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The underlying toxic mechanisms of the red tide dinoflagellate,Cochlodinium polykrikoides, were studied with respect to thereactive oxygen species-mediated toxic effect. Cochlodiniumpolykrikoides generates superoxide anion (O2) and hydrogenperoxide (H2O2), as measured by the cytochrome c reduction methodand scopoletin–peroxidase method, respectively. The capabilityof C.polykrikoides to generate these oxygen radicals was relatedto the growth phase: the highest rate in the exponential phaseand a gradual decrease in the stationary phase. Other phytoplankton,such as Eutreptiella gymnastica, Heterosigma akashiwo, Prorocentrummicans, Gymnodinium sanguineum and Alexandrium tamarense, alsoproduce H2O2; the rate of H2O2 generation by these species waslower than that of C.polykrikoides. The exposure of liposomalsamples to intact or ruptured individuals of C.polykrikoidesresulted in severe membrane damage, such as liposomal lipidperoxidation. Cochlodinium polykrikoides-induced lipid peroxidationwas significantly reduced by oxygen radical scavengers, superoxidedismutase, benzoquinone, catalase and mannitol. In addition,lipid peroxidation of gill tissue of flatfish exposed to C.polykrikoidesincreased with increasing algal cell density. These resultssuggest that reactive oxygen species generated from C.polykrikoidesare responsible for oxidative damage leading to fish kills.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature, salinity and irradiance on the growthof the harmful red tide dinoflagellate Cochlodinium polykrikoideswere examined in the laboratory. From 60 different combinationsof temperature (10–30°C) and salinity (10–40)under saturated irradiance, C. polykrikoides exhibited its maximumspecific growth rate of 0.41 day-1 at a combination of 25°Cand salinity of 34. Optimum growth rates of >0.3 day-1 wereobserved at temperatures ranging from 21 to 26°C and atsalinities from 30 to 36. The organism did not grow at temperatures10°C and only grew at salinities >30 if the temperaturewas >15°C. It was able to grow in temperatures rangingfrom 15 to 30°C and at salinities from 20 to 36. These valuesclosely resembled those observed for this species in situ. Itappears as if C. polykrikoides is a stenohaline organism thatprefers high salinities, indicative of offshore waters. Temperaturehad the greatest influence on the growth rate, followed by salinity,and then the interaction between temperature and salinity. Theoptimum irradiance for growth was >90 µmol m-2 s-1.Photoinhibition did not occur at 230 µmol m-2 s-1, whichwas the maximum irradiance used in this study.  相似文献   

Red tides caused by the marine dinoflagellate Cochlodinium polykrikoides Margalef pose significant environmental problems worldwide. Recently, the existence of severe blooms attributable to a single Cochlodinium Schütt species has been questioned by many researchers. Herein we investigated the dinoflagellate composition of harmful algal blooms (HABs) attributed to C. polykrikoides in Korean coastal waters at nine different stations (St.). The component species of Cochlodinium blooms were examined by using microscopic and gene-cloning methods. In the nine study areas, C. polykrikoides was the predominant species of HABs in St. 2, 4, 7, and St. 9. Based on the morphological identification, the bloom was initially thought to be caused only by C. polykrikoides; however, we detected additional bloom-forming dinoflagellates (Polykrikos schwartzii Bütschli and Polykrikos kofoidii Chatton), and diatoms (Pseudo-nitzschia americana (Hasle) Fryxell) along with C. polykrikoides. The parasitic dinoflagellates Amoebophrya Koeppen and Euduboscquella Coats, Bachvaroff & Delwiche were found to be co-located with Cochlodinium in our study, and for the first time, Cochlodinium fulvescens Iwataki, Kawami & Matsuoka was detected in Korea (west coast). These results suggest co-existence of multiple dinoflagellates in bloom populations of Cochlodinium and describe the composition of other dinoflagellate blooms (e.g., Polykrikos spp.) in Korean coastal regions. This co-occurrence may be considered during efforts to monitor and control HABs.  相似文献   

