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Transport intermediates (TIs) have a central role in intracellular traffic, and much effort has been directed towards defining their molecular organization. Unfortunately, major uncertainties remain regarding their true structure in living cells. To address this question, we have developed an approach based on the combination of the green fluorescent protein technology and correlative light-electron microscopy, by which it is possible to monitor an individual carrier in vivo and then take a picture of its ultrastructure at any moment of its life-cycle. We have applied this technique to define the structure of TIs operating from the Golgi apparatus to the plasma membrane, whose in vivo dynamics have been characterized recently by light microscopy. We find that these carriers are large (ranging from 0.3-1.7 microm in maximum diameter, nearly half the size of a Golgi cisterna), comprise almost exclusively tubular-saccular structures, and fuse directly with the plasma membrane, sometimes minutes after docking to the fusion site.  相似文献   

The Golgi complex is in the crossroad of the endocytic and secretory pathways. Its function is to post-translationally modify and sort proteins and lipids, and regulate the membrane balance in the cell. To understand the structure-function relationship of the Golgi complex the Golgi proteome has to be identified first. We have used a direct organelle proteomic analysis to identify new Golgi complex proteins. Enriched stacked Golgi membrane fractions from rat livers were isolated, and the proteins from these membranes were subsequently digested into peptides. The peptides were fractionated by cation-exchange chromatography followed by protein identification by automated capillary-LC/ESI-MS/MS analysis and database searches. Two different search programs, ProID and MASCOT were used. This resulted in a total of 1125 protein identifications in two experiments. In addition to the known Golgi resident proteins, a significant number of unknown proteins were identified. Some of these were further characterized in silico using different programs to provide insight into their structure, intracellular localization and biological functions. The Golgi localization of two of these newly identified proteins was also confirmed by indirect immunofluorescence.  相似文献   

Using immunogold electron microscopy, we have investigated the relative distribution of two types of vacuolar sorting receptors (VSR) and two different types of lumenal cargo proteins, which are potential ligands for these receptors in the secretory pathway of developing Arabidopsis embryos. Interestingly, both cargo proteins are deposited in the protein storage vacuole, which is the only vacuole present during the bent-cotyledon stage of embryo development. Cruciferin and aleurain do not share the same pattern of distribution in the Golgi apparatus. Cruciferin is mainly detected in the cis and medial cisternae, especially at the rims where storage proteins aggregate into dense vesicles (DVs). Aleurain is found throughout the Golgi stack, particularly in the trans cisternae and trans Golgi network where clathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs) are formed. Nevertheless, aleurain was detected in both DV and CCV. VSR-At1, a VSR that recognizes N-terminal vacuolar sorting determinants (VSDs) of the NPIR type, localizes mainly to the trans Golgi and is hardly detectable in DV. Receptor homology-transmembrane-RING H2 domain (RMR), a VSR that recognizes C-terminal VSDs, has a distribution that is very similar to that of cruciferin and is found in DV. Our results do not support a role for VSR-At1 in storage protein sorting, instead RMR proteins because of their distribution similar to that of cruciferin in the Golgi apparatus and their presence in DV are more likely candidates. Aleurain, which has an NPIR motif and seems to be primarily sorted via VSR-At1 into CCV, also possesses putative hydrophobic sorting determinants at its C-terminus that could allow the additional incorporation of this protein into DV.  相似文献   

Vesicular tethers and SNAREs are two key protein components that govern docking and fusion of intracellular membrane carriers in eukaryotic cells. The conserved oligomeric Golgi (COG) complex has been specifically implicated in the tethering of retrograde intra‐Golgi vesicles. Using yeast two‐hybrid and co‐immunoprecipitation approaches, we show that the COG6 subunit of the COG complex is capable of interacting with a subset of Golgi SNAREs, namely STX5, STX6, GS27 and SNAP29. Interaction with SNAREs is accomplished via the universal SNARE‐binding motif of COG6. Overexpression of COG6, or its depletion from cells, disrupts the integrity of the Golgi complex. Importantly, COG6 protein lacking the SNARE‐binding domain is deficient in Golgi binding, and is not capable of inducing Golgi complex fragmentation when overexpressed. These results indicate that COG6–SNARE interactions are important for both COG6 localization and Golgi integrity .  相似文献   

