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Insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-I) are capable of activating similar intracellular pathways. Insulin acts mainly through its own receptor, but can also activate the IGF-I receptor (IGF-IR). The aim of this study was to investigate the involvement of the IGF-IR in the effects of insulin and IGF-I on the membrane potential of immature Sertoli cells in whole seminiferous tubules, as well as on calcium, amino acid, and glucose uptake in testicular tissue of immature rats. The membrane potential of the Sertoli cells was recorded using a standard single microelectrode technique. In calcium uptake experiments, the testes were pre-incubated with 45Ca2 +, with or without JB1 (1 μg/mL), and then incubated with insulin (100 nM) or IGF-I (15 nM). In amino acid and glucose uptake experiments, the gonads were pre-incubated with or without JB1 (1 μg/mL) and then incubated with radiolabeled amino acid or glucose analogues in the presence of insulin (100 nM) or IGF-I (15 nM). The blockade of IGF-IR with JB1 prevented the depolarising effects of both insulin and IGF-I on membrane potential, as well as the effect of insulin on calcium uptake. JB1 also inhibited the effects of insulin and IGF-I on glucose uptake. The effect of IGF-I on amino acid transport was inhibited in the presence of JB1, whereas the effect of insulin was not. We concluded that while IGF-I seems to act mainly through its cognate receptor to induce membrane depolarisation and calcium, amino acid and glucose uptake, insulin appears to be able to elicit its effects through IGF-IR, in seminiferous tubules from immature rats.  相似文献   



Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are in clinical trials for widespread indications including musculoskeletal, neurological, cardiac and haematological disorders. Furthermore, MSC can ameliorate pulmonary fibrosis in animal models although mechanisms of action remain unclear. One emerging concept is that MSCs may have paracrine, rather than a functional, roles in lung injury repair and regeneration.


To investigate the paracrine role of human MSC (hMSC) on pulmonary epithelial repair, hMSC-conditioned media (CM) and a selected cohort of hMSC-secretory proteins (identified by LC-MS/MS mass spectrometry) were tested on human type II alveolar epithelial cell line A549 cells (AEC) and primary human small airway epithelial cells (SAEC) using an in vitro scratch wound repair model. A 3D direct-contact wound repair model was further developed to assess the migratory properties of hMSC.


We demonstrate that MSC-CM facilitates AEC and SAEC wound repair in serum-dependent and –independent manners respectively via stimulation of cell migration. We also show that the hMSC secretome contains an array of proteins including Fibronectin, Lumican, Periostin, and IGFBP-7; each capable of influencing AEC and SAEC migration and wound repair stimulation. In addition, hMSC also show a strong migratory response to AEC injury as, supported by the observation of rapid and effective AEC wound gap closure by hMSC in the 3D model.


These findings support the notion for clinical application of hMSCs and/or their secretory factors as a pharmacoregenerative modality for the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and other fibrotic lung disorders.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been shown as an effective medicinal means to treat bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). The widely used MSCs were from Wharton's jelly of umbilical cord (UC-MSCs) and bone marrow (BM-MSCs). Amniotic fluid MSCs (AF-MSCs) may be produced before an individual is born to treat foetal diseases by autoplastic transplantation. We evaluated intratracheal (IT) MSCs as an approach to treat an hyperoxia-induced BPD animal model and compared the therapeutic effects between AF-, UC- and BM-MSCs. A BPD animal model was generated by exposing newborn rats to 95% O2. The continued stress lasted 21 days, and the treatment of IT MSCs was conducted for 4 days. The therapeutic effects were analysed, including lung histology, level of inflammatory cytokines, cell death ratio and state of angiogenesis, by sacrificing the experimental animal at day 21. The lasting hyperoxia stress induced BPD similar to the biological phenotype. The treatment of IT MSCs was safe without deaths and normal organ histopathology. Specifically, the treatment was effective by inhibiting the alveolar dilatation, reducing inflammatory cytokines, inducing angiogenesis and lowering the cell death ratio. AF-MSCs had better therapeutic effects compared with UC-MSCs in relieving the pulmonary alveoli histological changes and promoting neovascularization, and UC-MSCs had the best immunosuppressive effect in plasma and lung lysis compared with AF-MSCs and BM-MSCs. This study demonstrated the therapeutic effects of AF-, UC- and BM-MSCs in BPD model. Superior treatment effect was provided by antenatal MSCs compared to BM-MSC in a statistical comparison.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to gather information on the biological activity of peptide YY (PYY) in conscious dogs. PYY was infused intravenously at a dose of 238 pmol/kg X h, and plasma concentrations of glucose, insulin, pancreatic polypeptide (PP), ACTH, cortisol and catecholamines (norepinephrine-NE; epinephrine-E; dopamine-DA) were subsequently measured. PYY significantly increased plasma insulin levels transiently without effect on plasma glucose, but decreased plasma PP levels during all infusion periods. PYY stimulated both plasma ACTH and cortisol secretion, and this action of PYY was also shared by PP, with PP being less potent in ACTH-cortisol release. PYY further elicited specific changes in plasma catecholamine concentrations, i.e. an increase of NE but not of E, which were in contrast to the effects of insulin-induced hypoglycemia. PP failed to alter plasma insulin and catecholamine concentrations. These results suggest that PYY can affect anterior pituitary hormone secretion, sympathetic nervous outflow and pancreatic endocrine activity in addition to its known actions on gastric and pancreatic secretion in the dog.  相似文献   