Harmful algal blooms caused by Cochlodinium polykrikoides are annual occurrences in coastal systems around the world. In New York (NY), USA, estuaries, bloom densities range from 103 to 105 mL?1 with higher densities (≥104 cells mL?1) being acutely toxic to multiple fish and shellfish species. Here, we report on the toxicity of C. polykrikoides strains recently isolated from New York and Massachusetts (USA) estuaries to juvenile fish (Cyprinodon variegates) and bay scallops (Argopecten irradians), as well as on potential mechanisms of toxicity. Cultures of C. polykrikoides exhibited dramatically more potent ichthyotoxicity than raw bloom water with 100% fish mortality occurring within ~1 h at densities as low as 3.3 × 102 cells mL?1. More potent toxicity in culture was also observed in bioassays using juvenile bay scallops, which experienced 100% mortality during 3 days exposure to cultures at cell densities an order of magnitude lower than raw bloom water (~3 × 103 cells mL?1). The toxic activity per C. polykrikoides cell was dependent on the growth stages of cultures with early exponential growth cultures being more potent than cultures in late-exponential or stationary phases. The ichthyotoxicity of cultures was also dependent on both cell density and fish size, as a hyperbolic relationship between the death time of fish and the ratio of algal cell density to length of fish was found (~103 cells mL?1 cm?1 yielded 100% fish mortality in 24 h). Simultaneous exposure of fish to C. polykrikoides and a second algal species (Rhodomonas salina or Prorocentrum minimum) increased survival time of fish, and decreased the fish mortality suggesting additional cellular biomass mitigated the ichthyotoxicity. Frozen and thawed-, sonicated-, or heat-killed-, C. polykrikoides cultures did not cause fish mortality. In contrast, cell-free culture medium connected to an active culture through a 5 μm nylon membrane caused complete mortality in fish, although the time required to kill fish was significantly longer than direct exposure to the whole culture. These results indicate that ichthyotoxicity of C. polykrikoides isolates is dependent on viability of cells and that direct physical contact between fish and cells is not required to cause mortality. The ability of the enzymes peroxidase and catalase to significantly reduce the toxicity of live cultures and the inability of hydrogen peroxide to mimic the ichthyotoxicity of C. polykrikoides isolates suggests that the toxicity could be caused by non-hydrogen peroxide, highly reactive, labile toxins such as ROS-like chemicals.  相似文献   

Predators influence the phenotype of prey through both natural selection and induction. We investigated the effects of grazers and nutrients on chain formation in a dinoflagellate, Cochlodinium polykrikoides, which forms dense blooms and has deleterious effects on marine ecosystems around the world. Field populations of C. polykrikoides formed longer chains than laboratory cultures without grazers. In the field, chain length of C. polykrikoides was positively correlated with the abundance of the copepod Acartia tonsa. Chain length of C. polykrikoides increased when exposed to live females of A. tonsa or its fresh (<24 h post-isolation) exudates for 48 h. These results suggest that dissolved chemical cues released by A. tonsa induce chain formation in C. polykrikoides. Ingestion rate of A. tonsa on four-cell chains of C. polykrikoides was lower than on single cells, suggesting that chain formation may be an effective anti-grazing defense. Finally, nutrient amendment experiments demonstrated that vitamins (B1, B7, and B12) increased the chain length of C. polykrikoides both singly and collectively, while trace metals and inorganic nutrients did not, showing that vitamins may also influence chain formation in this species.  相似文献   

To elucidate the ichthyotoxic mechanisms of a harmful dinoflagellate Cochlodinium polykrikoides, biochemical responses of fish exposed to blooms were investigated. Particularly, based on our finding that oxidative damages of gill were associated with fish mortality (J. Plankton Res. 21 (1999) 2105-2115), dysfunction of ion-transporting enzymes and secretion of gill mucus of fish exposed to this bloom species were examined. The susceptibilities of several fishes to C. polykrikoides were different; the active pelagic fishes such as black scraper Thamnaconus septentrionalis, red sea bream Pagrus major, beakperch Oplegnathus fasciatus and seaperch Malakichthys wakiyae, were more vulnerable than the benthic fishes, flounder Paralichthys olivaceus and rockfish Sebastes inermis. In addition, the higher the algal cell density, the higher the fish mortality. When the test fishes were exposed to C. polykrikoides of 5000 cells ml(-1), the transport-related enzymes, carbonic anhydrase and Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase activities were significantly decreased. The activity of carbonic anhydrase was decreased with increasing algal cell density and exposure time. The quantity of total polysaccharide in gill mucus is higher in the fish exposed to C. polykrikoides than in the control fish; the magnitudes were higher in the pelagic fishes than that of benthic fishes. Moreover, a drop of blood pH and oxygen partial pressure (pO(2)) was also observed in red sea bream and flounder subjected to C. polykrikoides. These results suggest that the inactivation of gill transport-related enzymes activities, the fall in blood pO(2) and abnormal secretion of gill mucus by the C. polykrikoides may be one of the principal causes of fish kill.  相似文献   