Toxin trafficking studies provide valuable information about endogenous pathways of intracellular transport. Subtilase cytotoxin (SubAB) is transported in a retrograde manner through the endosome to the Golgi and then to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), where it specifically cleaves the ER chaperone BiP/GRP78 (Binding immunoglobin protein/Glucose-Regulated Protein of 78 kDa). To identify the SubAB Golgi trafficking route, we have used siRNA-mediated silencing and immunofluorescence microscopy in HeLa and Vero cells. Knockdown (KD) of subunits of the conserved oligomeric Golgi (COG) complex significantly delays SubAB cytotoxicity and blocks SubAB trafficking to the cis Golgi. Depletion of Rab6 and β-COP proteins causes a similar delay in SubAB-mediated GRP78 cleavage and did not augment the trafficking block observed in COG KD cells, indicating that all three Golgi factors operate on the same 'fast' retrograde trafficking pathway. SubAB trafficking is completely blocked in cells deficient in the Golgi SNARE Syntaxin 5 and does not require the activity of endosomal sorting nexins SNX1 and SNX2. Surprisingly, depletion of Golgi tethers p115 and golgin-84 that regulates two previously described coat protein I (COPI) vesicle-mediated pathways did not interfere with SubAB trafficking, indicating that SubAB is exploiting a novel COG/Rab6/COPI-dependent retrograde trafficking pathway.  相似文献   

The Golgi apparatus is the main glycosylation and sorting station along the secretory pathway. Its structure includes the Golgi vesicles, which are depleted of anterograde cargo, and also of at least some Golgi‐resident proteins. The role of Golgi vesicles remains unclear. Here, we show that Golgi vesicles are enriched in the Qb‐SNAREs GS27 (membrin) and GS28 (GOS‐28), and depleted of nucleotide sugar transporters. A block of intra‐Golgi transport leads to accumulation of Golgi vesicles and partitioning of GS27 and GS28 into these vesicles. Conversely, active intra‐Golgi transport induces fusion of these vesicles with the Golgi cisternae, delivering GS27 and GS28 to these cisternae. In an in vitro assay based on a donor compartment that lacks UDP‐galactose translocase (a sugar transporter), the segregation of Golgi vesicles from isolated Golgi membranes inhibits intra‐Golgi transport; re‐addition of isolated Golgi vesicles devoid of UDP‐galactose translocase obtained from normal cells restores intra‐Golgi transport. We conclude that this activity is due to the presence of GS27 and GS28 in the Golgi vesicles, rather than the sugar transporter. Furthermore, there is an inverse correlation between the number of Golgi vesicles and the number of inter‐cisternal connections under different experimental conditions. Finally, a rapid block of the formation of vesicles via COPI through degradation of ϵCOP accelerates the cis‐to‐trans delivery of VSVG. These data suggest that Golgi vesicles, presumably with COPI, serve to inhibit intra‐Golgi transport by the extraction of GS27 and GS28 from the Golgi cisternae, which blocks the formation of inter‐cisternal connections .  相似文献   

