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The Na-K-2Clcotransporter NKCC1 is an important volume-regulatory transporter thatis regulated by cell volume and intracellular Cl. Thisregulation appears to be mediated by phosphorylation of NKCC1, althoughthere is evidence for additional, cytoskeletal regulation via myosinlight chain (MLC) kinase. NKCC1 is also activated by growth factors andmay contribute to cell hypertrophy, but the mechanism is unknown. Inaortic endothelial cells, NKCC1 (measured as bumetanide-sensitive86Rb+ influx) was rapidly stimulated by serum,lysophosphatidic acid, and fibroblast growth factor, with the greateststimulation by serum. Serum increased bumetanide-sensitive influxsignificantly more than bumetanide-sensitive efflux (131% vs. 44%),indicating asymmetric stimulation of NKCC1, and produced a 17%increase in cell volume and a 25% increase in Cl contentover 15 min. Stimulation by serum and hypertonic shrinkage wereadditive, and serum did not increase phosphorylation of NKCC1 or MLC,and did not decrease cellular Cl content. When cellularCl was replaced with methanesulfonate, influx via NKCC1increased and was no longer stimulated by serum, whereas stimulation by hypertonic shrinkage still occurred. Based on these results, we proposea novel mechanism whereby serum activates NKCC1 by reducing itssensitivity to inhibition by intracellular Cl. Thisresetting of the Cl set point of the transporter enablesthe cotransporter to produce a hypertrophic volume increase.


Studies in rat aorta have shown that the Na-K-2Cl cotransporter NKCC1 is activated by vasoconstrictors and inhibited by nitrovasodilators, contributes to smooth muscle tone in vitro, and is upregulated in hypertension. To determine the role of NKCC1 in systemic vascular resistance and hypertension, blood pressure was measured in rats before and after inhibition of NKCC1 with bumetanide. Intravenous infusion of bumetanide sufficient to yield a free plasma concentration above the IC(50) for NKCC1 produced an immediate drop in blood pressure of 5.2% (P < 0.001). The reduction was not prevented when the renal arteries were clamped, indicating that it was not due to a renal effect of bumetanide. Bumetanide did not alter blood pressure in NKCC1-null mice, demonstrating that it was acting specifically through NKCC1. In third-order mesenteric arteries, bumetanide-inhibitable efflux of (86)Rb was acutely stimulated 133% by phenylephrine, and bumetanide reduced the contractile response to phenylephrine, indicating that NKCC1 influences tone in resistance vessels. The hypotensive effect of bumetanide was proportionately greater in rats made hypertensive by a 7-day infusion of norepinephrine (12.7%, P < 0.001 vs. normotensive rats) but much less so when hypertension was produced by a fixed aortic coarctation (8.0%), again consistent with an effect of bumetanide on resistance vessels rather than other determinants of blood pressure. We conclude that NKCC1 influences blood pressure through effects on smooth muscle tone in resistance vessels and that this effect is augmented in hypertension.  相似文献   

The human renal Na-PO4cotransporter gene NaPi-3 was expressed in human embryonic kidneyHEK-293 cells, and the transport characteristics were measured in cellstransfected with a vector containing NaPi-3 or with the vector alone(sham transfected). The initial rate of32PO4influx had saturation kinetics for external Na andPO4 with K Na1/2 of 128 mM(PO4 = 0.1 mM) andK PO41/2of 0.084 mM (extracellular Na = 143 mM) in sham- and NaPi-3-transfectedcells expressing the transporter. Transfection had no effect on theNa-independent 32PO4influx, but transfection increased Na-dependent32PO4influxes 2.5- to 5-fold. Of the alkali cations, only Na significantly supported PO4 influx. Arsenateinhibited flux with an inhibition constant of 0.4 mM. The phosphatetransport in sham- and NaPi-3-transfected cells has nearly the sametemperature dependence in the absence and presence of extracellularNa. The Na-dependent phosphate flux decreased with pH insham-transfected cells but was pH independent in transfected cells. TheNa-dependent32PO4influx was inhibited byp-chloromercuriphenylsulfonate,phosphonoformate, phloretin, vanadate, and5-(N-methyl-N-isobutyl)-amiloridebut not by amiloride or other amiloride analogs. These functional characteristics are in general agreement with the known behavior ofNaPi-3 homologues in the renal tubule of other species and, thus,demonstrate the fidelity of this transfection system for the study ofthis protein. Commensurate with the increased functional expression,there was an increase in the amount of NaPi-3 protein by Westernanalysis.