It is well established in many mammalian species, including the horse that normal testicular function is dependent upon a functional hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular (HPT) axis, which involves classic feedback mechanisms. The major HPT hormones involved in the stallion are gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), testosterone (T), estrogens (Es) and inhibin (INH). Although prolactin (PRL) fluctuates with season in the stallion and both PRL and thyroid hormone (TH) affect reproduction in other male species, their effects on stallion reproduction have not been elucidated. Growth hormone (GH) in the stallion may be involved in sperm motility, production and secretion of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and LH-induced testosterone release. The action of these hormones and the products involved for normal spermatogenesis require cell to cell communication within the testis. The somatic cell types, Leydig, Sertoli and peritubular myoid cells, all support germ cell development, maturation and release into the seminiferous tubule lumen. The cell to cell crosstalk involves an intricate network of paracrine-autocrine systems that support the endocrine input to modulate cell function. In other male species, researchers have demonstrated the reproductive effects of such paracrine-autocrine factors as IGF-1, transferrin, androgens, estrogens, inhibin, insulin like peptide 3 (INSL3), beta-endorphin and oxytocin. The specific nature and relative contribution of these various factors on testicular function in fertile and subfertile stallions are under investigation. This review summarizes current information regarding the nature of the multiple endocrine-paracrine-autocrine systems that may be necessary for normal testicular function in the stallion.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to analyse the morphology of white skeletal muscle in males and females from the GH-transgenic zebrafish (Danio rerio) lineage F0104, comparing the expression of genes related to the somatotrophic axis and myogenesis. Histological analysis demonstrated that transgenic fish presented enhanced muscle hypertrophy when compared to non-transgenic fish, with transgenic females being more hypertrophic than transgenic males. The expression of genes related to muscle growth revealed that transgenic hypertrophy is independent from local induction of insulin-like growth factor 1 gene (igf1). In addition, transgenic males exhibited significant induction of myogenin gene (myog) expression, indicating that myog may mediate hypertrophic growth in zebrafish males overexpressing GH. Induction of the α-actin gene (acta1) in males, independently from transgenesis, also was observed. There were no significant differences in total protein content from the muscle. Our results show that muscle hypertrophy is independent from muscle igf1, and is likely to be a direct effect of excess circulating GH and/or IGF1 in this transgenic zebrafish lineage.  相似文献   