Golgi Microtubule-Associated Protein (GMAP)-210 is a peripheral coiled-coil protein associated with the cis -Golgi network that interacts with microtubule minus ends. GMAP-210 overexpression has previously been shown to perturb the microtubule network and to induce a dramatic enlargement and fragmentation of the Golgi apparatus (Infante C, Ramos-Morales F, Fedriani C, Bornens M, Rios RM. J Cell Biol 1999; 145: 83–98). We now report that overexpressing GMAP-210 blocks the anterograde transport of both a soluble form of alkaline phosphatase and the hemagglutinin protein of influenza virus, an integral membrane protein, between the endoplasmic reticulum and the cis /medial (mannosidase II-positive) Golgi compartment. Retrograde transport of the Shiga toxin B-subunit is also blocked between the Golgi apparatus and the endoplasmic reticulum. As a consequence, the B-subunit accumulates in compartments positive for GMAP-210. Ultrastructural analysis revealed that, under these conditions, the Golgi complex is totally disassembled and Golgi proteins as well as proteins of the intermediate compartment are found in vesicle clusters distributed throughout the cell. The role of GMAP-210 on membrane processes at the interface between the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus is discussed in the light of the property of this protein to bind CGN membranes and microtubules.  相似文献   

Golgi inheritance during cell division involves Golgi disassembly but it remains unclear whether the breakdown product is dispersed vesicles, clusters of vesicles or a fused ER/Golgi network. Evidence against the fused ER/Golgi hypothesis was previously obtained from subcellular fractionation studies, but left concerns about the means used to obtain and disrupt mitotic cells. Here, we performed velocity gradient analysis on otherwise untreated cells shaken from plates 9 h after release from an S-phase block. In addition, we used digitonin and freeze/thaw permeabilization as alternatives to mechanical homogenization. Under each of these conditions, approximately 75% of the Golgi was recovered in a population of small vesicles that lacked detectable ER. We also used multilabel fluorescent microscopy with optical sectioning by deconvolution to compare the 3D metaphase staining pattern of endogenous Golgi and ER markers. Although both ER and Golgi staining were primarily diffuse, only the ER was excluded from the mitotic spindle region. Surprisingly, only 2% of the Golgi fluorescence was present as resolvable structures previously characterized as vesicle clusters. These were not present in the ER pattern. Significantly, a portion of the diffuse Golgi fluorescence, presumably representing dispersed 60-nm vesicles, underwent an apparent rapid aggregation with the larger Golgi structures upon treatments that impaired microtubule integrity. Therefore, mitotic Golgi appears to be in a dynamic equilibrium between clustered and free vesicles, and accurate partitioning may be facilitated by microtubule-based motors acting on the clusters to insure random and uniform distribution of the vesicles.  相似文献   

Conserved Oligomeric Golgi (COG) complex controls Golgi trafficking and glycosylation, but the precise COG mechanism is unknown. The auxin-inducible acute degradation system was employed to investigate initial defects resulting from COG dysfunction. We found that acute COG inactivation caused a massive accumulation of COG-dependent (CCD) vesicles that carry the bulk of Golgi enzymes and resident proteins. v-SNAREs (GS15, GS28) and v-tethers (giantin, golgin84, and TMF1) were relocalized into CCD vesicles, while t-SNAREs (STX5, YKT6), t-tethers (GM130, p115), and most of Rab proteins remained Golgi-associated. Airyscan microscopy and velocity gradient analysis revealed that different Golgi residents are segregated into different populations of CCD vesicles. Acute COG depletion significantly affected three Golgi-based vesicular coats—COPI, AP1, and GGA, suggesting that COG uniquely orchestrates tethering of multiple types of intra-Golgi CCD vesicles produced by different coat machineries. This study provided the first detailed view of primary cellular defects associated with COG dysfunction in human cells.  相似文献   

