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We report here the molecular mapping of a fertility restorer gene (named Rf1) for Owen cytoplasmic male sterility in sugar beet. Eight AFLP and two RAPD markers, tightly linked to the Rf1 locus, were identified using bulked segregant analysis. Three AFLP markers, mAFEM972, mAFEM976 and mAFEM985, were found to co-segregate with the Rf1 allele in our mapping populations. With the help of RFLP markers, previously mapped on the sugar beet genome, we showed that Rf1 is positioned in the terminal region of linkage group Kiel III/Koeln IV. This map location agrees well with that found for the restorer gene X, which suggests that the Rf1 locus corresponds to the X locus. The availability of the molecular markers will facilitate the selection of maintainer–pollinator lines in breeding program and provide the foundation for map-based cloning of the Rf1 gene.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) is a maternally inherited trait that causes dysfunctions in pollen and anther development. CMS is caused by the interaction between nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. A product of a CMS-causing gene encoded by the mitochondrial genome affects mitochondrial function and the regulation of nuclear genes, leading to male sterility. In contrast, the RESTORER OF FERTILITY gene (Rf gene) in the nuclear genome suppresses the expression of the CMS-causing gene and restores male fertility. An alloplasmic CMS line is often bred as a result of nuclear substitution, which causes the removal of functional Rf genes and allows the expression of a CMS-causing gene in mitochondria. The CMS/Rf system is an excellent model for understanding the genetic interactions and cooperative functions of mitochondrial and nuclear genomes in plants, and is also an agronomically important trait for hybrid seed production. In this review article, pollen and anther phenotypes of CMS, CMS-associated mitochondrial genes, Rf genes, and the mechanism that causes pollen abortion and its agronomical application for rice are described.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) is associated with a mitochondrial mutation that causes an inability to produce fertile pollen. The fertility of CMS plants is restored in the presence of a nuclear-encoded fertility restorer (Rf) gene. In Lead Rice-type CMS, discovered in the indica variety 'Lead Rice', fertility of the CMS plant is restored by the single nuclear-encoded gene Rf2 in a gametophytic manner. We performed map-based cloning of Rf2, and proved that it encodes a protein consisting of 152 amino acids with a glycine-rich domain. Expression of Rf2 mRNA was detected in developing and mature anthers. An RF2-GFP fusion was shown to be targeted to mitochondria. Replacement of isoleucine by threonine at amino acid 78 of the RF2 protein was considered to be the cause of functional loss in the rf2 allele. As Rf2 does not encode a pentatricopeptide repeat protein, unlike a majority of previously identified Rf genes, the data from this study provide new insights into the mechanism for restoring fertility in CMS.  相似文献   

植物细胞质雄性不育是广泛存在于高等植物中的现象, 其表现为母性遗传、花粉败育, 但雌蕊正常。细胞质雄性不育在杂交种子生产中起着重要作用, 研究其分子作用机制有利于更有效地利用细胞质雄性不育。随着一些不育基因和恢复基因相继被克隆, 人们对一些细胞质雄性不育和恢复系统的分子作用机理已经有一定了解。本文综述了近年来对植物细胞质雄性不育基因和恢复基因作用机理研究的进展。  相似文献   

In this study, we have investigated a new fertility restorer (Rf) locus for cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) in radish. We have obtained a CMS-Rf system consisting of sterile line '9802A1', maintainer line '9802B1' and restorer line '9802H'. F(1) plants from cross between sterile line '9802A1' and restorer line '9802H' were all male fertile, self pollination of F(1) plants produced an F(2) segregating population consisting of 600 individuals. The segregating population was found to fit a segregation ratio 3:1 for male fertile and sterile types, indicating that male fertility is restored by a single dominant gene (termed Rfo2) in the CMS-Rf system. Based on the DNA sequence of Rfo/Rfk1 (AJ535623), just one full length gene in the sterile line '9802A1', in the restorer line '9802H' and in the male fertile line '2006H', was cloned, respectively. The three sequences correspond to the same gene with two alleles: Rfob in '9802H' and rfob in '9802A1' and '2006H'. These two alleles differ from Rfo/Rfk1 and rfk1 (AJ535624) alleles by two synonymous base substitutions, respectively. Based on the differences between the Rfob and rfob genes, one PCR-based marker was developed, and designated Marker 1, which is identical to the corresponding region of Rfob by sequence analysis. In the F(2) segregating population described above, the Marker 1 was present in 5 sterile plants and in 453 fertile plants, absent in 4 fertile plants and in 138 sterile plants, and was found to fit a segregation ratio 3:1 indicating that Rfob was single copy in '9802H'. Linkage analysis showed that the Rfo2 locus for our CMS-Rf system was distant from the Rfo locus by about 1.6 cM. The sterile line '9802A1' was pollinated by the male fertile line '2006H' and the resulting F(1) plants were all male fertile. These results indicated that the male fertility of radish CMS can be restored by a new Rf locus, which linked tightly to the Rfo locus.  相似文献   