A previous study indicated that rates of ingestion exhibited by adult female copepods of Acartia hudsonica (Pinhey) and Pseudocalanus spp. were lowered by increasing levels of toxicity in clonal cultures of the bloom-causing dinoflagellate Protogonyaulax tamarensis (Taylor). In the present study, three types of laboratory grazing experiments were performed to determine which of two contending hypotheses —behavioural rejection or physiological incapacitation - could explain the observed relationship best. The experimental results consistently supported the postulated mechanism of physiological incapacitation, and not the mechanism of behavioural rejection, as the reason for the lowered rates of ingestion on the more toxic dinoflagellate clones.  相似文献   

Sterol and fatty acid compositions were determined for Cochlodinium polykrikoides, a toxic, bloom‐forming dinoflagellate of global significance. The major sterols were dinosterol (40% of total sterols), dihydrodinosterol (32%), and the rare 4α‐methyl Δ8(14) sterol, amphisterol (23%). A minor sterol, 4α‐methylergost‐24(28)‐enol was also detected (5.0%). The fatty acids had a high proportion of PUFAs (47%), consisting mainly of EPA (20%) and the relatively uncommon octadecapentaenoic acid (18 : 5, 22%). While unlikely to be responsible for toxicity to fish, these lipids may contribute to the deleterious effects of this alga to invertebrates.  相似文献   

Raphidophycean flagellates, Chattonella marina and C. ovata,are harmful red tide phytoplankters; blooms of these phytoplanktersoften cause severe damage to fish farming. Previous studieshave demonstrated that C. marina and C. ovata continuously producereactive oxygen species (ROS) such as superoxide anion (O2)hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) under normal growth conditions, andan ROS-mediated toxic mechanism against fish and other marineorganisms has been proposed. Although the exact mechanism ofROS generation in these phytoplankters still remains to be clarified,our previous study suggested that NADPH oxidase-like enzymelocated on the cell surface of C. marina may be involved inO2 generation. To investigate the localization of O2and H2O2 generation in C. marina and C. ovata, we employed 2-methyl-6(p-methoxyphenyl)-3,7-dihydroimidazo[1,2-a]pyrazin-3-oneand 5-(and-6)-carboxy-2',7'-dichlorodihydrodihydrofluoresceindictate, acetyl ester, which are specific fluorescent probefor detecting O2 and H2O2, respectively. Observationby fluorescence microscopy of live phytoplankters incubatedwith each probe revealed that O2 is mainly generatedon the cell surface, whereas H2O2 is generated in the intracellularcompartment in these phytoplankters. When the cells were rupturedby ultrasonic treatment, O2 levels of C. marina and C.ovata decreased significantly, whereas a few times higher levelsof H2O2 were detected in the ruptured cell suspensions whencompared with the levels of the live cell suspension. In immunoblottinganalysis, the protein recognized by anti-human gp91 phox wasdetected in both species. These results suggest that, in bothphytoplankters, the underlying mechanisms of O2 and H2O2generation may be distinct and such systems are independentlyoperating in the cells.  相似文献   

Cochlodinium polykrikoides was the species responsible for the discoloration that occurred between September 15th and 27th, 2000 in a shallow coastal lagoon located in the southern part of the Bahia de La Paz, on the west side of the Gulf of California. Blooms of C. polykrikoides were observed four days after two rainy days with a seawater temperature of 29 to 31 degrees C. Nutrient concentration ranges during the bloom were 0.165-0.897 microM NO2+NO3, 0.16-3.25 microM PO4, and 1.0-35.36 microM SiO4. Abundance of C. polykrikoides ranged from 360 x 10(3) to 7.05 x 10(6)/cells l(-1). Biomass expressed in terms of chlorophyll a was high, ranging from 2.7 to 56.8 mg/m3. A typical dinoflagellate pigment profile (chlorophyll a and c, peridinin, diadinoxantin, and beta-carotene) was recorded. In this study, the red tide occurred in front of several fish and shrimp-culture ponds. No PST toxins were found in the samples. However, 180 fish were found dead in the infected fish-pond; the gills were the most affected part. C. polykrikoides is a cyst-forming species that recurs in this area. New blooms were observed in November 2000 and September-November 2001 in the same area. Anthropogenic activities, such as eutrophication caused by water discharge in this shallow lagoon, and nutrient enrichment in the culture ponds, as well as effects from precipitation and wind stress, could have favored the outbreak of this dinoflagellate.  相似文献   