Defects in subunits of the conserved oligomeric Golgi (COG) complex represent a growing subset of congenital disorders of glycosylation (CDGs). In addition to altered protein glycosylation and vesicular trafficking, Cog-deficient patient fibroblasts exhibit a striking delay in the Golgi-disrupting effects of brefeldin A (BFA). Despite the diagnostic value of this BFA resistance, the molecular basis of this response is not known. To investigate potential mechanisms of resistance, we analyzed the localization of the large ARF-GEF, GBF1, in several Cog-deficient cell lines. Our results revealed mislocalization of GBF1 to non-Golgi compartments, in particular the ERGIC, within these cells. Biochemical analysis of GBF1 in control and BFA-treated fibroblasts demonstrated that the steady-state level and membrane recruitment is not substantially affected by COG deficiency, supporting a role for the COG complex in the localization but not membrane association of GBF1. We also showed that pretreatment of fibroblasts with bafilomycin resulted in a GBF1-independent BFA resistance that appears additive with the resistance associated with COG deficiency. These data provide new insight into the mechanism of BFA resistance in Cog-deficient cells by suggesting a role for impaired ARF-GEF localization.  相似文献   

During telophase, Golgi cisternae are regenerated and stacked from a heterogeneous population of tubulovesicular clusters. A cell-free system that reconstructs these events has revealed that cisternal regrowth requires interplay between soluble factors and soluble N-ethylmaleimide (NEM)-sensitive fusion protein (NSF) attachment protein receptors (SNAREs) via two intersecting pathways controlled by the ATPases, p97 and NSF. Golgi reassembly stacking protein 65 (GRASP65), an NEM-sensitive membrane-bound component, is required for the stacking process. NSF-mediated cisternal regrowth requires a vesicle tethering protein, p115, which we now show operates through its two Golgi receptors, GM130 and giantin. p97-mediated cisternal regrowth is p115-independent, but we now demonstrate a role for p115, in conjunction with its receptors, in stacking p97 generated cisternae. Temporal analysis suggests that p115 plays a transient role in stacking that may be upstream of GRASP65-mediated stacking. These results implicate p115 and its receptors in the initial alignment and docking of single cisternae that may be an important prerequisite for stack formation.  相似文献   

MHC class I molecules assemble with peptides in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). To ensure that only peptide-loaded MHC molecules leave the ER, empty molecules are retained by ER-resident chaperones, most notably the MHC-specific tapasin. ER exit of class I MHC is also controlled by viruses, but for the opposite purpose of preventing peptide presentation to T cells. Interestingly, some viral proteins are able to retain MHC class I molecules in the ER despite being transported. By contrast, other viral proteins exit the ER only upon binding to class I MHC, thereby rerouting newly synthesized class I molecules to intracellular sites of proteolysis. Thus, immune escape can be achieved by reversing, inhibiting or redirecting the chaperone-assisted MHC class I folding, assembly and intracellular transport.  相似文献   

A well-characterized cell-free assay that reconstitutes Golgi transport is shown to require physically fragmented Golgi fractions for maximal activity. A Golgi fraction containing large, highly stacked flattened cisternae associated with coatomer-rich components was inactive in the intra-Golgi transport assay. In contrast, more fragmented hepatic Golgi fractions of lower purity were highly active in this assay. Control experiments ruled out defects in glycosylation, the presence of excess coatomer or inhibitory factors, as well as the lack or consumption of limiting diffusible factors as responsible for the lower activity of intact Golgi fractions. Neither Brefeldin A treatment, preincubation with KCl (that completely removed associated coatomer) or preincubation with imidazole buffers that caused unstacking, activated stacked fractions for transport. Only physical fragmentation promoted recovery of Golgi fractions active for transport in vitro. Rate-zonal centrifugation partially separated smaller transport-active Golgi fragments with a unique v-SNARE pattern, away from the bulk of Golgi-derived elements identified by their morphology and content of Golgi marker enzymes (N-acetyl glucosaminyl and galactosyl transferase activities). These fragments released during activation likely represent intra-Golgi continuities involved in maintaining the dynamic redistribution of resident enzymes during rapid anterograde transport of secretory cargo through the Golgi in vivo.  相似文献   