The Rf3 gene restores the pollen fertility disturbed by S male sterile cytoplasm. In order to develop molecular markers tightly linked to Rf3, we used amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique with near isogenic lines (NILs) and bulk segregant analysis (BSA). A BC1F1 population from a pair of NILs with different Rf3 locus was constructed and 528 primer combinations was screened. A linkage map was constructed around the Rf3 locus, which was mapped on the distal region of chromosome 2 long arm with the help of SSR marker UMC2184. The closest marker E7P6 was 0.9 cM away from Rf3. Marker E3P1, 2.4 cM from Rf3, and E12M7, 1.8 cM from Rf3, were converted into a codominant CAPS and a dominant SCAR marker, and designated as CAPSE3P1 and SCARE12M7, respectively. These markers are useful for marker-assisted selection and map-based cloning of the Rf3 gene.  相似文献   

 The present study shows that the recently described mitochondrial H haplotype is associated with cytoplasmic male-sterility (CMS). This new source of CMS appears to be different from the mitotype E-associated CMS most frequently found in natural populations. A mitotype H progeny with a sexual phenotype segregation was used to identify a gene restoring male fertility (R1H ). Using bulk segregant analysis (BSA), nine RAPD markers linked to this restorer locus were detected and mapped. The comparison with other Beta genetic maps shows that the closest RAPD marker, distant from R1H by 5.2 cM, belongs to the same linkage group as the monogermy locus. In order to determine the position of R1H more precisely, four RFLP loci within this linkage group were mapped in the segregating progeny. It thus became possible to construct a linkage map of the region containing the RFLP, RAPD and R1H loci. The closest RFLP marker was located 1.7 cM away from R1H. However, a nuclear gene restoring the ‘Owen’ CMS which is currently used in sugar beet breeding is reportedly linked to the monogermy locus, raising the question of a possible identity between the new CMS system and the ‘Owen’ CMS. Received: 15 September 1997 / Accepted: 1 December 1997  相似文献   

Genetics of CMS fertility restoration was presented through the analysis of classic genetics and molecular markers. Based on F(2) segregation of the crosses between CMS and the restoring lines, the testcrosses and F(1) x F(1) populations, together with RAPD and SSR mapping, one dominant gene was identified to control the CMS fertility restoration in cotton. The strategy of genotype representation analysis (GRA) was put forward to screen the markers linked with the Rf(1) locus. Using 1,025 random decamer primers and 282 pairs of SSR primers, two RAPD and three SSR markers were identified to be closely linked to the Rf(1) gene. Among the five markers, three were co-dominantly inherited. Additionally, based on the analysis of monosomic and telesomic lines with one SSR maker, the Rf(1) locus could be located on the long arm of chromosome 4. The molecular markers available here are helpful in the development of the elite restoring lines in cotton by marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

Bulked segregant analysis was employed to identify random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers linked to the restorer gene (Rfo) used in theOgura radish cytoplasmic male sterility of rapeseed. A total of 138 arbitrary 10-mer oligonucleotide primers were screened on the DNA of three pairs of bulks, each bulk corresponding to homozygous restored and male sterile plants of three segregating populations. Six primers produced repeatable polymorphisms between paired bulks. DNA from individual plants of each bulk was then used as a template for amplification with these six primers. DNA polymorphisms generated by four of these primers were found to be completely linked to the restorer gene with the polymorphic DNA fragments being associated either with the fertility restorer allele or with the sterility maintainer allele. Pairwise cross-hybridization demonstrated that the four polymorphic DNA fragments did not share any homology. Southern hybridization of labelled RAPD fragments on digested genomic DNA from the same three pairs of bulks revealed fragments specific to either the male sterile bulks or to the restored bulks and a few fragments common to all bulks, indicating that the amplified sequences are low copy. The four RAPD fragments that were completely linked to the restorer locus have been cloned and sequenced to develop sequence characterized amplified regions (SCARs). This will facilitate the construction of restorer lines used in breeding programs and is the first step towards map-based cloning of the fertility restorer allele.  相似文献   