When Na-K-2Cl cotransport is activated in duckred blood cells by either osmotic cell shrinkage, norepinephrine,fluoride, or calyculin A, phosphorylation of the transporter occurs ata common set of serine/threonine sites. To examine the kinetics andregulation of the activating kinase, phosphatase activity was inhibitedabruptly with calyculin A and the subsequent changes in transporterphosphorylation and activity were determined. Increases in fractionalincorporation of 32P into thetransporter and uptake of 86Rb bythe cells were closely correlated, suggesting that the phosphorylation event is rate determining in the activation process. Observed in thismanner, the activating kinase was 1)stimulated by cell shrinkage, 2)inhibited by cell swelling, staurosporine, orN-ethylmaleimide, and3) unaffected by norepinephrine orfluoride. The inhibitory effect of swelling on kinase activity wasprogressively relieved by calyculin A, suggesting that the kinaseitself is switched on by phosphorylation. The kinetics of activation bycalyculin A conformed to an autocatalytic model in which thevolume-sensitive kinase is stimulated by a product of its own reaction(e.g., via autophosphorylation).


The renal bumetanide-sensitive Na-K-2Cl cotransporter (NKCC2) is the major salt transport pathway in the apical membrane of the mammalian thick ascending limb. It is differentially spliced and the three major variants (A, B, and F) differ in their localization and transport characteristics. Most knowledge about its regulation comes from experiments in Xenopus oocytes as NKCC2 proved difficult to functionally express in a mammalian system. Here we report the cloning and functional expression of untagged and unmodified versions of the major splice variants from ferret kidney (fNKCC2A, -B, and -F) in human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells. Many NKCC2 antibodies used in this study detected high molecular weight forms of the transfected proteins, probably NKCC2 dimers, but not the monomers. Interestingly, monomers were strongly detected by phosphospecific antibodies directed against phosphopeptides in the regulatory N terminus. Bumetanide-sensitive 86Rb uptake was significantly higher in transfected HEK-293 cells and could be stimulated by incubating cells in a medium containing a low chloride concentration prior the uptake measurements. fNKCC2 was less sensitive to the reduction in chloride concentration than NKCC1. Using HEK-293 cells stably expressing fNKCC2A we also show that co-expression of variant NKCC2AF does not have the dominant-negative effect on NKCC2A activity that was seen in Xenopus oocytes, nor is it trafficked to the cell surface. In addition, fNKCC2AF is neither complex glycosylated nor phosphorylated in its N terminus regulatory region like other variants.  相似文献   

Our recent studies demonstrate that SPAK (Ste20p-related Proline Alanine-rich Kinase), in combination with WNK4 [With No lysine (K) kinase], phosphorylates and stimulates the Na-K-2Cl cotransporter (NKCC1), whereas catalytically inactive SPAK (K104R) fails to activate the cotransporter. The catalytic domain of SPAK contains an activation loop between the well-conserved DFG and APE motifs. We speculated that four threonine residues (T231, T236, T243, and T247) in the activation loop might be sites of phosphorylation and kinase activation; therefore, we mutated each residue into an alanine. In this report, we demonstrate that coexpression of SPAK (T243A) or SPAK (T247A) with WNK4 not only prevented, but robustly inhibited, cotransporter activity in NKCC1-injected Xenopus laevis oocytes. These activation loop mutations produced an effect similar to that of the SPAK (K104R) mutant. In vitro phosphorylation experiments demonstrate that both intramolecular autophosphorylation of SPAK and phosphorylation of NKCC1 are significantly stronger in the presence of Mn2+ rather than Mg2+. We also show that SPAK activity is markedly inhibited by staurosporine and K252a, partially inhibited by N-ethylmaleimide and diamide, and unaffected by arsenite. OSR1, a kinase closely related to SPAK, exhibited similar kinase properties and similar functional activation of NKCC1 when coexpressed with WNK4.  相似文献   