Immunofluorescence and cryoimmunoelectron microscopy were used to examine the morphologic and functional effects on the Golgi complex when protein transport is blocked at the ERGIC (endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment) in HeLa cells incubated at low temperature (15 degrees C). At this temperature, the Golgi complex showed long tubules containing resident glycosylation enzymes but not matrix proteins. These Golgi-derived tubules also lacked anterograde (VSV-G) or retrograde (Shiga toxin) cargo. The formation of tubules was dependent on both energy and intact microtubule and actin cytoskeletons. Conversely, brefeldin A or cycloheximide treatments did not modify the appearance. When examined at the electron microscope, Golgi stacks were long and curved and appeared connected to tubules immunoreactive to galactosyltransferase antibodies but devoid of Golgi matrix proteins. Strikingly, COPI proteins moved from membranes to the cytosol at 15 degrees C, which could explain the formation of tubules.  相似文献   

TGN38, a transmembrane glycoprotein predominantly localized to the trans-Golgi network, is utilized to study both the structure and function of the trans-Golgi network (TGN). The effects of brefeldin A (BFA) on the TGN were studied in comparison to its documented effects on the Golgi cisternae. During the first 30 min of BFA treatment, the TGN loses its cisternal structure and extends as tubules throughout the cytoplasm. By 60 min, it condenses into a stable structure surrounding the microtubule-organizing center. By electron microscopy, this structure appears as a population of large vesicles, and by immunolabeling, most of these vesicles contain TGN38. TGN38 cycles to the plasma membrane and back, which is shown by addition of TGN38 luminal domain antibodies directly to cell culture media. This results in rapid uptake of antibodies which label the TGN within 30 min, both in its native and BFA-induced conformation. A number of transmembrane proteins have been shown to take this cycling pathway, but TGN38 is unique in that it is the only one predominantly localized to the TGN. To investigate the cycling of TGN38, the endocytic pathway was labeled by internalization of Lucifer Yellow, and in the presence of BFA there was partial colocalization with TGN38. Further studies were carried out in which microtubules were depolymerized, resulting in dispersal of Golgi elements and inhibition of transport from endosomes to lysosomes. TGN38 cycling continues in the absence of microtubules. Taken together, these studies indicate that TGN38 returns from the plasma membrane via the endocytic pathway. We conclude that the TGN is structurally and functionally distinct from the Golgi cisternae, indicating that different molecules control membrane traffic from the Golgi cisternae and from the TGN.  相似文献   

The p-menthane-utilizing microorganism, strain-SF, was identified to be a strain belonging to Pseudomonas mendocina by the physiological and morphological properties. The productivity of cis-p-menthan-l-oI by this strain was examined under various conditions, and as a result it was found that this strain required both magnesium and ferric ions for the hydroxylation of p-menthane, and that the productivity increased up 20% to 35 or 40% by adding 0.1 % (w/v) of agar or a proper emulsifier (PEG nonylphenylether p: 10) into the medium. On the other hand, some new metabolites which were assumed to be the intermediates were identified to be l-hydroxymethyl-4-isopropyl cyclohexanol, l-carboxy-4-isopropyl cyclohexanol, and 3-isopropyl heptanedioic acid by IR, PMR, MS and elementary analyse. From these results, the methabolic pathway of p-menthane by strain-SF was proposed.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cells achieve complexity by compartmentalizing a subset of cellular functions into membrane-bound organelles. Maintaining this high level of cellular organization requires precise regulation of traffic between membranes. This task is accomplished, in part, by rab proteins. How these small GTPases regulate membrane traffic between cellular compartments is not clear. Here we report the characterization of a novel rab GTPase from the soil amoebae Dictyostelium discoideum. The predicted coding sequence of the new rab gene, Dictyostelium rab11b, encodes a protein of 25 kD containing all the structural hallmarks of a rab GTPase. Comparison of the sequence with the GenBank database and cladistic analysis demonstrated Dictyostelium rab11b to be a divergent member of the rab11 branch of rab proteins. Southern analysis revealed the presence of related genes in Dictyostelium. RNAse protection assays showed the Dictyostelium rab11b gene to be expressed at uniform levels throughout growth and development. Gene deletion experiments revealed that Dictyostelium rab11b was not essential for growth or development. Conceivably, the function of rab11b may be redundant with that of related genes in this organism. J. Cell. Biochem. 70:29–37, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, inc.  相似文献   