Attempts have been made to find a method to control the male sterility-male fertility balance in beets. It proved not possible to induce male sterility in O-types by means of grafting. Nor was transmission by infection with aphids or by rubbing with juice successful. In some cases exposure of germinated seed of plasmatic male sterile annual beet material to temperatures of up to 55°C resulted in the occurrence of male fertile plants. The accompanying change could not be uniformly explained from the propagation obtained. It is possible that S-plasm has changed into N-plasm. Further investigations are in progress.  相似文献   

The thermosensitive genetic male sterility (TGMS) system is considered to be a more efficient alternative to the cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) system for hybrid rice. An F2 population from a cross between a TGMS mutant line (IR32364TGMS) and IR68 was used to map the TGMS gene tms3(t). Fertile and sterile bulks were constructed following the classification of F2 plants into true breeding sterile, fertile, and segregating fertile plants based on F3 family studies. From the survey of 389 arbitrary primers in bulked segregant analysis, four RAPD markers were identified in which three, OPF182600, OPB19750, and OPAA7550, were linked to tms3(t) in repulsion phase and one, OPAC3640, was linked to tms3(t) in coupling phase. The tms3(t) gene was flanked by OPF182600 and OPAC3640 on one side and by OPAA7550 and OPB19750 on the other side. All four markers were low-copy sequences and two of them (OPF182600 and OPAC3640) detected polymorphism when the markers were used to probe the genomic blots. Subsequently, OPAC3640 was mapped to the short arm of chromosome 6 using a mapping population available at IRRI. However, no RFLP markers from this region showed linkage to tms3(t) owing to the lack of polymorphism between the parents. All RAPD fragments were cloned and partially sequenced from both ends. Thus, PCR primers can be designed to develop PCR markers for marker-assisted breeding to facilitate the transfer of tms3(t) from one genetic background to another.  相似文献   

The Rfm1a gene restores the fertility of msm1 cytoplasmic male-sterile lines in barley. We identified three RAPD markers linked to the Rfm1 locus (CMNB-07/800, OPI-18/900, and OPT-02/700) using isogenic lines and segregating BC1F1 and F2 populations. Using a previously developed linkage map of barley, we located CMNB-07/800 and OPT-02/700 beside MWG2218 on chromosome 6HS. The linkage between MWG2218 and the Rfm1 locus was demonstrated using the segregating BC1F1 and F2 populations. To confirm the chromosomal locations of these markers, we converted them to STSs and tested against two sets of wheat–barley chromosome addition lines. These STS markers, CMNB-07/800, OPT-02/700, and MWG2218, were amplified only in the addition lines possessing the chromosome 6H, thereby providing additional evidence the Rfm1 locus is located on chromosome 6H. Homoeologous relationships among fertility restoration genes in Triticeae are discussed. Received: 27 March 2000 / Accepted: 25 June 2000  相似文献   

Summary Cultivars of T. aestivum crossed onto two lines with male sterility induced by the cytoplasm of T. timopheevi gave a high level of restoration in the F1 generation. The ratio of fertile to sterile plants segregating in the F2 generation was consistent with that expected for a single dominant restorer gene. The possible association between this gene and mildew resistance or some other desirable character derived from CI 12633, a common ancestor of the cultivars used, is discussed.  相似文献   

A single radish nuclear gene, Rfo, restores Ogura (ogu) cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) in Brassica napus. A map-based cloning approach relying on synteny between radish and Arabidopsis was used to clone Rfo. A radish gene encoding a 687-amino-acid protein with a predicted mitochondrial targeting pre-sequence was found to confer male fertility upon transformation into ogu CMS B. napus. This gene, like the recently described Petunia Rf gene, codes for a pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR)-containing protein with multiple, in this case 16, PPR domains. Two similar genes that do not appear to function as Rfo flank this gene. Comparison of the Rfo region with the syntenic Arabidopsis region indicates that a PPR gene is not present at the Rfo-equivalent site in Arabidopsis, although a smaller and related PPR gene is found about 40 kb from this site. The implications of these findings for the evolution of restorer genes and other PPR encoding genes are discussed.  相似文献   