The action of ghrelin on telemetrically recorded motor activity and the transmission of the effects of this neuropeptide on spontaneous and exploratory motor activity and some related endocrine and homeostatic parameters were investigated. Different doses (0.5-5 microg) of ghrelin administered intracerebroventricularly caused significant increases in both square crossing and rearing activity in the "open-field" apparatus, while only the dose of 5 microg evoked a significant increase in the spontaneous locomotor activity recorded by telemetry. Ghrelin also induced significant increases in corticosterone release and core temperature. To determine the transmission of these neuroendocrine actions, the rats were pretreated with different antagonists, such as a corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) antagonist (alpha-helical CRH(9-41)), the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor Nomega-nitro-L-arginine-methyl ester (L-NAME), haloperidol, cyproheptadine or the cyclooxygenase inhibitor noraminophenazone (NAP). The open-field and biotelemetric observations revealed that the motor responses were diminished by pretreatment with the CRH antagonist and haloperidol. In the case of HPA (hypothalamic pituitary adrenal) activation, only cyproheptadine pretreatment proved effective; haloperidol and L-NAME did not modify the corticosterone response. NAP had only a transient, while cyproheptadine elicited a more permanent impact on the hyperthermic response evoked by ghrelin; the other antagonists proved to be ineffective. The present data suggest that both CRH release and dopaminergic transmission may be involved in the ghrelin-evoked behavioral responses. On the other hand, ghrelin appears to have an impact on the HPA response via a serotonergic pathway and on the hyperthermic response via a cyclooxygenase and a serotonergic pathway.  相似文献   

A multiplicity of regulatory molecules, messengers, are secreted by a large variety of neuronal, endocrine and paracrine cell populations. To some extent the anatomical locus of messenger production or the cytophysiological characteristics of cells producing a messenger determines its role as a hormone, transmitter, modulator or paracrine regulator. Thus, the same messenger may function as a hormone in one location and as a neurotransmitter in another. This versatility in functions makes it difficult to assign a definite physiological role to a given messenger. Our evidence for the occurrence of cell systems producing more than one type of messenger is presented. The practical and conceptual difficulties in determining definite functions of messengers leads to our present inability to examine critically well-known dogmas like the "one hormone-one cell" concept and "Dale's principle". Recognition of the fact that some cell systems do indeed produce multiple messengers provides us with valuable tools for investigating endocrine and neurocrine secretion and has far-reaching implications for studies of cell differentiation and cell pathology.  相似文献   

Macrophages in the vessel wall secrete high levels of apolipoprotein E (apoE). Cholesterol efflux from macrophages to apoE has been shown to decrease foam cell formation and prevent atherosclerosis. An apoE molecule can mediate cholesterol efflux from the macrophage that originally secreted it (autocrine effect) or from surrounding macrophages (paracrine effect). Traditional methodologies have not been able to separate these serial effects. The novel methodology presented here was developed to separate autocrine and paracrine effects by using a simple mathematical model to interpret the effects of dilution on apoE-mediated cholesterol efflux. Our results show that, at very dilute concentrations, the paracrine effect of apoE is not evident and the autocrine effect becomes the dominant mediator of efflux. However, at saturating concentrations, paracrine apoE causes 80–90% of the apoE-mediated cholesterol efflux, whereas autocrine apoE is responsible for the remaining 10–20%. These results suggest that the relative importance of autocrine and paracrine apoE depends on the size of the local distribution volume, a factor not considered in previous in vitro studies of apoE function. Furthermore, autocrine effects of apoE could be critical in the prevention of foam cell formation in vivo. This novel methodology may be applicable to other types of mixed autocrine/paracrine systems, such as signal transduction systems. autocrine/paracrine system; cholesterol acceptor; extracellular space; distribution volume  相似文献   

The authors report the time of appearance, morphology and topographic distribution of gastrin/cholecystochinin- (G/CCK-), somatostatin- (SRIF-), neurotensin- (NT-), motilin- (MO-) and substance P-like immunoreactive (SP-LI) elements during embryonic and postnatal development, in ileum, caeca and colon of chick embryos (from 8 days of incubation to hatching), newborn chicks (up to 15-days old) and adult chickens. In the ileum, G/CCK-LI and SP-LI cells appeared on day 11, the others on about day 13. In the caeca the first cells of all types were seen from about day 17. In the colon, NT-LI cells appeared early, on day 9, SP-LI and occasional SRIF-LI cells from day 13 on and MO-LI and G/CCK-LI only from day 17. In the ileum all the cells studied were present, in the caeca and colon they were extremely scarce, apart from NT-LI cells which were more numerous. In the prenatal stages, SP-LI was found only in epithelial cells; after hatching, it was also present in metasympathetic nerve elements.  相似文献   