The transport and sorting of soluble and membrane-associated macromolecules arriving at endosomal compartments require a complex set of Rab proteins. Rab22a has been localized to the endocytic compartment; however, very little is known about the function of Rab22a and inconsistent results have been reported in studies performed in different cell lines. To characterize the function of Rab22a in endocytic transport, the wild-type protein (Rab22a WT), a hydrolysis-deficient mutant (Rab22a Q64L), and a mutant with reduced affinity for GTP (Rab22a S19N) were expressed in CHO cells. None of the three Rab22a constructs affected the transport of rhodamine-dextran to lysosomes, the digestion of internalized proteins, or the lysosomal localization of cathepsin D. In contrast with the mild effect of Rab22a on the endosome-lysosome route, cells expressing Rab22a WT and Rab22a Q64L presented a strong delay in the retrograde transport of cholera toxin from endosomes to the Golgi apparatus. Moreover, these cells accumulated the cation independent mannose 6-phosphate receptor in endosomes. These observations indicate that Rab22a can affect the trafficking from endosomes to the Golgi apparatus probably by promoting fusion among endosomes and impairing the proper segregation of membrane domains required for targeting to the trans-Golgi network (TGN).  相似文献   

Caveolins are integral membrane proteins which are a major component of caveolae. In addition, caveolins have been proposed to cycle between intracellular compartments and the cell surface but the exact trafficking route and targeting information in the caveolin molecule have not been defined. We show that antibodies against the caveolin scaffolding domain or against the COOH terminus of caveolin-1 show a striking specificity for the Golgi pool of caveolin and do not recognize surface caveolin by immunofluorescence. To analyze the Golgi targeting of caveolin in more detail, caveolin mutants were expressed in fibroblasts. Specific mutants lacking the NH2 terminus were targeted to the cis Golgi but were not detectable in surface caveolae. Moreover, a 32-amino acid segment of the putative COOH-terminal cytoplasmic domain of caveolin-3 was targeted specifically and exclusively to the Golgi complex and could target a soluble heterologous protein, green fluorescent protein, to this compartment. Palmitoylation-deficient COOH-terminal mutants showed negligible association with the Golgi complex. This study defines unique Golgi targeting information in the caveolin molecule and identifies the cis Golgi complex as an intermediate compartment on the caveolin cycling pathway.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that Rab6, a small, trans-Golgi-localized GTPase, acts upstream of the conserved oligomeric Golgi complex (COG) and ZW10/RINT1 retrograde tether complexes to maintain Golgi homeostasis. In this article, we present evidence from the unbiased and high-resolution approach of electron microscopy and electron tomography that Rab6 is essential to the trans-Golgi trafficking of two morphological classes of coated vesicles; the larger corresponds to clathrin-coated vesicles and the smaller to coat protein I (COPI)-coated vesicles. On the basis of the site of coated vesicle accumulation, cisternal dilation and the normal kinetics of cargo transport from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to Golgi followed by delayed Golgi to cell surface transport, we suggest that Golgi function in cargo transport is preferentially inhibited at the trans-Golgi/trans-Golgi network (TGN). The >50% increase in Golgi cisternae number in Rab6-depleted HeLa cells that we observed may well be coupled to the trans-Golgi accumulation of COPI-coated vesicles; depletion of the individual Rab6 effector, myosin IIA, produced an accumulation of uncoated vesicles with if anything a decrease in cisternal number. These results are the first evidence for a Rab6-dependent protein machine affecting Golgi-proximal, coated vesicle accumulation and probably transport at the trans-Golgi and the first example of concomitant cisternal proliferation and increased Golgi stack organization under inhibited transport conditions.  相似文献   

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