounders and plaice. It is suggested that marine and Baltic parasites constitute a different strain of P. laevis , one which completes its entire life cycle in the marine habitat and for which flounder is the preferred host. By contrast, flounders are not even a suitable host for the English freshwater strain of P. laevis although individual parasites may be carried to sea in this and other migratory fish and survive in this medium for varying periods. The sea appears to be a major barrier to dispersal of this freshwater strain, and this largely explains the restricted and discontinuous distribution of the parasite in Britain.  相似文献   

Red cell carbonic anhydrase Ic in Filipinos.   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

Red cell carbonic anhydrase (Ca) types were investigated in 750 animals from three zebu, two exotic and three crossbred breeds. A Ca isozyme of slower mobility than the S isozyme was observed in four Sahiwal animals. The gene frequency of CaS , which was the predominant allele in all the breeds investigated ranged from 0.88 to 1.0.  相似文献   

Red cell carbonic anhydrase (Ca) types were investigated in 750 animals from three zebu, two exotic and three crossbred breeds. A Ca isozyme of slower mobility than the S isozyme was observed in four Sahiwal animals. The gene frequency of CaS, which was the predominant allele in all the breeds investigated ranged from 0.88 to 1.0.  相似文献   

1. Male flounders receiving 100 micrograms estradiol each second day were fully induced to vitellogenin synthesis within 11 days, while fishes given 5 micrograms doses continued to accumulate vitellogenin in the serum at a progressive rate through 17 days. 2. Liver DNA per unit fish remained constant, while RNA per unit fish in flounders given 100 and 5 micrograms doses attained values 80 and 25% respectively, above the values found in control animals. 3. Liver RNA per unit DNA increased at maximal rate within 6 days in fishes receiving 100 micrograms doses. RNA synthesis continued at a progressive rate through 17 days in fishes given 5 micrograms doses of estradiol. 4. Liver protein per unit DNA elevated at a plateau 60% above control within 6 days with 100 micrograms doses. Doses of 5 micrograms had only little effect on liver protein. 5. Estradiol had a lipogenic effect on the liver. Cellular lipid rose 120 and 60% above control after treatment with 100 and 5 micrograms respectively. 6. Liver dry weight per unit DNA increased 60 and 55% above control with 100 and 5 micrograms doses respectively. Cellular hypertrophy in fishes receiving the smaller dose was primarily associated with an increase in lipid concentration, while protein and lipid contributed almost equally to cellular growth in fishes receiving the high dose.  相似文献   

The infection frequency of the virus induced lymphocystis disease has been registered in flounder from the Oslofjord, Norway, during a 4 year period. The disease has a clear regular seasonal variation, and also an annual variation. The percentage infection in the summer was 1–10%, and in the winter up to 57%. The possibility that the high pollution level of the inner Oslofjord could be the reason for the high frequency of lymphocystis disease, is discussed.  相似文献   

The standard oxygen consumption of flounders, PLatichthys flesus , adapted for two months to 5 and 15° C was measured during single step and fluctuating temperature changes, A considerable recovery period from handling was required before standard levels were recorded, although no locomotor activity was evident. The Q 10(adapt) value between 5 and 15° C was 2.0. Q 10 (acute) values were higher. The responses of oxygen consumption to temperature rise conform to Type I11 metabolic compensation (Precht, 1958). No compensatory response was evident at lower temperatures. An alternative explanation of the results in terms ofexcitement metabolism is suggested.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of viral lymphocystis disease in an age-structured population of flounder, Plarichthys flesus (Linnaeus 1758), is studied with a mathematical model. For a single cohort the model illustrates the influence of host density and acquired immunity on length-prevalence profiles. This case corresponds to a host population at demographic equilibrium. When the model is extended to several cohorts, seasonal recruitment of susceptible hosts is shown to drive seasonality in disease prevalence. In both cases, there is good qualitative agreement between model predictions and field data from the Elbe estuary, Germany.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with functional organization of some of the blood pathways in the gill filament of the flounder, Platichthys flesus L. The existence of two independent vascular pathways has been confirmed. The blood from the efferent filament artery (EFA) enters the central venous sinus (CVS) through very small blood vessels which are characterized by the presence of sphincter-like structures. The existence of an independent chamber of the CVS mainly full of white blood cells provides evidence of an independent lymphatic system connected to the CVS. Gill rays support the afferent side of a gill filament whereas plasma and an extensive network of nutritive blood vessels in the CVS supports the efferent part.  相似文献   