Although it is clear that the orexin/hypocretin peptides have a significant, physiologically relevant role in sleep/wakefulness, a broader picture has emerged indicating metabolic actions that may depend upon both neural and endocrine mechanisms for their manifestation. The ability of exogenous peptide to activate sympathetic tone, increase locomotor activity, and alter feeding behavior, together with the observed alterations in those functions in knockout animals, strongly suggests important neural actions of the endogenous orexins/hypocretins. Likewise, the action of exogenously administered peptides to alter endocrine function, in particular corticotropin release, has now been mirrored by potential endocrinopathies in knockout animals. Thus these pluripotent peptides hold great potential not only for the treatment of human narcolepsy but also to provide insight into the coordinated regulation of multiple physiological systems.  相似文献   

Liu L  Shang F  Perry MA  Comis A  Burcher E 《Peptides》2000,21(9):1345-1354
In this study, we have mapped the immunoreactivity and the binding sites for bufokinin, a tachykinin peptide from the toad intestine. Dense bufokinin-immunoreactive fibers were present at the myenteric plexus, but no cell bodies were stained, suggesting an extrinsic origin. Bufokinin nerve fibers were also associated with submucosal blood vessels and mesenteric arteries. Autoradiographic binding sites for [(125)I]Bolton-Hunter-bufokinin were densely localized over the intestinal circular and longitudinal muscle, submucosal blood vessels and the endothelium of mesenteric arteries. Mesenteric veins had minimal immunoreactivity and binding sites. In the anesthetized toad, topical application of bufokinin onto the mesentery caused a 2.7-fold increase in arterial blood flow, observed using intravital microscopy. This study supports a role for bufokinin as an endogenous spasmogen and hemodynamic regulator in the toad intestine.  相似文献   

Bone renews itself and changes shape throughout life to account for the changing needs of the body; this requires co-ordinated activities of bone resorbing cells (osteoclasts), bone forming cells (osteoblasts) and bone’s internal cellular network (osteocytes). This review focuses on paracrine signaling by the IL-6 family of cytokines between bone cells, bone marrow, and skeletal muscle in normal physiology and in pathological states where their levels may be locally or systemically elevated. These functions include the support of osteoclast formation by osteoblast lineage cells in response to interleukin 6 (IL-6), interleukin 11 (IL-11), oncostatin M (OSM) and cardiotrophin 1 (CT-1). In addition it will discuss how bone-resorbing osteoclasts promote osteoblast activity by secreting CT-1, which acts as a “coupling factor” on osteocytes, osteoblasts, and their precursors to promote bone formation. OSM, produced by osteoblast lineage cells and macrophages, stimulates bone formation via osteocytes. IL-6 family cytokines also mediate actions of other bone formation stimuli like parathyroid hormone (PTH) and mechanical loading. CT-1, OSM and LIF suppress marrow adipogenesis by shifting commitment of pluripotent precursors towards osteoblast differentiation. Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) is released as a myokine from skeletal muscle and suppresses osteoblast differentiation and bone formation on the periosteum (outer bone surface in apposition to muscle). Finally, IL-6 acts directly on marrow-derived osteoclasts to stimulate release of “osteotransmitters” that act through the cortical osteocyte network to stimulate bone formation on the periosteum. Each will be discussed as illustrations of how the extended family of IL-6 cytokines acts within the skeleton in physiology and may be altered in pathological conditions or by targeted therapies.  相似文献   

The presence and actions of NPY in the canine endocrine pancreas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Immunofluorescent staining for neuropeptide Y (NPY) in canine pancreatic tissue was performed together with an evaluation of the effects of synthetic NPY on the release of insulin (IRI), glucagon (IRG) and somatostatin (SLI) from the duodenal lobe of the canine pancreas in situ. NPY-like immunoreactivity was localized in perivascular nerve fibers throughout the acinar tissue. NPY-immunoreactive fibers were also demonstrated in the islets, usually surrounding blood vessels but also occasionally in fibers associated with endocrine cells, primarily at the periphery of islets. In addition, the ganglia dispersed in the pancreatic parenchyma were densely innervated by NPY-immunoreactive fibers, and these ganglia regularly contained cell bodies staining for NPY. Direct infusion of NPY into the pancreatic artery (p.a.) produced a dose-dependent decrease of pancreatic SLI output and of pancreatic venous blood flow. Low-dose p.a. infusion of NPY (50 pmol/min) had no effect on basal IRI or IRG output or on the islet response to glucose (5-g bolus, i.v.). High-dose p.a. infusion of NPY (500 pmol/min) transiently stimulated IRI output and modestly increased IRG output. However, the comparatively sparse innervation of canine islets with NPY-like immunoreactive fibers and the relatively minor effects of large doses of synthetic NPY on pancreatic hormone release lead us to conclude that this peptide is not an important neuromodulator of islet function in the dog.  相似文献   