To better understand the effect of typhoons on the harmful alga Cochlodinium polykrikoides, we investigated cell population dynamics in relation to hydrographic conditions in Korean coastal waters before and after the passage of typhoons. After typhoon Lingling passed through the Yellow Sea, significant accumulation of C. polykrikoides on the southern coast of Namhae Island was associated with southerly winds on September 8, 2019. Similar to field observations of red tide, a particle transport model simulation showed that the virtual particles were greatly influenced by wind-driven currents associated with typhoons, particularly when diel vertical migration was included in the model. However, a bloom of C. polykrikoides disappeared immediately after the passage of typhoon Tapah on September 23, 2019. Because of the different patterns of bloom behavior after the passage of these typhoons, characteristics of other typhoons that affected the Korean peninsula during previous C. polykrikoides blooms were investigated. Analysis of typhoon properties including wind direction, precipitation, and wave height and energy suggested that high wave energy during the passage of a typhoon plays a critical role in the termination of C. polykrikoides blooms, because of its generation of high turbulence relative to other factors. In our study, the wave energy associated with typhoon Tapah (753.6 kJ m?2 over 48 h) was much higher than that associated with typhoon Lingling (441.7 kJ m?2 over 48 h). The results indicate that typhoons have an important role in determining the accumulation and termination of C. polykrikoides blooms through the physical effects of wind direction and wave energy.


《Harmful algae》2011,10(6):548-556
An unarmored dinoflagellate Cochlodinium polykrikoides has formed red tides responsible for fish mass mortalities especially in coastal areas of western Japan and southern Korea almost every summer to autumn. In laboratory culture, the optimum temperature for growth of the species is ca. 27 °C. Since the species cannot survive in water of temperatures of less than 10 °C, it was considered to over-winter in some certain regions as a motile form or resting cyst, and expand its distribution after the temperature increases to a level tolerable for growth. To determine the over-wintering regions and migration pattern of C. polykrikoides, occurrences of the motile cells were surveyed in the coastal and offshore areas of western Kyushu, Japan and south coast of the Korean Peninsula from April 2006 to August 2008. Cells of C. polykrikoides were found at 14 sites during the investigated period. Motile cells occurred throughout the year in Usuka Bay, Hirado of West Japan. From offshore regions of the Goto Islands and off Shin-Nagasaki Fishing Port, motile cells of C. polykrikoides were first detected from late May, and continuously occurred until February in Nama Bay of the Kami-Goto Islands. This first appearance was before red tides of C. polykrikoides reported at coastal areas in western Kyushu. In Korea, this species was first observed in May and disappeared after October in 2007. These occurrence patterns imply that Usuka Bay in Hirado is one of the over-wintering regions in western Kyushu, and also this species is possibly transported into the northern part of the East China Sea by the Tsushima Warm Current every year.  相似文献   

We isolated 15 polymorphic microsatellites from Cochlodinium polykrikoides. These loci provide a class of highly variable genetic markers, as the number of alleles ranged from two to 15, and the estimate of gene diversity was from 0.083 to 0.880 across the 15 microsatellites. We consider that these loci have a potential to reveal the genetic structure and gene flow among C. polykrikoides populations.  相似文献   

长江口赤潮高发区浮游植物与水动力环境因子的分布特征   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
报道了2002年春季长江口海域(30°50′~31°50′N,121°50′~123°00′E)的22个大面观察站和一个昼夜连续观察站的水样和网样浮游植物的种类组成、丰度分布与水动力环境因子、营养盐的关系.结果表明,长江口区共有浮游植物5门45属110种.主要赤潮生物优势种为中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema castaturn)和具齿原甲藻(Prorocentrum dentatum)等.浮游植物丰度的昼夜变化白天大于夜间,垂直分布不明显.浮游植物主要生态类型可划分为:沿岸河口低盐半咸水类群、沿岸偏低盐广布性类群、外海高盐暖水性类群等.长江口区浮游植物丰度在1.6×10^3~75.2×10^3个.dm-3.浮游植物的种类组成和丰度分布与长江冲淡水密切相关.在该区域存在三股不同性质的水,即长江河口水、长江冲淡水及外海水(台湾暖流)影响着浮游植物的分布.  相似文献   