The caudal spinal cord region of teleost fish terminates in a neurosecretory organ, the urophysis. Two peptides have been purified to homogeneity from an extract of the urophysis of a teleost fish, the flounder. The primary structure of one peptide, Ser-Glu-Asp-Pro-Pro-Met-Ser-Ile-Asp-Leu10-Thr-Phe-His-Met-Leu-Arg- Asn-Met-Ile- His20-Met-Ala-Lys-Met-Glu-Gly-Glu-Arg-Glu-Gln30-Ala-Gln-Ile- Asn-Arg-Asn-Leu-Leu - Asp-Glu40-Val, indicates identity with urotensin I. By analogy with other urotensins, the COOH-terminal residue is probably alpha-amidated. A second peptide was present in the extract in a concentration that was approximately equimolar with that of urotensin I. The amino acid composition of this peptide indicated a total of approximately 65 residues. The amino acid sequence of a fragment produced by digestion with trypsin was established as: Ala-Ala-Ala-Ala-Gly5-Asp-Ser-Ala-Ala-Ser10-Asp-Leu-Leu-Gly-Asp1 5-Asn-Ile-Leu- Arg. This sequence shows partial homology to carp prepro-urotensin I(41-59)-peptide as deduced from the nucleotide sequence of a cloned cDNA. It is concluded that the second peptide probably represents the N-terminal flanking peptide of pro-urotensin I which, it has previously been suggested, may function as a urotensin-binding peptide (urophysin) analogous to the neurophysins.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Flounders transferred abruptly from sea to fresh water displayed a gradual decrease in plasma osmolality for 5–6 days (10–15 mOsm daily). When returned to sea water the osmolality increased to the original level within 1 day.
  • 2.2. Heart ventricle cell water content remained unchanged during the acclimations, except for a temporary 1.4% reduction within the first 4 hr of sea water acclimation.
  • 3.3. During acclimation to sea water intracellular K+ increased rapidly in parallel with plasma osmolality. During fresh water acclimation, however, cellular K+ decreased rapidly in the first day only, whereas plasma osmolality decreased further.
  • 4.4. Cellular taurine remained unchanged during the initial 4 days of fresh water acclimation and then declined 32% within the next 3 days. Upon retransfer to sea water, cellular taurine increased gradually to its original level in the course of 7 days.

The inheritance of red blood cell levels of carbonic anhydrase isozymes (CA I and CA II) has been studied in different carbonic anhydrase I genotypes of the pig-tailed macaque, Macaca nemestrina. Quantitation of CA I isozymes in a series of animals indicates that the total CA I concentration is the sum of the average effects of each CA I structural allele and that the average effects are independent of the various allelic combinations. The relative average effects were 0.32:0.95:1.0 for the CA I a, CA Ib, and CA I c structural genes, respectively. It is also demonstrated that the level of CA II is related to the CA I genotypes. Multiple regression analysis demonstrated that each dose of CA I-deficiency gene present decreased the CA II concentration by approximately 30%, with this decrease in CA II level being solely related to the dose of CA I-deficiency gene and not to the level of CA I. The CA I-deficient animals produce CA I products that are similar to the common CA Ia, CA Ib, CA Ic electrophoretic types. Limited mating data indicate that the CA I components in CA I-deficient animals are inherited codominantly.Supported by U.S. Public Health Service Research Grant GM-15419.This report is a portion of a dissertation submitted to the University of Michigan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy degree.U.S. Public Health Service Predoctoral Trainee (GM-71-14).  相似文献   

In the present investigation we studied the carbonic anhydrase (CA) in various tissues of Chinese crabEriocheir sinensis which were acclimated to different salinities (0, 10, 20, 30‰). We found only negligible CA activity in haemolymph, heart, hypodermis, antennal gland, leg muscle and digestive gland, irrespective of the acclimation medium. However, high amounts of CA activity were found in the gills. In the case of the posterior gills, a strong dependence on the acclimatization of the animals was demonstrated; the highest activities were found in those adapted to tap water. To investigate the cellular distribution of the CA in the posterior gills, the additional enzyme activities were measured in all fractions of a differential centrifugation of the gill homogenate: Na+/K+-ATP'ase (a marker for the plasmamembrane); lactate dehydrogenase (LDH; as marker for the cytosol); and succinate dehydrogenase (SDH; as marker for mitochondria). Independent of the acclimation salinity (0 or 36‰ salinity), we found about 70% of CA associated with the highest level of the Na+/K+-ATP'ase in the second 100 000 g pellet (membrane fraction), while only 15% were found in the cytosolic fractions (associated with highest levels of LDH). We conclude that the carbonic anhydrase of posterior gills of the Chinese crab is mainly membrane-bound. Furthermore, the activity of CA shows a strong dependence on the salinity of the water in which the crabs were kept.  相似文献   

Two forms of pyruvate kinase, PK I and PK II, have been demonstrated in flounder liver. PK I, purified 991-fold to a specific activity of 105 units per mg of protein, has an unusually high molecular weight of about 2 X 10(6). PK II, purified 172-fold to a specific activity of 16.5 units per mg of protein, has a molecular weight of 210,000 when determined on a sucrose gradient but of 300,000 when derived from gel chromatography. PK I and PK II differ in sensitivity to the inhibitor L-phenylalanine, a fact which is used to evaluate the amount of each of them in a mixture. pH optimum for both forms is 6-6.6. PK I and PK II behave different in an Arrhenius plot--PK II showing a transition at 21 degrees C.  相似文献   

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