Several lines of growth hormone (GH)-overexpressing fish have been produced and analysed for growth and fertility parameters. However, only few data are available on the growth-promoting hormone insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) that mediates most effects of GH, and these are contradictory. Using quantitative real-time RT-PCR, radioimmunoassay, in situ hybridization, immunohistochemistry, and radiochromatography we investigated IGF-I and IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs) in an adult (17 months old) transgenic (GH-overexpressing) tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). The transgenics showed an around 1.5-fold increase in length and an approximately 2.3-fold higher weight than the non-transgenics. Using radioimmunoassay, the serum IGF-I levels were lower (6.22 ± 0.75 ng/ml) in transgenic than in wild-type (15.01 ± 1.49 ng/ml) individuals (P = 0.0012). Radioimmunoassayable IGF-I in transgenic liver was 4.2-times higher than in wild-type (16.0 ± 2.21 vs. 3.83 ± 0.71 ng/g, P = 0.0017). No hepatocytes in wild-type but numerous hepatocytes in transgenic liver contained IGF-I-immunoreactivity. RT-PCR revealed a 1.4-times higher IGF-I mRNA expression in the liver of the transgenics (10.51 ± 0.82 vs. 7.3 ± 0.49 pg/μg total RNA, P = 0.0032). In correspondence, in situ hybridization showed more IGF-I mRNA containing hepatocytes in the transgenics. A twofold elevated IGF-I mRNA expression was determined in the skeletal muscle of transgenics (0.33 ± 0.02 vs. 0.16 ± 0.01 pg/μg total RNA, P < 0.0001). Both liver and serum of transgenics showed increased IGF-I binding. The increased IGFBP content in the liver may lead to retention of IGF-I, and/or the release of IGF-I into the circulation may be slower resulting in accumulation of IGF-I in the hepatocytes. Our results indicate that the enhanced growth of the transgenics likely is due to enhanced autocrine/paracrine action of IGF-I in extrahepatic sites, as shown here for skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

The native tachykinins cod neurokinin A and cod substance P, serotonin and acetylcholine have excitatory effects on the circular smooth muscle of the cod intestine. Furthermore, immunoreactivities to the cod tachykinins, serotonin and two markers for cholinergic neurones, viz. choline acetyltransferase and vesicular acetylcholine transporter, have been demonstrated in myenteric neurones of the cod intestine. In order to elucidate whether the neurones containing these substances project orally and thus might be involved in the ascending excitatory reflex of peristalsis, myotomy operations have been performed on the cod intestine. The immunoreactive areas of the myenteric plexus immediately oral and anal to the myotomy operations have been measured by using confocal laser scanning microscopy. Large accumulations of immunoreactivity to the tachykinins are found on the anal side of the myotomies, indicating oral projections of tachykininergic neurones. The areas immunoreactive to serotonin and choline acetyltransferase are of equal size on the oral and anal sides. Since the tachykinin containing neurones of the intestine project orally, and since cod neurokinin A and cod substance P have excitatory effects on circular smooth muscle, we conclude that tachykininergic neurones are involved in the ascending excitatory reflex of peristalsis in the cod intestine. Received: 6 March 1997 / Accepted: 15 September 1997  相似文献   

The field of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) biology has been galvanized by the discovery of innate APOBEC3 cytidine deaminases, which pose powerful barriers to the replication of HIV and other retroviruses. Rapid progress has been made in defining their action, intriguing regulation within cells, expanded range of retroviral targets, and counterstrikes utilized by retroviruses against them. Although scientifically fascinating, advances in APOBEC3 biology may lead to new antiviral drugs and improved lentiviral vectors for gene therapy.  相似文献   

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