Morphological observations have confirmed that cysts are produced by dinoflagellates. However, finding a seed bed or unknown cysts in field samples by microscopy is extremely time consuming. Real-time PCR has been used to facilitate the detection of dinoflagellate cysts in sediment. However, DNA from dead vegetative cells remaining on the surface sediment may persist for a long period of time, which can cause false positive DNA detection. In this study, a non-quantitative RNA targeted probe using real-time RT-PCR was developed for detection of viable cysts in sediment. Large-subunit rRNA was used to develop a species-specific RNA targeted probe for the ichthyotoxic dinoflagellate Cochlodinium polykrikoides. The sediment samples were sieved and incubated at 30 °C for 3 h prior to RNA extraction to remove RNA from dead cells remaining in the sediment. Nested-PCR was conducted to maximize assay sensitivity. A field survey to determine the distribution of cysts at 155 sampling stations in the western and southern part of the Korean peninsula showed that C. polykrikoides cysts were detected at five sampling stations.  相似文献   

This study provides the first morphological features of resting cysts of Cochlodinium polykrikoides collected from Korean coastal sediments. Evidence for the existence of resting cysts of C. polykrikoides is based on the morphological and molecular phylogenetic data of the germinated cells and a resting cyst. The morphology of the resting cysts differed from that reported previously in sediments and culture experiments. The distinct feature is that the cyst body was covered by the reticulate ornaments and spines.  相似文献   

Our recent studies have demonstrated that the aqueous extract prepared from Alexandrium tamarense, a harmful red tide phytoplankton, showed cytotoxicity on Vero cells. In this study, the toxic substance was purified from the culture supernatant of A. tamarense. Based on the gel‐filtration profile, the molecular mass of a purified toxin was estimated to be about 1,000 kDa. On sodium dodecylsulfate‐polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS‐PAGE) analysis, a main band with molecular mass of 1,000 kDa was detected with periodic acid‐Schiff (PAS) staining, but no protein bands were detected by Coomassie brilliant blue (CBB) protein staining. Sugar composition analysis of the toxin suggested that the toxin contains galactose, fucose, mannose, N‐acetylglucosamine, xylose, and other minor saccharides, whereas no significant levels of amino acids were detected by amino acid analysis. These results suggest that the toxin is a polysaccharide‐based compound. The toxin showed cytotoxic effects on various cell lines in a concentration‐dependent manner. Among the cell lines tested, U937 cells were the most susceptible to the toxin. In U937 cells treated with the toxin, a typical apoptotic nuclear morphological change and DNA fragmentation were observed. This is the first report demonstrating that a polysaccharide‐based toxin isolated from red tide phytoplankton can induce apoptotic cell death. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biochem Mol Toxicol 22:405–415, 2008; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/jbt.20253  相似文献   

Photosynthetic species of the dinoflagellate genus Cochlodinium such as C. polykrikoides, one of the most harmful bloom-forming dinoflagellates, have been extensively investigated. Little is known about the heterotrophic forms of Cochlodinium, such as its type species, Cochlodinium strangulatum. This is an uncommon, large (∼200 μm long), solitary, and phagotrophic species, with numerous refractile bodies, a central nucleus enclosed in a distinct perinuclear capsule, and a cell surface with fine longitudinal striae and a circular apical groove. The morphology of C. polykrikoides and allied species is different from the generic type. It is a bloom-forming species with single, two or four-celled chains, small cell size (25–40 μm long) with elongated chloroplasts arranged longitudinally and in parallel, anterior nucleus, eye-spot in the anterior dorsal side, and a cell surface smooth with U-shaped apical groove. Phylogenetic analysis based on LSU rDNA sequences revealed that C. strangulatum and C. polykrikoides/C. fulvescens formed two distally related, independent lineages. Based on morphological and phylogenetic analyses, the diagnosis of Cochlodinium is emended and C. miniatum is proposed as synonym of C. strangulatum. The new genus Margalefidinium gen. nov., and new combinations for C. catenatum, C. citron, C. flavum, C. fulvescens and C. polykrikoides are proposed.  相似文献   

Journal of Applied Phycology - Typhoons cause significant environmental damage in coastal areas and one of their effects is the suspension of the resting stage cells of diatoms from the surface...  相似文献   

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