植物细胞质雄性不育是一种广泛存在于高等植物中的母性遗传性状。细胞质雄性不育不仅为研究核质互作提供了良好材料,同时也是植物杂种优势利用的重要基础,其分子机理是目前研究的重点。多种研究证据表明,线粒体基因与细胞质雄性不育密切相关。随着分子生物学和分子遗传学的不断发展,许多植物的恢复基因已经被定位和克隆,进一步阐明了植物细胞质雄性不育和育性恢复的分子机理。本文综述了近几年植物中细胞质雄性不育和育性恢复相关基因的研究进展,并探讨了细胞质雄性不育/育性恢复系统在育种方面的应用。  相似文献   

Rice chromosome single segment substitution line (SSSL) W23-19-06-06-11 with the genotype Rf3Rf3/Rf4Rf4, a strong restorer line for wild-abortive (WA) cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS), was recently identified from the SSSL library. To investigate the genetic mode of Rf genes and the genetic relationship among WA, yegong (Y), and dwarf-wildabortive (DA) CMS systems, the plants derived from three BC3F2 populations involving W23-19-06-06-11 and the three CMS lines, that carried the Rf3Rf3/Rf4Rf4, Rf3Rf3/rf4rf4, and rf3rf3/Rf4Rf4 genotypes and WA-, Y-, and DA-CMS cytoplasm, were selected and their pollen and spikelet fertility were evaluated. The results show that the genetic effect displayed a trend of Y-CMS > WA-CMS > DA-CMS in the genetic background of W23-19-06-06-11, the effect of Rf4 appeared to be slightly larger than that of Rf3, and their effects were additive for the three CMS systems. Two pairs of dominant genes governed the fertility restoration in pollen and spikelet in the W23-19-06-06-11 which indicates that the genetic mode of the Rf genes was a qualitative character for the three CMS systems.  相似文献   

The discovery and application of the thermosensitive genic male sterility (TGMS) system has great potential for revolutionizing hybrid seed production technology in rice. Use of the TGMS system in two-line breeding is simple, inexpensive, efficient, and eliminates the limitations associated with the cytoplasmic-genetic male sterility (CMS) system. An F2 population developed from a cross between a TGMS indica mutant, TGMS–VN1, and a fertile indica line, CH1, was used to identify molecular markers linked to the TGMS gene and to subsequently determine its chromosomal location on the linkage map of rice. Bulk segregant analysis was performed using the AFLP technique. From the survey of 200 AFLP primer combinations, four AFLP markers (E2/M5–600, E3/M16–400, E5/M12–600, and E5/M12–200) linked to the TGMS gene were identified. All the markers were linked to the gene in the coupling phase. All except E2/M5–200 were found to be low-copy sequences. However, the marker E5/M12–600 showed polymorphism in RFLP analysis and was closely linked to the TGMS gene at a distance of 3.3 cM. This marker was subsequently mapped on chromosome 2 using doubled-haploid mapping populations derived from the crosses IR64×Azucena and CT9993×IR62666, available at IRRI, Philippines, and Texas Tech University, respectively. Linkage of microsatellite marker RM27 with the TGMS gene further confirmed its location on chromosome 2. The closest marker, E5/M12–600, was sequenced so that a PCR marker can be developed for the marker-assisted transfer of this gene to different genetic backgrounds. The new TGMS gene is tentatively designated as tms4(t). Received: 13 July 1999 / Accepted: 27 July 1999  相似文献   

Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analyses have greatly enhanced our understanding of complex traits in rice (Oryza sativa). In parallel, the development of introgression lines has provided a powerful tool for elucidation of complicated genetic networks and identification of QTL. We recently developed a biotron breeding system that allows rapid indoor cultivation of rice plants. The system, however, has two relatively weak points in its application to marker-assisted breeding in rice: first, variation in generation times among cultivars; second, the low number of seeds produced by crosses. To compensate for these weaknesses, we propose utilizing cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) and restorer (Rf) lines with a cv. Nipponbare genetic background. Through use of the Nipponbare genetic background, rice generation times of 2 months can be achieved regardless of any differences in the genetic background of the donor rice plant. This CMS–Rf system confers a high yield of hybrid seeds, avoids the need for emasculation and precludes accidental crosses. Our results demonstrate that this new methodology can markedly accelerate many different aspects of rice research, especially in functional genomics. The combination of biotron breeding system, early flowering habit and CMS will be of great value for screening candidate genes associated with QTL and for introducing useful QTL into elite cultivars.  相似文献   

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