Mutations in the renal specific Na-K-2Cl co-transporter (NKCC2) lead to type I Bartter syndrome, a life-threatening kidney disease featuring arterial hypotension along with electrolyte abnormalities. We have previously shown that NKCC2 and its disease-causing mutants are subject to regulation by endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation (ERAD). The aim of the present study was to identify the protein partners specifically involved in ERAD of NKCC2. To this end, we screened a kidney cDNA library through a yeast two-hybrid assay using NKCC2 C terminus as bait. We identified OS9 (amplified in osteosarcomas) as a novel and specific binding partner of NKCC2. Co-immunoprecipitation assays in renal cells revealed that OS9 association involves mainly the immature form of NKCC2. Accordingly, immunocytochemistry analysis showed that NKCC2 and OS9 co-localize at the endoplasmic reticulum. In cells overexpressing OS9, total cellular NKCC2 protein levels were markedly decreased, an effect blocked by the proteasome inhibitor MG132. Pulse-chase and cycloheximide-chase assays demonstrated that the marked reduction in the co-transporter protein levels was essentially due to increased protein degradation of the immature form of NKCC2. Conversely, knockdown of OS9 by small interfering RNA increased NKCC2 expression by increasing the co-transporter stability. Inactivation of the mannose 6-phosphate receptor homology domain of OS9 had no effect on its action on NKCC2. In contrast, mutations of NKCC2 N-glycosylation sites abolished the effects of OS9, indicating that OS9-induced protein degradation is N-glycan-dependent. In summary, our results demonstrate the presence of an OS9-mediated ERAD pathway in renal cells that degrades immature NKCC2 proteins. The identification and selective modulation of ERAD components specific to NKCC2 and its disease-causing mutants might provide novel therapeutic strategies for the treatment of type I Bartter syndrome.  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurements of potassium influx and binding of [3H]bumetanide were performed in endothelial cells cultured from bovine aortas to determine how bradykinin regulates Na-K-2Cl cotransport. [3H]Bumetanide displayed saturable binding and was displaced by low concentrations of unlabeled bumetanide. All three transported ions were required for binding and high concentrations of chloride inhibited binding, consistent with binding of bumetanide to the second chloride site of the transporter. Scatchard analysis of binding under maximal conditions (100 mM sodium, 30 mM potassium, 30 mM chloride) revealed a single class of binding sites with a binding constant of 112 nM and a density of 22 fmol/cm2 or approximately 122,000 sites/cells. Na-K-2Cl cotransport, measured as bumetanide-sensitive potassium influx, was stimulated 118 +/- 30% by bradykinin (p less than 0.01) at physiologic ion concentrations. Stimulation was inhibited by increased potassium or decreased external chloride concentrations and was not seen in conditions required for maximal binding of bumetanide. Simultaneous measurement of the binding of tracer [3H]bumetanide and its inhibition of potassium influx in medium containing 10 mM potassium and 130 mM chloride revealed a turnover number for the cotransporter of 293 +/- 68 s-1 which increased to 687 +/- 105 s-1 with bradykinin (p less than 0.001). There was no change in cell volume and only a 5.6 mM increase in intracellular sodium concentration associated with this stimulation. Bradykinin also increased the affinity of the cotransporter for bumetanide as indicated by a decrease in the Ki for potassium influx from 464 +/- 46 nM to 219 +/- 19 nM (p less than 0.005). Our results show that [3H]bumetanide can be used to quantitate Na-K-2Cl cotransporter sites in aortic endothelial cells and to determine the mechanism by which cotransport is regulated. The stimulation of cotransport in aortic endothelial cells by bradykinin is due to an increase in the activity of existing transporters rather than to an increase in the number of transporters. This, together with the increased affinity for bumetanide, strongly suggests that a change in cotransporter structure is occurring in response to bradykinin.  相似文献   

