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The molecular makeup of soluble fibrin complexes was studied by gel exclusion chromatography using radio-labelling to characterize individual components in protein mixtures. Products of limited plasmin degradation of fibrinogen and mixtures of fibrinogen and "early" fibrinogen digests formed high molecular weight soluble fibrin complexes upon incubation with thrombin. Purified, nonclottable fragment Y did not incorporate into soluble fibrin complexes, nor could we demonstrate incorporation of fragments D and E as previously described from our laboratory. Thus, under the conditions of these experiments, soluble fibrin complexes have two identifiable components, fibrin monomer and clottable fragment X monomer, although incorporation of native fibrinogen or fragment X unreacted by thrombin into soluble fibrin complexes cannot be excluded. Individual fractions of thrombin-treated early fibrinogen digests isolated by agarose gel chromatography were treated with protamine sulfate at 37 degrees C resulting in precipitation-gelation of greater than 90 per cent of high molecular weight soluble fibrin complexes; whereas, less than 10 per cent of lower molecular weight fibrinogen degradation products precipitated by protamine sulfate. These findings do not support the widely held concept that soluble fibrin complexes incorporate nonclottable degradation products of fibrinogen proteolysis, nor do they support the notion that the so-called paracoagulation reaction induced by protamine sulfate results from the splitting of complexes between fibrin monomer and nonclottable fibrinogen degradation products.  相似文献   

Fibrinogen and fibrin sedimentation by different protamine sulphate preparations have been studied. Ionic strength and protamine sulphate concentration are found to influence the sedimentation reaction (paracoagulation). High sedimentation activity is inherent in protamine sulphate preparations with the lower electrophoretic mobility, that is with the higher molecular weight. The protamine sulphate reaction with fibrinogen and fibrin is of electrostatic character as the long polycationic chain of protamine is coupled with the negatively charged loci either of fibrin or of fibrinogen molecules, thus evoking aggregation. In this case the fibrin molecules being brought together favour the specific mutual binding due to the active sites of polymerization, specific fibres or gel being formed.  相似文献   

The proteins of visna are separated into nine major peaks by agarose gel chromatography in 6 M guanidine hydrochloride (GuHCl). The polypeptides in eack peak were isolated by acid precipitation and analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The patterns of SDS-PAGE show that the excluded material from the GuHCl column contains an aggregate of 10 non-glycosylated polypeptides. It is shown that this aggregate represents virus substructures that are not completely solubilized by GuHCl. Two glycoproteins, gp175 and gp115, were isolated from the column eluate. The major glycoprotein gp115 was coeluted with P90, P68, and P61 in GuHCl 4. Each of the four major peaks (GuHCl 5 to 8) contains more than one nonglycosylated polypeptide. However, a small polypeptide, P12, can be isolated in a homogeneous form in the last peak, GuHCl 9. Analysis of the virus proteins (100 microgram) by SDS-PAGE shows that 20 radioactive bands can be recognized. During fractionation of the protein on agarose gel columns followed by analysis with SDS-PAGE, a number of minor polypeptides that were not detected before became clearly recognizable. Thus, the combined use of column chromatography and SDS-PAGE shows that visna virus is composed of 25 proteins.  相似文献   

Hypercoagulability and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) are characterized by the presence of circulating fibrin monomer complexes in plasma. In 342 patients with possible DIC fibrin monomers, fibrinogen, Reptilase Time, antithrombin III and other coagulation parameters were determined at frequent intervals. Testing of soluble fibrin monomer complexes was performed using a sensitive and reliable hemagglutation assay with red cells sensitized by fibrin monomers (FM-Test) and the ethanol gelation test (EGT). Method comparison regarding the influence of fibrinogen levels and fibrin degradation products shows that high fibrinogen levels lead to false-positive results with EGT. The same effect is observed for fibrin degradation products and EGT whereas no influence of fibrinogen level and fibrin degradation products on the FM-Test occurs. It is well-known that during DIC AT III level decreases caused by proteolytic activity. In this study it could be shown that fibrin monomer increases parallel to the decrease of AT III. The same effect does not occur due to fibrin degradation products.  相似文献   