Human 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (17betaHSDs) catalyze the interconversion of weak and potent androgen and estrogen pairs. Although the reactions using purified enzymes can be driven in either direction, these enzymes appear to function unidirectionally in intact cells: only reductive reactions for 17betaHSD1 and 17beta HSD3 and only oxidative reactions for 17betaHSD2. We show that, after exhaustive incubations with either 17beta-hydroxy- or 17-ketosteroid, the medium for HEK-293 cells expressing 17betaHSD1 or 17betaHSD3 contains a 92:8 ratio of reduced:oxidized steroid. Similarly, 17betaHSD2 yields a >95:5 ratio of oxidized:reduced steroids for both androgens and estrogens. Dual-isotope kinetic measurements show that the rates of the forward and reverse reactions are identical at these functional equilibrium states in intact cells for all three 17betaHSD isoforms, and these rates are much faster than those estimated from single-isotope flux studies. Mutation L36D converts 17betaHSD1 to an oxidative enzyme in intact cells, reversing the equilibrium distribution of estradiol:estrone to 5:95; however, the rates of the forward and reverse reactions at equilibrium are equal and comparable to those of the wild-type enzymes. The co-expression of 17betaHSD2 paradoxically increases the potency of estrone in transactivation assays, demonstrating the physiological relevance of "backwards" metabolism to estradiol. We conclude that 17betaHSD types 1, 2, and 3 catalyze both oxidative and reductive reactions in HEK-293 cells at intrinsic rates that are much faster than those estimated from single-isotope studies. These 17betaHSD isoforms do not drive steroid flux in one direction but rather may achieve functional equilibria in intact cells, reflecting thermodynamically driven steroid distributions.  相似文献   

Na-K-2Cl cotransporter-1 (NKCC) has been detected at exceptionally high levels in the gastric mucosa of several species, prompting speculation that it plays important roles in gastric secretion. To investigate this possibility, we 1) immunolocalized NKCC protein in the mouse gastric mucosa, 2) compared the volume and composition of gastric fluid from NKCC-deficient mice and their normal littermates, and 3) measured acid secretion and electrogenic ion transport by chambered mouse gastric mucosa. NKCC was localized to the basolateral margin of parietal cells, mucous neck cells, and antral base cells. In NKCC-deficient mice, gastric secretions of Na+, K+, Cl-, fluid, and pepsinogen were markedly impaired, whereas secretion of acid was normal. After stimulation with forskolin or 8-bromo-cAMP, chambered corpus mucosa vigorously secreted acid, and this was accompanied by an increase in transmucosal electrical current. Inhibition of NKCC with bumetanide reduced current to resting levels but had no effect on acid output. Although prominent pathways for basolateral Cl- uptake (NKCC) and apical Cl- exit [cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR)] were found in antral base cells, no impairment in gastric secretion was detected in CFTR-deficient mice. Our results establish that NKCC contributes importantly to secretions of Na+, K+, Cl-, fluid, and pepsinogen by the gastric mucosa through a process that is electrogenic in character and independent of acid secretion. The probable source of the NKCC-dependent nonacidic electrogenic fluid secretion is the parietal cell. The observed dependence of pepsinogen secretion on NKCC supports the concept that a nonacidic secretory stream elaborated from parietal cells facilitates flushing of the proenzyme from the gastric gland lumen.  相似文献   

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