Y Nishikawa  K Fukumoto  F Watanabe 《Enzyme》1985,33(3):143-146
A method was developed to separate guanase by agarose gel electrophoresis and to detect its activity by staining of the bands with a mixture of the enzymes xanthine oxidase, catalase, and aldehyde dehydrogenase, the coenzyme NADP+, and a substrate of guanine, ethanol, phenazine methosulfate, nitrotetrazolium blue, and KCN in Tris-(hydroxymethyl)methylamine buffer (pH 8.0). Serum samples showed bands 1 (faster moving) and 2 corresponding to the positions of albumin and alpha 2-globulin, respectively, found by serum protein staining. The same bands were detected with guanase from human liver and kidney, although band 2 from the latter samples was not as distinct as that from the liver samples.  相似文献   

In studies of the size and structure of multienzyme complexes, a procedure complementary to electron microscopy for determining the molecular dimensions of hydrated multisubunit complexes is needed. For some applications this procedure must be capable of detecting aggregation of complexes and must be applicable to impure preparations. In the present study, a procedure of two-dimensional agarose gel electrophoresis (2d-AGE) (Serwer, P. et al. Anal. Biochem. 152:339-345, 1986) was modified and employed to provide accurate size measurements of several classical multienzyme complexes. To improve band clarity and to achieve required gel pore sizes, a hydroxyethylated agarose was used. The effective pore's radius (PE) as a function of gel concentration was determined for this agarose in the range of PE values needed for multienzyme complexes (effective radius, R = 10-30 nm). Appropriate conditions were established to measure R values +/- 1% of the pyruvate (PDC), alpha-ketoglutarate (alpha-KGDC), and the branched chain alpha-keto acid (BCDC) dehydrogenase multienzyme complexes; the accuracy of R was limited by the accuracy of the determinations of the R value for the size standards. The PDC from bovine heart was found to have an R = 22.4 +/- 0.2 nm following cross-linking with glutaraldehyde that was necessary for stabilization of the complex. Dimers and trimers of PDC, present in the preparations used, were separated from monomeric PDC during 2d-AGE.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

J Wilf  A P Minton 《Biochemistry》1986,25(11):3124-3133
Oligomer formation in fibrinogen solutions following addition of thrombin was studied by addition of thrombin inhibitor at various times subsequent to thrombin, followed by size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) on a high-performance SEC column capable of resolving species of molecular weights less than or equal to 10(6). Peaks corresponding to species with 1, 2, 3, and 4 or more times the molecular weight of fibrinogen were detected and quantified via nonlinear least-squares curve-fitting procedures. The evolution of each of these peaks with time is well accounted for by a kinetic model in which the predominant component of each oligomeric molecular weight species is a linear complex of fibrinogen and fibrin. The observed predominance of trimeric over dimeric oligomers even at short times suggests that the thrombin-catalyzed release of the two A fibrinopeptides from a single molecule of fibrinogen is highly cooperative.  相似文献   

Enhancement of pneumococcal transfection by protamine sulfate.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Protamine sulfate enhanced transfection of Streptococcus pneumoniae by DNA of omega 3 phage by factors as large as 10(5)-fold, provided it was present at the time the cells were added to the DNA. For DNA concentrations well below 1 microgram/ml, the optimum amount of protamine sulfate was near 1 microgram/ml of cells. Higher DNA concentrations required more protamine for maximum effect, and in all cases transfection fell when protamine was in excess. Transformation was not enhanced by low protamine levels and was inhibited by higher levels. A recipient strain with low but finite endonuclease activity and normal transformability showed higher transfection than did the wild type at low DNA concentrations but less than did the wild type at high DNA concentrations. Protamine sulfate enhanced its transfection at low, but not high, DNA concentrations. The behavior of this strain and the enhancement of transfection by protamine sulfate of wild-type cells were each consistent with less cutting of the donor DNA at the cell surface, which is part of the normal entry process in naturally competent gram-positive bacteria. Less cutting would lead to entry of fewer but longer strands that would be more efficient in reconstruction of the 33-megadalton phage replicon. We suggest that in this system protamine enhances transfection by inhibition of the surface nuclease action that is part of the normal entry process.  相似文献   

Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) exists as several isoenzymes and many isoforms present in tissues and serum. The objective of this study was to separate tissue ALP forms in rats and humans and characterise their properties. The materials for the investigation were intestinal, bone, and liver tissue of rats and commercially available human preparations of tissue ALP. Two methods of separation were used: high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and agarose gel electrophoresis. Using HPLC in the rat tissues, two ALP isoforms in the intestine, one in the bone, and three in the liver were identified. In humans three intestinal, two bone, and one liver isoform were resolved. Electrophoresis showed two ALP activity bands in rat intestine, one wide band in the bone, and three bands in the liver. ALP of human tissues was visualised as a single wide band, with a different mobility observed for each organ. In both species the presence of a form with properties characteristic of the bone isoform of the tissue-nonspecific isoenzyme was observed in the intestine. HPLC offers a higher resolution than electrophoresis with respect to tissue ALP fractions in rats and in humans, but electrophoresis visualises high-molecular-mass insoluble enzyme forms.  相似文献   

The viscoelastic properties of cell-seeded agarose gel were measured as a function of culture time. Because the seeded cells, MC3T3-E1, were osteoblast-like cells, the system can be regarded as a model osteogenesis system. For all specimens the characteristic stress relaxation curve of agarose gel was observed—a large relaxation up to 104 s followed by a gel plateau, where the former was attributed to molecular motion of polymer chains between two adjacent cross-links of the gel and the latter to the elasticity of the gel network. The viscoelasticity was quantified by fitting stress relaxation data to an empirical equation. The relaxation time and its distribution did not change with culture time. The initial and equilibrium moduli, E 0 and E e, respectively, and relaxation strength, ΔE = E 0 ? E e, did not change up to day 15 of culture but changed significantly at day 18 of culture. The change in ΔE with culture period correlated well with that in E 0. The changes in the mechanical properties of the cell-seeded agarose gel system were explained in terms of the function of MC3T3-E1 in precipitating calcium phosphate mineral particles. The precipitation was detected by alizarin red S staining of the system at day 9 of culture. The precipitated calcium phosphate was confirmed to be hydroxyapatite (HAp) and the amount of HAp increased monotonically with culturing time, both of which were observed by X-ray diffraction studies. The dependence of the modulus of the composite on mineral fraction is discussed. A simple model of mixing of the components based on the continuum material concept was not applicable, but a model considering percolation of mineral particles in a network chain with culture time was suitable to explain the observed results. The results may be particularly important for predicting the stiffness of functionally engineered bony tissue implanted in a fractured bone.  相似文献   

Agarose gel electrophoresis has been used to fractionate polyoma virus DNA replicative intermediates (RI) according to maturity. Approximate electrophoretic mobility versus maturity relationships were obtained for both intact (supercoiled) and nicked (relaxed) RI. There was considerable overlap between the supercoiled and relaxed RI populations after electrophoretic fractionation. Intact RI could be recovered from preparative agarose gels for further analysis by centrifugation, electron microscopy, re-electrophoresis, or nuclease digestion.  相似文献   

Purification of coated vesicles by agarose gel electrophoresis   总被引:10,自引:14,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
We have applied agarose gel electrophoresis as a novel step in the purification of clathrin-coated vesicles. Preparations of coated vesicles obtained by sedimentation velocity and isopycnic centrifugation are resolved into two distinct fractions upon electrophoresis. The slower migrating fraction contains smooth vesicles, whereas the faster contains only coated vesicles and empty clathrin coats. The faster mobility of the coated vesicles is primarily caused by the acidic nature of clathrin. Coated vesicles from three different cell types have different mobilities. In each case, however, all of the major polypeptides previously attributed to coated vesicles comigrate with the now homogeneous particles, even though a powerful ATPase activity is completely removed.  相似文献   

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